Home indoor flowers Adjika Georgian real dry. Real Georgian adjika: recipe for scalding sauce. Adjika Georgian from tomato and garlic

Adjika Georgian real dry. Real Georgian adjika: recipe for scalding sauce. Adjika Georgian from tomato and garlic

A deep study of the origin of the "real adjika" did not lead to anything. This is a Georgian-Abkhazian complex seasoning. Many authors of adjika recipes from Georgia themselves write in the title: “Georgian (Abkhazian) adjika” and vice versa. There are still differences, albeit minor ones. Abkhaz adjika is dry and raw. The recipe for Georgian adjika gravitates towards fresh ingredients. It is closer to homemade adjika, although it does not contain tomatoes. Sweet pepper is often put in Georgian adjika, many herbs are tried to be used fresh. There are recipes where Georgian adjika ferments in the warmth, and then it is put into the refrigerator. The addition of walnuts ground into flour is the main distinguishing feature of adjika in Georgian from traditional Abkhazian recipes. In this, the love of Georgian culinary specialists for these wonderful nuts is manifested. Meet: adjika georgian traditional recipe

  • Recipe author: Ivan Nazarov
  • After cooking, you will receive 10 servings
  • Cooking time: 1 hour


  • hot chili pepper - 5 pcs.;
  • fresh bell pepper - 0.5 pcs.
  • garlic, head - 1 pc.;
  • fresh dill - 1 bunch;
  • hops-suneli - 2 packs;
  • dry coriander - 1 pack;
  • dried green cilantro - 1 pack;
  • salt - 2 tsp;
  • walnuts - 7 pcs.;
  • vinegar 3% - 2 tsp.

Cooking method

Let's start cooking adjika Georgian real

  • Let's prepare the raw components of adjika in Georgian, we need hot chili peppers, half a large sweet bell pepper, one head of garlic, one bunch of dill.
  • Dry ingredients are also included in the raw adjika recipe, otherwise it will not be an oily paste, but a spicy liquid sauce. Let's prepare the main ingredient - dry seasoning hops-suneli. It is she who contains the whole bouquet of Caucasian spices, and especially fenugreek. In addition, we will need coriander, walnuts, dried cilantro, salt and a little vinegar.
  • Coriander grains and peeled walnut kernels must be ground to a state of flour. Walnuts are included in almost all Georgian sauces. It is they who give a slight shade of taste to real Georgian adjika.
  • Cut hot and sweet peppers into small pieces and put them in a blender, you can add a little diluted vinegar.

  • Cut the dill and also add it to the blender.
  • After grinding, Georgian adjika acquires a pleasant color and a real aroma of hot chili.
  • Pour the ground components of adjika into a deep bowl.
  • Add the dry ingredients of this complex seasoning. Pour suneli hops, ground coriander and dry cilantro greens.
  • Add salt and mix everything for the first time. Gradually, in our deep vessel, a real Georgian adjika is born.
  • We add ground walnuts and peeled and crushed garlic on a crush - these are the finishing components according to the recipe for raw adjika.
  • Mix adjika very carefully. We spare no time and effort. Gradually, the dry components of the seasoning absorb moisture and juices, adjika begins to look like soft butter. This means that we are on the right track. In 5 minutes adjika georgian real is ready. It must be stored in an airtight jar and stored in the refrigerator.

You definitely need spicy Georgian adjika if you like to treat yourself to pork chop or fried chicken wings. Spicy seasoning goes well with vegetables, fish and cakes. The main thing is that you can eat spicy food, because the main ingredient in any of the best Georgian adjika recipes for the winter will be hot peppers.

In the store, stock up on dry, ready-to-eat seasonings: coriander, suneli hops, dry cilantro. Take a packet of each seasoning. Check the expiration date before buying. You need spices that are fresh and smelly.

For a Georgian snack, you need to buy walnuts, they will be required in our recipe for 7 pieces. You also need 5 pieces of hot pepper and half a sweet, bulgarian. Fresh herbs will not hurt, you can get by with a bunch of dill. Don't forget the garlic. If the heads are large, one is enough, we clean it, disassemble it into slices and grind it with a press.

Everything you need to prepare the dish is on the table, it's time to start cooking. First, finely chop the walnut kernels and coriander seeds. I did it in a mortar, I have it very pretty.

In a blender, grind the peppers first, followed by the greens. We take out a large salad bowl, glass or porcelain, put all the ingredients in it, except for the nut mass, garlic and vinegar. Mix the mass thoroughly. When it becomes uniform, add chopped nuts with coriander and dill, garlic paste, salt, vinegar. Salt and vinegar put 2 teaspoons. Stir adjika for a few minutes, then transfer to a dry, clean jar. To store adjika in Georgian for the winter, close the jars tightly.

Adjika in Russian with tomatoes

The recipe has nothing to do with the traditional cuisine of Georgia - it is a purely Russian, culinary variation on the theme of adjika. We will make it from tomatoes and garlic. Let's take tomatoes more than 1 kg, because the output should be 1 liter of pulp. To grind them, we use an electric meat grinder.

Peeled garlic cloves (they need 1 cup) are also twisted in a meat grinder. Pour the resulting sauce with tomatoes into a bowl and salt. Salt will go from 1 to 2 tbsp. l. Keep adjika in a dish for several hours and sometimes interfere. When the salt disperses, pour the adjika into small jars.

Adjika classic

Classic adjika is, first of all, hot pepper. According to the recipe, you need 250 g. You need only 20 g of walnut kernels, the same amount of garlic. We will sprinkle salt to taste, and take the following spices:

  • savory - 5 g;
  • cilantro - 10 g;
  • dill - 5 g;
  • basil - 5 g.

The pepper is very spicy, so we put gloves on our hands to work with it.. We first clean it from seeds and partitions, then wash it and soak it in water for 2-3 hours. So that the pepper does not float up, we put a weight on it.

After soaking, dry the pepper with a towel and, together with all the spices, grind in a mortar until smooth. Salt, if anything, add more. We shift the thick, classic adjika into a dry jar - in it the seasoning will stand in the cold for a long time.

Adjika Georgian from tomato and garlic

Georgian adjika is an excellent marinade for oven-baked chicken. We'll cook more to last the whole winter.

Autumn is full of ripe tomatoes, which can quickly deteriorate if not processed in time. Homemade red Georgian adjika is a good alternative to store-bought.

Take 5 kg of ripe, fleshy tomatoes and the same amount of sweet pepper. To make the mixture spicier, include hot peppers in the recipe. For this volume of tomatoes, 3 chili pods are enough for lovers of moderately spicy adjika, 5 for lovers of spicy food.

Garlic will add a special spiciness. It needs 500 g. In addition to vegetables, you will need salt, and vinegar for better preservation. We put salt to taste: if vinegar is 9%, then 1 tablespoon. Grind vegetables in a blender bowl (you can twist in a meat grinder).

Pour the prepared salt into the chopped vegetable mass, pour the vinegar. Cover the basin with the workpiece with a clean towel and leave for one hour. During this hour, stir adjika at least 3 times. Pour adjika into jars. Banks should be taken in a small volume. In winter, store jars in the refrigerator. Adjika can diversify any meat delicacy.

Original adjika with apples

Can I call Georgian adjika for the winter, if it contains apples, I don’t know, but I know that it has an excellent taste. Tomatoes are also in the recipe, they need 1.5 kg. Sweet and sour varieties of apples are better suited for this adjika, you need exactly 500 g, the same amount of sweet pepper and orange carrots. Less garlic is needed - only 300 g. Hot peppers can be different both in severity and in size, so everyone decides for himself how many pods he should take. I took 3 things.

Peel off the peel from apples with a knife, cut out the core with seeds, cut the pulp into cubes and set aside. You will also have to remove the skin from the tomato. To do this, hold the tomatoes in boiling water for 5-6 seconds and the same amount in very cold water. The skin after such contrast baths is removed much easier. We divide the “naked” tomatoes into 4 parts and set aside.

Peppers are next. Let's start with the sweet ones. We wash, dry, remove the core along with partitions and seeds, cut each into 2 parts. Repeat the same with hot peppers. Wash the carrots thoroughly, remove the skin, cut into medium-sized squares. Garlic was left out of the vegetables. Clean it, grind it.

All vegetables are prepared, it's time to stew them. For cooking, take a large saucepan, mix all vegetables except garlic, chop in a blender, pour into a saucepan. Salt adjika on the eye and pour 0.5 l of oil into it. It will stand on the stove and cook for 2 hours.

Toward the end, pour chopped garlic into the pan, boil for 5 minutes and remove the pan from the heat. Adjika prepared for the winter in Georgian can be poured into jars and sent to the shelf.

Adjika with horseradish in Abkhazian style

This recipe mostly consists of hot chili. You need 20 chili peppers. Knowing its vigorousness, one can imagine what a real hot snack will turn out. In addition to chili, you need horseradish and garlic. 4 pieces of root will go, and 200 g of garlic. Sweet pepper will reduce the sharpness. Choose 10 pieces of the largest, fleshy, preferably red.

Wash all the vegetables well, peel the garlic, divide into cloves, crush with a garlic press. Peel horseradish from the top skin, cut into pieces, twist in a meat grinder. Grind all types of pepper with a meat grinder. The consistency of adjika will become better if you skip the vegetables a second time.

Put the ground vegetables in a saucepan with a lid, add 4 tablespoons of salt and sugar. For two days, the workpiece should stand in a warm room. On the third day, pour a glass of vinegar, stir once or twice with an interval of 30 minutes. After that, a vigorous snack can be packed in jars and put in the refrigerator.


Choose any recipe you like, prepare an appetizer and you will not be afraid of any cold in winter. Hot peppers and garlic will kill any germs that have entered the body. Do-it-yourself adjika is much healthier than a snack from a supermarket.

Homemade preparations help out many in the winter. Among them is Georgian adjika, a cooking recipe, the composition of which we will now consider, as well as the features and subtleties of cooking, useful properties, who can use this dish, and who is better off abstaining from it.

Adjika classic - composition

Adjika is a mixture of spices, spices and salt. This dish was traditionally prepared by Abkhazian shepherds. This spicy condiment was enjoyed not only in her homeland, but all over the world, especially in the countries of the former Soviet Union.

What is included in the classic adjika? This is primarily: hot red pepper, garlic, salt, cilantro, thyme, basil, dill, as well as other herbs and spices. The composition of the ingredients for this dish is quite variable, but for sure, only one thing can be said - there are no and never were tomatoes in the original recipe. There was originally only salt, pepper and spices. Nevertheless, many housewives add tomatoes to this dish, and not only them. Therefore, in our understanding, classical adjika is not at all the same as it was originally. Well, let the new Georgian adjika recipe be as it is.

And yet, no matter how you dilute it with tomato juice, adjika is still an incredibly spicy seasoning. The benefits of its use are obvious and are determined by the combined influence of individual components: pepper, garlic, spices, and so on. It is possible to talk about the benefits of this product only in the context of moderate use.

Adjika classic - benefit and harm

All spicy dishes to some extent stimulate metabolic processes, improve the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, enhance the work of the non-specific immunity, and normalize the activity of the nervous system.

Adjika is able to improve the condition of the vascular wall, preventing the development of atherosclerotic lesions. Regular use of this product, in the absence of contraindications, can positively affect the condition of the heart muscle.

Adjika lovers claim that this product is a strong aphrodisiac. Taking small amounts of this seasoning, especially regularly, can relieve minor functional disorders of the genital area.

All spicy dishes are strong stimulants of the secretion of gastric juice and digestive enzymes. Because of this, people suffering from inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines, and in the presence of a peptic ulcer, it is better to stay away from this dish (exacerbation of the disease is guaranteed).

In addition to diseases of the gastrointestinal system, pregnant women and nursing mothers should refrain from using adjika. In kidney pathology, very moderate amounts of seasoning should be adhered to. The same is true for hypertensive patients (high blood pressure).

Adjika Georgian - a recipe for the winter

The ingredients for the dish will be:

Hot pepper - 0.5 kilograms;
Garlic - 4 heads;
Parsley greens - 200 grams;
Green cilantro - 200 grams;
Suneli hops - 50 grams;
Coriander (seeds) - 25 grams;
Salt - 3 tablespoons;
Walnuts - 100 grams.

You need to cook adjika only with rubber gloves. Some components of the dish, in particular hot peppers and garlic, with prolonged contact with the skin, can cause rather significant burns. Garlic should be removed from the husk.

Directly the recipe for classic adjika itself:

First, you need to rinse the hot peppers and herbs, then dry them thoroughly on paper towels, after which, you should remove the stalks from the peppers and, if desired, you can remove the seeds (this is not necessary).

Next, you should skip the peppers, walnuts and garlic through a meat grinder or any other chopping kitchen device. To obtain the most homogeneous mass, you can repeat this procedure several times.

In a homogeneous mass, you need to add suneli hops, cilantro and parsley (previously chopped), coriander seeds mashed in a mortar, salt and all other components.

The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed with a regular spoon. Salt should be evenly dispersed, leaving no unmixed area. Strictly speaking, that's all the wisdom, the dish is ready. True, now it should not be eaten, it should stand in the cold and “ripen”. After some time, a few days (at least) of the aromatic herbs and spices will give off their scents to the pepper, and the flavor will be much stronger.

For storage, use sterile jars that must be hermetically sealed. It is not necessary to store in the refrigerator or vegetable pit. Due to the high content of essential oils and phytoncides, adjika is perfectly stored at room temperature.

Georgian adjika recipe for dinner

The ingredients for the dish are:

Hot red pepper - 220 grams;
Garlic - 1 head;
Dill (can be dried) - 1 tablespoon;
Basil (can be dried) - 2 tablespoons;
Green cilantro (fresh) - 1 medium bunch;
Suneli hops - one and a half tablespoons;
Coriander beans - one and a half tablespoons;
Salt, if possible large and not iodized.

Directly the recipe for adjika classic:

Washed and dried peppers should be cleaned from the stalks and seeds removed from it. Garlic should be peeled. Coriander seeds need to be crushed with a mortar and pestle.

Next, peppers, garlic and spices should be passed through a meat grinder, possibly repeatedly. At the end of this process, salt is added to the almost ready dish and everything is thoroughly mixed. Salt should be added until it dissolves in the thick mass of adjika. First, put 2 tablespoons, and mix thoroughly. If the crystals are completely dissolved, you can repeat this procedure. It is recommended to try the degree of salinity on the tip of the tongue.

The true roots of the famous paste-like pepper seasoning - "Adjika" and its recipe come from Abkhazia. The word "adjika" itself comes from the Abkhazian "џyka" - salt, which is one of the main ingredients of the seasoning. History tells that the Abkhazian shepherds, leaving for the mountains to graze sheep, took salt with them and fed the animals with it, thereby causing thirst. By consuming large amounts of water and feed, the sheep gained weight, which accelerated the rearing process.

History of creation

Salt in Abkhazia was a valuable seasoning; for a shepherd it was a product that was practically inaccessible, but extremely necessary. So, to increase the volume, bitter pepper, aromatic spices and garlic were mixed into it. Over time, this mixture was nicknamed "adzhiktzatsa" - "ground salt with something", or abbreviated - "adjika".

The people of Georgia, also famous for their love of spicy spices in cooking, including hot peppers, borrowed the basis of the famous Adjika recipe and made their own adjustments. The addictions of Georgian nationality to walnuts and cilantro added zest to this seasoning.

The recipe for real Georgian adjika does not contain tomatoes or applesauce, the mixture itself is thick, not mushy, which people are used to when buying it from supermarket shelves. Considering how much salt is used to make adjika, Georgian seasoning takes on the quality of a non-perishable product. A mixture of pepper and seasonings is placed in jars and placed in a cool place, for example, in a refrigerator.

Fragrant seasoning is truly a flavoring decoration of any first or second course. Georgian gourmets add the mixture when baking or frying, wiping meat and poultry with it, is used for marinade. On the Georgian table, adjika will be served as a sauce for any meat or fish product, because its taste contributes to the stimulation to eat even more delicacies with a spicy taste from fragrant ingredients. At the same time, the composition of adjika helps to speed up digestion and this does not make you feel heaviness in the stomach after a feast and is unlikely to be deposited as fat in the body.

More than one country, including Russia, borrowed the recipe for Abkhazian spices from hot peppers. Meat connoisseurs around the world prefer adjika from today's huge selection of sauces to their favorite meat dishes.

Food preparation

The process of choosing products for real traditional Georgian adjika is not burdensome, but if you pay attention to the recipe and a couple of nuances, then the end result of the prepared fragrant mixture pleases both the eye and the stomach:

  • Hot pepper can be used both red and green, there is no specific preference in the Georgian recipe, the color of the resulting seasoning depends on it, the taste will be unchanged, only visual perception.
  • Before cooking, hot pepper must be washed and dried, if you leave it to dry for several days, then adjika will be sharper - real Georgian. If the pepper is soaked a little, about 3 hours, the seasoning will be less spicy.
  • Before adding to the mixture, walnuts are pre-roasted in a pan, the same can be done in the oven and then be sure to peel them. Only a walnut is used in the Georgian adjika recipe.
  • When choosing greens, freshness will be the main aspect. There should be more cilantro than parsley. In extreme cases, you can use dry herbs, but the Georgian recipe implies only fresh herbs.


Adjika in Georgian. traditional recipe

For comfortable work with hot pepper, which bakes when it comes into contact with the skin and can leave burns, you should wear rubber or latex gloves.

Burning adjika according to the Georgian recipe is ready. For seasoning storage use glass jars, which must first be sterilized, then the resulting mixture is laid in them, the jars are transferred to a cool dark place for longer-term storage, about 2 months.

It should not be forgotten that adjika is a very spicy and salty seasoning, so it should be used in dishes in moderation.

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A real Georgian in its recipe must contain cilantro and walnuts. They give a special flavor to the sauce, and in combination with hot pepper and garlic, they ennoble the taste of adjika.

Spicy, burning, real Georgian adjika is served as a sauce for meat, poultry, fish, vegetables and rice and other main dishes. It is also successfully used for coating meat and poultry when frying and baking in the oven and in the process of preparing first courses.

Due to the fact that the recipe for real Georgian adjika includes a large amount of hot pepper and salt, it does not deteriorate for a long time even when not rolled up, if stored in the cold.

Real Georgian adjika - ingredients:

  • 500 g hot pepper,
  • 100 g garlic
  • 100 g walnuts,
  • 400 g greens (cilantro, parsley),
  • 1 st. spoon of coriander seeds
  • 3 art. spoons of salt.

Real Georgian adjika - recipe:

  1. To cook real Georgian adjika, vigorous and burning, first of all, you should protect your hands and wear rubber gloves. Also, be careful not to get the hot pepper juice in your face - because burns and irritation on delicate skin can be serious.
  2. Rinse the hot peppers and cut off the stems. Seeds may not be removed.
  3. Peel the garlic by removing the husk and cutting off the base. To speed up the process, choose large garlic.
  4. Dry the walnuts in a pan and peel off excess husks.
  5. Pass the pepper through a meat grinder with a fine mesh. If you get a lot of juice, drain it.
  6. Garlic, nuts and coriander are also crushed through a meat grinder.
  7. Then combine everything and again pass through a meat grinder 1-2 times, achieving a uniform consistency.
  8. Wash the greens, dry and cut very finely with a sharp knife. It is important that the greens are precisely cut, and not ground with a meat grinder.
  9. Combine all ingredients, add salt and mix thoroughly.
  10. Cover adjika and leave for 3 days, stirring occasionally so that the salt dissolves better.
  11. Then spread the Georgian adjika in clean jars, close the lids and place in the cold.

Enjoy your meal!


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