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If you feel unwell what to do. Why do you feel unwell and fatigue? What does feeling bad mean?

Life is beautiful, but your soul is still bad? Life has nothing to do with it

You probably thought that I would suggest that you purchase rose-colored glasses and see through them how much life is Beautiful?

No, I will not offer pink glasses or blue lenses. It is not that simple.

Today, in a conversation with young people, one can easily meet the objection “we are not like that, life is like that”. Those who are older express the same idea in a slightly different way: “you can go crazy from such a life”.

Well, and pensioners usually blame the authorities (former or current). Some of them go even higher and blame Satan, and some - God.

So, throwing everything into one "pan", people wonder why the received is not digested and I feel so bad, more than ever.

Identify the real reasons for your fear and help people root it out of their souls.

You don't have to associate closely with someone who is undermining your faith in yourself.

Depriving others of confidence is a property of petty souls. You, being a generous person, on the contrary, instill in people a sense of confidence and inner conviction.

It's all in the hat

More precisely, in its own. Scan your character to see if fierce laziness, bitter selfishness and paralyzing fear have sprouted there.

Let you be filled with completely different qualities and then in my heart it will be easy. After all life is Beautiful!

Bad in your soul, what to do with this bad mood, how to cure your soul, suffering from something?

Why is it bad for the soul? We are all living people reacting to problems in life. If they carry negative information, we feel bad.

It's bad at heart what to do, let's try to solve the problem:

This is normal, we were not born on an eternal holiday, those who live on earth have nothing special to celebrate every day. You need to earn money while not getting tired to hell. Will you be in a good mood after this?

Of course not. The person is tired, will rest and will be in the mood again. It means that the work, payment of a person is completely satisfied, and if not?

Most of all, human relations are exhausting in the team at work. It's good when all are normal, adequate people and you have merged into his soul, the atmosphere is complete. There will be constant tension if some working nuances remain open.

Advice one: analyze sitting in the evening alone, is not work the cause of an eternal bad feeling in your soul? If so, why? Can you change this fact? Is the answer positive? Change immediately, it is dangerous to walk in depression every day for your own health.

If you can’t change anything, you should change your job, but don’t try to feel guilty about something. There are many people, there are even more ambitions, you are the only one. Take care of yourself.

When communicating with people that are not very desirable for you, mentally put a glass wall between you and calmly watch his behavior, do not react to his provocations, let everyone bounce off the wall to the side, you have nothing to do with it. This is quickly learned by anyone who needs it.

There are days when you cannot explain why you cannot feel bad, and that’s all. Seeing someone is unbearable, melancholy, I want to roar. Take a break, this is the easiest way out, maybe then you will sleep and everything will work out. Worse is the one who cannot cry.

Tip: don't stay in these situations. Call a good person who understands you, tell him about your problems, if there is no reason to share, just chat.

Don't feel like it, don't have the strength, are you lying on the sofa almost in prostration? Then try turning on the TV, let him mumble, try not to be alone with your bad thoughts.

Don't you like TV? Turn on the music quietly, it will distract you.

It’s bad at heart what to do, we solve the problem further:

Take something delicious that you love in the fridge. Eat. It's good if it's dark chocolate. Your bad mood will end quickly. If you don’t love him, feast on what you find.

If that doesn't suit you, then maybe you go for a walk? Fresh air, human faces, panorama around will distract you from emotional experience. When you get home, things won't be so bleak.

I do not advise you one thing, very many are trying to get rid of this condition. It will not help, it will be even worse. The picture is unsightly, I'll tell you. If someone sees you or smells you, they will remember you like this for life, even if you didn’t allow yourself to do it before.

When you do not want to do anything from the above, you have such a blues that you are not happy with anyone or anything, advice to you.

Bad at heart what to do, the real recipe:

It works 100%. Tested many times, it helps a lot. Screaming cures this condition. Yes, screaming with all his might, so that the pain all comes out from within, screaming loudly, without hesitation, you need to shout thoroughly.

If you live in a private house, there will be no difficulties, but you need to remain exactly one.

In an apartment, it is difficult to do this, neighbors will come running to scream. They found a way out long ago, turn over on your stomach, bury your head in the pillow, shout how much you can calculate your strength.

Perhaps after screaming you will fall asleep, some laugh from their exclamations. The most common feeling is fatigue from realizing one's own behavior. But the bad feeling in the soul instantly disappears.

Repeat the cry as many times until you feel enough.

You need to monitor your mood seriously, the frequent repetition of a bad mood can mean development. Then do not wait, you need to see a doctor, the consequences of such a condition can be very dangerous.

Think for yourself, it's hard for you to cope with your bad mood, you are constantly uncomfortable, this does not happen in a healthy body.

Solve life's problems as they come in calmly, no one lives without them. Absolutely everyone is damn hard. Realize and don't freak out.

Gradually, the problems are solved and go away: the husband becomes silk, the children recover, the friend apologizes, you will make peace with your neighbor. There is no reason to die from feeling unwell.

I hope I helped you a little to figure out what to do when your soul is bad. Don't be depressed, pull yourself together. Good luck!

What to do when you feel bad and you want to cry? Perhaps, each of us in life has had moments of complete despair when it is difficult to find a reasonable way out of a situation when all thoughts revolve around suicide. Loss of interest in life, loss of appetite, sleep often depends on a difficult state of mind. To begin with, you yourself should understand that it cannot continue this way, that you need to change something in your life. Try to find the reasons for your current state. Analyze what could have led to it. Don't be afraid to face it. Believe me, it will get easier.

Tune in to victory, act actively. No one else will get you out of this depressive state when everything is bad. Change everything at once, this very minute. Forget everything that was before, now you have a new life. Let go of all your grudges. There is no point in cultivating them in yourself. This makes it harder only for you, but not for those who offended you. Why reopen the wound. Forgive the offender, only sincerely. Don't blame yourself. If you did something wrong, hurt someone, ask for forgiveness (and for yourself too).

Try not to think about your problems for several days. Look at them from the side. You will recognize that they are not central to your life. Don't make hasty decisions, especially when your feelings and emotions are agitated.


There is no bad thing without a reason. Find the cause of your mental discomfort. Some of the reasons are quite obvious. Others are deeply hidden. Remember, have you had such conditions before? What were they connected with? The cause of emotional distress must be eliminated, no matter how difficult it is. If this is connected with the death of a loved one, you need to understand that it is impossible to resurrect and return a person. Communicate mentally with a dear person and let him go. Take away all the things that remind you of him. After a while, you will remember him with slight sadness, regret, but not with thoughts of suicide.

The ideal solution to the problem would be a change of scenery. To leave the city for a while, change jobs, change the situation in the house, make repairs, even just go out for a walk, distract from terrible thoughts. Sometimes hard painstaking work helps, which does not leave energy and time for thinking about problems. Constant activity will save you from memories at night: you will just fall asleep right away, without thinking about problems. It is important to feel needed by others, to understand that you are not trying in vain.

Distract yourself with the holiday. You don't have to throw a noisy, fun party. The holiday can even be spent alone. Foam bath, favorite sweets and fruits, visits to a beauty salon, shops, etc. Any pleasant little things help to distract from problems.

Remember the pleasant moments of your life, your achievements, everything that leaves a good impression on your soul. Sometimes it is pleasant to revisit photographs, pleasant little things, which are associated with joyful moments. To get out of depression, you need to make a plan, find a goal to strive for. Perhaps this will be the path to fulfilling the dream of a lifetime. Break this path down into small, realistically feasible chunks. And move towards the goal gradually.


You need to "pour out your soul" to any interlocutor. It can be a friend, mom, just a stranger who is ready to listen to you. You can even talk about your problem on the forums. It will immediately feel better if you find out why it is so bad at heart. A walk and outdoor recreation will help. If there is no way to go out of town, you can just take a walk in the city park or garden. Listening to birdsong, it bewitches and helps to understand that there are other things in the world besides your problem.

Pets are great helpers in overcoming mental difficulties. A small kitten or puppy needs your care. He will not let you plunge into a long depression, because you are responsible for him. And his love will make your life more pleasant. It will help to solve mental problems and communication with the beautiful. Visit a museum, theater, concert. Often, works of art overturn our understanding of the world and their purpose in it.

Everyone knows that sweet foods, especially chocolate, increase the level of happiness hormones in the human body. Just do not get too carried away with chocolate, otherwise you will have to deal with excess weight later. Take up any creative activity. Even if you don't have any talent, just do something for yourself, like paint a picture. Just avoid pessimistic stories. Or you can learn to play the guitar.

Allow yourself to sleep well. Don't forget: "The morning is wiser than the evening." All problems will disappear by morning. Get involved in renovations, beauty treatments, shopping, charity work, exercise. And do not torment yourself with thoughts: why am I very bad at heart? Sometimes it is worth seeking help from a psychotherapist. But in most cases, friends, relatives, communication, mutual understanding help. It is important to understand that you are not alone in this world, your family and friends need you. Don't make them unhappy. http://chtodelat.net

What to do when you feel bad and you want to cry? Video

1. The morning is wiser than the evening: sleep some more. Sleep heals, soothes and prompts.

2. To do something: write, wash, disassemble, connect - that is, to achieve some kind of simple integrity and completeness in small things.

3. Go for a walk and see that the world is wide and full of colors, and our concentration on the negative is a small part of it.

4. Ask yourself adequate and great physical activity.

5. Remember, step by step, what led to the heaviness of the soul, and find in this as much as possible accurate, serious, but also funny.

6. Imagine yourself in the form of a comic strip, running pictures. How do you get out of the situation, what characters you meet and who you yourself turn into.

7. Imagine in their place three other people who are of interest to you.

8. Come up with a game "looking for a way out" by setting search parameters for others - moving away from gravity at arm's length. Now you are near, but not inside the problem, you look at it like a board and you yourself, like a figure, move along it.

Write yourself a letter from a place and time when it was good

9. Recall and make out of many details a situation in which you would be good: to simulate bliss, if you do not feel it completely.

10. Find an unexpected point on your body. Imagine that you are drawing with it in the air, describing circles. A very useful exercise that allows you to break the general centering and the fact that the body is held compressed.

11. Write yourself a letter from a place and time when it was good.

12. It is important not to mutter to yourself when it’s bad, but to give free rein to fine motor skills: draw with a pencil, sculpt from plasticine, fold from paper, weave from beads, knit ... something to pamper yourself.

13. Go to some shop or to the camber and sort things with your hands.

Be grateful for what has led you to a seeming dead end.

14. Talk to two people: let one of them, like an acid, corrode and remove all unnecessary, and the other - give practical advice from the standpoint of "everything can be solved." But do not blabber the state for yourself.

15. Try to close your eyes and evoke imagination, a waking dream, about how you swim under water and breathe, you have a flamethrower in your hand, and you find some treasures, obstacles, fight and find yourself somewhere, in another space and dimension. Wiggle your fingers and toes. It turns out such an interactive computer game with the whole body.

16. Write some text without taking a preconceived idea as a basis. Let the text itself lead you somewhere, and you follow it.

17. Be grateful for what has led you to a seeming dead end. What lessons can you learn to continue living successfully and in a good mood?

18. Decide what nice little gifts you can give to those around you. By evoking their smile and joy, you will get yours back.

Many people are familiar with such an eerie feeling of sadness, pessimism and disappointment. A bad state of mind, as a rule, is caused by external stimuli: events, human behavior, a series of failures, and the like. It is difficult to cope with this feeling, but nothing is impossible in our life. And the main reason why we need to cope with this condition is that it will definitely happen again, so we need to know how to fight back this sadness, depression or mental breakdown (call it what you want). Our life cannot consist only of positive moments and events, but you can quickly banish all the negative that from time to time into your life from your soul and forget about it. This means that it depends only on you how long you will feel bad at heart.

Very often on psychological forums you come across a topic, the meaning of which boils down to two sentences: “Why is my soul bad? and What to do? ”. You need to start from the beginning, namely to understand the reasons for your sadness. The reasons for a bad state of mind can be divided into “Explicit” and “Transformed”. Let's take a look at examples of reasons.

Obvious reasons:

  • Family conflict- one of the most common reasons is precisely a family quarrel, in which there is never a winner, since in any case, each of the relatives will feel bad after it: incomprehensible, unheard, unloved.
  • Conflict at work- the well-known expression “they don’t choose parents!” Can be applied to the place of work, paraphrasing “they don’t choose the team!”. Rarely do people with loyal and flexible characters gather in one team, so conflicts at work are a common situation.
  • Health problems- sometimes problems caused by an illness become the cause. And it doesn’t matter at all whether you or a loved one are unwell, and either fact can knock a person out of normal life and make him experience not the most pleasant feelings.
  • Confusion in a love relationship- love and jealousy are one of the most difficult feelings of a person, which cause a lot of emotions (from tears of sorrow to tears of happiness), therefore, it is not just relationships that can cast depression on you.

Transformed reasons:

These are the reasons that, over a certain period of time, can transform into other forms, thereby misleading when looking for reasons. For instance:

  • Riots at work caused a sea of ​​negative emotions in you, when they came home, they naturally did not disappear, therefore any fault of a loved one (husband, wife, child, relatives) shakes your nervous system and there are outbursts of negativity on those people who come to hand. Family scandals and troubles arise. Then another neighbor, on the staircase, said something absurd about you. Yes, and parked in the yard was not the most successful way, because of which I had to go to the signals of other cars and park the car correctly and in the right place. Such a tangle of failures can subsequently lead you to emotional exhaustion, after which your soul becomes very bad, and you can no longer even remember why it all started and what still torments you so much that it does not allow you to live in peace.
  • Or imagine the opposite situation: the love idyll of your marriage is coming to an end, the husband (or wife) is going to file for divorce, takes the children, half of the acquired property. Everything is deplorable. Coming to work, you break off on your subordinates, express unpleasant words on the phone to your parents who called during working hours. You end up in line at a store where they are rude to you, come home late, where you get a cooled dinner. And after that your next day passes in such a terrible state that the expression “it hurts at heart” does not say anything at all.

In other words, transformed causes always have a main or first cause, and there are also accompanying factors that mask or complement the negativity in your life. In these cases, first of all, one should fight the main reason, and only then proceed to reflect on the rest. In most cases, it is enough to simply solve the primary problem, and the rest will unwind by themselves, like a ball of thread.

Only after we know the exact cause of our condition, we can apply the most appropriate methods of getting out of the depressive state.

What to do when I feel bad?

One of the strongest positive charges can only be transmitted to a person by loving family members or close friends. When you feel bad at heart and nothing pleases in this life, it seems that everything is bad - gather your strength into a fist and call your good friends and offer them a meeting. Relaxing with friends acts not only as a distraction, but also as reassuring. They will immediately notice your change of mood, so they will ask you what happened. After listening to your conversation about the painful, they will give advice, and most importantly, they will transfer the topic to another channel, forcing you not to think about what worries. Of course, it will be difficult to tune in to a cheerful mood, but only the first half hour, after which you will plunge into the world of joy and happiness, forgetting about troubles. Try to make the evening of the meeting as impulsive as possible - eventful and eventful. To do this, you can visit as many entertainment establishments as possible: clubs, discos, karaoke bars, bowling, billiards, cinemas, etc.

Noisy company and pleasant atmosphere will help you to concentrate only on everything that is fun. Try not to sit in a corner, but rather force yourself to be in the midst of events and emotions. Arrange contests with friends (for example: whose team will win at bowling or billiards; who will collect more phone numbers at the disco, or who will go home to bed first). Focus not on the number of such meetings, but on the quality. It would be better for you to have fun like this once a week than just meet your friends in the yard on a bench every day, where unpleasant memories and heartache will torment you even more.

When you are alone with yourself, you are most vulnerable to pain in the soul. You begin to torment yourself with introspection, sort out what happened in your thoughts, replay the situation over and over again, think over and mentally imagine the development of events that would change the vector, if you said something differently. If you don’t scold yourself for what happened, it means that you will begin to feel sorry for yourself, blaming everyone and everything for your troubles, pity will cause no more negativity, since first resentment will appear, and then anger. Thoughts of revenge will begin to creep into my head, which, with strong rage, can grow into whole plans about how to take revenge on the offender.

If there is no other choice but to remain alone, then try to distract yourself. However, you do not need to try to relax with the help of a book, unless you are going to sleep - it can relax you for sleep, but if you have insomnia, then the book will wind on you with despondency and boredom, especially if you read it in silence. By the way, silence can cause feelings of panic and fear, which will further exacerbate a bad state of mind. It is best for you to start listening to loud music and watching comedies. You can do the cleaning at the same time, exercise can also help defuse the situation. And by the way, about them ...

An effective method is sports, the fact is that physical activity is able to turn off painful emotional limits. A regular 30-minute physical exercise can give a good emotional discharge. Exercise in the morning boosts your wakefulness and can give you double the strength you need to tackle mental and physical challenges throughout the day. A short run before bed and a 15-minute exercise can relieve you of all that load of emotions that has accumulated during the day and it will be easier for you to fall asleep.

A punching bag, or rather blows on it, can also give an opportunity to splash out emotions, especially those that have accumulated as a result of resentment against oneself or another person. It is also desirable to go to the gym in the company, then there will be more motivation for hiking and the time spent there will also pass much faster and more interesting.

After exercising in the gym, you get additional confidence in yourself, your appearance and strength. A self-confident person is able to overcome the emotional stress much more easily, and he will stop asking himself such stupid questions as: “What to do when your soul sucks ?!”. For guys, physical activity is an opportunity to build up body muscles and look more athletic, for girls, sports is a chance to lose extra pounds or centimeters at the waist or hips.

Sometimes, in order to get rid of the “stone” in your soul, you need to correct all those mistakes that you have made and which do not give you peace of mind, making you worry and nervous. Most often, such pain in the soul is called like this: “Conscience torments”, that is, when you did a bad deed and had the opportunity to correct it, but did not correct it. How long your conscience will torment you is unknown, the period only depends on your upbringing.

In other cases, correcting mistakes can overcome fear. For example: you are afraid that the owner of a car that you accidentally scratched in the yard saw that you did it, and will soon come for you with a group of young “thugs” to take revenge on you. In such cases, it is easier to admit your own guilt and correct the mistake, than to suffer and “die” of fear.

If it is no longer possible to correct your mistake, try to somehow make amends for your guilt or even do a good deed towards another - this can in some way reassure the person.

Act quickly! One of the main rules for you should be the condition that you will carry out methods of dealing with mental pain immediately and on time. You should not drag out the situation and believe that you will cope on your own - this can only worsen the situation, since the longer the depressive state lasts, the more difficult it is for a person to lose it. In addition, tightening can lead to problems with the nervous system, which in turn will cause retaliatory problems with a person's overall health.

A quick and effective method of getting rid of terrible sadness or, perhaps, anxiety in the soul, will help a festive mood and gifts. Even if in the coming days you will not see any holidays in your honor, still try to arrange an impromptu holiday: get your savings from the bins and please yourself with gifts, buy what you have dreamed of for so long, but constantly held back due to savings. A vacation, on which you can go somewhere to relax, will also bring considerable benefit. For girls, various trips to spa centers, solariums, beauty salons and, of course, shopping can become a holiday. For men, it is more difficult to come up with a familiar resting place, perhaps it will be a football mat, an evening at a bar with friends or fishing.

No less attention should be paid to the food that you will eat these days. Try not to overeat so that the pain in your stomach does not add even more unpleasantness to the situation. The menu for the days should be composed in such a way that each dish brings you pleasure, both from its preparation and from its use. If possible, then generally go to a cafe for dinner or lunch, especially if you are very bothered by activities such as buying food, preparing them and the worst thing (for most) - washing dishes after yourself. A visit to a public catering service will relieve you of all these tasks. If there is not much free money that could be spent on lunch in a restaurant, then there are all sorts of "Bystro", which serves dishes at quite reasonable prices.

A substance in the brain such as serotin is responsible for raising mood; products such as:

  • Dark chocolate;
  • Bananas;
  • Coffee (at least 4 cups per day);
  • Oranges.

Take care of these ingredients on the days when the sad mood will take over you, and you will not be able to help yourself. Of the salty dishes that are more relevant to use in main dishes, you can choose spinach, beef liver, as well as beans and soy.

Don't give up! If we talk about the mistakes of people who are bad at heart, then for the most part they make one, but the most unforgivable mistake - they give up. Understand that if you feel bad, this does not mean that you are sick with something or that this is the end of your life that cannot be prevented, this is just one of the barriers on your way. And therefore, if you constantly give in to difficulties, you will never be able to defeat yourself and achieve great success in work, happiness in family life and change your character.

If the depression has dragged on, and a bad state of mind has become a common occurrence for you, now it will be extremely difficult to get rid of it, but it is quite possible. Now time decides everything, and if you decide to give up, then all your actions, done specifically in order to get rid of poor health, will be in vain. Do not do this! Don't give up!

Sometimes a negative feeling is caused by a bad feeling about future developments. Therefore, your task is to prevent negative thoughts from entering your brain. There is a practice that claims that our thoughts are attracted by events and if we constantly think about the bad, then it can happen. Therefore, you need to stop thinking negatively and worrying about the future tragedy in your thoughts. On the contrary, try to think only positively and believe in a happy future that will surely happen to you. To do this, start fantasizing in detail, namely, in detail to imagine the future that awaits you. For example, imagine what you will be wearing, what color your shoes will be, what your hairstyle will be, and even how much money will be in your wallet. When the future is ready, you can just start waiting for it. Moreover, expect it not as if it were a gift of fate, but as a usual thing. By the way, successful people say: "Treat a million dollars, not as a fantasy, but as an inevitability that will overtake you anyway." Be calm and confident in your happy future and do not forget to step towards it.

What to do when you feel very bad at heart?

Now let's talk about what you need to do in cases where it is very bad at heart. After all, it’s one thing when we are tormented by stupid thoughts that do not give us the opportunity to sleep normally, and quite another, when the pain in the soul is so strong that we don’t even want to live - there is pessimism in everything, and thoughts of suicide are already beginning to slip through ...

First of all, in such cases, it is necessary to take the medicine, however, to do this, it must be thought out and weighed. You can choose it without the advice of a doctor, for this you need to consult a pharmacist at a pharmacy. Describe your situation to him and he will advise the optimal type of drug. If the depression lasts not the first day, but it can already be considered a week (or even more), then preparations in the form of tea can be excellent here, they must be brewed and taken 2-3 times every day. The effect of them is very good, but it does not come immediately. To do this, you will need to wait 2-3 weeks (for full recovery). Also take a sedative that works more quickly. For example: tincture of motherwort or valerian (some tinctures even contain a complex of different herbs).

We do not recommend buying medicines in the form of tablets, for the simple reason that in acute situations, you can go too far with the norm, which can even lead to death. What cannot happen if you choose preparations in the form of tea, syrup or tincture.

Perhaps the most correct step in difficult situations is to see a doctor for help. Let it turn out to be an ordinary excitement or overexertion, but the main thing is that the doctor will tell you this, and not you yourself will diagnose yourself. Indeed, in fact, everything can be more complicated. The reason may even be pressure and heart problems, which you will agree quite seriously and you cannot risk it.

Therefore, to begin with, you need to visit a therapist who will learn about all your symptoms and give referrals to those doctors who may see you have any disease. Most likely, you only need the help of a psychologist or neurologist. Despite all the cynicism that a person experiences towards psychology and other sciences related to this area, in fact, such doctors can really save you from mental problems and calm your nerves in a matter of sessions. In addition, the doctor will be able to give you practical advice on how to act in such situations and in your case, choosing the most effective methods, taking into account your physiological and mental characteristics.

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