Home Indoor flowers Hexagram 2 interpretation in love. Detailed meaning of the hexagram. Explanation of each trait

Hexagram 2 interpretation in love. Detailed meaning of the hexagram. Explanation of each trait

Kun (Performance): surface of the world, real being, the fundamental ability to give form to all things; earth, moon; mother, wife, feminine principle; flexible strength, receptivity; follow, obey, agree, support, give life, bear fruit; nourish, provide, serve, work for good. The hieroglyph depicts the spirits of the earth.

Figurative series

The original accomplishment; The mare's tenacity is favorable.
Knyazhich has a place to perform.
If he sets out, he will get lost;
If he follows, he will find the master.
Favorable: in the southwest to find friends, in the northeast - to lose friends.
If you remain calm and steadfast, you will be happy.

It is the primary spiritual force that nourishes and gives form to everything. You see her in the moon, in the earth, in the mother, in the devoted servant, in the mare. You are faced with many opposing forces. Hold on to the essential and give it form; nourish and provide for him. This will open a new cycle of time, bringing success, benefit and enlightenment. Save it to yourself inner feeling goals. At first you will be confused by the abundance of events, but don't worry. Do what needs to be done now. Soon you will get what you need. Join others in real activities (southwest), but don't shy away from responsibility (northeast). The path will be open for you through calm, silent agreement with the course of things. May your strength be generous and nourishing. Take care of the living and help them grow.

Outer and Inner Worlds: Earth and Earth

Nourishment, sustenance and service characterize the Earth. It contains enormous potential that gives shape to all things.


Earth means malleability.


The earth contains and gives birth.
A noble person uses this generous power to support all living things.

Hexagram lines

Six first

If you step on frost, it means that strong ice is close.

Work slowly, carefully and consistently to establish a solid foundation. Something important is coming back.

Six second

A flat square is enormous (directness, ubiquity, greatness).
Even though you don’t prepare, nothing untoward will happen.

A flat square (Earth shape) interacts with a round dome (Heaven shape). The Tao Te Ching says: “The great square has no corners.” Right the wrong, spread out in all directions, focus on the big idea. You don't need to prepare or rehearse your actions. Get straight to the point: this will benefit everyone. The power of the Earth helps you.

Six third

Hold back your shine and you can remain steadfast.
Perhaps serve the king by following him.
Without having to do anything, you will complete the task.

This is the time of hidden perfection. You can act, but only on the instructions of your superiors. If you resist the temptation to publicize your accomplishments, you will be able to complete even great things. If you think about the distant, you will receive insight.

Six fourth

Knotted bag.
There will be no blasphemy, no praise.

A time of instability, fraught with different possibilities. If you stay in the shadows, you will avoid danger, but you will not be able to count on praise. Think carefully about your actions.

Six fifth

Yellow skirt.
Original happiness.

Yellow is the color of the Earth, the skirt indicates subordination to Heaven. Accept what happens humbly. You may be confused, but the path will be open (original happiness). Be patient. What is being done now will have an impact beneficial effect for the future.

There's a six at the top

Dragons fight on the outskirts.
Their blood is blue and yellow.

The hexagram consists of six broken lines. This is a warning sign indicating future events; there are many obstacles in your path now.

A series of events awaits you, which you must go through, calmly agreeing with the course of things. Your diligence and work will help you choose the right way and will lead to success within two months.

The wish will certainly come true, although this will require effort and patience. This will not be difficult for you, since you cultured person seeking knowledge.

Now is not the time to think about material gain; selfish motives should fade into the background.

You good son and are attached to their mother. But if you decide to visit her, it is not recommended to go on any trip or journey in the near future.

Soon a person will appear next to you who will show great interest in you.

The forces of the gods favor you, you are under the protection of the forces of mother earth.

To interpret the next hexagram, go to page.

Explanation for the interpretation of hexagram 2. Execution

If the answer of the ancient Chinese oracle is not completely clear and seems vague to you, read the explanation of the hexagram, which contains the main idea of ​​the message, this will help you more correctly understand the oracle of ancient China.

The answer to the question posed is Kun - Execution.

The hieroglyph depicts the spirits of the earth.

Flexible strength, receptivity. The surface of the world, the real being, the fundamental ability to give form to all things. Earth, moon. Mother, wife, feminine. Follow, obey, agree. To sustain, to give life, to bear fruit. To nourish, provide, serve, work for good.

Semantic connections of hexagram 2.Kun

Figuratively, this hexagram can be represented as symbolizing the primary spiritual force that nourishes and gives form to all plans, which you find in the moon, in the mother, in the earth, in the devoted servant, in the mare. Now you are confronted by many opposing forces, but you will achieve success and enlightenment, and open a new cycle of time in events. Calmly determine what is essential for you and take care of it, give it shape; nourish it and provide for it. Despite the abundance of events, it is necessary to maintain an inner sense of purpose. Don't worry, follow your plan, soon you will get everything you need. Join other people in real activities (southwest), but do not shirk your responsibility (northeast) in working for good. Through obedience and silent agreement with the course of things, the path to creation will be open for you. Provide maternal care to the living and help them grow. May your strength bear fruit and be generous and nourishing.

Interpretation of hexagram 2 in the translation of the canonical text of the Book of Changes

Read the translation of the canonical text, perhaps you will have your own associations in the interpretation of the second hexagram.

[Primary accomplishment; The mare's tenacity is favorable. A noble man has to act, but if he moves forward, he will get lost, but if he steps back, he will find a master.

It is favorable to find friends in the southwest, and to lose friends in the northeast.

If you remain calm and steadfast, you will be happy!]

I. At the beginning there is six.

If you step on frost, then strong ice is close.

II. Six second. Directness, ubiquity, greatness.

“Even though you don’t prepare, nothing untoward will happen.”

III. Six third.

Lay low, you should be persistent.

“It is possible that if you act, following the leader, without doing anything yourself, then the matter will be completed.

IV. Six fourth.

Tie the bag (Hide).

- [There will be no blasphemy,] there will be no praise.

V. Six fifth.

— Yellow skirt. [Primordial happiness!]

VI. Six at the top.

Dragons fight on the outskirts.

“Their blood is blue and yellow.”

[Probably a later insertion by the commentator: ["In times of weakness, eternal perseverance is favorable."]

The gods awakened Mother Earth. Work hard, and in two months your efforts will be crowned with great success.

You are a cultured and knowledge-hungry person; you treat even the smallest fruits of your labor with love. Very attached to mother. Now is not the time to give in to self-interest, so don't think too much about material gain.

Your wish will come true, although not immediately. In the near future, it is not recommended to go on the road, either alone or with anyone.

Soon a person will appear in your environment who has a strong interest in you.

Even the most intense creativity cannot be realized if there is no environment in which it will be carried out. But this environment, in order to realize absolute creativity, must also be absolutely pliable and plastic.

In addition, it must be deprived of any kind of initiative of its own, and must, in complete self-detachment, only echo and follow the impulses of creativity.

But at the same time, she would not be able to fulfill what is a creative plan. Therefore, it is a completely selfless force - expressed metaphorically in the image of a mare, which, although lacking the temper of a horse, is not inferior to it in the ability to act.

If Creativity is Heaven, Light, the Perfect Man, then Execution is Earth, Darkness. A noble person who listens and follows instructions The perfect man. It is he who has to act here not according to these instructions, but on his own initiative, then he could only be mistaken.

And only by following his master can he find him. So, for a noble person, the best thing here is, having lost friends like himself, to find a friend who is superior to him, who with his qualities makes up for his shortcomings.

In the spatial symbolism of the Book, the southwest is considered the region of darkness, since the extinction of light begins there. And, in contrast, the northeast, the region where light originates, is considered the region of light. Fulfillment is expressed in the features of darkness, so he needs to lose similar forces to him in the southwest and find replenishing forces—a “friend”—in the northeast in order to submit to them. At the same time, it is important that the activity of Execution proceeds in complete calm, in submissive acceptance of its fate, without overdevelopment, otherwise its activity will not fulfill the plans of creativity, but will compete with them. Darkness will enter into an unlawful battle with light, which cannot lead to a good result, for the power of darkness is a blind necessity, and not clear consciousness.

If the first symbol refers primarily to the sovereign, husband, etc., then the symbol Execution tells about the activities of the subject, wife, etc. It shows the evolving need for Fulfillment. This is expressed in the text as follows:

In the initial development, the mare's tenacity is favorable. A noble man has to act, but if he moves forward, he will get lost, but if he steps back, he will find a master. Here it is favorable to find a friend in the southwest and to lose a friend in the northeast. Calm persistence is fortunate.

The first moment of Fulfillment is such that it itself is still invisible in it. And yet it will be carried out with complete necessity. Even if the power of Darkness and cold has not yet been revealed here. But she has already begun to act. Even if the frost has already fallen, the future frost is not yet noticeable, but if the frost has fallen, then the time is not far when there will be strong ice, in which the cold and darkness will manifest themselves in full.

The growth of power and darkness can also be understood in a figurative sense: this is the time when “nonentities” - immoral people - can increasingly begin to act. We must anticipate events and be prepared to meet them. Therefore, the words of the text sound like a warning:

At the beginning there is a weak point. If you step on frost, it means that strong ice is approaching.

In the symbolism of the geometric forms of the Book, the sky is assigned the shape of a circle, and the earth - a square. Spatially, the sky is thought of as domed, and the earth is “straight”, flat. But, entering into interaction with the sky, the earth must fully adapt to it in order to carry out its impulses. Despite the difference in their forms, this is possible due to the vastness of the earth. (The ancient Chinese idea that an infinitely large square strives to turn into a circle is attested in Chapter 41 of the Tao Te Ching: “A great square has no corners.”) In each symbol of the Book, one of the features is considered the main one. IN in this case This is precisely the second feature. Therefore, it primarily expresses the quality of this symbol. And since in this case this quality is present to the fullest extent, then no preliminary exercises are required here: no preliminary preparation, and everything turns out favorably by itself. Only in the light of these thoughts does the text become clear:

The weakest feature comes second. A flat square is huge. Even though you don’t prepare, nothing untoward will happen.

After the first, internal identification of this situation, a certain crisis occurs again. During it, free activity is impossible. A person may have the most wonderful qualities, but time is not favorable to him. Therefore he must hide his brilliance. He can be persistent and can even act, but only on the condition that his activity does not occur on his own initiative, but only on the instructions of his superior leader, then only his work can be brought to fruition. the right end. That's why the text says:

The weak point is in third place. Hold back your shine and you can remain steadfast. It is possible that if you act, following the leader, without doing anything yourself, then the matter will be completed.

With the passivity of the power of Darkness, characteristic of Fulfillment, the state of crisis is somewhat prolonged. Therefore, although it has already passed in the fourth position, its impact still remains. A person can have a lot, but here it is better for him to hide what he has: tie a bag. This position symbolizes the position of a person close to the sovereign. His position is unstable and full of anxiety. Of course, if a person in such a position keeps in the shadows, then he will not be in danger, however, remaining unnoticed, he cannot count on any praise. So, in the text we read:

The weak point is in fourth place. Tie the bag. There will be no blasphemy, no praise.

And the second and fifth features, like the middle features in the lower and upper trigrams, express one of the most important qualities: balance, understood as the ability to always be in the right place without extremes. [This central position is expressed in an image that requires some decoding. The fact is that the range of colors, according to ancient Chinese views, consists not of seven (like ours), but of five colors, and in it yellow occupies a central position. Therefore, in aphorisms relating to the second and fifth features, there are often images with the epithet “yellow”]. In addition, yellow is the color of the Earth. The fifth line in this symbol, although not the main one, but, occupying the most advantageous position in the upper trigram, denoting the external, it still symbolizes the possibility of manifestation outside. The outer manifestation is a kind of clothing. But since we are talking about the Earth here, its position, inferior in relation to Heaven, is reflected in the fact that the image indicates Bottom part Chinese clothing: "skirt". The favorability of this position makes it possible to talk here not only about happiness, but even about “original happiness.” After these explanations, the text will probably not seem incomprehensible:

The weak point is in fifth place. Yellow skirt. Original happiness.

The sixth position expresses the redevelopment of this situation. The Power of Darkness, being overdeveloped, comes into conflict with the power of Light. Here, at the extreme position, on the outskirts, Light and Darkness, Heaven and Earth, which are characterized by blue and yellow colors. This battle cannot be good, since it is a violation of the world pattern, and now the “blood of dragons” is flowing:

There's a weak line at the top. Dragons fight on the outskirts. Their blood is blue and yellow.

To avoid such a battle under the influence of the forces of Darkness - weak traits - one must always keep in mind that only eternal fortitude can be favorable here. This is also indicated by the general warning to this symbol:

Under the influence of weak traits, eternal fortitude is favorable.

This hexagram represents the Earth, a symbol of fertility, kindness, submission, submission and steadfastness. The main features are a passive attitude and steadfastness. If you receive such a hexagram as an answer to a question, then you must be restrained and compliant, fulfill your obligations in good faith, without complaining, and be willing to accept passive role subordinate.

By doing so, you will receive a corresponding reward, comparable to the land patiently and diligently cultivated, bringing a rich harvest. Don't take the lead, but follow stronger and more experienced people. Don't act hastily or stick your nose into new things until the situation changes radically.

Such wise behavior will bring good luck. Since fertility is one of the key points of this hexagram, make every effort to achieve your goal.


The implementation of the plan is impossible as in this moment, and in the near future. Be patient. The plan will come true, but after some time.


Success is possible if you restrain your feelings for the person. If you are selfish, impatient or impulsive, you are doomed to failure.


A harmonious marriage is possible because both parties are suitable for each other, but haste, impulsive behavior and outbursts of anger can ruin everything.

Pregnancy, childbirth

A girl will be born, without any problems.

Health status

Diseases abdominal cavity and liver. If treatment is not started in time, this disease can develop into a chronic one.

Negotiations, disputes, litigation

Patiently seek a compromise.


If you are planning to travel alone, cancel your trip. On the other hand, circumstances are favorable for traveling in a group or with an experienced person.

Exam, test

Average rating.

Work, business, specialization

Not the best time for this. Wait a bit.


Cloudy and rainy.

lucky color

Yellow and black.

Lucky numbers

8, 5, 10.

Changing Traits


Be careful! Fear overwhelms you. He forces you to enter into a dispute for power. This conflict will not be long in coming, and it will only make things worse. Danger!


Doubts will have a great impact on self-esteem. Eliminate them in a cool but assertive manner. Don't directly show your strengths, let them permeate everything you do.


A very problematic situation. Be careful because your actions will awaken the dark power in someone. Don't test yourself, but at the same time don't give up. Carry your cross without complaint, no matter how humiliating it may seem. Objections will only make matters worse. Don't commit yourself and be discreet.


Don't try to impress others. Don't worry about others' opinions of you and your actions, no matter how noble, easy, and truly significant you act. Do your job properly and don't advertise your merits.

Second (dominant)

Drop the tricks and gimmicks. Be open, calm, honest, and the solution to the problem will appear on its own. If you are closed, the solution will elude you.


The first manifestations of moral decline will become noticeable in this situation. Your reactions such as doubt, anger, envy, fear or alienation develop within you. You must get rid of these inferior emotions because your environment senses them and reacts negatively.

Kun (Performance): the surface of the world, real being, the fundamental ability to give form to all things; earth, moon; mother, wife, feminine principle; flexible strength, receptivity; follow, obey, agree, support, give life, bear fruit; nourish, provide, serve, work for good. The hieroglyph depicts the spirits of the earth.

The original accomplishment; The mare's tenacity is favorable.
Knyazhich has a place to perform.
If he sets out, he will get lost;
If he follows, he will find the master.
Favorable: in the southwest to find friends, in the northeast - to lose friends.
If you remain calm and steadfast, you will be happy.

It is the primary spiritual force that nourishes and gives form to everything. You see her in the moon, in the earth, in the mother, in the devoted servant, in the mare. You are faced with many opposing forces. Hold on to the essential and give it form; nourish and provide for him. This will open a new cycle of time, bringing success, benefit and enlightenment. Maintain an inner sense of purpose. At first you will be confused by the abundance of events, but don't worry. Do what needs to be done now. Soon you will get what you need. Join others in real activities (southwest), but don't shy away from responsibility (northeast). The path will be open for you through calm, silent agreement with the course of things. May your strength be generous and nourishing. Take care of the living and help them grow.

Even the most intense creativity cannot be realized if there is no environment in which it will be carried out. But this environment, in order to realize absolute creativity, must also be absolutely pliable and plastic. In addition, it must be deprived of any kind of initiative of its own, and must, in complete self-detachment, only echo and follow the impulses of creativity. But at the same time, she would not be able to fulfill what is a creative plan. Therefore, it is a completely selfless force - expressed metaphorically in the image of a mare, which, although lacking the temper of a horse, is not inferior to it in the ability to act. If Creativity is Heaven, Light, the Perfect Man, then Execution is Earth, Darkness.

A noble man who listens and carries out the instructions of the Perfect Man. It is he who has to act here not according to these instructions, but on his own initiative, then he could only be mistaken. And only by following his master can he find him. So, for a noble person, the best thing here is, having lost friends like himself, to find a friend who is superior to him, who with his qualities makes up for his shortcomings. In the spatial symbolism of the Book, the southwest is considered the region of darkness, since the extinction of light begins there. And, in contrast, the northeast, the region where light originates, is considered the region of light. Fulfillment is expressed in the features of darkness, so he needs to lose similar forces to him in the southwest and find replenishing forces—a “friend”—in the northeast in order to submit to them. At the same time, it is important that the activity of Execution proceeds in complete calm, in submissive acceptance of its fate, without overdevelopment, otherwise its activity will not fulfill the plans of creativity, but will compete with them. Darkness will enter into an unlawful battle with light, which cannot lead to a good result, for the power of darkness is blind necessity, and not clear consciousness. If the first symbol refers primarily to the sovereign, husband, etc., then the symbol Execution tells about the activity subject, wife, etc. It shows the evolving need for Fulfillment.

External and Inner worlds: Earth and Earth

Nourishment, sustenance and service characterize the Earth. It contains enormous potential that gives shape to all things.


Earth means malleability.


The earth contains and gives birth.
A noble person uses this generous power to support all living things.

Hexagram lines

Line 1

Six first

If you step on frost, it means that strong ice is close.

Work slowly, carefully and consistently to establish a solid foundation. Something important is coming back.

The first moment of Fulfillment is such that it itself is still invisible in it. And yet it will be carried out with complete necessity. Even if the power of Darkness and cold has not yet been revealed here. But she has already begun to act. Even if the frost has already fallen, the future frost is not yet noticeable, but if the frost has fallen, then the time is not far when there will be strong ice, in which the cold and darkness will manifest themselves in full.

The growth of power and darkness can also be understood in a figurative sense: this is the time when “nobodies” - immoral people - can increasingly begin to act. We must anticipate events and be prepared to meet them.

Line 2

Six second

A flat square is enormous (directness, ubiquity, greatness).
Even though you don’t prepare, nothing untoward will happen.

A flat square (Earth shape) interacts with a round dome (Heaven shape). The Tao Te Ching says: “The great square has no corners.” Right the wrong, spread out in all directions, focus on the big idea. You don't need to prepare or rehearse your actions. Get straight to the point: this will benefit everyone. The power of the Earth helps you.

In the symbolism of the geometric forms of the Book, the sky is assigned the shape of a circle, and the earth - a square. Spatially, the sky is thought of as dome-shaped, and the earth is “straight,” flat. But, entering into interaction with the sky, the earth must fully adapt to it in order to carry out its impulses. Despite the difference in their forms, this is possible due to the vastness of the earth. (The ancient Chinese idea that an infinitely large square strives to turn into a circle is attested in Chapter 41 of the Tao Te Ching: “A great square has no corners.”) In each symbol of the Book, one of the features is considered the main one. In this case, this is precisely the second feature. Therefore, it primarily expresses the quality of this symbol. And since in this case this quality is present to the fullest extent, then no preliminary exercises are required here: no preliminary preparation is needed, and everything turns out favorably by itself.

Line 3

Six third

Hold back your shine and you can remain steadfast.
Perhaps serve the king by following him.
Without having to do anything, you will complete the task.

This is the time of hidden perfection. You can act, but only on the instructions of your superiors. If you resist the temptation to publicize your accomplishments, you will be able to complete even great things. If you think about the distant, you will receive insight.

After the first, internal identification of this situation, a certain crisis occurs again. During it, free activity is impossible. A person may have the most wonderful qualities, but time is not favorable to him. Therefore he must hide his brilliance. He can be persistent and can even act, but only on the condition that his activity does not occur on his own initiative, but only on the instructions of his superior leader, then only his work can be brought to the desired end.

Line 4

Six fourth

Knotted bag.
There will be no blasphemy, no praise.

A time of instability, fraught with different possibilities. If you stay in the shadows, you will avoid danger, but you will not be able to count on praise. Think carefully about your actions.

With the passivity of the power of Darkness, characteristic of Fulfillment, the state of crisis is somewhat prolonged. Therefore, although it has already passed in the fourth position, its impact still remains. A person can have a lot, but here it is better for him to hide what he has: tie a bag. This position symbolizes the position of a person close to the sovereign. His position is unstable and full of anxiety. Of course, if a person in such a position keeps in the shadows, then he will not be in danger, however, remaining unnoticed, he cannot count on any praise.

Line 5

Six fifth

Yellow skirt.
Original happiness.

Yellow is the color of the Earth, the skirt indicates subordination to Heaven. Accept what happens humbly. You may be confused, but the path will be open (original happiness). Be patient. What is done now will have a beneficial effect on the future.

Both the second and fifth traits, as the middle traits in the lower and upper trigrams, express one of the most important qualities: balance, understood as the ability to always be in the right place without extremes. [This central position is expressed in an image that requires some decoding. The fact is that the range of colors, according to ancient Chinese views, consists not of seven (like ours), but of five colors, and in it yellow occupies a central position. Therefore, in aphorisms relating to the second and fifth features, there are often images with the epithet “yellow”]. In addition, yellow is the color of the Earth. The fifth line in this symbol, although not the main one, but, occupying the most advantageous position in the upper trigram, denoting the external, it still symbolizes the possibility of manifestation outside. The external manifestation is a kind of clothing. But since we are talking about the Earth here, its position, inferior in relation to Heaven, is reflected in the fact that the lower part of Chinese clothing is indicated in the image: the “skirt”. The favorability of this position makes it possible to talk here not only about happiness, but even about “original happiness.”

Line 6

There's a six at the top

Dragons fight on the outskirts.
Their blood is blue and yellow.

The power of Heaven and the power of Earth fight each other, exhausting each other in a futile fight. Give way, open the way, restore calm. Get rid of your ideas about power and authority.

The sixth position expresses the redevelopment of this situation. The Power of Darkness, being overdeveloped, comes into conflict with the power of Light. Here, at the extreme position, on the outskirts, Light and Darkness, Heaven and Earth, which are characterized by blue and yellow colors, are fighting. This battle cannot be good, since it is a violation of the world order, and now the “blood of dragons” is flowing.

All sixes

Under the influence of sixes, eternal perseverance is favorable.

Long-term efforts will bring enormous benefits.

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