Home Mushrooms Two quotation marks at the end of a sentence. Why are quotation marks needed?

Two quotation marks at the end of a sentence. Why are quotation marks needed?

If you need put in quotes or put in parentheses part of an expression already in quotes/parentheses, remember two simple principles of double brackets and double quotes:

* Russian language is not mathematics, signs do not add up, that is, put at the end double brackets or quotation marks (one picture) are not needed;

* to facilitate the perception and understanding of the text It's better to make quotes inside quotes and brackets inside brackets different designs . In this case, the reader will understand exactly where one expression in brackets/quotes ends and how it relates to another.

What means “brackets and quotation marks of different designs” and what drawing is this?

How to correctly form double parentheses

Let's start with the parentheses. The main brackets are round (like this). The second level brackets are most often square ones - [like this]. And the double brackets will look like this: … (… […])…, … ([…]…)… or …(… […] …)…

For example, “I like the work of the group “Nox Arcana” (spelled Nox Arcana [Latin for “secret night”]).”

How to format double quotes correctly

Quotes have the same basic structure, but there are some subtleties. There are several types of quotation marks, and different countries different traditions. We most often use “Christmas trees”, “paws”, “computer quotes” and some others. IN printed publications and documents "first level" quotes are Christmas trees (on our website we also use them). However, on many Internet resources, direct computer quotes are used as the main quotation marks. In fact, this is not so important (although using Christmas trees is more correct and respectable), the main thing is that the selected pattern follows the text sequentially.

Second level quotation marks As a rule, the “legs” protrude - they look good with Christmas trees, as they are quite “contrasting”: you won’t confuse them. But with straight computer quotation marks, the pads may not look so good in some fonts, so check that the reader can understand how one quoted expression is positioned relative to another and the phrase as a whole. Again, once you have adopted some version of the second-level quotation marks, use it consistently.

A few examples:

“We went to the U Doma cinema and watched the film Vacation at the Dacha there. Not a bad movie,” said a friend.

LLC "Company "Scolopendra"".

The price tag read: “Rowan and Watermelon Juice.”

Put Christmas tree quotes in Word and others office programs You can use either a special key combination or without using a keyboard. Let's look at ways that will speed up typing and eliminate the need to copy quotes from other places.

A quick way to print quotes

This method is simple and convenient, but with some settings Word may not work. So, press the “Shift” key and the number “2” at the same time. Two must be pressed on the top numeric pad of the keyboard. The layout must be in Russian. Enter the desired phrase and press this key combination again. A closing quotation mark herringbone should appear.

  • Shift + 2 = "
  • Shift + 2 = "

We use Christmas tree codes

Hold down the “Alt” key. Without releasing it, on the numeric keypad (on the right) we type the code for the opening or closing quotation mark:
  • Alt + 0171 = "
  • Alt + 0187 = "
After typing the code, release “Alt”. will appear the right sign. You need to enter the code using the numbers located on the right side of the keyboard, and not on the top. In this case, the “NumLock” indicator should light up. If it is turned off, then turn it on by pressing the key of the same name.

Unusual option

Another option that may surprise people watching the process from the outside. Switch to the English layout and type the characters “ab” in Word. Then press the “Alt” and “X” keys simultaneously. To put a closing symbol, enter “bb” and press “Alt” and “X” again.

  • ab > Alt + x = "
  • bb > Alt + x = "

Inserting quotes without the keyboard

If for some reason the keyboard does not work, but you need to insert Christmas tree symbols, then use inserting symbols from the top menu panel.

It is unlikely that anyone will argue with the statement that punctuation is a very complex section of the Russian language. Moreover, many difficulties in this section are faced not only by Foreign citizens who decided to learn Russian, but also native speakers themselves.

There are a lot of punctuation marks in the Russian language. But we will devote this article to quotation marks. Let's try to figure out why such a punctuation mark is necessary, what function it has and how to use it correctly. And in order to better understand everything, it would not be amiss to turn to some facts regarding the origin of the quotation marks themselves.

Quotation marks are a relatively new punctuation mark. Their appearance in the Russian language dates back to approximately the end of the 18th century. And here it is worth noting that since the 16th century, quotation marks have already been used - but as a musical notation. What is the origin of this word itself - “quotation marks”?

It’s interesting, but linguists don’t have a consensus on this matter. The overwhelming majority of scientists claim that this word comes from such a verb of the southern Russian dialect as “kavykat”, that is, “to hobble”, “to limp”. Strange association, isn't it?

And this is explained quite simply: in this very dialect the word “kavysh” is translated as “duckling” or “gosling”. And the quotation marks were represented as some kind of squiggles or, in other words, footprints from the paws of ducklings or goslings.

Did you know that there are several types of quotation marks? An interesting fact is that their name depends directly on the country from which they originated. An important role in their name was also played by the similarity with some objects.

One type of quotation marks that are used in Russian are called French herringbones. Another type of this punctuation mark, which can also be found in Russian writing, are called German “paws”.

There are other types of quotation marks that are not characteristic of Russian punctuation, but for some reason some people still mistakenly use them in Russian written language. It's about about “single” or “double” quotation marks, which are used in English writing. The norm in Russian punctuation is considered to be the use of only French “herringbones” (which are used as ordinary quotation marks) and German “paws” (which are used when writing text by hand or as quotation marks inside quotation marks: “… „ … “...").

Exist certain rules the use of any punctuation marks, and quotation marks were no exception. What are quotation marks? Quotation marks are a paired sign that we use in writing where there is a need to highlight in writing:

1. Certain types of speech:

Direct speech;

Quotes from any sources;

2. Meanings of words:

Names of organizations, firms, enterprises, varieties, brands, etc.;

With indirect figurative meaning, including ironic and (or) reciprocal value(for example: “clever girl”, that is foolish man or a person who has committed a rash act).

Paired punctuation is primarily used to convey ironic meaning or to highlight quotations, direct speech, and references. It happens that the author puts words or phrases in quotation marks because the term he uses is not known to everyone, or he tries to emphasize the meaning of the phrase in unusual meaning, thereby probably making fun of some hero from his story. In the variations below, the user will be able to choose the appropriate way to write a punctuation mark and easily put quotation marks in Word. There are several types that have individual names and can be found in any text document.

Types of quotation marks

These types of paired signs are the main ones:

  • “French” - also called “Triangular”, best known under the term “Christmas trees”, sometimes called “Angle quotes”;
  • “English Doubles” or “Singles” are known as “feet” located at the top.
  • “German” - have a second name - “spread paws”;

Sometimes the "word" is enclosed in the upper even symbols.

Single and double sign - “Herringbone”

When working with a text editor, you often have to set different symbols and punctuation marks. It is believed that the documentation in mandatory Printed quotation marks should be used, and in a handwritten document, in the form of double commas. It is not always possible to put quotation marks in Word the first time, although if you remember the key combination correctly once, then the next time, for example, inserting a herringbone quotation mark will not be so difficult.

Option 1: Single corner quotes

Set using the key combination Shift + “B” and “U”. To make it open:

  1. Change the keyboard layout “Shift+Alt” to English;
  2. Hold down the “Shift” button and click on the letter “B”;
  3. Write the required word.

To add a private one:

  1. Change the keyboard layout to English;
  2. Hold down the “Shift” button and click on the letter “Y”;
  3. Added single corner signs.
  4. Change the layout to Russian and continue working.

Option 2: Paired punctuation mark “Herringbone”

You can put up a “Christmas tree” in the following ways:

Method 1

The easiest and most quickly remembered method is the key combination “Shift+2”. Need to:

  1. Place the mouse pointer at the desired location;
  2. Switch the letter input method to the Russian keyboard (if necessary) using the combination “Shift + Alt”;
  3. Hold down the "Shift" key and click on the number "2" on the top numeric pad of the keyboard.
  4. Enter the corresponding word and repeat points 2 and 3.

Note! Pay attention to the cursor, it must be separated from the previous word by a space, otherwise the result will not be an opening herringbone quotation mark, but a closing one.

It is mandatory to include spaces and check for their presence.

Method 2

Paired herringbone quotes can be placed using code. Be sure to enable the “Num lock” button.

1) To open a double quote you need to:

“ - hold down the “Alt” button and dial four numbers “0171”. Use the numeric keypad, which is located to the right of the alphabetic keypad.

Attention! Don't forget to activate the "Num LOCK" button.

2) To close the sign:

" - also hold down "Alt" and type "0187".

The only difference is in the codes, the main thing is not to confuse them and then double Christmas trees can be easily printed.

Method 3

This way of writing double triangle quotes is quite simple. Using the “Symbol” function in Word, you insert great amount symbols and the triangular punctuation mark is no exception. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the “Insert” section in the main menu, click on the “Symbol” button and “Other symbols”;
  2. In the “Symbol” pop-up window, specify in the “Set” field - “Additional Latin-1”;
  3. Select the desired double quote and click on “Insert”;
  4. Ready!

Method 4

If you want to surprise others, then this method is definitely for you. Necessary:

  1. Switch to English layout (Shift+Alt);
  2. Type the letters “ab” and press the “Alt” and “X” buttons simultaneously - the result will be an opening character (“);
  3. The closing symbol is placed like this: “bb” and pressing the “Alt” and “X” buttons - as a result () the symbol is ready.

Uppercase single and double quotes “Paws”

Traditional quotation marks in Russian writing are considered to be paired punctuation marks similar to “paws”. If you need to indicate the meaning of a word, a translation from another language, or an excerpt from a quote, use upper and lower commas to help. We’ll look at how to place such signs a little below. There are two ways to make quotation marks with commas in Word:

Option 1: ‘Single feet’

Single 'quote commas' are done as follows:

  1. Place the mouse pointer where you need a single character;
  2. Switch to English letter input (Shift+Alt);
  3. Turn on “Num LOCK”;
  4. Hold “Alt” and enter the numbers (0145) - open the quote, and close (0146). Use the number pad to dial numbers.
  5. The result is in the picture below.

Option 2: “Double”

This can be done in several ways:

Method 1.

You need to know the character code and add just a little manipulation with the key combination. Follow the steps:

  1. Hold down the Alt key and type to open “0147” and close “0148”.
  2. You will get the upper “comma quotes”.

Attention! You need to work with the numeric keyboard, which is located to the right of the alphabetic one.

Method 2.

Let's learn how to insert quotation marks with commas using the letter "E". To do this you need:

  1. Place the mouse cursor in the desired location;
  2. Enable English layout using the combination (Shift+Alt);
  3. Hold "Shift" and click on the letter "E". Clicking the letter “E” again will add a closing quotation mark in the form of commas.
  4. Ready! Compare the result with the picture below.

Option 3. Expanded

There is one more easy way How to make quotation marks with commas in Word. They will only turn out in a position turned away from each other. The symbol will open from the bottom and close from the top. Here's what you need for this.

Many of us are familiar with the concepts of “direct” and “indirect” speech. Some even went through this material more than once. We can easily “turn” sentences from one speech to another. But, for some reason, we often leave the punctuation marks the same as in the Russian sentence. Let's take another look at what we should always remember when using direct speech when writing English sentences.

First of all, note that in English we use different quotation marks than in Russian. In our native language we use herringbone quotation marks (“…”), and in English we use “English double quotes” (“…”) or “English single quotation marks” (‘…’).

Everyone knows that direct speech is always highlighted in quotation marks. True, this is not the only option when we need them. In English, quotation marks are used in three cases:

1) Quotes highlight quotes or direct speech
Walt Disney said, “If you can dream it, you can do it.” (Walt Disney said, “If you dream it, you can do it.”)

3) Quotes in writing show your sarcasm
Were you really "ill"? (Are you really "sick"?)

When using quotation marks in direct speech, we should remember several differences between citations in English and Russian:
✓ Quotes in English are written at the top of the line
✓ At the end of direct speech, ALL punctuation marks are placed inside quotation marks
…cat!” …cat.” …cat?”
✓ There is no colon in direct speech. After words introducing direct speech, a comma is usually placed, and the first word of direct speech is written with a capital letter.
✓ If direct speech opens a sentence, then the comma after it is inside quotation marks
“You are right,” he said.

If you are writing dialogue, keep in mind that each new line must begin on a new line.
“They think it is a good idea,” said John.
“I don’t agree,” I replied.

In English there are several variants of quotation marks - double and single. Double quotes are most often used. Although in the American version in English Single ones are often used. There are situations when both options are used in a sentence. This usually happens with direct speech in direct speech itself. For example, “Didn’t she say “I like cats” when I asked her about her favorite animal?” he thought to himself.

But what punctuation marks should be used when direct speech begins, then is interrupted, and then continues again? Pay attention to the example.

“I love you,” he told her. “I love you very much.”
First, quotation marks open and direct speech occurs. Then the quotes are closed. After affirmative proposal you should open the quotation marks again and continue direct speech. And at the end, of course, close the quotes. Well, don’t forget that the period is placed inside quotation marks.

So, everything seems clear. Well, if something is not clear, then you can always refer to the following examples and remember where to put punctuation marks. Good luck!

He said, “I love cats.”
He asked, “Do you love cats?”
“I love cats!” he shouted.
“I love cats,” he said.
“I love cats”, he said. “And I love you.”

Shutikova Anna

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