Home Roses Full moon and pressure in humans. Full Moon - influence, impact on a person. Beneficial effects of the full moon

Full moon and pressure in humans. Full Moon - influence, impact on a person. Beneficial effects of the full moon

The influence of the moon on humans has long been proven, but a few decades ago people did not have any information and could only make assumptions. Many legends and various superstitions are associated with the satellite of the Earth, which people use to this day.

How does the full moon affect a person?

According to existing statistics, it is on the days of the full moon that the number of crimes, suicides, accidents, quarrels, etc. increases. It is believed that on the full moon you can win the love of the desired person. Astrologers say that the most sensitive to the energy of the moon are Cancers and Pisces. Understanding the topic of why the full moon affects a person, it is important to note that this time creative people because a new grand idea may come to mind. Everything that has to do with creativity on such days passes with a bang. full moon - perfect time for divination on cards, since you can get a really truthful interpretation.

It is also worth understanding how the full moon affects sleep. Many on such days complain of insomnia, but this is exclusively idiosyncrasy. Since ancient times, people believe that a full moon increases the chance to see prophetic dream. In most cases, they are very bright and memorable, and appear closer to the morning. It is recommended to listen to the recommendations received in a dream so that there are no problems.

How does the full moon affect human health:

  • arises headache;
  • weakness appears;
  • escalate existing diseases;
  • there are problems with the stomach, kidneys and heart;
  • vision may deteriorate.

How does the full moon affect women?

Since ancient times, it has been noticed that on such days, the subconscious of the fair sex is activated and intuition awakens. Eat there are many different rituals for beauty, which should be performed exclusively on the full moon, since it is believed that the energy of this day is special and everyone will be realized. Many believe that the moon gives female gender strength and cleanses of negative energy.

How does the full moon affect the health and condition of men?

The representatives of the stronger sex on such days have forces that help to cope with all the accumulated cases. It is noticed that the effect of alcohol on the body increases during the full moon. Given the increase in emotional stress, on such days it is recommended to behave as restrainedly as possible so as not to provoke many problems.

Does the moon affect a person? Some are skeptical about this, others subordinate their lives to the lunar calendar. Who is right?

Remember school geography lessons, where they taught that the tides in the seas and oceans directly depend on the phase of the moon. And a person, as we know, is 80% water, which means that whether we like it or not, the phases of the moon really have a certain effect on us. It is most acute when the Earth's satellite is in the full moon phase.

People have long noticed that emotions are heightened during this period, tides of joy or despair can rush suddenly, and inexorable statistics show that the highest percentage of suicides occurs at this time, as well as the exacerbation of various chronic diseases and especially mental. not without reason human fantasy ascribes increased activity at a time when there is a full moon, all kinds of evil spirits: ghouls, ghouls, werewolves and witches.

"Blood moon" of July 2018. NASA reported that July 27 was the longest moon eclipse over the last 100 years. According to Kyiv time, it took place at 23.21. Photo: REUTERS

Lunar math

The lunar month has four phases: new moon, full moon, waxing and waning moon. The first lunar day marks the beginning of the new moon. At 7-8 lunar day accounts for the first quarter lunar month, full moon from 14 to 17 lunar days. Third quarter - 22 and 23 lunar days. The fourth quarter is the end of the lunar month.

If you decide to analyze your condition in terms of lunar phases better buy moon calendar, in which all days are clearly marked.

What to expect on a full moon?

It is unlikely that on a full moon night a vampire will knock on your window asking you to let you in. Don't expect this. In addition, not everyone is “given” to feel the influence of the luminary in principle, but for those who have such happiness, this happens in different ways. But there is still something in common.

First of all, the nervous system “suffers”, especially in people with a subtle psyche. For many, reflexes become aggravated or change, there is a surge of both positive and negative emotions: fatal doom, desperate joy, inexplicable phobias. Even the most healthy people these days they complain of insomnia.

During the lunar eclipse-2018, there was almost 100% alignment of the center of the moon and the center of the earth's shadow. At the time of the eclipse, the Moon, Earth and Sun were on the same line, while the planet was located between the Sun and the Moon and obscured its natural satellite from sunlight. Photo: IAA RAS

But not only on mental processes And emotional condition the moon can influence. Numerous experiments (known since the time of Hippocrates) prove that during the full moon, the metabolic rate in body, it negatively affects the state of the blood, which is explained by the acceleration of biochemical processes. The conclusion is simple: these days it is better not to prescribe operations. Firstly, bleeding occurs more often, which is difficult to stop, and secondly, the healing process will take place more long time. But the cleansing of the body these days will be as effective as possible.

It is hard to experience the full moon for people with a sick heart and hypertensive patients: the stable work of the heart is disturbed, and the amount of fluid in the tissues increases.

The risk of gastrointestinal diseases and poisoning also increases, which is explained by the activation of the vital activity of various viruses and microbes. In addition, experts note medications at this time, less effective, increases the risk of side effects.

"Blood Moon" July 2018. Photo: IAA RAS

Moon-moon, love-love...

There is one more interesting feature full moon: at this time, the passage of a mature egg through the fallopian tubes and its entry into the uterus is accelerated, that is, in those few days when the full moon is standing, the possibility of conception increases many times over. This state of the body is reinforced by an increased attraction to opposite sex, so be on the lookout, those who are protected from unwanted pregnancies, and catch these days, those who seek to conceive.

Is it possible to protect yourself from the full moon?

Do not rely on chance and do not be a fatalist, attributing all problems to the luminary, a lot depends on you, your behavior during this period.

It is better not to drink alcohol at this time: the psyche reacts sharply to everything, and defense mechanisms bodies go down. Even if you are invited to an important event and you can’t “not take a sip”, limit yourself, for example, to a glass of wine.

Spare your psyche and do not burden it additionally with watching horror films, crime news, and for some especially sensitive and emotional natures, ordinary ones are enough to get stressed. Temporarily give up such dubious pleasure - take care of yourself.

The same can be said about communication with people unpleasant to you: if you can’t refuse it completely, try to reduce stressful communication to a minimum.

Questions from readers

October 18, 2013, 17:25

Good afternoon. My baby is 3 months and 2 weeks old, and our colic does not go away, he hasn’t been sleeping for the third night, he’s been screaming for the same amount of time, putting a gas outlet tube on him, air comes out with feces, but he himself hasn’t pooped yet. We were advised to drink Riabal, I gave it to him, he vomited everything. He has a constant temp. 37, 37.1. They did an ultrasound, there is no pressure, but there is flatulence. And sometimes he poops greens, and there are undigested elements of milk. Maybe you should feed your baby? Tell me what to do and if you introduce pikorm, then what? Thank you in advance.

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And in the full moon there is happiness

An interesting situation with the 13th 15th lunar days . The first of them is considered one of the most unfavorable and even life-threatening, but at the same time it is the best day of the month in order to resolve or somehow smooth out family conflicts.

And the 15th, about which they say that it is the most conflicting and deceptive, promises a speedy recovery to all those who fall ill on this day.

Keep the situation under control and you will be able to benefit from this state of the month. It has been observed, for example, that these days the best way those things that require a “special” approach to people are successful. When you need to ask for something, demand something - ask, demand - find the right tone and you will not be refused.

The question of how the full moon affects people has been of concern to mankind for many centuries. In the old days, the full moon was believed to give strength to werewolves, vampires, and other fantastic creatures.

But is it really so? What happens to us on a full moon? Let's try to understand in more detail the question of how the full moon affects a person.

The effect of the full moon on women

The moon hiding behind the clouds or shining brightly in the sky is a factor that has a huge impact on human emotions and well-being. Most of all, this luminary affects women - it is not for nothing that it is the personification of the feminine.

During a full moon, the moon is at a 180-degree angle to the sun. Simply put, two planets are located on opposite sides of each other. That is why during this period women experience some kind of confrontation between soul and body. Doctors know best how the full moon affects women, because these days ladies often turn to them, complaining of malaise.

On the full moon, ladies have problems with:

  • stomach
  • kidneys;
  • heart;
  • vision.

If you are a creative lady, on the full moon your subconscious will definitely activate. In addition, sexuality awakens during this period. People say that on a full moon, you can easily win the heart of a person you have feelings for.

In ancient times, healers and healers taught women how to use lunar energy to maintain beauty and health. They said that swimming in a river or lake on a full moon, when the water surface reflects the white apple of the luminary, allows you to recharge your batteries and restore spiritual harmony.

The moon gives women strength, cleanses them. But if the luminary hides behind the clouds, night bathing must be completed, because otherwise it will give a negative effect.

How the full moon affects men

Most gentlemen are affected by the new moon. But a lot is also known about how the full moon affects men. On the full moon, their energy and feelings reach their maximum rise. Representatives of the strong half of humanity during this period can do what they previously lacked the strength to do.

However, an increase in emotionality has Negative consequences. So, on the full moon, the number of accidents, including those involving men, is becoming more frequent. These days, the impact on the body of alcohol increases, which leads to the commission of unpredictable acts.

The influence of the full moon on a person has not yet been studied by psychologists or researchers. unusual phenomena. There is no doubt that people feel the influence of this phenomenon, but what are the reasons. Why the full moon from time immemorial has been associated with the appearance of evil spirits and its revelry also remains a mystery. Many people face these questions, but they can not always find the answer to them.

The mystical influence of the full moon In ancient times, people tried to protect themselves from any evil spirits and were afraid of its appearance. Especially often its revelry occurs during the full moon. It is for this reason that people tried to come up with all sorts of amulets for themselves, their families and housing. Many religions and practices offer this day to purify not only the flesh, but also the soul.

During the full moon, prayers and mantras are recited to help find true path in life. At this time, only an ascetic way of life can contribute to the preservation of the soul. Not only religions offer protection to believers, witch schools are on the alert, and devilry. The Sabbat of witches and rampant evil spirits takes place precisely during the period of the full moon, when everything around takes on a different form and special meaning.

The influence of the full moon on the fates The influence of the full moon on the fates of saints is independent of religions and life path noted in religious books and eyewitness accounts. It was during such a period that the great Buddha was born, received enlightenment and plunged into Nirvana. On the new moon, Jesus Christ resurrected and left the mortal earth, ascending to his father. Prophet Muhammad was born and died on a full moon. All these facts indicate that the Moon has a great influence on the fate of great people, saints, and even the children of God cannot escape its influence.

The influence of the full moon on a person

Everyone, at least once in their life, experienced the direct influence of the moon on their mental condition and well-being. During the full moon, according to statistics, the number of murders and suicides increases, people quarrel and come into conflict, there are different kind disasters and accidents. There is an opinion that more children are born on the full moon, people are more likely to experience sexual attraction, especially sensitive and emotional ones begin to experience insomnia. Strange things happen to sleepwalkers, who are very keenly aware of given period. The full moon passes in several days - this is one day before, one day after and the moment of the full moon itself. The human nervous system becomes unbalanced and can fail. People often break down, can develop violent activities, experience a feeling of dissatisfaction and longing. Not only a person feels out of place, but also animals. Many have seen dogs or wolves howl longingly at the full moon. This fact is captured in many literary works.

What can not be done on a full moon?

To avoid problems in life, some things should not be done on days full moon.

First of all, you can not make responsible decisions. An unstable mental state of a person can play an unkind service, so all important things can be postponed for three days until everything falls into place. You can't go bareheaded on a full moon. There are several reasons for this. First, hair is the most powerful trap of energy from space. And the influence of the full moon on energy can be detrimental. Secondly, lunar rays can act on the mental state. You can not sleep in the direct light of the moon. On the night of the full moon, it is recommended that the curtains be closed as tightly as possible. Perhaps the stereotype about the influence of the planet on human sleep is very exaggerated, and scientists cannot find evidence. this fact, but centuries-old observations say otherwise. In this regard, it is best to heed the advice.

It is necessary to beware of taking drugs, especially those with strong impact on nervous system. The following pattern was revealed, all drugs act several times stronger.

Beneficial effect of the full moon.

Do not think that the Moon in its full phase can only have a detrimental effect on the human body. Doctors have found that the most complex heart surgeries performed on the full moon are more successful and the recovery process is faster than other patients. This amazing phenomenon called the Transylvania effect. Interested in this fact, medical scientists began a study. It has been found that in people suffering from heart disease, seizures during the full moon are much less frequent than at all other times.

The influence of the full moon on things.

Not only animals and people experience the effects of the moon in the full phase, but also objects. If the new blade is opened and placed under a straight line Moonlight, then the next morning it becomes completely unusable. Nobody knows the answer to this riddle, but the fact remains. The influence of the full moon on a person and everything around him is indisputable, you just need to be more careful in order to identify these patterns.

It has long been established that the Moon, which is not so far from our planet, inexplicably affects the life of its inhabitants. Depending on the stage of growth or decline, the well-being, mood and working capacity of people, the behavior of animals, and the growth rate of plants change. There is a theory according to which the Moon emits some kind of energy, which, due to its proximity to the Earth, affects our habitat. Let's take a closer look at what are the features of the influence of a particular lunar stage on a person.

How does the full moon affect people?

From numerous films about ghouls, werewolves and other evil spirits, we firmly learned that the most disastrous time is the period of the full moon. And as it shows real life, this is not just an invention of filmmakers. If you read the police reports, it turns out that it is during the full moon that the majority of crimes related to causing physical harm to other people, as well as traffic accidents, are committed. It is during such periods that people most often quarrel, part, but also often confess their love.

The full moon affects human body at the following levels:

1. Mentally-emotional.
A person during this period is characterized by anxiety, greater than ever. He can suddenly become discouraged, worry without visible reasons. Sharper perceived unflattering words and barbs spoken in his address. Negative emotions are more difficult to control, annoyance can instantly turn into a state of unrestrained rage.

Adventurism these days can lead to rash and even life-threatening actions. Yes, and dreams become disturbing, which does not allow you to hide from emotional instability even in the kingdom of Morpheus.

2. Physical.
May aggravate or cause problems in the area gastrointestinal tract. Arterial pressure loses stability and jumps. Drinking alcohol or drugs leads to more pronounced consequences. This is also due to the fact that the liquid during the full moon is longer removed from the tissues. Sexual attraction is aggravated, which is why many crimes related to violation of sexual integrity are committed on the full moon. Due to increased emotionality, the tendency to tearfulness also increases. Women get migraines, men get headaches inexplicable nature, sleep is disturbed, and this increases fatigue.

In order not to aggravate the situation in such difficult period try to fill your life with pleasant events. Don't worry unnecessarily, avoid watching scary movies and reading similar books. Create a pleasant, calm environment around you, and then the full moon will not be dangerous for you.

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