Home Flowers Purulent and oxymiron when. New king. Why Gnoyny defeated Oksimiron. Why Oksimiron is considered the king of the Russian rap battle

Purulent and oxymiron when. New king. Why Gnoyny defeated Oksimiron. Why Oksimiron is considered the king of the Russian rap battle

The most awaited rap battle took place August 6, 2017 in St. Petersburg in the bar "1703", where in the format Versus Oksimiron and Purulent made, as the first one later said, a historic battle. Famous hip-hop artist Oksimiron in the battle he represented the rap platform Versus, and the lesser-known battle rapper at that time Purulent (also has lyrical pseudonyms: Slava CPSU, Vyacheslav Karelin, Buter Brodsky, Sonya Marmeladova and so on) participated from #SlovoSpb.

On the night of August 14, the release of the Versus battle of Oksimiron and Gnoyny was posted on official YouTube channel. The video immediately became popular, and views exceeded a million within a few days.

Glory to the CPSU and Oksimiron battle

Many immediately became interested in the question: Who won Oksimiron vs Gnoyny? The fight ended in favor of the latter, where the judges unanimously (with a score of 5 - 0) awarded him victory. Some viewers, after watching, expressed disagreement with the results and could not accept the fact that Oksimiron lost battle Purulent justifying his position by the fact that Myron showed himself more creatively and culturally. If you missed it, you can watch the video below. Who do you think won and who would you give your vote to or, as Slava said on his streams, simpa? Write in the comments.

How it all started

The rapper Oksimiron, who has never lost in a single battle, and Gnoyny, dedicated to battle rap, their battle became known about a year ago, where the former responded to the defiant performance of the latter on Twitter by promising to “cool the ardor” of his opponent.

After which, in the summer of 2017 (August 6), the battle took place. It’s fair to say that Karelin constantly tried to hook Oxxxymiron, whether it was this song track, broadcast on a YouTube channel, or directly in a battle with another opponent.

Download Glory to the CPSU - I Dream (Diss on Oksimiron). (If the file does not download immediately, you should right-click -> "Save As")

Who has won?

It was written at the beginning of the article about who won the battle Oksimiron or Gnoyny, but it’s worth mentioning a few interesting points and facts:
1. The results of the fight were leaked immediately after the battle, but Miron’s fans did not believe in his defeat until the very end.
2. Oksimiron has never lost in rap battles before.
3. Interest in the personality of the rapper Gnoyny has grown sharply due to the past battle and his victory.
4. All five judges gave their vote to Gnoyny.
5. Among the panel of judges there were such personalities as: BadComedian, DJ BASSBOOST, Ruslan Bely, Lokos, Dmitry Egorov aka Gaboon Viper
6. Views of the rap battle Oxxxymiron and Gnoyny have already exceeded 20 million.
7. All the popular broggers are now discussing this, commenting, praising and criticizing it. We will also consider and take their opinion into account below.


A rap battle is not an easy task and a stressful state is guaranteed, and at the same time, fans are waiting for the reaction of the participants in the battle themselves. How do they feel after the “event” that happened, do they consider themselves losers or even winners, and so on. The fans waited, the fans got it.


Purulent (aka Glory to the CPSU):

The day before the video of the battle was released on the official YouTube channel of Versus, Gnoyny posted a mocking track online using the pseudonym Valentin Dyadka - Cool Off My Fervor

(If the file does not download immediately, you should right-click -> "Save As")

This summer, the most anticipated Versus battle in history will take place in St. Petersburg: Russian rap superstar Oksimiron will go up against Gnoyny, a man from the St. Petersburg underground. Pavel Gorodnitsky collected all the layouts before the epic battle.

It all started in July 2016, when they uploaded to YouTube battle Ernesto Shut up against Purulent. Ernesto floridly insulted his opponent, and he made specific gestures, throwing both facts and outright dirt at the Versus representative.

One of the strong points in Gnoyny’s speech was the thesis that Ernesto is a long-time fan of Oksimiron. To show how insignificant the rapper with an Oxford diploma is, Gnoyny called him a hype-hungry pig, and then emphasized that Miron Fedorov had never battled on the main stage in Russia.

Oksimiron unexpectedly reacted to Gnoyny’s provocation on Twitter. Firstly, the king of the Russian battle scene admitted that Slava Karelin tore Ernesto (2:1 in rounds), and secondly, he challenged the Slovo SPb resident to a fight in the summer of 2017.

Since then, almost 11 months ago, this hypothetical battle has remained the most discussed and anticipated event in rap culture.

The most surprising thing is that nothing is really known about the meeting between Myron and Gnoyny. The organizers of the battle assure that negotiations are going extremely slowly, but the battle will still not take place later autumn this year. There is no other information: Versus bosses traditionally know how to keep secrets.

So that the wait for the battle is not too dull, we have analyzed the advantages and weak spots both participants.

Why will Oxxxymiron win?

Miron and Gnoyny are personalities of completely different scales: their fight can be compared to the August fight between Floyd Mayweather and Conor McGregor, which will be held according to boxing rules. Conor has very little chance - just like Gnoyny.

1. Oksimiron can easily break down the enemy into facts. In the fall, the 32-year-old rapper will gather “Olympic” in Moscow and “Ice” in St. Petersburg, and Gnoyny is not able to fill even the thousandth club “Waiting Room”.

Oxy has tours around Europe, Slava Karelin has performances in tiny taverns in the Russian provinces. Miron makes money from sales on iTunes, and Gnoyny is probably surprised when anyone buys his track.

As artists they are incommensurable, and Miron Yanovich will almost certainly emphasize this, emphasizing the creative insignificance of his opponent.

In this regard, Oksimiron was greatly helped by the winner of Slovo SPb Seymour, who told how Gnoyny humiliates his friends behind their backs and is seriously considering the offer to battle for 10 thousand rubles.

“This is not a battle, my friend, but a lifeline that I throw to you as a performer,” Oxy’s quote, which he blurted out in Johnnyboy’s face, can again become relevant.

2. Myron has already walked the entire path of Purulent. He was also an unknown artist, he also recorded diss songs on famous performers and I was also proud when more than 100 people came to the concerts. An experienced butler examines the baby - in the battle with Purulent Oxy he will put pressure on this callus. Karelin will have nothing to surprise his opponent - he also knows very well what the underground is.

3. Miron Yanovich will consult with doctors on issues of split personality. Strictly speaking, Gnoyny has a clinical case: he performs and battles under a variety of nicknames.

Sonya Marmeladova, Slava CPSU, Buter Brodsky, Valentin Dyadka, Bird Ash - all this is one person, Slava Karelin. Oksimiron, who in his youth chose a sonorous nickname and never changed it, will have plenty of reasons to troll Gnoyny about stereogamous schizophrenia.

But the main thing: there is a chance that Oxy will tell you about his medical history right at the battle. It’s worth recalling here that Fedorov was expelled from Oxford with a diagnosis of “manic depression” (you can listen to this period of his life in the track “Spontaneous Combustion,” but everything is abstract there).

A touching autobiographical piece is a powerful argument for the judges, who will not be embarrassed that Oxy will read about himself and not about his opponent.

4. Oxy will punish Purulent for fertility. New, passing tracks appear on Karelin’s page every week - it’s felt that the guy is trying with all his might to express himself and attract the attention of the audience.

Fedorov chose polar tactics: minimum action, maximum hype. He does not give interviews, does not battle, and does not attend other people’s battles. He doesn’t release new tracks and videos, even his Instagram and Twitter are almost never updated.

In a word, Oxy in every possible way prevents the opponent from collecting incriminating evidence for the battle, and at the same time in Once again demonstrates his greatness: when Miron simply appeared on stage during the Kyiv Thomas Mraz, all rap publications wrote about it. Gnoinny is still far from such influence.

Why will Gnoiny win?

Words" meeting with Oxy is a chance to break through to large venues and make people listen to tracks, and not just performances at battles.

Now let's talk about the benefits of Purulent.

1. Slava has no moral boundaries at all. He can make cruel jokes about child mortality in Rwanda, disability and other things that will evoke a strange mixture of fear, anger and admiration in viewers.

Karelin is unlikely to focus the entire battle on the facts - rather, he will crush Oksimiron with unsubstantiated punchlines. Purulent will seem to hint: don’t look at the fact that I myself have not achieved anything, it’s better to listen to what I say. And people will listen to him and gradually understand.

For example, on 2x2 blitz battle against Zamai Slava issued the following line: “Maine, you are approaching 30, and in Bishkek there is still no street with your name.”

It is clear that this is complete nonsense, but Gnoyny pronounced the phrase as if the absence of a street named after Zamai was the main failure in his opponent’s career. It will be much more difficult to pull off a similar trick with Oxy, but Slava had a year to prepare - he should be able to cope.

2. Karelin is not inferior to Miron in technique. This may sound blasphemous, but Slava has really developed a strong flow - his speech during accelerations does not sound like an exercise in diction.

At one time, Oxy amazed the crowd by showing Johnnyboy how real MCs read grime. But Gnoyny is not surprised by this - he himself understands grime no worse than Fedorov.

Moreover, the leader of “Slovo” is Miron’s most technical and versatile opponent since 2013, because Kripple, Dunya and ST read poetry, and Johnnyboy spewed rap with vocal elements (it turned out monstrous).

The question arises very acutely: who will reread whom?

There are no guarantees that the character for whom the crowded Olympic Stadium is waiting will become triumphant.

3. Purulent in excellent battle form. During the year he took part in two battles to the beat - against Ricky F ( 20 million views, a clear victory for Slava) and against the Cheney/MickeyMouse pair as part of the “Tear on the Bits” project.

In addition, Karelin regularly goes to St. Petersburg battles - he was seen in “1703” at the semi-finals of Versus Fresh Blood, and in the close club “Griboyedov” at 140 BPM Battle.

Miron, in turn, has been busy all year - first with his own tour, then with the affairs of the booking agency, where he is the general director. This does not mean that Oxy has weakened and lost his skills. This only means that it will not be easy for Fedorov to destroy a man who is all recent months I was diligently preparing for the main event in my life.

4. Karelin is a very versatile MC. There is a wonderful story about this. Having lost to Oksimiron 0:3, ST came to Basta, and Vasily explained what Alexander Stepanov had done wrong. ST took the bait of his opponent - he tried to teach him about life, and in the end, the more cunning and far-sighted Oxy showed himself to be a professor in their battle. Basta believes that the only winning tactic against the undefeated Miron Yanovich is to praise the enemy, positively reviewing all his work.

Gnoyny is a person who can perfectly cope with this mission. Three rounds can be radically different in style: in one - dug up facts, in the other - trash and frenzy, in the third - that same sincere respect that will inevitably lower the degree of the entire confrontation. This outcome, of course, plays into Slava’s hands, because Myron will definitely teach him about life and fight seriously.

5. Behind Gnoiny is the Antihype association. One might think that supporting Zamai is a weak argument, but it is not.

Firstly, in addition to Zamai, Antihype has Booker (Fresh Blood finalist), XXOS (Fresh Blood winner) and Fallen MC (author of the legendary round about toilet snitches) - these people can help with the text and texture.

Secondly, Antihype has loyal fans - they will greet each punchline of Slava Karelin with applause. Frightening silence, as in the battles of ST and Johnnyboy, will definitely not happen: Gnoyny will not feel at all that he is visiting the icon of “Versus”.

What is the main intrigue?

for fun" - he will make his friends laugh, but he will lose the fight outright.

Then Slava will say that he was lazy to waste time on some Oksimiron, but these ridiculous theses will sound even worse than banal excuses.

Why should you root for Gnoyny?

Having destroyed the image of Slava, Oxy can easily say: “That’s it, guys, we fought, and that’s enough. I’ll be 33 soon, I’m leaving the project, it was nice to see you. No need to call me - I proved everything to everyone. Goodbye.” This is how the career of the brightest Russian-speaking battle MC will end.

To prevent this from happening, Myron needs a challenge. This challenge is a defeat from Gnoyny: if Karelin pushes himself to the limit and surpasses Oxy, he will definitely return for the crown and give us at least one more enchanting show.

Today we will tell you all the details of such an epic event as the battle Oxymoron vs Purulent. There are many rumors and intrigues surrounding this event, and some are even conducting their own investigations. Yes, however, this is not at all surprising, because many were waiting for this day.

Purulent(Sonya Marmeladova and Slava CPSU)

Let's start with the fact that the event took place August 6 this year in St. Petersburg, and made a lot of noise. The gathering brought together true connoisseurs of rap who understand this musical direction better than others. Of course, no one wanted to miss such an important event. And even though this event was supposedly kept secret, you can’t hide a sew in a bag.

A series of joint rap battles Versus And Slovospb attracted the attention of a large public, because within the framework of the project a verbal battle was supposed to take place between two popular rappers, each of whom was confident of his victory. Thus, four competitions were held as part of the event, but the most popular and expected was the duel between Oxxxymiron and Gnoyny (Sonya Marmeladova and Slava CPSU).


5 days before the legendary battle between Purulent and Oxymoron took place, the latter shared a trailer on his page on the social network Instagram movie Bodied . The film is dedicated to rap battles, and it was produced by Eminem himself! It is worth noting that on main role Disaster was approved. If anyone doesn’t know, this guy is the best English-speaking battle MC. Oxy left a comment under the video in which he stated that Disaster would become his opponent in the future. A strange statement.

On June 18, Gnoyny, aka Slava CPSU, aka Sonya Marmeladova, released a “diss” (philippic) against Sergei Shnurov. In his video, he accused Shnur of treason and betrayal of his wife Matilda. The rapper's video became number one in Russian YouTube trends within 24 hours.

Almost a year has passed since the battle between Gnoyny and Oksimiron, which blew up the Russian media space last summer. The video of their “versus” received 35 million views, and it seemed like everyone was talking about the culture of rap battles. Since then, attention to them has diminished. RTVI tracked what the rappers were doing all this time and what is happening with battle rap now.


In the new clip, Gnoyny openly insults Shnurov, who recently separated with his wife, calls him a “pathetic, lonely old man.” Shnurov has not yet responded to Gnoyny’s video. In response to RTVI’s request, the musician’s director said that he “does not give comments over the phone or in any way.”

Despite the fact that the movement to which Gnoyny considers himself is called “anti-hype,” he, of course, took full advantage of the hype after his victory over Oksimiron. Just two months after the battle, he became a member of the jury of the “Success” show on the STS TV channel, where he was remembered primarily for his shocking behavior. In an interview with Meduza, the rapper said that he agreed to participate in the show for the sake of money: he wants to earn money for an apartment.

In April 2018, Gnoyny released his ninth album entitled “Adult Dance Music”. Critics gave the album mixed reviews. “The main elements of the new album are ubiquitous and terribly monotonous house beats and a pronounced criminal slant,” wrote Kanobu, a portal about modern entertainment. And after the release of this album, the Click or Die portal asked Oksimiron to return to save Russian rap.

In addition to the album, Gnoyny released several videos: “Vladimir Putin” and “Boy Flex”.

He also appeared in the video of his colleague on the show Philip Kirkorov “The Color of Mood is Blue.” The video has 35 million views on YouTube. In his Twitter shortly before this, Gnoyny included Kirkorov under the name “Phil” in Antihype.


After the battle with Purulent Oksimiron went to Los Angeles. There, at the King of the Dot site, a rap battle took place on English language between Oksimiron and Dizaster. Although there were no official judges, Dizaster and the majority of the audience recognized Oksimiron’s victory. It is curious that all the major Russian media, including the largest news agencies, and at the same time it was not reported American editions, including even the city newspaper The Los Angeles Times.

The rapper's last album, Gorgorod, was released in 2015. There have been no new records since then, but Oksimiron has released several singles: “Bipolarochka”, Fata Morgana (with Markul), “Gorsvet” (with Loqiemean), “Stereocoma” (with Thomas Mraz) and Tabasco (with Porchy).

Rapper Oksimiron lost in a battle to rapper Gnoyny. Although there is no video recording of the fight yet, this event became one of the main topics of the day: the results of the rap battle were even covered by central television channels. On Twitter, opinions were divided. Some are happy that Oksimiron’s authority has been undermined, some are indignant, and others are perplexed why a rap battle is even important.

On August 6, a series of battles took place at the St. Petersburg Opera Concert Club, where participants from the Versus and SlovoSPB leagues met. The most anticipated battle of 2017 took place there - Oksimiron vs. Purulent, reports the portal about rap culture The Flow.

For those who are not entirely familiar with the culture of rap battles, let us explain: this is a duel where performers take turns rapping over several rounds. At the same time, they hurt each other in every possible way with the help of phrases that should humiliate the enemy and evoke the approval of the audience. The weapons of the participants are the word; physical contact between opponents is prohibited. Rappers usually prepare the text for a battle in advance and memorize it by heart.

The duel between the rappers was scheduled a year ago. At last year’s series of battles in one of the rounds, Gnoyny mentioned Oksimiron:

And what about your **** Oxxxymiron? What is the opinion of this messiah worth?
If he says he likes cool battles,
But you’ve never been to the best battleground in Russia?
What does the opinion of this hype-hungry pig mean?
If he says he loves cool battles, but has never fought with a battle MC?
ST, Johnyboy, Dunya. Oksana fan, listen up: I’m here to teach Hebrew.
The phrase “When it’s beneficial for me” is translated as “When I can’t fuck.”

Oksimiron, who, by the way, participated in a battle against Johnyboy on Versus, reacted to the statement of a potential opponent and challenged him to a battle. Accepted the purulent challenge.

A year later the battle took place. Usually, the organizers post videos from battles on the Internet a few days later, so as not to immediately spoil the results. For now, you can see small, not too legible fragments on Instagram.

The first serious spoiler appeared on MDK's Twitter. And the Internet is inclined to believe the public, although it was quite surprised by this outcome. Oksimiron - famous rapper, who will have a concert at the Olimpiysky in early November. Gnoyny first drew attention just last year, when he, in fact, was challenged to a battle by Oksimiron, reports The Flow. That is why fans were so looking forward to this battle and that is why its result was so unexpected.

The reaction to Gnoyny's victory on Twitter turned out to be contradictory. Some were glad that Oksimiron was finally overthrown, others still cannot believe what happened.

However, not everyone was so interested in the rap agenda. Some were rather surprised that such news could seriously worry anyone.

But it seems that the battle between Oksimiron and Gnoyny was really very important. Because even central television channels, which usually do not pay attention to such events, reported its results. Twitter was surprised at this turn of events.

Rapper Oksimiron has not yet commented on the outcome of the battle, but Gnoyny was laconic.

Gnoiny managed to defeat Oksimiron in a serious battle, but there were more serious problems in his life. Medialeaks has already written about how.

Versus rap battles are very popular, but not every one of them is successful. Recently, a battle between blogger Dmitry Larin and rapper Eldar Dzharakhov was a complete failure. He gave the Internet a couple of throwaway memes like , but the video from the event became one of the most popular on the Versus channel.

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