Home Potato Group topless group composition. The topless producer disbanded the band's old line-up. And, as always, surprise once again ...

Group topless group composition. The topless producer disbanded the band's old line-up. And, as always, surprise once again ...

Looking at the photo, you will understand why the lucky ones live here.

1. Costa Rica
There is no army in this country, the average life expectancy here is 79.3 years, and the inhabitants are surrounded by such beautiful nature that it simply cannot but cheer up.

Instead of a five-month long winter, beaches, rainforests and great weather await you most of the time.

2. Norway
Norway has one of the highest levels of GDP per capita per year - about $ 54,947. Norwegians rank second in the world in terms of satisfaction with life. 95% of residents say they are happy to have the freedom to choose how to arrange their lives.

According to the World Values ​​Survey, 74% of Norwegians believe other people can be trusted. For example, in Russia this indicator of trust is only 27%. What can you say here?

Trusting people is wonderful, it's good to live in a country where you can afford it.

3. Denmark
Denmark supports parents and young families by extending paid parental leave. Danish citizens receive medical care free of charge, they have total gender equality in every area, cycling is widespread, and citizens have a sense of responsibility towards each other.

This seems to be a collection of unrelated factors. Nevertheless, they mean a lot for the well-being of people - equality, freedom and responsibility, physical activity and help from the state.

4. Vietnam
This rapidly developing country has become one of the most famous tourist destinations in the last 20 years. Vietnamese citizens are happy with what they have and the overall level of satisfaction across the country is quite high.

Picturesque beaches, delicious food and friendly locals are just a small part of the delights of Vietnam.

5. Canada
Canada has a long life expectancy, high incomes and strong social connections.

And also - the sphere of education is very developed here.

6. Colombia
Colombia has a wonderful diverse nature of several climatic zones: mountainous climate and rainforests, savannah and desert.

Colombian coffee will win your heart, and colorful national holidays will never leave you bored.

7. Netherlands
There are excellent working conditions and a high level of security in the labor sphere.

At the same time, the Dutch know how to find a balance between work and life, due to which their life satisfaction rate is quite high: it reaches 9 points according to Bloomberg.com.

8. Belize
Living surrounded by the world's largest barrier reef, living a relaxed Caribbean lifestyle and enjoying a mild climate all year round is what awaits you in Belize.

In addition, several cultures coexist quite peacefully and harmoniously in this country.

If after moving you plan to do business, choose Sweden. According to Forbes, this Scandinavian country has a lot of freedom and opportunities for entrepreneurship.

Startups are relatively cheap, and a high degree of interpersonal trust and a culture based on individualism only raise the level of happiness in the country. Paradise for entrepreneurs!

10. El Salvador
This country is overshadowed by popular tourist destinations in Guatemala and Mexico, but its people are quite happy with what they have.

El Salvador has friendly neighbors, delicious food and beautiful beaches not crowded with tourists. They lead a relaxed life, and the fact that El Salvador is not very popular with Americans and Europeans leaves good business opportunities.

You choose where to live, and most importantly - how. If you feel that you would like to try to be in a different reality, in a different country - why not?

This is an invaluable life experience, and it is precisely in the acquisition of various experiences that the meaning of our life lies. Everyone chooses for himself, as you know.

In Switzerland there are rich people, in Germany they are disciplined, and in Iceland they are healthy. Where do the happiest people in the world live? We tried to find out this issue and here's what we found.


According to opinion polls, 82% of the population in Denmark feel completely satisfied and happy, only 17% experience problems and only 1% of those surveyed suffer and are dissatisfied with life.

And there is an explanation for this: Danes receive medical care free of charge, gender equality flourishes, and the state helps parents by extending paid parental leave. Plus, there is a favorable economic situation, a low level of corruption and the absence of natural disasters. And the Danish secret of happiness lies in small requirements: the population of this country is mostly satisfied with what they have.


In another northern European country, almost 95% of the population says they are happy. Why not? Norway has one of the highest rates of GDP per capita per year. In addition, 74% of Norwegians trust other people and do not feel anxiety.

The inflation and unemployment rate in the country is very low, but the salary level is one of the highest in the world - for example, the average monthly salary is 3950 euros. It's safe in Norway: here you can safely walk the streets at night and back streets during the day. The local population breathes clean air and drinks tap water, plays sports and drives on quality roads. Isn't it heaven?

Costa Rica

Endless beaches, pink sunsets, rainforests and gentle weather - this is Costa Rica. Pura vida (life is beautiful) is what the locals love to say. Still - here any person feels one with nature, and the local landscapes are so beautiful that it is simply impossible to be angry, sad or worried. This is probably why the average life expectancy in Costa Rica is 79.3 years.

And yet there is no army and polluted megacities, but there are many nature reserves and national parks, cozy villages and eco-farms. Grace and nothing else.


Among Asian countries, the highest Happy Planet Index is registered in Vietnam. Over the past decades, this country has made a huge leap in development and has become one of the most popular among tourists from all over the world.

Local residents are quite happy with their lives, so the overall level of satisfaction is very high. And it's easy to see: Vietnamese are friendly and open, they just don't know how to get angry!


Holland became famous as the country of legal drugs, prostitutes and tulips. And the Dutch themselves are not against such an image: there is more flow of adventurers, which means more money flows into the country. It is very clean here, and the local population will give odds to the Germans in pedantry and accuracy. Civic awareness is high, everyone is responsible not only for himself, but also for his home, street and country.

High salaries and excellent working conditions, however, do not make the Dutch a workaholic. They know how to balance work and play, which is why the life satisfaction rate is 9 out of 10 according to Bloomberg.com.


Canada is one of the happiest big countries. People here are realists, so they rarely complain about life. Still: incomes are stable and high, a reliable social component, a long life expectancy and a good environment.

The degree of satisfaction increases with distance from large cities: for example, in Toronto, only a third of the population rated their level of happiness at 9-10 points, but in Sudbury (a small town in the province of Ontario), this is already 45% of the population.


All we know about this country is that there is excellent coffee. But there are other reasons for joy here: warm climate, diverse nature, colorful national holidays. And although the local population does not live well, about 85% of the respondents nevertheless feel happiness here. Colombians are fatalists and love their country.

Until recently, Colombia was not considered the quietest place on earth, but recently it has become quieter and quieter here. Tourism is developing, the social component is improving, and the government is actively fighting crime. Maybe Colombia will soon top the list of the happiest countries in the world?

New Zealand

The beautiful landscapes of New Zealand attract not only directors from Hollywood. People come here for a happy share - it's not for nothing that in 2016 this country bypassed its neighbor Australia in terms of happiness.

New Zealanders feel protected, social support from the state is extremely developed here. In addition, the local population from childhood is accustomed to an active lifestyle and sports, and therefore the average life expectancy is 83 years. And yet - the people of New Zealand are complacent and benevolent towards each other.


And again the European North. This country is famous for one of the best education systems in the world. Teachers here are required to have a master's degree, and in schools they pay attention not so much to theory as to practice. It is not surprising that specialists here have a high level of knowledge and equally high salaries.

Another feature of Finland is the insignificant difference in the standard of living of the inhabitants, here everyone is equal. The low level of Finnish corruption, high-quality medical services, love of art - all the conditions for a happy life.


And Sweden closes the top ten of the happiest countries. 88% of local residents can say with confidence about their happiness.

This is a business paradise. There are many opportunities and conditions for entrepreneurs here, so the number of startups and start-ups is very large. A prosperous and stable Swedish economy minimizes the risks of long-term investments. Also, Sweden has a high level of education and social protection, excellent ecology and low level of corruption.

This is what the top ten happiest countries in the world look like. And if you're still looking for a place to live, you can visit the places on the list and see what's what. But in reality, happiness does not depend on geography. Be free, active, enjoy life, and happiness will be with you anywhere in the world!

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According to this year's data, Norway is the happiest country, overtaking Denmark in first place in the survey for the study of happiness. It would seem that such an ephemeral substance as happiness can not only be assessed, but also measured by a number of completely accurate parameters.

The oil-rich and fjord-rich country ranked first in the 2017 UN Happiness in the World report, up from fourth in last year's rankings.

The top ten includes 7 European states, including 5 Scandinavian countries.

“Norway climbed to the top of the rankings despite falling oil prices,” the report says. "It is sometimes said that Norway maintains and maintains its high bar of happiness, not because of its oil wealth, but despite it."

And there is a reasonable explanation for this: “By choosing not the fastest rates in the oil production process, Norway prefers to invest the funds received in the future, rather than spend them in the present. In this way, Norway has protected itself from the volatility of rising and falling prices that plagues many other resource-rich countries. Successful accomplishment of tasks requires a high level of mutual trust, common goals, generosity and good governance - that is, all factors that help to maintain the position of Norway and several other countries in the ranking of happiness. "

Sub-Saharan Africa, along with Syria and Yemen, are considered the least fortunate of 155 countries studied by the authors of the report. Countries have been ranked for healthy life expectancy, freedom of choice, employment opportunities, social security, and lack of government and business corruption, making it the fifth annual report on happiness published by the United Nations.

What makes countries happy?

“Lucky countries are those that have a healthy, positive balance of prosperity, as measured conventionally, and social capital. This means a high degree of trust in society, low levels of inequality and trust in government, ”said Jeffrey Sachs, Director of SDSN and Special Adviser to the UN Secretary General, in an interview.

A well-known economist said that the United States is falling in the rankings (now in 14th position) due to inequality, mistrust, corruption and economic measures that the administration of President Donald Trump intends to use. According to him, people expect the worst.

“These measures are aimed at increasing inequality - lowering taxes on the top, abolishing compulsory health insurance, increasing defense spending. I think everything that goes in the wrong direction, ”he explained.

In recent years, economic and political turmoil has led to a significant decline in the level of well-being in some countries. So the crisis in the euro area has reduced the feeling of happiness in Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain. And the sharpest drop in the rating happened with Egypt. The authors of the study say that the most significant factor that affects the fact that people do not feel happy is the inability to make free choices, and not low income, as it might seem. However, poverty has never made anyone happy either.

"Happiness is the flight of the soul in a certain aspect of life circumstances," he wrote
Venedikt Nemov.

Happiness is a magical and unknown phenomenon. Everyone knows about its existence, but few can give an exact answer what happiness is, and what are its main components. Maybe the reason for the dilemma is that for each person it is something different. Guided by their life values, people build their own understanding. So, for example, a rich person may consider himself deeply unhappy due to the lack of faithful friends around, but a poor person, on the contrary, will envy the wealth of a wealthy person.

Believe or not believe

Those who do not believe in the existence of happiness, or believe, but believe that it lasts only for a moment. But who is the happiest person on earth? Or is it a whole group of people?

There are also those in whose opinion this is just a moment of pleasure, which has a habit of quickly ending. But it is impossible to say for sure which of them is right, and in general whether it is necessary, because each person is free to think as he pleases. Are there the happiest people on earth, whose photos we can see?

Frano Selak is the most in the world

Frano Selak, who lives in Croatia, ranks first in the list of "Happiest People on Earth". The title of the happiest person on earth was given to him because of the luck that never left him.

It turns out that Frano avoided death 7 times, in each case he was literally by a thread, but something always helped him. His first miraculous rescue took place back in the 60s. The train on which Frano traveled derailed and went under water. Despite the chilling cold and all the horror of the situation, he managed to get out and be among the survivors.

Frano Selak and Happy Flight

A few years later, he again found himself in mortal danger. The plane our lucky one flew, when landing, touched the top of a low mountain with its tail. A strong blow opened the door, and the only unfastened passenger and the flight attendant flew out. It's just that Frano was always open to love, and, noticing a pretty stewardess, he decided to take care of her, so he followed her to the staff booth, which was located at the rear of the plane. They fell 600 meters above the ground, Frano successfully landed in a large snowdrift, which saved his life.

Agree, the story is more like the plot of a science fiction film, because in real life such luck is very rare. The girl also managed to escape, she caught on a tree branch. The couple got married a year after they met. These two are the happiest people on earth. They not only miraculously escaped, but also found love under incredible circumstances.

Throughout his life, Frano skillfully avoided death and, like the real favorite of Fortune, even won a million dollars in the lottery. He spent the winnings on the reconstruction of the temple, the construction of the chapel of the Virgin Mary and travel. He just gave the rest to his friends, explaining that simple pieces of paper should not be kept in a bank at his age. Better to get maximum pleasure from them and not regret anything.

Meditation as a way to be happy

Another person can be added to the list of "Happiest People on Earth", a 66-year-old monk who devoted his life to meditation and became an associate of the Dalai Lama. He claims that daily meditation makes him happy. Scientists were very interested in this statement, and they decided to personally check whether this is so.

A brain scan of Mathieu Ricaret was carried out at the time of the monk's meditation using 256 sensors attached to his head. In the course of the study, it was found that the left brain is in activity at the time of reading a prayer. It is the activation of this zone that gives the monk a feeling of happiness and joy. Mathieu Ricaret is actually the happiest person on earth thanks to the meditation that he has been practicing for many decades.

The happiest people on earth

The story of these two is truly amazing and unusual. They themselves, of course, consider themselves lucky, but the title "the happiest people on earth" has already been given to them by reporters and journalists who described their story in their articles.

But not only individuals can be happy, Daniel Everett confidently argues. For 30 years he lived surrounded by the Pirah Indian tribe. For all the time he lived among the unusual, not similar to the rest of the people of the tribe, he came to the conclusion that these aborigines are the happiest people on earth. Everett completely changed his mind, renounced God and began a new life.

Name change and fresh food

People are distinguished by their own idea of ​​the world. First, they are not particularly polite. Their vocabulary lacks words such as "thank you", "please", etc. They are afraid to sleep for a long time, because they believe that during sleep you can lose yourself. They also often change their name. Usually 5-6 times in a lifetime, each name can refer to a certain age period.

They do not think about tomorrow, the writer was very surprised by this fact. Unlike other tribes, they do not prepare supplies, eating fresh food like caught fish and fruits that are harvested in the forest. In their understanding, there is no single god, they only believe in the ghosts that live in their forests.

Happiness without worries

Daniel Everett for all the time he lived in the tribe realized that these people are carefree and happy. Life is not filled with problems, they spend all days by the fire, enjoying food and dancing their unusual dances. Their main emotion on their faces is joy, and laughter is heard around the clock.

But are the happiest people on earth - those who can leave for another continent and live in the Piraha tribe? Of course not, because Daniel Everett, just like Mathieu Ricaret, simply found his happiness in something suitable for him.

The ingredients of happiness

Who is the happiest person on earth? There is a generally accepted canon of happiness, this includes the main values ​​of a person, thanks to which he can become happy:

  • health;
  • love;
  • family;
  • successful career;
  • wealth.

Happy countries ranking

Not only people and tribes can be happy. Here are the happiest people on earth (country rankings):

  1. America.
  2. Denmark.
  3. France.
  4. Germany.
  5. Australia.
  6. Great Britain.
  7. Canada.
  8. Netherlands.
  9. Switzerland.

The criterion here is the economic stability and comfortable living of the country's residents. As well as safety and the opportunity to get a good education. It is in these countries that the largest flow of immigrants from the Third World flows. Refugees from disadvantaged states see this golden list as an opportunity to live with dignity.

Russia is not among the nine "happy countries". Firstly, because of the low standard of living of the middle stratum of the population, and secondly, because of the cultural failure in recent years.

In general, for each person, happiness is something different. Some people are content with what little they have. Others have many benefits, but cannot enjoy them, as they are in an eternal search for something new and unusual. There are many happy people, it will not be possible to tell about the history of each of them. We all have the opportunity to get on this list, for this you just need to find your happiness!

Of course, every person on Earth dreams of a long and prosperous life in all respects. So sometimes you want to leave a frosty and snowy city for a cozy country where there are no wars, a frantic pace of life, and polluted air. But in which cities and countries is happiness hidden? Although everyone has their own idea of ​​it. Nevertheless, researchers and sociologists have already developed a conditional measure of happiness, on the basis of which lists of geographical places where the most live are compiled annually. What is needed to be confident in the future? It turns out that there is not so much: social guarantees from the state, competent government policy, and a certain level of material prosperity.

Of course, today a huge number of ratings are compiled about where the happiest people live. Most of them are based on standard criteria: the level of financial well-being, the environmental situation, the size of GDP, the degree of corruption, potential life expectancy, freedom of life choice.

Today's list

So where do the happiest people live?

Do you think in the USA or Germany? Not at all. The Yankees took only 15th position in the rating, and the Germans - 26th. The inhabitants of the Celestial Empire were in 84th place, while the Russians took 64th. The British are in the 21st position on the list of the happiest, and the French - in the 29th.

Then who is in the first positions in the list of countries where happy people live? According to the results of sociological research, the rating was headed by the states of Northern Europe. Moreover, for several years they have owned the palm.

Now let's move on to the practical side of the question: Where do the happiest people live?

Denmark, Aarhus

The city is located on the east coast in a cozy harbor. The industry is highly developed here, and people are entertained by water skiing and yachting. Music festivals, art exhibitions, and theater performances are regularly organized in Aarhus. Guests of the Danish city enjoy spending time in local cafes and restaurants. Residents have a picturesque view of the North Sea from the windows of the houses.

Norway, Oslo

Have no idea where the happiest people in the world live?

Sociologists say it is in the Norwegian capital. Here you can admire the amazing beauties of nature that you will not see anywhere else. The capital of the ancient Vikings is surrounded by majestic forests and massive mountain ranges. In the city, guests will always be offered an interesting cultural program: you can go to a concert, a festival, see unique sculptures that adorn local parks and squares, as well as visit the famous opera house. Oslo has a huge number of bars, clubs, supermarkets. The economic development of the city is provided by the oil industry.

Switzerland, Geneva

Even where happy countries live would be incomplete without Switzerland. Still, who will be left indifferent by the snow-capped Alpine mountains and the majestic Jura ridges? The picturesque city in the southwest of the country is at the center of this natural palette of colors. The building of the Cathedral of Saint-Pierre located along the building strikes with its architectural sophistication. In winter, tourists from all over the world come to Geneva to ski and snowboard on the local mountain slopes. During the summer months, many travelers enjoy relaxing on the beaches.

The city has an amazingly beautiful fountain - Jet Deo, which every tourist who comes to this hospitable country should see.

Netherlands, Utrecht

Let us continue to consider the question of where the countries of the northern part of Europe live in this regard. However, in such a state as the Netherlands, comfortable conditions for "age" are also created for a person. In particular, in the Dutch city of Utrecht, people feel great in every sense. Here artists, musicians, poets draw inspiration. The abundance of pubs, bars and cafes gives tourists the opportunity to taste the savory dishes of the national cuisine. Visitors to the city can admire how people travel by boat down the waterway. In summer, the famous film festival is held here, where eminent actors and directors come. A dynamic life and a relaxed atmosphere make Utrecht a city of happiness.

Sweden, Malmo

This amazing city is connected to the Danish capital by the Øresund Bridge, so those wishing to see the sights of Copenhagen can easily walk along it.

Canada, Kingston

There is also a city on the North American continent whose residents are happy with life. We are talking about the Canadian Kingston, which is located in the eastern province of Ontario. It also offers a wide cultural program: from music festivals to theatrical performances. All conditions for creativity have been created here. The residents of the city adhere to the principles of tolerance and freedom of expression. Of course, these factors have contributed to the fact that people feel happy in Kingston.

Finland, Helsinki

The Finnish capital has a minimum level of corruption among officials.

There is a high level of quality of life and education here, the difference in incomes of the population is insignificant. The availability of quality medical services and the optimal balance between rest and work - for many people, these factors are the key to happiness. Again, Helsinki has a highly developed culture: an abundance of theaters, philharmonic societies, museums is a vivid confirmation of this. The architectural appearance of the Finnish city is represented by the Art Nouveau style, which amazes tourists with its splendor.

Russian cities

Of course, a huge number of people are interested in the question of where the happiest people in Russia live.

According to the results of sociological polls, the capital of the Chechen Republic - the city of Grozny - was on the list of leaders. Also, Russians feel comfortable in cities such as Kazan, Tyumen, Surgut. But the Russian capital took only 52nd place in the ranking of the "happiest" cities.

The results of the sociological survey have shown that the degree of financial well-being is essential for Russians, but at the same time not the determining criterion that makes a person happy. The main factors, as it turned out, are the level of security, the feeling of a change for the better in the city where the person lives, the ecological situation. For this reason alone, cities, whose appearance has radically changed in recent years, have become leaders: Sochi, Grozny, Kazan.

Happy peoples

Today sociologists have given an answer to the question: "Where do the happiest peoples of the world live?" If we talk about the territory of Central Asia, then the Kazakhs were in the first place. The researchers said that the most smiling in Asia are the Filipinos. Further in descending order are the peoples living in the territory of Laos, Turkey, Myanmar, Kyrgyzstan, Thailand, Israel. The highest level of dissatisfaction with life was recorded among Uzbeks.

Residents of the South American continent consider themselves happy. The first place in the rating was taken by the Brazilians.

As for the European part, the list of the happiest peoples is headed by the inhabitants of Macedonia. The second position is occupied by the Romanians.


Well, the most "unfortunate" countries, according to experts, are Benin, Rwanda, Burundi, Syria, Togo. The inhabitants of these states are tired of unrest and poverty.

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