Home Flowers GCD abstract: “Let's feed the birds in winter. GCD abstract: "Let's feed the birds in winter. Educational area: cognitive development

GCD abstract: “Let's feed the birds in winter. GCD abstract: "Let's feed the birds in winter. Educational area: cognitive development

Synopsis directly - educational activities in the senior group on the topic: "Feed the birds in winter."

Gorchakova Yulia Alekseevna, teacher of the Irdanovsky kindergarten "Kolosok", Nikolsky district, Vologda region.
Material description: This summary is directly educational activities designed for children of senior preschool age, and can also be useful for teachers dealing with the problem of environmental education of preschoolers. Children are very attracted by non-traditional drawing techniques, with the help of which they can consolidate their knowledge about the world around them, about birds.
Integration of educational areas: artistic creation, fiction, cognition, communication, music, ecology.
Target: continue acquaintance with non-traditional drawing techniques - drawing with plasticine (plasticineography).

- to clarify and expand children's ideas about wintering birds of our region, about the features of the appearance, habits of birds, their adaptation to their habitat, teach them to find signs of similarity and difference;
- continue to teach to follow the rules of composition, to work carefully with plasticine, to improve the ability to pinch off a small piece of plasticine and stretch it along the silhouette of a bullfinch.

- to activate attention, memory and thinking; develop fine motor skills of hands, develop skills of conscious and appropriate use of words in accordance with the context of the statement, improve dialogical speech;
- continue to develop aesthetic taste, color perception, the ability to see beauty in the surrounding world.

- to foster interest and love for the nature of the native land, to form an emotional and not indifferent personality in a child, capable of understanding and pitying “our smaller brothers”;
- evoke the desire to take care of the birds, to help them.

Vocabulary work: tit, crow, bullfinch, magpie, sparrow, woodpecker.
Preliminary work: learning poems about birds, looking at illustrations depicting birds of our region, guessing riddles about birds, talking about winter as a hungry and difficult time for birds.
- demo material (pictures and photographs of wintering birds in the presentation; recordings of bird voices on a CD-ROM; sample work - a dynamic table, multimedia equipment, a basket with riddles);
- Handout (plasticine, sculpting boards, stacks, sheets of paper with the image of a bullfinch on a rowan branch, cut pictures, medals).
The logic of direct educational activities:
Organizing time.

The song "Winter's Tale" is played. Children with a teacher are included in the group.
Hello girls, good afternoon, boys!
Played enough with dolls, leafed through books.
And now we'll take a little rest together
Good luck, guys, good journey!
They all looked at me, met my eyes. Now let's say hello to each other.
We reached out to the sun, took a ray,
They pressed it to my heart, gave it to a friend.
Introductory conversation. Updating the knowledge of children.
I show illustrations depicting winter landscapes.
I went out for a walk in the frost,
White patterns in braids near birches.
Snowy paths, bare bushes
Snowflakes are falling quietly from a height. (E. Avdienko).
What time of year is this poem written about? (About winter).
Winter brought strict order in its domains. Everything she has tidied up, sparkling white. And today I invite you, children, for a walk in the amazing winter forest, which can give you interesting meetings.
We go with you into a forest full of fairy tales and miracles,
Let's watch together, notice the magic.
Close your eyes and imagine that we are in a winter forest. (The recording of "Voices of the Birds" is played).
Let's sit on the stumps. Who submitted what? Whose voices have you heard? (Answers of children).
How amazing and beautiful it is here! Curious magpies chirp in the frosty silence. Why did you, man, come to the forest? With good or not? Traces of animals and birds were imprinted on the white snow under the trees. Forest glades are smooth pages of a large book - the Book of the Forest.
Where the wind is sweet in the pines,
Where there is a forest behind the field,
I collect riddles
In a box of birch bark.
Who will guess the riddle
That picture gets.

1. He is looking for crumbs all day,
Eats bugs, worms.
It does not fly away to winter,
Lives under the cornice. (Sparrow).
(I show a presentation with images of birds).

2. Greenish back,
The tummy is yellowish.
Black hat
And a strip of scarf. (Tit).

3. Black vest, red beret,
The nose is like an ax, the tail is like an emphasis. (Woodpecker).

4. Coloring - grayish,
The habit is thieving,
The screamer is hoarse.
Famous person.
Who is this? (Crow).

5. Vereshunya, white-sided,
And her name is ... (magpie).

6. Having finished the rowan brush,
The red lights came on.
Each has wings!
Who can name her? (Bullfinch).
Look at the screen and tell me who are we talking about today? (About birds). How can all these birds be called in one word? Quite right, these are wintering birds.
Let's see a short film about them.
Watching a video about the life of wintering birds.
Winter is a very difficult time of the year for birds, especially if it is frosty and snowy. The birds wake up with the sun and are looking for food all day. A hungry bird can die on a cold night.
Relaxation exercise "Warm the bird".
Let's imagine that you have found a freezing bird. (Expression of surprise, disappointment). Children fold their palms, imitating that they are holding the bird, breathing on it to warm it, pressing it to their chest, stroking the head, and releasing it. (The expression on his face is joyful).
Fizminutka "The bird came to life".
The bird flapped its wings
The bird shook off its feathers,
She took her wings back
Taking a very important look.
Looked to the right - to the left,
Wondered what the matter is?
There is not a single bird here,
I'll fly home.
And which of these birds comes to us only in winter? (Bullfinch). What is she like? Why do you think it was named that: bullfinch?
For the correct answers you received pictures. Try all together to make a picture of a bird out of them.
Didactic game "Collect the bullfinch".
What kind of bird did it turn out? Tell the poems that you know about the bullfinch.
Has turned white outside the window
Everything is in the snow, how wide it is.
Like a ruddy nesting doll -
There is a live bullfinch on the porch.
You will see the bullfinch through the window:
Hello dear winter guest!
You will soon go out on the porch
Give them a handful of ripe grains.
Did you enjoy your walk in the woods? Now let's go back to our group.
You have unpainted pictures on your tables. What is this bird? That's right, it's a bullfinch. What else did you notice on the tables? (Plasticine).
What we can do? (Give color to the picture using plasticine).
Inspection of the bullfinch.
What does a bullfinch have? (The body, head, legs, wings, the body is covered with feathers, on the head there is a beak, eyes).
What color is the bullfinch's breast? And the wing?
Step-by-step demonstration and explanation of the sequence of work.
We are already familiar with the technique of plasticinography. Let's remember how to paint a picture with plasticine? (Answers of children). First, let's prepare our hands.
Finger gymnastics.
Come, birds!
I will give sala to the titmouse.
I'll make some crumbs
A little bit of bread.
These crumbs are for pigeons
These crumbs are for the sparrows.
Jackdaws and crows
Eat pasta!
(First - "calling" movements of the fingers, then "cutting" movements of one palm on the other.
Pinch your fingers - "crumbling bread", rub the pads of your fingers against each other.
Stretch your right hand forward with an open palm, the same with your left hand.
Rub with palm on palm, "rolling pasta from bread").
Look very carefully, I will show you again for everyone. I take plasticine in my hands, pinch off a small piece, put it on my left palm, cover and roll the ball with my right palm on top, then I apply this ball to the picture and press and stretch it with the thumb of my right hand. Notice starting at the bottom, row by row, so you can see the feathers. For the image of rowan berries, I simply press the ball with my thumb. Here's a picture I got.

I believe that you will get even better and brighter. How do you start working?
Artistic creativity, individual assistance.
Analysis and evaluation of children's work. Reflection.

What bright, beautiful bullfinches you got! How alive, real, very cute and funny! Guys, what did you like today? What do you think, did you manage to paint the bullfinch with the help of plasticine? Whoever thinks that yes, it worked, attach the green ball to the upper left corner of the picture, and if someone thinks that there were a lot of difficulties, attach the red ball to the upper left corner. Here are smart girls!

I think that many of you have a feeder hanging near your house. Birds quickly get used to such a dining room and become frequent guests in it. And you can watch them. Of course, birds can't talk. But they will definitely thank you with a beautiful spring song.
Train these birds
To your window
So that without songs you don't have to
We welcome spring.
I really liked our walk, your works are so wonderful, you will definitely make an exhibition, and I also have a little surprise for you - a medal - a bullfinch "For helping birds in winter".

Summary of GCD "Feed the birds in winter"

Types of children's activities:play, communicative, productive, cognitive and research, musical and artistic, perception of fiction.

Goals: To form in children an idea of ​​wintering birds; develop a cognitive interest in the life of wintering birds. To foster a caring attitude towards birds, a desire to help them in difficult winter conditions. Exercise in reverse, subtracting one at a time; to develop attention, the ability to listen and perceive a work of art, to teach to cut along the contour, to decorate a bird according to your own design.

Planned results:knows how to maintain a conversation about birds, express his point of view; expresses positive emotions when drawing up a story according to a scheme and expresses interest when listening to a work of art, knows how to cut along the contour and decorate according to his own design.

Material and equipment:

Bird description schemes, tree layout, pictures depicting wintering birds, paper dove, feeders made of various materials, bird food in transparent boxes, bird tracks, winter bird caps, material for artistic creativity (white paper, stencils, scissors, colored pencils) , audio recording of a piece of music.

1.Organizational moment.

Guys, this morning, when I came to kindergarten, someone knocked on our window. I went to the window, opened it, and a white dove flew into the group. The dove held an envelope with a letter in its beak. Let's read it! (shows paper dove and letter)

"Dear Guys! We are now very hard, cold and hungry! Help us please! But you can do this only if you show your knowledge about us. See you for a walk. "

2. Conversation about birds.

Guys, who sent us a letter?

What kind of birds are they?

Why are they hungry in winter?

How can we help birds in winter?

Right. To help birds, you need to better know their lifestyle, habits, find out what they eat. Do you think we can handle it?

3. Didactic game"I will make a guess - you will guess."

Now we will check if you know the wintering birds well. You will need to take turns talking about a bird, and the rest of the guys have to guess who they are talking about, and put this bird on a tree branch ..

5. Did. game "Who flew away?"Children close their eyes, the teacher removes the bird at this time. Children open their eyes, the teacher asks "Who is gone?" Children answer: "The woodpecker (sparrow, crow, magpie, etc.) is gone."

Countdown: there were 8 birds, one flew away, how many are left? etc.

Physical minutes "Bullfinches"

Here on the branches, look

Bullfinches in red T-shirts.

Feathers fluffed up - basking in the sun

They turn their heads - they want to fly away.

Shoot! Flew away!

Behind a blizzard, behind a blizzard!

You guys are great! But we have not yet learned everything about wintering birds, and the pigeon has prepared one more task for us. Now you will go in search of bird food, and this is not easy, you will have to overcome obstacles. You are ready? What do you think we need to look for, what can serve as food for wintering birds?

Children perform basic movements: crawling into the hoop “under the branches of trees”, jumping over “bumps”, walking “on the bridge” of a gymnastic board and finding “bird tracks” cut out of paper.

6. Orientation in space.

Guys, we're almost there. Listen carefully to the clue: bird food is somewhere nearby, but to find it, the girls need to follow the tracks to the left and search at the bottom of the table on the left side. And the boys need to go to the right and search at the top of the bedside table, which stands between the library and the traffic center.

As a result of completing the task, children find food for birds, tell which bird it is suitable for.

Well done, guys, you did an excellent job with a difficult task. Now let's sit on the chairs.

Do you think birds can be called our friends? Why? That's right, they destroy harmful insects. And also birds decorate our life with their songs, their sonorous voices. No wonder composers and poets compose music and poems about birds. I'll read one of these poems to you now. Listen carefully!

7. Listening to the poem by Z. Alexandrova "New dining room".

Children, do you remember on what day the sparrows arrived? And the bullfinches? And the titmouse?

Who remembered how many crows flew in? And forty?

Guys, who remembers Russian folk omens or nursery rhymes about birds?

Children read poems and nursery rhymes about birds.

Guys, the dove has prepared another game for you "Who, where is he hiding?" Let's play?

Children put on hats with images of birds, “fly” to the music, and when they hear the word “blizzard!” They squat with their heads bowed. To the host's question: "Bullfinch, where are you hiding?" the child depicting this bird answers "On a branch" and so on.

8. Artistic and creative activity.

Guys, so that our pigeon is not bored and lonely, let's help him find friends. We'll cut white doves out of paper.

Music sounds, children sit at tables. Doves are cut out along a pre-drawn contour, the wings are folded back, feathers and eyes are drawn. They dance with doves, put them on feeders, pour food into them.

9. Relaxation "Warm the bird".

Let's imagine that you have found a freezing bird. (Expression of surprise, disappointment). Children fold their palms, imitating that they are holding the bird, breathing on it to warm it, pressing it to their chest, stroking it on the head, and releasing it. (The expression on his face is joyful).

10. Reflection.

Guys, what did you remember the most from the lesson? What will you tell at home or to your friends?

Private preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 117 of JSC" Russian Railways "


continuous educational activities

on cognitive development

"Feed the birds in winter"

(for children of younger preschool age)


Zimina N.N.

Penza, 2015

To fix the name of the birds, their characteristic features, what birds eat in winter;

Form cognitive, speech activity;

To foster a caring attitude to birds, to nature, to introduce children to feeding birds in winter.


Illustrations depicting birds - dove, sparrow, titmouse;

Bird food: mixed grains, millet, sunflower seeds, bread, bacon;

Book “What We Saw in Winter”;


Preliminary work: talking about birds, reading fiction, poetry, viewing illustrations, watching birds on a walk, feeding birds.

The teacher draws the children’s attention to the book “What We Saw in Winter” (or the illustration “Winter Walk”) and invites them to consider it.

We go for a walk every day. Tell me, what did you see on the site? (Snow, ice, under your feet. This water is frozen, etc.)

Every day we go for a walk, we observe the weather, who else did we observe? (For the birds)

What birds flew to our site? (Doves, sparrows, crow, bullfinch)

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the illustrations with birds oneasel and invites you to consider them.

See what birds do you recognize in the pictures? (Children call birds)

Children, let's see what the birds are like? What do they have in common?
(Birds have two wings, two legs, a beak, two eyes and feathers)

And why do birds need a beak? (To peck)

Why do birds need wings? (To fly)

Show how birds fly and peck. (Children show, the teacher removes all the illustrations from the easel and invites the children to sit on the chairs)

Well done! Children, you said right, birds have a lot
in general, they are similar, but there are differences. Let's take a look at
these birds.

(Exposes pictures: a dove and a sparrow)

How are these birds different from each other? (They have different feathers, long and short. Feathers of miscellaneous colors. The dove is large and the sparrow is small)

Show what a big dove (children show) and the sparrow is small (Children show)

How does a dove sing, what sounds does it make? And the sparrow? (Children portray "Gru - gru - gru", "Chik - tweet"

You rightly pointed out, all birds have two legs, two
eyes, beak, but plumage (feathers) in birds of different colors and birds sing

Children, let's remember what the birds ate when it was warm?
(Worms, insects - insects).

It's winter now, it's cold, all the insects are hiding and sleeping until spring. How can birds get food now, what to eat? Who
should take care of them? (We care).

It is true that people can feed the birds in winter, and then it will be easier for them to survive the cold, frosty winter.

Children, look what I have prepared for you. (Shows bird food))- Here the grains are different. Millet, seeds. And this is bread, which some children did not eat during breakfast and lunch.

You can make crumbs from bread, because the beak of a pigeon, a sparrow is small and it will be more convenient for them to peck bread crumbs.
(Invites children to knead bread slices with their hands).

Everything that we have prepared for the birds can be summed up in one word.

Where do we put this food? It is impossible for the snow to fall through, there is also snow on the paths ... Where do we put it so that the birds are comfortable pecking at it? (Answers of children)

- And we will put the food in the trough. Look at what kind of feeder I have prepared. Let's put the food in the feeder, and when we go for a walk, hang it on a tree and watch the birds flock together.

I have a special food on my plate - these are pieces of bacon. The bird titmouse loves such food (shows illustration with a titmouse)

How is the titmouse different from other birds?
(She has yellow breasts)

Children, now you know that birds need to be taken care of in winter. If the birds are hungry in winter, they will not be able to survive the freezing weather.
The teacher reads a poem

Do not regret bread crumbs

The sparrow deserves

You hang him a feeder

He will shout out to his girlfriend-

And friends are all right there,

The crumbs peck merrily.

GCD abstract: Natural world

"Feed the birds in winter"

for children of the older group.


    Create favorable conditions for enriching children's ideas about wintering birds.

Tasks educational:

    clarify and expand children's knowledge about wintering birds;

    to develop skills and abilities of observing birds;

    to form an ecological culture in children.

Developing tasks:

    develop skills of conscious and appropriate use of words in accordance with the context of the statement;

    improve dialogical speech.

Educational tasks:

    foster a friendly attitude towards birds;

    form a desire to help wintering birds;

    cultivate respect for birds and instill love for them.

Methodological support:

    cards depicting birds: dove, tit, bullfinch, crow, sparrow, magpie, woodpecker;

    photographs of wintering birds;

    slide presentation "Wintering Birds";


    food for birds.

Preliminary work:

    bird watching while walking;

    viewing illustrations with wintering birds;

    reading poetry, stories about birds.

Preparation for the lesson:

    conversations with children about birds,

    viewing birds on the street and in pictures,

Course of the lesson:

(recording of a blizzard and wind sounds)


Can you hear how the wind howls, how the blizzard sweeps? (children's answers)

Have you seen how much snow has covered? (children's answers)

The teacher talks with the children about the signs of winter (winter has come into its own: cold winds are blowing, frost has fettered the ground, there is snow all around, bare trees creak from the cold, etc.)


Who can tell me what the birds are called

stay for the winter? (children's answers)


What kind of wintering birds do you know? (children's answers: sparrows, pigeons, tits, jackdaws, magpies, crows, bullfinches, woodpeckers, waxwings, etc.)


What a beautiful flock! Who you are?

First child:

The back is greenish

Yellowish tummy,

Black beanie and striped scarf.

Who am I, guess?

(children's answers - titmouse) (Slide 1)

Second child:

Motley fidget,

I am a long-tailed bird

Talkative bird

The most chatty

(answers of children of forty) (Slide 2)

Third child:

Chick - chirp!

Jump to the grains!

Peck, don't be shy!

Who am I?

(children's answers: sparrow) (Slide 3)

Fourth child:

In the forest, to the chirping, ringing and whistling,

I knock like a forest telegraph operator:

“Great, fellow thrush! "

And I put my signature.

(children's answers: woodpecker) (Slide 4)


Let's play a game with our flock

(the game is played: "Sparrow")

A nimble sparrow gallops among the white doves,

Sparrow bird, gray shirt.

Respond, sparrow, fly out, don't be shy!


Played well and had fun.


And now I will ask you a riddle, and you think and answer what kind of bird this riddle is.

Paws freeze in the cold

Pine and spruce.

What a miracle? - on a birch

The apples are ripe.


Correctly bullfinch (slide 5)


And here's another riddle, try to guess it.


The cheat screams.

What a clever thief!

All the shiny things

This bird loves very much!

And she is familiar to you all,

What is her name? ...

(children's answers; Crow) (slide 6)

Educator: Well done, guys! Now look at the screen, and I'll tell you what kind of bird it is. She is also wintering.

Here is a bird so a bird,

Not a blackbird, not a titmouse,

Not a swan, not a duck

And not a nightjar.

But this little bird

Though small

Breeds chicks

Only in the fierce winter.

This bird is called Klest.

Children, all these birds stayed with us for the winter.

Physical education:

Gently wave your hands -

These are birds flying to us.

We will show how they sit down -

We fold the wings back.

Spread our wings

Let's clean the beak

And we'll all go back.

How do birds live in winter? (Hungry for birds, insects in hibernation, fruits, berries, grass seeds under the snow. Birds find little food in winter. From morning till evening they look for crumbs for themselves. Downy, warm, feather coats of birds protect from the cold, but not from hunger.)(Slide 7)

In harsh years, out of ten tits during the winter, only one survives. Nine are starving to death.

It's a pity. (Very sorry!)

Listen to the poem by N. Gribachev.

Well, frosts, well, frosts.

Nose out - oh, oh, oh!

Even white birches

In a gray icy crust.

Even squirrels are fidgets

Waiting for the warmth

Do not scurry to a branch from a branch.

They do not crawl out of the hollow.

And the hungry tit

Cries quietly by the window:

“There is nowhere to warm up and feed.

No boogers, no grain.

The smoke smokes a frosty distance

The nights are cold and dark

I'm freezing, I'm starving

I will not live to see spring! "

Guys, who can help the starving birds?

That's right, people should come to the aid of the birds.

And we must hurry! Every hour is expensive!

Listen to the continuation of the poem.

And Seryozha said: “Okay!

Be patient for a short time ... "

And he took out of the closet

Long nail and hammer.

Crunching on the snow crust,

Where he looped with foxes,

Pinned by the old tree

On the hemp is a plywood sheet.

And on the leaf - grains,

And on the sheet - millet,

Hemp two handfuls

Get ready, guests!

Guys, do you want to help the birds? But as? That's right, you can make and hang the feeders.(Slide 8).

The teacher offers children different options for making feeders. Children look at the feeders, share their experience: what kind of feeder they made with their parents, where they placed it, what birds flew in. What kind of food were fed to the birds.

Guys, we need to hang feeders and feed the birds in our area. But what are we going to feed them with? It is good if seeds of weeds, trees, fruits of shrubs are collected in the summer. And if not collected? What to do? I must say that in winter, birds become less picky about food and eat what they would never eat in summer. Therefore, food from our table is suitable for feeding the birds. You can hang pieces of unsalted bacon, fat, meat. Leftovers from vegetables and other foods can be offered to the birds. Sparrows love cereals, seeds, bread; bullfinches - seeds of watermelon, pumpkin; waxwings - mountain ash, olives; pigeons - cereals, bread.

To properly feed the birds, you must follow some rules:

During feeding, do not litter, do not leave plastic bags, cans, boxes on the street;

Feed in the same place, preferably at the same time, the birds themselves will fly by this time;

Feed the birds regularly, daily, you cannot feed them from time to time, it is in frosts that food is needed every day in order for the birds to survive;

Put a little food, precisely in order to feed, support in difficult times.

The teacher says that while feeding the birds it is interesting to watch them, how they quickly flock, as if they are communicating to each other. Can you observe what kind of appearance the birds have, what behavior, what do different birds eat?

If you stand quietly, without moving, without making noise, you can discover many secrets of the bird.

Guys, listen to the poem by A. Yashin.

Feed the birds in winter

Let from all ends

They will flock to you like home.

Flocks on the porch.

Their food is not rich.

One handful is needed.

One handful - and not scary

It will be winter.

How many of them die -

Countless, hard to see!

But in our heart there is

And it's warm for them.

Is it possible to forget:

Could fly away

And they stayed for the winter

Along with people.

Train your birds in winter

To your window

So that without songs you don't have to

We welcome spring.

If we take care of the birds in the winter, the birds will take care of our gardens, forests, parks, etc. in the summer.

Didactic outdoor game "At the feeding trough"

Educator. Now we will play with you. There are pictures of birds on the table, please come and take the bird you like.

The children come up, take the bird and sit down in their place.

Educator. Imagine guys that you are birds. I am reading a poem, the bird that hears about itself "flies" to the "feeder" (children attach the bird to a magnetic board - a feeder).

We made a feeder

We opened the dining room.

Visit on the first day of the week

Tits flew to us,

And on Tuesday, look

Bullfinches have arrived.

Three crows were on Wednesday

We didn’t expect them for dinner,

And on Thursday from all over

A flock of greedy sparrows.

On Friday in our dining room

The dove feasted on porridge,

And on Saturday for a pie

Seven forty flew in.

Sunday sunday

There was general fun.

Lesson summary:


Guys, I liked how you worked in the lesson: you listened carefully, thought, answered with full sentences. Well done!

I give prizes to the most active guys.

Well done! Let's not forget with you how important it is to support our feathered friends in winter, to help them survive in cold and cold weather.

Wintering birds with our help

will live until spring and ...

Gliding merrily across the sky.

Feathered friends are flying

And they will sing, chirping:

"Thank you very much!"

(K. Muhammali)

And when we go for a walk, we will take the food that you brought and feed the birds.

Tatiana Ulatova
GCD summary "Feed the birds in winter!" senior group

Goals: Arouse sympathy for birds that are starving and freezing in winter. Teach them to take care of them. Expand children's knowledge of birds. To draw the attention of children to the difficult existence of birds, to educate a respectful attitude towards them; to reveal the cognitive interests of children and develop their creative abilities.


Educational: To give children an idea of ​​birds (appearance, habitat, their diversity. Teach to divide into migratory and wintering based on the relationship between the nature of food and the method of obtaining it. Reinforce the idea of ​​how a cold snap and a decrease in the length of the day change the life of birds.

Promote the ability to classify birds (migratory and wintering) using a model (sun and snowflake). Acquaintance with nomadic wintering birds - crossbill and waxwing.

To form generalized methods of action in children, the ability to independently find answers to the educator's questions about birds, the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in answers to questions about the nutrition of wintering birds, to form an ecological culture.

To instill in children the ability to make crafts from waste material.

Developing: Continue to develop speech as a means of communication. Expand children's ideas about the diversity of the world around them, develop fine and general motor skills.

Educational: To cultivate a respect for nature, the desire to take care of the birds in the winter.

Foster good feelings in children. Train them to take care of the birds, to experience the joy of their work.

Equipment: cards depicting birds, feeders, magnetic board, feed-fly, bread crumbs.

1. Talking to children about winter.

What time of year is it now? (children's answers)

What are the winter months, do you know? (children's answers)

What are the signs of winter, do you know? (children's answers)

2. Guys, now guess the riddle and find out the topic of our conversation today.

“We differ in color, you will meet us in winter and summer

If we flap our wings, we will be blue in the sky.

We can twitter, croak, sing and coo.

You will feed us in winter.

Children, who are we? name it "(Birds).

To prevent harmful insects

Blooming gardens did not perish in vain

Always, at any time of the year

Take care of all sorts of birds, friends.

3. Right, now we're going to talk about birds.

What kind of birds do you know? (Answers.)

What do we call the birds that winter with us? (Wintering.)

What is the name of the birds that come to us in the spring? (Flight.)

4. And now, I will make riddles for you. For each, your correct answer, a picture of the answer will appear.

Witch is white-sided,

And her name is ...

Little bird's yellow belly

And her name is ...


Black as var

Shouts: "Carr!"

Chick - chirp! Jump to the grains!

Peck, don't be shy! Who is this?


Red-breasted, black-winged,

Likes to peck berries.

With the first snow on the mountain ash

He will appear again.


Flies all night.

Extracts mice.

And it will become light -

She will sleep in a hollow.

Knocking all the time

Trees hollow.

But it doesn't cripple them,

And only heals.

White side, gray side

Coos gently ...


Guys, you are great, you have guessed all the riddles.

See how many birds are on our board.

5. Finger gymnastics

I feed all the birds in winter

I feed all the birds in winter -

Doves, ravens, tits,

Sparrows and bullfinches -

Here is the trough at the door.

I'll give them rolls, millet ka-shi,

I'll give them grains, seeds.

And I will give lard to the tit,

Let her bite him.

Children bend or unbend their fingers as they list the birds.

Pointing with one hand to the feeder.

Bend or unbend the fingers on the hand, listing the food.

Collected in a pinch fingers imitate movements.

6. Now we are playing the game "What bird is gone"

(Children close their eyes. The teacher removes one picture of a bird. Children open their eyes and call this bird. For example: the crow is gone, etc.)

7. Physics "Crows"

Here under the green Christmas tree

The crows gallop merrily:



(clap your hands over your head)

All day they screamed

(turns the torso left-right)

The guys were not allowed to sleep:

(body bends left-right)


(Loudly.) (Clap your hands over your head)

Only by nightfall they fall silent

(flap your arms like wings)

And they all fall asleep together:

(squat down, hands under the cheek - fall asleep)

Kar-kar-kar! (Quiet) (clap your hands over your head)

8. Game "Tell me" (the game is conducted according to the scheme)

9. Guys, it's cold outside now and our wintering birds don't have enough food. And in order to help them, people began to make various feeders. In which grains, bread crumbs and seeds are poured for our birds. Then these feeders are hung on the street. And the birds fly into them with pleasure to nibble on the grains. See what different feeders can be made from waste material. (Children look at pictures of feeding troughs)

10. Summary of GCD:

Tell us what we talked about today?

How can humans help birds during cold weather?

11. Our Roma, together with his parents, made a wonderful bird feeder. We will now pour bread crumbs into the feeders and hang it on our site.

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