Home Flowers Material for the newspaper for the new year. How to make a New Year's wall newspaper? Wall newspaper for primary school children

Material for the newspaper for the new year. How to make a New Year's wall newspaper? Wall newspaper for primary school children

Master class on creating a New Year's wall newspaper with a step-by-step photo

Shilkina Tatyana Anatolyevna, educator, State Budgetary Institution KO "Meshchovsky Social and Rehabilitation Center for Minors", Meshchovsk, Kaluga Region
Description: this master class will be useful to class teachers, teachers of additional education, educators, parents. Work is performed with children from 6 to 9 years old.
Purpose: interior decoration for the holiday.
Target: production of a festive wall newspaper.
- learn how to make applications from various materials;
- develop an eye, a sense of composition;
- cultivate aesthetic taste, accuracy in work.
Materials and tools needed for work: paper sheet, scissors, simple pencil, green paper napkins, PVA glue, stapler, knitting needle, brushes, gouache, water jar, sparkles, old wallpaper, ribbons, cotton wool, colored paper for children's creativity, tinsel.

The New Year holiday is coming. A lot of decorations are always prepared for this holiday. Children are happy to take part in the process of creating all kinds of toys, garlands, posters. On the posters, the plots can be different - Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, bullfinches, bunnies, etc. Today we will decorate the New Year's wall newspaper using not only paints, but also other materials.


We need to make a Christmas tree that will take center stage on our poster. We take green paper napkins, cut each into 4 parts.

Now we wind part of the napkin onto a knitting needle. We won't roll all the way.

We remove the workpiece from the knitting needle and make a loop, fixing it with a stapler

When there are enough blanks, take the old wallpaper and cut out a triangle from them (the silhouette of the Christmas tree). Glue the blanks on the Christmas tree.

When the Christmas tree is ready, stick it on whatman paper, in the center. We decorate the Christmas tree with braid bows and cotton wool. We draw a monkey peeking out from behind the Christmas tree. We make the inscription “Happy New Year!” in the upper part of the drawing paper, and 2016 in the lower part.

Cut out snowflakes from blue colored paper and stick them at the top of the wall newspaper.
Our newspaper needs to be decorated with sparkles. With PVA glue, draw curls and sprinkle sparkles on them. Sprinkle glitter on the Christmas tree, snowflakes and inscriptions. (To save money, sequins can be made from old tinsel, cut into small pieces with scissors. This does not take much time)

Wall newspaper is ready!

Thank you for your attention!

The long-awaited New Year 2019 is getting closer and closer, perhaps the most favorite holiday of the year for the vast majority of people in our country. City streets are changing. Shop windows decorated with garlands of light bulbs turn them into one continuous winter fairy tale. Christmas tree markets in snow-covered snowdrifts and the whole pre-New Year atmosphere set us all up for the expectation of a miracle coming from childhood. In many houses, Christmas trees have already been installed and rooms have been decorated. In this article, we want to tell you about 3 original New Year's posters for the New Year 2019, made by ourselves, to please loved ones with the approach of the desired holiday. To help your creativity, we have collected photos and videos that you should check out.

Instructions on how to make a beautiful poster for the New Year 2019

New Year's posters for the New Year 2019, made by hand, are quite diverse. Everyone strives to make them unique, creative and bright. And this is not without reason, because they play an important role - raising the spirits and fun of others. Many of us, in order to achieve a similar result, are engaged in creativity not only with our children, but with the whole family as a whole. After all, it's great when all the relatives, in the process of jokes and ringing laughter, in an easy, relaxed atmosphere, are engaged in collective work in preparation for the New Year. As a rule, fairy-tale characters familiar to us are depicted on a blank sheet of drawing paper, and these are Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden, the Christmas Tree, forest animals, deer with a sleigh and much more. But do not forget that this year the Pig must be on the poster, cheerful, carefree and colorful. She will bring prosperity and good luck in all matters to your family in the coming year. In a word, as a result of inspired creative work, such species are born:

  • wall newspapers(one of the types of poster created on Whatman paper and containing, in addition to New Year's drawings, clippings with congratulations and wishes from newspapers, magazines in a simple and comic form);
  • original posters made with watercolors or gouache (performed using prints of children's or adult palms, from which they create the symbol of the year 2019 - little Pigs as well as Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden);
  • christmas tree posters(created using the palms of children or adults, circled on a sheet of colored paper, cut out and glued in the form of a Christmas tree);
  • voluminous posters(they are created in the form of a live image, for this they take multi-colored shreds, colored or corrugated paper, Christmas tree rain, tinsel, cotton wool, snowflakes, stars and much more, which is then used as clothes pasted on fairy-tale characters, slightly protruding for realism, when creating general winter background on whatman paper, etc.);
  • simple posters(drawn with pencils and felt-tip pens);
  • wish posters(in them, in addition to drawings, the desires of loved ones are entered or pasted);
  • posters for parents(they paste photos of parents with congratulations);
  • posters for a loved one;
  • vytynanok posters(created using pictures drawn by yourself or thanks to templates cut out and pasted onto a poster).

Such posters can be used:

  • in kindergartens;
  • school;
  • in higher educational institutions;
  • in commercial establishments;
  • in offices;
  • in the Palaces of Culture;
  • at home.

But do not forget that the Yellow Pig plays the main role in 2019, so it should look decent on your poster. In a word, pure drawing paper should turn, through your common family efforts, into a colorful and colorful creation, thanks to which the flow of positive emotions will be even more powerful for your environment.

To create you will need:

  • whatman;
  • markers;
  • paints;
  • pencils;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • brushes;
  • a photo;
  • decor items: beads, rhinestones, ribbons, New Year's rain, tinsel;
  • multi-colored patches and more.

For creative work, each of you can use what you like.

Kindergarten is the first step in the entry of a small person into a hectic social life. And this means that here, too, congratulations on the upcoming New Year are a pleasant and obligatory tradition. In order for the child to fully feel the magic of the holiday, it is worth making a poster with him from the carved palms of his own hands. It looks unusual and is created easily.

To make this we need:

  • Whatman A-4 or A-3;
  • Colored pencils, watercolors or gouache, felt-tip pens;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • cotton wool;
  • threads for knitting red and blue (optional).


  1. Lay out the paper evenly and fix its edges so that they do not wrap, using blue paints, create a winter background, as in the photo.
  2. On a sheet of green paper, circle your child's palm with a simple pencil and cut out such a number to decorate the Christmas tree.
  3. We glue the finished palms on whatman paper, giving the shape of a Christmas tree, and then, at your discretion, you can decorate it with all sorts of snowflakes, beads, rhinestones, rain, pieces of cotton wool in the form of snow.
  4. Using a simple pencil, draw the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus, and then use felt-tip pens or paints to decorate their faces only.
  5. Take the knitting threads of the desired color and cut them finely with scissors to make a kind of pile, and then glue it to where the clothes of your fairy-tale characters are. A small puppy should also be placed on the poster, it will not take up much space, and it should be made from brown threads.
  6. With cotton we make an edge on the fur coat of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, on the hat, on the sleeves, carefully gluing it.

Well, here is our poster for the New Year 2019, made by hand, which will delight everyone in kindergarten.

New Year's three-dimensional poster to school

In order to be noted for originality when creating a New Year's poster for school, it is worth combining drawing with an application, and then you will get an unsurpassed three-dimensional poster that primary school children can not only admire, but also touch as if living characters.

For work you will need:

  • whatman paper of the desired size;
  • scissors;
  • sheets of colored paper, including gold and silver;
  • PVA glue;
  • paints;
  • brushes;
  • markers;
  • New Year's rain and other tinsel;
  • cotton wool;
  • dry leaves, optional.


  1. Spread the drawing paper more comfortably and apply schematic strokes of the location of all the details and images on it.
  2. Start making a Christmas tree: we make branches of a forest beauty from green paper, picking them up so that when they stick, they stick out a little.
  3. Having made the required number of parts, assemble the Christmas tree and glue it to the Whatman paper, decorate it with rain, beads and balls cut out of shiny paper.
  4. Over the Christmas tree with felt-tip pens, write in different colors: Happy New Year!
  5. Draw with a simple pencil Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Snowman, be sure to Pig and, if desired, other fairy-tale characters, and then decorate them with paints and felt-tip pens. Santa Claus make a beard from cotton wool, an edge on a fur coat, hat, collar, fixing it with glue. Do the same with the Snow Maiden.
  6. Allocate a place for a small New Year's greeting, written with felt-tip pens or cut and pasted.
  7. At the very end, we decorate our New Year's poster with stars or snowflakes cut out of golden and silver paper.

Ideas for decorating posters for the New Year 2019 with your own hands may be different, but still try to make a three-dimensional poster, it will look lively and natural.

Wall newspaper for parents

Handmade gifts are more often given by children. They especially try for their beloved moms and dads. And this is wonderful, because so far this is the only way they can express their love and appreciation!

For work you will need:

  • whatman;
  • paints;
  • markers;
  • pencils;
  • simple pencil;
  • clippings from newspapers, magazines;
  • decor items: cotton wool, rain, tinsel, sequins, rhinestones, beads;
  • glue.


  1. On whatman paper, make strokes for future pictures, and then circle them with felt-tip pens and decorate them with paints.
  2. Paste the clippings of congratulations you like from newspapers, magazines, or you can just print them out.
  3. The inscription "Happy New Year!", Decorated with paints, can be lightly smeared with glue and sprinkled with sparkles.
  4. We also decorate the Christmas tree colorfully: in several balls, if you want, you can paste photos of your parents, and decorate the Christmas tree itself with rain, carved snowflakes, cotton wool, beads, sequins, home-made toys made of colored paper and so on, fixing it all with ordinary glue.

This is how a beautiful New Year's wall newspaper is born, and the more shine you give it, the more your parents' eyes will burn, rejoicing at such a dear gift for them for the New Year 2019.

Photo ideas for New Year's posters

If you find it difficult to draw a New Year's poster on your own or you do not have enough time for this, then you can print ready-made holiday photos with congratulations, funny pictures or templates for future creations that you will need to decorate with your own hands and print them using a color printer. You can add the necessary words of congratulations both by hand and on the keyboard - immediately before printing. To make your work easier, we provide you with some photo ideas and templates for future posters, but do not forget to include the Pig character on them, as it is a symbol of the coming 2019.

Preparing for the New Year holidays is always an interesting and exciting activity. On the eve of long celebrations, a lot of things should be done: create a New Year's menu, work on decorating the house, and come up with entertainment options for guests and loved ones. By making colorful themed posters for the New Year 2019 with your own hands, you can save time on decorating the room. This is especially true for the design of playrooms in kindergartens, classrooms and an assembly hall in schools and institutions.

Wall decoration with New Year's posters can be done at home. If there are children in the family, they can be involved as assistants. Despite the fact that it is not at all difficult to make bright decorations on the walls, this lesson should be approached with all seriousness. It is necessary not only to choose the most suitable templates for drawings, but also to place them correctly on a large poster.

The festive composition will show off in the most prominent place in the room. That is why, try to make it as expressive as possible. To make the New Year's drawing a real masterpiece, it is best to use ready-made templates for images and congratulatory inscriptions. Then, and at home, you can draw a real New Year's picture, which even professional artists will envy.

How to arrange?

Making a poster largely depends on the picture that you plan to place on it. The image of the main composition is usually selected in accordance with the theme of the holiday. The most common symbols that are applied to the poster are the Yellow Pig, Boar, Piglet, Santa Claus and other New Year's attributes.

Poster design may vary. Depending on the planned drawing and skills, you can use various methods of applying the image. A three-dimensional composition can be made using the quilling technique or ecological decor. A poster made using elements such as appliqué or patchwork will look original.

Basic design rules:

  • The drawing must occupy at least 50% of the volume;
  • to fill empty spaces, you can use images of various sizes, or add a congratulatory inscription;
  • the main image should preferably be placed in the middle;
  • the size of the poster must be at least 1 large A4 sheet;
  • the drawing can be applied independently or using a ready-made template.

Do-it-yourself posters for the New Year 2019 must be made in accordance with its future location. If the picture will decorate the walls of a preschool institution, you can make it in a more playful way. The picture and details should be bright, large, understandable to the child. If you are using a composition to decorate your home, you can include personal photos as well as images of loved ones and friends in the picture.

Composition and work plan

Before starting home crafts, you should draw up a plan for the future poster. A sketch can be done on a regular notebook sheet with a pencil. The classic design option is drawing a picture: a congratulatory inscription and small details of the decor of snowflakes, sparkles, etc.

Since a scale plan is drawn on the sheet, determine the approximate dimensions of the future figures on the finished poster. You can use a ready-made template that is simply transferred to a large sheet of paper or whatman paper. If the composition is made independently, you can use several details from different templates, combining them into a big picture.

For the base, you need to prepare A2 paper or whatman paper. You can use a piece of wallpaper for these purposes. It is not recommended to use a glossy and too thin base, which can deteriorate while attaching small details or coloring the picture.

If a large composition with inscriptions and a large number of images is planned, you can make it on several sheets. Such posters are connected to each other directly during fastening to the wall.

The main rule of a good composition is the combination of drawings with each other. The poster should not be filled with small details and reloaded with inscriptions and congratulations. If necessary, a variant of a composite poster, which will consist of several parts, is suitable.

When the plan of the picture is drawn up, decide on the background. It must be in harmony with all elements, including additional ones. If you need to add volumetric details, leave some free space between the images. The rest is all up to your imagination and available templates - all that remains is to assemble the poster and place it on a wall, window or other convenient place.

Variants of New Year's posters

When preparing posters for the New Year 2019 with your own hands, do not forget to add inscriptions, otherwise it will be just a big picture. The poster should contain a congratulation, and if desired, you can add a few poetic lines in a festive theme. An original solution would be to make a poster with wishes to all your relatives and friends. Do not forget about the main symbol of the year, which will bring you good luck and prosperity.

What is the style of the poster?

  • simple drawing. Freehand any drawing. Place a congratulatory inscription in the center or along the edges. To make the picture look more professional, try to use stencils or templates.
  • poster coloring book. Poster coloring book is perfect for little kids. Such a poster can be placed on a wall, on a table or easel. On New Year's holidays, children will be interested in participating in the creation of a colorful drawing. For coloring, you can use pencils, paints, felt-tip pens or crayons. Such a poster can be used as a prop for a New Year's party in a kindergarten or elementary school. To create it, it is enough to use a template.
  • Volumetric image. To create beautiful three-dimensional drawings, you can use various techniques. The cut out parts must be glued onto a dense base 1-2 cm thick. After that, a drawing is created from them according to a pre-drawn plan. For volumetric details, you can use the origami technique, quilling or others.
  • Application. Using a variety of applications, you can make any image. Details can be anything, hand-drawn or cut from templates. Also, as an application, you can use various postcards and photographs, inscriptions and even small toys.

The design style of the New Year's poster can also be anything. Festive crafts are perfect for creative individuals - there are no restrictions and prohibitions. A poster can be made in the form of a simple postcard or a three-dimensional picture - it all depends on your imagination and willingness to experiment.

Master class on creating a poster

Homemade souvenirs and other crafts will be a great gift option for the upcoming 2019. For each family member, you can prepare your own special little surprise: a Pig talisman, a postcard, a piggy bank, etc. However, in order to decorate the interior and at the same time please everyone present, you will have to make the souvenir a little larger. Do-it-yourself posters for the New Year 2019 will perfectly complement the festive interior and emphasize the atmosphere of the upcoming celebration.

The work on the craft should be divided into several main stages:

  1. Prepare a large sheet of white or colored paper. The most suitable formats for creating posters are A1, A2 and A3. If you need to make a drawing of a larger size, you can take a cut from the wallpaper for pasting the walls.
  2. After preparing the base, you need to determine the overall composition. For convenience, a sketch is applied to the paper (with a simple pencil), which can then be easily removed with an eraser or painted over. Large elements of the composition - templates of images and inscriptions are applied to the canvas and the places of their more successful location are marked with the same pencil. Remember that the main information (congratulatory inscription, drawing of the symbol of the year, etc.) should be closer to the center. Properly placed accents will make the poster more substantive. Determine the main and additional elements that will be included in the composition. The main condition is that they should complement each other, but not be the usual heap of various drawings, inscriptions and pictures.
  3. Prepare all the necessary elements of the New Year's poster. Print the templates, cut out small elements: snowflakes, stars, etc. Prepare other details that the poster will be decorated with.
  4. Coloring and decorating the finished poster. Use various materials: paints, felt-tip pens, plasticine, etc. New Year's poster should be bright, so add sparkles. Do not forget about the convenience of placing the poster on the wall. For these purposes, you can use a large picture frame, buttons, and other fasteners.

Ideas for drawings and inscriptions - templates

You can make a poster already according to the finished drawing, or compose a composition yourself from fragments. When using a finished picture, it is enough to cut out the template, transfer it to the prepared base and arrange it. Of the fragments, the work will be more interesting, original and unique.

You can create any image you like on your own. A fragmentary poster will take you more time and effort, but you can be proud of the fact that you made it yourself. Choose the template you like the most and start this exciting activity, because the new year 2019 is just around the corner!

Templates of ready-made images of New Year's posters can be redrawn through tracing paper or downloaded, and if necessary, enlarge the picture.

The templates that you will use as fragments for the New Year's poster, draw or print in black and white. To create an original composition, mark the templates (on the back) with numbers or letters. Do the same on paper basis - this will help when transferring fragments to a common canvas.

How to decorate a New Year's poster?

As decorative elements, use snowflakes, stars, sparkles, artificial snow. An excellent solution would be beads, beads, figurines sewn from fabric, etc.

You can always change the proposed template options to your liking. Use any drawings as a basis (you can take any picture of your baby), poems, songs and any New Year's greetings. The main guarantee of successful work will be an excellent mood that will not leave you all next year.

Have you already decorated the room with New Year's garlands, snowflakes, tinsel? Do not forget to add to all this splendor a large holiday poster - a wall newspaper with wonderful congratulations and good wishes! We bring to your attention a great many successful stories for such New Year's posters on the pages of this section. Many of the special holiday projects presented here are suitable for joint collective creativity with children.

Ready-made samples for creating wall newspapers that carry the New Year's mood.

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All sections | Do-it-yourself wall newspapers for the new year. new year posters

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The long-awaited New Year 2019 is getting closer and closer, perhaps the most favorite holiday of the year for the vast majority of people in our country. City streets are changing. Shop windows decorated with garlands of light bulbs turn them into one continuous winter fairy tale. Christmas tree markets in snow-covered snowdrifts and the whole pre-New Year atmosphere set us all up for the expectation of a miracle coming from childhood. In many houses, Christmas trees have already been installed and rooms have been decorated. In this article, we want to tell you about 3 original New Year's posters for the New Year 2019, made by ourselves, to please loved ones with the approach of the desired holiday. To help your creativity, we have collected photos and videos that you should check out.

Instructions on how to make a beautiful poster for the New Year 2019

New Year's posters for the New Year 2019, made by hand, are quite diverse. Everyone strives to make them unique, creative and bright. And this is not without reason, because they play an important role - raising the spirits and fun of others. Many of us, in order to achieve a similar result, are engaged in creativity not only with our children, but with the whole family as a whole. After all, it's great when all the relatives, in the process of jokes and ringing laughter, in an easy, relaxed atmosphere, are engaged in collective work in preparation for the New Year. As a rule, fairy-tale characters familiar to us are depicted on a blank sheet of drawing paper, and these are Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden, the Christmas Tree, forest animals, deer with a sleigh and much more. But do not forget that this year the Pig must be on the poster, cheerful, carefree and colorful. She will bring prosperity and good luck in all matters to your family in the coming year. In a word, as a result of inspired creative work, such species are born:

  • wall newspapers(one of the types of poster created on Whatman paper and containing, in addition to New Year's drawings, clippings with congratulations and wishes from newspapers, magazines in a simple and comic form);
  • original posters made with watercolors or gouache (performed using prints of children's or adult palms, from which they create the symbol of the year 2019 - little Pigs as well as Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden);
  • christmas tree posters(created using the palms of children or adults, circled on a sheet of colored paper, cut out and glued in the form of a Christmas tree);
  • voluminous posters(they are created in the form of a live image, for this they take multi-colored shreds, colored or corrugated paper, Christmas tree rain, tinsel, cotton wool, snowflakes, stars and much more, which is then used as clothes pasted on fairy-tale characters, slightly protruding for realism, when creating general winter background on whatman paper, etc.);
  • simple posters(drawn with pencils and felt-tip pens);
  • wish posters(in them, in addition to drawings, the desires of loved ones are entered or pasted);
  • posters for parents(they paste photos of parents with congratulations);
  • posters for a loved one;
  • vytynanok posters(created using pictures drawn by yourself or thanks to templates cut out and pasted onto a poster).

Such posters can be used:

  • in kindergartens;
  • school;
  • in higher educational institutions;
  • in commercial establishments;
  • in offices;
  • in the Palaces of Culture;
  • at home.

But do not forget that the Yellow Pig plays the main role in 2019, so it should look decent on your poster. In a word, pure drawing paper should turn, through your common family efforts, into a colorful and colorful creation, thanks to which the flow of positive emotions will be even more powerful for your environment.

To create you will need:

  • whatman;
  • markers;
  • paints;
  • pencils;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • brushes;
  • a photo;
  • decor items: beads, rhinestones, ribbons, New Year's rain, tinsel;
  • multi-colored patches and more.

For creative work, each of you can use what you like.

Kindergarten is the first step in the entry of a small person into a hectic social life. And this means that here, too, congratulations on the upcoming New Year are a pleasant and obligatory tradition. In order for the child to fully feel the magic of the holiday, it is worth making a poster with him from the carved palms of his own hands. It looks unusual and is created easily.

To make this we need:

  • Whatman A-4 or A-3;
  • Colored pencils, watercolors or gouache, felt-tip pens;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • cotton wool;
  • threads for knitting red and blue (optional).


  1. Lay out the paper evenly and fix its edges so that they do not wrap, using blue paints, create a winter background, as in the photo.
  2. On a sheet of green paper, circle your child's palm with a simple pencil and cut out such a number to decorate the Christmas tree.
  3. We glue the finished palms on whatman paper, giving the shape of a Christmas tree, and then, at your discretion, you can decorate it with all sorts of snowflakes, beads, rhinestones, rain, pieces of cotton wool in the form of snow.
  4. Using a simple pencil, draw the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus, and then use felt-tip pens or paints to decorate their faces only.
  5. Take the knitting threads of the desired color and cut them finely with scissors to make a kind of pile, and then glue it to where the clothes of your fairy-tale characters are. A small puppy should also be placed on the poster, it will not take up much space, and it should be made from brown threads.
  6. With cotton we make an edge on the fur coat of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, on the hat, on the sleeves, carefully gluing it.

Well, here is our poster for the New Year 2019, made by hand, which will delight everyone in kindergarten.

New Year's three-dimensional poster to school

In order to be noted for originality when creating a New Year's poster for school, it is worth combining drawing with an application, and then you will get an unsurpassed three-dimensional poster that primary school children can not only admire, but also touch as if living characters.

For work you will need:

  • whatman paper of the desired size;
  • scissors;
  • sheets of colored paper, including gold and silver;
  • PVA glue;
  • paints;
  • brushes;
  • markers;
  • New Year's rain and other tinsel;
  • cotton wool;
  • dry leaves, optional.


  1. Spread the drawing paper more comfortably and apply schematic strokes of the location of all the details and images on it.
  2. Start making a Christmas tree: we make branches of a forest beauty from green paper, picking them up so that when they stick, they stick out a little.
  3. Having made the required number of parts, assemble the Christmas tree and glue it to the Whatman paper, decorate it with rain, beads and balls cut out of shiny paper.
  4. Over the Christmas tree with felt-tip pens, write in different colors: Happy New Year!
  5. Draw with a simple pencil Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Snowman, be sure to Pig and, if desired, other fairy-tale characters, and then decorate them with paints and felt-tip pens. Santa Claus make a beard from cotton wool, an edge on a fur coat, hat, collar, fixing it with glue. Do the same with the Snow Maiden.
  6. Allocate a place for a small New Year's greeting, written with felt-tip pens or cut and pasted.
  7. At the very end, we decorate our New Year's poster with stars or snowflakes cut out of golden and silver paper.

Ideas for decorating posters for the New Year 2019 with your own hands may be different, but still try to make a three-dimensional poster, it will look lively and natural.

Wall newspaper for parents

Handmade gifts are more often given by children. They especially try for their beloved moms and dads. And this is wonderful, because so far this is the only way they can express their love and appreciation!

For work you will need:

  • whatman;
  • paints;
  • markers;
  • pencils;
  • simple pencil;
  • clippings from newspapers, magazines;
  • decor items: cotton wool, rain, tinsel, sequins, rhinestones, beads;
  • glue.


  1. On whatman paper, make strokes for future pictures, and then circle them with felt-tip pens and decorate them with paints.
  2. Paste the clippings of congratulations you like from newspapers, magazines, or you can just print them out.
  3. The inscription "Happy New Year!", Decorated with paints, can be lightly smeared with glue and sprinkled with sparkles.
  4. We also decorate the Christmas tree colorfully: in several balls, if you want, you can paste photos of your parents, and decorate the Christmas tree itself with rain, carved snowflakes, cotton wool, beads, sequins, home-made toys made of colored paper and so on, fixing it all with ordinary glue.

This is how a beautiful New Year's wall newspaper is born, and the more shine you give it, the more your parents' eyes will burn, rejoicing at such a dear gift for them for the New Year 2019.

Photo ideas for New Year's posters

If you find it difficult to draw a New Year's poster on your own or you do not have enough time for this, then you can print ready-made holiday photos with congratulations, funny pictures or templates for future creations that you will need to decorate with your own hands and print them using a color printer. You can add the necessary words of congratulations both by hand and on the keyboard - immediately before printing. To make your work easier, we provide you with some photo ideas and templates for future posters, but do not forget to include the Pig character on them, as it is a symbol of the coming 2019.

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