Home indoor flowers To repay debts to a Christian egregor is magic. Is it God or are they egregors? How is the creation and functioning of religious egregors

To repay debts to a Christian egregor is magic. Is it God or are they egregors? How is the creation and functioning of religious egregors

Christian egregor.

Nagualism and Christian egregor?
(Regarding the article by S.I. Doronin "Pros and cons of nagualism")

Article by S.I. Doronin's "Pros and cons of nagualism", in my opinion, contains many fair ideas, useful and relevant reflections. However, we find two points in it, one of which I personally consider to be an insufficiently substantiated assumption, the other is impossible or very difficult in terms of practical implementation.

S.I. Doronin writes:

"However, it can be noted that now there are more effective, easy, highly reliable and safe ways to preserve one's individual consciousness after the death of the physical body for a longer period than even the most talented followers of the Toltec teachings can provide themselves by lighting a "fire from within". This path was inaccessible in the past and unfamiliar to shamans of antiquity. The point is that you can rely not only on your personal energy potential, but also use the services of a disproportionately higher potential of an egregor, for example, an egregor of the Church."

“Over the two thousand-year history of the Church Organization, this dense Body of the Church, as the clergy themselves say, by now the high energy potential of the church egregor has been accumulated, which is open to everyone and allows you to use its services. The church egregor is a convenient intermediate station on the natural path of our energy structure to non-local state. It can support and replenish the energy loss of our structure during dissipation, and thus helps to preserve individual consciousness."

A number of questions arise:

b) If the "egregore" really exists as a psychoenergetic field, do we have any reason to consider it an "accumulator" of the energy of awareness, helping adepts to maintain individual awareness after the death of the physical body?

c) Even if we assume that the egregor exists and that it accumulates the energy of awareness, what grounds do we have for believing that it is "open to everyone and allows you to use its services"? Indeed, in any case, in order to "use" them, certain conditions must be observed.

It's not even that "you have to sacrifice some share of your personal freedom, your individuality." First of all, in order to enter this field, one must accept specific psychological conditions (because the field is psychoenergetic). Even in the most "liberal" case, the practitioner is obliged to share with Christians the essential points of their faith: to believe at least in God the Creator, it is desirable to believe in the Savior of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit - the bearer of the energy of Grace and Consolation. If this is not done, the hypothetical egregor of Christianity will not allow the practitioner to "connect" to it in order to receive additional energy of awareness.

I emphasize that we are not talking about ideology or philosophy, we are talking about the psychoenergetic conditions of contact with the "egregor", if it exists in Reality.

From the point of view of the psychology of perception, we must consciously go for the self-conditioning of experience, for the development of some perceptual, cognitive and emotional attitude.

"He [the egregor of the Orthodox Church - A.K.] can much more reliably protect our energy structure after the death of the physical body." (Though we don't know for sure and are just hypothesizing.)

And here we come to the second difficulty.

The second point is the attitude of Christianity itself and Christians towards such attempts.

If we admit the existence of an "egregor", then we must remember that the psychoenergetic field supported by people behaves in some respects like a living organism. In other words, if Christians reject any non-Christian or near-Christian psychoenergetic practice, consider it "soul-destructive", heretical, then their egregor will behave in a similar way. In order to take advantage of the supposed resources of the Christian egregor, the nagualist must be accepted by the Christian community as "one of his own." The Church puts forward strict requirements for those who wish to enter its Energy Body. He must abandon almost all the concepts that make up the essence of nagualism.

Of course, we know examples of the masterful use of the Christian Church as a "cover". But this method presupposes a "double outlook" and, at the level of social practice, hypocrisy. If we were talking about "social disguise", then for the pragmatist-"Toltec" this is an acceptable thing. But we are thinking about the possibility of joining the energy resources of the egregor. I think that a real energy exchange is possible only if the practitioner is absolutely sincere. Consequently, the former "Toltec" cannot escape the demands of the Christian Church. The Church is categorically against both Toltec and any other non-Christian "techniques and methods."

"At the same time, no one forbids using Toltec techniques and methods, as well as any other esoteric practices, but using them precisely as tools, as useful skills obtained from any other areas: science, art, etc."

Unfortunately, it is not. Christianity (and most of all - Orthodoxy) cannot agree that people who join their egregor will use "esoteric practices" - even just as tools.

Of course, I completely agree that it is much better and more effective to "not oppose" but to "try to find agreement and mutual understanding."

Perhaps, as the author writes, "the return in this case will be multiple." But Christianity and the Christian community (which creates and nourishes the egregore, which determines not only its strength, but also the degree of its openness to the outside) prefer to carefully preserve their ideological, theological and spiritual-practical "purity" and thereby reinforce the psychoenergetic barrier that separates everyone from their egregor non-Christians.

Thus, in my opinion, the problem is not in nagualism, but in the inevitable conservatism of the Christian tradition, which is obliged to keep its two-thousand-year-old Holy Things unchanged.

The Christian egregor, like the Church, is not satisfied with concessions and compromises. The Christian egregor needs absolute Faith, devotion and obedience.

For the above reasons, I still do not see how such different positions as Nagualism and Christianity can be combined.

Alexey Ksendzyuk

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In our attempts to find a way out of the current state and self-preservation, Orthodoxy plays an increasingly important role. My friends, people of my age, by the way, former ardent Marxists, now Orthodox.

And quite unexpectedly for me, we have recently begun to have disagreements when discussing the future of Russia. They see him as Orthodox.

And I have a number of doubts and objections. And if this topic is discussed, then it should be done on models and diagrams. Which might seem strange to some. But we are not talking about faith, we are talking about the place of religion in the future of Russia and the world.

And thematically, the conversation in the article will go about the relationship between religion and the world of egregors. The very posing of the question frightens some, while others clearly irritates. And this is a sure sign that the topic is relevant.

Therefore, to begin with, we need to fix positions - on which field we will talk. I will speak from the window of my science, which is as aspired to the Spirit as religion. Science is the work of research, which is based on the passion for knowledge. The limits of tradition, authority, and so on mean very little to me. At the same time, I have a personal spiritual experience that allows me to treat the topic differently than just as a science. He's complex.

I am going to speak with the help of two models: the model of the divine-human community (church) and the model of egregore (mentosphere). We will speak by comparing these explanatory models about what is observed in reality.

Divine-human organism

In previous articles, we talked about the energy of the egregor of the Russian mentality. As for the content of the mentality, this is a different topic. Here is how Christians interpret it: “The “bearer” of the Russian World is the Church of Christ, not as an earthly institution, but as a Divine-human organism.”

The divine-human organism is a cultural formation, from the original "cult", according to Florensky. It is possible only if states are eliminated on the planet. By the way, the dream of the Bolsheviks and Lenin.

The divine-human organism is outside of society. Say, in the catacombs.

In a situation where states are transforming into geopolitical blocs, and then into mental worlds, the positions of the church sound tempting at first: we are divine organism, Yes, and existing on Earth for two millennia.

But there are two interesting questions for me:

1) what was on Earth before its appearance?

2) how does this divine-human organism relate to society?

To avoid omissions, we introduce the first scheme:

Rice. 1. The Church as a divine-human organism outside of society.

Before the advent of monotheism, certain stages were fixed on Earth: the primitive spiritual culture (without civilization) and the spiritual culture of ancient civilizations (polytheistic). This stage, if we talk about duration, exceeds the life of the "God-human organism" of monotheistic religions by an order of magnitude, or even by two. Approximately five millennia BC. polytheism lasted, and from 15 to 40 thousand years ago, the first signs of the spiritual searches of the most ancient people are found - they are recorded in the so-called primitive art.

Should these periods be counted? Or was it not a divine-human organism by virtue of its animism or polytheism? But even today, not all of us are Orthodox Christians on earth - there are about 1.6 billion adult Orthodox. In general, there are 2.31 billion Christians on Earth, and, of course, fewer Orthodox in the world and in our country. Yes, and the "Orthodox" in our country rather call themselves Orthodox according to the tradition of the territory, and not culture. " The vast majority of Orthodox Christians (61%) have not read the Bible at all ».

“Many priests argue that people can be classified as Orthodox on the basis of how often they participate in church sacraments - they confess and take communion. The Levada Center reports that there are only 7% of such people in Russia.” That is, quantitatively, this is a tiny part of the population.

At the same time, “experts see the greatest danger for Russia in the rapid growth of the Muslim population while reducing the number of ethnic Russians. According to them, there are now about 20 million Muslims in Russia, which is about 14% of the population. It is expected that by 2030 their share will grow to 19%. (http://www.gazeta.ru/social/2012/12/17/4894681.shtml)

It turns out that in our territory there are already twice as many active Muslims as there are Orthodox Christians. They are more disciplined, and external help is obvious to them. And their claims are growing, to which you should not turn a blind eye.

There is no doubt that all this means nothing to the believer. "Small spool but precious". Everything is so, but now we are really on the verge of war and further transformations of Russia. And we analyze our resources in the spiritual sphere. It turns out that real asset this spiritual power is very little. Seven percent of exemplary Orthodox, and of them capable of actively holding a position, and if it is necessary to bring Orthodoxy to the masses, even less.

It was in the nineteenth century that Russia was an Orthodox empire. And today we have no more Orthodox activists than the first Christians in Rome. But those were on the rise of their history, and there everyone cost the army, and we are still successfully going into the pit of crisis, and more and more by rituals and liturgies we measure our Christianity. Closing ourselves from the world that is attacking us, we must understand that the point now is not vegetables and fruits with chocolate and oysters, the point is what kind of spiritual support we have for the implementation of the way out of the crisis and the subsequent breakthrough.

If Orthodox Christianity really lays claim to this role, then how realistic is our institution of the Church in assessing its strength and resources?

Religion in Society

Here is my point of view: egregors originated in the bioworld, from where we inherited them. They define their existence collective behavior animals, and humans (as partial animals).

For some reason, my Christian critics have a primitive point of view that the concept of "egregor" does not belong to the scientific tradition, and is borrowed from occultism - and therefore it is "pseudo-science and pseudo-religion". But to relate in this way to the term and concept, since it was just dragged by the prolific occultists, a real scientist cannot. Moreover, among the occultists there were and are very outstanding scientists - they just have a slightly different understanding of "research". But they have something to learn, they have their own methods of analysis, achievements, etc. Therefore, history is ironic: yesterday alchemy, tomorrow chemistry, yesterday occultism, tomorrow science: this line is very unsteady. Which does not prevent science from defending its borders, but there are always battles in its adjacent territories. AT constantly writes about this and is beaten precisely for trying to marry science with faith.

In addition, management is omnivorous: none of the rulers in the twentieth century was stopped by the simultaneous use of the achievements of science, religion and occult practices for their own purposes. This has become especially clear in the last 20 years, as both information and disinformation have increased. Sometimes it is disinformation that says more about the real state of affairs. Therefore, one can continue to be in "one's own pride" in any of these isolated fields, the reality has long been as I said above: science, religion and the occult constantly interact and change their boundaries. At the same time, if science “tests everything” with experiments and then gives a reasonable conclusion, religion simply keeps the old barriers, relying on tradition. True, she has to admit from time to time that science was right about this and that, but five hundred years later, this is of little concern to anyone. Especially those whom the church has already burned at the stake or ostracized by destroying their lives in a different Jesuit way.

Regarding the topic of egregors, the very message of criticism is wrong: the study of egregors in science has been going on for a long time, since the 1920s, and on the basis of this hypothesis, in an explicit or implicit form, in fact, all psychotechnics, anthropotechnics and sociotechnics (including those in Ahnenerbe) are built. To substantiate the existence of transpersonal psychology, we need the idea of ​​"psychosubstance" - in any form. And egregor is such a substance - mental. This means that it has both psycho (Soul) and pneumato (Spirit). The menthosphere, in my understanding, has two beginnings: the psychosphere and the pneumatosphere. This is the Soul-Spirit connection.

It is understandable why religions are so resistant to the introduction of this concept into science: it affects their fundamental interests in the struggle for influence. That same God-human community, on which religion insists, in this natural picture of the world can be described as an "egregor of religion."

In a number of publications of modern researchers, this fact is not hidden. Religion in its earthly manifestation is "egregor + institution of the church." Where God is the content of this egregor, and the institution of the church exercises power on Earth by "pumping" this egregore. Moreover, on a planetary scale, we are not dealing with a single God, but divided between confessions. And each denomination is ready to prove its case by "holy war until the complete extermination of the infidels." But this is precisely what proves that we are dealing with the struggle of large egregors for influence over the masses, and not with the One God - GOD cannot wage war against himself. And the original thesis about the Church as a Divine-human unity thus passes into the category of very beautiful abstractions.

When you begin to consider specific mechanisms, you are dealing not with the Divine-human unity, and even not so much with the institution of religion in society (the Church as a machine of people), but with something else.

In man, the basis of this is the phenomenon of Faith and mystical intuition. Faith immerses us in the world of values ​​and images, which is the mentosphere. And from here it can be assumed that the church has a conductor between the mental world and the public person - the egregore of the church.

Here is the second scheme, in which we introduced the level of the mentosphere and the level of the noosphere:

Rice. 2. The divine-human world and egregors.

Christians say: we pray not to egregor, but to God. And what can you prove? Since you have an intermediary in the form of a church - a group of your like-minded people, your own accumulated culture - that is, an egregor. Do you do this one-on-one with God, another question. And you have a group. In summary, this is a very difficult question.

The noosphere keeps civilization in society - a machine of people. The institution of religion is also a human machine. And this formulation of the question is valuable in that it allows us to see the evolution in history: this institution also existed in the form of shamanism in primitive times, and then groups of priests of various cults in antiquity, and only then - in the form of a monotheistic church. This institution has always relied on egregors and has always demanded its pumping, Christianity and Islam inherited a lot from earlier techniques for working with egregors, this is well known.

If we take the Middle Ages, then it was here that all the techniques of influencing the Soul through feelings and through art were worked out. But after the Middle Ages - in the era of the power of huckstering - the ideology of the Enlightenment came to this place, and art separated from the bosom of the church, became secular. Hence the flourishing of music, painting, sculpture, architecture and literature of the New Age (including ours).

And in the twentieth century, with its projectivism, social engineering arises. Art was dissected in modernism and moved into the category of means of influencing the psyche through the media. I'm not talking about politics, but today's branding brings the main profit to hypermonopolies. Brands are sold for an order of magnitude or two more than the cost of production, this is a profit out of thin air. I described these phenomena in a book on branding, see AT.

The church in society is a kind of materialization of religion. What the church is in society, we have already said: it is an egregor plus an institution. Let's fix it in the diagram:

Rice. 3. Religion as an egregor and religion as an institution.

Before us are two circuits of control in society: spiritual and secular. The Holy Roman Empire, as far as I remember, was ruled by two people: the Pope and the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire were considered co-rulers of the entire Christian world, and this was quite a secular government on the part of the Church. Catholicism's pretensions to power have remained to this day.

About the hypothesis of egregores

The egregor hypothesis allows me to discuss the present and build the future. Its essence is simple: there is such an energy form of life as egregor. It is manifested in the "space between" - like a flock of animals, like a group of people, it is the "delta plus" of the system. Group consciousness lives in the form of egregor. Initially, this is an uncontrolled form, in the limit it is the consciousness of the biosphere. This is not mind (noosphere) and there is a well-described difference between consciousness and mind in the form of thinking by Lefebvre and the elder Shchedrovitsky.

Egregor is a store and consumer of group energy. And it affects a person through the sphere of the subconscious, beyond the control of the mind. This is the sphere of value regulators, we described it by composition.

Eregor with a very high power is able to influence our visible reality so strongly that many miracles can be explained by this influence. There is a God, but why can't he operate through this drive mechanism called egregor? It may well. This in no way detracts from His greatness. And if you build a chain of heliotaraxia - the Sun as a generator and the Earth with its biosphere, then the egregor, according to the hypothesis, is a transmission link between the general and the individual. For example, between society and the individual.

When a person on Earth fulfills His Will, having Faith, egregor endows such a person with colossal power - and faith is really capable of moving mountains, making water hard, stopping the Sun, etc. The more faith, the greater these opportunities and responsibilities - but this is given only to the most spiritual people. Here Spirit and energy are tightly connected.

The appearance of magic in society and then religion is a line of culture that allowed people to some extent control this uncontrolled energy. There is a type of control spiritual administration. And it is primary in history, at the beginning of any cycles of any size. I can develop this, but the following is clear: the rallying of large masses of people can only occur through egregors, using their accumulated energy. And secondly: the rallying of people can only occur at the moment of a NATURAL leap, when there is an injection of energy into the community from the side of a big egregor. This is what Lev Gumilyov describes as the emergence of passionarity among the ethnic group. A sign is the appearance of passionaries with special properties, the ability to spiritually control the masses.

An example of a controlled rise on the wave of a large egregore is Byzantium. Rome was by no means made up of fools in politics, so the selection of the strongest unifying religion and its translation into a state ideology was done by design (the Council of Nicaea, doctrine, etc.). Stalin in 1927-31. did the same with Marxism-Leninism, turning it into a state religion with the help of discussions in the Komakademiya. In both versions, we are talking about the institutionalization of the idea-doctrine, the construction of a state-empire on the basis of ideocracy. Byzantium is an ideocracy, and so is the USSR.

Egregor and wave resonance

If you like, both our adoption of Christianity and the appearance of the phenomenon of Sergius of Radonezh are from the same category. Powered by energy boost.

Christians tell me: a very controversial statement. What is primary? The church believes that Sergius of Radonezh inspired Dmitry Donskoy and his squad to the Battle of Kulikovo. The rise in energy is a consequence, not a cause.

I object. I'm talking about resonance, he did it at a resonant moment, when there was an upsurge of mental energy. You can either saddle it or miss it, because. this energy is natural. Sergius is great because he entered into resonance with the rising wave. That is evidence of his great mind and experience. And in no way detracts from his spiritual feat, but only complements it.

People cannot be lifted up for no reason, they must be in the appropriate energy phase of the mental cycle.

I will give an opposite example - hundreds of times all sorts of ascetics tried to make a spiritual uplift in moments of depression, when there is no energy and society is asleep. And - absolutely nothing. On the declines of the energy wave, people are not inspired in any way, they mentally “sleep”. So, for example, "populists" have failed. But on the rise - a tiny spark is capable of igniting a world fire. “A spark will ignite a flame,” a familiar quote? So Lenin had a good sense of what and when. Although he is not a forecaster in the scientific sense, he learned about the February Revolution from Swiss newspapers.

Here is an example from the recent past, analyzed by Doctor of Economics. Boris Ivanovich Iskakov. “Gorbachev came to power during the minimum activity of the Sun and ruined everything with his lack of will. And Yeltsin, on the contrary, ruined everything with his violent, unpredictable activity, which is extremely dangerous during a solar catastrophe. But the weak-willed Gorbachev naturally came to power during a minimum of solar activity. And Yeltsin usurped it no less naturally during the period of maximum activity. This is from his old interview, ten years ago.

And yet “each phase of the rise of solar activity has its own rules of policy, its own rules of governance. And the cosmos helps only those individuals who intuitively follow these phases.” Everything is accurate.

I repeat: what has been said does not deny the spiritual feat of Sergius, but for me this feat is double - he did the right thing at the right time, on time. In history, this is archival. I think God helped Sergius understand - when.

In the school curriculum, I remember, it was from John Reed and Mayakovsky: “Today, he says, it’s too early to get up, And the day after tomorrow it’s too late.” Like, Lenin sensed this point and did his job.

Lenin and the Bolsheviks won in a hopeless situation only through the use of the then “hot” egregor of Russia - he was pumped up, and although his party is small, but the asset was well and timely trained - I wrote about this in a book about Bogdanov. And all the large parties that were nearby and competed did not resonate with this egregor and therefore “blew away”.

Donbass is in the same situation now. The territorial community has energy, because a handful of ordinary people defeat ukrov with hundreds of tanks and dozens of aircraft. So far, nuggets are fighting, and something connects them, which they themselves do not yet understand. Orthodoxy appears here rather on a personal level, and not as the content of a new society.

On grounds for optimism

I want to end on an optimistic note. For everything is in His hands, and we do not know His providence. Inscrutable are the ways of the Lord - more than once I was convinced.

There is an egregor of Christianity. At one time in history it was unusually strong, and when it became the official state religion in our country, the Church of Christ was an integral part of the Russian government.

This integral part of the Progressives under the slogans of the Enlightenment still took away.

Then they were gone, and in the place where in the society there had previously been a torn piece of the public body, the revival of this church began. Many want her to play the same role as before. Even I sometimes want to. But the real recovery of its influence does not go beyond a few percent. To reanimate the body does not mean to restore it.

The opposite of the past state of social unity under the auspices of spiritual authority is the current situation, when people are trying to be united only by rationality: norms and law - civilization. This is what liberalism is.

In Russia, civilization has always had to be imposed by force, and this was even before Orthodoxy. Civilization arose out of necessity and was constantly in a very difficult relationship with spiritual power. But the trend of their alternating struggle in history is obvious - under Peter the same secularization of power won as in the West. And the church became a ministry under the emperor (Holy Synod).

But now the process is complete. As a result, people become more and more soulless robots - civilization tears them away from past egregors, creating their own simulacra. This is also a whole topic, I wrote about it more than once.

This has a direct bearing on religion in today's world. With the existing gigantic mind-manipulation machine of the masses - what is its role? Where, in fact, does the expectation of a new spiritual reunification of people into Humanity come from through religion? What is being done for this? We need to somehow work on this, joining efforts. But for the most part, the church does some other work, mostly purely ritual. I hope there's something I don't know. But I'm talking about what I've been observing for 20 years, and not the concepts, plans and programs that the Church most likely has somewhere.

The attempt to cast off the ties of civilization and reunite the world through the divine-human unity of the church is understandable to me. It is, as it were, a new way out into the supersystem, beyond the limits of society. Even the quite pragmatic sociologist Pitirim Sorokin wrote about the need for a new religion for mankind - he thought of it as a kind of synthetic religion of the future. The project is the same. The idea is clear, but here, as always, the question is in the details.

There are many who insist on the leadership of the Orthodox Church in this process. From this point, difficulties of a completely earthly nature begin, we will discuss them in the next article.

So, today we are moving quite quickly towards the bifurcation point of our time. Who is listening to Time? Who knows for sure where to turn the Russian ship? If this is our Orthodoxy, then where will we sail?

The Russian bear has not yet been woken up, although Western idiots are poking it with sticks of sanctions from all sides. Meanwhile, his historical time to wake up without them has almost come. By the way, this was the calculation that the bear would not understand when awake and get into a fight - and here we are his horn of the whole West. But if you treat him like that five minutes before the alarm clock of history, then our bear can really go berserk.

N.N. Aleksandrov, Doctor of Philosophy, Head. department and professor in Nizhny Novgorod.

In the history of mankind, there are many examples of characters and personalities inspired by ideas and thoughts that are not their own: famous theologians, theologians, writers, scientists. The sources of such ideas are egregors that control our lives, and the effect of egregors on our thoughts and feelings is far from always realized.

Egregors are the product of thoughts and energetically directed emotions of people united by a common conviction.

The purpose of the existence of egregors is the absorption and accumulation of energy.

In the world there are a huge number of sources for the generation of egregors. Any business, idea, circumstance that can rally around a group of people - small or large - form a strong energy and information field. The larger the group, the stronger the field. The stronger the field, the more powerful the laws by which it exists. Such a field is transformed into an egregore - an independent unit capable of attracting more and more adherents, and thus grow its power.

This article will discuss one of the varieties of egregors - religious egregors.

What are religious egregors?

In fact, a religious egregor is nothing more than an energy space generated and filled with information by the followers of a certain religious idea.
The concept of "religious egregors" includes the Christian egregor, the egregor of Judaism, the egregor of Islam, the pagan egregor, as well as the egregors of all other religious movements, cults and beliefs.

How is the creation and functioning of religious egregors?

The mechanism for the development of religious egregors is based on conducting rites, rituals, services, reading special texts (mantras, prayers).

Religious egregors are the most powerful of those that exist on earth. This is due to the huge number of people who put their energy into them. Energy, as you know, tends to accumulate and have a strong impact on people connected to it. Thus, members of religious denominations - bishops, Dalai Lamas, mules - acquire specific vibrations that distinguish them from other people. Egregores of religions acquire special power during religious holidays. During such periods, people with true faith become witnesses of miracles of healing, resolution of complex problems.

Certain religious egregors include egregors of a smaller order. So, in Christianity, Orthodoxy, Protestantism, Catholicism, smaller branches - Jehovah's Witnesses, Marmons, Baptists, etc. are distinguished. In Islam, these are Sunnis, Shiites, Sufism and Wahhabism. In Hinduism, these are schools of yoga, Vedanta, Sankhya, as well as unorthodox movements.

Since egregors feed on the energy of their followers, it is most important for them to get the strong emotions of their adherents in any way.

As a rule, negative energy is easier to extract and has a greater intensity.

How does a person fall under the influence of egregores?

For example, a person is exposed to negative news on TV. He hears about the fighting in Ukraine, about the victims of tornadoes in America, or about the death toll in a plane crash in the Atlantic Ocean. A person begins to scold his life, God, higher powers, feeding various egregores with this, dragging himself into pessimism, constant discontent and a painful feeling of the injustice of life.

Thus, a person falls on the hook of an egregor, which, clinging to it, will constantly pump out energy from him.

How and why to work with egregors

There is a way out of the state of being stuck in an energy-consuming structure. Of course, in order to cope with the problem, it must be recognized. The higher the awareness, the faster and more effectively a person will get rid of their energy vampires.

The speed of getting rid of destructive egregors is proportional to the awareness of the prisoner.

2.1. Algorithm for release from the trap of egregor

To release from energy-information networks, or to prevent getting into them, you need to ask the following questions:

  1. How does the current (happened) situation affect me personally?
  2. Can I correct the situation or influence it in some way?
  3. What do I get from the endless scrolling of thoughts and deep experiences in my head?

These questions can lead a person to understand the true meaning of the current situation for his life and help save his energy.

Living in awareness is great, especially when that awareness is beneficial to all areas of a person's life. But is mindfulness alone sufficient for security?

There are times when a strong connection is established between a person and a religious egregore. Rites of initiation, given vows, performed rituals (baptism, vows, communion) automatically connect a person to the system of the religious field. Awareness of the connection with a religious egregor in this case will not be enough, because the embedded programs and beliefs are always stronger than consciousness. Such beliefs about serving God, the idea, giving up one's interests can be passed on from generation to generation, become tribal (family).

Developed programs and beliefs are stronger than awareness.

But there are no hopeless situations. Since we came into this world to learn, everything that happens to us serves as a lesson to us. Communication with an egregor is the path we need to go in order to understand what is holding us on the hook.

2.2. How to determine that you are on the hook?

  • Your activity is aimed at achieving other people's goals;
  • Increased fatigue, overexpenditure, lack of results;

In this case, it is necessary to analyze where your energy is directed, whether you are doing a lot of unnecessary, meaningless things.

  • Limited thinking, stubbornness;

Stubbornness is the protection of consciousness from leaving the comfort zone, sometimes perceived as something that represents a danger to the belief system. In fact, this is a direct indicator of being stuck in an egregore.

Here are the most common symptoms of freezing in an energy-consuming system. From them it is easy to determine what is wrong and quickly resolve the situation.

Signs that you are on the hook of someone else's egregor: work for others (not for yourself), loss of strength, no growth, stubbornness.

The influence of egregors on our life and death

Religious egregors cover and control all spheres and periods of human life, from birth to death.

Such energy structures can be aggressive towards those who are not among their adherents. Often, adherents of such structures do not accept other opinions and ideas. Thus, passive, forced involvement (family members, relatives, friends) in energy communities of this kind can have a negative impact, close the path to a happy, harmonious life for a particular person and hinder the evolution of all mankind as a whole.

For our country, egregores of suffering are relevant (dissatisfaction with the standard of living, government, prices); egregors of alcoholism (direct and indirect involvement in alcohol addiction); egregors of an unhappy personal life (all men are bastards, real men have disappeared, the institution of marriage has been destroyed, etc.).

The benefits and harms of egregors

Egregor has neither positive nor negative properties. This is a kind of "collective intelligence" that can be used to your advantage. But not knowing its laws, there is a risk of being led astray, of being in a mess of life.

Examples of the destructive action of egregors are participation in religious sects, serving non-traditional cults, fanaticism.

Egregors of proper nutrition, sports, art and science have a positive effect.

The followers of religious movements, of course, find support in their like-minded people, and in the very ideas they believe in - help and hope for salvation. But the return is always greater than that received from religious egregors. For example, in order to support an adherent of a certain religion, it is necessary to perform regular rituals, go to church, pray, observe fasts, prohibitions, and so on. And this limits the freedom of action and choice of a person.

Lack of freedom to exit egregore is a danger signal!

What positive effect do religious egregors have?

Positive egregors are able to give support and protection to their adherents, without depriving them of their freedom of choice (egregor of Buddhism).

There are also neutral energy structures that do not pose any threat either to their own or to adherents of other structures.

Greetings, Lights of the Clear! If you are interested in the title of this article, then you certainly hear the voice of your Soul, which is in search. And now she rejoices in an exciting thrill, trying to give a sign that you are on the right track. I will not go into details and intricate sophistication, since all this is a distortion of the truth through the prism of personal experience, but I will highlight only the main idea.

Life is cyclical in nature and all living things are constantly evolving and changing. Many have already noticed how time has accelerated, and everyday life has been filled with various events. And many more and more often began to notice how fleeting thoughts and ideas free from conventions and restrictions can sometimes materialize. How much the distance between the cause and effect of some situations has been reduced. How strongly our thoughts and emotions began to influence our well-being and the one to whom they were directed. Only an inveterate materialist or a person mired in fuss has not noticed this yet.

The essence of these changes is that we and our planet have moved to a new stage of development. Almost all prophecies, contactees, mediums and clairvoyants speak about this. This is due to the natural cosmic cycles, which are called differently in different traditions. Just as there is an earthly seasonal cycle associated with the rotation of the Earth around the Sun, there is also a larger solar cycle associated with the movement of the Yarila-Sun along the halls of the Svarog Circle, i.e. by constellations. According to this cycle, our solar system has moved from the chamber of Mary, which is characterized by death and decay, to the chamber of Veles, who manifests wisdom, ancient knowledge, strength and wealth, which marks the beginning of the Day of Svarog.

So what is happening to us. Our bodies, Soul and Spirit begin to awaken and be filled with the power of life, like trees and all nature with the advent of spring. The energy potential increases many times over. And that's fine, but for some it can be dangerous. Especially for those who have been collecting a load of heavy thoughts, feelings and beliefs for years. Such people, with their negative stereotypes, such as fear, resentment, envy, hatred, destroy themselves and those around them. And in conditions of increased energy, this becomes critical, resulting in illness and various misfortunes or even death.

Therefore, now it is vitally important to consciously make a choice of what you want to create and have in your life. And if you have chosen Life, Light, Goodness, Love and wish to become a real Creator worthy of the Father, first you need to throw off all the shackles and free yourself.
Some will say: “Why should I be freed?! I'm so free!!!" I will answer right away. I do not force anyone and do not call for anything. WILL is voluntary. I will also add that I do not claim to be a Teacher or Magus, I simply share my own experience, for the benefit of the whole, of which I and all of us are a part, thereby expressing myself.

For those who are interested, I will try to briefly explain. Life is created according to certain laws of the universe. The determining factor is our free will, which absolutely no one has the right to violate, even the Gods.
But as cunning people say, any law can be circumvented, which is successfully done, of course, by deceit. One has only to change concepts, distort the truth, and a person willingly, voluntarily, with the best of intentions, gives his will, destiny and all his energy potential to some kind of “uncle”, organization, system, religion, leader, that is, egregor.

Egregors are energy-informational structures of the astral plane, which consist of the energy of thoughts and emotions of large groups of people united by a common idea, as well as a large number of astral entities that serve the egregor and use it for their own selfish purposes. Religious egregors, Christian, for example, are especially dangerous. Egregor uses an adherent as a feed and a puppet, imposing his will on a person. For people who do not know and do not want to develop independently, egregor can be useful - someone's trodden path and protection of egregor, if you are pleasing to him, in exchange for your tribal, life potential and destiny. Especially if an initiation ritual is carried out, then a person is torn off like sticky: they cut off the birth canals and connection with ancestors, close intuition and the ability to think freely, block individuality and talents, close a person’s life path, that is, his vocation and impose their stereotypes. And all this with complete impunity. You yourself or your parents, by your own free WILL, wanted to connect to it and entrusted your fate. And even if a person has moved away from the egregor and tries to develop independently the energy suckers of the egregor and its influence remains. At the same time, according to the laws of physics, you, the egregor and his followers remain communicating vessels and the energy will always flow to a weaker, but pleasing member of the egregor. And if a person is a danger to an egregore, carrying a generic light in himself, then an egregor can try to destroy a person, completely pumping out his life force and pumping negative energy into him through the same channels. Thus, a person ceases to belong entirely to himself, i.e. his Soul and his Family, but falls into the power of egregor. After that, the egregor and his minions have the right to manipulate him with impunity and use his resources and will for their own selfish purposes. And since this has been going on for more than one generation, this process is generally accepted, everywhere and without the slightest suspicion of deception. At the same time, the wisdom of the Ancestors, cultural heritage, folk traditions, Family foundations, the voice of the Soul and the connection with the Family are trying in every possible way to block, cut, eradicate, seal and slander and declare the greatest evil that a person would be blind and subdued.

This is how bad things happen on Earth with the hands of others, “donated” by will and energy, and the responsibility lies with the deceived and his Family. And then they ask themselves the question, where is justice and how can everything get away with doing evil and outrage. So you yourself gave them your will. And without will, a person already becomes like cattle. And this is not the full picture, but I will not shock yet.

So now the primary task of the awakened ones is the liberation from all alien and destructive egregors of themselves and their Family, the demand for their life potential, destiny, talents, vocation, energy, strength and WILL. And also in the awakening of the Ancestral Light, Strength, Wisdom, Love, and then in the joint creation of the reality that our bright, pure, divine Soul craves!

I think everyone who thinks will agree with this and the Soul will help to make the right choice. Even just logically think about who is closer to us, dearer and unselfishly longs for us all the very best. Some kind of egregor and those who say how we need to live, deciding everything for us, and at the same time not missing the opportunity to profit at our expense. Or our pure, bright Soul, showing us the right path and the Souls of our Ancestors, i.e. our Family, a part and continuation of which we are, and who with boundless love watch over us - their own children, always trying to help us, suggest, guide, teach. So that we can adopt their greatest experience, wisdom and strength, increase this wealth and pass it on to our children and grandchildren.

For those who have realized and want to live according to their own will, having regained what belongs to them by birthright, below I will give two of the three methods of baptism known to me, which can be applied independently and preferably together.

Both methods are very effective and positive, but have common disadvantages:
1. Baptism by these methods frees only the person himself, while relatives remain under the rule of the egregore and through them, although to a lesser extent, the pumping of vital energy can continue.
2. If a person has a negative impact, especially a generic one or the resettlement of an outside entity, then self-baptism can proceed with exacerbations. Those. first you need to be diagnosed by a specialist or at least independently with a pendulum and, if negative, undergo purification. So you take full responsibility for the possible consequences.

The first way of self-baptism.
This method is the easiest. This is a gift from my friend. This woman has a good natural connection with her Family and receives information from the Ancestors. Thus, the prayer-intention for liberation from the Christian egregor was received, which I will give below.

And this is how the release goes:

Light a candle, sit down comfortably with a straight back, without crossing your arms and legs, with palms open on your knees, take a few deep breaths, clearing your mind and turn to the Father and Ancestors with the intention: “Father Heaven, Mother Earth, Patrons of my Family, Az am (name), I greet you and ask you to help me in cleansing, liberating from all alien, negative egregors, especially Christian, from all their bindings, seals, programs, attributes and all equipment, for the benefit of me and my Family! "
And read the prayer 3 times:
“I am no longer baptized, I am baptized,
Because I am not a slave (a) of God, but I am a son (daughter) of God (I),
And I am by birthright Blessed by God!
I was born (ena) for happiness and for a long and happy life,
And not for suffering, I'm not a slave (a) of God (s),
A beautiful divine creation,
Born for love, kindness and creation!
And I'm not a creature of God, but a beautiful creation of God
And I don't believe in salvation through murder and sacrifice
Which has nothing to do with me!
I have a proud name - Slav!
And I'm not a slave and I'm not a Christian!
I freed myself from the Christian egregore
And I am not connected with him (a), I am always unleashed with him!
Christian egregor no longer has power over me,
Above my brain, above my mind
Over my Russian Spirit and over my Soul!
From now on, I am under the protection of the Slavic, Russian, Native Gods!
And I'm free from the religion of suffering, from church baptism,
From slave psychology and from the stigma of slaves.
From now on I live at the level of good and positive
And I am invulnerable (a) to evil and negativity,
I am impenetrable by a Christian egregor and cannot be reached for him,
I am not visible to him and I am independent of him!
So be it, I want it so!”

Sit quietly for 15 minutes, visualizing how the bindings are torn, the seals are removed, the negative and all the attributes of the egregor are peeled off, how the Ancestors participating in the liberation rejoice and hug you with boundless love, as after a long separation. Thank the Gods and Ancestors for help.

The cleansing process can take several days. After a while, it will be possible to repeat this rite for prevention.

The second way is self-baptism.
The second method requires at least the slightest idea about working with Runes. For those who do not know, Runes are not only one of the types of ancient writing, but first of all energy keys that resonate with the energy of space. These are living symbols-images, each of which has certain deep meanings and carries special energy properties that are used in Runic Magic. If you wish, you can independently familiarize yourself with the Runes on various magical forums. Just want to dispel some of the negative stereotypes about this. Runes and magic are avoided and feared by some, mistakenly considering these to be the tricks of dark forces. All this is superstition. In general, Magic is one, it is the power of Mother Earth and Heavenly Father perceived by man. Only people use it differently. Magic is everything we do in life on purpose. They spat over their shoulders, knocked on wood, prayed,
expressed a wish, etc. As soon as the intention was born in us, Magic begins. Magic is the creative process of life. And when we apply our will and certain techniques to achieve certain goals, for example, Runic Staves, then real miracles begin, which is Magic.
Black magic begins when vital, ethical, spiritual laws are violated, for example, free will. Or when the energy is directed to destruction or with selfish motives. Everything else is creativity, one of our main life tasks.

So the second method of liberation with the help of the Runes involves the use of the Runic staves "Cross for oprimists" by the author Vlas (search on the Internet), to free from all the bindings and seals of the egregor. And also becoming "My blessings, these are my blessings" by LEIKA.

I found a way to get rid of egregors with the help of Runes on the Internet and for some time used it together with the above prayer, until we got our own very powerful process - "Rite of liberation of the Soul and Family from all egregors" or "Baptism of the Family", which is led by the author. And since according to the rules of the site it is forbidden to post extraneous links, those who are interested in this rite will find it through the search. The baptism of the Family goes even remotely, through the intention of the recipient and the transmitter, spontaneously, by agreement of the Souls and the Family, with the most powerful wave of the divine energy of Love, sweeping away all suckers, bindings, seals and other attributes of egregors within 3 days from the person himself and from all of his relatives. The body, and emotions, and the mind, and the Soul, and the Family are cleansed. These are huge changes for the benefit of the entire Family. At the same time, it is desirable to keep in touch with your loved ones and be interested in well-being.
Within 3 days, the condition can change greatly, you may feel unwell or toxicosis, this is normal.

After liberation, the state improves significantly, strength is added, incredible lightness and freedom are felt.
The next step is the Ancestral Light Awakening Rite!
All the best to you and good luck in good deeds!

With boundless love,
Vasily Rodosvet!

Eugene, from my point of view, depends a lot on what theories, models and frameworks our mind is limited (and at the same time expanded) by.
You formulated the question based on the "energetic" model. This means that there is an idea to describe and explain the events of the inner and outer worlds by various kinds of energy exchange.
From my point of view, "energy" is just one of the metaphors. It is sometimes helpful and sometimes harmful.
What could be its harm? For example, in the fact that we believe in "flows of good energy" and "flows of bad energy", not noticing that we endow them with this or that quality.
There is no such problem in the psychological model. There is no "bad energy" from which "protection" is needed, there is "what I don't want to realize", or "I'm afraid to admit", or "I'm painfully living". But each "negative" contains a resource for growth (and personal growth is always spiritual growth).

There is also, besides the energy, an older model of "spirits". This is when all things have their own spirit, acting as an independent person. Then all events can be described as a conflict of personalities - which was quite understandable for ancient people.

There are also "information" models (the child of cybernetics), the model of the whole unified world, etc.

The model of thinking in Christianity is quite ancient - the Struggle of Good and Evil. For Christians, there is the concept of "external enemy", "evil forces" and so on. Accordingly, if there is an external enemy (Satan, for example), then one must defend oneself from it.

From a psychological point of view, "demons" are repressed parts of the personality, with which a person cannot yet become a single whole and has not found a harmonious way to BE SUCH. In the process of psychotherapy, when a person meets his "demons", realizing them sincerely as his desire or feeling, they disappear, becoming at the same time POSITIVE. For example, instead of "people are evil" (a typical projection-generalization), a person recognizes "I am angry and afraid of this and that and that's why" - and stops seeing people as evil, because he does not force out feelings, and having taken measures to protect himself - ceases to be afraid.
Or else, by recognizing "I hate my husband", the wife stops fighting with herself and straining, disguising her hatred - FEELING RELIEF - and then she may even feel love for him. It's paradoxical, but that's how psychotherapy works 90% of the time.

That is, the psychological model states that there are no external enemies. All intentions of a person are initially positive, a person is initially a kind happy creative being. And when a person returns to his natural state - becomes himself - all negativity disappears.

Now about the pectoral cross. If you are looking for protection, then it is unlikely that the "direct energy of love" will be available to you, rather indirect, because these are different models - a model of protection from evil and a model of salvation. For salvation, sometimes you need to sacrifice yourself, or at least your comfort.

Extrasensory perception is also subject to the thinking patterns of a particular psychic. If we perceive the world of energy as a world of "bad" and "good" energy, then the behavior will be the same. The "evil eye", "astral blows" and other "good" appear, there is a need for "protection". But protection always means some kind of unawareness (in the psychological model), and this is the minus of the Fight against Evil model.

I think that there is no objective picture - "how the pectoral cross works." There is our attitude, our model of explanation. And there is also a subconscious attitude - it may differ from the conscious one. Perhaps the consciousness is looking for protection, and the subconscious perceives the cross as a symbol of love. Or maybe vice versa.

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