Home indoor flowers Nutrition for diarrhea in the elderly. How to treat diarrhea in the elderly. What can you drink with an upset stomach

Nutrition for diarrhea in the elderly. How to treat diarrhea in the elderly. What can you drink with an upset stomach

Diarrhea (diarrhea) is a functional disorder of the intestines, which is accompanied by an increase in its peristalsis, passage (movement) of food masses, as a result of which liquid, nutrients and salts do not have time to be fully absorbed into the blood. How to help the intestines, read the article.

Krivoguz Igor Mikhailovich

Articles written

This condition is manifested by frequent stools and its liquid character. To improve the functioning of the intestines, it is necessary to reduce the load on it as much as possible and ensure that the body is replenished with salts and water, for which a special diet for diarrhea is used.

Causes and effects of diarrhea

The main mechanism for the development of diarrhea is a violation of the absorption of water, mineral salts and nutrients from the intestinal lumen into the blood. There are several main reasons diarrhea, which include:

  • Intestinal infections (pathogenic Escherichia coli, salmonella, enteroviruses, shigella) - enters the intestine with food, colonizes its mucous membrane and causes inflammation in it. The intestine reacts to this by increasing peristalsis (specific wall movements that push food masses into the lower intestines), the reverse transition of fluid and salts from the tissues into the intestinal lumen.
  • Food poisoning - diarrhea is provoked by bacterial toxins that enter the body along with poor-quality food. Especially often such toxins accumulate in confectionery products containing cream.
  • Functional disorder of the gastrointestinal tract - develops as a result of a violation of the innervation of the intestine by the autonomic nervous system (it happens with prolonged stress) or irregular nutrition, with the predominant use of refined high-calorie foods.
  • The use of foods with a high content of mineral salts, which, according to the law of osmosis, cause the transfer of fluid from the blood and tissues of the body back into the intestines.

Violation of the absorption of salts and fluid from the intestine leads to the development of dehydration (dehydration) of the body. This condition is fraught with the development of a number of consequences:

  • Disorders of the cardiovascular system and arrhythmia (violation of the rhythm of heart contractions).
  • Functional disorders of the central nervous system.
  • Renal failure due to decreased blood volume.
  • Deterioration of blood flow in tissues with a decrease in their nutrition (trophism).
  • The development of seizures.

Especially quickly dehydration with diarrhea and its consequences develop in children, the elderly and debilitated people. Regardless of the cause, the main pathogenetic measure (impact on the main mechanism for the development of diarrhea) is a special diet for diarrhea. Its purpose is to reduce the severity of the inflammatory process in the intestines and restore the water-salt balance in the body.

Diet guidelines for diarrhea

  • The frequency of eating at least 5 times a day, in small portions, which will make it possible to reduce the functional load on the inflamed intestine.
  • Food should not lead to mechanical irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, which are very sensitive during diarrhea. To do this, dishes must be steamed or boiled in water, immediately before use they must be crushed (semi-liquid state or rubbed).
  • Exclusion of chemical irritation of the walls of the organs of the digestive system - it is forbidden to take fried, smoked dishes, with the presence of spices.
  • The temperature of the food should be as gentle as possible, the best option would be its temperature in the range of 30-35º C.

Diet for diarrhea with the implementation of the principles of nutrition, has a physiological effect and allows you to accelerate the process of restoring the functional activity of the intestine.

Video from the coordinating doctor of the Bookimed Patient Support Center

Food for diarrhea: foods that you can and cannot

Rational and physiological nutrition with diarrhea is possible with the help of a special diet, which includes a list of foods from what to eat with diarrhea:

  • Dried white bread, crackers without sugar and raisins, drying.
  • Lean meats (chicken, veal, rabbit) and fish. It is best to cook grated dishes: cutlets, soufflé, meatballs.
  • Soups in lean meat broth, with boiled cereals or vegetables.
  • Porridges from well-boiled cereals (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal) in water or with the addition of a small amount (1/3) of low-fat milk.
  • Pasta, vermicelli is better, but not every day.
  • Well-cooked or stewed vegetables, it is advisable to cook them without peel. Potatoes can be cooked in their skins.
  • From fruits - baked ripe apples or pears, bananas.
  • Boiled chicken egg, preferably soft-boiled or in the form of a steam omelet.
  • From dairy products, you can use low-fat cottage cheese; and milk or butter can be added to porridge during cooking.
  • From drinks - green, black tea, dried fruit compote, kissels, still water.

Nutrition for diarrhea in adults has an effect on the next day from the onset of diarrhea.

Products with diarrhea that must be excluded from the diet:

  • Black or gray bread.
  • Fatty meats (pork, duck) and broths cooked on their basis.
  • Dairy products: milk, cream.
  • Fresh and canned vegetables.
  • Any acidic fruits and vegetables.
  • Spices and spices.
  • Sausage, smoked or canned food, pickled foods or pickles.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Sweets and confectionery.
  • Bean cultures.
  • Coffee, black tea, carbonated drinks, concentrated fruit or berry juice, alcohol.

All these products increase intestinal peristalsis, irritate its mucous membrane and increase the burden on the digestive system.

Features of nutrition for diarrhea in a child

The diet for diarrhea in children has certain features associated with the faster development of dehydration and the functioning of the digestive system. At the same time, it is very important not only what to feed the child with diarrhea, but also how many times. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the following features:

  • Reducing the amount of food, with an increase in its intake up to 7 times a day.
  • If the child is breastfed, it is important not to refuse it during diarrhea, since mother's milk ensures that all the ingredients are supplied to the body and provides a protective effect on the intestines.
  • A diet for diarrhea in a child over 1.5 years old should contain a large amount of liquid (still mineral water, dried fruit compote), cereals should be boiled as much as possible, vegetables should be chopped.
  • As the severity of symptoms decreases, nutrition for diarrhea in children can be expanded by adding lean meat, fish, low-fat cottage cheese.

A video lecture by Dr. Komarovsky about intestinal infections in children will help a lot here:

Diet menu for diarrhea

Below is a diet menu for diarrhea for a few days. Such a menu can be compiled independently based on the list of allowed foods and taking into account the basics of nutrition.

Diet menu for diarrhea
Day of the week meal Dishes and products
Monday Breakfast Rice broth on the water, jelly.
Snack Green tea with crackers.
Dinner Soup with rice and meatballs, a piece of bread and black tea.
Snack Baked apple, dried fruit compote.
Dinner Mashed potatoes, a piece of boiled fish, non-carbonated mineral water.
Tuesday Breakfast Oatmeal on the water, without sugar and additives.
A glass of green tea, 1-2 unsweetened crackers
Snack A glass of dried fruit compote or jelly.
Dinner Boiled vermicelli, a piece of steamed fish.
Compote or jelly
Snack 2 bananas.
Dinner 2-3 potatoes in uniform, 1 fish cake.
Wednesday Breakfast Rice porridge on the water with 1 soft-boiled egg Green tea, a slice of bread.
Snack Kissel, 1-2 unsweetened crackers
Dinner 100 gr. rice, 100 gr chicken breast baked in the oven. Green tea, drying
Snack Baked pears or apples
Dinner Steamed chicken thigh, buckwheat porridge, jelly.
Thursday Breakfast Steam omelet from 2 eggs, a slice of bread, dried fruit compote.
Snack Light chicken broth with croutons.
Dinner Rice porridge, steamed beef meatballs, a slice of bread, berry jelly.
Snack Baked apple puree.
Dinner Carrot puree, boiled fish, a slice of bread, non-carbonated mineral water.

When should you see a doctor for diarrhea?

If diarrhea develops, a doctor should be consulted in such cases:

  • Lack of effect from the diet and self-treatment for 3 days.
  • Loose stools more than 10 times a day in a child under one year old, in debilitated or elderly people - there is a risk of developing severe dehydration with consequences.
  • Significant intoxication of the body with general weakness and an increase in body temperature up to 39º C, which lasts 2 days or more.
  • Intense vomiting, which does not allow the ingestion of medicines and food.
  • Changes in the stool in the form of darkening (bleeding), the appearance of mucus or streaks of blood.
  • The appearance of acute pain in the abdomen (indicates the possible development of appendicitis).
  • The development of symptoms of dehydration - wrinkled skin, decreased amount of urine, kidney smell from the mouth, impaired consciousness, convulsions.

To improve the effectiveness of the diarrhea diet, you need to follow some useful recommendations and tips:

  • Reception of intestinal sorbents - medicines that bind and remove toxins from the intestines (Enterosgel, Sorbeks), they must be taken one hour before meals, at least 3 times a day.
  • Liquid, especially in children, is best taken in small amounts (10-15 ml), but often every 15 minutes.
  • It is worth abandoning drugs that inhibit intestinal motility (Loperamide), since together with peristalsis they reduce the elimination of toxins from the intestine.

It must be remembered that diarrhea is a protective reaction of the body, aimed at freeing the intestines from toxins and bacteria. A diet for diarrhea in adults and children will help the intestines get rid of toxins more quickly, reduce inflammation and restore fluid, minerals and nutrients.

Krivoguz Igor Mikhailovich

Master of Medicine, family doctor, Sumy

- an important stage of treatment, which will help to normalize the functioning of the intestines as a whole.

In this case, the correct menu is no less important than taking medications prescribed by a specialist. The diet will help restore the water balance in the body, improve the functioning of the digestive tract.

Therapist: Azaliya Solntseva ✓ Article checked by Dr.

How to alleviate the condition:

  • drink 8 to 10 glasses of water daily;
  • drink at least 1 glass of liquid each time after a liquid bowel movement;
  • eat often and in small portions throughout the day, instead of 3 times;
  • Eat some salty foods like crackers, soup, and sports drinks
  • Eat some foods high in potassium, such as bananas, peeled potatoes, and drink fruit juices.

The diet and menu for diarrhea in adults consists of the following principles:

  1. You can eat baked or fried beef, pork, chicken, fish, or turkey. Cooked eggs can also be used as food. Use only skim milk, cheese or yogurt.
  2. If you have very severe diarrhea, you may need to stop eating or drinking dairy for a few days.
  3. Eat refined white flour baked goods, pasta, white rice, and cereals such as semolina, wheat, barley, oats, and corn. You can also eat pancakes and waffles made with white wheat or corn flour. But don't add too much honey or sugar.
  4. You should eat vegetables, including carrots, green beans, mushrooms, beets, asparagus, squash, and pumpkin. It is best to consume vegetables after cooking. Potatoes are best used in baked form.

Foods and drinks that are best avoided and excluded from the diet for diarrhea in an adult:

  1. You should avoid eating fried and fatty foods.
  2. Avoid fruits and vegetables as they can cause gas. Example: broccoli and peppers, beans and peas, berries and prunes, chickpeas, green leafy vegetables and corn.
  3. Avoid caffeine, alcohol and carbonated drinks.
  4. Limit or eliminate milk and other dairy products if they worsen bowel symptoms or cause flatulence and bloating.


Menu for the elderly

Dietary guidelines for diarrhea in the elderly include avoiding solids and dairy products, replenishing lost water and electrolytes, using pectin and probiotics.

Other helpful foods or drinks to treat diarrhea may include liquid gelatin, clear broth, weak tea with honey, carrot juice, boiled potatoes, bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast.


Nutrition for diarrhea in children

Children with diarrhea may be less energetic, with dry eyes or a dry, sticky mouth. In infants, the diaper stays dry longer than usual.

Give your child plenty of fluids for the first 4-6 hours. First, 2 tablespoons of liquid every 30-60 minutes. You can use an over-the-counter drink like Pedialyte or Infalyte that doesn't need to be diluted. Other suitable liquid may be given.

When the child is already eating regular food, you should start by eating the following foods:

  • bananas;
  • chicken meat;
  • crackers;
  • pasta;
  • rice.

From the menu it is necessary to exclude:

  • Apple juice;
  • dairy;
  • fried food;
  • concentrated fruit juice.


Eat with IBS - irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea

Diet and lifestyle changes are important in reducing the frequency and severity of the syndrome's symptoms.

The first thing a doctor might suggest is to keep a food diary. This will help you figure out which foods are causing your symptoms.

Limit foods that contain ingredients that can stimulate the intestines and cause IBS:

  • caffeine;
  • alcohol;
  • dairy;
  • fatty food;
  • foods high in sugar;
  • artificial sweeteners (sorbitol and xylitol);
  • Some vegetables (cabbage and legumes).

Other recommendations for irritable bowel syndrome:

  1. Drink plenty of water and avoid carbonated drinks, which can cause flatulence and discomfort.
  2. Eat small meals and slowly to help reduce cramps and diarrhea.
  3. Eat low-fat, high-carb foods such as pasta, rice, and whole grain bread.
  4. Probiotic supplements can help relieve other symptoms, including abdominal pain, bloating, and bowel problems.

How to improve your diet after diarrhea

No one can live on a strict BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce and toast), at some point you will need to expand your diet.

It is not necessary to follow the three meals a day regimen. If you feel hungry, then you can start eating. Consider a sample menu.

Breakfast and diet after diarrhea in adults:

  • rice flakes;
  • eggs (cooked with a minimum amount of oil);
  • oatmeal or other hot boiled cereals;
  • plain, low-fat yogurt;
  • rice cakes.
  • canned fish;
  • chicken bouillon;
  • chicken noodle soup;
  • chicken breast;
  • crackers;
  • pasta;
  • egg white sandwich (chicken or turkey);
  • vegetable soup.
  • potatoes (baked, mashed or steamed);
  • lean meat (chicken, turkey);
  • vegetable stew.


What to eat with a disorder after antibiotics

Antibiotics are usually prescribed to fight bacterial infections, but you may experience diarrhea after taking the medicine as a side effect of antibiotics. The drugs work by killing or reducing the growth of certain bacteria that make people sick.

However, they can also kill the good or beneficial bacteria in the intestinal system, which can upset the delicate balance in your gut. The normal intestinal flora is disturbed and this can lead to diarrhea.

Any antibiotic can give you diarrhea, but broad-spectrum antibiotics are more likely to do so, such as clindamycin, some types of penicillin, and cephalosporins.

If you are taking an antibiotic, consider changing your diet for just a few days. Eliminate foods that commonly cause diarrhea, such as dairy products, fatty foods, spicy foods, and high-fiber foods such as whole grain breads, cereals, and beans.

You should also drink water in small sips and avoid caffeine and alcohol. If antibiotic-related bowel symptoms are severe, your doctor may recommend bed rest and intravenous fluids to replace lost electrolytes—sodium, potassium, and chloride.

Probiotics are friendly bacteria or yeast that are good for helping your digestive system. A growing body of research shows that probiotics may help protect against antibiotic-associated diarrhea.

The probiotic Lactobacillus acidophilus, found in some brands of yogurt, helps reduce antibiotic-associated diarrhea in adults. Probiotics are also found in miso and other fermented foods. Probiotic supplements are sold in pharmacies and health food stores in liquid, powder, and capsule forms.

Diet adjustments can help you avoid or relieve diarrhea symptoms until you finish your course of antibiotics. Drink water to replenish fluid waste.


We limit the diet for intestinal colitis with diarrhea

Diet therapy for inflammation of the large intestine with symptoms of stool disorder is similar to nutritional therapy for nonspecific ulcerative colitis.

Its principles are to adequately and safely reduce plant fiber in the daily diet.

The diet includes:

  • dairy;
  • grain processing products;
  • meat and other proteins;
  • fruit;
  • vegetables;
  • fats and sauces.


Effective treatment for diarrhea

Most cases of diarrhea resolve within a few days without treatment. If lifestyle changes and home remedies for diarrhea don't work, your doctor may recommend medications or other treatments.

Fluid replacement treatment. Your doctor will advise you to replenish fluids and electrolytes. For most adults, this means drinking water, juice or broth. If drinking itself is causing an upset stomach or loose stools, your doctor may recommend replacing fluids through a vein in your arm (intravenously).

Water is a good way to replace fluids, but it doesn't contain the salts and electrolytes that are needed to maintain the electrical potentials that keep the heart beating and all body systems running.

You can help maintain electrolyte levels by drinking fruit juices to compensate for potassium losses, and by eating soups and broths to compensate for sodium depletion. Some fruit juices, such as apple juice, may make diarrhea worse.

Children are best served with oral rehydration solutions such as Pedialyte to prevent dehydration or replace lost fluids.

If the doctor determines that the antibiotic has caused an upset in the digestive system, then he may reduce the dose of the drug or switch to another medicine.

Treatment of the underlying disease. If your diarrhea is caused by a more serious condition, such as inflammatory bowel disease, then therapy will focus on treating the underlying condition. You can contact the right specialist, such as a gastroenterologist, who can help develop a personalized treatment plan.


We eat with nonspecific ulcerative colitis with diarrhea

For many people with ulcerative colitis, finding the right diet plan is the key to managing its main symptoms: bowel disorders and pain. If you don't eat certain foods that you think make your symptoms worse, pay attention to how you feel.

There are certain products that should definitely be excluded. This is a low-fiber food, also known as a low-fiber diet. Such a diet is especially useful when symptoms worsen.

Low-fiber foods are easy to digest, slow down intestinal motility and reduce stool upset. The diet includes many of the foods you normally eat while keeping your fiber intake at around 10-15 grams per day.

The body will continue to receive the required amount of proteins and minerals, as well as the fluids and salts that it needs. Because chronic diarrhea and rectal bleeding can lead to certain nutrient and mineral deficiencies, a doctor may recommend adding a multivitamin to supplement the diet, depending on individual needs.

Keep in mind that some of these foods can still aggravate symptoms, so you may need to make some adjustments of your own:

  1. Dairy. Up to 2 glasses of milk, cottage cheese, pudding or yogurt per day
  2. Corn. Refined white bread, pasta, crackers, and dry cereals that contain less than 1/2 gram of fiber per serving.
  3. Meat and other proteins. Soft and tender boiled meats such as poultry, eggs, pork, and fish; soft peanut and nut butter.
  4. Fruit. Fruit juices without pulp. Canned fruits and apples, excluding pineapples. Raw and ripe bananas, melon, watermelon, plums, peaches and apricots.
  5. Vegetables. Raw lettuce and cucumbers, zucchini and onions; boiled spinach, pumpkin and seedless squash, carrots, eggplant, potatoes, and green and wax beans.
  6. Fats and sauces. Butter and margarine, mayonnaise and vegetable oils, mild sauces (not tomato) and seasonings, as well as whipped cream.

Indigestion leads to a permanent loss of minerals. Calcium deficiency has a negative impact on the functioning of various organs.

A large amount of this element is found in jacket-boiled potatoes. You can replenish your calcium supply with bananas. Doctors advise with diarrhea to eat 2 bananas a day. Diet with diarrhea will help to cope with the pathologies of the digestive system.

Do not give up salt, as it retains moisture in the body. Salty soups are especially useful for loose stools.

Diarrhea is the result of the course of pathological processes in the body, manifested through disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Moving away from various medical terms, people call it diarrhea.

Disturbances in the work of the stomach are characterized by severe spasmodic pain in it and the appearance of loose stools. The most appropriate treatment for severe diarrhea in the elderly is a strict diet.

Failure of the digestive system can overtake a person of any age. At the same time, young patients more often than older ones suffer from diarrhea as a result of eating poor quality products, deliberate or inadvertent violation of personal hygiene rules, and the use of medications with a side effect in the form of indigestion.

Other common causes of diarrhea attacks are common among the elderly, the above can also occur, but this happens much less often.

With age, a person has a natural weakening of the body and a decrease in the productivity of all basic processes. Therefore, you can support the work of vital systems, reducing the load on them, by following a diet.

Complications that are displayed on the work of the digestive system are expressed through a decline in the level of enzymes and failures in the hydrolysis of nutrients, which directly affects the frequency of loose stools. One of the reasons for such a situation, when severe diarrhea appears, is the deterioration of the health of the teeth and their loss, leading to poor chewing of food, which enters the stomach in large pieces and complicates the activity of the digestive organs in the process of digestion and assimilation of what is eaten.

Laxative tablets: types and mechanism of action

Today, in old age, four groups of tablets can be used, which, acting on the digestive tract, lead to relief. First of all, these are drugs that soften the feces and help it to pass.

They are created on the basis of various components that retain moisture in the colon, which leads to liquefaction of feces and stool discharge. Such tablets or powders are used most often.

The reasons

Among the people there is an opinion that diarrhea and vomiting indicate only digestive disorders. But this statement is wrong.

The main causes of poor health include the following factors:

In the event that a person is diagnosed with viral gastroenteritis, then it is dangerous for others.

Such patients are carriers of the disease already in the early stages of its manifestation and are considered dangerous for 3 days after complete recovery.

This suggests that patients need to be isolated from society so that the infection does not spread to other people.

If diarrhea suddenly appears with vomiting in adults, then this is a sign that the body begins to defend itself and tries to get rid of pathogenic bacteria, toxins that enter the body.

If the cause of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and weakness is viral gastroenteritis, then a person can easily infect others. The patient becomes a carrier at the first symptoms of the disease and is considered contagious for about 3 days after recovery. In this regard, it is necessary to limit the circle of communication of a sick person in order to avoid the spread of infection.

Crohn's disease

This is an inflammatory pathology that affects the lower part of the small intestine, but can spread its negative effect to almost any part of the digestive tract.

Clinical picture

In old age, the duration of diarrhea can reach several days, and the defecation itself with loose stools occurs about 4-6 times a day.

In this case, the causes of diarrhea can be any.

Diarrhea is based on four main mechanisms.

Diarrhea is a pathological condition of the body in which frequent bowel movements occur with loose stools, accompanied by pain and spasms.

In old age, many processes occurring in the body slow down. On the part of the gastrointestinal tract, this is expressed by a decrease in the level of enzymes and a deterioration in the hydrolysis of nutrients.

Changes in the oral cavity, when not all teeth are already preserved, leads to the fact that food is not chewed enough. The number of taste buds decreases, which leads to a decrease in taste sensitivity, especially in relation to sweet.

The secretion of saliva decreases and this is the cause of dry mouth. The process of swallowing is disturbed due to weakness and strength of the muscles.

There are changes in the pancreas. Its secretory function is reduced.

The liver decreases in size and the amount of bile produced decreases. The mucous membrane of the small intestine becomes thinner, which disrupts the secretion of enzymes necessary for the absorption of fats and milk.

Diarrhea is a pathological condition of the body in which frequent bowel movements occur with loose stools, accompanied by pain and spasms.

According to medical statistics, the number of patients diagnosed with pancreatitis has significantly increased over the past year. Diarrhea with an inflamed pancreas is far from uncommon.

Diarrhea and upset of the gastrointestinal tract as a whole are one of the main signs of organ malaise. Why patients with pancreatitis suffer from diarrhea, what other syndromes are characteristic of the inflammatory process in the pancreas, and how this delicate problem is treated.

Loose stools with pancreatitis: causes

Diarrhea is a kind of protective reaction to the introduction of pathogenic microorganisms, viruses and bacteria. Thus, the body itself is protected from the harmful effects of pathogenic microflora and conducts its detoxification.

But if this condition does not go away within a few hours, help is needed. Especially if there is fever and diarrhea, treatment in this case is mandatory.

Hyperthermia (fever) may indicate a general intoxication of the body. Such a state requires an appropriate attitude.

You can't let everything go by itself. Some people think that diarrhea is not really a disease.

Diarrhea should still be treated if it lasts more than one day. So you can save the body from serious consequences.

If the patient complains of diarrhea, abdominal pain, treatment is also necessary. Pain is a serious symptom that may indicate a serious illness, such as pancreatitis, hepatitis, gallstones, or appendicitis. If there is pain during diarrhea, then you need to see a doctor. In some of these situations, surgical assistance is needed.

The treatment for diarrhea depends on the underlying cause. What drugs are most effective for diarrhea? We will talk about this in this section.

First of all, any diarrhea should not be treated with antibiotics. This is done only in severe cases, for example, if the cause that caused the pathological process really poses a serious danger.

This applies to diseases such as salmonellosis or cholera. In this case, the patient must be hospitalized, and he will undergo further treatment under the strict supervision of doctors.

If there is water diarrhea in an adult, treatment should be aimed at preventing dehydration and restoring the water-salt balance. For these purposes, solutions such as Regidron or Oralit are suitable, you can also drink mineral water without gas.

Solutions are taken after each stool for half a cup. In addition, you should drink at least 4 glasses of one of these drugs within 12 hours.

What are the causes of vomiting of bile?

  • Liver disease;
  • Diseases of the bile ducts;
  • Diseases of the pancreas.
  • So, with cholelithiasis, vomiting appears after eating fatty, spicy and overcooked foods that irritate the esophageal mucosa and heavily burden the liver. At the same time, before the appearance of vomiting, a person develops severe pain in the right hypochondrium, itching of the skin and yellowing of the skin for several hours a day.

    Biliary colic is always accompanied by vomiting with bile. Moreover, this symptom is typical for this pathology. Biliary colic, in turn, can be triggered by cholecystitis. narrowing in the bile ducts, cholelithiasis, and stenosis of the duodenal papilla. With biliary colic, vomiting brings temporary relief, repeating again every 1 to 2 hours.

    Acute pancreatitis can also be accompanied by vomiting with bile. Especially often such vomiting develops during periods of exacerbation of pancreatitis. Often there is temporary relief after vomiting, but this is deceptive. Usually within half an hour the next attack of vomiting begins, which can last quite a long time.

    Finally, the last cause of bile vomiting is toxic poisoning from poor-quality food or alcohol. In this case, at first the person vomits food and water, and only after that bile appears.

    Vomiting of bile after poisoning appears when the stomach is completely emptied, and the urge does not stop. Thus, the liver is trying to make it clear to the person that it cannot neutralize toxins, and it needs help.

    Learn more on this topic:
  • acute surgical diseases: peritonitis, appendicitis. acute pancreatitis, acute intestinal obstruction, bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, acute cholecystitis;
  • chronic diseases: gastritis. peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, enterocolitis, duodenitis, cholelithiasis;
  • Nutrition for diarrhea in children

    The child is breastfed. If the mother feeds the baby only with breast milk, then nothing should change in the child's nutrition, since nature has taken care that mother's milk contains all the important and necessary trace elements that will help the child's body recover quickly. But still, it is better for the mother herself to refrain from provoking foods and monitor her diet.

    The child is artificially fed. Children who eat adapted mixtures need additional help to the body, because no matter how high-quality and highly adapted the mixture is, it does not contain the entire set of necessary trace elements.

    At the time of diarrhea, you need to give the baby a mixture with a high content of bifidobacteria, give more to drink (you can use pharmacy solutions: Regidron, Oralit; you can use solutions prepared at home).

    The child is over one and a half years old. At the beginning, it is necessary to feed the child with warm, mushy soups on mucous cereals. Be sure the food should be homogeneous and warm, so as not to provoke a deterioration in the condition.

    These recommendations on proper nutrition for diarrhea in children and adults are relevant, but still, for greater certainty, it is better to contact your family doctor, he will draw up a recovery plan based on the individual symptoms and characteristics of the patient.

    diet for diarrhea in adults

    How to alleviate the condition:

    • drink 8 to 10 glasses of water daily;
    • drink at least 1 glass of liquid each time after a liquid bowel movement;
    • eat often and in small portions throughout the day, instead of 3 times;
    • Eat some salty foods like crackers, soup, and sports drinks
    • Eat some foods high in potassium, such as bananas, peeled potatoes, and drink fruit juices.

    The diet and menu for diarrhea in adults consists of the following principles:

    1. You can eat baked or fried beef, pork, chicken, fish, or turkey. Cooked eggs can also be used as food. Use only skim milk, cheese or yogurt.
    2. If you have very severe diarrhea, you may need to stop eating or drinking dairy for a few days.
    3. Eat refined white flour baked goods, pasta, white rice, and cereals such as semolina, wheat, barley, oats, and corn. You can also eat pancakes and waffles made with white wheat or corn flour. But don't add too much honey or sugar.
    4. You should eat vegetables, including carrots, green beans, mushrooms, beets, asparagus, squash, and pumpkin. It is best to consume vegetables after cooking. Potatoes are best used in baked form.

    As you know, the diarrhea of ​​a nursing mother is often associated with stress, in such a situation you should not worry too much, you need to try to ensure a calm environment and everything will fall into place.

    But if mucous or bloody secretions are found in the woman's feces, she is sick, vomiting appears, then it is worth sounding the alarm, perhaps indigestion is caused by an infectious disease.

    Patients tolerate diarrhea in different ways, it depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. So, for example, loose stools in some people 2-3 times a day cause weakness and poor health, while in others, diarrhea 5-6 times a day does not cause negative consequences.

    If diarrhea lasts for a short time, it usually does not cause negative consequences and passes without much harm to health. If diarrhea continues for a long time and is accompanied by bloating, rumbling, false urge to defecate (tenesmus), nausea, vomiting, heartburn and causes severe weakness (exhaustion of the body), then this condition requires emergency medical care.

    It is not uncommon for patients with these symptoms to be hospitalized.

    With any nature of diarrhea, it is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of fluid. Compliance with the drinking regimen can protect against negative consequences and support the patient's body in good shape.

    It is better to drink mineral water without gas content in it, it will help maintain the water-salt balance. If there is prolonged water diarrhea in an adult, treatment is necessary. If home treatment does not help, and diarrhea does not go away within a few days, this is a serious reason to seek help from a medical institution. If severe diarrhea develops, the doctor will determine the causes and treatment.

    An adult often develops diarrhea, which can be caused by stress, food poisoning, or the use of poor-quality products.

    Diarrhea itself is not considered a dangerous problem and often stops on its own, disappears throughout the day.

    Self-treatment can be carried out if non-bloody diarrhea appears. There are many causes of blood in loose stools and they will be discussed below.

    Blood with mucus in diarrhea

    Diarrhea with blood and mucus indicates various diseases. Main reasons:

    1. Ulcerative colitis.
    2. Tumor.
    3. Syphilis.
    4. Tuberculosis.
    5. Hormonal failure in women.
    6. Infection or allergy.

    If loose stools with mucus and blood appear, it is recommended to immediately go to the doctor for a diagnosis.

    In the case of a non-infectious cause, it will be necessary to adjust the daily routine and nutrition. From the menu it is necessary to remove harmful products and reduce the consumption of sweets.

    Causes and symptoms of diarrhea

    Doctors very often diagnose various pathologies that cause diarrhea and vomiting. In addition, patients often experience the following additional symptoms:

    1. Pain in the abdomen.
    2. Nausea.
    3. Constant weakness.
    4. A slight increase in body temperature.

    Most often, the condition gets better after a couple of days. In 3-4 days he fully recovers.

    But it also happens that diarrhea and vomiting severely dehydrate the body, so patients have to rehydrate the body with the help of special pharmaceutical products. For example, Regidron.

    In the event that dehydration has led to a deterioration in the condition, the person must be hospitalized in the hospital department, where he will be injected with a cleansing liquid through an intravenous drip.

    It is worth considering that dehydration observed in infants or the elderly is a very dangerous condition that can lead to death.

    In addition to diarrhea and vomiting, a person may experience additional symptoms that indicate intoxication of the body. These include:

    • cutting pain in the abdomen;
    • persistent nausea;
    • general weakness;
    • there may be bloating, which is complemented by belching rotten eggs;
    • slight increase in body temperature.

    Occasionally, abdominal pain in an adult or child may raise suspicion of appendicitis. Before you start providing first aid, you need to exclude this dangerous pathology. To do this, ask the patient to pull the right leg, bent at the knee, to the chest. If during this movement the pain in the abdomen increases, then this is an occasion for an urgent call for an ambulance.

    Principles for Diagnosing Diarrhea in Elderly Patients

    Before proceeding with treatment, it is necessary to identify the cause that caused the pathology. After examining the patient, collecting complaints and anamnesis, the doctor prescribes laboratory and instrumental diagnostics.

    In elderly patients, in addition to diarrhea, other symptoms of the existing disease may not be expressed.

    The most important laboratory test is the coprogram. Such a study helps to determine not only the nature of the bowel movements, color and consistency, but, at the same time, to diagnose the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract by the presence of fatty acids, starch, muscle fibers and iodophilic flora.


    When questioning the patient, it is necessary to have a clear idea of ​​the nature of diarrhea. They find out how long the diarrhea lasts, what is the frequency, consistency, color and volume of feces, whether diarrhea is associated with eating.

    It is also important to find out if the patient suffers from other diseases (the exacerbation of which can cause diarrhea), whether he has general symptoms, whether he has traveled anywhere recently, what medications or drugs he is taking, and also the characteristics of his sexual life.

    The collection of anamnesis helps to determine whether the pathological process is localized in the small or large intestine. If the stool is large, thin, watery, or greasy, or contains undigested food, the diarrhea is most likely caused by damage to the small intestine. The patient may complain of pain in the umbilical or right iliac region or periodic cramping pain in the abdomen.

    With frequent stools in small portions with an admixture of mucus, the descending colon or rectum is most likely affected. The feces are usually mushy, brown in color, and may contain an admixture of blood and mucus. The pain is usually weak or absent at all, localized in the lower abdomen or in the sacrum. After defecation or passing gas, the pain may temporarily decrease.

    Blood in the stool can indicate inflammation, vascular disease, infection, or a tumor. White blood cells in feces are a sign of inflammation.

    Ways of transmission of infection

    Infection with acute intestinal infections, in which diarrhea and vomiting are observed at the same time, occurs in the following ways:

    • Upon contact with contaminated objects, after which the person takes dirty hands into his mouth.
    • When consuming food or drinks that are contaminated with the pathogen.
    • By direct contact with a sick person, as well as when using the same dishes or other household items.


    Most cases of diarrhea resolve within a few days without treatment. If lifestyle changes and home remedies for diarrhea don't work, your doctor may recommend medications or other treatments.

    Before you start treating symptoms such as loose stools in an elderly person, you need to undergo a general medical examination. This procedure can identify the focus of the disease, which leads to diarrhea.

    Usually, the examination is carried out on an individual approach to each patient. The main problem for any person with diarrhea is a sharp loss of fluid in the body.

    This is very important for the elderly. In such cases, a person needs to renew the water balance in the body and constantly consume liquid.

    So, for example, a good remedy for replenishing fluid in the body is a solution of Regidron, which should be drunk throughout the day every 2 hours. It is worth remembering that most drugs have their own side effects, and before using them, you must read the instructions.

    Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

    In parallel with medications, the doctor may prescribe the use of activated charcoal, which must be washed down with plenty of water, and a diet is also prescribed. Also, with abundant diarrhea, a decoction of rice is a good treatment.

    To prepare it, you need 1.5 teaspoons of rice per 0.5 liters of boiled water. Cook rice for 40 minutes over low heat.

    After the rice is boiled, wait until it cools down and strain through a sieve. It is necessary to take exactly the liquid left after rice throughout the day for ¼ cup every 2-3 hours.

    It is worth noting that the causes and symptoms of the disease in the elderly are the same as in everyone else. First of all, this manifests itself as loose stools, constant stay in the toilet and pain in the stomach.

    But, unfortunately, with serious diseases that are manifested by diarrhea, they begin at later stages and sometimes this leads to a loss of time for diagnosis and treatment. Most often, such diseases require a complete examination, as well as laboratory and diagnostic studies.

    Only a timely visit to a specialist and carrying out all diagnostic procedures can lead to a favorable outcome and treatment of the disease in the early stages.

    The presence of diarrhea, dehydration and general malaise in an elderly patient requires immediate treatment. Diarrhea in an elderly person may worsen with the addition of an infection, due to a decrease in the protective functions of the immune system.

    The main principles for the treatment of diarrhea in the elderly are:

    • treatment of the underlying disease that caused diarrhea;
    • carrying out rehydration and detoxification of the body;
    • prescription of a special diet for diarrhea.

    Therapy of the underlying disease

    As for traditional medicine, there are always a lot of suitable recipes. Do not forget that traditional medicine does not give a hundred percent guarantee of a quick and comfortable recovery. Always consider this factor when choosing traditional medicine, including the treatment of constipation.

    Diarrhea and vomiting can be treated differently depending on the cause.

    Diarrhea in the elderly requires immediate treatment. After all, at this age, the immune system, like the whole body as a whole, is not able to fully resist infections. Therefore, even one-day diarrhea can provoke dehydration and a rapid deterioration in the patient's condition.

    That's just to treat diarrhea without an established cause is not easy. Moreover, in the elderly, the general clinical picture of diseases of the digestive system is poorly expressed, and often diarrhea is the only symptom indicating ongoing pathological processes.

    But the cause of round-the-clock diarrhea with mucus and pus is most likely infectious colitis.

    According to the results of the diagnosis and after the cause of diarrhea in the elderly has been established, the treatment is selected on an individual basis. And a favorable prognosis can only be guaranteed with a timely visit to the doctor. At the same time, the lack of qualified assistance significantly reduces the chances of a full recovery.

    Rehydration and detoxification

    The processes of restoring the lost fluid and minerals must be started even before going to the doctor, continuing them until the complete cessation of diarrhea in the elderly. The classic version of water or compotes is ineffective in this regard.

    After all, with their help, only water reserves in the body are replenished, and the electrolyte balance remains disturbed. Therefore, the best remedy in this situation is pharmaceutical preparations, for example, Regidron or Citroglucosolan.

    How to treat diarrhea in a bedridden patient? Adequate drug therapy can only be prescribed by a doctor, so you should not delay the time to contact specialists. To stop diarrhea in a bedridden patient, it is important to prescribe drugs such as Enterol, Loperamide, Polyphepan, Smecta and other antidiarrheal drugs - this is the first thing any doctor will do.

    Many plant components are able to bind feces and prevent diarrhea. The most important thing is to observe the measure, combine with drugs and not replace drugs, but use them as an addition to the main therapy.

    Means How to apply
    Rice congee Strongly boil rice, strain its liquid and drink throughout the day in small portions.
    pomegranate peels Boil 3 tablespoons of finely chopped crusts in one glass of water, boil for 15 minutes. 4-5 tablespoons of decoction dissolved in a glass of water and taken before meals
    Decoction of bird cherry Fresh berries or bark are brewed in boiling water for 20-30 minutes. Drink this decoction throughout the day, 100 ml, between meals.
    Infusion of partitions in walnut kernels They take 100 grams of partitions and insist on alcohol in a closed dark container for 3-4 days. After the infusion, be sure to strain and take during diarrhea no more than one teaspoon per glass of water.

    These folk recipes are most often used as a supplement, and therefore the treatment of diarrhea in bedridden patients in a fairly short time gives a positive effect.

    Before treatment, the patient needs a comprehensive examination to identify the causes of the disease.

    1. Standard treatment regimen:
    2. Restoration of water-salt balance (plentiful drink, Regidron).
    3. Reception of activated carbon or other sorbents.
    4. Taking medication as prescribed by a doctor (antispasmodics, antibiotics, antidiarrheal drugs, etc.).
    5. Diet.
    6. Means of traditional medicine.

    First aid

    • Complete refusal of food for the day.
    • Gastric lavage.
    • At high temperature give Nurofen.
    • After each bowel movement, you should drink a solution of Regidron.
    • On the second day, fractional meals with steamed dishes. Complete rejection of the daily diet.
    • Calling a doctor at home or consulting a doctor.

    In what case to the doctor?

    1. Elevated temperature for 1-2 days.
    2. Stool with blood, mucus, pus.
    3. Severe pain in the abdomen.
    4. Indomitable vomiting.
    5. Severe uncontrolled dehydration.

    How to identify and what to do with dehydration?

    To control the loss of water in the body of an elderly patient, a pinch test is performed. To do this, a fold of skin on the back of the patient's hand is fixed for a few seconds with the fingers. The fold is released and they monitor how quickly the skin restores its elasticity. If it does not take a natural form for a long time, then there is not enough water in the body and it needs to be replenished.

    In addition to proper nutrition, diarrhea can be cured with medications or folk recipes.

    Among the drugs that effectively cope with diarrhea are the following drugs:

    1. Smecta;
    2. Activated carbon;
    3. Enterosgel;
    4. Ftalazol;
    5. Neosmectin and others.

    Acute diarrhea with dehydration and electrolyte disturbances is one of the most important causes of death, especially in children in developing countries. To prevent the death of the patient allows rehydration by the introduction of fluids inside or in / in.

    For oral rehydration, a simple solution containing sodium, potassium and glucose salts is suitable. Water in the small intestine is absorbed along with sodium and glucose, the cotransport of which is not disturbed even with the most severe diarrhea.

    It is also important to alleviate the patient's condition - this will improve his well-being and reduce the time spent on sick leave or the number of missed classes at school. The drugs used to treat diarrhea can be divided into the following groups according to the mechanism of action: adsorbents; drugs that inhibit the secretion of the gastrointestinal tract; opioids; M-anticholinergics; antimicrobial agents.

    Adsorbents (attapulgite, aluminum hydroxide) do not affect the course of the disease, but make the stool harder. This allows the patient to better control bowel movements and reduce its frequency.

    Drugs that inhibit the secretion of the gastrointestinal tract. Bismuth subsalicylate.

    This drug has been shown to inhibit the secretory activity of Vibrio cholerae, Shigella spp. and enterotoxigenic strains of Escherichia coli, and when taken prophylactically, it prevents infections caused by these bacteria.

    Bismuth subsalicylate in the form of a suspension is taken orally 30 ml every 30 minutes - a total of 8 times. The chewable tablets are just as effective as the suspension.

    Opioids are widely used for both acute and chronic diarrhea. By weakening peristalsis, they slow down the passage of intestinal contents, which contributes to a more complete absorption of fluid.

    They can be used for moderate diarrhea, but should not be used for fever and other signs of intoxication, as well as for bloody diarrhea. If the patient's condition does not improve, let alone worsens, opioids are canceled.

    This group of drugs includes paregoric, loperamide and diphenoxylate/atropine. Unlike the latter, loperamide does not contain atropine and has fewer CNS side effects.

    M-anticholinergics for diarrhea in most cases are useless. With irritable bowel syndrome, in some cases, dicycloverine brings relief.

    Judging by the fact that you are now reading these lines, victory in the fight against diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is not yet on your side.

    Have you thought about surgery yet? It is understandable, because the stomach is a very important organ, and its proper functioning is the key to health and well-being. Frequent abdominal pain, heartburn, bloating, belching, nausea, stool disorder. All these symptoms are familiar to you firsthand.

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    Materials: http://opischevarenii.ru/lechenie-i-simptomy/ponos/dieta/u-pozhilyh-lyudej.html

    Given that the body of an elderly person does not have sufficient resistance to factors that cause indigestion, diarrhea in the elderly requires an immediate response. Dehydration with diarrhea in an old person, even if it lasts only one day, is extremely dangerous.

    Special solutions are recommended, such as Regidron, Citroglucosolan, which allow you to simultaneously replenish the amount of trace elements (potassium, sodium, chlorine) that are excreted during diarrhea. To reduce the number of defecation acts, codeine phosphate and adsorbent preparations (Smecta, activated charcoal, and others) are prescribed.

    The next step in the treatment of diarrhea in the elderly is dietary nutrition. With a very strong disorder of the stool, rice water has an excellent effect for fixing.

    The presence of bananas, boiled potatoes, boiled rice porridge in the diet, and buckwheat porridge in IBS is very useful for fixing the stool. Due to the fact that the use of medications for the treatment of diarrhea in the elderly is sometimes impossible for one reason or another, traditional medicine is of great importance along with diet.

    There are a huge number of recipes offered by traditional medicine, but they can be used only after visiting a medical institution and consulting a doctor.

    Smecta; Activated carbon; Enterosgel; Ftalazol; Neosmectin and others.

    Judging by the fact that you are now reading these lines, victory in the fight against diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is not on your side yet ...

    Have you thought about surgery yet? It is understandable, because the stomach is a very important organ, and its proper functioning is the key to health and well-being. Frequent pains in the abdomen, heartburn, bloating, belching, nausea, impaired stool... All these symptoms are familiar to you firsthand.

    As a rule, the treatment of diarrhea is usually treated with medication. However, due to age characteristics, it is not always allowed to be used for older people.

    Knowledge of traditional medicine comes to the rescue, however, the use of its funds must be agreed with the attending physician. The best remedy for the treatment of diarrhea, including in the presence of blood inclusions in the feces, is the dried and powdered chicken stomach membranes.

    For medicinal purposes, take 1 tsp.

    powder 2-3 times a day. The use of a decoction of rice and an infusion of medicinal chamomile flowers is also considered effective.

    All these funds can be used only with the approval of the attending physician and diet.

    The appointment of treatment for diarrhea in an elderly person requires a very thorough medical examination and an individual approach to each patient. The main danger lies in dehydration of the body, so the lack of fluid must be replenished as soon as possible. It helps to drink plenty of Regidron solution, which should be drunk every two hours throughout the day.

    Many medications can have serious side effects, so your doctor will prescribe activated charcoal with plenty of fluids.

    Rice broth helps a lot. In half a liter of boiling water, add one and a half teaspoons of rice and cook over low heat for forty minutes. Then you need to cool and strain. Take during the day, one quadruple glass with breaks of two to three hours.

    That's just to treat diarrhea without an established cause is not easy. Moreover, in the elderly, the general clinical picture of diseases of the digestive system is poorly expressed, and often diarrhea is the only symptom indicating ongoing pathological processes.

    Therefore, the first step is to pay attention to the nature of the bowel movements. For example, liquid feces with impurities of mucous contents, disturbing only during the daytime, may indicate irritable bowel syndrome.

    But the cause of round-the-clock diarrhea with mucus and pus is most likely infectious colitis.

    Some extreme sufferers think they know how to treat diarrhea on their own, and use very specific traditional medicine recipes to do this. For example, a glass of vodka with salt added. But it should be understood that at this age, alcohol and salt can seriously harm health. Therefore, when making decisions yourself, do not forget to assess the risks. Better yet, don't experiment!

    The use of antibiotics is necessary for the treatment of many serious infectious diseases.

    Despite the great popularity, the use of these drugs is often accompanied by side effects.

    In most cases, they are associated with the gastrointestinal tract. Treatment with antibacterial drugs can provoke such functional disorders of the digestive system as nausea, constipation, vomiting, diarrhea.

    Diarrhea from the use of antibiotics is caused both by the chemical composition of these drugs and by their mechanism of action.

    50% of people over 60 have difficulty defecation. Even more often, constipation is found in a bedridden patient of senile age. Older people rarely complain about irregular stools, considering this phenomenon natural for their age, despite the fact that constipation reduces the quality of life and brings painful sensations.

    Given that the body of an elderly person does not have sufficient resistance to factors that cause indigestion, diarrhea in the elderly requires an immediate response. Dehydration with diarrhea in an old person, even if it lasts only one day, is extremely dangerous.

    The difficulty of treating diarrhea in the elderly is that in diseases of the digestive system, the symptoms are not clear, and it is very difficult to establish the cause of diarrhea, especially in the early stages.

    In some cases, the type and nature of diarrhea can determine the cause of indigestion. For example, with irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea with mucus will only occur during the daytime.

    If there is mucus and pus in the diarrhea, then this indicates infectious colitis. In any case, studies are needed to confirm or refute the infectious origin of the pathology.

    With timely treatment to a medical institution, the prognosis is usually favorable. Delayed treatment and inappropriate treatment creates additional difficulties and impairs the chances of a successful recovery of the old person.

    After contacting a doctor who will prescribe the necessary laboratory and instrumental studies, it is necessary to take measures to restore the lost fluid in order to prevent dehydration.

    Special solutions are recommended, such as Regidron, Citroglucosolan, which allow you to simultaneously replenish the amount of trace elements (potassium, sodium, chlorine) that are excreted during diarrhea. To reduce the number of defecation acts, codeine phosphate and adsorbent preparations (Smecta, activated charcoal, and others) are prescribed.

    Medicinal saline solutions are taken at intervals of two hours. Adsorbents are recommended to drink plenty of water.

    The next step in the treatment of diarrhea in the elderly is dietary nutrition. With a very strong disorder of the stool, rice water has an excellent effect for fixing.

    It is advisable to refrain from any food at all on the first day, limiting yourself to drinking plenty of water. In the future, the menu should include fast-digesting foods that do not have a fermentative effect and do not irritate the mucous membrane.

    It is recommended to give preference in the diet to vegetable soups or soups cooked in lean meat broth. The scope of the diet for this category of people is determined by the doctor individually, taking into account all the features.

    Medicines for the elderly should be taken only after consultation with a doctor and on the basis of his prescription. Particular care must be taken with antibiotics, which are widely used in the fight against infections.

    Often, loose stools can be caused by antibiotics that have been used, for example, to fight infections associated with the respiratory system. In this case, it is recommended to include yoghurts enriched with bifidobacteria supplements in the diet.

    The presence of bananas, boiled potatoes, boiled rice porridge in the diet, and buckwheat porridge in IBS is very useful for fixing the stool. Due to the fact that the use of medications for the treatment of diarrhea in the elderly is sometimes impossible for one reason or another, traditional medicine is of great importance along with diet.

    There are a huge number of recipes offered by traditional medicine, but they can be used only after visiting a medical institution and consulting a doctor.

    How to quickly get rid of diarrhea and vomiting

    If you want to quickly recover from diarrhea and vomiting, then you can use pharmaceutical preparations. Of the antiemetics, cerucal is most often used, although it can be replaced with metoclopramide, it has the same active ingredient, but it costs an order of magnitude cheaper.

    This drug is available in solution for injection and tablets. If vomiting is not very pronounced, then it is quite possible to take pills.

    Gagging usually subsides half an hour after taking the drug, and its effect lasts up to 6 hours. Before starting treatment, you should consult with your doctor, he will also be able to calculate the correct dosage.

    diet therapy

    A diet for diarrhea and vomiting helps to quickly restore the body. The diet includes natural foods with a high content of vitamins. Food is taken in small portions, but very often, up to 6-7 times a day. The diet should last about 2 weeks, usually during this time the gastrointestinal tract has time to recover almost completely.

    In the rehabilitation period after vomiting and diarrhea, you can use the following products:

    • Lean meats and second broths.
    • Boiled lean fish.
    • Boiled eggs.
    • Steamed or boiled vegetables.
    • Biscuits or crackers.
    • Apples and bananas.
    • Low-fat milk and cottage cheese.
    • Bifidokefir.
    • Cereal products - cereals, puddings, casseroles.

    Tablets "Lineks" from diarrhea

    Diarrhea and vomiting can be treated with other methods, using traditional medicine recipes. Some remedies can relieve many additional symptoms, as well as significantly improve health.

    Medicines for diarrhea are not a panacea at all. In the treatment of diarrhea, a number of measures should be taken into account. The most important of which, as already mentioned, is the fight against dehydration. Consider the drugs for diarrhea in adults, which are used most often.

    All of them are divided into several pharmacological groups:

    • sulfanilamide preparations ("Ftalazol");
    • antibiotics (tablets "Levomycetin", "Tetracycline");
    • nitrofurans (drug "Furazolidone");
    • antimicrobials ("Enterofuril", "Sulgin");
    • antifungal (Intetrix) - used for amoebic dysentery;
    • enterosorbents (Enterosgel, activated carbon);
    • antiviral drugs.

    Consider the most famous remedies for diarrhea in adults. In which case is it advisable to take this or that drug?

    Traditional medicine knows many ways to treat such an ailment as diarrhea. Folk remedies for treating diarrhea have been tested for centuries.

    First aid

    When an adult develops nausea, weakness, vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms, first aid measures will need to be taken.

    To do this, you need to call a doctor so that he accurately establishes the causes of the disorder and prescribes high-quality treatment. If you can’t call an ambulance, then you can provide first aid yourself.

    When diarrhea and vomiting are so strong that they cannot be endured, then it is imperative to call an ambulance. In this case, even if the nausea and weakness are very strong, it is forbidden to use medicines.

    They can not only harm, but also do not show an accurate picture to the doctor, respectively, he will not be able to establish a diagnosis normally.

    If the cause is poisoning and there is 100% certainty in this, then gastric lavage can be done immediately.

    At home, it is enough to drink a lot of water or make a light solution of potassium permanganate and take it inside, after which it is necessary to provoke vomiting by an artificial method.


    Usually loose stools are treated with medication, but in the case of older people they are not always effective, since not all drugs can be used for them. Such treatment should also be discussed with the doctor.

    The most effective remedy for diarrhea, even in the case when the discharge is bloody, is considered a powder from dried films of chicken ventricles. This powder should be taken 2-3 times a day, 1 teaspoon with liquid.

    Rice broth and an infusion of chamomile flowers are also considered a good remedy. But before using such methods, you should consult a doctor.

    This treatment also requires a diet.

    Rice broth is prescribed when combined with treatment. To prepare rice broth at home, you need: pour one and a half teaspoons of rice into the floor with a liter of water and boil everything over low heat for half an hour or forty minutes. Method of application - a quarter cup of the entire rice mass several times a day, taking breaks of several hours.

    Vodka with salt, according to folk recipe writers, is able to defeat diarrhea. For a single use, you will need a glass of vodka and salt, the amount of salt may vary depending on personal preferences and wishes. The solution can be washed down with warm water.

    Oak bark. You can make a decoction from it. To prepare one glass of oak bark decoction, you will need: one tablespoon of dry bark, poured into a glass of hot water, insist and strain the whole mixture. Drink as a medicine for 1-2 teaspoons, the interval of admission is several hours. For a day you need to drink 250 grams of broth. The diarrhea should start to recede much faster.

    Often people take activated charcoal (it has almost no side effects, pills do not cause addiction). The tablet should be taken with plenty of water.

    What are the complications of diarrhea?

    The article has already talked about the possibility of bleeding and dehydration with diarrhea. But that's not all the complications.

    Bedridden patients are often at risk for pressure sores. If diarrhea develops in a bedridden patient, with an existing bedsore on the sacrum, it is extremely likely that the wound will become infected with feces.

    This will exacerbate tissue granulation and may require additional antibiotic therapy to fight the infection, which can lead to recurrent diarrhea.

    In the event that the patient does not have bedsores, but there is frequent loose stools and there is contamination of the skin with feces, skin irritation and the formation of macerations will not take long. In order to prevent this from happening, it is required not only to keep the skin clean and make sure that the skin remains clean and dry.

    It is important to use special creams and lotions that form a protective film on the skin that performs a barrier function and provides care for the upper layer of the epidermis.

    diet therapy

    Diarrhea is not a disease. This symptom only indicates pathologies that disrupt the functioning of the digestive organs. Diet for chronic diarrhea depends on the cause of the disease.

    In adulthood, you need to follow a more sparing diet. Sometimes diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting. In this case, you will have to give up solid food.

    In the diet of an elderly person, liquid soups, vegetable puree should be present.

    Good foods for diarrhea include baked potatoes, rice porridge, and boiled meat. Diarrhea often begins after a course of antibiotic treatment.

    To improve the functioning of the digestive system, fermented milk products should be present in the daily diet.

    During illness, it is forbidden to eat fried meat, smoked meats and canned foods. Dried fruit compote, tea, and mineral water without gas will help make up for the lack of fluid in the body.

    It is worth noting that dehydration is quite dangerous for the elderly, and therefore, during indigestion, this group of patients should begin treatment and diet at the first sign.

    During an upset stomach, treatment should be carried out on the first day. It is worth refraining from any food.

    The diet may contain mashed potatoes, grated cereals, crackers and biscuits, as well as baked apples. With prolonged diarrhea, such a diet should be for several days.

    Meat products can be introduced for 3-5 days, but such dishes should be steamed.

    For a while, it is worth giving up fatty, fried and sweet foods. The body of an elderly person digests food more slowly, so food innovations should be added gradually in small quantities.

    Unfortunately, in the elderly, most diseases are difficult to classify, so before proceeding with any action, it is worth consulting with your doctor. It is worth considering that in old age a person is not always able to control his actions, and even more so emptying, so you should not take him out of the house for a long time or make sure that there is a restroom in sight.

    Note that such manifestations in old age in almost 70% of cases indicate the presence of a certain disease of the body, so a visit to the attending physician with further diagnosis is necessary.

    Its underlying factors are:

    • Refrain from food on the first day of diarrhea.
    • Subsequently, eat food that is easy to digest and does not ferment (this can create a new bout of diarrhea).
    • The main diet is cereals and dishes in the form of mashed potatoes.
    • Replace bread with crackers or biscuits.
    • Baked apples will be useful for the esophagus.
    • Meat appears on the menu list only after a few days and only in boiled or steamed form.
    • Soup for the sick is prepared on the basis of vegetables or lean meat (chicken or turkey).
    • From drinking are allowed: kissels, compotes, tea.
    • Useful for diarrhea are natural-based yogurts, which contain active bifidobacteria. Such yogurt is easy to prepare from EM-Kurunga.
    • Exclude from the diet during diarrhea for the elderly should be: raw vegetables, fruits and milk, spices, fried and fatty foods.
    • Cottage cheese and kefir can be drunk in small portions as you recover.

    Diet is the choice of those foods that best suit the state of your body. The main principle of the formation of the diet is the slogan of physicians "do no harm."

    If an elderly person has diarrhea, then you need to go to a zero diet, that is, refuse to eat for a while.

    You can’t stay without food for a long time, the optimal period is 36 hours. After that, you need to move on to eating food that is easily digested and does not ferment. Usually these are sparse cereals and dishes in the form of mashed potatoes. It is better to start eating bread after the condition improves. At the same time, “heavy” bread should be abandoned: muffin, options with bran and from wholemeal flour.

    Meat products can be included in the diet only after a few days after the appearance of loose stools, but they should not be fatty, fried or stewed.

    Soup is a classic diet dish, but it should be made from lean meat and mostly pureed vegetables.

    From drinks, it is best to use kissels, compotes, tea, yogurts, natural fermented milk products.

    Exclude from the diet during diarrhea should be raw vegetables, fruits, milk, spices, fried and fatty foods.

    The diet must be combined with herbal treatment and, if necessary, medications.

    When the symptoms of diarrhea subsided, people often fall into one of the extremes - either immediately begin to eat the same way as before, or sit on a therapeutic diet for several more weeks. Both do not make sense: in order for the body to recover, it is necessary to provide it with a smooth transition and adequate nutrition after diarrhea.

    • in the first days, eat according to the main diet plan;
    • when the main symptoms go away, start gradually adding a little oil, a little vegetables and fruits, a little meat;
    • after a week, if the symptoms do not return, in small quantities, include ordinary and familiar dishes in the diet.

    In old age, it is extremely important to eat right, since not every food is suitable, and many foods should not be consumed at all. In some cases, even a diet is required.

    Food products for the elderly should be varied, easily perceived and digestible, biologically valuable, but compared to what the younger generation consumes, food should be energetically less valuable. At the same time, food should contain enough proteins, vitamins, minerals, salts, in particular iron, potassium and calcium.

    Failure in digestion in old age requires adherence to a certain diet. The cause of the disorder is not important. Main rules:

    1. The first day patients do not eat. Maintaining the water balance is provided by jelly, tea, rehydration solutions.
    2. On the second day, the diet is made up of foods that are easily digestible and do not cause increased gas formation, fermentation. Mashed potatoes, croutons without chemical additives, baked vegetables are recommended.
    3. By the fourth or fifth day, the diet expands. It is allowed to eat chicken, rabbit, which are steamed, soups in vegetable broth.
    4. Fermented milk products are introduced with caution. It is desirable that yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir are natural.

    Separately, throughout the treatment, it is necessary to monitor the flow of clean filtered water. Drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day.

    Diarrhea is a painful condition of the body in which frequent bowel movements occur with loose stools. Diarrhea is not usually a cause for concern in the younger generation, but diarrhea in the elderly can be a serious problem.

    Features of the gastrointestinal tract in the elderly

    With age, significant changes occur in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract system.

    In old age, it is extremely important to eat right, since not every food is suitable, and many foods should not be consumed at all. In some cases, even a diet is required.

    A diet is a specially designed diet not for the purpose of losing weight, but for the purpose of eliminating foods that are harmful to the “elderly” organism from the diet. Properly selected products will help to avoid serious diseases, as well as the possible appearance of diarrhea and its complications.

    The biggest threat to older people with loose stools is dehydration. In this regard, treatment and diet are needed when the first signs of malaise are detected.

    The diet should be followed from the first day of the disease. At first, food should be completely abandoned, using only copious amounts of liquid.

    The food that the patient eats should be easily digestible, not debilitating, and not fermentative.

    It is allowed to use crackers and biscuits, pureed cereals, mashed potatoes, baked apples. The introduction of meat products into the diet is carried out no earlier than 3-5 days, depending on the patient's condition.

    Meat should only be steamed. The most recommended during such a diet are vegetable or soups cooked on lean meat.

    The use of dairy products, raw vegetables and fruits, sweets, fried and fatty foods is prohibited. You can drink weak tea, as well as unsweetened compotes and jelly.

    In the first day during diarrhea, you need to refrain from eating. Then they use only easily digestible food, which will not cause fermentation and will not give a laxative effect.

    It can be mashed potatoes and pureed cereals. Instead of bread, eat crackers and biscuits.

    Baked apples are good for digestion. After a couple of days, you can move on to meat dishes, but only steamed.

    It can be meatballs, chicken cutlets, meatballs. Soups should be either vegetable or low-fat meat broth.

    Raw vegetables, fruits and milk should be excluded for a while, as well as spices, fried and fatty foods. And cottage cheese and kefir can be introduced into the diet gradually and in small portions.

    Drink compotes, jelly and weak tea. Include natural-based yoghurts containing bifidobacteria in your diet.

    A sparing diet for diarrhea, regardless of the causes that caused it, is necessary. Until the condition improves and the symptoms of intoxication disappear, you need to follow a diet.

    The following products are allowed:

    • porridge on the water;
    • jelly;
    • lean boiled or steamed meat;
    • steam cutlets;
    • boiled or steamed fish.

    Prohibited Products:

    • fatty foods;
    • fried foods;
    • sweets;
    • spicy dishes;
    • pickled foods;
    • any canned food;
    • carbonated drinks;
    • coffee;
    • too strong tea;
    • any alcohol.

    After the disappearance of diarrhea and the improvement of the diet, you need to adhere to a few more days, at least for a week. By gradually adding other previously prohibited foods to the diet, the weakened body is prepared for the usual diet. You can't go back to your normal diet right away. A sharp return to the menu of the wrong dish can upset the balance that is fragile and unstable after illness.

    It is not customary to consult a doctor in the presence of nausea and diarrhea. Most patients believe that everything "will pass by itself." And this is true, but only if there is a slight food poisoning. In this case, the body only needs a little help to cleanse itself of toxins, and it can restore its work. But the cause of diarrhea and vomiting can be not only food poisoning, although it is in the first place in an extensive list of causes.

    Even if the symptoms of diarrhea disappear on their own, after a few days of torment, they will not pass without a trace. You will be left with irritation of the internal mucous membranes and the esophagus, intoxication, weakness, dehydration, and perhaps an infection that caused an attack of diarrhea will lurk in the body in order to manifest itself again later.

    Therefore, even if it seems to you that diarrhea and nausea are disappearing, and you are able to get rid of this trouble without medication, it is better not to rely on the endurance of your body (whose strength is not unlimited), but help it. Fortunately, today there are enough means to get rid of diarrhea without a trace, no matter what it was caused by.

    Such troubles indicate a malfunction in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, a violation of the digestion and absorption of food. The reasons for this can be very diverse. Therefore, such manifestations should be taken seriously, especially when it comes to children.

    Diarrhea is the result of the course of pathological processes in the body, manifested through disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Moving away from various medical terms, people call it diarrhea. Disturbances in the work of the stomach are characterized by severe spasmodic pain in it and the appearance of loose stools.

    The most appropriate treatment for severe diarrhea in the elderly is a strict diet. Failure of the digestive system can overtake a person of any age. At the same time, young patients more often than older ones suffer from diarrhea as a result of eating poor quality products, deliberate or inadvertent violation of personal hygiene rules, and the use of medications with a side effect in the form of indigestion.

    Other common causes of diarrhea attacks are common among the elderly, the above can also occur, but this happens much less often.

    With age, a person has a natural weakening of the body and a decrease in the productivity of all basic processes. Therefore, you can support the work of vital systems, reducing the load on them, by following a diet.

    Complications that are displayed on the work of the digestive system are expressed through a decline in the level of enzymes and failures in the hydrolysis of nutrients, which directly affects the frequency of loose stools. One of the reasons for such a situation, when severe diarrhea appears, is the deterioration of the health of the teeth and their loss, leading to poor chewing of food, which enters the stomach in large pieces and complicates the activity of the digestive organs in the process of digestion and assimilation of what is eaten.

    Also, an important factor affecting the state and functioning of the digestive system and the appearance of diarrhea in the elderly is the age-related reduction in the number of taste buds. Because of this, a person, not feeling the fullness of the taste of the food he eats, eats too much salty, sweet, spicy or sour food, excessively irritating the walls of the esophagus, stomach and intestines.

    Another age-related change in the digestion of an elderly person, which can also affect the appearance of diarrhea, is a decrease in the secretion of the salivary glands, as a result of which the oral cavity often dries up, which leads to a weakening of the masticatory muscles and instability of the swallowing process. These changes by themselves may not be noticeable, but their result - the loss of control over the amount eaten, has a serious impact on the functioning of the body. Therefore, for the elderly, it becomes necessary to follow a diet.

    What other causes of diarrhea in the elderly, causes of diarrhea, frequent loose stools in the elderly can be. Transformations also occur in the pancreas, in particular, by lowering the secretory function. The liver loses its former size, significantly decreasing. Along with this, the amount of bile secreted becomes scarce.

    Due to the thinning of the intestinal mucosa, a disturbed fermentation process starts. This change can be felt with the use of dairy products and fats. They are absorbed worse than before, which causes diarrhea. Its onset can also be provoked by the use of sweets in large quantities.

    It is important to know that antibiotics can cause diarrhea. In the case of prolonged diarrhea in an elderly person, the fecal plug should be removed and the presence of pseudomembranous colitis should be checked. If you lose sight of them, you can allow the development of serious complications - the formation of ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease. With these diseases, the patient begins to rapidly lose weight during loose stools.

    Diarrhea, which does not stop for a long time, also causes diseases of the endocrine system. If the cause is one or more of them, the treatment of diarrhea will take a lot of effort and time. Diarrhea is accompanied by disorders such as diabetes mellitus and Addison's disease, which require the mandatory use of a special diet.

    Observation is very important for diarrhea in the elderly. It is necessary to monitor not only the sensations of the patient, but also the color, texture and composition of the stool. In particular, if they contain blood impurities, there is a high probability of developing infectious colitis or the presence of a malignant neoplasm. If blood appears in the liquid stool, you should immediately contact a medical facility for an examination.

    Loose stools in people over 60 years of age are caused by changes in the usual diet, poisoning, as well as age-related or pathological disorders in the gastrointestinal tract. Causes of diarrhea in the elderly:

    The most common symptom in bowel diseases is frequent (more than 3 times) bowel movements with liquid or mushy stools. With diarrhea, the water content in the stool increases to 85%. This symptom is observed in acute intestinal infections, celiac disease , irritable bowel syndrome , ulcerative colitis , Crohn's disease , chronic, oncological diseases of the intestine. Acute diarrhea is observed with intestinal infections, and its duration is no more than 2-3 weeks. All other diseases are chronic with periods of exacerbations and remissions.

    For all intestinal diseases that occur with diarrhea, it is prescribed. The purpose of its appointment in this condition is to reduce inflammation, fermentation and putrefactive processes and normalize digestion.

    A diet for indigestion and stomach disorders to a large extent limits all possible intestinal irritants: mechanical, chemical and thermal. Excluded products that simulate the secretion of the digestive tract (stomach, pancreas, liver), enhance the processes of fermentation and putrefaction. Dishes are boiled or steamed, served in liquid or mashed form.

    Very hot as well as cold dishes are excluded. There are no restrictions on salt (8-10 g), drinking regimen 1.5-2 liters in laziness. Meals are organized up to 5-6 times a day, in fractional portions and only in a warm form. Due to the reduction of fats (up to 70 g) and carbohydrates (250 g), the diet has a reduced energy value (2000 kcal). At the same time, the normal protein content (90 g) is maintained.

    Nutrition for indigestion (intestines) has a number of features:

    • six meals a day, the basis of which is pureed, pureed, mushy dishes, mucous soups, which eliminates mechanical irritation of the intestines;
    • the inclusion of products that weaken motor skills: rich (blueberries, bird cherry, tea, Cahors, cocoa on the water), viscous substances (mucous soups, jelly, pureed cereals) and warm dishes. Indifferent dishes from low-fat varieties of meat and poultry, boiled low-fat fish, stale wheat bread, crackers, freshly prepared cottage cheese are also acceptable;
    • boiled and steam cooking methods for all dishes;
    • cold food is prohibited, which increases intestinal motility. Food temperature 20-40°C (warm);
    • exclusion of products that enhance fermentation and putrefactive processes, also rich in essential oils (radishes, turnips, radishes, spinach, sorrel, garlic, onions, mushrooms).

    Diet for diarrhea in adults

    In case of severe diarrhea in adults and children and with severe dyspeptic symptoms, 1-2 "hungry" days are prescribed. It is allowed to drink 1.5-2 liters of liquid - it can be strong slightly sweetened tea, decoctions of wild rose and medicinal herbs. In the future, medical treatment is recommended Table number 4 or, but since they are physiologically inferior, they are prescribed only for 2-5 days. During this time, usually acute diarrhea stops.

    In chronic diseases that occur with diarrhea, as the severity of the process (diarrhea, pain and dyspeptic syndromes) decreases, the patient is transferred to a full-fledged one, which in chronic intestinal diseases is prescribed from 2 months to several years - the criterion is complete normalization of the stool. This health food contains more proteins (100-110 g), fats and carbohydrates.

    The list of allowed foods has been significantly expanded: you can eat vermicelli, noodles, vegetables include carrots, potatoes, cauliflower, zucchini, cream, sour cream and kefir, as well as sweet berries and fruits. The same medical nutrition can also be recommended to persons after acute diarrhea for a complete restoration of the function of the gastrointestinal tract.

    After the cessation of diarrhea (in the phase of remission of a chronic disease), patients are prescribed, in which dishes are consumed in an unmashed form, and vegetable fats are already included and the amount of butter and the amount of carbohydrates are increased. The list of products includes lean buns, pies, milk sausage, ham, cabbage, green peas, beets, oranges, grapes, tangerines, strawberries, watermelon, raspberries are allowed. This diet allows you to restore the functions of digestion. Thus, the digestive tract is prepared and transferred to the main Diet No. 15 .

    On the second day, the child is transferred to a dietary diet, in which food intake should be six or more times a day, in small portions. With loose stools, a child of any age is first given rice water, and then liquid rice porridge. There is an explanation for this - there is no fiber in rice, which enhances peristalsis, the decoction is known for its "fastening" and enveloping effect.

    The diet of a 3-year-old child should first include mashed slimy soups, boiled mashed porridges from buckwheat or rice groats. Food must be necessarily warm and freshly prepared, wiped, as diarrhea may worsen. In the absence of diarrhea after a trial meal of cereals for lunch, you can offer low-fat chicken or beef broth, the next meal includes soup with the addition of semolina, then oatmeal. During the day, you can give croutons from wheat bread.

    The next day, ground meat or mashed meatballs are added to soups. Butter is used for dressing. At lunch and in the evening of this day, you can give steam fish and meat dishes, steam omelet, cottage cheese in its natural form or cottage cheese casserole. Decoctions of blueberries, rose hips, bird cherry, dogwood, quince and jelly from dried pears and berries are used as drinks on all days. The diet for diarrhea in a child of 6 years does not differ from the above and does not have any features.

    Over the next two weeks, sweet dough, pastries, vegetable and milk soups are prohibited, you should not give your child sour cream, milk, vegetables in any form, carbonated drinks, fresh fruits. There can be no question of the use of smoked meats, canned food, sausages, fatty meat.

    A week later, the child is transferred to Table №4B . It allows the use of a small amount of coarse vegetables (zucchini, cauliflower, pumpkin, carrots, potatoes), which are added to soups and small pasta. Porridges are already prepared with a small amount of milk, and sour cream is allowed as an additive to dishes (casseroles, cottage cheese, puddings).

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