Home indoor flowers Call a friend. How to summon spirits at home. Sometimes the guardian spirit appeared in a dream

Call a friend. How to summon spirits at home. Sometimes the guardian spirit appeared in a dream

How can you independently summon the Guardian demon, or the Guardian spirit. Always and at all times there have been good and evil people, believers and not. We are all different, we have different views on life, on the world around us, we have different tastes and preferences. I started with the philosophical topic of calling my guardian demon, just so that you correctly understand the topic that I want to touch on. We often hear information about spirits, demons, the Devil. But rarely does anyone know why they roam the earth, how to deal with them, how to find a common language with them and how to predict their behavior. But why should a person find a common language with him. In ancient times, people were afraid of demons and tried to do everything to avoid meeting with him. And today, on the contrary, a person wants to meet him. People have different goals and reasons for this.

Guardian spirits are the personal guardians of each person. According to some opinions, a person is reliable guardian spirit since birth. He protects, protects and helps. At the moment when failure happens, they say that for a moment he turned away and could not protect us. When, on the contrary, we have luck, they say that the guardian spirit has tried. But there is another opinion that says that guardian spirits appear with the birth of a person. But during life, a person leads his life, and an angel leads his. After death, they are reunited. But the ancient people, in general, believed that a person should acquire the spirit of the guardian during his lifetime. They were looking for guardian spirits with the help of knowledge, in which they were supposed to find their spirits.

Sometimes the guardian spirit appeared in a dream

But until recently, rituals began to be carried out in order to find the guardian spirit. Rituals have become part of our lives. Of course, not everyone and not every day conducts various rituals. But there is a rather increased interest in them, and this is proved by hundreds of sites dedicated specifically to the issue of black magic and rituals.
I want to say right away that it was not in vain that I started a conversation with the spirits of the guardians. There are situations when they are simply powerless and cannot protect their master. This situation arises just during the rituals, especially those associated with the summoning of a demon or the devil.

Guardian spirits simply cannot fight the dark forces, as they themselves are representatives of the light forces. Very often, in the struggle between good and evil, evil gains the upper hand, but we are able to correct this situation as well. Here we can help black magic, with its rituals and spells. You probably won't be able to do it on your own. But there are those who will do it without much effort. Just look for such people need to carefully.

But not everyone knows how to summon the guardian demon

In order to call the guardian daemon, you first need to determine for yourself exactly why to do this. then you should contact a specialist, a black magician, for advice. Only he can tell you what are the pros and cons of such a ritual. During calling the guardian daemon Not everything always goes as planned. Since the black magician knows perfectly well how a demon can behave in a given situation, he is able to direct the process in the right direction. It is also worth knowing that the feeling of fear is inherent in every person. During the call of the guardian demon, very often, under the guidance of fear, a person is lost and forgets everything he wanted to do.

I bring this to your attention only because many of you decide not to waste time looking for magicians and going to him, and carry out the summoning of a helper demon at home. It's too risky. Noah, I doubt you'll be able to summon a helper demon at all. Such a ritual requires precise execution. It is held at a certain time, in a certain place, and attributes are required. And you should also know that the demon assistant is not alone. If you decide to summon a demon, you should know which one. Black magicians can help you with this. The theme of demons is well known to them and not by hearsay.

Demon guardians in our understanding, these are representatives of the dark force, black magic is also considered the dark side of our world. But man has always turned to magic for help. It was she who helped him achieve what he so wanted. I devoted a significant part of my life to the study of demonology. This is really interesting science. After all, not only black magic is involved in it, it is carefully studied by teachers-historians, philosophers, physicists, etc.

But still, the ritual of summoning the guardian demon is very dangerous.

Surely everyone has heard of the guardian angel. Each of us has our own guardian angel who protects us from dark forces. But the dark forces in the face of the devil, the demon, also do not stand aside. Many people ask me how to call the demon of the protector. Few people understand who the guardian demon is. We understand perfectly well what a demon is and what a guardian is. It would seem that these the two beings are incompatible. But there are people who take the side of the dark forces and then the dark forces begin to protect them from the light forces. If a person takes the side of the dark forces, then he has the opportunity to drastically change his life. The demon protector is ready to provide a lot to a person, if only he fulfills his whims. But the black magicians claim that the guardian demon can be "friends". That is, use his strength and energy for your own purposes.

That's exactly why people are interested in how to summon a protector demon.

This ritual of calling your demon protector is always performed at night, since the demon appears only with the disappearance of light. During the ritual, many people should not be present, since the guardian demon does not need witnesses. You need to be able to communicate with him and do it in his language. The language of the demon is quite complex and incomprehensible to many. But black magicians, by virtue of their knowledge, communicate perfectly on it. The presence of any light, even a candle, can interfere with the magical ritual for self-summoning your demon protector. Therefore, it is best to conduct it in complete darkness. You can imagine how problematic this is.
But black magicians found a way out of this situation. They accurately calculate the time of sunset and perform this ritual at dusk. All of the above suggests that a person alone cannot perform the ritual of self-summoning the demon protector. He lacks the knowledge to do so. If you have already decided to change your life in this way, you should take the issue seriously.

But this information should not be available to everyone. After all, it can be read by children and teenagers. A person often makes stupid and crazy decisions in anger. If you decide to call the guardian demon at home on your own, then this decision must be conscious. It should not be driven by anger, hatred or other feelings. Well, and most importantly, the rite of calling your guardian demon must take place under the strict control of a practicing sorcerer. Consultation with the magician is also an important point before you communicate with the demon.

Watch the Guardian video

Hello! I want to tell you how to call different spirits. The most important thing is that I tested all the methods written below. To be honest, I took the methods from different sites. So, let's begin!

Rabid Spider Summon

You need to take a sheet of paper and draw a spider on it, then at 12 o'clock light a candle and put a mirror to reflect the spider. Say: "Crazy spider come, bring me a good gift." It is necessary to say eight times and each time drip wax from a candle on each paw. The painted spider becomes dimmer. It comes, it’s understandable because it seems that spiders start crawling over you and bite you, a rash begins (it will last for 2-3 minutes), and when everything stops crawling, there will be some kind of gift in the closet in the morning, or at 12 noon or at 12 noon. You can call on the street only when there are no passers-by, that is, a deserted place, from 1 to 6 people can call.

Result. There was absolutely nothing.

Call a keeper or friend

1. Take a landscape sheet and draw a portrait of a guy or girl.
2. Come up with a name and how old.
3. Prepare a bag, matches and a container where you will burn this drawing.
4. Before burning, pierce your finger with a needle and write your name and painting on the sheet with blood, say three times: (name of your spirit) come. For example: "Alex, come" (3 times).
5. When you burn the leaf, then say the words: “I (my name) swear to protect your soul (name of the spirit). I swear to love and protect.
Then put the ashes from the leaf into the bag.
How will you know that he has arrived? At night, when you go to bed, you will feel that someone is hugging you or just being there.

As long as the pouch is with you, so is the spirit. Only you can hear and see it. You can only talk to him when you are alone. He will protect and help you. If someone offends you, he can punish that person or even kill him. You tell him not to kill, then he won't. If you get tired of the spirit, then simply scatter the ashes in the wind and the spirit will disappear.
Result. After I went to bed, someone began to tickle my heels. I was terribly frightened and rather scattered the ashes. Well, I later regretted it.

Summoning the Golden Dwarf

You will need: a sheet of paper, any gold jewelry (yes, even an earring) and something with a vanilla smell, such as perfume ...

Go to a dark room so that no light penetrates at all. Place a white sheet in the middle of this space, then place the decoration on top of it. Now say: “Dwarf, master of gold! We are calling you, come!" And so 13 times. After all, you must spray with vanilla perfume, so the gnome will not find you - after all this, wait a couple of minutes. You will hear rustling and strange sounds. After they have more or less subsided, say: “Dwarf, owner of gold - thank you! You can go!" And warm up the window. When the room is ventilated, feel free to turn on the light - the gnome has already left. And on a white sheet there will be not the decoration that you put, but something better or a pile of gold coins.

Result. I used a gold chain. I put it on the sheet. Did as said. There was only one strange sound: a tinkle. As I understand it, it was my chain that rang. As soon as the sound died down, I said the words and turned on the light. The chain was on the chair! There were no more changes.

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  • An imaginary friend doesn't have to be your age.
    • Older imaginary friends are wiser and will give you a lot of smart advice. They will help you in stressful situations when you need someone to say "calm down".
    • Younger imaginary friends require more care and attention. Maybe you found them in the woods and picked them up, but they don't know anything about politeness and manners. Such friends will entertain you when you get bored, because you have something to tell them.
    • Imaginary friends of the same age as you go through the same problems as you and will be a support if you need someone who can really understand you.
  • You will have more fun with an imaginary friend who is interested in the same things as you.
  • Be a good friend - you don't want your imaginary friend to get offended and go to someone else.
  • To talk to an imaginary friend in public places or when other people are around, use your mobile phone. Yes, yes, a mobile phone allows you to talk to yourself and look perfectly normal at the same time. Get a wired headset or a headset that works with Bluetooth to avoid all problems except who you're talking to.
  • An imaginary friend can be a great character in a story. Write a story about what you do with him.
  • If you constantly forget about your friend, try tying a thread on your hand or putting a ring on a finger that you don't normally wear jewelry on.
    • This will make you feel that something has changed, and eventually remember an imaginary friend.
    • Most likely, by the time you get used to the thread/ring, you will get used to the imaginary friend.
  • Remember - if your friend doesn't want to play, don't force him! You cannot freely control another person just because you created him.
  • You can draw an imaginary friend on paper, and then scan the drawing and give it a more realistic look using graphic editors, then print it and place it in a frame. You can even draw yourself next to a friend, and put a photo of a beautiful place in the background.
  • To understand how to make a friend feel more real, read James Patterson's book Middle School: The Worst Years Of My Life. It tells about the life of a boy and his imaginary friend named Leo, who go through the ups and downs of middle school together.
  • In fact, you can truly represent a friend in real life. Most likely, it will be a little more transparent than real people. So it's more interesting.
  • Use your imagination to the maximum.
  • If you're talking about making an imaginary friend to a younger relative, make sure he doesn't name it after a real friend.
  • You can have an imaginary pet!
  • Don't stop at one imaginary friend. Sometimes you just need someone with a different personality to help you deal with your emotions. Try to somehow "link" all your imaginary comrades so that they know each other. Maybe they will be relatives or also friends?
  • Don't overdo it so that people around you or your parents don't think you have schizophrenia.

Hello) My name is different. But mostly Lucy) So) Let's move on to the fanf itself and its details. I decided to summon a guardian spirit. Read how to call. She did everything. It turned out a girl, 12 years old ... I called her Kylie. *liked the name... Kylie Minogue:**. Called after school. I wrote in blood on fine art). Just such a lesson ... So. With the girls went after school to burn. and they, fools, set me on fire and left. We burned this leaf, everyone said, they did it right and went home. At night, I lay in anticipation and tried to sleep. Forgetting about it, I began to doze a little. Suddenly, suddenly, someone began to tickle O.o.'s fingers. I almost yelled... Kanishna, it's me) After that, this happened several times. But I was able to sleep. In the morning I saw her... She looked at me and smiled. Legs became wobbly. My head was spinning... Kylie was with me all day. Helped me) I got 5 bio) In the evening I walked in silence... Kylie looked at me and was also silent.. we reached the house in silence... A few days later I scattered the ashes... I still feel Kylie's myself ... I decided to try again. I named her Esther Well, now the promised description of the call) ^-^ 1. Take an album sheet and draw a portrait of a guy or girl. 2. Come up with a name and how old. 3. Prepare a bag, matches and a container where you will burn this drawing. 4. Before burning, pierce your finger with a needle and write your name and painting on the sheet with blood, say three times: (name of your spirit) come. For example: "Alex come" (3 times). 5. When you burn the leaf, then say the words: “I (my name) swear to protect your soul (name of the spirit). I swear to love and protect. "After that, put the ashes from the leaf into a bag. How will you understand that he has come? At night, when you go to bed, you will feel that someone is hugging you or just being nearby. While the bag is with you, then spirit too. Only you can hear and see him. You can only talk to him when you are alone. He will protect and help you. If someone offends you, he can punish or even kill that person. You tell him not to kill, then he If you get tired of the spirit, then just scatter the ashes in the wind and the spirit will disappear.


I wrote from the phone .. The first time ... Tell me the mistakes, I will take into account

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It is believed that we come into this world completely helpless, but from birth we have our own protector - a personal guardian angel who will protect us all our lives. Many people who are faced with a difficult choice or in a difficult situation are willing to ask for help from him or ask for advice. Therefore, in this article we will tell you how to call the Guardian Angel.

Call of the Guardian

An important condition for the Angel to come to you is your faith in his existence and in higher powers. If you perform a similar ceremony for your own amusement, nothing will work. You can immediately say that the process of calling the Guardian is reminiscent of meditation. You need to find a quiet place where no one will disturb you. You can go to nature, and if you are at home, you should be alone, even without pets.

Sit in the most comfortable position for yourself and close your eyes. Your body should be completely relaxed and your breathing even. Then you should clear your mind of all worries and mentally transport yourself to a place where you feel good and calm. You need to feel like a baby, helpless and vulnerable in a fabulous ideal world. Imagine that there is no one in it except you and your Angel.

How to call the Guardian? You should turn to him mentally and ask him to respond to your call. You must be sure that this will happen. All your attention must be focused on your inner feelings so that you can feel the presence of the Angel.

Thank your patron in your thoughts and ask his name. The answer will be imprinted in your mind, try to remember it. After that, ask your questions that worry you, in turn. The answers most often come to us in the form of a sudden but clear awareness of how to solve problems. But it is possible that they will appear to you gradually in the form of dreams or other signs: be careful.

After such communication, thank your Guardian and begin to return to your previous state, mentally experiencing the important events of your life from birth to the present time. After such a trance, you should lie down a little or sleep better, since communication with higher powers takes a lot of energy.

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