Home indoor flowers The child cries lying on his stomach for 4 months. What to do if the child rolls over in a dream on his stomach. When is sleeping on your stomach contraindicated?

The child cries lying on his stomach for 4 months. What to do if the child rolls over in a dream on his stomach. When is sleeping on your stomach contraindicated?

The child rolls over in a dream on his stomach, calmly falls asleep, and then suddenly wakes up and cries. If the inconvenience is eliminated, and the baby also ...

The baby has learned to roll over from its back to its stomach, but it doesn’t always work back, and is it worried? Does the child roll over in his sleep and, laying on his stomach, calmly falls asleep, and then suddenly wakes up and cries? Do you have to get up several times during the night and turn him over on his back? Worried about whether it is safe for a child to sleep on his stomach? Do not know what to do so that the baby rests calmly and comfortably? Let's understand: what, how and why.

Sleeping on your stomach - an alarm or the norm?

A question that worries all parents: is it permissible that a child (especially still a baby) lies on his stomach in a dream? Yes. This is a natural process laid down by nature. Already in the womb, the baby sleeps with his back up, pulling his arms and legs under him. Known to everyone and everyone the position of the embryo. He is so comfortable and comfortable.

EXTREMELY IMPORTANT! Be sure to watch the second video about why pediatricians around the world do not recommend putting babies to sleep on their stomach.

Moreover, despite the fears and concerns of parents (he can suffocate, twist his neck, squeeze blood vessels, damage something to himself), if you provide quality care, properly prepare the bed, diapers, clothes in which the baby sleeps, turn on his stomach in a dream - good for the child (provided that he is physically healthy!). So:

  • weak spine is protected from excessive loads;
  • digestive processes are improving;
  • cerebral blood supply improves (especially if the child sleeps with his legs tucked under him and his ass raised);
  • there is a natural prevention of DTS (pathology of the musculoskeletal system - hip dysplasia), when the baby sleeps on his tummy, spreading his legs.

But what if the child is not even a month old, his navel has not yet completely healed, and the baby stubbornly tries to lie down with his back up (especially if a healthy baby is not swaddled before going to bed, but put to sleep freely: in a vest)? Remember what they do in the hospital when a mother sees her child for the first time? It is placed on her chest - belly. So do nothing! It should only be observed that the little one is comfortable and safe. Periodically turn it on the barrel.

Up to a month or two, it is generally not advisable for a baby to lie in one position for a long time: on the back or tummy. The best sleeping position is on your side.

And a well-treated navel will have enough air to heal in any position of a sleeping baby.

If everything is possible and there is nothing to be afraid of, then why does the baby shudder, cry, wake up, lying on his stomach in a dream? There must be an explanation for the worry!

Waking up and crying - possible causes

Increasing, especially repetitive crying is a signal: something is wrong. First of all, check if the baby is comfortable:

  • are there any folds on the bed and clothes (the diaper, vest, sliders have gone astray and presses);
  • whether breathing is difficult (stuffy room, dry air, dusty unironed bed, fluffy sheet, cap strings wrapped around the neck, hot blanket);
  • is the baby cold (the baby freezes much faster than an adult, he warmed himself with maternal warmth for nine months, which he really lacks in a separate bed);
  • whether the baby is wet (even if the newborn is wearing a diaper, and not a gauze diaper, it may be cold from infiltrated moisture);
  • are the arms and legs entangled in the diaper or in the sleep kit;
  • whether a draft or heat from the heater blows on it;
  • whether the light from the night lamp hits the eyes;
  • Is there excessive noise in the room?

If all the inconveniences are taken into account and eliminated, and the baby also wakes up and cries, it's time to sound the alarm. He is physically ill. Among the most common causes of anxious awakening of the baby and crying, there may be:

  • bloating, colic in the tummy (excessive gas formation always causes pain until they are eliminated, you can, unfortunately, forget about a restful sleep);
  • intestinal congestion from overeating (at 4 months, when the first complementary foods in the form of fruit juices and purees are started, this is especially true. And, in general, up to 9, and sometimes 12 months, the baby’s stomach and intestines react extremely unstable to adult food: not all enzymes are still produced for the digestion of food.It must be carefully dosed and sorted);
  • increased tone (a characteristic sign is a head tilted back and up during sleep and tightly pressed hands pressed against the body);
  • disturbed transition from inhibition of the nervous system to excitation (starting, sharp and feverish twitching of the limbs - the baby frightens himself);
  • moving (not even cut yet, but preparing for a sortie) teeth;
  • a runny nose makes it difficult to breathe, or your nose is clogged;
  • the temperature has risen (otitis media, a cold, postpartum jaundice, a rotovirus infection, tonsillitis, or just a reaction to a vaccination);
  • allergies (it may be accompanied by itching, heart palpitations, rash, shortness of breath).

All this is a reason to seek advice from a neurologist, gastroenterologist. But first of all - to the district (or paid) pediatrician. After a thorough examination, testing, ultrasound (if necessary), the specialist will dispel your fears with a detailed recommendation, prescribe (if necessary) appropriate treatment, a massage course.

Sleep on your stomach without anxiety

Qualified assistance is important and necessary. But we ourselves are able to do a lot so as not to start the symptoms that interrupt the baby’s sleep. Here are the simplest rules:

  1. During daytime wakefulness, we carry out a complex of therapeutic and strengthening exercises for the child, not forgetting to stroke the tummy.
  2. We iron diapers, sleepwear, bed linen, removing particles of dust, powder or detergent.
  3. We remove the soft, sagging featherbed, replacing it with an elastic (preferably orthopedic) mattress. Otherwise, the child's face may sink into the soft folds of the feather bed when he rolls over, which is fraught with extremely deplorable consequences.
  4. We remove from the arsenal of bed linen sheets with a long fluffy pile, terry: they can clog the spout, blocking oxygen.
  5. We part with pillows. The baby should sleep on a flat surface of the crib with a slightly raised (from the side of the head). Up to 6 months (or better - up to a year), a pillow is an unnecessary and harmful item for the baby's spine.
  6. Laying the baby on the belly, gently stroke his back. So the child relaxes and subconsciously prepares for a restful sleep.
  7. Pour a decoction of chamomile into the bathing bath (a tablespoon of flowers is kept in a steam bath for 10-15 minutes, adding boiling water to a liter). It calms the nervous system.
  8. Never play active games with your baby before going to bed, do not tickle and make laugh: an overexcited unequal system is the enemy of a restful sleep.
  9. Be sure to ventilate the room.
  10. After feeding the baby (especially before a night's rest), we lift it vertically, pressing it to ourselves for a few minutes, so that excess food and air absorbed along with it come out with a burp.
  11. From the first days of a baby's life, we give a few drops of water (boiled!), And in case of excessive gas formation and colic - dill (pharmacy or brewed with our own hands: insist 1 incomplete teaspoon of ripe dill seeds in a glass of boiling water, then strain).
  12. If the baby is anxious in a dream, stroke his tummy: with light massage movements clockwise (!), Bypassing the navel. The intestines relax - the pain will go away. Sleep will improve.

4 month old baby sleeping on stomach

Often it becomes a problem for a mother to refuse to sleep on her back or side. We will tell you what to do if a child rolls over in a dream on his stomach, whether you need to worry about this and how to protect him as much as possible from possible dangers.

Sleep on the stomach. What to do?

Many babies like to sleep on their tummy from infancy.. They funny pick up their legs and snore sweetly, or even grunt. However, for mothers, such a position of the child’s body is alarming and even frightening. Many people wonder if such a dream is harmful and whether constant falling asleep on the stomach promises health problems. Moreover, grandmothers and other relatives unanimously claim that sleeping on the stomach for a child is scary and unacceptable. And there is too much conflicting information on the women's forums. Some mothers write that the baby can suffocate or choke in a dream. Others even scare the likelihood of SIDS. And still others reassure that nothing bad will happen to the child.

Answering the question of what to do if the child rolls over on his stomach in a dream or does not want to fall asleep on his back, you can answer briefly - nothing. In fact, this habit does not represent any fear. And even brings great benefits for the baby.

Benefits of sleeping on your tummy

Looking at the strange position of the baby sleeping on the tummy, many mothers believe that he is very uncomfortable. The legs are tucked up, the baby seems to be on his knees. In fact, this position repeats the position of the fetus in the womb. The child subconsciously chooses the best option for him, because sleeping on his stomach reduces the load on the still weak spine.

The first months the child has frequent problems with digestion. This also manifests itself in gases,. And many experienced pediatricians recommend putting the baby on the tummy more often. It is in this position that the processes of digestion are normalized. As a result, the baby is less likely to experience colic and other troubles.

READ ALSO: How to properly lay a newborn baby on the tummy

Moms take note!

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In addition, in this position, the baby feels much more comfortable. The lower part of the body is slightly raised, which means that the blood supply to the brain improves. The muscles of the spine, shoulders and neck are strengthened much faster. If during such a dream the baby also spreads its legs widely, then this is just a wonderful prevention of dysplasia.

Also, many parents are concerned about the frequent burping of a small child. Children under one year, and sleeping on your back can be a threat - the baby is able to choke at night. If he sleeps on his tummy, this will not happen.

Some moms are concerned about the direct link between sleeping on their stomachs and SIDS, known as Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. In fact, the causes of SIDS are not known to medicine, but eminent professors completely reject the possibility of death due to the position of the child's body in a dream. There seems to be a deeper reason behind the health aspects of babies.

READ MORE: Can a newborn sleep on his stomach? Baby sleeping on stomach - pros and cons

So what to do if the child rolls over in a dream on his stomach?

One of the parents, worried, turns the baby back on its back, someone leaves it as it is. In fact, there are no reasons for great unrest here. But some points should be considered:

  • The presence of a small pillow or its complete absence. Babies up to a year do not need a pillow at all, it needs to be replaced with a simple thick diaper. Lying on his stomach, the child should not sink his face into the soft tissue. In general, all pediatricians unanimously repeat a simple truth - there should not be any toys, pillows and other clutter in the crib, which, if dropped, can endanger the life of the baby. Closer to the year, you can purchase a thin small pillow designed specifically for young children. We also read: ;
  • Sleep options on your back. If for some reason you are afraid to leave your baby to sleep on your stomach, you can consider ways to get him into a "normal" position. Falling asleep on the tummy, many babies manage to crawl in their sleep on the bed, lie down across and twist in the most unimaginable positions. You can eliminate these movements by swaddling, but it is only convenient for parents. Kids here have a hard time in every sense - and it is impossible to move, and blood circulation can be disturbed. Swaddling can be replaced by wrapping the baby in hard pillows that make it difficult for the baby to turn over. Or replace the crib with a crib. And finally, many parents put their baby next to them to control their sleep. However, this option is not always good, since later it is very difficult to wean the baby from the habit of falling asleep in the parents' bed ();
  • Exclusion of the development of torticollis. This applies to children in the first months of their life. Keeping your head in the same position often can cause torticollis. To prevent this from happening, you need to take care of the alternation of sleep on the left and right sides ();
  • Preparing the child for sleep. Proper preparation can ensure a restful and healthy sleep for your baby. An hour and a half before falling asleep, it is necessary to exclude noisy games. You can take a child with a soothing massage, give him a glass of warm milk, tell a good story. A reassured child will fall asleep quickly and may even sleep through the night in one position. You just need to get up more often at night and check how he sleeps. INTERESTING: .

Our children will always surprise us, their parents. With their actions and statements, unexpected manifestations of character. And our task is to enjoy every stage of the development of the little man. Therefore, if the baby likes to roll over in his sleep, pull his legs under him and put his finger in his mouth, just try to remember this funny habit. So that years later, having gathered the whole family at the table, with a laugh, remember her.

Position of the newborn during sleep:

Dr. Komarovsky talks about how to sleep properly for an infant:


First of all, it is worth saying that sleeping on the stomach of a child is not as dangerous as many parents are afraid. This is a natural position for an infant and is much more comfortable than sleeping on your back. When the child rolls over on his stomach, he pulls his legs to his chest, his body is grouped, the posture resembles that which was in the womb. In this position, the load on the spine is reduced, the baby is not. He can sleep in this position quite calmly until the morning.

However, parents understand that if a child buries his mouth and nose in a mattress or burps in his sleep, this can lead to SIDS - sudden infant death syndrome, when the baby simply suffocates in his sleep, without realizing it and being unable to call for help. Almost all parents are afraid of the manifestations of this syndrome in the first year of life. Therefore, they continue to lay their children on their backs even after they learn to roll over on their stomach on their own.

One way to deal with these rollovers in your sleep is to swaddle your baby tightly. Not for nothing until quite recently, babies were tightly wrapped in diapers and left like that all night. In this position, the baby calms down faster, does not hit himself with his hands, and therefore does not wake up and does not roll over in his sleep. However, there are also disadvantages: this is an extremely uncomfortable position for the baby. Imagine that you are unable to move all night. Then no rest will work, the body will hurt and whine. This happens with the baby, tight swaddling harms blood circulation and the supply of oxygen to all organs.

A child in a dream needs to move in the same way as an adult, so his rolls on his stomach after 5-6 months are almost inevitable. But at this age, the SIDS syndrome is no longer as terrible as for 1-3 months. In order for the baby to wake up as little as possible and rush about restlessly in a dream, before going to bed he needs to be properly calmed down. Do not take any noisy games 1-1.5 hours before bedtime, give your child a soothing massage, give him kefir or milk to drink, read a calm fairy tale or poetry, sing a lullaby. Then, in a dream, the child will also behave calmly and may even sleep through the night without turning over.

If you are afraid of the baby turning over, you can put hard pillows on both sides of the baby that prevent him from moving during sleep. An even better way would be to put the baby to sleep not in a spacious bed, but in a cradle, which outlines the baby's body well and allows him to lie in only one position - on his back. Sleeping in a cradle will be preferable for babies up to 5 months, then the baby becomes too large and mobile to sleep normally in a confined space.

Sleeping with parents is what children like the most. Sometimes for parents, this is the best way to not worry about the baby and not get up to his crib several times a night. However, it is usually very difficult for a child to wean himself from such sleep. Therefore, if possible, it is better to immediately accustom the baby to his crib and the correct position for sleeping in it.

In the second month of life or a little later, babies begin to roll over on their tummy. This skill indicates the correct development of the crumbs and good coordination of movements. The baby works out his new skill all day long. But sometimes the mother worries that the child rolls over in a dream on his stomach and begins to wake up. What to do in this case?

A newborn should be accustomed to different postures in a dream gradually

Babies don't always wake up after rolling from back to tummy. Sometimes they sleep peacefully in this position until the next feeding. But then mom worries. The pose of the child makes you think about the inconvenience: the baby is practically on his knees, pulling his legs to his stomach. Do not worry. This position is quite natural for the baby. Remember the position of the baby in the womb. Is it really very similar?

The benefits of sleeping on your stomach for babies are obvious:

  • In case of abundant regurgitation, the posture excludes the possibility of choking.
  • The kid does not throw up his hands in a dream, which means he does not wake himself up.
  • During turning, the abdominal muscles work, improving intestinal motility.
  • Turning the head in a dream from one side to the other, the child strengthens the muscles of the neck.
  • The blood supply to the brain improves due to the position in which the lower body is elevated.

If the baby rolls over on his stomach and does not wake up, do not worry. Let your baby choose their own resting position.

Sleeping on your stomach and safety

Special mattress to hold the child in one position

Despite the advantages of sleeping on your stomach, take care of the safety of your child.

  • The mattress should be firm to avoid suffocation while sleeping. For the same purpose, a pillow is contraindicated. For a child up to a year, a folded diaper under the head is enough. Yes, and it is used only to designate a place for the head. It is quite possible to do without it.
  • Don't put toys in the crib. Soft bear fur can be inhaled and cause allergies. Hitting a hard rattle, the baby will hit and wake up.
  • While sleeping on the stomach, the child can crawl. He pushes off with his legs and moves forward slightly. To protect a small head, use soft sides for the walls of the crib.

If you follow these simple rules, your child will not be in danger while sleeping on his stomach.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is often associated with infant sleeping on the stomach. Such assumptions are not confirmed by anything. Pediatricians associate SIDS with underdevelopment of the central nervous system and other health problems in the child. Unfortunately, all causes are still unknown. However, this has nothing to do with the position during sleep.

When is sleeping on your stomach contraindicated?

The child is crying because he woke up and something hurts him

Sleeping a child on his stomach has its own contraindications. First of all, they are related to the health of the crumbs:

  • Pediatric torticollis. It is congenital and acquired. Being in one position for a long time, the muscles of the neck on the one hand are weakened, and on the other they become stronger. When the symmetry of the muscles is broken, the child's head is slightly tilted to one side. It is difficult for a baby to turn his head to the right or to the left, depending on the location of the pathology. When sleeping on his stomach, the baby puts his head on the side that is more convenient for him, aggravating torticollis.
  • Central nervous system disorder. For certain problems, a neurologist may recommend not to put the child on his stomach during sleep.
  • Apnea. If the baby had a breath holding, it means that his respiratory reflex is not fully developed. Don't put your baby on your stomach. Having buried his nose in the mattress, the baby may not feel the need to throw up his head. If there is a history of apnea, parents are advised to get a breath sensor.

If your child has any health concerns, talk to your doctor about sleeping on your stomach.

It is absolutely forbidden for a child to sleep on his stomach if the parents smoke in the apartment. Nicotine is a poison that affects the child's immature respiratory system. Having inhaled the smoke, the child feels suffocation, sometimes a spasm, and tries to turn away from the negative factor. And he can turn away on his stomach only towards the mattress. The consequence is suffocation. Don't risk your baby's health!

Why does the baby roll over and cry?

For a healthy baby, sleeping on the stomach has solid advantages. But what to do when in a dream the child rolls over on his stomach and cries? In this case, the mother is forced to get up a dozen times at night to turn the child on its back or on its side. Let's see why the baby still wakes up:

  1. The kid is scared. At first, the child rolls over onto his tummy with a jerk, sometimes not quite understanding why he is doing this. In a dream, a sharp coup scares the baby, and he cries. So, it remains only to wait - with age, the fright will pass.
  2. Stomach ache . Turning over tightens the abdominal muscles. Lying on his back, the baby may experience minor discomfort - it can be gas or a little overeating. With tension in the abdominal muscles, the pain intensifies, causing tears.
  3. Baby bumps nose on mattress. The nose is one of the most painful points of a person. Despite the rather soft bed, the baby hurts when hit. Over time, coordination of movements will improve and the problem will go away.
  4. Toddler gets tangled up in a blanket or sleeping bag. The baby begins to flounder helplessly and wakes up. Even adults sometimes cannot escape this fate, let alone a baby. Try changing your duvet. Soft blankets fit the body more tightly, it is easier to get tangled in them. A blanket on a synthetic winterizer is more “standing” and fits less, which means that the risk of getting tangled in it is much less. In the warm season, you can do without shelter. So that the baby does not freeze, dress him in overalls.
  5. Uncomfortable sleeping suit. Notice the clasp. Buttons or a snake on the tummy when turning over can cause discomfort. Also look at applications. Sometimes manufacturers care about the appearance of children's clothing, forgetting about convenience. On the reverse side, the application may scratch, causing irritation or itching.

There may be many more reasons, but babies, unfortunately, have not yet learned to speak. Therefore, one can only guess.

How to prevent night coups?

A sleepy mother becomes nervous. In order not to take it out on loved ones, try to prevent the child from turning over during sleep.

  • If the baby is under 4 months old, use loose swaddling.
  • Lay the baby on the side, placing a roller rolled up from the bedspread in front near the crumbs at the level of the chest and tummy so that the child does not rest against his face. The roller will delay the coup.
  • Instead of a crib, temporarily use a carrycot. There is little space in it, and it is very difficult to roll over.
  • Put your baby to sleep next to you. You will not always be able to prevent a coup, but you will quickly return the baby to an acceptable position for him.
  • Put the baby to sleep on his stomach. If the baby is comfortable sleeping on his stomach and he does not wake up from turning over, lay him down the way he likes.

Stock up on patience. It will take 2-3 weeks, and you will forget about this problem.


Allowing the child to sleep on his stomach or not, the parents decide. Remember that this is not dangerous. Medical contraindications are a weighty argument against sleeping on the tummy, and the rest is just speculation. If the baby constantly wakes up during night somersaults, be patient. Over time, he will learn to control his body, and you will remember such a distant problem with a smile.

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