Home indoor flowers How to send mms. How to send MMS to a mobile device? Set up MMS for all operators

How to send mms. How to send MMS to a mobile device? Set up MMS for all operators

Delivery of mms and sms messages is guaranteed. Sms and mms messages are sent through the websites of cellular operators: tele2, mts, megaphone, beeline, smrtas, yutel, skylink, etc. You can write a free message and send or transfer a photo or picture via the Internet from a computer, from a computer online in sms and mms

Free sending sms and mms - Popular Destinations.

Free sending sms and mms in Russia.


does not send

Beeline mms


MTS sms

MTS mms


Megaphone sms

does not send

Russia Tele2

does not send

does not send



Russia Utel

utel sms

Russia NSS


NCC mms

EXTEL GSM - Beeline



NC GSM Beeline

NC GSM sms

NC GSM mms


Baikalvestcom sms

Baikalvestcom mms


Ulanovsk GSM sms


SvazInform sms


KodoDel sms


sotel sms


sonet sms


skylink sms

Sakhalin GSM

Sakhalinskiy GSM sms

Sahalinskiy GSM mms


Dalsvaz sms

Penza GSM

Penza GSM sms


NTK sms


Motive sms

Mobile GSM

Mobile GSM sms

Mobile GSM mms

Indigo GSM

indigo sms

Indigo mms

Enisey Telecom

enisey sms

Orenburg GSM

Orenburg GSM sms

Orenburg GSM mms

Tambov GSM

Tambov GSM sms

Dal Telecom

dal telecom sms

Sending SMS and MMS to the Near Abroad.

Sending SMS to Far Abroad.

Great Britain

United Kingdom sms


sms germany


sms egypt


israel sms




SMS Cyprus


sms lebanon


SMS Norway


Poland sms


sms Poland


sms Serbia


Slovakia sms


sms usa


sms usa


sms thailand


SMS Turkey


Finland sms


sms France

Different countries of the world

sms Different Countries

Identification of the Operator and Region by Mobile Phone Number.

In order to send an SMS or MMS message for free, you need to know the telecom operator. To determine the name of the Operator by Mobile Phone Number, use the form below. Enter the Phone Number in the format +79ХХХХХХХХ and press "SEARCH". It is especially convenient to use this form when you only have a Phone Number, and the Operator is not known. Identify the Operator, go to its website and send a message to the right addressee for free.

Additionally, you can make an advanced search in two more databases: Punch number - determine the country, city, region - the location of the phone and the telecom operator.

Additional features

- Pictures MMS- when sending mms messages, you can choose and download a free mms picture from our website. MMS pictures are placed in the sections: Wishes Good morning and Good Night, Happy Birthday and Holidays New Year, Christmas, February 23 and others. Pictures can be saved to a computer or phone, as well as sent via Email for free. For convenient search and viewing of pictures, there is a mobile version.

- SMS texts- to congratulate Happy Birthday, to wish Good Night or Good Morning, you can use SMS. Our site contains a huge database of SMS messages for many occasions. To view the texts of congratulations and wishes sms there is a mobile version of the site. The selected SMS can be copied, sent free of charge via SMS or MMS, as well as via Email.

- Determine the cost of SMS- When sending SMS to a short number like 4444 or 7777, you must be careful. The cost of sending SMS messages to short numbers can cost hundreds of rubles. Without knowing this, it is possible, through negligence or ignorance, to empty the balance of your mobile phone account. In order to determine the cost of sending SMS to a short number, use the form posted on our website.

- Determine the region and operator by number- it is very difficult to find a person by phone number without a telephone base, but it is possible to determine the region of registration of the number, as well as the mobile phone number operator. To do this, use the form posted on the site page sms-mms-fre.ru.

- Automatic SMS sending- Internet service for sending SMS messages (MTS is not supported), allows you to send free SMS in two clicks. After entering the subscriber's number and SMS text, the system will determine the operator itself, go to his website, display the "captcha" and, after pressing the button, send sms for free.

- iSendSMS- a free program for free sending SMS messages from a computer via the Internet. There is a portable version used to install the program on a USB flash drive. The principle of sending SMS messages is the same, only SMS messages are sent not through a browser, but through a program installed on a computer or flash drive.

- ICQ 7M- a program for communication via the Internet, as well as through it you can send SMS messages for free. Moreover, sending SMS messages occurs without entering the "captcha".

How to write and send a message sms, mms from a computer to a phone via the Internet for free. Free sms and mms on mts, tele2, kievstar, motif from computer to phone. SMS utel, beeline, megaphone for free.

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MMS - Multimedia Message Service- service for sending text and files from phone to phone. Mms is sent free of charge from the official websites of mobile operators. With the help of these messages it is possible to transmit polyphonic melodies, color pictures and other multimedia content. If you wish, you can send a free mms. If you have an Internet connection, you can send mms from your computer (computer) to your phone for free. The MMS format allows the exchange of content for phones of different models and manufacturers. Subscribers of mobile operators mts, tele2, megafon, utel can send mms from a computer to a phone. How to send mms from computer to phone for free? Free mms is possible, including for subscribers of MTS, Tele2, Utel, Megafon, Kyivstar, Motive. Links from this site send free mms. You can send free mms here.

SMS - Short Messaging Service- short message service - a service for sending text messages from phone to phone. For mobile operators, sending sms text messages is expensive compared to conversational traffic. And somehow you don’t want to overpay for an ordinary SMS. In addition, the text of sms is more convenient to type on a computer keyboard, not on a phone. And it would be more convenient to send it via the Internet, and not via the phone. In general, somehow everything is difficult. Is there such a possibility how to send SMS via the Internet for free? Yes, it has been around for quite some time. If you have a computer - a computer and Internet access, you can send SMS online simply and for free. Sending is carried out from the websites of telecom operators: mts, beeline, tele2, megaphone, yutel, skylink, smarts, kyivstar, motive. For your convenience, so as not to search for a long time, these sites and links are collected on the site www.site. And from this page you can send free SMS. To do this, you need to determine the operator (if you don’t know which one), click on the link and go to his website, fill out the form for free sms sending and click the send button.

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There are many resources on the Internet offering free message sending, incl. and free mms sending. But basically, such sites offer to send SMS, and there is still the opportunity to send free mms. You can also send free mms here, from the site page website. We wish you a pleasant shipment. And come back to us again.

With the current level of information technology, sending multimedia messages between subscribers, it would seem, has already outlived its popularity. However, in the absence of access to wireless Internet, this method of information exchange becomes the only alternative. That is why it is important for any user to know what to do if the question arises: “I can’t send MMS from Android” and how to solve it.

Not always problems with sending or receiving messages are related to a technical malfunction of the phone. Such a possibility should not be completely ruled out, but for a start it is better to perform preliminary diagnostics and network settings. It should be borne in mind that for a new SIM card, the settings come automatically the first time you use it in a smartphone. If your SIM card has been working for many years, such a function for it may be lost. It is also worth taking into account other possible causes of failures.

Why this feature doesn't work:

  1. This service is not available for some regions. For more information, it is best to contact your mobile phone representative directly.
  2. You also need to request automatic settings from the operator. To do this, it is important to provide the exact model of your phone. After receiving the data in a separate message, you should activate the service according to the attached prompts. If your smartphone provides for the use of two SIM cards, the setting is carried out separately for each number.
  3. Your recipient may have a different data plan that does not support this feature, or may use different network settings.

Often, automatic updates cannot be used, or they do not work correctly. For such cases, it is desirable to configure the communication parameters yourself. Such an algorithm provides for some differences for different operators.

Solution to this problem

If it is impossible to use the ability to automatically configure network settings, you need to enter everything yourself. To do this, it is important to adhere to the above algorithm of actions, focusing on your phone model and the selected connection.

Steps for manually entering network parameters:

  • In the menu section of the smartphone, you need to find "Settings".
  • In this list, find the category "Wireless networks". Here are the communication settings, including data transfer and use of wireless Internet.
  • It is necessary to activate the "data transfer" item if it is not active.
  • Return to the "Wireless networks" menu and find the access point. Typically, the phone will issue two connection options, one of which will be responsible for the mobile Internet, and the second - directly for the ability to send multimedia files.
  • For a phone with two SIM cards, you must also specify the number to which the service will be connected.

If it is impossible to self-configure, you can contact your operator at the specified number or visit the service center (representative office) in person. For a communications center specialist, such procedures will take a minimum of time and will not present difficulties.

Not sent from Tele2

If MMS are not sent from Android to Tele 2 subscribers, it is necessary to check the correctness of the specified information. It is also worth asking your subscriber in advance about setting up a similar function on his device.

How to set up messaging:

  1. Call the number "679", act according to the instructions received.
  2. Register in the “Personal Account” on the resource, after which you will get acquainted with the settings section by activating the service.

If the manipulations performed are ineffective, it is worth using manual input. In the relevant sections, you will need to enter the specified information.

Template for filling:

  • Name - come up with your own.
  • APN - mms.teleru.
  • MMSC - http://mms.tele2.ru.
  • Proxy -
  • Port - 8080 (9201).

After entering the information, you need to restart the device, and also check the function of sending and receiving messages.

Difficulties in sending messages to MTS

MTS subscribers use a similar service after activating the function in several ways.

Execution algorithm:

  1. Send an empty SMS field to the short number "1234". After that, also by SMS - informing the network parameters will come.
  2. If it is possible to access the Internet through a PC, it is better to create an account on the website of a company that provides such communication opportunities. This will allow you to find out the latest news and connection promotions, keep track of your expenses or order a tariff change. Also in the section "Internet - MTS Assistant" you can order the connection of the service. The address of the site of interest: https://ihelper.mts.ru/selfcare/.
  3. For direct communication and clarification of the details of interest, you can also resort to the feedback service on the site, or you can call "0876" and get verbal instructions for such cases.

If it is impossible to apply the above options, it would be more advisable to enter the information in the specified section yourself.

For manual entry, use:

  • APN - mms.mts.ru.
  • Login (username) - mts.
  • Password - mts.
  • MMSC - http://mmsc.
  • Proxy -
  • Port - 8080 (9201).
  • Access point type (APN) - mms.

After completing all the sections, be sure to restart your smartphone so that the changes made are saved and updated. After that, check the send function: send any multimedia file to the nearest device of a friend or relative. If it is impossible to perform or if a failure is written on the screen, repeat the indicated actions or check the correctness of their execution.

Can't send MMS from Megaphone

Megafon subscribers also have access to services for sending and receiving multimedia files. For this, different connection methods are also used, and in the relevant sections of the menu, indicate the information below.

When manually entered:

  1. Name - come up with any suitable one.
  2. APN - mms.
  3. Login - leave blank.
  4. Password - leave blank.
  5. MMSC - http://mmsc:8002.
  6. Proxy - 10.10.10.
  7. Port - 8080.
  8. Access point type (APN) - mms.

Registration of your account is carried out on the official website: http://moscow.megafon.ru/help/settings/. If the option of receiving information via SMS is preferable, it is necessary to send a message to the number "5049", and interaction with the operator is carried out using the direct number "05002".

It is impossible to send or receive a message on the Beeline network

No less popular operator Beeline also took care of the opportunities for its customers. To do this, there is an official website with the possibility of personal registration and obtaining information of interest about new tariffs and services of the company. It is located at: https://uslugi.beeline.ru/. Parameters entered manually will also change somewhat.

When manually entering data, the following parameters are used:

  • Name - come up with any suitable one.
  • APN - mms.beeline.ru.
  • Login - beeline.
  • Password - beeline.
  • MMSC - http://mms/.
  • Proxy -
  • Port - 8080.
  • Point type (APN) - mms.

Communication with the operator is carried out by free short number "060432". If none of the proposed options "does not work", it is better to contact the Beeline center in person.

What to do if it says failure when sending MMS from Android

Among the possible reasons why MMS is not sent from Android, some software system failures can also be distinguished. Despite the fact that using Android usually does not present such problems, you should know the possible algorithm of actions in such a case.

The main causes of malfunctions and solutions:

  1. Virus infection of files. As a preventive measure, you can advise the preliminary installation of a good protective program. If the problem has already appeared, you need to scan the system and remove a possible threat.
  2. Minor system failures may occur spontaneously or due to other problems. Simple ones are eliminated by restarting the device, or by resetting the settings to factory settings. In case of serious problems, it may be necessary to flash the smartphone, which is best entrusted to the service center specialists.
  3. Mechanical failures. Typically, this kind of problem occurs when unauthorized changes to the specified network settings. To correct such errors, it is enough to check the entered information.
  4. Installation of special applications that limit the amount of transmitted information. This is usually convenient for contract subscribers, or when used on a child's phone. At the same time, such software can block the transfer of any files, including.

Usually, the listed smartphone malfunctions do not affect the data transfer function, but in some cases this may be the problem. If the phone is under warranty, the easiest way is to contact the service center. Relatively old devices can be diagnosed or repaired. It should be noted that such problems are not critical, but may indicate more serious problems that negatively affect the operation of the gadget.

Set up MMS for all operators

Before sending the selected file, make sure that its size does not exceed 500 Kb (for subscribers of one network) and 350 Kb (for sending to another operator). Usually, modern gadgets automatically compress the file to the desired parameters, but it is better to check this in advance. In addition to the above problems, there may be modern exceptional situations, for example, when such an opportunity is not provided specifically for your region of residence. Messages in this case may be delayed or come in an unreadable form.

Also, before sending, you must make sure that the entered number is saved in the international format (for the Russian Federation it is +7xxx xxx xxx). You should know that if the recipient's smartphone is turned off, your message is stored for no more than 72 hours, after which the subscriber will not be able to receive it again.

An Android smartphone usually sends MMS after setting automatic data. If the instructions say that it will be necessary to perform some manipulations, but this feature is still not available, the useful tips of our article will help you figure out the causes of possible failures, as well as determine the cause of the problem for subscribers of different operators.

So, today we will talk with you about how to send mms from computer to phone. In fact, there are several rather interesting approaches that are sure to please any user. But not all of them are 100% safe. There are some of our methods that may compromise yours. Therefore, it is not worth trying all the options at once. It is better to choose for yourself what is right for you. Let's quickly figure out how to send mms from a computer to a phone.

From the operator's website

So, the first scenario is the use of the official websites of mobile operators. To be honest, not everyone has this feature. So you will have to try hard to find the site that you need.

As a rule, if you are thinking about how to transfer mms from a computer to a phone using the page of a mobile operator, then you will have to go through authorization. This is done using your mobile phone. Next, find the item "Sending mms online" (or something like that), upload a picture, write a message, and then complete the action.

It should be noted right away that sometimes this pleasure is paid. The money is taken from your mobile phone number. Although, as a rule, operators try to give free sending of several messages per day. Very comfortably. Now it’s worth learning how else to send mms from a computer to a phone.


The second scenario that can only be offered to the modern user is the use of specialized hosting. They, as a rule, allow you to easily send mms from your computer to your phone, as well as write messages.

There are sites where you will have to provide your name, and there are others where anonymous submission is possible. To be honest, such hostings have become very popular in the modern world. This is what users are used to. They just do it with extreme caution.

The work of specialized sites is based on the fact that you must create a message, upload an image or any other document, then indicate your name (if necessary) and the recipient's number. After that, click on the submit button - and all things are done. You can wait for the request and the result to be processed.

It is worth noting the fact that mms from a computer to a phone can be sent for free a limited number of times a day. As a rule, this is about 5 messages. Enough for regular use. So you won't be able to "have fun" much. But you can try other methods. Let's get to know them as soon as possible.

Payment for services

Sending mms from a computer to a phone can be unlimited. Honestly, for this you will have to use paid services designed for this venture. This is a very suspicious proposal. Nevertheless, some users quite often trust paid hosting.

There, as a rule, you will be required to have your mobile phone number, the recipient's number, after which you will have the function of choosing the anonymity of sending. Compose a message, attach the necessary document, and then continue working with the site. Click on "send". You should receive a special message with a security code. Enter it into the window that appears on the monitor screen, and then wait for the result.

As you can see, the task set before us today is quite easy to solve. Only here there are some risks. We will talk about them a little later. In the meantime, it’s worth learning how to send mms from a computer to a phone using other methods. After all, there are still enough of them.


Well, now let's try to figure out another very interesting approach. If you are already familiar with sending SMS messages from a computer, then there will be no problems with mms. After all, now we will talk about such an option as the use of special programs to achieve the goal.

As a rule, it is enough just to download and install something suitable for yourself. After that, launch the application, indicate the sending number, subscribe (as you wish) and create a message. Load the document into it (the "Download" button will appear, or something like that), and then wait for the process to finish. As soon as the message is formed, it will be possible to send it to a friend. Click on "Submit" and wait a while.

Usually all mms and sms sent from the program are not limited. And applications for this purpose are free. It is for this reason that many users prefer this particular scenario. It's hard to find something that fits and works well. After all, sometimes you have to wait for a sent message for about a day. Not a very pleasant outcome, right? For this reason, some users prefer to use specialized paid analogues of applications to send messages from a computer to a mobile phone. But there is another interesting move that we have not yet explored. Let's get to know him soon.

Social Pages

For example, each user who only uses social pages has the opportunity to send a free message or mms to his friend. To do this, he must have a cell phone entered in the questionnaire. What will have to be done to achieve the goal?

To be honest, there are some pretty interesting approaches here. The first is the installation of specialized add-ons for social networks. After you put them on your computer, it will be enough just to select a friend with a cell phone in the profile, and then write a message to him. Next - upload the attached document and click on send. Very convenient and simple.

Nevertheless, quite often you can do without additional content. To do this, simply log in to the social network, then select a friend there with a mobile number in the profile, and then click on "Send a message to phone" (or something like that, the inscriptions may differ). Generate SMS (mms), and then click on the send button. That's all. A few minutes of waiting - and all problems are solved.

Applications for communication

If you are still thinking about how to send mms from a computer to a phone, then you can try using communication applications. For example, Skype. There you can easily realize the idea. It is worth noting right away that this service is paid here.

Log in to the program, then select the desired contact. By the way, a person should already have a number entered in their profile. Now select "Send SMS". Here you can upload a document, as in a regular mms. As a matter of fact, do it, and then write the text of the message itself. Then click on "Submit". That's all there is to it.


So, today we talked with you about how to send mms from computer to phone in all possible ways. Frankly, as already mentioned, not all approaches are completely safe. Some of them are risky. Let's think about the dangers that may lie in wait for us.

The first option is a collision with viruses. They are downloaded from hostings (mainly from paid ones) to the computers and phones of the sender. Getting rid of them is not so easy.

The second scenario is fraud. You are charged for an unsent mms, and they also begin to systematically deduct a certain amount of money from your account. This is also something like a kind of virus. Now you know how to send mms from computer to phone.

Not all subscribers know that it is possible to send MMS to MTS from a computer for free if you have an operator's SIM card. Messages of this type are rarely used today, since most people use Internet communications and social networks for correspondence. But the service provided by the provider, thanks to advertising, is becoming increasingly popular, as it allows you to send postcards with congratulations and confessions.

Only subscribers of this provider can send MMS to MTS directly from the site. In order to carry out the procedure, you need to follow the link sendsms.ssl.mts.ru and open the corresponding tab. It will open a form in which you will need to enter the following information:

  1. sender number;
  2. recipient's phone number (required exclusively by the client of MTS);
  3. title, title or subject of the letter (choose or enter your own);
  4. the text of the letter (the minimum number of characters is 0, the maximum is 1000 (punctuation marks and spaces are taken into account)).

Below the completed sample, a postcard with a congratulation, wish or recognition will be offered (the subject is allowed to be chosen by the sender). It is also acceptable to upload your own picture, made by yourself or downloaded from the Internet in a certain format (the list of suitable resolutions is indicated at the bottom of the page).

After filling in all the data, you must click the "send" button. Next, a notification with a confirmation code will be sent to the sender's phone. After its introduction, sending will be available. The cost of obtaining the code is not calculated.

The following principles should be taken into account:

  • the message will not be delivered if the recipient has the reception barring service activated;
  • the maximum file size is 300 kilobytes;
  • the maximum sending frequency is one MMS every two minutes from each address and to one phone.

Without registration, in the same way it is allowed to send an SMS message. The form to fill out is located in the next tab.


The cost of MMS in mobile depends, first of all, on the connected tariff plan. In most cases, its forwarding turns out to be unprofitable, so the clients of providers tend to use the Internet connection to send letters and postcards. But MTS allows you to send postcards absolutely free of charge and exclusively between subscribers of the operator. The usage limit is convenient, and the postcard gallery is interesting.

A guide to setting up MMS messages on your tablet and sending them.


The popularity of tablet computers among portable device enthusiasts is due to their versatility and large screen compared to smartphone displays. They can replace a music player, game console, home theater and even a laptop. And the only negative that users highlight is the inability to make calls and send SMS/MMS-messages to numbers of mobile operators.

Although the method of transferring media files using MMS- messages has been outdated for a relatively long time, many users still prefer it. In our article you will learn how to send mms from tablet to phone and is there such a possibility at all.

Is it possible to send MMS from a tablet to a phone?

  • As you know, the main way to access the Internet from tablets is to use the nearest access point WiFi. However, today many tablet computers are equipped with a slot for SIM cards, thanks to which users get the opportunity to use the mobile Internet from almost anywhere in the world.
  • But, despite the presence of a slot for SIM card, not every tablet allows you to make calls and send mms-messages to mobile numbers. The fact is that cellular communication is carried out according to the global standard GSM and to use it, the device must have the appropriate module. The presence of a slot for SIM card says only that the tablet supports the type of connection 3G/4G.

  • Fortunately, many tablet computer manufacturers are building new models of their products GSM module, which allows you to use the tablet as a full-fledged phone. To find out if your tablet is equipped GSM module, just read about its technical characteristics on the Internet or look at the documentation that comes with it. You can also understand whether the tablet has a phone function by the presence on the main screen of the corresponding panel with call icons, contacts and messages.

How to send MMS from tablet to phone: instructions

  • If you have made sure that your tablet has GSM module and you want to send from it MMS-messages, the first step is to take care of choosing the right mobile operator and tariff plan. Their choice directly depends on how you plan to use the tablet.
  • If you need to literally send mms-message, after which you plan to use the tablet to access the Internet, it is recommended to select SIM card with a suitable tariff plan specifically for the Internet.
  • If your priority is making calls and sending SMS/MMS-messages, and the Internet is relegated to the background, then that SIM card that you use to make calls from your mobile phone.

How to set up MMS on a tablet?

After acquisition SIM cards one of the mobile operators with a suitable tariff plan, you need to set up the device to send mms-messages. This is done in several ways:

  • Automatic setting;
  • Call to the support service of a mobile operator;
  • Independent input of the necessary data;

Automatic setting

From the name of the method, we can conclude that the user takes minimal participation in this type of configuration. Which, in principle, is very good. However, there is also a negative point. You can use automatic setup only once when you first register your tablet in the database of a mobile operator. If you reset your device to factory settings, you will not be able to use automatic setup again. Such a setting is carried out as follows:

Step 1.

  • Insert your SIM card into your tablet and turn it on.

Step 2.

  • Wait for the operating system to load, enter the security code if necessary, and wait for the process of registering your device in the operator's network and synchronizing the tablet with the database.

Step 3.

  • As soon as the appropriate window appears on the screen confirming the configuration profile, accept and save it. Then you can make calls from the tablet and send MMS-messages.

Call to the support service of a mobile operator

In the event that automatic configuration of the device on the network for some reason is not carried out, you can call the customer support service of your mobile operator and ask for help from a specialist. The support service numbers of popular Russian mobile operators are as follows:

  • MTS - 0690 ;
  • Beeline - 0611 ;
  • Megaphone - 0550 ;
  • Tele 2 - 679 ;

By calling one of these numbers, connect with the operator, following the prompts of the automatic consultant. Ask the connected specialist to send you the settings MMS, save them and restart your tablet. Now you can send MMS-messages.

In some cases, the service MMS- messaging can be disabled. If so, then call your mobile operator at one of the numbers described above and ask to activate the service. After activating it, reboot the device, enter " Settings" and make sure that on the tab " Access points» entered the mobile data sent to you earlier by a support specialist.

Self-entry of the necessary data

  • A very large number of people often call the support service of mobile operators at the same time, so getting to a free specialist can be extremely difficult. In order not to “hang” on the phone for hours, you can enter the necessary mobile data yourself in the section “ Settings» tab « Access points". The list of these cellular operators is presented in the image below.

VIDEO: How to make calls and send MMS messages from tablet to phone?

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