Home Indoor flowers Own business: how to open a summer cafe. How to open a barbecue

Own business: how to open a summer cafe. How to open a barbecue

Barbecue - a small specialized cafe, the menu of which is dominated by grilled meat (barbecue). The main attraction of this business is the minimum costs required to organize it, which is especially important at the initial stage.


Stage 1: Registration procedures

Naturally, the organization of an enterprise involves registration with the tax authority. It does not matter which form of ownership will be chosen in the end, in the list of OKVED codes you need to indicate 55.30 "Activities of restaurants and cafes". A barbecue is also suitable for the description of this category.

It is optimal to issue an IP, especially if it is supposed to open 1-2 points. Here, firstly, there is less red tape with documents - basically a passport with a copy and an application for registration are required. For an LLC, the list is much longer. Secondly, the pleasure will cost only 800 rubles. - that is how much you will have to pay as a state duty. For LLC, the amount is 4 thousand rubles. True, the decision will have to wait 2 days longer, but this is hardly so important.

Immediately you need to choose the form of taxation, and notify the tax office of your decision. If this is not done in a timely manner, then OSNO is activated by default, a mode that is unprofitable for small catering establishments. Among the remaining forms of taxation, preference should be given to the simplified 15%. In this case, the tax base will be the difference between income and expenses. If you choose 6%, you can stay in the red. The fact is that at 6%, expenses are in principle not taken into account, and only income is taxed.

Stage 2: Required documents

When opening a barbecue, it is not enough to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC, you also need to take care of permits... To work legally, you need to prepare the following.

  • Sanitary and Epidemiological Conclusion, in another way, the hygienic certificate is called - it is drawn up in Rospotrebnadzor for a period of 1 to 5 years based on the results of the examination of the product and the place of production. Individual entrepreneurs are issued free of charge (gosuslugi.ru) for up to 60 days. Naturally, you will have to pay for mediation. Also, research is carried out for money, on the basis of which an expert opinion is issued. How much you will have to spend in the end is determined by an agreement with a company that provides such a service.
  • Accommodation permission also need to be obtained from Rospotrebnadzor. It confirms that a barbecue can be equipped in a specific location.
  • Medical books issued for each employee of the catering enterprise, which is directly related to the production, supply of raw materials, waste disposal. And they should be first. The cost of basic analyzes, which must be submitted without fail (there are only 2 of them), together with the form of the book, starts from 600 rubles - this is if the employees hand them over to the SES on their own. Calling experts to the territory of the barbecue will cost more.

It is advisable to attribute all costs for the preparation of the necessary documentation in the accounting to deferred expenses.

Stage 3: Selection of premises and equipment

The barbecue usually works in the format of a summer cafe: a tent is set up on the land plot, under which all production is organized. Sometimes the grill is put on the street. Such establishments are also common along the roadway. In any case, the main requirement for a place for placing a barbecue is that it must be passable. The best option is close to markets or on the outskirts of the village.

It is also necessary to provide a toilet. You can get by with a bio-cabin, which, by the way, is the cheapest way to buy a joint with other entrepreneurs. And the first time is best to rent. Some firms rent for 2-3 thousand rubles. along with service.

Initially you will need:

  • brazier and skewers - nowhere without it;
  • refrigerator - it is necessary for storing marinated meat;
  • distribution counter - it separates the production area from the main hall;
  • tables and chairs - but you can do without them if you are preparing a shish kebab to go.

Stage 4: Organization of the production process

In addition to equipment, you will need raw materials, which, in fact, will be cooked in a barbecue, as well as coal. Where is the best place to buy meat? The best is to find a supplier from among the farmers who will provide you with a sufficient amount of meat. It is necessary to conclude a contract with him.

How and where to pickle raw materials? If you buy meat that has already been soaked, it will be more expensive; you can save a lot on the marinade. For its manufacture, it is better to contract some kind of dining room for these works, for example. But you can marinate yourself, but under the control of the workshop.

When setting prices, it should be borne in mind that the weight of meat decreases during frying. You also need to think about related products - drinks, dishes, baked goods.

Stage 5: Calculation of economic feasibility

In conclusion, an approximate calculation of the economic efficiency of the event. Since seasonal fluctuations are noticeable for this type of activity, it is reasonable to divide the years into 2 parts: May-September, October-April.

So, the initial parameters:

  • base - opening a new enterprise;
  • working hours - from 10:00 to 22:00;
  • total area - 100 sq. m;
  • number of tables - 7 pcs. places - 28;
  • the approximate cost of equipment (dishes, stove, grill, refrigerator, microwave oven, oven, coffee machine, cash register, etc.) - 100 thousand rubles;
  • other one-time expenses (furniture made of cheap materials, cosmetic repairs, dishes, overalls) - 160 thousand rubles;
  • utilities - 3 thousand / month;
  • the number of employees is 6 people (cashiers, cooks, cleaners), not counting the administrative staff and the technologist, the average salary is 15 thousand rubles / month. with personal income tax.

Fixed costs:

  • for wages - 90 thousand rubles / month + UST (35%) - 31.5 thousand rubles;
  • for rent - 50 thousand rubles / month

1 kebab maker in a 12-hour working day on 2 barbecue grills can fry 50 kg of raw meat, the output will be about 170 servings. For a barbecue with 7 tables, this is quite adequate performance during peak trading season - from April to September. In the remaining months, the figure is half that. Taking into account the average cost of a barbecue 150 rubles. per serving revenue per month 990 thousand rubles. (30% for the purchase of related products - drinks, etc.). Costs per day for meat and marinade - 240 thousand rubles. + expenses for finished products - 208 thousand rubles.

Taking into account the seasonality in the projection for the year, it turns out:

  • trade turnover - 11,880 thousand rubles;
  • gross income (added value) - 6,504 thousand rubles;
  • net profit - 1,935 thousand rubles (peak) + 552 thousand rubles (decline), total - 2,487 thousand rubles;
  • profitability of the enterprise - 21%;
  • payback period - 2 years.

Thus, a barbecue is a worthwhile enterprise, because it can be organized at minimal cost and recouped in a couple of years.

The public catering market in our country is now going through a very interesting period. On the one hand, fast food and products of the once fashionable sushi bars have already become boring for the consumer. On the other hand, it has not yet been invented a worthy alternative capable of causing gastronomic madness among the layman. If you decide to open your own catering business right now, then in choosing a specific area of ​​activity you should pay attention to the "eternal" values ​​for the Russian consumer. For example, think seriously about how to open a barbecue. Did you find the idea tempting? Excellent! Here are some tips to help you on how to start this wonderful, profitable business in the best traditions of Russian catering.

Business features

So, the barbecue is a specialized "one-course" cafe. The priority place in his menu is, of course, shashlik. One of the variations is grilled meat. Contrary to popular belief, running your own barbecue does not necessarily imply a seasonal business: in large Russian cities, it has long been practiced to open barbecue, operating throughout the year. However, the guide on how to open a summer barbecue cafe is not too different from the instructions on how to set up a business that operates all year round.

In a word, feel free to decide on the time limits of your barbecue, but all your other actions to start your own business will be directly related to the main specific moment of the barbecue business. How? Of course, with the circumstance that your own barbecue is a catering enterprise. And not just any, but Russian. This means that without the preliminary collection of numerous documents and certificates, you will not be given permission to feed people. Therefore, it is worth starting your "barbecue" enterprise precisely from the bureaucratic stage.

What documents are needed?

Regardless of what kind of business you intend to engage in, you should register as a subject of this very business. If you open a barbecue, you'd better become an individual entrepreneur (unless, of course, you plan to immediately create an extensive network of establishments). When registering an individual entrepreneur, select item 55.30 "Activities of restaurants and cafes" in the list of OKVED codes.

After you register, you will need to choose the form of taxation and report your decision to the tax office. It is important to do this in a timely manner, because otherwise you will be charged with the OSNO mode by default, and it is extremely unprofitable for small catering establishments. Hurry up and opt for a simplified taxation system, noting that you would very much like to give the government 15% of the difference between income and expenses: this will prevent you from going into a “minus” even in the most unfavorable scenario.

Now you have very little left - to get out of the shadows and legalize as a new figure in the public catering market. To do this, you need to acquire the following permits:

  • sanitary and epidemiological conclusion (hygienic certificate) of the SES,
  • permission to place a catering establishment in a specific place,
  • licenses for the right to trade in certain categories of goods, for example, wine and vodka products,
  • medical books for each employee of the institution.

If you intend to independently transport meat for your barbecue, then for this you will need a sanitary-epidemiological document for transport.

Perhaps, at the stage of collecting documents, you will not yet know exactly where your barbecue will be located and how many people will work in it. Do not wait for inspiration, collect the remaining documents: the registration of medical books is a rather quick procedure these days, but it is better not to postpone obtaining a permit to do business.

Finding a suitable room and choosing equipment

There are two criteria that should be followed when choosing a room for a barbecue. Firstly, this room must fully meet the put forward fire safety requirements. In addition, it must necessarily have all the necessary attributes for the operation of the kitchen, in particular, water supply and electricity. Secondly, your barbecue should be located in a place with good human traffic. If your claims are limited to a business idea on how to open a barbecue on the highway, then this should be a full-fledged highway in several lanes. If you dream of your own cozy restaurant, then it should be located in the center of the city or microdistrict.

As for the interior, here you should rely only on your imagination and your own ideas about beauty. Sometimes the craziest interior concept of a catering establishment can induce residents of neighboring cities to come to this cafe. And it also happens that the design verified according to all the canons of art will leave indifferent most of the guests. In general, think for yourself.

Of the equipment for a barbecue, you will need the following in any case:

  • extractor hood of maximum power,
  • refrigerated cabinets (at least two - for meat, etc., and preferably three),
  • cutting tables,
  • distribution rack,
  • kitchen utensils, including barbecue and skewers,
  • tableware

If we are not talking about how to open a barbecue to go, you will also need furniture for the hall: tables, chairs, a bar, bar stools - and a wardrobe.

A little about the products

It is hardly worth reminding once again that the choice of a meat supplier for a barbecue can determine the whole future fate of a business. It is best to look for a supplier among local farmers, and you can start from the markets altogether. As the business develops and the demand for meat grows, you will already be able to enter the level of cooperation with the largest suppliers.

The most important thing: meat must comply with all conceivable (sanitary and veterinary) and unthinkable (like you specifically) standards. To a lesser extent, but this circumstance also applies to all other products for your barbecue.

Menu development

The king of the menu in your establishment will, of course, be shashlik, most likely made from balyk and pork neck.

Shish kebab made from chicken, lamb, veal and red fish is also a stable success among domestic meat-eaters. But don't forget about the rest of the dishes. Think over the composition of side dishes, salads, desserts.

Consider serving the kebab separately. If, as a bonus, delicious sauces, lavash, fresh herbs will be served in your restaurant, then this factor will certainly attract grateful guests.

Take care of the alcoholic list, especially the wine one, because meat with good wine is not a classic that fades over time. Remember also about the design of the table and about completing each table with seasonings, napkins and toothpicks.

Financial question

Maybe happiness is not in money, but when opening your own barbecue, it is highly desirable to know what you can count on in the end. Rough calculations show that a 100 m² barbecue pays off in about 18-24 months.

The turnover of such an enterprise is about 12 million rubles per year. You can enter a business with half a million rubles (of which about 100 thousand will be spent on equipment).

Barbecue houses are traditionally popular among Russians: it is always a pleasure to spend time or just have a snack, enjoying the aroma of smoky meat and watching the chef's virtuoso work. A small cafe with a menu consisting mainly of grilled meat dishes is sure to attract customers and bring a lot of income to the owners.

How to open a barbecue business? It is worth starting with a business plan and cost calculations, then finding a suitable premises and starting to draw up all the necessary documents and permits - for the type of activity, raw materials and products, personnel compliance with certain requirements. The next stage is the purchase and installation of equipment, the search for suppliers, the hiring of workers and the development of the menu. After that, it remains only to get down to work, reach the planned turnover and get the well-deserved profit.

Obtaining permits from the authorities

The paperwork will take some time. Although the deadlines for issuing permits are regulated, add about 20% to them just in case, taking into account the well-known human factor.

A novice entrepreneur will need to register with the tax office: either an individual activity or an LLC (legal entity) is declared. Choose code 55.30 called "Restaurants and Café Activities" and the simplified tax payment scheme, which is 15% of profits. In both cases, you will need a passport and a receipt; for LLC the list of documents has been expanded. The duty is 800 RUB for individual entrepreneurs and 4000 rubles. for LLC.

Rospotrebnadzor issues a permit for entrepreneurial activity after a dignity. the service (SES) will draw up a conclusion on the products and premises, having issued within 60 days (free of charge) a hygienic certificate valid for 1 to 5 years. Meat transport vehicles also need a certificate from the SES.

If alcohol is sold in a barbecue, then a license for the right to trade in these goods will be required. All employees are required to have valid health records.

Business features

Firstly, the kebab house belongs to the category of “one-course” establishments, where the priority place on the menu belongs to the kebab and its variants - for example, meat or grilled fish. Means, the cafe is unlikely to attract gourmets and you should pay attention to simpler customers, choosing a location for a barbecue.

Secondly, you should not rely on a vegetarian and adherents of a healthy lifestyle, and given the price, schoolchildren and students “drop out” from the ranks of clients.

The third feature: if your cafe is open and the chef works on the street, then the factor of seasonality of services comes into force. After all, in winter, hardly anyone will agree to freeze while waiting for an order.

But the weakest point when opening a barbecue is the bureaucratic stage: a catering establishment, even the smallest, cannot be opened without all sorts of certificates, which ultimately allow you to feed visitors.


Barbecue area about 100 sq. m. pays off in one and a half to two years. Let's calculate the approximate costs: purchase of equipment - 150 thousand rubles, communal apartments - up to 3 thousand rubles per month, staff salaries will cost from 15 thousand rubles, rent of premises - about 50 thousand rubles. plus the cost of purchasing raw materials.

Production: for a working day (12 hours), one cook can use two grills cook 50 kg of meat or 170 servings. In the season from May to September for a small cafe, this is normal attendance, but in the period from October to April, the numbers are reduced by at least half. With a serving cost of 150 rubles. we receive revenue of about a million rubles per year, including 30% of income from the sale of drinks and other offers on the menu.

The total costs for raw materials and other goods will amount to about 450 thousand rubles. in year; trade turnover, taking into account seasonality - 11,880,000 rubles, gross income 6,504,000 rubles, net profit 2,487,000 rubles. The profitability of the barbecue is 21%, the payback of the enterprise is 2 years.

Where to open?

The main thing is that the chosen room must meet fire safety requirements, otherwise there will be no work permit. Operating water supply and sewerage, electricity, ventilation in the kitchen are prerequisites for obtaining a certificate from the SES.

Best location for a kebab - next to a large stream of people who are not particularly picky about food, and who have time to wait, until the order is ready. These can be train stations and bus stations, markets or a busy highway, embankments with a promenade area and beaches.

When choosing a place for a cafe, it is worth considering that not everyone likes the smoke from the barbecue, and neighboring enterprises may not be happy with you; therefore, try to find a place at a distance of several tens of meters from your closest colleague-entrepreneur, whatever he does.


Approximate equipment costs for a barbecue area up to 100 sq. meters - from 100 to 150 thousand rubles. You will need:

  • barbecues and skewers;
  • oven and microwave oven;
  • separate cold rooms for storing meat and a refrigerator for other goods;
  • powerful hood for the kitchen;
  • cutting tables;
  • kitchen utensils, dishes;
  • distribution rack;
  • tables and chairs.

You can save money by offering takeaway kebabs: then you won't need furniture for the hall, and ordinary dishes can be replaced with disposable ones, made of cheap cardboard or plastic.

Menu development and supplier search

Kebab is the main dish on the menu, but you can cook it from almost any product. Meat of various varieties and from different parts of the carcass, chicken, fish and shrimp, shellfish (including snails), vegetables, even fruits and marshmallows on a skewer as a dessert, and toasted bread (of course, several varieties) with cheese ... Delicious! Add all kinds of cakes, polenta toasted on the fire - in general, turn on your imagination or search the Internet for recipes from craftsmen. The main thing is to be different from competitors by offering something original and inexpensive, and good word of mouth will do everything to attract new customers without advertising costs.

Additional dishes in the form of pastries, desserts and drinks able to bring up to 30% of the total profit! Do not neglect the assortment of juices and soda, tea and coffee, and frozen desserts - buns, pies - are easy to prepare and have a long shelf life. Think about a children's menu, because children always bring their parents and their friends with them, also with their parents, and so on.

Side dishes and salads, sauces and marinades, greens and lavash are a great decoration for barbecue and additional income. "Free attachments" to the main dish in the form of mini-slices of vegetables or a couple of pieces of lavash will surely delight guests and increase orders, and they can cost you a penny.

The wine list and cognacs are the classics of kebabs, which perfectly fit modern cocktails and different types of beer. It is more profitable to buy alcohol in bulk and only from official dealers who guarantee quality.

It is better to start searching for suppliers of raw materials on the recommendation, otherwise problems from the category of possible ones will turn into inevitability. A respectable butcher with a reputation, of course, will charge more for his products than a beginner, but the quality of the meat and the presence of real certificates are a clear plus. If you want to save money, look for a farmer who personally raises livestock or poultry, and is very interested in regular customers. Trading networks are also suitable for the role of a supplier, but they are essentially resellers, and the price will definitely be higher than that of manufacturers or a large wholesaler.

The main rule for everything edible that gets into your barbecue is: it must comply with all standards (sanitary, veterinary) and ultimately please visitors.


There are always problems, where can we go without them ... The main trouble for a novice entrepreneur lies in wait at the start: registration of all kinds of permits and certificates can take a long time, therefore, be patient and treat everything philosophically.

To protect your nervous system, be sure to consult with people with practical business experience before deciding to start your own business. You will learn a lot of interesting and necessary things, but in order to save time, make a list of questions of interest to you in advance.

The second problem is find normal workers, and the key figure is the chef... If this is a beginner, then he has a lot of energy and optimism, but not enough experience. A pro can be a champion in barbecue, but if he has a difficult character ... Ideal options are rare, so you have to do a lot of job interviews with applicants to build your team.

The search for a supplier, the seasonality of the business - this has already been discussed. Force majeure is always possible, no one is immune from them, but many problems can be solved if there is money and time.

Summing up, we can confidently say that a barbecue is a profitable business. Its main advantages are low start-up costs, quick payback and positive traditions that are supported by the majority of the population, which creates a constant demand for a delicious dish.

Barbecue - small catering establishment. It specializes in serving tandoor, grilled and grilled meat dishes. Recently, this type of entrepreneurial activity has become more and more popular, replacing Western fast food. It is not difficult to draw up a business plan for a barbecue - it is enough to know some important points.

Features of the institution

The barbecue is not an ordinary cafe, as the menu is dominated by one dish. Only variations of the cooking method are permissible. Some believe that it is possible to sell the products of the institution only during the season. This statement is true only for small settlements. In big cities, kebabs are in demand all year round.

Regardless of the regularity of work, the owner of the establishment will have to obtain a whole package of documents, permits and certificates, which are mandatory for the project of a catering establishment.

Collecting documents

Any business must start with registration. The organization of a barbecue is no exception. If the company will not have branches, it is enough to register as an individual entrepreneur. Registration cost is about 800 rubles. In the list of codes of the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities (OKVED), you should select item 56.10 "Activities of restaurants and food delivery services."

For an entrepreneur to be able to open a barbecue, the business plan must be focused on a specific form of taxation. This will help to promptly notify the tax office and avoid the establishment of a common tax regime. OSNO is extremely unprofitable for a small business, which will be a barbecue at the very beginning of its existence.

For a beginner entrepreneur, it is optimal to choose a simplified system (STS): minimal reporting and the ability to choose the optimal deduction scheme will allow a small business not to close at the very beginning of its existence.

What is needed for the activity

List of permits for work:

  • a hygienic certificate issued by the SES for a period of 5 years and confirming that the premises and methods of storing products meet all quality standards;
  • work permit;
  • a license to sell certain types of goods;
  • staff medical books.

In some cases, entrepreneurs independently carry out the delivery of meat for their cafes. In order for this to comply with the norms of the law, transport must have appropriate sanitary and epidemiological documents. The issue with the delivery of raw materials should be resolved at the stage of developing a business plan.

Choosing a room

When developing a business plan for a barbecue, you should decide in advance on the functions that the company will perform. In other words, whether it will be a summer cafe or a year-round establishment. In the first case, you will need a tent, as well as an equipped open (partially closed) area.

The opening of a barbecue is advisable in the following areas of the city:

  • center (you can focus on grilling);
  • working quarters;
  • sleeping areas.

Whichever location is chosen, it matters how well it meets fire safety standards. It is imperative that the room is connected to the water supply system, city sewerage.

What equipment is required

The work of a barbecue is impossible without. The list of things that you can't do without looks like this:

  • brazier;
  • grill;
  • skewers;
  • refrigerators compartment;
  • furniture, counter;
  • hood.

Separately, you should worry about the equipment of the room for storing visitors' belongings. For the profitable functioning of a barbecue, a business plan should contain an item of expenses for decorating a hall, if it is a year-round establishment.

We plan the assortment

A kebab house cannot work without raw materials. Its supplier must have all permits, as well as quality certificates. Even if you are a beginner entrepreneur, it is recommended that you marinate the meat yourself, and not purchase ready-made ones. Thus, the freshness of the purchased product will be guaranteed.

The profitability of an enterprise depends, and very significantly, on the availability of an opportunity to purchase alcoholic beverages there. To be able to carry out such activities, the entrepreneur must have a license.

Also, the profitability of a barbecue is determined by the variety of the menu. Of course, the dominant dish is shashlik. But don't forget about the additions:

  • bread (including pita bread);
  • a variety of sauces;
  • snacks;
  • desserts;
  • salads;

It is also worth taking care of the variability of the main course. You should not get hung up on any one version of the kebab. It is better if the menu includes fish and meat of various types; in recent years, grilled vegetables and mushroom kebabs have become popular. Also, customers should be able to choose between cooking options - on an open fire or on a grill.

Some kebabs practice such a service as home delivery of hot kebabs or grilled meat. It is also a good way to establish yourself and increase the profitability of your business.

  • Step-by-step plan for opening a barbecue
  • What taxation system to choose for the business of opening a barbecue
  • Search for premises
  • Personnel search
  • Supply of raw materials for barbecue
  • How much can you earn on the barbecue business
  • What equipment to choose for a barbecue
  • What OKVED code to indicate when registering a barbecue
        • Related business ideas:

Step-by-step plan for opening a barbecue

There are several options for opening a barbecue, depending on the size of the initial investment:

1. Opening a business like a summer cafe, using a temporary building (tent or pavilion). You can organize this business, for example, on a highway with a large flow of cars (truckers), or place a cafe next to a city park. Additionally, the cafe can sell soft drinks and beer. To open such a business, about 250 thousand rubles are enough. At the same time, the costs incurred for starting a business can be recouped in one season.

2. Business organization in rented or own premises. This option has the advantage of increasing the season of the establishment and the range of products sold. However, in some cases, the size of the investment can be significantly higher than in the first option.

In this guide, the first option for opening a barbecue is considered in more detail, since it seems more affordable for many novice entrepreneurs.

How much money is needed to start a barbecue business

To open a business, depending on the planned scale of activity, investments will be required from 250 thousand rubles. The list of costs for opening a barbecue for the summer season:

  1. Purchase of a pavilion or tent. The cost of a PVC pavilion 3 * 5 meters is about 150 thousand rubles. The pavilion can withstand wind loads up to 110 m / s.
  2. Plastic tables, chairs, barbecue and other equipment - from 60 thousand rubles;
  3. Bio toilet - 15 thousand rubles;
  4. Registration of individual entrepreneurs, permits and other costs - 20 thousand rubles.

In total, you will need to invest from 245 thousand rubles. Initial capital for opening a business can be obtained in the following ways:

  1. Bank loan, on average at 20% per annum;
  2. Participation in state support for start-up entrepreneurs. For example, in the Ulyanovsk region you can get a subsidy of up to 300 thousand rubles to start your own business. You can find out in more detail about the conditions of support by contacting entrepreneurship support centers that have been created in many municipalities;
  3. Finding a financial partner.

What taxation system to choose for the business of opening a barbecue

The second important step is business registration. As an organizational and legal form, both individual entrepreneurship (IP) and a legal entity (LLC) can be registered. The best option is to register an individual entrepreneur, since the costs of preparing documents and paying for state. duties are minimal. The taxation system can be chosen between the STS or UTII.

Before hiring personnel for a barbecue, do not forget to register with the Pension Fund (Pension Fund) and the FSS as an employer. Mandatory reading article about payment of insurance premiums.

Search for premises

An important step is to find a suitable location for a temporary tent. There are several important points to pay attention to:

1. The land is privately owned. Everything is simple here. A lease agreement is concluded with the owner of the land plot for several months, and we work calmly;

2. The land is state owned. To obtain a temporary permission to install a tent, you should contact the local committee for the management of municipal property or another KUMI. Now it has become "fashionable" to hold tenders for the lease of land plots for business, but in our case the tender will not be held, since the lease is temporary. But it will not work to install a cafe at your request in any place, since the municipal authorities have their own plans for the placement of temporary facilities on specially allotted land. In this regard, the installation of a barbecue is similar to the placement of objects of street trade.

What documents are needed to open a barbecue

The premise of the future barbecue should correspond to the accepted burrows of the SES and it does not matter if it is a temporary building (tent) or a capital construction building. To operate a barbecue legally, you need to connect a water supply, install a refrigerator and have a toilet. Otherwise, there may be problems with regulatory authorities, in particular with Rospotrebnadzor. For the summer cafe, this issue is solved with the help of imported water and the installation of a bio-toilet.

Do I need permission to open a barbecue

In addition, in order to trade barbecue in accordance with all the norms of the SES, you must contact the local department of Rospotrebnadzor for issuing a trade permit. For example, for the Moscow region it is required:

  • Sanitary and Epidemiological Conclusion. Issued by the local branch of Rospotrebnadzor and establishes the compliance of the barbecue premises with the current sanitary standards for objects of this type;
  • Accommodation permission. It is issued by Rospotrebnadzor after an on-site inspection of your facility and establishes the possibility of functioning of a barbecue in this area in accordance with current legislation.

Personnel search


As they say in many guides for opening cafes and other catering establishments, the main thing in such a business is delicious cuisine, or rather the chef. In our case, this issue takes on special significance. Indeed, in a normal kebab house, more than half of the proceeds, and even more should be brought by the kebab, and the rest - beer, appetizer, french fries, salads. If the recipe for your barbecue is to the taste of the visitors of the cafe, then the attendance will not be long in coming. The main personnel primarily include: an administrator (often the individual entrepreneur himself), a cook, a waiter, a cashier, a security guard. If the cafe is not large, then one person can perform the functions of a cashier and a waiter. The cook who will cook the kebab must understand what he is doing, in other words, must be with experience. Much depends on this. The employees of the cafe, namely the cook and the cashier-waiter, must have medical records, otherwise they will appear after the first serious fine.

Supply of raw materials for barbecue

Next, let's move on to the supply of raw materials Shish kebab meat should be selected, without excess fat and bones (tenderloin). Therefore, the question of choosing suppliers should not be in the last place. It would be nice to take care of the assortment of kebabs. Of course, the most popular is pork kebab, but the assortment should also include kebabs made from lamb, chicken, fish, etc. People love when there is a choice and the opportunity to try different dishes.

Shish kebab cooking technology

Before you cook a kebab, you need to marinate it. It is advised to make a marinade for kebabs on your own, and not to purchase from a separate manufacturer, otherwise you will lose a significant part of your revenue.

The size and design of the portion of the shish kebab is also important, especially if there are competitors nearby. Don't skimp on extras like delicious ketchup, herbs, grilled vegetables, and onions. By the way, onions can be served pickled in vinegar, which takes 15 minutes to cook. This gives the dish a special taste and stimulates the appetite. The kebab itself should be served juicy, tasty and complete with a normal-sized portion. And even if your prices are slightly higher than those of your closest competitors, people will still go to you, because your “service” is tastier and better.

Additional service to barbecue

Cold beer in a cafe is in second place after meat dishes. A small assortment of draft beers, in addition to bottled, will definitely not be superfluous. You can sell nuts, chips, dried fish, and more expensive snacks like spicy chicken wings as a beer snack.

How much can you earn onbarbecue business

An important point is the price of a kebab. The price level in an institution depends on the location of the cafe, the presence of competitors, etc. On average, in the regions, the price for 100 grams of barbecue ranges from 90 to 120 rubles. You should stick to this range and not overcharge.

How much can you earn in this business? It is difficult to say, but with a favorable set of circumstances and the observance of the basic rules of doing business, the costs incurred for starting a business pay off in the first season of work.

Conditions for a successful start of a barbecue business

  1. Highly passable location of a barbecue with low rent;
  2. Good and tasty cuisine, a wide range of related products;
  3. Favorable suppliers, good product quality;
  4. Polite and helpful staff;
  5. Reasonable price level.

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