Home Grape Thin endometrium build-up. How to build up the endometrium for a successful conception and bearing of a child? Herbal decoction

Thin endometrium build-up. How to build up the endometrium for a successful conception and bearing of a child? Herbal decoction

The inner lining of the uterus, or endometrium, is responsible for the regularity of menstruation and the ability to get pregnant. Women with thin endometrium often have difficulty conceiving. Fortunately, the endometrium can be enlarged with certain lifestyle changes combined with specific therapy. Maintain a positive attitude - many women can build up their endometrium and increase their chances of getting pregnant!

Attention: the information in this article is for informational purposes only. Check with your healthcare professional before using any medications or dietary supplements.


Natural methods

    Exercise every day. Daily exercise improves blood circulation while increasing blood flow to the uterus. Good blood circulation helps to strengthen the endometrium. Try to be physically active for at least thirty minutes a day - this can be any type of physical activity, including swimming, jogging, cycling, yoga, or simple walking.

    • If you have to sit for long periods of time at work, try to get up and move periodically, for at least two minutes every hour.
  1. Sleep at least 7 hours a night. Get plenty of rest to keep hormone levels stable - estrogen and other hormones balance during sleep. Try to stay asleep and sleep 7-9 hours a night. To improve your daily routine, follow these guidelines:

    • You need to go to bed and get up at the same time of the day. Try to go to bed at 10-11 pm.
    • Try not to sleep during the day.
    • Make sure the bedroom is only for sleeping, for example, do not watch TV in bed.
    • Develop a certain set of habits before bed - this could be a warm shower or a massage.
    • Make sure the room is cool and dark.
  2. Get rid of stress. Stress and the chemicals produced by the body as a result of stress negatively affect the body, including hormonal balance. Try to get plenty of rest and relaxation. Practice yoga, meditation, creativity (such as painting), aromatherapy, or other activities that relax you. If you have a lot of stress in your life, at home or at work, then try practicing mindfulness.

    Take herbal supplements. To date, there is no reliable scientific evidence that herbal preparations effectively increase the endometrium. However, taking certain herbs stimulates circulation and increases blood flow to the uterus, and certain herbs promote estrogen production. Many of these products are available at pharmacies, health food stores, or online. Choose only products from reputable brands. Always check with your doctor before taking any dietary supplements as they may interact with other medications. The following herbal remedies stimulate estrogen production or improve circulation:

    Get an acupuncture session. Acupuncture helps with irregular menstruation as it improves blood circulation in the uterus. See an experienced acupuncture specialist. A specialist will insert needles at specific points on the body to improve circulation, balance hormone levels, and generally have a beneficial effect on your body.

    Avoid anything that negatively affects blood circulation. In addition to practicing anything that has a beneficial effect on blood circulation, you need to avoid anything that affects it negatively. Reduce blood circulation:

    • Smoking. Quit smoking! Smoking is harmful to health and reduces blood flow.
    • Drinking caffeine. Limit the amount of caffeine you consume. One glass a day is enough. Reduce your caffeine intake gradually to avoid withdrawal symptoms.
    • Taking decongestants (anticongestants). Allergy and cold medications that contain phenylephrine or other vasoconstrictors constrict blood vessels, impairing circulation, so try other medications that do not contain these ingredients.

    Standard medicines

    1. See your doctor. If you have irregular periods or are unable to get pregnant, make an appointment with your gynecologist. There are many reasons why this can happen, and your doctor will need to examine you and do some tests to rule out other conditions. If the reason lies in the thinning of the endometrium, then the doctor will definitely tell you the best method of treatment.

      • It is important to determine why you have a thin endometrium, as this will help you get rid of the problem more efficiently and faster.
    2. Try hormone therapy. The first step in treating a thin endometrium is usually hormone therapy using estrogens. In such cases, doctors usually prescribe hormonal birth control drugs that contain estrogen, or estrogen in the form of tablets, patches, gel, cream, or spray.

      Take a vasodilator. The endometrium requires good blood flow, so clogged arteries can thin it. Check with your doctor if you should be taking medications that dilate blood vessels and increase blood flow to the uterus.

      Increase your vitamin E intake. Vitamin E improves blood flow to the endometrium, thereby increasing its thickness. Eat foods rich in vitamin E and ask your doctor if you need a vitamin E dietary supplement, sometimes called tocopherol. The recommended daily intake of vitamin E for women is 15 mg. Check with your doctor in what doses you need to consume this vitamin in order to build up the endometrium. Some studies have used doses of 600 mg. Vitamin E is rich in foods such as:

      • almonds, pine nuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, and peanut butter;
      • Raw pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and sesame seeds
      • chard, kale and spinach;
      • mustard, turnip greens and parsley;
      • avocados, broccoli, tomatoes and olives;
      • mango, papaya and kiwi;
      • wheat germ oil, safflower oil and corn oil.
    3. Check your hemoglobin level. Lack of iron can lead to thinning of the endometrium. Ask your doctor for a blood test and check your iron levels. If it is low, then you will likely need to eat more iron-rich foods or even take dietary supplements.

      • The best sources of iron are meat and fish.
      • Your risk of developing an iron deficiency is increased if you eat a vegetarian or vegan diet. Eat whole grains and iron-rich vegetables such as quinoa, lentils, spinach, and tofu.
    4. Take dietary supplements with L-arginine. Some studies show that taking L-arginine supplements can help with heart disease and leg pain in cases of thrombosis. Because L-arginine dilates arteries and improves blood circulation, it may have beneficial effects on endometrial thickness. You can find L-arginine supplements at your local drug store or health store.

    The latest therapies

      Ask your doctor about low-dose aspirin treatment. Taking low doses of aspirin has been shown to help some women become pregnant, although it is not known if this is due to increased thickness of the endometrium or other factors. Use this method of treatment only on the recommendation of your doctor and only after discussing your existing medical conditions.

      Discuss pentoxifylline treatment with your doctor. Pentoxifylline ("Trental") is a drug that increases blood circulation. When combined with vitamin E, it builds up the endometrium and helps women get pregnant.

The role of the endometrium in successful conception. The rate of endometrial thickness by days of the cycle. The reasons for the thickening and thinning of the endometrial layer. How can you build up.

The endometrium performs its main function during pregnancy, from the moment of conception to childbirth.

Indicators of its thickness are recorded in preparation for pregnancy, also being an important parameter for identifying possible pathologies.

In addition, the thickness of the endometrium, revealed before conception, makes it possible to predict gestation and avoid unwanted failures.

What is the endometrium of the uterus

The endometrial layer is the inner lining of the uterine cavity. The endometrium is a mucous membrane consisting of epithelial tissue with a developed network of capillaries, ducts of glands and stroma (connective tissue that performs a supporting function).

The main function of the endometrium is to anchor the fertilized egg on the wall of the uterus. The layer changes its thickness and degree of development depending on the period of the woman's menstrual cycle. It also performs a barrier function, preventing the formation of the walls of the uterus.

The role of endometrial growth in pregnancy

The full development of the endometrium plays a major role in the favorable attachment of the embryo and its subsequent development.

The mucous membrane of the uterus enhances the secretion of secretions immediately after fertilization and throughout the entire period of pregnancy supports the life support of the fetus.

Thickening of the endometrial layer occurs under the influence of vascular branching and increased blood circulation, as well as an increase in the production of estradiol for the maturation of the glands. Further maturation of the uterine mucosa is due to an increase in the level of progesterone, which starts the process of formation of the placenta, which fully supplies oxygen and the substances necessary for the development of the embryo.

Measurement of the thickness of the mucous membrane is carried out only by a qualified doctor who will take into account the individuality of the woman's body associated with the menstrual cycle, possible diseases and congenital features.

What should be the thickness of the endometrium: the rate for the days of the cycle

The endometrium consists of two layers: basal and functional. The functional layer is rejected (menstruation occurs), if fertilization has not occurred, and is restored due to the production of collagen by the basal layer. If the fertilized egg is attached to the uterus, then both layers begin to thicken for the development of the placenta. Therefore, the thickness of the endometrium is different at each phase of the cycle.

At the beginning of the menstrual cycle

At the beginning of the standard 28-day menstrual cycle, the thickness of the endometrium decreases from 5-9 mm (1-2 days) to 3-5 mm (3-5 days). The bleeding phase goes from the desquamation stage to the regeneration stage.

During ovulation

In preparation for ovulation, the endometrium begins to grow from 3-6 mm (6-7 days) to 5-10 mm (8-10 days). These indicators indicate the passage of the proliferation phase of the early and middle stages. At a later stage (11-14 days) ovulation occurs, and the thickness of the endometrium increases to 7-14 mm.

Before your period

Before menstruation, the secretion phase begins, when the endometrial layer thickens to 10-16 mm (15-23 days), reaches its maximum of 18 mm and begins to prepare for rejection by slight thinning up to 12-14 mm (24-28 days).

Why does thickening occur?

Thickening of the endometrium (hyperplasia) is an overgrowth of the layer that exceeds the norm, due to hormonal disruption. Increases in estrogen production and progesterone deficiency lead to the proliferation of the endometrial layer with frequent exit from the uterine cavity, which leads to abnormalities in the functioning of the entire reproductive system. A common consequence of hyperplasia is a decrease in the likelihood of successful implantation of the fetus on the uterine wall or the inability to become pregnant due to the lack of ovulation.

Thin endometrium causes

A thin endometrium (hypoplasia) can be the result of a number of factors that are either chronic in nature or develop due to indirectly influencing pathologies.

The reasons for the insufficient thickness of the endometrial layer are divided into three main groups:

  1. Dysfunction of the endocrine system:
  • hormonal disruption leading to a decrease in progesterone levels;
  • congenital or chronic diseases of the endocrine system;
  • an imbalance in the production of hormones by the endocrine glands, which does not correspond to the norms of the phases of the menstrual cycle.
  • Gynecological diseases:
  • chronic or acquired pathologies of the reproductive system (endometritis, endometriosis, fibroids, infections, neoplasms, etc.);
  • consequences of operations on the uterus, bladder, rectum;
  • underdevelopment of the pelvic muscles, leading to insufficient blood supply to the internal organs.
  • Consequences of improper selection or use of contraceptive methods:
  • hormonal changes after using oral contraceptives;
  • changes in the uterus caused by the use of an intrauterine device;
  • damage to the endometrial layer as a result of an inaccurate diagnostic examination or abortion.

What should be the endometrium to get pregnant?

The normal thickness of the endometrium, ready for conception, is considered to be from 9 mm to 1.5 cm. At the beginning of pregnancy, the endometrial layer has such a thickness and grows to 2 cm by the fifth week of gestation.

What is the minimum size?

The normal thickness of the endometrium during ovulation ranges from 8-9 mm to 13-14 mm. Of course, the onset of pregnancy depends on individual factors, but the doctor in charge of pregnancy planning pays attention to the correspondence of the parameters of the endometrial layer to the value of the norm. If at least 8 mm is reached, then conception is successful. If fertilization occurs when the thickness of the endometrium is 6-7 mm, then this is the reason for the appointment of supportive drugs.

How to check the thickness?

The endometrium is examined by the method. The doctor measures both the thickness of the layer and its condition. If further research is needed, a sample of the mucous membrane can be taken by a smear method.

The big difference: the size of the endometrium for natural conception without hormonal drugs

Successful fertilization and attachment of the egg to the uterine wall is possible with a wide range of endometrial layer thickness. The standards give a value that varies by two times (from 7 mm to 14 mm).

Often there are cases of pregnancy and when the lining of the uterus with an endometrial layer of insufficient thickness in the norm.

The natural course of pregnancy implies a restructuring of the whole body, including the endocrine system, which supports the formation of hormones from the endometrium of the placenta. In this case, the use of additional drugs is not at all necessary. In each individual case, the question of drug support is decided by the doctor.

How to build up a thin endometrium?

Insufficient thickness of the endometrium for conception is influenced by funds aimed at improving the hormonal background necessary to build up too thin a layer. Therapeutic interventions should be coordinated with the attending physician, who will help to accurately track changes and adjust the scheme of application of a particular agent.

The causes of a thin endometrium are a complex of factors of various origins, therefore, a full recovery will need to take the time prescribed by the doctor and includes measures not only to build up the endometrial layer, but also to treat concomitant diseases.

Hormone therapy methods

The doctor prescribes hormone therapy in two cases:

  • When special measures to build up the endometrium are necessary due to a lack of the hormone progesterone.
  • When the hormonal complex is designed to preserve the existing endometrial layer and avoid the development of inflammation or abortion.

In the first case, the appointment of drugs that stimulate the production of progesterone helps. Their use according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor and with timely control allows you to build up the endometrium in a couple of months.

In the second case, hormonal therapy is prescribed in combination with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs. Building up the "fetal cushion" takes more cycles, the first results are diagnosed in six months. In addition, the inability to conceive even with normal endometrial thickness can be a consequence of the treatment of infections, inflammations and curettage surgeries.

Most commonly used medications

The scheme for building up the endometrium with medicines is drawn up by a gynecologist, taking into account the phases of the menstrual cycle:

  • In the first half of the cycle, the drug effect is aimed at increasing the level of the hormone estradiol, which is designed to increase the activity of the glands of the endometrial layer. This process is helped by Femoston, Proginova pills, Estrogel gels, Divigel, Estradiol injections.
  • In the second half of the cycle, agents containing progesterone are used, aimed at ripening the endometrium. The drugs Dyufaston and Utrozhestan have proven their effectiveness.

Alternative traditional medicine

In the matter of building up the endometrium, any folk remedies should be used only under the supervision of the attending physician. Many unconventional methods give good results, therefore, the course of treatment with alternative recipes must be monitored as carefully as the drug regimen. Alternative methods of thickening the lining of the uterus fall into two large groups: changing the diet and improving blood circulation in the pelvic region.

A daily diet that helps maintain and build endometrial thickness should include:

  • (citrus fruits, black currants, kiwi, bell peppers). Pineapple and grapefruit are especially popular.
  • Vitamin E (cereals, bran, vegetable oil, vegetables). Also, this vitamin is rich in raspberry leaves, from which you can brew tea for every taste.
  • Salicylates are derivatives of salicylic acid that prevent thrombus formation (honey, strawberries, raspberries, dried fruits). Salicylates are also found in many spices: ginger, cinnamon, thyme, paprika, sage.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids (salmon, tuna, nuts, flax oil).
  • Decoctions of herbs of upland uterus and red brush. Infusions of these herbs must be used in a strict dosage agreed with the doctor.

Measures to activate blood circulation:

  • ... Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese technique that offers a cure for any disease in the body by using needles to target specific points on the body. Should be carried out by a specialist.
  • Hirudotherapy (treatment with medicinal leeches). It is carried out in a hospital setting.
  • Exercise on the press. The method causes blood flow to the pelvic organs, but has a number of contraindications, therefore, requires consultation with a doctor.

What if you can't build up?

There are times when the endometrium is insensitive to attempts to increase its thickness.

Even on a thin endometrium, conception is possible, and if pregnancy is diagnosed as early as possible, then an injection of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) can support the endometrial layer and replenish its functioning.

Gonadotropin injections are used to stimulate the ovulation process, but its action can also affect the formation of the placenta. HCG injection is a frequent prophylactic procedure during in vitro fertilization (IVF), which increases the chances of successful fetal implantation.

Methods for building up the endometrium to normal levels are varied. If you entrust pregnancy planning to a fertility specialist, then possible deviations in the development of the endometrium will not become an obstacle to conception. An experienced doctor will always select an individual scheme of measures to thicken the endometrial layer for quick conception and easy pregnancy.

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When planning conception, you have to pay attention to many factors necessary for a successful pregnancy. An important place in the structure of pregravid preparation is given to the state of the uterus, in particular to the thickness of the endometrium. And for women who want to have a child, the question becomes relevant, in what ways it can be increased. After all, there is a direct relationship between the size of the endometrial layer and the likelihood of conceiving a child.

General information

The endometrium is the inner layer of the uterus, that is, its mucous (mucous) membrane. It consists of prismatic epithelium, represented by secretory, integumentary and basal cells, stromal elements (fibroblasts, histiocytes, lymphocytes) and their own tubular glands. All these components are abundantly supplied by the capillary network of blood vessels. The latter are actively involved in the formation and functioning of the placenta, supplying the fetus with all the necessary components (oxygen, nutrients) and carrying away metabolic products.

The mucous membrane is very sensitive to hormonal influences. Therefore, regular changes occur in the endometrium throughout the entire menstrual cycle. After menstruation, he recovers, undergoing proliferation under the influence of estrogens. And after ovulation, which is accompanied by the release of the egg from the dominant follicle, it undergoes further transformations. Progesterone, synthesized by the corpus luteum of the ovary, stimulates the secretory transformation of the endometrium - the number of glands increases, the mucous membrane swells and becomes looser. This is necessary for high-quality implantation of the embryo and its further development in the uterine cavity.

It is important for women wishing to conceive a child to understand how the transition from the phases of the menstrual cycle to pregnancy occurs. Based on the foregoing, the main stages of this process are:

  • Maturation of follicles with oocytes in the ovaries.
  • Ovulation is the release of an egg from the follicle.
  • Meeting of the sperm with the oocyte in the fallopian tube.
  • Fertilization of the egg (the formation of the ovum or zygote).
  • Zygote cell division and blastocyst formation.
  • Migration of the embryo into the uterine cavity and its attachment to the endometrium (implantation).

From this moment on, it can be considered that the pregnancy has come to pass. But the unborn child will have to go through many more stages on the path of development. And the condition of the endometrium plays a key role in many processes. For example, the period of placentation is considered critically important - the formation of a new organ that supports the vital functions of the fetus. After all, the correctness of the formation of the placenta and the sufficiency of its function are largely determined by the morphological maturity of the endometrium.

A mature endometrium is critical for pregnancy, ensuring that critical periods in the life of the fetus continue to flow normally.

Physiological indicators

The thickness of the endometrium changes throughout the menstrual cycle. This is how the uterus reacts to hormonal changes in the body. But many women are worried about the size of the mucous membrane for conception. First, consider the thickness of the endometrial layer by days of the cycle (table):

Immediately after menstruation, the mucous membrane begins to recover, growing rapidly. The most favorable days for conceiving a child are considered to be the interval from 10 to 17 days - the so-called fertile window. During this period, the thickness of the endometrium should be on average 11-13 mm. This is the generally accepted norm in which the likelihood of pregnancy is maximized.


If the thickness of the woman's endometrium is not enough to attach the ovum to it, then it may be difficult to conceive a child. This naturally leads to infertility. Thinning (hypoplasia) of the mucous layer of the uterus occurs in the following cases:

  1. Hormonal Disorders.
  2. Endocrine diseases.
  3. Abnormalities in the structure of the uterus.
  4. Inflammatory processes (endometritis).
  5. Mechanical injury (scraping).
  6. Blood supply disorders.
  7. Hereditary pathology.

But there is also the opposite situation, when the thickness of the endometrium exceeds the norm. Hyperplasia of the mucosal membrane is also accompanied by infertility, but not only due to local changes in the uterus, but also due to hormonal disorders with lack of ovulation.


Many women at the planning stage of pregnancy are wondering how to build up the endometrium for conception. This is especially true for those who have already tried unsuccessfully to conceive a child several times. Thinning of the mucous membrane is quite amenable to therapeutic correction, but before that, the patient will have to undergo an examination to find out the cause of the disorders. The list of required diagnostic procedures may include:

  • A blood test for the hormonal spectrum (gonadotropins, estrogens, progesterone, prolactin) and antibodies to infections.
  • A smear from the vagina and cervical canal (cytology).
  • Analysis of secretions (bacterial culture, PCR).
  • Ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries.
  • Hysteroscopy with biopsy.
  • Diagnostic curettage.

Based on the results of the examination, the doctor develops a treatment program, taking into account the cause of the changes and the individual characteristics of the patient.

Before carrying out a therapeutic correction, the doctor will send the woman for examination, the purpose of which is to find out the reason for the thinning of the endometrium and related conditions.


It is possible to build up the endometrium with the help of medications. The presence of regulatory disorders in a woman's body is an indication for hormone therapy. The growth and preparation of the uterine mucosa is carried out under the influence of the following drugs:

  • Estrogen-containing (Proginova, Divigel).
  • Combined estrogen-gestagenic (Femoston, Yarina).
  • Progestins (Dyufaston, Utrozhestan).

Estrogens are prescribed on the 5th day of the cycle, and gestagens are taken after ovulation. Combined funds are used throughout the cycle (in each phase, the corresponding tablet). This therapy helps the endometrium to fully mature and become ready to receive a fertilized egg.

In addition to hormonal agents, the doctor may prescribe other medications aimed at eliminating the causes of hypoplasia and normalizing the disturbed processes. Based on the situation, antibacterial drugs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and even homeopathic drugs are used. The latter, for example, Gormel, activate their own hormone production and have a mild positive effect on the regulation of menstrual and reproductive functions.

Traditional methods

The methods of alternative medicine also do not stand aside. Those who have increased the thickness of the endometrium with folk remedies can probably confirm their effectiveness. Unfortunately, there is no evidence base for such treatment. Of the natural components for building up the mucous membrane, the following can be used:

  1. A decoction of the herb of the upland uterus (for ingestion or douching).
  2. Sage broth (taken in the first phase of the cycle).
  3. Eating foods rich in vitamins E and C (flax seeds, milk, citrus fruits, black currants).

In the structure of unconventional treatment, one can find reflex and hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches), as well as physical exercises that stimulate blood flow to the pelvic organs. But in each method, a careful and qualified approach is important. No treatment, including folk remedies, can be used without first consulting a doctor.

The thickness of the endometrium is an extremely important factor in pregnancy. If it is not enough, then the woman will not be able to conceive a child. Therefore, in order to combat infertility, it is necessary to build up the endometrium so that the ovum can be qualitatively implanted into the uterus. And the greatest effectiveness should be expected from an integrated approach to treatment.

The endometrium is sensitive to the hormonal background of a woman, and it is this feature that affects its size. The endometrium becomes noticeably thicker, enriched with glands, which provide an improved blood supply to the tissue in the last, premenstrual phase of the cycle. This ensures successful - that is, ensures the possibility of conception.

Why do we need an endometrium, what should it be?

Endometrium is called the lining inside the uterus... It is a system that consists of many components, in particular:

  • Epithelium - integumentary and glandular;
  • Blood vessels;
  • Stroma - supporting, connective tissue, which during menstruation develops into mature cells that produce collagen and a number of other substances.

The creation of favorable conditions for the attachment and development of the embryo in the uterus is the main function of the endometrium. If conception occurs, the number of blood vessels and glands begins to grow in the endometrium, in order to:

  • Endometrial vessels have become part of the placenta;
  • Oxygen delivery to the developing fetus was carried out;
  • The receipt of nutrients by the embryo was ensured.

Endometrial thickness for conception and pregnancy

So, we found out that the endometrium is one of the important elements of conception. The possibility of getting pregnant depends on:

  • The thickness and structure of the endometrium;
  • Successfully reaching the desired maturity threshold superficial endometrial glands.

It is these moments that provide, in fact, the attachment of the ovum to the walls of the uterus and the beginning of its development into the embryo.

Endometrial maturation depends directly on estradiol- a hormone produced with the correct development of follicles.

Estradiol provides:

  • Maturation of the endometrium;
  • Accumulation of progesterone receptors - another important hormone - in the epithelial tissue of the endometrium.

Pregnancy will not occur if, for some reason, the endometrium does not mature. The reasons for these problems include:

  • Congenital conditions in which the production of the necessary hormones is insufficient or absent;
  • Hormonal- if, for some reason, the hormonal background of a woman does not allow the endometrium to reach the desired phase of development at the right time (thin endometrium);
  • Violations of blood supply in the uterus- congenital or acquired. Similar problems can arise after injuries, inflammations, diseases of the uterus and related organs, as well as in;
  • Endometrial trauma- usually resulting from abortion. Complete removal of the endometrium with active curettage is extremely rare, but even partial removal of this layer makes pregnancy very difficult.

Depending on the reasons for the disturbance in the maturation and development of the endometrium, the doctor prescribes certain drugs. And traditional medicine knows its own ways to help cope with this problem.

Effective ways to build up the endometrium: medications

For rapid growth of the endometrium, as a rule, they use medications... It should be noted that the thin endometrium is difficult to treat.

Since the growth of the endometrium is directly dependent on estrogen, respectively, it is prescribed:

  • Hormonal treatments: as a rule, these are estradiol injections, divigel.
  • Drops "Gormel"- a homeopathic medicine that is used to regulate the hormonal states of a woman. Its action is aimed at enhancing the production of estrogen. The effect of the drug is quite mild and effective.

It is believed that drugs such as "Dyufaston" and "Utrozhestan", build up the endometrium. This is not true. These drugs help the endometrium to form and mature. These drugs contain progesterone: "Duphaston" consists of synthesized progesterone and has no side effects, "Utrozhestan" - from natural.

Folk ways to quickly build up the endometrium

It can help in building up the endometrium Alternative medicine:

These methods are considered effective by improving blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

Often women use folk remedies to increase the thickness of the endometrium.

Remember, self-medication and self-diagnosis can lead to irreparable consequences. Before taking this or that drug or herbs - consult a doctor... Herbs are sometimes no less powerful than drugs.

The site site warns: the recipes given here do not replace medication and do not cancel the trip to the doctor. Use all the presented tips only after examination and on the recommendation of a doctor!

Women need to approach the issue of pregnancy planning with all responsibility, thoroughly check, "tighten" their health, in particular, build up the endometrium during the planning of conception.

How to build up the endometrium and bring the body back to normal before pregnancy?

What is the endometrium?

For the correct approach to the issue of building up the layer, it is necessary to understand what the endometrium is and what specific functions it performs.

The endometrium is the mucous layer of the inner side of the uterus. Directly on the thickness and quality of the layer depends in the future to conceive a child, the ability to bear and give birth. Therefore, it is important for expectant mothers to know how to build up the lining of the uterus.

Endometrial functions

The mucous layer of the inner thale of the uterus is the most important component in the reproductive issue.

If the doctor makes a diagnosis - "Thin endometrium", this can be the greatest obstacle to planning for future motherhood.

The mucous membrane includes several main layers:

  • Basal;
  • Functional.

The most important function of the layers is to create comfortable conditions for the formation and consolidation of a fertilized egg in the uterine cavity. Also, it is the endometrium that creates a favorable environment for the development and life of the fetus.

In situations where the fertilization process has not taken place, with the help of menstruation, the functional layer moves away from the uterine cavity and is removed to the outside. But after that, during the natural cycle, with the help of the basalt layer, the functional is restored again.

This natural process is considered normal and occurs monthly in women until it occurs.

How does the endometrium grow?

  1. Under the influence of the basalt layer, the functional matures correctly and qualitatively, and after the young cells are fully ready they can accept a fertilized embryo.
  2. The maturation process occurs together with the accumulation of specific receptors that are not tolerant to the hormone. Thanks to this, the endometrium can easily grow, the layer becomes fully ready for the preservation and further bearing of the fetus.

Normal mucosal level

Throughout her life, in each particular cycle of a woman under the influence of various factors, the thickness of the layer can vary significantly, but there is a layer norm:

  • 1-2 days - 0.5-0.9 cm;
  • 3-4 days - 0.3-0.5 cm;
  • 5-7 days - 0.6-0.9 cm;
  • 8-10 days - 0.8-1.0 cm;
  • 11-14 days - 0.9-1.3 cm;
  • 15-18 days - 1.0-1.3 cm;
  • 19-23 days - 1.0-1.4 cm;
  • 24-27 days - 1.0-1.3 cm.

If there are any deviations in the thickness of the layer, you need to contact a specialist who will help build it up.

The reasons for the thinning of the endometrium

Among the main reasons why various pathologies arise, the following can be distinguished:

The clinical picture of insufficient development of the endometrium

In case of insufficient growth of the mucous layer of the uterus, the following symptoms are observed in women:

  • Violations of menstruation;
  • Short,;
  • Miscarriages and inability to get pregnant.

Among the general symptoms, a woman with a thin endometrium has the following complaints of headache, general malaise.

If certain symptoms are detected, a woman needs to consult a gynecologist as soon as possible in order to build up a high-quality layer of the uterine mucosa.

Risks with a thin endometrium

Diagnostic methods

In the case when there are signs of poor quality of the endometrium or a thin layer, a woman needs to urgently consult an endocrinologist to maximize it.

  1. The patient must be sent for examination in the first stages of menstruation. In order to build up the mucous membrane and confirm the diagnosis, a woman can be sent for an ultrasound examination several times per cycle.
  2. In addition, blood tests will be prescribed to diagnose the level of estrogen in the body. Qualitative diagnostics will determine the level of progesterones in the blood, as well as luteotropic and follicle-stimulating sex hormones (LH and). A professional doctor must necessarily appoint a sampling of material on the 20-22 day of the cycle.
  3. To clarify the result, it is necessary. A complex of diagnostics will help build up the endometrium.

How to enlarge the endometrium when planning a pregnancy?

To build up a high-quality layer of the endometrium directly depends on the hormone estradiol, which is produced by follicles in a woman's body. This hormone causes the accumulation of the most important receptors in epithelial tissues.

In the complex of treatment and restoration of the endometrium, it is necessary to take the following measures:

  1. Therapy of congenital pathologies and existing infectious, venereal diseases.
  2. Restoration of the hormonal background of the body.
  3. Improving nutrition to improve the performance of the blood supply to the pelvic organs.
  4. Treatment of injuries and inflammations after abortions and miscarriages.

Based on the specific reason for such violations in a woman, the gynecologist prescribes certain medications in the course of treatment, forms the most effective diet.

In addition, the recipes of traditional medicine are characterized by positive dynamics, which help to quickly and efficiently build up the endometrium and cope with the existing problem.

Drugs to help get pregnant

To quickly increase the quality level of the endometrium, modern medicines are needed so that in the future a woman will experience the true nature of motherhood.

Folk remedies

In a situation where a woman cannot become pregnant or bear a fetus, she asks about treatment and recovery at home, using alternative medicine recipes.

The most effective recipes include the following:

Before using this or that recipe, you need to consult with a specialist. Each broth affects the rate of hormones, the balance of performance and the functions of organs throughout the body.

Alternative medicine

Many therapists prescribe the use of alternative medicine methods to increase the blood supply to the pelvic organs, restore the uterine mucosa, so that a woman can quickly build up the uterine mucosa.


The therapy, which is rooted in the history of Chinese medicine, is very effective in treating female gynecological problems, it helps to effectively build up the endometrium.

In the process, the impact is directed to the active points, into which special needles are inserted. Due to this, the work of some of the affected organs improves and resumes.


Through the use of natural resources, it is possible to normalize the circulatory system in the pelvic region, thereby stimulating the growth and development of the thickness of the endometrial layer.

To improve blood circulation and stimulate the growth of the uterine mucosa, special physical exercises help well:

Improper, unbalanced nutrition is one of the causes of impaired endometrial growth.

In the case when the tests show a thin layer of the uterine lining, experts recommend:

Experts say that if you follow the correct diet, you can significantly increase immunity, improve the condition of the body. Following exactly the instructions of the doctors, after a month, the thickness of the mucous layer of the uterus turns out to be increased by 5-7 cm.

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