Home indoor flowers Types of integrated lesson in the middle group. Integrated lesson in the middle group “Tricks of Shapoklyak. Topics of integrated and complex classes in various subjects

Types of integrated lesson in the middle group. Integrated lesson in the middle group “Tricks of Shapoklyak. Topics of integrated and complex classes in various subjects

Integrated lesson "Looking for a surprise" Cf. Group
1. To bring joy and pleasure to children from educational games.
2. Maintain interest in intellectual activity, desire to play, showing perseverance, purposefulness, mutual assistance.
3. Consolidate knowledge gained earlier.
Educational tasks:
-Clarify the idea of ​​the account (within 5).
- Practice counting sounds by ear.
-To consolidate ideas about the sequence of parts of the day: morning, afternoon, evening, night.
- Exercise the ability to name and distinguish between familiar geometric shapes: a ball, a cylinder, a cone, a cube and geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, oval, rectangle).
Developmental tasks: continue to develop logical thinking, attention, speech, orientation in space;
Educational tasks: to cultivate independence, the ability to work in a team.
Integration of educational areas: "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Physical culture"
Circle of joy - "smile" (emotional mood).
A balloon flies into the group, and an envelope is tied to the thread.
- Guys, look what is it? (the envelope is not signed). Some strange envelope, nothing is written on it.
Let's open the envelope and see what's in there. (the teacher opens the envelope, the envelope contains a split picture and a letter).
- There are split pictures in the envelope, let's collect them, and then, maybe, we will find out who it is from. (Children collect pictures, the picture shows a wizard).
- Everything is clear, so the letter was sent to us by the Wizard. Now we can read it to you. (The teacher reads the letter).
“Hello, dear guys! Very little is left before the warm hot summer, which you are all looking forward to. Right?! and today, I have prepared a surprise for you, you can find it if you pass all the tests. Assignments will be difficult, but interesting; after completing them, you will find out where the treasure lies. Are you ready to travel? Good luck then. I give you a hint:
The balls are in the basket,
And the basket by the window.
(Children find a basket with balls, there is a number on each ball, and the numbers corresponding to the numbers on the balls are pre-arranged throughout the group, each number is assigned a task that needs to be completed.) During the entire journey, the guys get balls and complete tasks. And let's count how many tasks we need to complete ??
Children count in Russian and Tatar. And vice versa.
Exercise 1
Put the numbers in order.
Task 2 (Parts of the day).
Oh, and here, guys, riddles.
Educator: Do you know the parts of the day?
Children: Yes.
Educator: I will make riddles for you, and you guess what time of day it happens.
1. Dew falls on the grass,
Well, it's time for us to get up.
Get on the charger
To better start the day. (morning)
2. We are already yawning sweetly,
Shadows scurry here and there
Cleaning teeth for order
And getting ready for bed. (evening)
3. Nothing was visible,

Like someone with a blanket

Wrapped up our heads.

What time of day is this? (night)

4. At noon the sun is at its zenith,

He has rays like threads,

The earth is generously warmed

Everyone is invited to dine. (day)

Repeat parts of the day in order. (Morning afternoon Evening Night)

Task 3

Orientation in space.

Place on the easel:

The ball is in the middle

On the right is a banana

Left: lemon

Above is a cat

Below is a bear

Cat, - upper left corner (Bu whom?) - Pesi

Dog, - lower right corner (Bu whom?) - Fl

Hare, - upper right corner (Bu whom?) - Kuyan

Bear - lower left corner (Boo whom?) - Ayu

Physical education minute

We'll stomp first
And then we'll clap
And then we'll turn around
And we all smile together.

Task 4

Magic bag.

Take geometric shapes out of the bag one at a time, name and give examples of what they look like, and where they can be found, where such figures have been seen.

Task 5

Did you manage the previous tasks, but will you cope with the last one???

Guys, look, there is something here, and again a letter.

Guys, this is a present for my grandson. He is studying to be a wizard. But I did not have time to decorate it, help me, please.

Guys the magician asks to decorate a hat for his grandson! Let's help?!

Children can draw and color the hat as they wish.

Synopsis of an open lesson in the middle group on the topic “Journey to the forest. Drawing on the model »

Pushkina Natalya Alexandrovna, teacher of the MDOU kindergarten of a compensating type No. 60, Yaroslavl.
Material Description: I offer you a summary of an open integrated lesson for children 4 - 5 years old, including elements of ecology, knowledge, drawing. This material will be useful to educators of the middle group.

Abstract of the lesson in the middle group on the topic “Journey to the forest. Pattern drawing.
Types of children's activities: playful, communicative, productive, cognitive-research, perception of fiction.
Target: expand children's understanding of the forest, improve drawing skills.
Tasks: consolidate knowledge about trees; educate the desire to take care of nature in everyday life; promote the development of thinking, cognitive interest, imagination; learn to draw a tree in an unconventional way.
Preliminary work with children: learning poems and riddles with children.
Design of the group: landscapes of Shishkin I.I. "Coniferous Forest", "Spruce Forest", "Birch Grove", "Forest Edge", "Oak"; poster-drawing of ecological situations; artificial Christmas trees.

I organizational moment.
Educator: Guys, we got a telegram (show, read)
"I love you very much, my friends,
Come visit, I'm waiting. Forest"
The forest invites us to visit! But the one who answers the questions gets into the forest.
- What season is it now? What month?
What month was before October?
- What will be after October?
- Name all the autumn months. (children's answers)
Educator: Autumn flew by
And scattered the leaves.
To get into the forest, you need to turn into leaves.
Take one leaf (children choose any leaf of the tree)
One, two, turn around - and turn into a leaf (children do the task)
What tree did you grow on? Children's answers (I grew up on a birch)
- So you, what sheet? (birch leaf) etc.
The wind blew and the leaves flew. (Music sounds. Disk "Smile" T-53)
- Arrived in the forest to a clearing.
II Riddles.
Educator: Hello forest, dense forest
Full of fairy tales and wonders
What are you making a fuss about?...
Open everything, don't hide it.
You see us.

Guys, what is a forest? (a lot of trees)
- What kind of trees grow in the forest? (children's answers)
- What riddles about trees do you know?
Child 1: She has kolki clothes -
All needles, yes needles
Animals joke: "Uncle hedgehog
Looks a little like her." (Christmas tree)
Child 2: I have longer needles
Than the Christmas tree
Very straight I grow
If I'm not on edge
Branches only at the top (Pine)
- What trees are spruce and pine? (coniferous)
Child 3: sticky buds
green leaves,
With white bark
It stands above the mountain. (Birch)
Child 4: What kind of tree is
There is no wind, but the leaf is trembling. (aspen)
Child 5: Takes from my flower
The bee is the most delicious honey.
And everyone hates me
Remove the thin skin. (Linden)
Educator: earlier, bast-bark was torn from the bark of young lindens, and bast shoes were woven from it. (show bast shoes)
III Ecological situation
Educator: Many poems have been written about the forest, pictures have been drawn.
- Why do people love the forest so much? (children's answers)
- What verses do you know?
Child 6: rain and wind oak
Not afraid at all.
Who said that oak
Scared to catch a cold?
After all, until late autumn
I stand green.
So I'm resilient.
So it's hardened.
Child 7: Near the river at the cliff
Weeping willow, weeping willow
Maybe she feels sorry for someone?
Maybe she's hot in the sun?
Maybe the wind is playful
Pulled a willow by a pigtail?
Maybe the willow is thirsty?
Can we go ask?
Educator: Look closely at this picture, it is very painful for me to look at all this.
- What can not be done in the forest? (children's answers in the picture)
Why can't branches be broken? (trees are alive)
- Why can't you destroy the nests? (birds are our friends, we help the birds)
Why can't you throw out the trash? (The forest is a home for plants, animals, birds. The house should be clean.)
IV Ecological training.
Educator: Now we will play, imagine yourself as trees ... (children close their eyes) What tree are you? And you? (children's answers: I am a birch, I am an oak, I am a mountain ash, etc.)
My roots are deeply rooted in the ground.
My trunk, my branches reach for the sun.
These are the trees in the forest. (open eyes)
Gently wave our hands.
The birds are flying towards us.
How they sit down, we'll show
Wings folded back.
Now we will quietly pass, sit at the tables and draw trees.
V Drawing
See what trees you can draw. (Sample display)
Stage 1- We take a sheet of white paper and in the center on one half we apply paint with strokes. Take warm colors: red, yellow, green.
Stage 2- We fold the sheet, stroke it.
Stage 3- with the help of the magic spell "Pona - mona - kona" we open the leaf, it turned out - a crown. Draw the trunk, branches.
- What did the tree hide from people? (roots)
What beautiful trees you have! Tell me, please, what tree did you draw? (question guys)
VI Reflection
- Where have we been? (visiting the forest) What did you do? (played: turned into leaves, into trees, were in a clearing, looked at pictures, etc., drew) Did you enjoy visiting? Will you take care of him? The forest gives you treats...

Program tasks

Exercise children in counting within 10. Check knowledge of the numbers of the first ten. Develop an idea of ​​​​geometric bodies (ball, cube, cylinder, cone). To consolidate the ability of children to draw in non-traditional ways (cotton buds, cork print). Learn by yourself, create a pattern.

Activate the mental activity of children, develop logical thinking, ingenuity. To teach to bring up a joint discussion, to seek and find an answer. Develop the ability to quickly engage in an active preparatory process. Develop analytical perception, sustained attention, memory, speech. Learn to be creative and proactive in problem solving. Develop aesthetic perception, imagination. Create surprise and novelty of the situation.


  1. Magic wand.
  2. Whatman sheet and markers.
  3. 2 colored paper wheels for the car.
  4. Steering wheel for the driver.
  5. A meadow with flowers, on the petals of flowers - riddles.
  6. 3 hoops and geometric bodies (Cube, ball, cone, pyramid, cylinder).
  7. Audio recordings: a) children's song: “We are going, we are going, we are going…”; b) "Russian Folk Melodies".
  1. Screen, doll. (Ivan Tsarevich)
  2. Planar image of the "Firebird".
  3. Samples of feathers with elements of patterns (3 pieces).
  4. Gouache of three colors (orange, red, crimson).
  5. Cotton swabs. Corks, brush “Squirrel” No. 2.
  6. Napkins for drawing.
  7. Jars of water.
  8. Brush holders.
  9. Sockets with foam insert impregnated with gouache.
  10. Sheets of yellow paper in the form of bird feathers.


The day before, the group received an invitation from Ivan Tsarevich.

Educator: Children, we received an invitation from Ivan Tsarevich. Let's go to him.

Teacher: Look guys! There's a strange map here. It shows only dots, if we can connect the dots with lines in order, then we will understand something .

(Children connect the dots, get the image of the car)

Picture 1

Educator: We'll hit the road by car! Let's choose a driver using a counting rhyme:

(Children count, choose a driver)

Teacher: Let's go!

(The music sounds “We are going, we are going, we are going” ...)

Educator: Children, where are we? Who will tell us?

(Children find riddles on the petals)

On the red flower

  • The elephant is big, and the mouse ...
  • The pillow is soft and the table...
  • The tree is tall. And the grass...
  • The river is wide and the stream...
  • Ice is cold, but fire...
  • The floor is down and the ceiling...

On a yellow flower:

  • Name a sweet word.
  • Fast.
  • Word with a window.
  • Fluffy.
  • Sour.
  • Forest.

Lawn Owner: Well done! Now try to guess my riddles. What word am I thinking?

  • White is spinning, lying on the ground ...
  • Brown, clumsy, clumsy ...
  • Little, gray, shy lives in a mink ...
  • Sweet, tasty in a candy wrapper ...

Educator: Now, our children will try to guess a riddle for you, and you try to guess.

(Children themselves come up with and guess riddles, the owner of the lawn must guess them)

Lawnkeeper: You did a good job, you can go further!

Educator: Children, we probably didn’t get there again, Ivan Tsarevich, he’s not here.

Game description: Each geometric body must fall into the hoop of the corresponding color, where the hoops intersect there can be bodies of two colors.

Game: “Find a place for a geometric body”

Figure 2

Landlord: Well done, children! Completed my assignments. Now you can go to Ivan Tsarevich! Bon Voyage.

Educator: So we got to Ivan Tsarevich!

(Showing a doll from behind a screen, sad)

Educator: Children, yes, here he is. Somehow he is not funny. Let's ask him what happened.

What, Ivanushka is not cheerful,
What, hung your head?

Ivan Tsarevich:

I stopped eating and sleeping.
I would like to get a bird-fire.
Feather, that bird lost,
When she flew in our garden.
Feather, I picked it up
Since then, I have lost my peace.
I've worn out all my shoes
But he did not find the Zhar bird.


Do not grieve, Ivanushka, then trouble is not a problem!
You, my friend, ended up in kindergarten and you are visiting the guys.
Vanechka, we will help you, it is not worth it for you to grieve.

Educator: The guys and I saw this bird in a fairy-tale kingdom-state, but here it is! Look Ivanushka, are you looking for her?

(The teacher shows a bird that has no feathers on its tail)

Ivan Tsarevich: No, this bird is not mine. My bright, beautiful tail was.

Educator: And this is not a problem. Our children will help you.

Guys, look at one feather on the table in front of you, we will decorate them with various patterns, and then from all the feathers we will assemble a beautiful, bright tail for the Firebird.

(Go to your seats, sit down)

You have on the tables: corks, brushes and cotton buds. You already know and know how to draw wonderfully with them. Think about which tool you will need to work with first and which one later, and what color you want to leave on the feathers. If you take corks, then you can get this pattern. Then you take a cotton swab and your pattern will change. Then you take a brush and paint your pattern. I got this feather.

Figure 3

(Children draw, music sounds, the teacher corrects the actions of the children)

Educator: And what kind of feathers did you get? Let's take a look at them! Now we will decorate the tail of the Firebird with your elegant feathers.

(As the children finish their work, each child comes up and puts a feather to the tail, the teacher positively evaluates the work of each child)

Educator: Ivanushka, look what our children have done! Do you like Firebird?

Ivan Tsarevich:

Thank you
What bird did I get.
She will not live in a cage,
And sit on a branch in the garden.
Will sing songs
The garden is magical to decorate.

Educator: That's good, Ivan Tsarevich, we helped you. It's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Goodbye, Ivan Tsarevich!

Municipal budgetary educational institution

secondary school No. 70

Abstract of the open

integrated lesson

in the middle group

Theme: "Journey to a fairy tale"


Aldoshina E.S.

Lipetsk, 2015

Program content:
1. To teach the ability to correlate a number with the number of objects;
2. Give knowledge about the seasons (winter, spring, summer, autumn);
3. To teach the ability to group objects according to their main features.

Reading fiction: teach children using visual
the material of a work of art, recognize it and take part
in conversation and discussion.
1. Develop basic mental processes - memory, attention, figurative
2. Develop oculomotor functions, gaze fixation, fine motor skills
hands (correctional work).
Socialization: develop a culture of behavior and the ability to perform
assigned task.
Materials and equipment: geometric shapes, house-Teremok,
pictures depicting animals, soft modules.
Techniques for guiding children's activities in GCD:
1. Techniques for setting goals and motivating children's activities:
commenting, communication game.
2. Techniques for activating children's activities: conversation, creation
developing environment, making riddles, creating a problem situation,
analysis and conclusions.
3. Methods for organizing the practical activities of children: showing
pictures, commenting, productive activity.
4. Techniques for maintaining interest in children: choice situation,
physical culture minute, musical accompaniment, alternation of types
children's activities.
5. Methods of assessment and self-assessment: encouragement, joint determination with
teacher and children of the quality of productive children's activities,
mutual help of children.
Creating an environment for organizing and conducting OA: magnetic
board, animals, musical accompaniment, geometric shapes, house-Teremok,
soft modules, a letter from the wizard.
Types of children's activities in the OD:
Cognitive research.
Musical and artistic.
Reading fiction
Expected results:
 Developing students' interest in mathematics and the environment
the world;
 Children's ability to act independently;
 Demonstration of emotional responsiveness in activities and communication
with adults and peers;
 Education of moral qualities;
 Ability to solve intellectual and personal problems;
 Formation of universal prerequisites for educational activities;
 Expansion and activation of vocabulary.

Criteria for assessing the activities of children in the ML:
1. The child asks a question.
2. Actively participates in productive activities.
3. Shows independence.
4. Provides assistance to his peers.
5. Empathizes.
6. Reacts emotionally.
7. Subordinates motives.
8. Shows strong will.
9. Argues the assessment.
OD plan
1. Introductory part:
Creation of a problem situation.

Goal definition.
Analysis survey, conclusions.
2. Main body:
Working with a magnetic board
Visual gymnastics
3.Final part:
Evaluation of children's activities and self-esteem.
Summing up the OD.
OD duration
2 minutes
15 minutes
3 min.
The course of educational activities
OD Parts Content Areas
1. Introductory part.
Creation of a problem situation.
Creating a motive for children's activities.
Goal definition.
A conversation about wild and domestic animals, about the seasons, reading a letter from
wizard. Folding geometric shapes.
Survey analysis, conclusions.
Q. Guys, today I went to kindergarten in such a good mood!
Today is the first day of winter, which means the New Year is coming soon!
caregiver: Guys, in what mood did you come to kindergarten today?
Children's answers
Q. And we will check this now. I will read a poem, and I suggest you complete the movements. Let's join hands and make a big circle.
The teacher, together with the children, holding hands in the middle of the hall,
form a circle - "sun".
caregiver reads a poem and invites children to perform movements.
« Friend on the right and friend on the left.
You are my friend and I am your friend.
I wish you well today!
You wish me well today!
If it's difficult, I'll help!
Let's hug you
And rise above the earth
Let's unite the warmth of hearts
And we will become one sun!
Educator: So we gave each other warmth, became kinder and
friendlier. Has your mood changed?
The children answer.
Q. Yes, now I see that your mood has become much better.
Q: Do you guys like to travel? (Yes)
- Then I want to invite you on an exciting journey through fairy tales. We can be there if we close our eyes and say the magic words: (Snip-Snap-Snure-Bure)

(music, light effect)

Guys, I turned into a fairy fairy. I have a magic wand. Now I will wave my wand and we will find ourselves in a magical clearing.
V: Oh! Where are we?
And we ended up in a clearing of figures.
What figures? (children's answers).

What figures? How to call these figures in one word?

To get into a fairy tale, you need to complete the task, put all the figures according to the signs (color, shape). Apparently, an evil wizard played a prank here, he mixed everything up. Let's split into two teams. The first team puts round figures in a round box. The second team puts the figures in red into the red box.

Now close your eyes again tightly and repeat after me:
- “One, two, three - in a fairy tale
get in!"
And which one? Here's a hint:
Stands in the field Teremok.
He is not low, not high.
What fairy tale do you think we are
hit? (Teremok)
A mouse runs past
(toy). I saw a teremok
stopped and asks: Terem-
teremok! Who lives in the terem?
The magical voice says:
Teremok will open its door

my assignments!

Guys, are you ready to do the tasks?

Are you ready to help the mouse?
Exercise 1."Mysteries of the Seasons"
I open my kidneys
In green leaves
I dress the trees
I water the crops.
Full of movement.
My name is ... (Spring)

I am woven from the heat
I bring warmth with me.
I warm the sea.
“Swim!” I invite you.
And love for it
You are all of me. I - ... (Summer)

Snow on the fields, ice on the rivers.
Blizzard walks, when does it happen?
I bring the harvest
I sow the fields again
Sending birds to the south
I undress the trees
But I don't touch the pines
And Christmas trees. I - ... (Autumn)
- How many seasons? (Four.)
Name them in order, starting with winter (Winter, spring, summer, autumn.)
What is the winter month now?
Guys, what are the signs of winter
(children's answers)
Well done! They did everything right
so the doors of the tower opened
for the mouse.
A mouse entered and began to live there.
Who next galloped to the tower?
(A frog - a frog (toy) galloped to Teremka.

I saw the tower, stopped and asked:

The magical voice says:
Teremok will open its door
only to the one who does everything
my assignments!
Guys, let's remember
which will open the door to
Teremok (With the help of a task)
Listen to the next task.
Come to the board.
Task 2. The game "Collect right"
You must connect the number with
card on which
appropriate amount
- Which card was connected with the number 1? (Card with a mouse).
What about number 2? (Card with two frogs).
What about the number 3? (Card with three bunnies).

What about number 4? (Card with four wolves).

Number 5? (Card with five chanterelles).

Number 6? (card with six bears).
- Well done, children, everything is correct.
did, so the doors of the tower
opened for the frog.
The frog entered the tower and stood there
A runaway bunny (toy) galloped to Teremka.

I saw the tower, stopped and asked:
Terem-teremok! Who lives in the terem?
The magical voice says:
Teremok will open its door
only to the one who does everything
my assignments!
Task 3. Visual gymnastics
"Find with your eyes."

Guys, find in the hall an object similar to a circle (ball, tennis ball, plate, box, drum, tambourine)

And now to the square. (table, box, napkin, cube, board)
caregiver: And you coped with this task, so the doors of the tower opened for the bunny.
Bunny entered the tower and began to live there.
Who ran to Teremka?
D: (Top - gray barrel (toy)).

I saw a teremok
stopped and asked: Terem-teremok! Who lives in the terem?
The magical voice says:
Teremok will open its door
only to the one who does everything
my assignments!
- Children, will we help our Wolf?
Then take a look at the table.

Task 4. Item classification
(game "The Fourth Extra")

There are animals on the table, but there is some mistake here, one of the animals is superfluous.

Which of the animals is superfluous?
Q: Guys, name the wild animals.
Q: Name the pets.
Q: How are they different?
Q: Who takes care of the household
animals? Where do they live?
- The task was completed correctly,
so the doors of the tower opened and
for the wolf.
The wolf entered the tower and began to live there.
Who ran to Teremka next?
D: (Fox-sister (picture)).
I saw the tower, stopped and
asks: Terem-teremok! Who in
tereme lives?
The magical voice says:
Teremok will open its door
only to the one who does everything
my assignments!
Task 5: Q: Look, what is this on our table?

It looks like some kind of letter. - And from whom is the letter?
And the letter is from the "Merry Wizard"
Guys, can I read this letter to you? (Yes)
- Then read.
“So that you can continue on your way and help the fox - sister
to get to Teremok you need to name the types of "transport", on
traveled by fairy tale characters.
Magician from the land of fairy tales.
Q: Guys, do you think we will cope with this task? (Yes)
- Well, then listen carefully!
How did Emelya ride to the king's palace?
What is Leopold's cat's favorite mode of transport? (A bike).
What did the good fairy turn the pumpkin into for Cinderella? (carriage).
What did Aladdin fly? (Magic carpet).
What did Kai ride from the fairy tale "The Snow Queen"? (Sled).
Personal transport of Baba Yaga? (Stupa).
V: Well done! All questions were answered correctly, so the doors of the tower opened for the fox.
The fox entered the tower and began to live there.
Help me guys remember who else came to Teremka?
(A bear walks by. He saw Teremok and how he roared:

Terem-teremok! Who lives in the Terem?)
The magical voice says:
Teremok will open its door
only to the one who does everything
my assignments!
But the bear did not obey and wanted to climb Teremok.

And the fox is a sister and says to the bear:

“Misha, let's build another teremok, big, so that everyone has enough space in it!
Task 5. Children build a teremok from
soft modules.
- Well done guys, they built a big and spacious house.

Now the animals will live together and have fun.
How many characters are in this story?
- Who helped the animals to make friends?
(Fox.) And, of course, you and your
"Now it's time for us to go back to
group. We pronounce magic
the words. ( The children become close your eyes, say magic the words)
One, two, three, four, five -

Back to Kindergarten!

Summary of direct educational activities of the educational field "Knowledge"

on the topic "Visiting the week"

Pokalenko N.Yu.


Integrated lesson in the middle group

on the topic "Visiting the week"

Program content:


Continue to introduce children to the days of the week: introduce the new day of the week - Tuesday.

Educational tasks:

Exercise in counting within "5", correlating the number of items with the desired number. To consolidate the ability to accurately paint objects using paints. Exercise in the selection of the necessary geometric shapes, consolidate knowledge of color.

Development tasks:

Develop verbal - logical thinking, memory, attention, perception.

Educational tasks:

To cultivate interest in the lesson, responsiveness, the desire to help others, the ability to work in a team.


Image of a house, gnomes, "Hares on the Lawn" panel, blanks of white carrots, paints, brushes, napkins, glasses of water, sets of numbers (1 - 5) for each child, a set of geometric shapes, a "magic box", treats - sweets.

Methodological techniques :

    verbal - the teacher's story, questions for children, reading poetry;

    visual - demonstration of the material;

    game - performance of game actions;

    practical - independent activity of children.


Introductory part: Children enter the group, greet the guests.

Teacher: Attention! Attention! I hasten to inform you

Today we want to travel!

I know the magic words that will help us go on a magical journey:

“We stomp our feet, we clap our hands.

Let's turn around ourselves, join hands together.

Let's close our eyes and say, "Ah! »

And we'll be visiting.

Main part:

I draw the attention of children to a beautiful house.

Do you know this house? Who lives in that house? (a week)

Here is a beautiful house

And the Week lives in it.

There are exactly seven days in a week

Everyone needs to know about this!

Brothers - gnomes live here,

They sing songs together.

And telling stories

Color changes every day...

The week has begun

Took to work...

Which gnome comes to the house of the week first? (Monday)

(showing the gnome - Monday)

On Monday, the first dwarf painted the house red,

The gnomes ate a tomato and chatted all sorts of nonsense.

And today, folks, is the second day of the week. It's called Tuesday.

(showing the gnome - Tuesday)

And on Tuesday everything suddenly turned orange around,

The gnomes ate seven orange sweets for lunch.

Dwarf Tuesday loves everything orange. He was dressed in an orange outfit.

Which gnome comes second to the house of the week? (Tuesday) Which dwarf will he live next to? (with Monday)

The dwarf wanted to go into his house, but it does not work. He needs to complete the mission! Guys, help the gnome? Are you afraid of difficulties? Then go ahead!

Look what an envelope! (open it - there are colored squares in the envelope)

Guys, what color are these squares? (red, yellow, blue and green) Now listen to the task: we need to lay out a path of colored squares according to the scheme. Shall we try? Let's first agree on what color we will start with.

The game "Lay out the path according to the scheme"

Well done, we walk along the path (we approach the clearing)

I suggest that the children sit comfortably.

Next to each of you are envelopes with numbers,

take them out and put them in front of you.

Now listen carefully to the tasks to help the Dwarf get into the house:

Look and count how many white bunnies are in the clearing (2) What number will we denote the number of white bunnies? (2)

How many bunnies with carrots? (4), show me a number that can indicate the number of these bunnies (4), how many bunnies are there? (5) how many big hares? (1) how many gray hares? (3)

And now let's get some rest.

Dynamic pause "Rest"

(children follow the text)

Get up, we need to rest

Shake our fingers.

Raise your hands up

move your fingers,

So they move their ears

Little bunnies.

Get up quickly, smile

Higher, higher stretch.

Come on, straighten your shoulders

Raise, lower.

Left, right jumped,

Sit, get up, sit, get up

And they ran on the spot ...

Have a rest, that's nice,

Now let's talk about the main thing...

Guys, why are we doing all these tasks? (to help the gnome get into the house)

And tell me, guys, what grows in this garden?

(tomatoes, turnips, carrots) Let's not guess, but try to pull out (children take carrots that are inserted into the slots in the garden)

Why are they white? (someone bewitched them, they have not yet grown, they are covered with snow) But what color is the carrot really? (orange) Now we will color these carrots together.

(children sit at tables and color)

Guys, whoever is ready, bring it to the tray. The gnome will be very happy. Then he will treat his friends - bunnies.

The next task is in this box. You know, Monday the gnome baked cookies for Tuesday the gnome.

Let's get a look.

What geometric shapes do cookies look like? (squares, circles, triangles, rectangles)

What color is the cookie? (red, blue, yellow, orange, green)

You and I remember that Tuesday the dwarf loves orange cookies, but most importantly, not round ones. Let's take this cookie on a plate.

D / and "Select the right figures"

(we approach the house of the Dwarves)

Well, Dwarf Tuesday, we have completed all the tasks. Something won't open the door.

Let's remember the magic words ... (finger gymnastics "Castle" - children perform movements according to the text)

There is a lock on the door

Who could open it?

Knocked, twisted,

Turned ... and opened.

Well, now our gnome will go into his house!

Final part:

What color is Tuesday's gnome's window? (orange) Why?

(because Tuesday the dwarf likes everything orange.)

You and I know that the gnomes take turns every day. And they never get confused because they have special watches. This clock is colored.

What part of the clock do you think the hand should be on today?

(orange, rearrange the hand on the clock)

And the gnome has prepared a surprise for you! Hurry, bring the plate in which you and I put the orange cookies. Let's put everything in the gnome's box. Turns out it's magical...

(a box with a double bottom - we conjure and turn the "cookies" into sweets)

Hear the magic words:

We stomp our feet, clap our hands

Let's turn around ourselves

Let's close our eyes and go back to the garden.

Did you guys enjoy today? What was the most difficult task for you today? And the lightest? And the most interesting? Well done! You made me very happy today! (we treat children with sweets)

Thanks to all the guests for your attention!

Introspection of the lesson

The program content of the lesson corresponded to clearly formulated tasks: educational: exercise in counting within "5", correlating the number of items with the desired number. To consolidate the ability to accurately paint objects using paints. Exercise in the selection of the necessary geometric shapes, consolidate knowledge of color; developing: to develop verbal - logical thinking, memory, attention, perception; educational: to cultivate interest in the lesson, responsiveness, the desire to help others, the ability to work in a team.

And the goals: to supplement, expand and apply the previously acquired knowledge of children. This lesson is integrated. I believe that in this version of the lesson, the material is absorbed by children better. The lesson is built in the form of a game, since the game is the leading activity in preschool age.

The structure of the lesson consists of an introductory part (organization of children), a main part (practical activity), and a final part (summing up). In the introductory part, I set the guys up for active work and positive contact with each other. The main part of the lesson is aimed at the development of cognitive activity, the formation of mental and practical actions. Having set specific tasks for the children, she sought from each child (depending on his abilities) their implementation, monitored the correct completion of tasks, made adjustments to their knowledge, provided the necessary assistance, and encouraged even minimal successes. In the final part, the lesson was summed up.

The volume of educational material and the pace of work ensured the activity of children during the lesson.

In the lesson, I used the following forms of work: frontal, individual, group. I used various methods: verbal (questions to children, repetition and clarification, reminder, encouragement); visual (panel); practical (drawing), game. The following technologies were used in the GCD process: gaming activity; health - saving technologies. A dynamic pause was carried out, a constant change of activity made it possible to prevent children from overworking. Carried out a differentiated approach: inactive children were involved in the conversation, they were given more attention (attracted them with intonation, supported their statements). The activity of children is characterized as joint, creative, individual. She paid special attention to the development of children's speech, enriched their vocabulary with new expressions, followed the correct construction of sentences. She achieved the conscious use of numerals, the correlation of quantity with number and figure. Sanitary and hygienic conditions met the requirements: the room was ventilated in advance, the lighting was sufficient, almost the entire space of the group was used (children moved from one part of the group to another). The lesson is organized taking into account the working capacity and fatigue of children of middle preschool age. The tasks corresponded to the topic of the lesson, the age of the children and their individual characteristics of the children. I believe that I have achieved my goals. The educational activity turned out to be rich and interesting. children always like to travel, run errands, and help.

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