Home Flowers Colombian women. The most beautiful Colombian women (23 photos). On certain days they wear yellow t-shirts

Colombian women. The most beautiful Colombian women (23 photos). On certain days they wear yellow t-shirts

Why police colonel Svetlana Ternova pretends to be the "right hand" of the famous late thief in law

Famous people are surrounded by legends during their lifetime. And after their death, the number of myths and legends increases exponentially. The appearance of previously unknown wives, mistresses, illegitimate children is a common thing, especially when it comes to artists. But no one has ever - until recently - tried to impersonate the widow of a crime boss. Imposture in this environment is severely punished. It is better not to talk about what they do in prisons and colonies with prisoners who are trying to improve their criminal biography in the eyes of their cellmates. Or, God forbid, some "six" will decide to get a tattoo in the form of thieves' stars on their shoulders ...

Therefore, what I had to see on TV and read in some media after the death of the most famous thief in law, Vyacheslav Ivankov (aka Yaponchik, aka Japanese), was especially struck ...

Godmother with colonel's epaulettes

The deceased himself called the media nothing but SMO - a means of mass brainwashing. But, if not for the press, he would hardly have received almost universal fame. Vyacheslav Kirillovich did not like journalists - and this is putting it mildly. The whole world went around the footage of his arrest in the United States, when he spits relish in the face of a reporter and tries to kick the camera out of the cameraman's hands. He overlaid his Russian colleagues with a three-story mat.
At home, a new charge awaited him - in the murder of two Turkish citizens in the Moscow restaurant "Fidan" in 1992. In June 2005, when Vyacheslav Kirillovich was completely acquitted by a jury and after a while the acquittal was confirmed by all instances, he began to behave more calmly. All threats such as “roll into asphalt”, “throw from a helicopter” are in the past. He said he didn't hold a grudge against anyone.

True, I don’t know how Ivankov would react if he found out that he was allegedly competing with a woman, a current police colonel. And her daughter, which is not advertised, is allegedly the widow of the Japanese, allegedly raising his son and, crushing him with authority, solves such issues as "remove the top of the Rostov police." And what is most interesting: some time after negotiations on this topic with the Rostov deputy Yevgeny Bessonov, the head of the police of Rostov-on-Don, Vyacheslav Chuprunov, dies in a mysterious accident.

Svetlana Ternova: “If a kid comes, I will tear anyone”

I have been writing about Ivankov and his entourage since 1987. During this time, we had to endure many threats, many courts. Of course, neither he nor his entourage agree with much of what was written, but I wrote this during the life of Ivankov, Kvantrishvili, Timofeev (Sylvester) and other generals of the underworld who had gone to another world, close people of the most authoritative thief in law. Therefore, I am so outraged by the crazy stories that have fallen upon readers and viewers after the death of Vyacheslav Kirillovich.

The name of Svetlana Ternova is well known to readers of specialized magazines dedicated to the security business. After graduating from the All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation with the rank of police colonel, she created the Human Rights Association for the Security Business, and wrote extensively and skillfully on this topic. Many of my Murovtsy and Rubopovtsy acquaintances also went into the security business, including those who really once imprisoned Ivankov.

The assassination attempt on the Japanese on July 28, 2009, when leaving the Thai Elephant restaurant in Moscow, became the main news for a long time. It was then that Svetlana Vasilievna asked one of her colleagues in the security business, who personally knew the Japanese, to tell about him in more detail. But without receiving information from the primary source, apparently, she took up the study of the press, because Ivankov is the hero of many articles and even books. One of them, "Yaponchik's Mistake", was written by the author of these lines. In general, it was not difficult to learn about the life of the most famous thief in law. First, there followed a series of articles in the Security Activity magazine, in which Colonel Ternova shared lengthy versions about who ordered Ivankov. Then almost the same texts were transferred to MK, but here it was already presented as follows: “Retired police colonel Svetlana Ternova, head of the Human Rights Association of the Security Business. She personally knew Yaponchik and, moreover, she herself was on the list of suspects.

I note that no one ever suspected Colonel Ternova of Ivankov's murder, she does not appear in any capacity in the materials of the criminal case on the fact of his murder. But the stubborn interviewer (however, I got the impression that, hiding under a pseudonym, Svetlana Vasilievna is asking herself a question) asks: “They say that you fought with Yaponchik for influence in the circle of arbitrators, because you are suspected of being involved in the execution. With your security capabilities, it seems quite real.”

To which Ternova evasively replies: “In the criminal world, there cannot be both a single authority and a single arbitrator.” The entire interview is designed in the same style - no specifics, only general words and lengthy reasoning. When asked how you can characterize Yaponchik, the answer was: “He has already left us, and in heaven, perhaps, he became an angel. Who am I to judge an angel?

40 days after the death of Ivankov, the same author continues the same theme in the same publication. The article features a story about a certain fearless woman who challenged the Japanese himself. It was about some bad phrase that insulted Ivankov. Like, the woman repeated this mysterious phrase to him again when meeting in a restaurant. He allegedly promised to throw a woman from a helicopter for these words, but for some reason presented her with a hefty bundle of euros and dollars and said: “Buy yourself a gift from me - a gold chain, you deserve it.” The woman was dumbfounded: “If so, I am still ashamed to remember those words, because they were unfair.” A little earlier, on NTV, Svetlana Ternova said that she had a quarrel with Yaponchik because of the unfair words she said to him. It is not difficult to guess who this woman with a bundle of banknotes is.

Professionals treated these old touching stories with humor, and in general they could not be remembered if these stories did not have a more serious continuation.

After some time, an interview appears on NTV with a certain Nika Kuznetsova, who positions herself as the last love of Yaponchik, the mother of his young son. Friends who have seen this program and know whose daughter Nika are surprised: “Does Ternova really think that she can get away with all this?”

It turns out that Nika Kuznetsova is the daughter of Svetlana Vasilievna. A familiar journalist who filmed the story was amazed by this turn of events: “It's hard not to believe - after all, she is a serious person, a police colonel or police. And in general, she showed me tattoos of thieves' stars on her shoulders. Wonderful! We have a lot of werewolves in uniform, but we have not yet heard of such that thieves were worn under the colonel's or general's stars. More colleague did not agree to any proposals from the strange family contract. Colleagues of Svetlana Vasilievna, who have gone through a harsh school of operational work, joke: “Let the lady frolic. After all, in the All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it’s not like a thief in law - you didn’t have to see a live pickpocket. ”

Vyacheslav Ivankov and his really last love Faina Komissar

Meanwhile, changes took place in the life of Svetlana Vasilievna. She returned to her native ministry, and now the police colonel serves as an adviser in the Main Directorate for the Organization of the Licensing and Permit System of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, which is mainly responsible for supervising the circulation of weapons in security structures. Recently, a gathering of heads of licensing services and coordination centers of Russian security structures took place in Voronezh. Colonel Ternova also took part in it. Later, on a specialized portal, one of the participants responded to her speech in poetic form. I will give only one, but the most characteristic verse of this ballad, which the author recommends singing to the motive of the unforgettable "Murka".

“A certain Svetlana asked for a word,
All in tattoos and show-offs.
If a kid comes, I will tear anyone.
Without a market - in the center, in the field.
If the unknown author knew that there was only a fraction of a joke in his joke...

Rostov voyage of the "black widow"

On July 8 this year in the program “PE. Investigation. Communist in law” Nika Kuznetsova reappeared. But the appearance of the false widow Ivankov this time was not so harmless. The program was dedicated to the infamous State Duma deputy from the Communist Party Vladimir Bessonov and his brother Yevgeny, deputy of the legislative assembly of Rostov-on-Don.

The program showed operational footage in which Nika Kuznetsova, introducing herself first as a widow, and then as the common-law wife of Yaponchik, asks Yevgeny Bessonov to remove the leadership of the Rostov police. Not to deprive them of life, but to help them go back to where they came from. But at the same time, she hints that she has her own methods of work, “traditional and non-traditional”, and she acts as a representative of certain circles who are ready to donate 3 million rubles for the needs of the party. The interlocutors agreed to the point that for the money it is possible to remove the president.

The deputy, who animatedly discussed this topic, later denied everything, putting the strange girl on a par with the Napoleons: “What does the common-law wife of Yaponchik mean? An incomprehensible girl without a voice came (Nika really speaks in a whisper - a consequence of an illness suffered in childhood. - L.K.). I thought it was a police setup." Nika herself later explained why Yevgeny Bessonov was chosen for the talks: “When I saw Bessonova on the Internet, how he, along with his brother at a rally, rips off the police epaulettes and knocks off their hats, I immediately realized that it was possible to resolve issues with this person. His words that he would buy everyone and go to Moscow after we helped him become mayor, of course, made me laugh. But I like him for this simplicity, one might even say, charisma.

Lzhevdova V. Ivankova - Nina Kuznetsova (aka Nicole)

This time, the appearance of Yaponchik's "last love" to viewers resulted in a huge scandal. On July 15, on the 26th kilometer of the Rostov-on-Don-Stavropol highway, a Suzuki motorcycle driven by the head of the Rostov police Vyacheslav Chuprunov collided with a KamAZ, which after the impact drove into a ditch and rolled over. Both drivers died on the spot. “We are checking all the versions, including those that, in our opinion, cannot exist, even such that it was a murder, and the accident was staged,” Yury Popov, head of the investigation department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Rostov Region, told reporters immediately after the tragedy. .

The version was actively discussed in the media, according to which the accident was set up by local criminal authorities, who decided to “remove” Chuprunov. The fact is that on June 27, MK published a transcript of an audio recording with a telling title “How crooks and thieves pass sentences,” from the content of which it follows that thieves in law at a meeting sentence Chuprunov to death. The generals of the underworld, according to this audio recording, believe that the main source of their problems is the police team, which was transferred from Khabarovsk to Rostov-on-Don for reinforcement.
It was they who became the culprits of the fact that three "authoritative" thieves - Sakhno, Eva and Young were behind bars and received solid terms - from 20 to 25 years. More than a dozen crime bosses of a lower rank were also convicted. After that, the participants of the meeting note, “there are zero arrivals in the common fund.” The thieves are discussing how to lure Chuprunov from Rostov to Khabarovsk. One of the participants in the gathering, confident that everything will go according to plan, says: “As soon as a dispatch arrives in Rostov that a cop has been banged in Khabarovsk, it would be necessary to send messengers to this team ... until the bosses came from Moscow on such an occasion.”

Another negotiator, an emissary of the famous thief Aslan Usoyan, better known as Ded Khasan, notes: “Rostov-papa and Khabarovsk got out of hand.” His interlocutor suggests: “So the locals need to simplify the task, from you, from Moscow, even throw a little man to help. Yes, look ... At least such a nix, and then we'll see.

Shukher really was, after soon a “strange girl” came to the local deputy for negotiations, who also really wanted to remove the local police leadership ... to where they came from, that is, to Khabarovsk. As you know, it was not possible to lure Chuprunov to Khabarovsk, but everything went according to the plan outlined by the gangway. Is the sentence of thieves executed and what role did the false widow play in it? But first - a little about the true widows of Vyacheslav Kirillovich.

Women in his life

Why do I say so confidently - a false widow? She was convinced of her correctness by talking with people from Ivankov's entourage. Lawyer Yuri Rakitin acted as his defender several times, including in the last case - the murder in 1992 of Turkish citizens, in which Ivankov was acquitted in 2005. He was present at the next anniversary of the death of his former client, where, in a conversation with Ivankov’s son, Gennady, he asked how he felt about all this nonsense with the “widow”, her child and a woman even more “cool” than his late father. “The next children of Lieutenant Schmidt. How can you take it seriously?" he replied.

Vyacheslav Ivankov and Irina Ola in a New York interior

While preparing one of the materials about Ivankov, she met Sergei Khazarov, his close friend. They had known each other since September 1970, and he was personally present at all the incidents that in Soviet times developed into criminal cases against Ivankov. A few years ago, Khazarov introduced me to a sensational suicide letter from a police colonel that sheds new light on the life of the most notorious kingpin. Victor Rud admits in his letter that he received the task to "pack" the Japanese "from above" and in this matter he was always pressured. I called Khazarov: “All these children, widows are just nonsense. Enough to make an examination. The girl also has nothing to do with Vyacheslav ... "

And who has? According to "concepts", a thief in law should not have a family. But Ivankov's family appeared even before the coronation. Wife - Lidia Aivazovna, Assyrian. Hence one of his old nicknames - the Assyrian son-in-law. Their joint children are Gennady and Eduard.

Among the connections of the Japanese was a certain Kalina Nikiforova, who herself had gone through prison universities more than once. They say that in her youth she saved up the initial capital on the panel. In adulthood, she became one of the major currency traders. She herself worked peacefully in a beer bar on Sukharevka. Her entire personal and business life was associated with thieves in law and the authorities of the underworld. Even seasoned thieves spoke of her as an incredibly cunning swindler, capable of plugging any of them into the belt. Kalya Nikiforova acted in one of the criminal cases in which Ivankov was tried to be involved, not only as a witness, but also as a liaison of the criminal world with law enforcement agencies.

Her only son, Viktor Nikiforov, who received the nickname after his mother's name - Kalina, was baptized into thieves in law. Rumor ascribes paternity to Ivankov, but this is neither confirmed nor denied. In any case, the former deputy head of the MUR, Viktor Fedorov, who worked on Yaponchik back in 1981, assures that Kalya Nikiforova was indeed Ivankov's common-law wife, because on May 14, 1981, when the entire MUR operative staff was involved in searches and detention of Ivankov and his connections , in the morning he disappeared from the house on Planernaya, where Kalya Nikiforova lived. In my archive, a rare photograph has been preserved, which shows how one of the participants in the chase, Murovets Ivan Biryukov, with a pistol in his hand, is chasing a car in which the Japanese is leaving the police.

Vyacheslav Ivankov's entourage laughs at the fantasies of the police colonel and her daughter. Second left - Sergey Khazarov

As for Viktor Nikiforov, who was killed in 1992, Ivankov really treated him with tenderness and at one time “baptized” the young crime boss.
In the materials of the criminal cases in which Ivankov was convicted, there are names of other women close to him. So, his mistress, the deputy head physician of the Clinic of Nervous Diseases, Yevgenia Zhivotova, advised Ivankov on how to behave in order to be recognized as insane. Later, she arranged a separate room for him in the clinic with a TV and a refrigerator, and in 1980 she made patronage upon receipt of the II group of disability. An affair with Ivankov cost Zhivotova's position, moreover, she was tried for complicity and sentenced to corrective labor.

Of Ivankov's earlier cordial attachments, the old Murovites recall a certain Sveta, who liked to boast of her connections in the legal sphere. And she acquired these connections through her father, a teacher at Moscow State University, who, in her words, "taught many prosecutors." Another lover lived in Star City - a doctor of medical sciences, who worked in the Kremlin clinic. Very helpful links.

But, despite the entire rich Don Juan list, it was Lidia Aivazovna's wife who, in 1990, turned to the People's Deputy of the USSR Svyatoslav Fedorov with a request to assist in the efforts to pardon her husband.

As you know, they did not pardon him, but he was released ahead of schedule - in November 1991. In March 1992, as director of the film studio "12A", directed by Rolan Bykov, with 300 dollars per day, set foot on American soil.

Here he entered into a fictitious marriage with Irina Ola, the accompanist of the popular singer Willy Tokarev. This lady, who at the trial of the United States v. Vyacheslav Ivankov acted as one of the witnesses for the prosecution, was called by Yaponchik "an old cow" behind her back. Colleagues from New York said that Ola was under guard all the time and, under the witness protection program, she changed not only her place of residence, but also, possibly, her appearance.

In New York, Ivankov met a woman who shared with him not only the joys of American life, but also the bitterness of many years in prison. After Ivankov's release, Faina Komissar came to Moscow with him. It is curious that her joint photo with Ivankov illustrates a new interview with a false widow, published in MK on November 1, 2012.

Heiress of Glory Yaponchik

This is the name of the interview with 27-year-old Nika Kuznetsova, in which she already appears not only as a widow, but also as a “criminal princess”. Of course, after the “strange girl” offered the local deputy to unite in the fight against the local police in exchange for financial support for the party from firms controlled by thieves in law, law enforcement agencies should have had questions for her. But for some reason, they were asked not by operatives, but by journalists. Nika Kuznetsova answers them by positioning herself as Nicole - "one of the most influential women in the criminal world." If you know whose daughter she is, then some moments of the interview are especially entertaining to read. Nika assures that she was born in a difficult family and she was brought up “in concepts” from early childhood. It is curious, especially if you know that her mother served in the internal affairs bodies for many years and still serves there.

Detention of a Japanese by MUR officers in 1981

Another amusing passage of the “criminal princess”: “...regardless of Slava (he was in prison in America and simply could not help me), I have already earned a reputation in certain circles as a person who can solve complex issues toughly.” So, Nick is now 27 years old. Ivankov was arrested in New York on June 8, 1995. So she was 10 years old at the time. After the end of his term on July 13, 2004, he arrived in Moscow under escort. So she was 19 at the time. Sonya Golden Hand is resting! As for Ivankov, in what, in what, and in a tendency to pedophilia, he was not noticed.

So what does the "criminal princess" do? “... I help people negotiate. Those who come to me have a clear idea of ​​​​my person and what issues I solve ... I would not advise anyone to quarrel with me and my friends. It’s better to be friends with us, and there is no shortage of those who want to.” When asked if she was summoned to the investigator after the publication of the audio recording of negotiations with deputy Bessonov, she received a surprising answer: “For what reason, my lawyers would have asked.” Indeed, why on earth, if it is more convenient to assume that the head of the Rostov police died in an accident through his own fault.

In an interview with Nika Kuznetsova (aka Nicole) - mostly general phrases, nothing specific, except for two or three answers. So, to the question: “When Ivankov was wounded, were you in the hospital with him?”, It is clearly impossible to lie - there are too many witnesses. The answer is the following: “There was a woman with him ... she was with Slava for many years, these were not the easiest years.” Yes, and Nika herself has a young husband, who, together with the child, was captured by NTV operators. Naturally, the four-year-old Zhora - that is the name of Kuznetsova's son, whom she passes off as the heir to Yaponchik, does not yet know who his real father is. According to her, Ivankov left no money to her (although in another program she hints at some kind of secret testament abroad). A strange attitude towards the “last love” of a man whose generosity was legendary among his loved ones.
At the end of the interview, the newly-minted "criminal princess" reports that in the kindergarten where her son goes, everyone thinks that she is a photographer who shoots children's matinees. It is strange that she does not write fairy tales for kids - that would be good for her.

Who benefits from myth-making?

In no case do I want to reproach my colleagues who contributed to the birth of the next myths and legends around Yaponchik. The topic is fertile, and who will refuse such sensations?

That's just why Colonel Ternova needs her daughter to appear as the "widow of Jap", it's hard to say. As a source from the security business assures me, she allegedly had some problems when checking licensed activities and the circulation of weapons in Rostov-on-Don. I think that the printout “How crooks and thieves pass sentences” appeared just in time, in which the wish is expressed to “throw a little man” from Moscow to Rostov-Papa in order to bring a nix. What if it turns out that the “widow” will be taken seriously? And having already appeared on television, she will really be able to actively engage in the implementation of "intermediary" services, and then not only fame will come, but also the cash flows that accompany it.

From my point of view, not harmless myth-making flourishes because no one takes it seriously. The police have long left people who not only saw the living Yaponchik, but were familiar with those who met with him on duty. Those who are "in the know" treat the interview with humor. But humor is hardly appropriate if you know that the mother of the "criminal princess", posing as a "criminal queen", decides the fate of the licensing system at the highest level. And if Ivankov’s entourage “doesn’t understand” to refute all this nonsense, then law enforcement agencies “according to concepts” at least interrogate the “strange girl” who had strange negotiations with deputy Yevgeny Bessonov. Much would then become clear.

Jap's riddle

More than three years have passed since the death of Vyacheslav Ivankov. Neither the customers nor the perpetrators of the crime have been found. The criminal investigation has been suspended. Of course, one should not lose hope that it can be solved in 15 years, as happened with the murder case of Otari Kvantrishvili. But I'm not talking about the versions of his order. Still, according to many people who knew Ivankov, there are still a lot of mysteries in his life. Why, on the one hand, the Moscow police, as the late Colonel Rud testifies, received an order “from above” to “pack” Ivankov, and on the other hand, according to the testimony of the already well-known lawyer Genrikh Padva, who defended him in 1981, the Central Committee assistant stood up for him CPSU? The last years of his life, once a high-ranking official of the Central Committee, Lev Onikov worked in ITAR-TASS and spoke very well of Ivankov. One of the old Murovites, who once imprisoned Ivankov, assured: “Yes, he is a thief. But not quite ordinary. The best among thieves. FBI agent Michael McCall, who took part in the arrest of Yaponchik in the United States and knew him well, assured that "Kirillich is an extraordinary person." Talent is different, including with a minus sign, and his former ward is a real criminal talent.

MUR operative Ivan Biryukov shoots at the car of Ivankov, who is trying to escape

The last time we spoke to Michael was in 2004. Then it was already known that after the end of the American term, Ivankov would be extradited to Russia on charges of murdering two Turkish citizens in 1992 (I already wrote that in the end he was fully acquitted in this case). Michael said that it was not safe for Ivankov to return to his homeland, because "he has not only many influential friends there, but also many very influential enemies." And he suggested that if he went to warm countries, for which the "American criminal record" does not play a role, then he could happily live on the ocean coast. How to look into the water...

Why the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation needed to stir up an old and hopeless case, which it eventually lost ingloriously, is another mystery. The case was entrusted to the Moscow City Prosecutor's Office, the so-called gangster department. As a familiar investigator told me: “These are the political games of the General. We don't fulfill orders. Why did the General want to plant Ivankov so much? And even after the failure in the Moscow City Court, when it finally became clear that the chances of winning were zero, the General still went ahead. Perhaps this mystery is explained by the fact that, having become completely free, Vyacheslav Ivankov could harm the interests of many wealthy and influential people, whom he not only helped to earn a fortune, but also to keep it in the United States. Maybe it was from these people that an order was received to eliminate the most famous thief in law?

In the meantime, the crime has not been solved, any extravagant lady, "all in tattoos and show-offs", can earn credibility in "certain circles", posing as one of the suspects in organizing the murder of the general of the criminal world Yaponchik, and her daughter - for his last love. Isn't it scary for police generals to have such a dashing lady in their colleagues?

The role of the brightest representative of this social group can be safely claimed by Vyacheslav Ivankov, nicknamed: a failed gymnast and a patient in a mental hospital, he was not afraid of anything. Stories of fights and chases with his participation thundered throughout the Union.

He brutally cracked down on those who got in his way, and when he got behind bars, he did not even let the jailers go down. Yaponchik achieved everything in the criminal world, but, being at large in the early 90s, he preferred not to get involved in the bloody war of organized crime groups, but to go to the United States for great prospects.

Jap's childhood

The childhood of the future patriarch of the criminal world Vyacheslav Ivankov, who gained fame under the nickname Yaponchik, can hardly be called cloudless. He was born in Moscow on January 2, 1940; after the war, Ivankov's father began to drink heavily, and in the 50s he completely left the family. The mother had her own problems - she suffered from mysophobia (a mental disorder, an obsessive fear of pollution or infection): she could change and wash clothes several times a day, wash the floor with bleach and even ironed paper money, hoping in this way to destroy all microbes on them .

Vyacheslav, whom no one was particularly concerned with, grew up as a sickly boy, with weak lungs and heart. The mother, on the advice of doctors, periodically sent her son to sanatoriums, but this did not bring noticeable results.

Everything changed in the middle classes, when Slava, tired of peer bullying, decided to seriously go in for sports. For health reasons, school and district sections did not shine for him, and then he developed his own training system, which was based on martial arts jiu-jitsu. It is not known where in the 50s he managed to get the necessary benefits, but he mastered the fight and demonstrated the acquired skills to offenders. After two or three such lessons, classmates began to reckon with the opinion of the matured Ivankov.

Vyacheslav was not particularly interested in studying, and, barely waiting for the end of the ninth grade, he left school and entered the State School of Circus Art (GUCI), where he decided to study aerial gymnastics. His passion for martial arts helped him to join the orderly ranks of fellow students - Ivankov had no problem with plasticity and dexterity. But everything ended badly for the student: in one of the classes, he very unsuccessfully fell from the trapezoid, landed right on his head and earned a closed head injury.

Fortunately for the young man, he survived and, quickly regaining his senses, categorically forbade the teachers to call an ambulance, reassuring them with assurances of good health. The consequences appeared a little later - since then Vyacheslav sometimes lost consciousness.

The trouble does not come alone - shortly after falling from the trapeze, Ivankov was hit by a car, and he again kissed his head: this time he had to lie down in the hospital. It is possible that both of these incidents, and perhaps heredity, became the impetus for the development of a mental disorder - schizophrenia. A little later, in connection with this illness, he received a disability.

Assyrian Son in Law

The young gymnast did not succeed in continuing his studies after injuries, and after several unsuccessful training sessions, he decided to leave the school.

He did not sit idle for a long time and, judging that he did not have enough knowledge to study at technical schools and universities, he went to night school and got a job as a mechanic, trying to help his mother.

Soon, Ivankov had more dependents: in 1960, he married a certain Lydia Aivazova, a representative of the ancient princely family of the Assyrians (immigrants from ancient Mesopotamia). Ivankov was proud of the unusual origin of his wife, and he really liked the nickname Assyrian son-in-law assigned to him.

Perhaps it was the appearance of the family - and soon after the wedding, the Ivankovs had their first son, Gennady - pushed Vyacheslav to crime: there was little money earned honestly. Then, deciding to use his dexterity in the criminal craft, Ivankov became.

Ivankov in the clinic

For the first time, a pickpocket fell into the hands of law enforcement officers in the spring of 1965, when he turned 25 years old. The rules of the thieves' code, according to which, during detention, one should not resist and beat law enforcement officers, Ivankov did not know then - and gave the policemen a real fight with jiu-jitsu techniques.

However, in the end, the thief was still twisted and taken to the department. Drawing attention to the excessive rage and some confusion of the detainee's consciousness, the peace officers petitioned for a psychiatric examination.

The intuition of the operatives did not disappoint: the specialists of the Moscow Psychiatric Hospital No. 1 named after P.P. Kashchenko (now named after N.A. Alekseev), popularly known as Kanatchikova Dacha, Ivankov was confidently diagnosed with schizophrenia. The issue of imprisonment was closed, and Vyacheslav was sent for compulsory treatment.

At first, Ivankov even liked to be treated: a large amount of free time allowed him to improve himself, and he loved this very much. He easily came into contact with more or less sane comrades in misfortune, read books, studied textbooks for high school, was interested in criminal law and psychiatric benefits.

However, Ivankov expected to spend about a year in this mode. Therefore, the news he received in the middle of the summer of 1966 about the extension of treatment caused a fit of rage in the patient. Pulling himself together, Vyacheslav began organizing his own escape, which he soon accomplished.

Thief in law Vyacheslav Kirillovich Ivankov - Jap

It is noteworthy that on the run (and Ivankov wandered for several months), he managed to negotiate with the leadership of one of the capital's educational institutions and, having successfully passed the exams for the 10th grade, received a high school diploma.

Perhaps the fugitive planned to enter the institute, but then bad luck happened: Ivankov was caught and returned to the hospital. True, already in March 1967, Vyacheslav (this time legally) was released with a clear conscience, which, however, he soon tarnished by becoming a member of a gang of a thief in law (Mongol).

The formation of Jap

Under the wing of the Mongol, Ivankov was able to fully show his many criminal talents. The scumbags from the Mongol brigade only had time to implement his daring ideas. Vyacheslav was not only an ideological inspirer, but he himself took part in productions according to his own scripts. For example, to pacify one of the victims, Ivankov even pretended to be a policeman killed by bandits.

By the way, it was during his stay in the Mongol brigade that Vyacheslav acquired his famous nickname. True, the original nickname of authority is Japanese. His Ivankov received either for a specific cut of the eyes, or for his passion for jiu-jitsu. And only then the public softened the ending by analogy with the nickname of the creator of the thieves' code, the Odessa bandit (Moishe Vinnitsky).

Money flowed like a river to Ivankov - Karkov did not skimp on material incentives for his subordinates. However, the easy enrichment of Yaponchik was prevented by law enforcement officers, who caught all the members of the group in early 1972.

But Ivankov was incredibly lucky: the Mongol, who highly appreciated the abilities of Yaponchik, gave the command to the rest of the thugs to shield him in every possible way. The fact is that Ivankov was needed by the boss in the wild: in his face, the seasoned thief managed to see his successor. As a result, the leader of the bandits received 15 years in a strict regime colony, "pawns" - from 10 to 12 years in prison, and Yaponchik got away with it.

Racket of guild workers

Having waited for fidelity until the keen interest on the part of law enforcement agencies to his person subsides, Ivankov decided to continue the work of Mongol and put together his own gang. The criminals were engaged in the business already familiar to Yaponchik - under the guise of law enforcement officers (the police uniform and certificate remained with the new leader from the old days), they shook the shop workers (underground entrepreneurs), not shunning any methods.

True, the geography was significantly expanded: in addition to Moscow, the bandits often went on tour to other cities of Russia, where they had their own gunners. Yaponchik every time studied "intelligence data" and personally chose a new victim.

So, in 1975, he learned that several kilograms of pure gold were stored in the house of the wealthy Sverdlovsk guild worker Aysor Tarlanov. A couple of days later, Yaponchik's fighters, led by him in police uniform, were already standing on the threshold of the “entrepreneur's” apartment and pressing the doorbell. Tarlanov's daughter opened, who was well aware of both her father's illegal activities and his eternal fear - sooner or later to end up in the dock. It took Ivankov quite a bit of time to properly process the girl - she herself rushed to the hiding place and gave all the gold to the raiders. The naive person believed that in this way she had saved her father from criminal liability.

Looking ahead a little, it is worth saying: this story had an unexpected continuation not only for Yaponchik, but also for one of his many ladies of the heart. When information about the incident with Tarlanov in the early 80s reached the law enforcement officers, they decided to press Ivankov. And then he turned for help to his mistress - the deputy chief physician of one of the capital's clinics. The woman in love did everything possible to ensure that Yaponchik, allegedly with an acute mental attack, was placed in the department of nervous diseases.

However, the fraud was revealed, and the lady not only lost her post, but also received several months of corrective labor for complicity. And what is most paradoxical is that her efforts were absolutely not useful to Yaponchik - Aysor Tarlanov, who was perfectly aware of his position, at the court session categorically refused claims to the raiders, stating that there had never been any gold in his apartment and could not be.

Massacre in the restaurant

Ivankov's coronation took place in April 1974 within the walls of the famous. And Yaponchik got there after the massacre arranged by him and his friends in the famous Rus restaurant in Balashikha near Moscow.

It was like this: Yaponchik arrived at the entertainment establishment in the company of thief in law Gayk Gevorkyan (Gog Yerevansky), a legendary lawyer who spent 25 years in Soviet camps, as well as two friends, Sergei Khazarov and Asaf Sosunov, a member of the Ivankov gang and an Assyrian by nationality.

The company settled down at a table, made an order and managed to get acquainted with local ladies - the famous ladies' man Ivankov quickly looked after a pretty girl who, after a couple of slow dances, agreed to move to his table.

But there was no quiet evening. A Georgian, sitting in company at a nearby table, laid eyes on Ivankov's pretty companion. At first, the Caucasian simply tried to invite the woman to dance, but having run into a refusal a couple of times, he decided to humiliate the offender: he took out a hundred-ruble bill from his pocket, twisted it into a tube and, approaching the intractable lady, slipped the cash like a hairpin into a magnificent hairstyle.

She did not have time to understand anything, as Yaponchik jumped up from his seat and with all his might pushed the offender with his fist in the face. Comrades of the opponents immediately joined the fight. It looked like a fight in a cowboy saloon from westerns: improvised means immediately went into action - plates, bottles and chairs, which the fighters broke and smashed against each other. The incident received such a response that it was even reported by the Voice of America.

At some point, assessing that the Georgians were beginning to gain the upper hand, Sosunov pulled out a pistol from his pocket and put two bullets into the Caucasian instigator. Employees of the institution called an ambulance (a slightly wounded Georgian was taken to the hospital) and the police, who tied up all the participants in the brawl.

So Ivankov ended up in Butyrka, where at that time, by the will of fate, his former boss Mongol was. Taking advantage of the situation, he and Goga Yerevansky (Gevorgyan was also assigned to Butyrka) and another thief in law Valeryan Kuchuloria (Piso) made a thieves' approach and adopted Yaponchik into a family of lawyers. For non-compliance with the thieves' code - Ivankov was officially employed as a photo lab assistant and a children's martial arts trainer, and was also married (by this time their second son, Edward, was born with Lydia) - the ceremony participants closed their eyes. By the way, a year later, Yaponchik's marriage broke up - at least documented.

Ivankov left Butyrka in mid-November of the same 1974. By this time, in connection with his diagnosis, he managed to undergo an examination at the Serbsky Institute of Psychiatry, where specialists issued him a conclusion that there was no recurrence of the disease. But Goga Yerevansky, on the contrary, was declared insane and ended up in a psychiatric hospital. No matter how hard the law enforcement officers tried, they failed to charge the participants in the fight with inflicting serious bodily harm: the wounded Georgian refused to claim, arguing that they figured it out like a man.

The only thing Ivankov was able to catch was the use of false documents: since the time of the Mongol gang, Yaponchik acquired a fake passport and rights that he always carried with him. For this offense, the court appointed Vyacheslav only 7 months in prison, and due to the fact that he spent so much time in the pre-trial detention center, waiting for the verdict, he was released in the courtroom.

Japanese ambush

The popularity of Yaponchik in the criminal world, not only in the capital, but throughout Russia, grew by leaps and bounds, which the authorities did not like at all. Ivankov's feelings were mutual: something, and he strictly observed the prohibition from the thieves' code on any contacts with those in power and law enforcement officers. He paid the price for this - it became a matter of honor for the policemen to imprison an objectionable authority, since Yaponchik himself from time to time gave reasons for detention.

So, in 1975, a resident of Moscow turned to policemen, who said that at the request of his friend - the mother of a thief in law - he agreed to help Yaponchik purchase a Volga car (in those days, these cars were not sold to private individuals). The intermediary took the money - two and a half thousand rubles - but the deal fell through for reasons beyond his control, and he allegedly returned the cash to Nikiforova.

But, according to the further narration, Yaponchik himself soon contacted the applicant, who demanded to repay the debt, and even with interest - only five thousand rubles. The authority demanded to bring them the next day to the Theater of the Soviet Army. And so that the debtor would not think of cheating, Yaponchik took the Volga from him with "thieves" numbers - the traffic cops did not dare to stop such a car. Recognizing the extortionist as Ivankov, who had already been hunted, the law enforcement officers decided to organize an ambush.

However, it was not so easy to hold Yaponchik. While the police were waiting in the shelter, he famously drove up to the waiting debtor in a Volga, ordered him to sit in the front passenger seat and hit the gas. The confused operatives had no choice but to rush across the rapidly accelerating car. Shots rang out: what is remarkable, it still remains a mystery who first started shooting - Yaponchik or the policemen.

The Romanian government delegation watched the course of the “fighting” with open mouths: leaving the theater, the guests went to the cars, but froze in place (later, the Soviet authorities managed to hush up this scandal with the shooting in the center of the capital with great difficulty). Meanwhile, Yaponchik with a passenger managed to escape.

A little later, investigators discovered an abandoned Volga, in the back seat of which a girl shaking with fear was sitting - the passenger could not really explain how she ended up in the car. As for the "debtor", some time later he turned up alive and unharmed and stated that he really owed Yaponchik money. Frustrated law enforcement officers were forced to admit the failure of the operation.

Ivankov's fatal sacrifice

But nevertheless, one day fortune changed Ivankov: it happened in the early 80s, when Yaponchik extorted money from the capital's philatelist Arkady Nisenzon. The thief came to the collector on a tip, or rather, on the complaint of Nisenzon's close associate named Mark. He turned to Vyacheslav with a request to punish Arkady, who allegedly stole several ancient icons from Mark.

Having studied the identity of the future victim, Yaponchik learned a lot of interesting things: it turned out that in addition to buying and selling rare stamps, the philatelist was actively involved in foreign exchange transactions. "Client" it was decided to take.

Vyacheslav contacted Arkady and, under the guise of a stamp lover, offered to meet at a safe house. As soon as the door slammed shut behind Nisenzon, he realized that he had fallen into a trap. Without further ado, Ivankov told the collector that from now on he owes him 100 thousand rubles - 60 for stolen icons and 40 for theft. He tried to argue something, but was suddenly knocked down, and later handcuffed to the radiator in the bathroom and severely beaten.

However, to the surprise of the bandits, the philatelist who woke up after the torture continued to stand his ground - he claimed that he had nothing to do with the theft of icons.

Then Yaponchik and his accomplices decided to tighten the measures: they dragged several large bottles filled with a liquid with a chemical smell, and, declaring that it was acid, began to pour it into the bath. At the same time, it was clear from the tone of the bandits who they were going to atone for in a deadly solution. Nisenzon immediately agreed to all the conditions, signed the necessary receipts and was released on his way.

The philatelist was already rushing about in search of a very large amount for those times, when operatives unexpectedly approached him: they learned about the incident from their agents. Nisenzon was afraid of Yaponchik, but did not want to get involved with law enforcement officers. Then they made it clear: refusal to cooperate would entail very unpleasant consequences. Firstly, he may lose his bread position - the administrator's position in the capital's cafe. And secondly, it is more likely to follow the “currency item”. Having estimated all the pros and cons, the philatelist agreed to testify against Yaponchik in court.

They took Ivankov on May 14, 1981, at the moment when he was heading to the Teply Stan area in his "six". According to one report, Yaponchik was tied up at the moment when he stopped at the store to buy beer. According to another version, the Interception plan was needed to apprehend the thief. In any case, on this day, the thief, who had already been found to have three fake passports, was placed under arrest. A year later, Ivankov was taken to court by roundabout ways and under heavy guard: the police feared that Yaponchik could be recaptured by his accomplices.

Despite the fact that the well-known lawyer Genrikh Padva was the defender of Yaponchik, the lawyer could not achieve a lenient sentence for his client: on April 29, 1982, Ivankov received 14 years in prison with a sentence in a general regime colony.

However, the prosecutors offered to speed up the term: according to operational data, the defendant had valuable information for the investigation about the criminals who robbed the famous cellist Mstislav Rostropovich in the early 80s. But the thief once again flatly refused to cooperate with law enforcement agencies and went to the zone.

Jap in the colony

First, the authority was transferred to the village of Talaya, Khasynsky district of the Magadan region. During the transfer, his sciatica worsened, which was taken advantage of by one of his cellmates: feeling his superiority, he beat Yaponchik, who was unable to fight back, several times.

Ivankov connected all his connections and was soon transferred to a separate cell. Already in the zone, having overcome the disease, he decided to take revenge. Having found out that his offender was working in a sewing shop, Ivankov put aside the thieves' principles and wrote a petition for the provision of physical work, arguing his act with an urgent need for money.

But somehow it didn’t work out with work - on the very first day, Yaponchik found the offender and stuck large tailor's scissors in his back. The prisoner was saved by doctors, and he even served his term, but upon his release he went missing: it was rumored that Yaponchik himself gave the command to eliminate him. By the way, there was nothing for inflicting grievous corporal punishment on Ivankov - the leadership of the colony preferred to hush up the incident and not make a fuss.

A year later, Ivankov was transferred to a prison in the city of Tulun (Irkutsk region). In this correctional institution in those days, sad things were happening for the authorities: they were severely broken by the jailers. They were beaten, not fed, not allowed to roam and methodically humiliated with the sole purpose of achieving renunciation of the thieves' suit and criminal activity. Passed this school of life and Yaponchik.

Once the warder brought him a letter from his mother, however, twisting it in front of the thief's nose, he took and tore the envelope. The enraged Ivankov grabbed a heavy wooden chair and with all his strength brought it down on the head of the “tutor”, sending him into a deep knockout. For this trick, Yaponchik got an annual increase in time.

He almost got the same amount for using violence against one of the prisoners: he was responsible for issuing books and magazines and refused to give Yaponchik the press reserved by another prisoner. Ivankov grabbed a plunger and with such force applied an innocent opponent that he thundered into a hospital bed. This time the authority was saved by the absence of witnesses.

It should be noted that almost all the inmates treated Yaponchik either with fear or with great respect, realizing his superiority over the rest and thieves' authority. During his time in Tulun, Ivankov managed to crown seven thieves, the most famous of which was (Painting).

Meanwhile, in the wild, the ex-wife of the thief, Lydia, launched a large-scale campaign under the unspoken slogan "Freedom for Vyacheslav Ivankov!" The ex-wife appealed to everyone who had at least some connections in the authorities and could help pardon.

Thief in law Vyacheslav Kirillovich Ivankov - Jap

According to rumors, petitions for the release of Ivankov even reached the then President of Russia, Boris Yeltsin. In the end, the necessary documents were received by the pardon department under the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR. A testimonial from Tulun was required - and the prison leadership, which failed in an attempt to break its authority, got a chance to win back. The prisoner's certificate stated:

“During the time of serving a measure of criminal imprisonment in prison number 2, he is characterized negatively. Supports the category of persons from among the convicts who are prone to potential violation of the regime of detention, prone to disobedience to the administration. By nature he is quick-tempered, in conversations he is prone to deceit ... CONCLUSION: Convicted Ivankov V.K. did not take the path of correction.

Such a paper could not go unnoticed, and at the court session held on January 30, 1991, the sentence against Ivankov remained unchanged. However, through the efforts of Yaponchik's benefactors, a month later, following a secondary protest, the Judicial Collegium for Criminal Cases of the Supreme Court of the RSFSR decided to reduce the term to 10 years in prison. In fact, Yaponchik was released even a year earlier than the expiration date of his new term.

This time, Ivankov did not stay long in his homeland. After leaving prison in November 1991, he held a grandiose disguised as a holiday in honor of his release at the Metropol restaurant. In fact, the problem of the dominance of Chechen organized crime groups in the capital was discussed here. Then many Slavic leaders united for the war with the Caucasians, and Yaponchik was at the "helm" of the Slavs. Later, he began to have problems with Chechen bandits, and already in the spring of 1992, Yaponchik went abroad - first to Germany, and from there to the USA.

To get this opportunity, Yaponchik registered in a hostel in the Rostov region and, through a front Soviet-American enterprise, received a passport as an employee. At the same time, Yaponchik turned to the US Embassy, ​​hid his criminal record and thus acquired a coveted visa. The American voyage, according to Ivankov, promised him great opportunities in the field of enrichment and development.

Jap in the USA

Yaponchik became a "watcher" in the United States and immediately upon arrival received a million dollars from the Armenian "thief in law" Vachigan Petrosov as "lifting". In New York, Ivankov settled with the producer of a famous pop singer, and later bought a house. Here Ivankov established contact with representatives, Italians and Latin American drug cartels, in particular, with.

According to some reports, one Italian structure that controlled the Dallas gambling industry recognized his “authority” and even determined the share of deductions from income. In addition, Ivankov’s accounts in Vienna and New York regularly received funds from Russian organized crime groups, especially from and. Ivankov, in addition, owned 80% of the shares of the Primorsk Shipping Company and actively took root in the gold mining industry of the Khabarovsk Territory.

In Brooklyn at 6A Neptune Avenue, Ivankov organized his own firm, Slavic Inc, according to the FBI, for criminal activities. Ivankov's organization operated in the USA, Canada and Europe, mainly in New York, Toronto, London, Vienna, and Budapest.

Thief in law Alexei Dinarovich Petrov, nicknamed Lenya Sly or Petrik

Ivankov, according to the FBI, had two groups of perpetrators at his disposal: under the leadership of the former leader of the Mazutka organized crime group (Petrik) and Alexander Inshakov (Inshak). Most likely, this is disinformation, since Inshakov is the president of the Association of Stuntmen of Russia, an actor and director ("Crusader"); he stated that he had nothing to do with Yaponchik, although he knew him.

Inshakov's senior assistant was allegedly Viktor Sergeev, a former KGB officer. Payments to "executors" on behalf of Yaponchik were made by the Solntsevo organized criminal group. According to the FBI, Ivankov removed 5-6 representatives of Russian groups who crossed Yaponchik's path.

It is known that some members of the Ivankov family worked for him - for example, Ivankov's son, Eduard Ivankov (Edik, Edo) was in Austria, where he was engaged in money laundering: through the Atkom company (Vienna), the Ritual funeral home and joint venture "Arbat International" (Moscow). From Moscow, money was usually sent to Budapest to. Another son of Ivankov, Gennady, also laundered drug profits for his father.

According to the FBI, in 1995 Ivankov kept in touch with a certain “group of Anzor Kikalishvili and Iosif Kobzon,” who received money from the Russian-American joint venture (New York). These persons (together with), allegedly having given a bribe to one of the Russian customs officers, received a special permit to exempt the joint venture from paying duties on the import of alcohol and tobacco products.

Allegedly, the joint venture pays Kobzon and Kikalishvili for "security" services. In addition, according to the FBI, Kobzon led operations to import counterfeit elite vodka into the United States. According to FBI sources, Kobzon and Kikalishvili also took part in the supply of weapons to one of the Arab countries (from Germany) in the amount of 18-20 million dollars as part of the Association XXI Century company, in which they all allegedly work. It is not possible to comment on such information due to the lack of evidence on these facts.

Ivankov established a connection with the criminal community of Russia, being a judge and organizer of the Russian underworld. This is evidenced by Ivankov's numerous connections and references to him by authoritative leaders of most groups. Apparently, Ivankov, who, according to operational data, was one of the five most influential criminal figures in Russia, really played one of the leading roles in Russian crime and world crime.

Yaponchik and Chara Bank

The essence of the case, on which Ivankov got burned, was the recovery of a loan from the famous Chara-Bank from two dishonest Russian entrepreneurs who settled in the United States. The late leader Vladimir Rachuk invested $2.7 million in the investment company Summit International (headed by Alexander Volkov and Vladimir Voloshin). In the process of extortion, the amount increased to 3.5 million dollars.

On November 25, 1994, Rachuk died suddenly, and the bank burst. Despite this, one of Rachuk's partners, Rustam Sadykov (deputy head of the financial department of Chara-Bank), decided to return the money and hired Ivankov and his "team" for this.

On June 8, 1995, Ivankov was arrested in the United States, and on July 8, 1996 he was convicted of extorting 3.5 million US dollars for nine and a half years. By the way, Ivankov was defended by super-expensive lawyers Barry Slotnick, Sam Reisner and Michael Shapiro. The defense was carried out brilliantly, but a guilty verdict could not be avoided.

The case did not end there - in October 1996, a new trial began against Ivankov. He was accused of concluding a fictitious marriage with Irina Ola, the singer's former accompanist.

Japanese at home

In 2000, Russian law enforcement agencies asked the Americans to extradite Yaponchik, since he was charged in absentia with the murder of two foreign businessmen and the wounding of a third, committed in Russia back in 1992.

Ivankov is deported, but the criminal case brought against him in his homeland falls apart, and a jury in 2005 finds Yaponchik innocent.

Despite Yaponchik's public statement about his departure from criminal cases, the thief in law continued to actively participate in controlling criminal activity in Russia, in particular, in showdowns between groups and. Ivankov had enough enemies in this internecine war.

In July 2009, near the Thai Elephant restaurant in Moscow, Yaponchik was shot dead by two killers who fired from one point - from a nearby tilt truck. Ivankov spent a little more than a month in the hospital on the verge of life and death, in October Yaponchik died from the consequences of his injuries.

At the Vagankovsky cemetery, and this action was widely covered in the media. The thief in law Aslan Usoyan (Ded Khasan) ordered the funeral. Usoyan will be shot after 3 years, and also near one of the Moscow restaurants.

9 Mar 2018

Behind almost every successful man is a strong woman who understands him and is ready to help in difficult times. It was the wives who did Churchill, Chaplin, Tolstoy, Fellini, Lennon and many more by those we know today.

A similar situation occurs in the criminal world. Bloodthirsty killers and hardened criminals become teddy bears when they fall under the spell of women. It is about the life partners of criminal authorities that we will talk about. And don't forget to read about this unique crime.

King's only love

One of the most dangerous criminals of the 20th century, Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar married only once.

At the age of 27, he married a 15-year-old Maria Victoria Henao. The girl's parents did not approve of this marriage, because then the future millionaire was a poor man.

Maria gave Pablo a daughter and a son. The spouses respected each other very much, even the heads of rival cartels envied Escobar's family happiness.

After 17 years of marriage Mary was left a widow. The drug lord was shot dead by the authorities after years of hunting him down. The woman and her family hid in Africa, then returned to Latin America. For several more years she had to take the rap for her husband's sins.

Shorty's Last Love

The most famous drug lord of recent years, without a doubt, was Joaquin Guzman Loera, known by the nickname El Chapo. He loved women passionately, married four times, the last time on 18-year-old Emme Coronel Aispuro, the daughter of a member of his own cartel.

A young Mexican woman gave birth to her 50-year-old husband of twins. She flew to the United States to give birth so that the children would receive American citizenship.

What an irony, Guzman sent his wife and children away from the danger that he himself personified. But when the Mexican authorities took him (for the third time), they extradited him to the States so that he would not escape from prison again.

The loving wife was present at the trial and regularly visits her husband in prison. In 2016, she gave an interview in which she stated that Joaquin is a wonderful person and does not deserve the abuse he complains about from behind bars.

Black Widow

In 2011, the Brazilian police managed to catch and imprison a bloody drug lord Antonio Bonfim Lopez. Now he is serving his 12 year term, but his business prospered until the end of 2017.

The affairs of the criminal were conducted by the wife, Danubia Rangel. She ran a dirty business until she was pushed aside by aggressive competitors. But the woman turned out to be touchy, in response to the actions of other gangs, she unleashed a real war on the streets of Rio de Janeiro.

The authorities could not help but react, so they sent an army to calm the drug baroness. As a result, she was detained in the fall of 2017.

The Black Widow, in addition to doing business, loved to have a good rest, sharing photos on social networks. This nickname was given to her after her two previous husbands were killed in shootings.

Now Danubia is waiting 28 years in prison. But her atrocities are nothing compared to the tricks of this Italian.

Slava Yaponchik

Vyacheslav Ivankov, or Yaponchik, became a well-known criminal not only in Russia, but also in the United States. However, this was later, and at the age of 20 he married Lydia Aivazova. Then he was just beginning to build his criminal empire.

She was a representative of an old Assyrian family. For such an alliance, Vyacheslav received the nickname Assyrian son-in-law. Lydia bore Ivankov two sons, but after 15 years she left him.

The marriage was fictitious, Ivankov lived with another Russian emigrant, Faina Commissioner, until the moment of his death from a sniper's bullet at the exit of a Moscow restaurant.

After the death of Yaponchik, a certain Nika Kuznetsova, who declared that she gave birth to a son from him. The girl appeared in the media and became famous.

Colombian photographer Fernando Vergara traveled deep into the Putumayo jungle to show the true face of war and the soldiers in the camp of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), a radical left-wing rebel group.

The conflict between the government and the rebels has been going on since 1964. This is the longest confrontation between official authorities and partisans in the history of Latin American countries. On August 25, the government of Colombia and the FARC concluded an agreement according to which the rebels renounce armed struggle and join the legal political process.

The photographer focused his attention on the female soldiers - they seemed to him more natural than men. These young creatures have been in the ranks of the armed forces for several years now. For portraits, Fernando asked the girls to put down their weapons and change into casual women's clothing - jeans and sweaters in delicate colors. It turned out that many people had lost the habit of such clothes and felt uncomfortable.

(Total 10 photos)

Source: design your trust
Photos: Fernando Vergara

Over half a century of military confrontation, 220 thousand people died, and 5 million people became refugees.

Yiset, 18, joined the FARC four years ago. After the end of the conflict, the girl would like to finish school and go to study as a nurse.

18-year-old Renteria serves four years. Wants to become an engineer.

The last time the photographer Fernando Vergara was in such a camp was 10 years ago, and then the rebels were harsher, more wary and categorical.

Karolina, 18, serving three years. I would like to become an engineer.

On his recent visit, the photographer noticed a very different mood in the camp. Young soldiers dreamed of life after demobilization.

Johana is 19 years old, she spent six years in the FARC. Dreams of becoming a nurse.

18-year-old Mayerli has been serving for four years and dreams of becoming a nurse after demobilization.

Many girls are 18 years old, some look even younger. Most young people say they joined the FARC a few years ago, which means they were teenagers at the time.

Derli is 24 years old and has been serving for nine years. The girl would like to become a nurse.

Yemi is 23 years old. Almost half of her life she gave to the RVSK - 10 years. The girl also wants to finish her studies.

After the youth spent on the war, the girls are eager to make up for lost time.

Marcela is 28 years old, 13 of them she served in the FARC. The girl would like to finish school.

Sofia, 19, has served for six years and would like to study law after demobilization.

To date, Colombians still dislike the rebels.

Rubiela, 32, spent 10 years in the ranks of the rebels. A woman dreams of becoming a dentist.

Most likely, almost none of us will come as a big surprise to the fact that it is consistently in the top 5 countries where the most beautiful and attractive women on the planet live. Without a doubt, this is true: Colombia girls surprisingly good-looking. They are very proud of this and perfectly able to demonstrate their beauty, correctly emphasizing their seductive and appetizing forms.

Almost all Colombian genetically have slender swarthy bodies and very beautiful regular features. No wonder it was the representatives of this state that many times became the winners of the Miss World and Miss Universe contests.

Experienced travelers say that when you come to this country and find yourself around such a large number of beautiful girls, you always begin to succumb to a serious temptation. Therefore, if you and your spouse ever go to or any other Colombian city, for example, set yourself up in advance for heavy and humble restraint. By the way, it is believed that the mild climate favorably contributes to the fact that the best and most attractive Colombian women are born in the "capital of orchids" - Medellin.

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In this collection, we tried to collect only the most selected Photo young attractive Colombians. More than 4,000 photos have already been collected in our constantly updated photo selection. No depravity - only aesthetics, only the most beautiful girls in Colombia!

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