Home Flowers Top Gear magazine edition in Russian. Where to find Top Giar magazine

Top Gear magazine edition in Russian. Where to find Top Giar magazine

Top Gear is a motoring magazine published by BBC Worldwide, named after the 1977 television program Top Gear. This program was simply a retelling of the magazine; the format of the program did not change for a long time. But in 2002, the cycle was restarted, and instead of a dry retelling, a modern “Top Gear” appeared, with humor, gags, and proprietary tests. The program was hosted by Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, James May and super secret test driver The Stig. James May Jeremy Clarkson Richard Hammond

A little about Stig Stig is the pseudonym under which a car test pilot participating in the famous British BBC TV show dedicated to cars is represented - “Top Gear”. As a rule, one main Stig participates in the transfer. Sometimes his relatives also appear in the program (for example, cousin Stiga) in similar equipment. The Stig sets the lap time for the car being tested at the show, and also instructs show guests for one of the sections of the program “Star in a Budget Car.” There have been three Stigs in total since the start of the program. The first Stig participated only in the first two seasons, the second Stig from the third to the 15th season. The third Stig began work from season 16 in December 2010.

Creating the character Secret Identity The idea of ​​​​creating the character of the secret driver came to the presenter Jeremy Clarkson and the show's producer Andy Wilman. The name Stig is the nickname given to all new students at Repton School, where Jeremy Clarkson studied. Stig's identity is kept secret. During all episodes, he appears in his famous protective equipment and helmet, moreover, he never uttered a word, except for fragmentary remarks. The TV show hosts laugh off questions about The Stig's personality, saying that he is just a robot. Jeremy Clarkson and producer Andy Wilman came up with the idea for the Stig character in connection with the reboot of the original Top Gear. In the new show, there were supposed to be spectators, a lot of stunts and races. Jeremy Clarkson and Andy Wilman wanted it to be a professional racing driver, but they ran into the problem that few of the drivers could speak well on camera. It was then decided that Stig would always remain silent. In the TV show he plays the role of the mysterious "tamed racer". Meanwhile, The Stig appears in the credits as a TV presenter, alongside Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May. The Stig's main job is to race cars around the Dunsfold Park test track. Stig's results are recorded on a special scoreboard. Also, guests are invited to TV shows, most often actors, musicians, sometimes politicians, etc. Stig trains them on a test track, then the stars drive a test lap, and their results also appear on a special scoreboard.

The Black Stig The first Stig to dress entirely in black was the famous British racing driver Perry McCarthy. His identity was revealed after the first season by the Sunday Mirror, and at the start of the third season in 2003, the black-clad Stig was "killed" while attempting to push a Jaguar XJS to 109 mph (175 km/h). The First White Stig In the next episode of Top Gear, a new Stig was introduced to the public, dressed all in white. On September 1, 2010, it was officially confirmed that the role of the Stig in White was being played by Ben Collins. On September 16, 2010, he intended to release an autobiography book, The Man in the White Suit, in an attempt to ban publication by the BBC. In the last (sixth) episode of season 17, Ben Collins returned to Top Gear as a driving instructor, no longer hiding his face. Richard Hammond introduced him to the audience as the old Stig and made fun of him, saying that there was no need to tell him anything, as he would immediately write about it in his book. Second White Stig After the identity of the previous Stig was revealed, a new White Stig was introduced in the sixteenth season. First, the New Year's episode featured a baby Stig, supposedly raised on a "Stig farm" and capable of growing into an adult in a month, and after the New Year holidays, the new Stig went to work.

Top Gear Specialization: automobile magazine Frequency: 11 times a year Language: Russian Editor-in-Chief: Vitaly Tishchenko Publisher: Parlant Publishing Group Country: Russia History of publication: Published since 1993 Volume: on average 160 -200 pages Circulation: 350,000 thousand .ex.

Contents of the magazine Tests of new cars. Review of new concept cars. Letters from readers. Column by Jeremy Clarkson. Column by Richard Hammond. Column by James May. Columns from other car reviewers. Interview with the stars. Review of new products. Stories about racing cars. Articles about testing machines in different conditions. Car catalogue.

Circulation The magazine is published under license in the following countries: China, Czech Republic, Greece, Philippines, Indonesia, South Korea, Russia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Thailand, India, Romania, Sweden and several times in Malaysia and Singapore. On May 7, 2007, the magazine was released in Bulgaria, November 16, 2007 in Italy, and February 14, 2008 in Poland. The magazine has been published in Australia since June 2008, and in Hong Kong since October 2008. The magazine's largest circulations are published in the following countries - Great Britain, after a year of sales in Russia and Poland. In January 2010, Top Gear magazine published its 200th anniversary issue.

The program's ratings are incredibly high - in the countries of official broadcast the audience exceeds 350 million people. 98% of the audience are men and 2% women. Top Gear magazine is read by Cameron Diaz. Audience

All about Top Giar magazine

Many ordinary people and especially car enthusiasts are probably familiar with the famous British TV show “Top giar”. This is a program entirely dedicated to automotive topics, or rather to reviews of the world of cars, analysis of new models, and test drives. best brands. The BBC TV show “Top Giar” began airing back in 1977 and almost immediately won the love of viewers. It was on the basis of this transfer that the management decided to publish a printed publication. This is how Top Giar magazine was born, the first issue of which was published in 1993.

The show's longtime presenters Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May regularly write articles for the magazine, and professional racing driver The Stig conducts test drives. The magazine's circulation is huge, and the publication is also published abroad: in the UK, Australia, India, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Singapore, the USA, and Russia.

The first Russian issue of Top Gear magazine was also celebrated in 1993. Published by Parlant Publishing House, Chief Editor– Vitaly Tishchenko. In Russia, the annual circulation of Top Gear magazine is more than 350,000 copies, the publication is published 11 times a year and delights readers with two hundred informative pages. On 160-200 pages you can find absolutely all the information about latest events global automotive industry: competitions and exhibitions, reviews of supercars and new products, columns of observers, articles about car tests.

In Top Gear magazine you can read:
· Tests of new cars. Professional racers evaluate new products on domestic racetracks: the magazine provides full technical specifications, practical features of the car and excellent photo illustrations.
· Reviews of concept cars. Conceptually new cars appear every month that are an order of magnitude different from standard models. And all car enthusiasts are looking forward to them, anticipating new ideas in mechanical engineering. Competent analysis of new products from experts, bright photos.
· Columns from Top Giar presenters: Richard Hammond, Jeremy Clarkson and James May.
· Column of leading Russian observers.
· Section of interviews with motorsport stars.
· Analysis and responses to letters from readers.
· Several descriptive articles about racing cars, stories from experienced racers.
· Articles-reports on testing cars in various conditions. Typically, this section compares the characteristics of several models. For example, their cross-country ability or maneuverability, ability to accelerate or brake.

Based on reviews and reader voting, several nominations are made. So every year, according to tests and technical specifications, the best car of the year, the best supercar, the person of the year are chosen. In the last decade the best cars The following were recognized: Volkswagen Scirocco (2008), Ferrari 458 Italia (2009), Citroën DS3 (2010) and Range Rover Evoque (2011). The best supercar of 2011 is the Lamborghini Aventador.

Where can I find Top Giar magazine?

Top Gear magazine is published in Moscow and distributed throughout printed edition all around Russia. On the official website of Top Gear there are only announcements of the next issue and interesting news from the auto industry. The management of the magazine strictly monitors the legality of distribution of the publication, therefore the official electronic version not on the Internet. You can download Top Gear magazine via the Internet from unofficial sites, but with a fairly significant delay. So it's still worth buying official numbers Top Gear magazine. Believe me, it's worth it.

Top giar magazine will reveal to you all the secrets of the automotive world.


Top Gear #4 (April)

Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Year of manufacture: 2012
Genre: Auto magazine
Publisher: Parlan Publishing House
Russian language
Number of pages: 220

Description: Top Gear – Russian version popular British automobile magazine.
Real Top Gear isn't just about how and why your car drives. Our task is much more difficult - to talk about why this car is going and where.
Top Gear magazine shapes public opinion, gushes with emotions and maintains the correct level of adrenaline in the blood. It does not allow the car to be treated as a utilitarian means of transportation.
Top Gear magazine talks about what it could be like modern man and preaches the lifestyle of a temperamental bon vivant.
Top Gear trusts professionals to repair and service it, and installs it professionally own life and chooses items that bring joy and pleasure.


Top Gear #4 (April)

Year of manufacture: 2010
Genre: Auto magazine

Russian language
Number of pages: 174


Top Gear No. 3 (March)

Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Year of manufacture: 2010
Genre: Auto magazine
Publisher: LLC Publishing House "Parlan"
Russian language
Number of pages: 177
Description: Top Gear is the Russian version of the popular British automobile magazine. Real Top Gear isn't just about how and why your car drives. Our task is much more difficult - to talk about why this car is going and where. Top Gear magazine shapes public opinion, gushes with emotions and maintains the right level of adrenaline in the blood. It does not allow one to treat the car as a utilitarian means...


Top Gear #5 (May)

Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Year of manufacture: 2010
Genre: Auto magazine
Publisher: LLC Publishing House "Parlan"
Russian language
Number of pages: 186
Description: Top Gear is the Russian version of the popular British automobile magazine. Real Top Gear isn't just about how and why your car drives. Our task is much more difficult - to talk about why this car is going and where. Top Gear magazine shapes public opinion, gushes with emotions and maintains the right level of adrenaline in the blood. It does not allow one to treat the car as a utilitarian means...


Top Gear #11 (November)

Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Year of manufacture: 2010
Genre: Auto magazine
Publisher: LLC Publishing House "Parlan"
Russian language
Number of pages: 185
Description: Top Gear is the Russian version of the popular British automobile magazine. Real Top Gear isn't just about how and why your car drives. Our task is much more difficult - to talk about why this car is going and where. Top Gear magazine shapes public opinion, gushes with emotions and maintains the right level of adrenaline in the blood. It does not allow one to treat the car as a utilitarian means...


Top Gear #8 (August)

Year of manufacture: 2012
Genre: Auto magazine

Russian language
Number of pages: 222
Description: The magazine shapes public opinion and maintains the correct level of adrenaline in the blood. The most exotic and most original cars are available to him. It does not allow the car to be treated as a utilitarian means of transportation. Test drives, materials about new models, all the most interesting things about cars from all over the world.

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Top Gear #11 (November)

Format: PDF (scanned pages)
Year of manufacture: 2012
Genre: Auto magazine
Publisher: Parlan Publishing
Russian language
Number of pages: 254


Top Gear #2 (February)

Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Year of manufacture: 2011
Genre: Auto magazine
Publisher: LLC Publishing House "Parlan"
Russian language
Number of pages: 151
Description: Top Gear is the Russian version of the popular British automobile magazine. Real Top Gear isn't just about how and why your car drives. Our task is much more difficult - to talk about why this car is going and where. Top Gear magazine shapes public opinion, gushes with emotions and maintains the right level of adrenaline in the blood. It does not allow one to treat the car as a utilitarian means...


Top Gear #6 (June)

Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Year of manufacture: 2011
Genre: Auto magazine

Russian language
Number of pages: 161


Top Gear #7 (July)

Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Year of manufacture: 2011
Genre: Auto magazine
Publisher: Parlan Publishing House
Russian language
Number of pages: 157
Description: Top Gear is the Russian version of the popular British automobile magazine. Real Top Gear isn't just about how and why your car drives. Our task is much more difficult - to talk about why this car is going and where. Top Gear magazine shapes public opinion, gushes with emotions and maintains the right level of adrenaline in the blood. It does not allow treating a car as a utilitarian means of transportation...


Top Gear #10 (October)

Format: PDF (scanned pages)
Year of manufacture: 2012
Genre: Auto magazine
Publisher: Parlan Publishing
Russian language
Number of pages: 238
Official website: http://www.topgearrussia.ru
Description: The magazine shapes public opinion and maintains the correct level of adrenaline in the blood. The most exotic and most original cars are available to him. It does not allow the car to be treated as a utilitarian means of transportation. Test drives, materials about new models, all the most interesting things about cars from all over the world.


Top Gear #10 (October)

Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Year of manufacture: 2010
Genre: Auto magazine
Publisher: LLC Publishing House "Parlan"
Russian language
Number of pages: 149
Description: Top Gear is the Russian version of the popular British automobile magazine. Real Top Gear isn't just about how and why your car drives. Our task is much more difficult - to talk about why this car is going and where. Top Gear magazine shapes public opinion, gushes with emotions and maintains the right level of adrenaline in the blood. It does not allow one to treat the car as a utilitarian means...


Top Gear #9 (September)

Year of manufacture: 2012
Genre: Auto magazine
Publisher: Parlan Publishing House
Russian language
Number of pages: 218
Description: Top Gear is the Russian version of the popular British automobile magazine. Real Top Gear isn't just about how and why your car drives. Our task is much more difficult - to talk about why this car is going and where. Top Gear magazine shapes public opinion, gushes with emotions and maintains the right level of adrenaline in the blood. It does not allow treating a car as a utilitarian means of transportation...


Top Gear No. 3 (March)

Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Year of manufacture: 2012
Genre: Auto magazine
Publisher: Parlan Publishing House
Russian language
Number of pages: 220
Description: Top Gear is the Russian version of the popular British automobile magazine. Real Top Gear isn't just about how and why your car drives. Our task is much more difficult - to talk about why this car is going and where. Top Gear magazine shapes public opinion, gushes with emotions and maintains the right level of adrenaline in the blood. It does not allow treating a car as a utilitarian means of transportation...


Top Gear #12-01 (December-January)

Format: PDF (scanned pages)
Year of manufacture: 2012
Genre: Auto magazine
Publisher: Parlan Publishing
Russian language
Number of pages: 248
Official website: http://www.topgearrussia.ru
Description: The magazine shapes public opinion and maintains the correct level of adrenaline in the blood. The most exotic and most original cars are available to him. It does not allow the car to be treated as a utilitarian means of transportation. Test drives, materials about new models, all the most interesting things about cars from all over the world.

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