Home Fruit trees English for preparation for the OGE. How to prepare for the Monologue from the OGE in English? Aids to the oral part of the OGE

English for preparation for the OGE. How to prepare for the Monologue from the OGE in English? Aids to the oral part of the OGE

In our country, you can become a lawyer by completing comprehensive training in the field of jurisprudence. In order to be considered a first-class specialist, you need not only to pass exams well at a university, but also to constantly, as they say, keep your finger on the pulse. A competent lawyer always knows which government regulations are relevant and which are not. On this moment worldwide system legal education is based on Roman law.

Depending on the functions assigned to a lawyer, a number of specialties are distinguished:

  1. Prosecutor. Participates in legal proceedings as an accusing party. Also, one of its main functions is coordination of activities government agencies aimed at preventing the commission of criminal offenses. To become a prosecutor, you need to gain specific knowledge and pass additional exams.
  2. Judge. Leads trial, monitors compliance legislative framework and normal. You cannot become a judge immediately after graduating from university. You must have up to 5 years of experience in the field of law and be at least 25 years old. By the time a potential judge receives a position, he must cease conducting any type of business activity.
  3. Advocate. Responsible for competently advising clients and representing their interests in court. In order to become a lawyer, you need to pass exams at a university, work as a lawyer for at least 2 years, and also obtain permission from the Bar Association.
  4. Notary. This is a specialist who is often a third party when making transactions. He represents the state, records contracts and specific documents in special registers. A university graduate can take up a position after an internship in a notary office. To obtain a license you must pass qualifying exams.
  5. Investigator. Investigates economic, political and criminal crimes. He has the right to initiate cases against citizens of the country and foreigners. The investigator finds out the causes and motives of the crime, identifies the perpetrators and submits a report to the prosecutor's office.
  6. Legal consultant. Provides legal support for private individuals and legal entities. He participates in the process of drawing up and agreeing on contracts and carries out claims work.
  7. International lawyer. Directly related to diplomatic and foreign economic processes. This profession requires knowledge of foreign and domestic law. Good specialist must be fluent in foreign languages.

The legal profession is quite prestigious and in demand. Regardless of your goals, you must clearly understand what exams are required for each area. Currently in the highest educational institutions training is being carried out in the specialties of lawyer, investigator, legal consultant and international lawyer.

What exams do you need to take?

The title of lawyer requires a minimum training base. List for each position Unified State Exam subjects will be specific. When choosing a profession, you should consider its advantages and disadvantages.

Quite often, applicants choose the legal profession, the main advantages of which are high salaries and the opportunity for rapid career growth. However, the future lawyer faces moral pressure from the plaintiffs and the risk of having to defend the guilty. In order to become a lawyer, you need to pass:

  • social science;
  • Russian language;
  • history;
  • foreign language.

The next most popular legal profession is the profession of investigator. This is an exciting activity that involves constant mental and physical activity. Also, those who choose this path receive benefits and benefits from the state. A significant disadvantage of the position is the long working hours and frequent interaction with violators public order. In universities you need to pass the same exams as in the case of admission to a lawyer.

Legal consultant is an extremely sought-after position. It pays well, but there is more competition in this area. It involves working with big amount specific documentation and the ability to understand the essence of the client’s individual problems. The list of subjects that must be taken for admission remains unchanged.

It is more difficult to break into international law. Should be passed on high scores:

This profession will provide an opportunity to see the world and understand the legal intricacies of each country.

Whatever path an applicant chooses for himself, he must remember that there is a large competition for admission to law universities. You should prepare for exams with special care and know in advance (a year or two in advance) which exams you will have to take. This is the only way to count on enrollment.

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Admission to the university to study according to the program bachelor's degree carried out on the basis of the Unified State Exam. The exam results are valid for 4 years, with one year passing the Unified State Exam is not included in this period. The more popular the university, the more points you should score when taking the exam.

For such legal specialties as “Legal Support of National Security”, “Law Enforcement” and “Forensic Expertise”, admission to universities is carried out for training according to the program specialty. These specialties were not subject to changes in the higher education system in 2003, but the admission rules for them are the same as for the bachelor's degree program.

It would seem that in the presented scheme everything is quite simple. However, if you opened this article, then for sure your goal is not just to get into law school, but to get into a university where you can get a quality education . Therefore, admission should be built into a whole strategy for you, which must be carefully and, most importantly, thought out in advance. Otherwise, you will have to make decisions quickly, and in a hurry, it can be quite difficult to distinguish a “good” university from a “bad” one. The result: disappointment already in the first year, wasted time and wasted effort.

We recommend spending two or three years before entering a law college or a school with a social and legal direction, which allows you to score high Unified State Examination points. There are few such institutions and it is not easy to enter them in the absence of registration at the place of residence in nearby houses, but studying in them will bring a lot of benefits. These educational institutions devote a lot of time to legal disciplines, so during their studies the future applicant will have a chance to finally decide on his choice of profession. Moreover, such schools and colleges are in close cooperation with trusted universities, so before applying you do not have to worry about finding a suitable university and looking for advice on choosing a university.

It is a good pre-university education that allows you to take the main step towards a career, so you should make maximum efforts and even extra efforts to get it. Of course, not only in terms of formal structure, but also in terms of real knowledge acquisition and diligent training.

However, if you are aiming to enter the country's leading universities, high Unified State Examination scores and studying at school/college will not be enough for you. Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, St. Petersburg State University, MGIMO, RUDN University have the right to conduct additional entrance tests profile orientation. They can be conducted orally or in writing, the purpose of these tests is to determine the level of knowledge of the applicant. Of course, in order to pass this exam, you need to spend a lot of time, effort and nerves, but if you look at the list of famous graduates of law faculties, it becomes clear that the education received at such universities really provides many opportunities. And for this it is worth enduring all the difficulties.

Thus, The law school admission scheme is as follows:

  • entering and graduating from a school that provides high level knowledge (including transition to specialized secondary education organizations at universities), the graduates of which successfully enter law schools;
  • during the period of study at school - successful participation in olympiads, the winners of which are given the right to preferential admission;
  • choice of university, area of ​​training (specialty), form of education (

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