Home Diseases and pests How to develop psychic abilities in yourself. Here is a list of the most important ones. Intuition development at a high level

How to develop psychic abilities in yourself. Here is a list of the most important ones. Intuition development at a high level

Sooner or later, everyone begins to take an interest in the supernatural. And then he has questions: "Do I have psychic inclinations in me?","Can I develop in myself magical abilities?" Moreover, the motives of each person can be completely different. Someone wants to eliminate competitors, someone needs to solve personal problems, or perhaps a person just wants to become famous. With all this, only one thing is important when a person begins to advance along the path spiritual development and evolution, his perception of himself and the world around him radically changes towards high spirituality.

There is various techniques and ways of development psychic abilities... In order to understand in which direction it is worth developing, it is necessary to understand what is "extrasensory perception"?

Extrasensory perception is most often understood as such a perception that does not use ordinary senses and goes beyond the limits of human capabilities. It's no secret that scientists, conducting research, found that we use the brain only 10%. Why, then, do we need the remaining 90%? It turns out that many centuries ago, people had the knowledge and ability to develop the potential of the brain. From ancient treatises, the knowledge came to us that the ability to concentrate one's attention is important in human development.

One of the well-known exercises is "Concentration on a point", which has several levels of difficulty:

  1. Exercise # 1. In the center white sheet draw a black point on paper. We hang on the wall at a distance of at least a meter. We sit down in front of the picture and carefully solve the point. At the same time, we try not to think about anything except the black point. There is only you, period. The main thing in this task is to drown out the voice of consciousness, to stop thinking about anything. With enough persistence, this practice can be mastered within a month. The next step will be to focus on the blue dot. The exercise is performed by analogy with black point... Once you have mastered this ability, you can move on to the next exercise.
  2. Exercise number 2. Draw 2 black dots on a white sheet of paper, spaced about 10 cm apart. Concentrate on both dots at the same time. Since our consciousness cannot capture two objects in the zone of its attention at once, it fades into the background and makes it possible for the subconscious to leave. Thus, concentrating on two points, we enter the magical mode of consciousness and develop the ability of extrasensory perception.

For a long time I observed the relationship between the amount of energy and the quality of the practices. I noticed that work sometimes takes a lot of energy. Constant stress negatively affects not only the body, but also the amount of energy inside me. By the end of the working day, sometimes I feel like a "squeezed lemon". On days like this magic practices the result is either much worse than usual, or the sensations from the practice are very weak.

There was a question: "Where to get energy?" I found several answers to my question:

  1. Most efficient way Is a technology called "Sarcophagus". After him just bursting with energy. This sensation is enough for about 2-3 months. But since the Sarcophagus is located in St. Petersburg, you have to look for other options for replenishing energy.
  2. The second way is the practice in the "Impact Group". After them, there is a surge of strength, confidence and security. After 2-3 days, the effect of group practices begins to subside.
  3. The third way is to work with mandalas, which were brought from the seminar on working with the Sarcophagus. If you connect yourself with the mandala and influence the mandala, then the effect of increasing energy is observed immediately. The same thing happens when working with photographs taken during a seminar.
  4. The fourth way is to feed yourself in a reverse circle with the energy of one of the arcana. I love working with 17A and 15A. When working, it is very important to create structures for which the energy will be hooked (and which will hold), otherwise, it will simply dissipate.
  5. The fifth way is a trip to nature, feeding yourself with the energy of life. Unfortunately, there is not enough time for this. In this case, watching nature films (or photographs) saves.
  6. The sixth way is amulets and talismans. First of all, you need to choose a protective talisman so that society does not pull away energy. And then you can decide on the artifact with which you want to work.
  7. The seventh option is a healthy, full sleep. Without a sufficient amount of negative energy received in a dream, there will be no quality magical work. In addition, various practices and training can also be carried out in a dream. For example, you can explore the space of dreams or build entire residences there.
  8. The eighth option is to remove unnecessary links that drag back into the "swamp". Communication with people of a magical mind is very important. People of the lower castes will pull energy (in various sophisticated ways), and the higher ones will pull you up to their level. In addition, by breaking the ties, you will have "excess" energy, which can be very useful. As you know, free energy is needed to realize something. Don't be afraid to cut ties. Necessary connections will recover very quickly, and unnecessary ones - at first they will remind of themselves, and then they will disappear.
  9. The ninth option is the Fireball technology, work with a forward and reverse energy circle. In the reverse circle, we feed ourselves, in the direct circle, we influence someone.
  10. The tenth option is the removal of blocks and breakdowns in the human cocoon. This will allow you to accumulate energy, and not waste it.

Probably, there are several more ways to gain and conserve energy. But I would like to draw your attention to the fact that constant education at the School also gives a very big advance in terms of personal development and gaining energy. Even if the changes are imperceptible, every person will definitely have them. I would like to point out right away that everyone will be promoted in different ways. Someone will make it to anahata in 3 years, someone in 5 years, and someone will never rise above manipura. Everything will depend on the individual parameters of a person, his belief in magic and desire to learn.

1. At night, in the dark, take a close look and try to define the outlines of the objects around you. Try to do something while lying in bed or in your yard, walking down the street, etc.

2. Having determined the outline of the object, say (to yourself or out loud - whichever is more convenient for you):

“The shape of this item in the dark reminds me of (item name). I am developing the ability to recognize objects in any light. ”

3. During the day, anywhere and at any time, take a few seconds to carefully examine the objects around you.

4. Mentally list all the objects that you saw, and say:

I train my mind to constantly see everything that is happening around me.“.

5. Say:

I order my subconscious mind to be on the alert at all times and inform me about everything that may be useful for the development of my consciousness and psychic abilities.“.

The exercises described are just an example. You can use them, you can come up with your own. The main thing is that your consciousness is attentive to everything that you see. It is advisable that you practice these exercises, even for a few seconds, but daily. They perfectly enhance the acuity and accuracy of perception. You will be surprised to find great amount things and objects that were simply not noticed before. Mindfulness is the key to success in any business.

Sharpening of hearing

1. Usually, before going to bed, people tend to disconnect from all sounds. On the contrary, for a few minutes try to concentrate all your attention on them and try to identify the source of each sound.

2. Listen. You may hear how the refrigerator turns on and off, and how ice is unloaded in the ice cream maker opposite.

3. You have heard the sound of a motor. What's this? Car, truck or motorcycle?

4. The hum of a flying plane is heard. Listen: maybe it's a helicopter?

Learn to identify any sounds, hear your breathing and heartbeats, the slightest rustle in the room, do not miss anything.

Train your hearing to distinguish subtle sounds, because the Higher Consciousness often speaks to a person in a quiet, soft voice, which may not be heard in the daytime noise.

1. When you wake up in the morning, take a few minutes for these exercises. Listen to the sounds of the morning.
2. Do you hear the cries of newsmen, birdsong, distant honks?
3. During the day, try to also briefly listen to the sounds around you: TVs and radios on somewhere, ringing telephones, the noise of passing trains and dogs barking.
4. Try to be on the alert at all times, to keep the background noise under control, wherever you are.

Literally after the very first exercises, your hearing will become very sharpened. You will be surprised to find how many sounds surround you, but they will not interfere with you. You will be always on the alert and do not miss what may be useful to you.

Aggravated sense of smell

1. Take a few seconds, relax, take a deep breath and try to identify what smells are around you.

2. Combine business with pleasure: do these exercises in a restaurant or in the kitchen.
Open the seasoning boxes often and inhale their aroma. Try to discreetly sniff every bite of food that you put in your mouth.
Check the refrigerator frequently and use your sense of smell to explore its contents.

3. Sniff the air in your vehicle when you press the accelerator. Try to learn how to determine how the air changes depending on the engine speed.

4. When identifying the sources of odors, mentally name them. Tell yourself, “I am sharpening my sense of smell to develop psychic abilities. Now I can smell ... ”(list of smells and their sources).

Sharpening of the sense of touch. Basic psychic level

5. Close your eyes and cover your ears.
Feel the skin on your cheek, then on your wrist, then on your heel.
Try to define your touch sensation in one word, for example: smooth, silk, ribbed.
Take a piece of ice from the refrigerator in your hands, hold your hand near the candle flame. What are your feelings?

6. Take a shoebox and make a hole in it large enough for your hand to enter.
Put small items of different textures in the box (scraps of different fabrics, small toys made from different materials).
Close the lid of the box, try, sorting through the objects, to determine by touch what you are holding in your hands.
Gradually complicate the task by placing objects that are more uniform in texture in the box.

7. Put the change, which is given to you for change, not in your wallet, but in your pockets. In your free minute, train op

Charging your hands

The body position and seating position are the same as in the second exercise.
The hands are closed with a boat and touch with the pads of the fingers, the legs are in contact with the feet.
It is necessary to unclench and squeeze your hands, leaving contact with the pillows, for several minutes, until a pulsation appears in each finger.
Then, without unclenching your hands, it is necessary to carry out pendulum movements along the body in order for this pulsation to intensify.
After that, you need to feel the warmth that goes from the hands and spreads throughout the body.
Heat, and then the overflow of power from the received energy and charging. This Image power and heat must be held for 20 minutes.

This training is aimed at developing extrasensory sensory abilities in the hands.
It is carried out at the initial stage once a week, and after 1-2 months - as needed.

Renewal (Development of internal sensitivity)

One of the versions of Spiritual Practice that prevents constrictions and internal stagnation, contributing to the achievement of dynamics and internal sensitivity.

This is not a one-off exercise, so it should be done regularly, for several minutes a day.
- Before proceeding directly to Practice, observe yourself for a while in certain life situations.
You need to remember two sensations well:

1. a sense of expectation - at the moment when you are waiting for someone / something, just focus on your inner feelings and remember them.

2. a sense of achievement - remember the feelings and sensations accompanying you at the moment when you waited for someone / something.

These two sensations are your Instrument when performing the indicated practice.

Get into a position that is comfortable for you and focus on the feeling of anticipation.
Realize that something is about to happen now. Your state should be completely identical to the real one.
Imagine, for example, that now the doorbell should ring (by phone), any change in the environment should take place - for example, it should rain, a strong wind should blow, etc.
At the moment when the tension of expectation reaches its maximum point, switch your attention to the feeling of achievement, which is accompanied by contentment and some relaxation. Realize that what you expected has already happened.
Focus on the feeling of what has happened: what you expected has happened, at the same time changes have occurred within you (this is exactly what happens in reality), you have realized a part of yourself, freed yourself from one of the smallest forms of involvement.

By practicing the exercise constantly, you will achieve "burning" inside yourself of many complexes and constrictions, as well as you will be able to achieve sensitivity in relation to the flow of Force in Space.

Many people want to connect their lives with mysticism, but not all have psychic abilities from birth. However, it is quite possible to develop sense of smell, vision, hearing and intuition on your own. There are many tests available to help you determine your abilities at home. In addition, everyone can test their gift with the help of exercises for beginners. They will help develop the ability to read the surrounding energy.

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    How can an ordinary person learn extrasensory perception?

    To a person who has in his family tree ancestors who are seriously interested in witchcraft and magic, it will be much easier to master extrasensory knowledge. It is generally accepted that a gift can be inherited. But you can develop abilities on your own, you just need to train long and hard.

    Training and practice for a beginner psychic is the most important thing. To achieve the desired results, it is necessary not only to learn the theoretical part, but also to regularly perform a course of certain exercises, moving from the simplest to the most difficult. Without them, a beginner magician will not be able to gain experience and improve his skills.

    You need to understand that the development of an extrasensory gift is a laborious process. Someone is born with a talent for clairvoyance, someone quickly realizes that they have great potential, and someone does not know about their abilities until the end of their lives.

    Initially, you should focus on developing intuition. It is important to try to anticipate the events that occur in own life and the lives of the people around you.

    The main magical attributes used by the psychic include:

    • mirrors;
    • ritual daggers and knives;
    • candles;
    • tarot cards;
    • runes;
    • minerals.

    Clairvoyants very often have their own attributes. Such a thing has a special energy that can help the magician see what is inaccessible to ordinary people. As you develop your abilities, it is helpful to keep a diary or notebook... It indicates all the successes and achievements within a certain time frame. Some people make notes so that they don't forget about the results of past classes.

    Recording new information is also very important, you should not rely on your memory: on the contrary, you need to completely abstract yourself from thoughts and focus on developing intuition.

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    Will it be possible to become a psychic in a short time?

    Some people mistakenly believe that abilities can be developed very quickly. But this is not so: it will not be possible to develop the gift in 1 minute or in 10 minutes. Experienced clairvoyants work on themselves throughout their lives, so it will take a tremendous amount of time to achieve a result.

    If a person is not ready to follow a long and difficult path, then the idea of ​​becoming a psychic will not be crowned with success. To gain strength, inaccessible to most people, you will have to overcome all adversity and difficulties.

    Psychic ability test

    If it was not possible to find out about the involvement of ancestors in extrasensory perception, then you can try to take a test to determine abilities. It will help determine if a person has a predisposition for magic. The test consists of several questions, the answers to which involve getting points. The points are summed up, based on what the person receives exact result.It is necessary to answer the row following questions:

    1. 1. How often are you drawn to specific objects for no apparent reason? - Yes, often (1 point) - No, not often (0 points)
    2. 2. Does it often happen that you think about a person, and he immediately meets you on the street or stands on the threshold of your house? - Yes, often (1 point) - No, not often (0 points)
    3. 3. Do you have prophetic dreams? - Yes, often (1 point) - No, not often (0 points)
    4. 4. Is there certain places that "fuel" your strength? Or vice versa, those in which you feel oppressed? - Yes, there are (2 points) - There are no such places (0 points)
    5. 5. Did your ancestors have psychic abilities? - Yes (1 point) - No (0 points)
    6. 6. Do you often pay attention to things, feeling their energy? - Yes (1 point) - No (0 points)
    7. 7. Do you feel vibration in your body when you go to bed? - Yes, often (2 points) - Sometimes (1 point) - No (0 points)
    8. 8. How often do you experience déjà vu? - Often (2 points) - Sometimes (1 point) - Never (0 points)
    9. 9. Will you be able to feel the state of a person if he is physically far from you? - Yes, I can determine the condition of any person (2 points) - I can, if a person is close to me (1 point) - No, I cannot (0 points)

    If the result is less than 4 points, then the predisposition is minimal. 5 to 9 points - average level... There are inclinations, but it will be difficult to develop them, you will have to make every effort. If you get more than 10 points, then it comes about the real gift of clairvoyance - these are very good indicators.

    Exercises for the development of clairvoyance

    Psychic abilities are not only a gift, but also something that can help a person in real life. Therefore, one should study the theory, immediately moving on to practice.

    The clairvoyant must be able to perceive information from several sources, therefore the exercises are designed for different organs feelings. Abilities may appear unexpectedly, but for this it is necessary to ensure certain conditions.

    Development of the medium's vision

    It is worth starting to exercise with the development of extrasensory vision. It will help you see what is hidden from the eyes of other people. The task of the novice medium is to examine objects in absolute darkness. To do this, you need to wait until dusk or go into the room with the lights off. You need to look at one point, choosing one of the objects in the room to train your eyes. It can be furniture, clothing, food, whatever.

    The medium must imagine a thing by looking at it in absolute darkness. He must imagine what color, texture, shape, size it is. The task can be complicated by any characteristics. Each time the exercise should become more difficult, only then the result will be noticeable. The hardest level will be finding yourself in an unfamiliar area. You can choose someone else's apartment, where the medium has not yet been, or, for example, Vacation home relatives.

    Development of extrasensory hearing

    Listening exercises involve learning to tune in to sounds environment... In complete silence, the medium is able to hear what no one will hear - energy. The most important thing in this business is the ability to abstract from extraneous noise. If a person's voice is heard somewhere, then the clairvoyant should try to count the energy of the one who uttered the words he heard.

    It is important to learn to perceive sounds correctly, feeling the energy that they carry in themselves. You should not think logically, composing images associatively - on the contrary, you need to abstract and try to recreate the image from the information received.

    Smell exercises

    Experienced mediums argue that developing the sense of smell is an important part of learning. Every person's aura has a scent, just like the body. If a beginner clairvoyant can receive information through their olfactory receptors, this is a great breakthrough, because he managed to perform one of the most difficult exercises.

    With this skill, you can define relationships between people, what unites and connects them. It's important to try to smell energy field, but not physical body person.

    Extrasensory touch

    This task is the simplest of all. The medium closes his eyes and begins to examine the subject by touch. He is able to feel the texture, consistency, shape, temperature, dimensions. In this exercise, it is important to learn how to read the energy of the object with your fingertips.

    An experienced psychic can start working with people. But this is much more difficult than exercises with inanimate objects... The clairvoyant must be able to determine the part of the body in which a person has tumors, wounds, scars. Professional mediums know how to feel ailments in another person's body. Clairvoyants who have mastered this gift can heal people and reduce pain.

    Becoming a psychic is not an easy task, because exercises for developing abilities are very difficult. Some people have to train for several years to see the first results. But nothing is impossible: if you take it seriously, then sooner or later what you want will become reality.

Many of us would like to have psychic abilities. Predict the future, have search abilities, heal people, etc., but not many are awarded with these abilities. Someone has such abilities from childhood, someone they wake up already in mature age, so how does a person open up extrasensory abilities? Can you develop them yourself?

How does extrasensory perception work?

Psychics can charge different ways: from space, from the sun, trees, water and directly from other energy systems, it all depends on what individual abilities and personal preference.

If you do not have the ability to restore your bioenergy, you are strictly prohibited from treating other people.

As for the conjure directly, and various kinds of prayers, they are necessary for the magician for self-adjustment, which directly allows him to concentrate on his thoughts. Only due to the concentration of one's own thoughts, the release of bioenergy is given, which in turn allows you to work miracles.

It should be remembered that a person accumulates energy well, in the event that his nervous system balanced and absolutely calm. When a person is irritated, he loses quite a lot of energy. In the event that a person experiences rather strong emotions of fear or envy, this also weakens his energy. In order for the energy to be in order, you should develop only kindness in yourself.

It is worth considering the fact that when gaining energy, one of the most important component parts with any method of energy accumulation, the body is precisely the figurative representation of the process of energy accumulation.

Gaining energy, you should feel how it will flow into the body, into every organ, into every cell of the body. The brighter and more imaginative this performance is, the more effective its set will be.

Tuning exercises

As for the development of your intuition and, accordingly, the sixth sense, you can use some tuning exercises for this.

For the development of the sixth sense, you need to spend physical education minutes as often as possible, they will not take much time, but it is necessary to do this. You should ask yourself a problem, take a deep breath and focus on your inner I. ... It is also recommended that while developing your intuition, it is very important to enjoy it.

  • When you are waiting for a bus or minibus at a stop, guess which number will arrive first.
  • Hearing phone call, try to guess who it might be.
  • Before looking at your watch, try to determine the exact time yourself.
  • When you wake up, try to catch what the news will be. First, you need to feel their attitude: whether the news is positive or negative.
With such little workouts and the like, you can develop your abilities.

According to psychics, each week of training will bring more success, You will be able to guess more and more daily trivia. In these exercises, the main thing is that you will learn to distinguish psychic information from logic thinking.

In order to feel the power of intuition and feel confident in your own abilities, it is quite important to keep a diary. To do this, you can have a notebook, which will not give you much trouble if you carry it with you. In this diary, you should record all the results of your training, the noted cases of coincidences, etc. Writing down, in this way, it is not worthwhile to comprehend and edit the information received. You should write automatically, you can sketch pictures, etc. Most of all, people learn from their mistakes, and only over time you will be able to understand how right you were. It may even happen that the information that will be recorded with you as nonsense will somehow intersect with real life, since you still do not know how to decode exactly and correctly the signals of the sixth sense. Including in the diary, you should write down dreams, pictures that you just wanted to portray. And do not forget that at every new entry it is worth putting the date.

Many people discover psychic abilities in themselves after experiences such as clinical death, electric shock, lightning, etc. Most likely, this is due to the fact that after the stress experienced by the body, their right hemisphere begins to work much better, they listen to their sixth sense, and continue to develop it. It is easier for the body to rebuild, it seems to start working anew, a reboot process takes place, and at this moment it is important to make a choice, rely on logic or intuition.

Each person has hidden abilities, just someone is engaged in their direct development, and someone simply lives according to the program of the majority, logically looking at various incidents, thereby dulling their intuition and sixth sense. If you want to develop psychic abilities in yourself or just develop your intuition, then in this case, engage in your self-development and you will succeed, the main thing is to believe in it and strive to achieve your goal.

Surely, many of us were interested in the numerous shows of psychics, and maybe even imagined ourselves in the place of the participants. It seems that they - psychics - everything is given without special efforts... I wanted to look into the future - please. Or, or even became a different person, reincarnated and was able to look into the soul.

Have you ever thought about it? Perhaps you even wondered how to develop your psychic abilities? But have you come to believe that you can gain such an almost limitless power over time and space?
You will be surprised, but everyone can develop. Not only Gurus from India with the gift of teleportation, or eminent psychics. You are that very psychic.
The only one important point in how - constancy. Do not think that you will wake up as a clairvoyant tomorrow, simply because you really wanted it. Unfortunately no. This is achieved by training - long, daily and focused.
Before developing psychic abilities, let's define the concepts. What's this? God's Gift or is it all from the evil one?
In fact, it is not both. Remember the fire. There were legends that he was stolen from the gods and given to people, for which Prometheus paid dearly. But fire is a common phenomenon, due to the combustion process and the change in materials of their properties under the influence high temperature... Likewise, our supernatural abilities are considered to be something out of the ordinary, because humanity has just begun to cognize them. So far for us this is the same as fire is for But there is no mysticism in this.
If you do not know how to develop psychic abilities, then start with the simplest. Meditation. How to conduct meditation, each person feels intuitively. It is necessary to go out somewhere in nature, in a calm atmosphere and try to forget, or rather, not dwell on problems today... Do not set super goals for yourself, just give the command first - to relax and not think about anything. When you start to succeed, you can complicate the task. Relax and give yourself a command that, for example, in a dream you will see something from the near future. Something from your day or from what your loved ones will do. Try to learn something from their life. I can say it works. I tried it myself.
I did not specifically study how to develop psychic abilities, but intuitively I did something. Having learned to distance myself from everyday problems, I set a goal - to find out something about my relative, who lives too far away and with whom we rarely see each other. And one day I dreamed that he divorced his wife. Then it turned out that it happened.
Another exercise that will undoubtedly help is learning to feel the aura. Try to bring your palms together, first with your eyes open and then with your eyes closed, feel the aura emanating from the palms.
Peer at the drawings. Any. Pay attention to what this or that bend of the lines reminds you. Let him live as if by himself and not connected with the general picture, but what reminds you, say, of the bend of the cloak in the painting "Unknown"?
Last but not least, do not use the services of charlatans. Now there are many schools that, for a fee, will make you a "psychic the highest category the first level "... Unfortunately, most of them are only interested in your finances, not psychic abilities. You can hardly trust anyone. In the end, arrange a check, ask the psychic to name something from your biography. Just not vague, like, "I see you had a more specific one. How many brothers and sisters do you have? Or show photos of relatives, loved ones, friends and ask them to name a person who is not alive. This will also be an excellent test for those who claim to be your Guru.

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