Home Trees and shrubs Extraordinary bodies during the years of the Second World War. Extraordinary bodies of state administration during the Great Patriotic War

Extraordinary bodies during the years of the Second World War. Extraordinary bodies of state administration during the Great Patriotic War

The attack of fascist Germany on June 22, 1941 on the USSR required a qualitative change in public administration, the conditions and goals of its functioning, the content, purpose, structure, methods of relations between higher, central and local bodies and their personnel. The basis domestic policy, management restructuring was "laid the principle of maximum centralization of political, economic and military leadership." The militarization of constitutional bodies took place government controlled. In addition to militarized, maximally centralized governing bodies, a whole system of emergency, extra-constitutional bodies with special powers was created that functioned on an emergency legal basis.

The first extra-constitutional emergency governing body created in wartime was Headquarters of the High Command (SGK). At the Headquarters, there was an institution of permanent advisers of 13 people. The peculiarities of the composition and structure of the Headquarters gave rise to a number of problems in its activities. The bulkiness (20 people) did not allow the Headquarters to gather in in full force, especially since some of the military leaders immediately left for the front. It was necessary to bring the composition and structure of the Headquarters in line with the realities of power relations of that time. On July 10, the SGC was abolished and Savka of the High Command was created under the chairmanship of I.V. Stalin, who on August 8 became known as the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. Molotov, Zhukov, Budyonny, Voroshilov, Timoshenko and Shaposhnikov became members of the supreme body of strategic leadership. The institution of permanent advisers was abolished.

June 30, 1941 created State Defense Committee (GKO) headed by I.V. Stalin , concentrated all power in the country. All members of the GKO were part of the top party-state leadership, personified it. They represented the narrow composition of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks - a secret, non-statutory body that decided all the most important issues of state life.

A feature of the composition of the State Defense Committee was the fact that it included the first persons of the most important bodies of the party and state administration in the conditions of war: the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, the State Planning Commission, the Personnel Department of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, the transport foreign policy and law enforcement agencies. As a result, each member of the GKO oversaw the usual sphere of politics, economics, and military construction: G.M. Malenkov - production of aircraft, formation of aviation units, V.M. Molotov - the arbitrariness of tanks, K.E. Voroshilov - the formation of military units, N.A. Voznesensky - metallurgy, oil and chemical industry, L.P. Beria - production of weapons and ammunition.

The T-bills had no work regulations, did not meet regularly and not always in full force. Decisions were made by the chairman or his deputies - V.M. Molotov and L.P. Beria after consultations with those members of the GKO who supervised the relevant departments. Since the top leaders of the country were simultaneously members of the GKO, the Politburo, the Headquarters, the Council of People's Commissars, their decisions were formalized as directives and resolutions of one or another governing body, depending on the nature of the issue.

A feature of the activities of the State Defense Committee was the absence of its own branched apparatus. The leadership was carried out through the existing party and Soviet power structures. In the most important sectors of the national economy, there was an institution of authorized GKOs, who were also representatives of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, which provided them with unlimited rights. There were also representatives in all the union and autonomous republics.

On the ground, regional and city defense committees were formed and operated in the most important strategically important regions (about 60 cities in total). They included the first officials of the party, state governments, military commissars, commandants of garrisons, heads of departments of the NKVD, closely connected with the military command. Their representatives were simultaneously members of the respective military councils. Lacking their own staff, as well as the GKO in the center, the city defense committees relied on local party, Soviet, economic, and public bodies. Under them, there was an institution of commissioners, operational groups were created to urgently resolve issues, and public activists were widely involved. All activities of the committees were subordinated to the interests of defense. They also carried out social and educational work among the population, led the mobilization of the population and material resources, the formation of volunteer units, firefighting and sanitary teams, the organization of the MPVO, and established a peaceful life in the liberated cities. After the immediate threat to the city was eliminated, they ceased their activities.

Auxiliary emergency bodies were also created. June 24, 1941 created Evacuation Council as part of N.M. Shvernik and his deputy A.N. Kosygin. Additionally, in October 1941, it was formed Food Evacuation Committee, industrial goods and industrial enterprises. At the end of December 1941, instead of both of these bodies, Office of Evacuation Affairs under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, the relevant departments in the republics, territories and regions, evacuation centers on railways.

Similar emergency bodies have also become Committee for food and clothing supply of the Red Army, Transit Unloading Committee, Transport Committee. The Transport Committee worked until May 11, 1944, when its functions were transferred to the reorganized Operational Bureau of the State Defense Committee. This body existed from December 8, 1942 as part of V.M. Molotov, L.P. Beria, G.M. Malenkova, A.I. Mikoyan. The bureau controlled all the people's commissariats of the defense complex, drew up quarterly and monthly production plans, and prepared drafts of relevant decisions for the Chairman of the State Defense Committee.


An emergency situation developed in the country when the question of the very existence of the Soviet state arose.

All changes in the control system could not solve the problems of wartime. Therefore, along with the traditional forms of power and control, with the outbreak of war,special emergency bodies with special powers. These bodies were extraordinary because, firstly, their creation was not provided for by the Constitution of the USSR; secondly, their powers were higher than those of the constitutional bodies of power and administration. Already in the first days of the war, the insufficiency of the measures taken to repel the aggression became visible.

It became obvious that all power should be concentrated in one hand, where there would be no division into party, state and military bodies, where any management issues would be resolved quickly and authoritatively. This body becameState Defense Committee(GKO), created by a joint resolution of the Presidium Supreme Council The USSR, the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR June 30, 1941 Initially, the GKO included 5 people, and then it was expanded to 9 people, and by the end of the war it was reduced to 8. Stalin headed the GKO.

On September 17, 1941, the State Defense Committee issued a decree "On universal compulsory military training for citizens of the USSR", according to which, from October 1, 1941, compulsory military training all male citizens of the USSR from 16 to 50 years old. The organization of this training was entrusted to the People's Commissariat of Defense and its local bodies. As part of the People's Commissariat of Defense was formedOffice of General Military Training(Vseobuch).

Through the people's commissariats, the GKO directed the work of state institutions and departments, and through the Stavka Supreme High Command led the armed struggle against the invaders. The State Defense Committee was abolished by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on September 4, 1945.GKO had unlimited powers. Its composition testified that it brought together the most capable and authoritative people from the highest party and state bodies, endowed with legitimate powers of authority. Despite the small number of GKOs, wartime conditions did not allow it to meet regularly and in full force. Decisions were made by the chairman or deputy in agreement with other members of the GKO.

The resolutions of the State Defense Committee had the force of wartime laws. All organizations - party, Soviet, economic, public - were obliged to strictly comply with any resolutions and orders of the State Defense Committee. The committee made do with a small administrative apparatus of its own. He exercised leadership through party and Soviet power structures. In the republics, territories and regions, as well as in the military, industrial people's commissariats, positions of authorized GKOs were established.

In the front-line areas, by decision of the GKO, regional and city defense committees were created, which united the party, Soviet and military power in the region. Their activities were subordinated to the interests of defense. They led the creation militia, the construction of defensive structures, the repair of military equipment, carried out social and educational work, established a peaceful life in the areas liberated from the invaders.

The State Defense Committee created auxiliary bodies to strengthen control over certain industries of the defense complex. In July 1942, at a joint meeting of the Politburo and the GKO, theTransport Committee. This committee has become a single governing body for all modes of transport. He mobilized the resources of railway workers, watermen, aviators of the country, ensured the interaction of all links transport system. The composition of the Transport Committee included people's commissars of communications, maritime and river fleet, representatives of the People's Commissariat of Defense. In December 1942, theGKO Operational Bureau. This body oversaw the work of industrial and transport people's commissariats, drew up monthly and quarterly production plans. the most important industries industry, followed the timely supply of their metals, coal, oil, electricity. The operational bureau also took over the functions of the abolished Transport Committee.

The Armed Forces of the USSR underwent changes during the Great Patriotic War. To guide military operations on the day after the start of World War II, by the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, aHeadquarters of the High Command. July 10, 1941 she was transformed intoHeadquarters of the Supreme High Command. The headquarters was supposed to exercise strategic leadership of the country's armed forces. Stalin headed this body and was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the USSR.

On June 24, 1941, by the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks was formedEvacuation Council. The Council worked in close contact with the people's commissariats, under which evacuation departments were created. In June 1941, the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR determined the procedure for the removal and deployment of human contingents and the most valuable property. In September, under the Evacuation Council,Department for the evacuation of the population. Along with the Evacuation Council in October - December 1941, theEvacuation Committee. The committee supervised the evacuation of equipment, stocks of raw materials and food. The placement of evacuated enterprises and organizations was carried out jointly with local authorities and administrations. Along with the Council and the Committee for the evacuation of June 22, 1942, by the Decree of the State Defense Committee,Evacuation Commission. The commission operated until the autumn of 1942. Also, such emergency management bodies asCommittee for food and clothing supply And Transport Cargo Unloading Committee.

At the first stage of the war, due to the country's insufficient preparedness for active defense, many regions of the USSR were occupied by fascist troops. Despite the most severe repressions, the Nazis failed to completely paralyze and eliminate Soviet system administration in the occupied territory. In the zone of German occupation, party and Soviet bodies continued to operate or were re-created. They relied on the underground movement andpartisan formations.

The partisan movement was born shortly after the occupation of the Soviet territory. However, it gained wide and organized scope after the proper management of partisan detachments and formations was organized. On May 30, 1942, the State Defense Committee adopted the Decree “On the Creation of the Supreme High Command at the HeadquartersCentral headquarters of the partisan movement". In the republics, territories and regions, appropriate headquarters were created to lead the partisan movement. Under the Military Councils of the fronts, partisan headquarters were also created. In the rear of the Nazi troops, partisan territories were created, zones where Soviet authorities, collective farms, local industries, medical, cultural and other institutions were restored.

emergency authorities authorities and administrations were also created to solve specific problems that arose in connection with the war. Wartime conditions dictated the creation of new governments.

On November 2, 1942, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR formedExtraordinary State Commission for the Establishment and Investigation of Atrocitiescommitted by the Nazi invaders, and determining the damage caused by them to citizens, collective farms, government agencies THE USSR. This commission was entrusted with the collection of documentary data on atrocities, their verification, and the preparation of materials on the damage caused to Soviet citizens during the occupation. Similar commissions were created in the republics, territories, regions, cities.

The creation of emergency management bodies did not remove responsibility from the traditional links of leadership. They were required not only diligence, but also initiative and full dedication of forces. Government bodies, like the whole country, worked in a state of emergency.

The difficult situation in the initial period of the war led to some organizational changes in order to strengthen and centralize the leadership of the internal affairs and state security bodies.

On July 20, 1941, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR “On the unification of the People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the USSR and the People’s Commissariat of State Security of the USSR into a single People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the USSR” was issued.

The third directorates and departments of the NPO and the People's Commissariat of the Navy of the USSR were again transformed into Special Departments and returned to the NKVD system.

By 1943, the situation on the Soviet-German front had changed radically in favor of the USSR. The German command tried to compensate for its failures in open armed struggle by intensifying espionage and sabotage activities.

The need to inflict a crushing defeat on the enemy on the “secret” front, as well as the specifics of the activities of the internal affairs bodies in the conditions of the liberation of the territory of the USSR from occupation, required further organizational and legal changes. On April 14, 1943, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR again divided the NKVD into two independent people's commissariats: the NKVD of the USSR (People's Commissar L.P. Beria) and the NKGB of the USSR (People's Commissar V.N. Merkulov), and the State Defense Committee decided to reorganize the Special departments of the NKVD in the Office of counterintelligence "Smersh" NPO and NK Navy of the USSR.

The war greatly complicated and increased the amount of work carried out by the NKVD. In this regard, the military-political leadership of the USSR took the necessary legal acts. Thus, by a decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of June 25, 1941, the protection of the rear of the army in the field (the fight against spies, saboteurs, deserters, alarmists) was entrusted to special formations of the NKVD troops. Under the NKVD of the USSR, the Main Directorate of the Rear Guard Troops of the active army was created, and at each front - the Directorate of the Rear Guard Troops, subordinate to the front command and its own department. According to individual decisions of the GKO, many formations and units were created on the basis of the NKVD troops for the army in the field. For example, in July 1941 alone, the NKVD of the USSR formed and transferred 15 rifle divisions to the Red Army. In front-line cities, police personnel were united in battalions and regiments for direct participation in hostilities. As you know, in the prewar years, one of the leading functions of the NKVD of the USSR was the organization of the use of the labor of prisoners in various industries National economy. In this regard, the People's Commissariat has become the largest industrial department.

The emergency situation of wartime showed the effectiveness of the pre-war organizational forms of building the Soviet militia, so it was not necessary to carry out any significant restructuring of the apparatus. As before the war, the supreme body was the Main Police Department of the NKVD of the USSR. In the People's Commissariats of Internal Affairs of the Union and Autonomous Republics there were police departments, their heads were at the same time deputy people's commissars of internal affairs.

During the war years, the police were assigned additional duties:

Fight against disseminators of provocative rumors;

Labor and military desertion;

Ensuring organized evacuation of the population, industrial enterprises, food supplies and other material assets;

Fight against looting;

Mobilization Vehicle for the needs of the Red Army; registration and mobilization of persons liable for military service;

Organization of destruction battalions, etc.

hspace=12>With the beginning of the war, the organization and activities of the Soviet judicial and prosecutorial bodies were restructured in accordance with the tasks defined in the Directive of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee

The court and prosecutor's offices, together with other law enforcement agencies, were obliged to wage a merciless fight against traitors to the Motherland, spies and saboteurs, deserters and alarmists, and anyone who interfered with the defense of the Fatherland.

The main feature of conducting an investigation in a war was efficiency. Wartime laws established reduced terms (up to 1-3 days) for the investigation of criminal cases.

An essential feature of the development of criminal law during the war years was the institution of liability under the laws of war, which was characterized, first of all, by increased criminal penalties for the most dangerous crimes in military conditions.

At the beginning of the war, the Supreme Court of the USSR gave a fundamentally important clarification “On the procedure for considering cases in relation to persons who committed crimes in areas temporarily occupied by the enemy” dated December 11, 1941. Temporary occupation did not cancel or suspend Soviet laws, therefore “responsibility citizens who have committed crimes in areas temporarily occupied by the enemy, or in the front line and evacuated from these areas, is determined by the criminal legislation of the union republic at the place where the crime was committed. It should also be pointed out to the emergency criminal law measures to strengthen the combat capability of the personnel of the army in the field, which were used during the Great Patriotic War. The fact is that already in the first months of the war, the military-political leadership of the USSR was convinced of the fallacy of the installation on the conduct of hostilities " little blood and in foreign territory. The Red Army was forced to repeatedly retreat, defend itself, and at the same time suffered significant losses in manpower, including due to its capture. According to available information, during the war years, about 6 million servicemen of the Soviet armed forces were captured, of which only in 1941 - more than 3 million. The State Defense Committee, concerned about the unfavorable situation at the front, on July 16, 1941 adopted a special a decree that should have been read "in all companies, batteries, squadrons and air squadrons." The resolution stated that the State Defense Committee had arrested and tried a military tribunal for “inaction of the authorities, lack of control, the collapse of command and control, the surrender of weapons

enemy without a fight and unauthorized abandonment of combat positions” by 9 top commanders and commissars of the army in the field.

If we evaluate these documents from the point of view of a specific historical situation, then the requirement, at a difficult time for the Motherland, to fulfill one's military duty to the end, of course, should be recognized as fair. At the same time, the above-mentioned decree of the State Defense Committee and the order of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command, emotional appeals to “punish cowards and traitors with an iron fist”, not supported by precise legal formulations, often led to unreasonable repressions. Severe criminal liability was extended to members of the families of servicemen who were taken prisoner, which is a flagrant violation of the law.

More on the topic Features of the reorganization of the management of emergency authorities (1941-1945):

  2. Reorganization of emergency state authorities (VChK - GPU - OGPU) and police
  3. § 3 Features of judicial administration in the conditions of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.
  4. 8. Authority for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief
  5. Lecture 11.22. Reorganization of state administration bodies on the territory of Belarusian lands (mid-19th century)

Thesis 5.

1941-1945 The period of the Great Patriotic War

1. State Defense Committee (GKO) - the highest emergency authority

2. Headquarters of the Supreme High Command

3. Department of People's Commissariats of Defense and Navy

4. Department for evacuation under the Council of People's Commissars

5. The main command of the partisan movement

6. At the same time, civil authorities functioned

7. Head of government - Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the system of government of the country was radically restructured. June 23, 1941 formed Headquarters of the High Command of the Armed Forces(10 July renamed to Headquarters of the Supreme High Command). It included members of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the People's Commissariat of Defense. The headquarters of the Supreme High Command had its representatives on the fronts; obeyed her General base Red Army. In addition, the organs of the Headquarters were the departments of the People's Commissariats of Defense and the Navy, the command of the fronts.

The fronts were subdivided into formations, operational formations and corps. The structure of the armed forces included fronts, armies, corps, divisions, brigades. During the war (1943), the division of military personnel into private, officers And generals. New insignia were introduced.

June 30, 1941 created State Defense Committee(GKO) headed by I.V. Stalin. This supreme emergency body has concentrated all power in the country. The GKO included: V.M. Molotov, K.E. Voroshilov, G.M. Malenkov, L.M. Kaganovich, L.P. Beria, NA. Bulganin, N.A. Voznesensky. All organizations and individuals were obliged to comply with the GKO orders. In the union and autonomous republics, the State Defense Committee acted through its representatives. The GKO also acted through the existing state, party and public bodies. In addition, local committees and commissions were created. In 65 cities of the USSR in the period 1941 - 1942. City defense committees were created, which included representatives of the Soviet party bodies, senior officials of the NKVD and the military command. The Council of People's Commissars and the Soviets retained their functions. Yet big role party bodies at all levels began to play in the state.

For rebase industrial enterprises and the population from the frontline areas to the east, under the State Defense Committee, the Council for Evacuation Affairs was created (chairman - N.M. Shvernik, deputy - A.N. Kosygin). In addition, in October 1941, the Committee for the Evacuation of Food Stocks, Industrial Goods and Industrial Enterprises was formed. In December 1941, these bodies were reorganized into Office of Evacuation Affairs at the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. Corresponding evacuation departments have been set up in the republics and regional (territorial) councils, and evacuation points have been set up on the railways.

military environment led to the transformation of the structure of branch people's commissariats. The People's Commissariat of the Tank Industry and the People's Commissariat of the Mortar Industry were formed, and the structure and work of the People's Commissariat of Railways and the People's Commissariat of Communications were rebuilt.

The problem of providing the national economy with personnel required the creation under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR Committee for Accounting and Distribution work force (June 1941). Accordingly, under the regional and regional executive committees, bureaus were created to record and mobilize the able-bodied population.

The occupation of Donbass and the withdrawal of German troops to North Caucasus exacerbated the fuel problem. To ensure the uninterrupted supply of energy resources to the front and rear, in 1942 a General Directorate for the Supply of Coal, and in 1943 - General Directorate for the supply of oil, artificial fuels and gas.

During the war years, military construction required special attention, i.e. providing the army with military personnel, personnel. Since the beginning of the war, mobilization was carried out immediately for 14 ages (from 19 to 55 years). In the army at the first stage there was an institute military commissars, and at the company level - political instructors. In the autumn of 1942, positions were introduced deputy commanders for political affairs, whose functions are ideological control and education.

Thesis 6.

Local administration

1. Authorized GKOs

2. Defense committees

3. The Soviets retained their functions

Judicial system

Military tribunals

Boards Supreme Court USSR and the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the USSR - supervision of the actions of the tribunals

Extraordinary Commission for the Investigation of the Atrocities of the Nazi Invaders

During the Great Patriotic War, a special system of military justice operated. In accordance with the decree of 1941, in areas under martial law and in areas of military operations, military tribunals. Oversight of the actions of the tribunals was carried out by the military, military railway, military water transport Board of the Supreme Court of the USSR and the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the USSR.

The activities of the military tribunals were later used in the work of the Extraordinary State Commission for Investigation of the Atrocities of the Nazi Invaders, formed by decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Council in November 1942, with the creation of appropriate subdivisions in the republics, territories, regions, cities.

According to the decision of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, adopted in July 1941, in the country, in the territories occupied by the enemy, partisan movement. This was attended by party organs, sabotage groups and organs of the NKVD.

Thesis 7. The state apparatus in the 40-50s

Central control apparatus

The Supreme Soviet of the USSR is a bicameral supreme body of power, consisting of the Council of the Union and the Council of Nationalities

The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR is the highest authority in the periods between sessions of the Supreme Soviet

1946 - The Council of People's Commissars is transformed into the Council of Ministers

1957 - the branch principle of industry management is replaced by the territorial one

Created economic administrative regions headed by the Councils of the National Economy (SNKh)

1963 - formed Supreme Council National Economy (VSNKh)

1965 - economic councils were abolished. The transition to the sectoral principle of industrial management was carried out - sectoral ministries were restored

In September 1945, the GKO was abolished, and its functions were transferred to the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. A number of departments of the executive committees of local Soviets were also liquidated (the department for accounting and distribution of labor, the bureau of food and manufactured goods cards, etc.).

In March 1946, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR was renamed into Council of Ministers of the USSR Council of People's Commissars of the Union and Autonomous Republics - in Councils of Ministers corresponding levels, and people's commissariats - in ministries.

In February 1947, permanent Commissions for Legislative Proposals of the Council of the Union and the Council of Nationalities of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR second convocation.

To give the system of government a more democratic look and to intensify the activity of local Soviets, the creation of permanent commissions under them was of some importance. They included both deputies and activists of local Soviets. The standing committees prepared issues to be discussed at the sessions of the Soviets, organized verification of the implementation of the decisions taken by the Soviets, monitored the work of local industry, the state of trade and public services for the population.

In 1947, the State Planning Commission of the Council of Ministers of the USSR was transformed into State Planning Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. Its tasks included planning, accounting and control over the implementation of national economic plans.

Also created State Committee for the Supply of the National Economy of the Council of Ministers of the USSR And State Committee for Implementation new technology to the national economy of the Council of Ministers of the USSR.

At the first session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the second convocation, the composition was elected Supreme Court of the USSR. Elections were held for people's judges and people's judges.

At a joint meeting of the Plenum of the Central Committee, the Council of Ministers and the Presidium of the Supreme Council, a decision was made to change the leadership of the country. The Council of Ministers was headed by G.M. Malenkov, L.P. was appointed his deputy. Beria. The Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of State Security merged, and Beria was elected leader. N.A. Bulganin became Minister of the Armed Forces, V.M. Molotov, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Council - K.E. Voroshilov.

Thesis 9. Control and law enforcement agencies

1954 - The People's Commissariat of State Security was transformed into the State Security Committee (KGB) - the political police. Special tribunals ("troikas") have been abolished.

The Gulag was transferred from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the Ministry of Justice

1962 - the Committee of Party and State Control of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR is created

Head of Government - Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR

Local administration

late 1950s - regulations on local (village and district) councils were approved

Tips for all levels

1962-1963 - all local councils are divided according to the production principle into industrial and rural

1964 - re-merged

1971 - the rights of local councils are expanded

March 1953 - February 1955 defined as a period of "collective leadership". In September 1953 N.S. Khrushchev was elected to the post of First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, which significantly strengthened his power positions, since the country was actually controlled through the party apparatus.

In 1954, changes were made to organizational structure ministries and reduced managerial staff.

In 1957, the sectoral management structure is replaced territorial, which was expressed in the liquidation of the ministries and the creation Councils of national economy of regions and economic regions. To substantiate the prospects of these measures, reference was made to the experience of the Supreme Council of National Economy of the first years Soviet power. But at the same time, the need to coordinate the activities of local bodies at the national level was ignored. This led to the development of parochial aspirations of the regions and the disruption of the proportions and internal ties of the national economic complex. Therefore, at the beginning

60s republican economic councils were formed, and then Council of the National Economy of the USSR(1963). At the same time branch state committees were created. This led to even greater difficulties in management due to the multi-stage system and the intersection of the functions of its individual links. As a result, after the removal of N.S. Khrushchev (1964), a return was made to the sectoral structure of economic management (1965), i.e. there was a regeneration of the command-administrative system. The economic reform of the 1960s, designed to increase the efficiency social production due to the widespread introduction of cost accounting and the provision of economic independence to enterprises, by the beginning of the 70s. was practically curtailed, which is explained by the steady growth of centralized-bureaucratic methods of management.

The Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU, held in October 1964, freed leadership positions N.S. Khrushchev. The plenum considered it inappropriate to combine in one person the duties of the First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee and the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. L.I. was elected the first secretary. Brezhnev, and A.N. was appointed head of government. Kosygin.

At the same time, the territorial production structure of the Soviet bodies, which existed until 1962, was restored.

Modular unit 4.2 The public administration system in Russian Federation(mid-80s of the XX century - 2006).

Lecture No. 10 Features of public administration in the USSR in the second half of the 80s. Public administration after August 1991 State structure of post-socialist Russia.

Thesis 1. The 1977 Constitution

The USSR is a nationwide state

Central control apparatus

Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Bicameral:

Council of the Union and Council of Nationalities

The Supreme Council is the highest authority

The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR - its role has increased. The number of permanent commissions of the Supreme Council has increased (16 for each of the chambers)

Head of Government - Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR

1977 constitution The new Constitution was adopted on October 7, 1977 at the extraordinary seventh session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the tenth convocation.

In the introductory part, a brief description of main stages of the country's history from the Great October socialist revolution. This is where the concept of development is defined. socialist society and it is recorded that a new historical community of people has formed - soviet people, which "fixes the foundations social order and policy of the USSR, establishes the rights, freedoms and duties of citizens, the principles of organization and goals of the socialist state of the whole people and proclaims them in this Constitution.

The constitution consisted of nine sections, including 21 chapters and 174 articles.

supreme body state power competent to resolve all issues related to the jurisdiction USSR, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was proclaimed, consisting of two equal chambers - Council of the Union And Council of Nationalities. The permanent body of the Supreme Council was Presidium of the Supreme Council, exercised the functions of the highest body of state power in the periods between its sessions. The working bodies of the Council of the Union and the Council of Nationalities were permanent commissions elected from among the deputies.

The highest executive and administrative body of the state was Council of Ministers- Government of the USSR.

During the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), the structure of state authorities and administration of the USSR was characterized by the coexistence of constitutional and emergency authorities and administration. The appearance of the latter was connected, first of all, with the urgent need to make operational decisions.

Among unconstitutional, emergency governments leading role played the State Defense Committee (GKO), created on June 30, 1941. It was headed by I.V. Stalin, who shortly before the war became Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars, and shortly after the outbreak of the war, headed the Headquarters of the Supreme Commander as Supreme Commander, as well as the People's Commissariat of Defense. The GKO consisted of five to nine people who were members of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Bolsheviks and at the same time were deputy chairmen of the Council of People's Commissars. The concentration of party-state power and its personalization thus reached its apogee. The GKO owned all the power in the country. His decrees, according to the laws of war, were subject to unquestioning implementation by all government bodies and citizens of the USSR. The GKO acted through authorized and existing authorities. In some cases, to solve important and specific military problems (for example, the organization of evacuation), special bodies were formed under the State Defense Committee.

A significant number of emergency authorities for the operational management of specific areas state activities was created under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. To manage the mobilization of the able-bodied population in June 1941, the Committee for the Accounting and Distribution of Labor under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR was created. Under the Council of People's Commissars of the Union and Autonomous Republics, regional and regional executive committees, bureaus were created to record and distribute the workforce. In 1943, a Committee was established under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR for the restoration of the economy in areas liberated from German occupation. In November 1942, an Extraordinary State Commission was created to establish and investigate atrocities German fascist invaders and their accomplices.

Extraordinary bodies of power and administration are also appearing in the localities. All power in the field of defense, security public order and state security in areas declared under martial law, was transferred to the military councils of the fronts, armies and military districts. The military authorities were given the right to involve the population in labor service, seize personal property of citizens for military purposes, regulate the work of institutions and enterprises, establish norms for the release of goods to the population, search and detain suspicious persons, expel "socially dangerous" citizens in an administrative manner. The military authorities issued decrees binding on the population, for failure to comply with which the perpetrators were held liable in the form of imprisonment for up to six months.

In some front-line cities, city defense committees were created. Their chairmen were the first secretaries of regional committees or city party committees. It included representatives of local Soviet, party bodies, the NKVD and the military command. Local defense committees not only had the full rights of local councils, but also had the right to declare cities under a state of siege, to introduce curfew, supervise the construction of defensive structures, form parts of the people's militia, and manage the industry of the city. In the event of a city being declared under a state of siege, the military authorities received the right to transfer the guilty to the court of a military tribunal or to shoot them on the spot.

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