Home natural farming Social training and social education. The participation of young people in research and design work, in the fulfillment of contracts with enterprises is encouraged in secondary specialized and higher educational institutions. The functions of education as a social

Social training and social education. The participation of young people in research and design work, in the fulfillment of contracts with enterprises is encouraged in secondary specialized and higher educational institutions. The functions of education as a social

In the process of normal functioning and development of society, the social institution of education plays an extremely important role. The material and spiritual values, knowledge, experience, traditions accumulated by the labor of previous generations must be transferred to the new generation of people and assimilated by them. Therefore, maintaining the achieved level of cultural development, its further improvement is impossible without mastering the cultural heritage of past centuries. This problem is solved in the process of socialization of individuals, the task of which is precisely to familiarize a person with the norms and values ​​of culture and turn him into a full member of society. An essential component of the process of socialization of individuals is education - the training of a person in order to transfer accumulated knowledge and cultural values.

In more detail, education can be described as a relatively independent system, "the function of which is the systematic training and education of members of society, focused on the acquisition of certain knowledge (primarily scientific), ideological and moral values, skills, habits, norms of behavior, the content of which is determined by socio-economic and the political system of society, the level of its material and technical development ": .

The education system as an institution includes the following components:

educational authorities and their subordinate institutions and organizations;

a network of educational institutions (schools, colleges, gymnasiums, lyceums, universities, academies, etc.), including institutes for advanced training and teacher training;

creative unions, professional associations, societies, scientific and methodological councils and other associations;

science and education infrastructure institutions: design, production, clinical, medical and preventive, pharmaceutical, cultural and educational enterprises, printing houses, etc.;

educational programs and state educational standards of various levels and directions;

textbooks and teaching aids for teachers and students;

periodicals, including journals and yearbooks, reflecting the latest achievements of scientific thought.

Both in our country and abroad, the system of higher education has developed traditionally, including first theological and humanitarian, then natural science, engineering and technical education. In recent decades, economic, informational and, already before our very eyes, social education have emerged from this system. Academician V. I. Zhukov characterizes it "as a product of qualitative interaction (interpenetration, assimilation) of natural science, humanitarian and technical education":

That is, social education, the system of social knowledge is "responsible" for all the problems that exist in human society and concerning the person himself. At the same time, social education is not all-encompassing and abstract, but has a very specific practical orientation.

Social education is understood as:

training and retraining of specialists in the field social sciences; training of specialists of various profiles in social sciences, their social education;

  • · training and retraining of specialists for institutions of the social sphere and management;
  • social education, education of the broad masses of the population, the formation of their ability to interact in society within a certain socio-historical space-time;
  • formation, reproduction of a certain mentality, systems of socio-cultural principles, life orientations, social ideals that form the foundation of social culture, social intelligence, lifestyle of the people of a particular state, nation, human community.

Improving the content of social education is the differentiation of general social education depending on the field of activity where the specialist will work (education, medicine, management, journalism, energy, industry, Agriculture, finance).

Firstly, the needs of practice, the issues that are the subject of concern modern society Secondly, they are influenced by the preferences, sympathies of the teaching staff, their preparedness, and scientific interests. Thirdly, the choice of training models for social workers, the formation of programs for their training, advanced training is influenced by the development of theories social work.

At the same time, mass education is required to reliably inform people about the real scale of social problems and ways to solve them in each settlement, district, region, and territory. Informing the population about the work of the system of institutions of management and social protection of each district, settlement, region, territory, republic. Preparing people for social self-defense, teaching the basics of conservation, safety of life.

Improving the content of social education in modern Russia is associated with fundamentals the existence of man and society, the types of their life, social culture. This is mainly due to the development of ideas about the meaning of life and justice, about social ideals.

The organization of training and retraining of personnel of various qualifications has a long and strong tradition in our country. The purpose of social work is to assist members of society in need of it, to stimulate them to overcome by their own efforts the personal, family, group, and production problems that arise in them. The main functions of a social worker are to identify (diagnose) these problems, provide assistance, support, and then carry out the correction of his behavior and social rehabilitation. the training of specialists in such a multilateral, complex in content and forms of implementation type of activity cannot immediately take shape and begin to function as an integral system, especially in the conditions of socio-economic transformations in which Russia is now. The most complete is the model proposed by Professor I. A. Zimnyaya: Social Education Institute

  • 1. The training of a specialist in the field of social work is carried out by levels, the tasks of introducing a student into training, providing self-study and self-development programs are consistently solved.
  • 2. The training of a specialist can be considered as a complex multi-aspect activity, the cumulative subject of the implementation of which is the educational, methodological and administrative staff of the educational institution together with the departments, teachers, and the students themselves.
  • 3. In the field of social work, like any complex activity deployed over time, it has several levels, stages. Level 1 - tentative-research is essentially an acquaintance with the subjects, means, methods and conditions of future professional activity, forecasting its implementation. Level 2 - the performance of the activity itself in the form of training, which involves the definition of approaches, the organization of the educational process and its provision. Level 3 - self-development, self-improvement of a specialist.
  • 4. The training of a social work specialist requires him to accept certain ethical standards(professional codes) and following them, the formation of certain personal (individual-psychological) qualities, such as, for example, humanistic orientation, empathy, altruistic dominant, etc.
  • 5. The subject of training in the specialty "social work" is the practical ability to provide effective qualified assistance to the client in solving his personal problems, difficulties (with children, parents, employees, himself), such as, for example, inadequacy of the level of claims, self-esteem, maladjustment , drug or alcohol addiction, impotence, old age, loss of meaning in life, disability.

social education.

Professional activity in the field of social work includes a pedagogical component, which is implemented through the system of educational training.

Education is one of the fundamental values ​​of a modern global society oriented towards social and cultural development person, the correspondence of his educational professional level needs of social production.

Currently, education is undergoing a number of changes related to the trend of international integration. educational process. They

caught by the globalization of professions, intercultural exchange between countries, the use of new technologies, changing the image and lifestyle of people.

In post-industrial countries, the concept of integral education is embodied (K. Manheim). It is based on the idea of ​​the indivisibility of the individual, whose new experience is combined with existing knowledge in the process of continuous education. Consequently, education is one of the main social factors influencing human behavior and the formation of his personality.

In a risky, changing world, the ability of people to provide for themselves an acceptable level and quality of life in a particular society is becoming increasingly important. This is achieved through the acquisition of social knowledge and the formation of social skills. The foundation of human social learning is the development of a special educational area - the social sciences, united by interdisciplinary links. These are social anthropology, sociology, social ecology, social psychology and other sciences that focus on the study social relations as a general object. The field of social knowledge represented by the social sciences is relayed through the system of social education.

There are three main approaches to understanding the content of social education. According to the first of them, social education means the training of professional personnel for social protection institutions. The second point of view defines social education as training focused on the knowledge of the patterns of development of the social sphere. The third approach contains a broad interpretation of social education as an institution of society.

The idea of ​​education in the field of social work as one of the subsystems of social education brings its researchers closer to the second of the above concepts. The formation of social education in the named quality in Russia is associated with the realization in the 90s. 20th century on a national scale, the need for a scientific analysis of the social realities of the economic and sociocultural situation and the development of a strategy for further social movement, so the social sciences began to pay more attention to the study of the social sphere as a space for the development of social life and social work.

The goal of social education is to understand a person's place in the world and to master the best ways to interact with him. The principles of the implementation of the educational process within the framework of social education should be its accessibility, continuity of receipt, humanization and greening of the content, the formation of a person's social intelligence.

Social education performs ideological, educational, socio-political, informational, communicative, economic and environmental functions, which are carried out through the assimilation of social knowledge by a person and their application in social practice. It orients society towards the creation of intellectual prerequisites for social development, and the individual towards the manifestation of all its capabilities and abilities. The result of social education should be the formation of social thinking based on the values ​​of social justice and individual freedom.

Social education can be represented as a system consisting of a number of levels, each of which considers its own object. Its metatheoretical level includes the study of society as a whole, its subsystems and place social activities in its development. The general scientific level of social education is focused on the laws of development of the social sphere and social interaction of collectives and groups. The private scientific level of higher social education allows you to master the theoretical and methodological, general professional and special foundations of a particular social specialty. Thus, social education in the field of social work at this level provides for the study of the problems of its theory and practice.

Education in the field of social work in Russia is developing in line with global trends in the development of the educational process. This is manifested in the internationalization of social work training, the active interaction of scientists and practitioners of social work, as well as international organizations in the direction of improving the training of specialists. At the same time, the task, traditional for Russian education, of providing future social workers with a high level of knowledge and professional skills is being solved.

Social work training in countries Western Europe and the USA began in late XIX- the beginning of the 20th century, and the establishment of the first educational programs in this area occurred simultaneously with the formation of social work as a type of practical and theoretical activity. In Russia, the training of social work in the country's universities is associated with the moment of institutionalization of social work as a profession. The specialty "Social work" was approved on August 7, 1991, according to the order State Committee USSR on public education “On the opening of the specialty “Social work”. From that moment, the interconnected development of the practice of social work and education in this area began.

Currently, this specialty is taught in 130 state, municipal and private universities in 75 regions of Russia, in which more than 8,000 bachelors, specialists and masters of social work have been trained over the past years (91. P. 671-673). In addition, a system of secondary vocational education in the field of social work - certified social workers are trained in dozens of colleges and technical schools. A number of large educational, scientific and methodological centers in the field of social work have emerged - the Moscow State social university(MGSU), Moscow humanitarian University, Altai State University, Perm State University, etc.

In the multi-level system of training social work personnel, one can single out the pre-professional level (in vocational guidance associations and schools); the level of basic professional training (in universities and secondary specialized educational institutions); the level of retraining and advanced training of personnel (in the system of IPK, FPC and postgraduate studies).

Professional training of social work specialists includes the development and testing of standards for higher, secondary specialized education and pre-vocational training, scientific and methodological equipment curricula, the development of technologies for solving educational problems, the development of forms of advanced training and professional development of specialists, etc.

Social work education in higher education is carried out in various forms: full-time, part-time, evening, remote, external study, etc. It includes federal (mandatory for all universities), regional components and disciplines of students' choice. Students at the same time receive fundamental social and humanitarian, natural science, general professional and special training.

Social work as an academic discipline is a complex concept that includes a multi-level systematic presentation of the foundations of the theory and practice of social work. Its goal is to form a holistic view of the content and directions of social work, its tools, technologies and methods among students. The integral nature of social work as a profession necessitates the multidisciplinary nature of teaching this specialty. To do this, the main aspects of social work are covered in the educational process from the standpoint of the relationship between the ideas of the humanities, natural and social sciences as knowledge about a person, his personal and social development in harmony with society and nature.

The system-forming factor in the process of teaching social work is the correspondence of the qualities of the future specialist to the goals, tasks and conditions of his multifunctional professional activity, therefore, their universal knowledge, skills and principles become of primary importance in the training of social workers. The volume and level of knowledge of a specialist are determined by the educational standard, which is a theorized professional model of social work. Since 1991, the Educational and Methodological Association (UMO) of Russian universities on the basis of MGSU, which is a scientific and methodical center education in the field of social work, two generations of State standards for higher professional training of social work specialists were developed and approved. The current educational standard of higher professional education in the specialty 040101 - social work, which formally defines the requirements for specialist knowledge, was adopted in 2000.

The provisions of the State Standard determine the nature of the educational process, the set and content of the disciplines taught, put forward requirements for the characteristics that are required from social work specialists. The latter include:

knowledge necessary for the organization of professional assistance;

skills in analyzing specific social situations;

support for basic human and key professional values;

formation and conscious use of professional and personal qualities;

differentiated application of communication skills for professional purposes;

social responsibility;

sincere interest in working with the client;

sustainable attitude to self-education and self-education;

willingness and ability to solve complex social problems.

The main changes introduced by the updated standard in the composition of general professional and special disciplines relate to the deepening of the professionalization of a specialist and the humanization of his training. Accordingly, the range of objects and areas of use of specialists has been expanded - in addition to the social security system, they can work in the systems of education, healthcare, defense, law enforcement agencies, etc. This raises the requirements for the training of social workers, for the personnel, material and technical, and educational and methodological components of the educational process.

Improving the profession in modern world includes two opposite trends: specialization and universalization, which requires the integration of academic training and practical work, therefore, a particularly important part of education in the field of social work, which forms the qualities of a student as a person and qualified specialist, is practice. Four types of practice in social work - introductory, educational, industrial and undergraduate allow the student to develop knowledge in the field of sociological, psychological, pedagogical and other foundations of social work and the ability to implement them in life.

Structurally, social work is represented by its specializations, formulated by the UMO of the Russian Federation for education in the field of social work and in the State standards and conditioned by practice. There are specializations associated with the universal, interdisciplinary nature of social work - this is the organization of social support, as well as socio-economic, socio-legal, socio-pedagogical, socio-psychological, socio-medical care. In addition, there are specializations associated with private facilities, subsystems and types of social work - for example, social work with orphans, social work in the field of employment, social services for the population.

Currently, there are three levels of higher education in the field of social work with the following qualifications - Bachelor of Social Work (4 years of study), Social Work Specialist (5 years of study), Master of Social Work (6 years of study). The content of each of these types of professional education is built on the principle of complementarity, which allows students to move from one of them to another. The first place in the education of a bachelor is put forward by his readiness for research and applied activities, which can be combined with organizational, administrative and practical activities. The training of a specialist is integrative, i.e. theoretical, practical-activity, research-analytical, scientific-pedagogical character. The Master of Social Work must be prepared to perform tasks of a research, forecasting, design and information and resource nature, therefore half of the time allotted for its preparation is devoted to research work and scientific and pedagogical practice.

The quality of teaching social work from an ideal point of view is characterized by the presence of intellectual, communication, technological and other knowledge, skills and abilities in their organic unity. To ensure the high quality of education in the field of social work, it is necessary to take into account the quality of the selection of applicants, faculty, scientific, methodological and logistical support of the educational process, scientific support for the content of education, organization of the educational process, practical training of students, control of the level of knowledge, spiritual and moral, socio-cultural and physical development of students, etc. These aspects are associated with problems in the field of social work training that need to be addressed.

It seems that the growth of the prestige of the profession of a social worker in Russian society is directly related to the development of new educational programs in social work by the state and the subjects of the federation. Now in Russian society there is a tendency to curtail training programs for social workers as economically unprofitable, in the face of growing financial problems that arise before education. At the same time, the level of development of social work continues to be an indicator of the orientation of society and the region towards social needs and solving the problems of citizens.

Experts speak of the need to develop a Comprehensive Program for the Training and Retraining of Professional Social Workers, which will ensure high quality education based on modern teaching concepts. It includes the creation in Russia of a continuous system of education in the field of social work, which would include the stages of primary vocational education in secondary school, secondary vocational education in colleges and technical schools, higher professional education and postgraduate professional education.

To improve the education system in the field of social work, the following approaches are required:

a differentiated approach to the training of specialists, depending on the specific conditions in society and regions;

a comprehensive approach in terms of territorial and staffing: inclusion in the system of training specialists not only of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, but also other interested ministries, as well as levels of the federation and regions interacting with each other;

a practice-oriented approach that involves the involvement of qualified practitioners in the learning process, in conjunction with the fundamental nature of learning;

a preventive approach that requires, when designing education, to take into account trends in the development of the system of social protection of the population, etc.

These approaches strengthen the educational function of social work, stimulating the emergence of new educational programs and expanding the range of use of specialists in the social sphere.

Social work training involves the analysis, design and construction of social work situations and processes. at lectures and practical exercises specific theories are mastered at the university, scientific methods and technology future activities. Accordingly, in the process of teaching this specialty, the central subject should be a student who is responsible for the results of his work. In turn, the teacher, who is in direct relationship with the student, as well as the administrative structures of the university, are obliged to create conditions that make it possible for the student's personal and professional self-development in the educational process.

Thus, social education in the field of social work is the professional development of a specialist's personality. In the modern world, it is associated with the emergence of a need for constant self-improvement, in developing the ability to encourage oneself to continuous updating knowledge. The educational process of Russian social work embodies the conceptual idea accepted in the modern world about the upbringing and development of the individual through a profession, which is especially relevant for the professions of the “person-to-person” system.

The variety of forms in which educational activity takes place is due to the differentiation of the goals and objectives of education in the direction of a more active participation of the subject himself.

People master and turn into their property the social and cultural experience available in society, not only within the walls of educational institutions. Many forms of teaching and learning were also practiced on early stages human history, when there were neither specialized institutions, nor specially trained and paid teachers. A person acquires knowledge, skills and abilities in different ways. The experience of participating in various types activity and in the course of interpersonal contacts, which left its mark on the understanding of life problems and on the choice of ways to resolve them. This experience can be positive or negative, however, the results of such "learning from life" are, in a certain sense, one of the indicators of education not taken into account in a formalized way.

Clarification of the issue of adult education as a social institution is largely facilitated by the classification of methods adopted in theory for the development of socio-cultural experience by a person. We are talking about formal, non-formal and informal education as specific institutional and non-institutional forms of acquiring knowledge and skills.

Any generally accepted definitions characterizing the features of formal, non-formal and informal education and the differences between them have not yet been developed. By way of discussion, some considerations can be offered about the main criteria for their distinction. But since we are talking about an adult whose studies are somehow connected with his vital interests, as such a criterion we propose to consider possible positive changes in the social status of the subject after the completion of a certain period, course or program.

Formal education is a long-term program or short-term course, upon completion of which the graduate, who has successfully passed the final exams, has a set of legislative established rights. In particular, the right to engage in paid labor activity according to the profile of the completed course of study, the right to occupy a higher position in the service hierarchy, the right to enter educational institutions more high rank. The basis for granting these rights is a diploma or other certificate of a single, as a rule, national or international standard. Hence the necessary standardization of curricula and nostrification, which ensures the interchangeability of workers of the same profile and skill level.

The main feature of non-formal education is the absence of uniform, to some extent standardized requirements for the results of educational activities. At the same time, all other signs of training may be present - expediency, enrollment procedure, lectures and seminars, a system for assessing success, a certificate of completion indicating the content of the course completed. However, the latter usually does not give the right to engage in labor activities on a professional basis or to enter educational institutions that require documentary evidence of the level of academic qualifications.

Non-formal adult education is usually focused on replenishing knowledge and skills in the field of amateur activities and hobbies in some field of science or art, with the desire to expand the cultural horizons or acquire knowledge and skills necessary in everyday life, in the field of interpersonal relations, for competent participation in various types of social activities.

Thanks to the developed network of non-formal education, the freedom of human cognitive activity, the expansion of the range of his hobbies, and the enrichment of the spiritual world as a whole are ensured. Through institutions of non-formal education, knowledge and skills are also acquired that are necessary in the sphere of work, but not directly related to the technological content of professional activity. Their totality is sometimes called socio-economic education, since it means economic, legal, political and other studies that expand the opportunities for a person to participate in public life.

The term "informal education" is not yet widely used, it is used mainly by theorists in the field of common problems education and little known to a wide range of practitioners. However, the reality that it reflects is well known to all - it is learning and learning in the process of everyday life. Informal education is the development of socio-cultural experience that takes place outside the framework of a pedagogically organized process and is devoid of its main attributes. The prefix "in-" in the word denoting it is used in the meaning of "without-". This allows the term to be interpreted as education without procedural formalities or unformed education. In essence and content, this is the same process of acquiring knowledge and skills, deepening worldview and enriching personal potential, which we see in formal and non-formal education. The difference lies in the fact that it takes place outside the walls of institutions that are part of the education system, namely, in social institutions that perform other functions in the social division of labor - in the family, the sphere of work, in various formal and informal groups and associations.

Informal education is a multifaceted process, the structure of which, in general, coincides with the structure of the life of an adult. Certain elements of teaching and learning are present in almost all forms of social activity.

Types of informal education have not yet been systematized. The main ones may include:

Trial and error teaching;

Spontaneous self-education in the form of an independent search for answers to exciting questions or ways to solve practically significant problems;

Mutual learning in the course of the joint implementation of certain tasks;

Acquisition of new knowledge through modern information technologies(Internet, intranet, databases, etc.) and through the media;

Enrichment of the spiritual world through reading and visiting cultural institutions;

Aesthetic development in the process of amateur artistic activity;

The performance of a particular work under the guidance of a competent specialist.

Informal education is also called informal education because its results are not documented in any way and usually do not receive official recognition from other institutions of society. In essence, it is not so important how a person acquired the knowledge and skills necessary for effective activity, it is important that he has them. In this regard, in a number of countries, the issue of certification of the results of informal education is being discussed, i.e. on the recognition by society of real, and not just documented academic and professional qualifications.

Informal education is a non-institutional reality. It has always existed and will continue to exist. No system of education, even the most perfect, is able to teach a person everything that may be needed in solving problems that arise in practical life. The folk wisdom "live and learn" is probably referring to this kind of lifelong learning activity.

At the same time, the limited possibilities of informal education are quite obvious: it is unsystematic, subject to chance and based on the life experience of a person, which is inevitably limited by the empirically perceived surrounding reality. Therefore, it cannot form in one way or another complete picture world, to ensure the development of deep and systematized knowledge. This is only within the power of a professionally built educational practice.


Education as one of the most important factors in the development of social processes

1 The concept of "global educational space"

Social Education as a Component of the World Educational Space



Social work is one of the types of professional activity where concern for the welfare of everyone is the subject of everyday practical activity, as a result of which it can and should influence the processes of humanization of social relations.

The ongoing process of interpenetration of political, social and cultural achievements and problems in Russia also affects the education system. There is a need to rethink the philosophy of education and develop a different concept for the development of the domestic system of secondary and higher vocational schools, the search for effective educational technologies. This fully applies to social education.

The educational space is interpreted as a “place” existing in society, where a set of relationships and connections are subjectively set, where special activities various systems(state, public and mixed) for the development and training of the individual and his socialization. The concept of educational space today has organically entered the system of social sciences. The main function of the educational space is the expansion of opportunities creative personality, promoting social responsibility. At the same time, the most important place belongs to international cooperation in the field of education.

The purpose of the work: to study the features of education as a factor in the development of social processes.

The work consists of an introduction, two chapters of the main part, a conclusion and a list of sources used.

1. Education as one of the most important factors in the development of social processes

1.1 The concept of "world educational space"

The social process (from lat. processus - promotion) is a successive change of states, stages of development of social systems, social phenomena; a set of sequential actions to achieve a result. From this definition it follows that social process is the essence of human activity, as a result of which certain goals are achieved in the development of social objects, and in the objects themselves there is a consistent change in their states.

Education is the process of transferring knowledge and cultural values ​​accumulated by generations. The content of education is drawn and replenished from the heritage of culture and science, as well as from the life and practice of a person. Therefore, education as a process becomes a necessary and important factor in the development of not only individual areas (economy, politics, culture), but of the whole society.

In modern education, the idea that the strategic goal of an educational institution is to train an intelligent, educated, comprehensively developed person who has creative humanistic thinking, self-esteem and responsibility, who knows how to improve himself, “build” harmonious relations with the world, nature, other people.

Developing this idea, we can say that the strategic direction of development modern education lies in line with the successful solution of the main tasks of socialization. In the preparation of a socialized personality, capable of successfully solving any tasks of socialization that confront it, a professional educational institution (college, university) plays, which is currently not limited to the transmission of knowledge - it teaches attitude to business, to people, to oneself.

At the same time, it became obvious that the effectiveness of modern education and the creation of conditions for the formation of an active specialist, ready not only for creative educational activities, but also capable of independent conscious and active activity and the transformation of oneself as a person depends on the organization of the space in which a holistic educational process is carried out.

The term "educational space" denotes one of those concepts that characterize new trends in the development of domestic education.

It should be noted that the term "educational space" is not interpreted unambiguously. In a number of works devoted to the most general trends in the development of education, the term "world" or "global" educational space is used, the possibilities of the educational space of a region, district, etc. are widely discussed and considered.

The most generalized definition of the category "educational space" is presented in the scientific report of A.V. Shumakova "educational space is an integral integrative unit of society and the world educational space, normatively or spontaneously structured and having its own coordinate system that determines the possibilities for self-development and self-change of the individual on different stages her formation."

The global educational space unites national educational systems different type and levels, which differ significantly in philosophical and cultural traditions, the level of goals and objectives, and the qualitative state, therefore, the modern “world educational space” is understood as an emerging single organism, with global trends in each educational system and preservation of diversity.

In the world system Education XXI centuries highlight the following global trends:

) striving for a democratic system of education, that is, the availability of education to the entire population of the country and the continuity of its stages and levels, the provision of autonomy and independence to educational institutions;

) ensuring the right to education for everyone (the opportunity and equal chances for each person to get an education in an educational institution of any type, regardless of nationality and race);

) a significant impact of socio-economic factors on education (cultural and educational monopoly of certain ethnic minorities, paid forms of education, manifestations of chauvinism and racism);

) an increase in the range of educational and organizational activities aimed both at satisfying the diverse interests and at developing the abilities of students,

) market sprawl educational services;

) expanding the network of higher education and changing the social composition of the student body (becoming more democratic);

) in the field of education management, the search for a compromise between strict centralization and complete autonomy;

) education becomes a priority object of financing in the developed countries of the world;

) constant updating and adjustment of school and university educational programs;

) a departure from the orientation towards the “average student”, an increased interest in gifted children and young people, in the features of the disclosure and development of their abilities in the process and means of education;

) search for additional resources for the education of children with developmental disabilities, children with disabilities.

In the field of educational space, modeled and constructed from scientific and pedagogical positions and humanistic positions, the meetings of a person with the world of culture and the world of another person are of a developing nature. The educational space becomes a factor in the humanization of life in general and the pedagogical process in particular.

An educational space can fulfill its socializing mission only if it is created in line with a certain cultural tradition, with a focus on the ideals and values ​​inherent in this tradition, on the implementation of the cultural content of education through a system of educational technologies appropriate to a given culture, interpersonal relationships and interactions.

Thus, the integrative criterion of the quality of the socializing educational environment is the ability of this environment to provide all subjects of the educational process with opportunities for effective personal and professional self-development.

The socializing educational environment of a professional educational institution allows students to:

reach a high level of personal development that meets modern requirements;

acquire professional competence and professional experience;

develop abilities and acquire personal qualities that allow you to successfully build harmonious relations with the outside world and successfully engage in all major types of socially significant activities.

2 Russia in the world educational space

education social world space

The Russian Federation has a real potential that allows it to take its rightful place in the global educational community.

For the first time at the state level, the Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education outlines the importance of developing international cooperation between higher professional schools and the export of educational services. The decisive factor here is the high quality of Russian education and wide range provided educational services. It is in Russia's interests to effectively use its educational potential, which is one of the export resources of our country.

International cooperation in the field of education and export of educational services, the following areas are identified as priorities:

Russia's entry into the world educational community as a full partner;

development of international academic mobility and ensuring the participation of Russia in the training of highly qualified specialists for foreign countries;

development and implementation of targeted innovation programs and participation in international projects and programs;

interaction with the CIS member states in matters of creating a common educational space, meeting the educational needs of compatriots.

At present, Russian universities are actively interacting in the world educational space with leading scientific and educational centers in the USA, Europe, countries of the Asian region, Latin America: joint educational programs are being created, research projects are being carried out using the capabilities of Russian and foreign scientific foundations.

Since 2003, Russia has joined the Bologna Declaration, entering as a full member of the pan-European system of higher education and having the opportunity to actively influence its development. Go to multilevel education with all the elements stipulated by the Bologna requirements, should be carried out in an evolutionary manner while maintaining the best traditions of higher education in Russia.

The long-term national geopolitical interests of Russia, the centuries-old traditions of cultural interaction set the task of maintaining the function of a leader in the post-Soviet educational space.

The integration of Russia into the world educational space in the conditions of accession to the WTO should be accompanied by the formation of an integral foreign economic policy, covering both the export of educational services and their import, as well as protecting the non-commercial nature of activities in the field of education within Russia.

Export of educational services to different forms(development of educational relations, international exchanges, attraction to study in Russian universities, creation of branches abroad, distance learning, development of humanitarian cooperation, which has a great impact on the general population) ensures the expansion of the sphere of Russia's long-term influence abroad and the integration of the country into the world educational space , contributes to the preservation and dissemination of the influence of the Russian language.

Of particular importance is the expansion of exports of educational services to the CIS countries. Currently in Russian Federation 57.2 thousand students from the CIS countries study (including 23.9 thousand from the budget), which is 56% of the total number of foreign students.

In order to implement the Concept public policy in the field of training national personnel for foreign countries in Russian educational institutions, the Ministry of Education of Russia carried out a set of measures to expand admission foreign students to universities and technical schools of the Russian Federation, to increase the number of students from the CIS member states in Russian universities, to develop the activities of joint Russian-national educational institutions, to promote the study of the Russian language in foreign educational institutions. More than 25,000 foreign citizens study at Russian universities at the expense of the federal budget.

In recent years, the number of citizens of foreign countries who study or improve their qualifications in educational institutions of the Russian Federation on a compensatory basis has sharply increased. At the same time, Russia renders assistance to foreign countries in the training of national personnel within the framework of the implementation of the agreements enshrined in international treaties, as well as by providing state scholarships.

In recent years, a direction of cooperation has been actively developing with the CIS member states, providing education in Russian for both the titular population and compatriots. Directly in the countries, this task is carried out by the Russian-national universities created jointly with the governments of Armenia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and the Russian school in Turkmenistan, in which more than 10 thousand citizens of the CIS and compatriots study. In total, over 70 branches of higher educational institutions have been established abroad.

Over 2,000 Russian citizens: students, graduate students, teachers and researchers annually study in more than 30 countries around the world on the basis of international treaties of Russia, as well as direct partnerships between Russian and foreign educational institutions in the following forms: full course training, internship (including language), scientific work, advanced training.

Russian language courses are held annually for students and teachers from the CIS countries, Europe and Asia. The winners of Russian language Olympiads are given scholarships to study at Russian universities. Intergovernmental agreements were signed with Germany, Italy on cooperation in the field of studying and teaching the Russian language, as well as with Italy, Moldova, France and Ukraine on the mutual recognition of education documents, draft Concepts for the Development of Distance Education, Concepts for the Development of Adult Education in the States - members of the CIS.

Participation in the export of educational services provides great opportunities for Russian educational institutions to expand their activities and improve the professional level of training specialists, promote educational technologies and programs on the international education market.

The educational policy of Russia, reflecting national interests in the field of education and presenting them to the world community, at the same time takes into account the general trends in world development, which necessitate significant changes in the education system. One of the priorities of international cooperation is the preparation and implementation of targeted programs for participation in international projects and programs.

Currently, Russian educational institutions are actively involved in the implementation of more than 70 projects and programs. The following can be singled out as the main programs to assist in the modernization of the Russian education system: the TACIS technical assistance program and the TEMPUS-TACIS inter-university cooperation program (European Commission); programs of Russian-British cooperation in the field of general secondary and vocational education (British Council); programs of Russian-Dutch cooperation (CROSS Bureau); working program of cooperation with the Council of Europe.

Russia expresses great interest in the development of the Bologna process as a movement aimed at harmonizing European educational systems and creating a common European educational space.

In the context of growing academic mobility, cooperation with European partners is becoming an integral part of the Russian educational system.

The formation of a single world educational space is facilitated by the development remote forms education, which allow solving educational problems on the scale of entire continents. This is how the project of a unified European learning environment is being implemented. The Swedish Baltic University, which brings together more than 50 universities from ten countries of the Baltic region, is an example of the use of distance methods.

In order to further development international activities in the field of education should be carried out:

development of proposals for international treaties of Russia on the integration of Russian education into the international educational community, expansion of international academic exchanges;

assistance to Russian educational institutions in entering the international market of educational services, organization of exhibitions-fairs of the achievements of Russian education;

organization of work on the dissemination of the Russian language in foreign countries;

development of cooperation with international and national foreign organizations, primarily with UNESCO, the Council of Europe, the Commission of the European Community, the OECD.

2. Social education as a component of the global educational space

In the 21st century, a change in value orientations has led to significant changes in intercultural and social ties, so the reforms in the field of education that have affected the interests of all segments of the population have become the most acute and global. Society realized the need to change the state policy in the field of education. Higher and secondary educational institutions were faced with the acute question of what kind of personnel society will need in the near future?

In connection with significant reforms in the political and economic spheres that caused the need to develop a system of state support for the population; expansion and deepening of the problematic field of social work, a new component of general and vocational education has emerged - social education - the content of which involves the training of specialists who are able to provide individuals, families and groups with services that contribute to the creation, maintenance or increase of their ability to social functioning and for the purpose of its further improvement, it is necessary to consider it as an open, mobile, self-developing system of a set of diverse educational systems.

This type of activity is impossible without contact between its performers, therefore the International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) sets the following tasks:

promote the development of social work as a profession through cooperation, taking into account professional values, standards, ethics, human rights, training and working conditions;

to intensify the participation of social workers in the formation and implementation of the social policy of states;

expand and deepen educational programs in the specialty "Social work"; implement its values ​​and professional standards everywhere;

promote cooperation of social workers of all countries;

establish and maintain relationships with international organizations dealing with issues of social development and welfare;

improve the system of social education.

These tasks significantly increase the responsibility for training personnel for the social sphere, and the current problems of the population (poverty, unemployment, hunger, racial and national discrimination, etc.) actualize international partnerships, necessitate accelerating the process of integrating the system of continuous social education in various countries (including including Russia) into the world educational space.

At the same time, the formation of the social component of a single world educational space, in addition to harmonizing educational standards and scientific approaches to educational and research activities, also involves the development of:

general requirements for the specialization of social workers;

development of the distance education system;

introduction of advanced technologies into the educational process.

internship programs for teachers, student practice;

plans for holding international scientific and practical conferences, training seminars and the publication of joint scientific papers.

In 2000, the Global Qualifications Committee was established at a joint meeting of IFSW and IASSW (International Association of Schools of Social Work). The result of the activities of this Committee was the document "Global Qualification Standards", which takes into account the regional characteristics of social education.

Their main goal is to improve the process of social education at the global level, through a dialogue between countries and regions within them.

The standards reflect:

requirements for obtaining basic knowledge, content and values ​​of the profession "Social work";

providing conditions for the holistic development of students and their acquisition of the necessary experience;

include conditions for the qualification of social workers - general education, age, number of years of study, the amount of work experience, knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for production activities.

Thus, the integration of the experience of various countries into the global system of social education and practical activities is already underway. This, for example, is evidenced by the ten-year experience (1995-2005) of cooperation between the Institute of Social Work of the TSU named after G.R. Derzhavin and the Faculty of Social Work of Indiana University (USA).

The purpose of this collaboration:

integration of the process of training personnel for the social sphere and research activities in this area in educational system all states;

formation of professional and personal qualities of specialists in accordance with the requirements state standards and ethical codes;

participation in solving urgent socio-economic problems of their regions.

Joint work is carried out within the framework of the university concept of the development of international relations in two directions, determined by the main functions of higher education, namely: the internationalization of the educational process and research activities.

The first direction includes the exchange of advanced, innovative technologies of education and upbringing; joint activities for the training and retraining and advanced training of personnel, providing for the internship of teachers and graduate students, the industrial practice of students; training of specialists at the request of foreign countries; harmonization of the nomenclature of specialties, curricula, programs and training content.

The second direction includes the improvement of the system of scientific information, the development of its international subsystem; implementation of research work. On the basis of international cooperation - through the creation of temporary scientific teams - the process of defending dissertations is being updated, providing for the unification of requirements for scientific work, participation in the defense of foreign citizens.

Thus, in order to internationalize research activities, the development of forms and methods of socio-pedagogical work in society was determined as a priority area of ​​cooperation between Russia and US educational institutions, and the following were chosen as objects of research activities:

the family as one of the most important social cells of society;

well-being of children as an indicator of the humanity of the social policy of the state;

participation of women in the social sphere management system.


The paper considers the essence and content of the concept of "educational space". At the same time, the central place is given to vocational education as a form of providing all citizens with the opportunity to master necessary knowledge, skills and competencies that provide both economic development countries, and their own personal and professional development and self-realization.

The problems and prospects of integration processes taking place in the world educational space, which have also affected the system of higher education in Russia, are studied.

The most common forms and types of international cooperation include: training in foreign universities; harmonization of the learning process; inviting teachers from other countries to work; holding international seminars, scientific and practical conferences; creation of an international information communication network in the field of higher education; international recognition of diplomas and degrees; cooperation with public organizations and foundations of other countries in the field of higher education and science.

In September 2003, Russia joined the Bologna Declaration. The purpose of creating a unified educational space is to expand the opportunities for both students to choose "their own universities" and teachers who will be able to teach their courses and participate in the work of various scientific schools. In addition, this makes it possible for Russian graduates to work abroad, and for graduates of foreign educational institutions - in Russia.

Thus, the education system of the Russian Federation has undergone changes in recent years that significantly bring it closer to the model provided for by the Bologna Declaration.


1.Becker I.L. Educational space as a social and pedagogical category / I.L. Becker, V.N. Crane // Proceedings of PSPU im. V.G. Belinsky. - 2009. - No. 12 (16). - S. 132-140.

.Bondyreva S.K. Psychological and pedagogical problems of integration of the educational space: selected works / S.K. Bondyrev. - Voronezh: NPO "MODEK", 2003. - 352 p.

.Gayazov A.S. European dimension in higher pedagogical education: Monograph / A.S. Gayazov, E.Sh. Khamitov, E.Sh. Karimov. - Ufa: DPS, 2005. - 248 p. S. 45.

.Innovative technologies in the training of specialists in the social sphere: materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical. conf. / Comp. and general ed. I.A. Akhyamova. - Yekaterinburg: Ural. state ped. un-t., 2006. - 258 p.

.Kulichenko R.M. Social education as a component of the world educational space / R.M. Kulichenko, V.L. Simonovich // Modern problems of science and education. - 2006. - No. 4 - S. 52-54.

.Fundamentals of social education: lecture notes / comp. I.V. Brylin. - Tomsk: TPU, 2014. - 83 p.

.Solodyankina O.V. Theoretical foundations of social education at the university (pedagogical aspects): Monograph / O.V. Solodyankin. - Izhevsk: Publishing House "Udmurt University", 2012. - 217 p.

.Social work in Siberia: Collection of scientific papers. - Kemerovo: Kuzbassvuzizdat, 2004 - 180 p.

.Social work and social education: problems of interconnection: materials of the 2nd All-Russian scientific and practical conference / Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Ros. state prof.-ped. un-t. Ekaterinburg, 2012. 135 p.

.Sociology: Course of lectures / Ed. V.A. Mikhailov. - Ulyanovsk: UlGTU, 2004. - 207 p. S. 186.

In the process of socialization, the child learns a large amount of knowledge about society, social relations, social statuses and roles, norms and rules of social behavior, and much more. He also acquires various skills and abilities that contribute to his integration into society. Moreover, this process proceeds most intensively in childhood. It is known that a child under the age of five learns great amount knowledge, which in his later life, mainly corrected and supplemented.

Let us recall some provisions from anatomy, physiology, psychology, pedagogy and other disciplines that characterize the specifics of the development of society by a child with deviations from the norm.

If a normal (physically and mentally healthy) child is born in a normal family, then his physical, mental and social formation occurs according to known laws. Thanks to the organs of sight, hearing, touch, the child first masters the physical space, learns to navigate in it: crawl, sit, walk, run, etc. At first, this is the space that surrounds the child at home, then he masters the street, gets acquainted with nature, new objects around him. At the same time, the child masters the socio-psychological space. This process of getting used to social life, growing into human culture is quite complex and lengthy. First, people are perceived as living beings, then the relatives (father, mother, relatives, those around the child) are singled out. The child early gets used to the fact that he has his own name, early begins to react to it: smile, turn his head; then he gets used to certain actions in relation to himself on the part of his mother, father, and the people around him. The child develops social sympathies, feelings, and initial social experience is formed. Children learn that they have their own “place” in the social environment around them. Then they begin to distinguish themselves from the environment, to realize the homogeneity of their personality and the personalities of the people around them.

A special role in the social formation of the child is assigned to the development of speech. The development of speech in a child is associated with a long and complex process in which the child learns to master the forms of the language in which he develops. Upon entering life, the child receives a ready-made and established language, which he must master in order to enter into communication with the people around him. Together with the language, the child imperceptibly assimilates a whole system of ideas, understanding of the world and the person in it. Everything that is stored in the treasury of the national spirit passes into the soul of the child with the help of language. The history of the people, its character, traditions and customs are imprinted in the language. By learning a language, the child learns and folk culture, social experience and social traditions. If a child does not master this knowledge, then he may have difficulty in understanding the surrounding reality, the difficulty of integrating him into society.
The social maturation of the child, the development and formation of social skills and abilities only partially takes place in a serious and business-like interaction with the environment, the people around him. The most important social development of the child takes place in games; with the help of games, children get acquainted with various social positions, get used to the world of other people, penetrate into the essence of human relationships. For example, children, playing "parents", perform the actions that they noticed from their parents, repeat their movements, reproduce the speeches that they heard, repeat the positions of their parents; through the game there is a certain emotional getting used to the child "into someone else's soul". During the game, children not only copy what they saw, but also show independence, activity; the game necessarily has a flight of fancy. This is how the creative assimilation of social experience, social roles, getting used to various social positions, acquaintance with the infinite variety of social relations takes place.

If a child is born with physical or mental disabilities, then the natural way of mastering both the physical and socio-psychological space is much more difficult. So, it is much more difficult for a child, blind from birth, to master the physical space. And the path of his movement from the natural home environment to the external, more extensive environment is fraught with various difficulties; even greater difficulties arise in a child if others are added to these shortcomings, for example, blindness, impaired coordination of movements, difficulties in mastering speech, etc.

Such a child also has serious difficulties in mastering the socio-psychological space, in communicating and interacting with both adults and peers: healthy children and children with problems. If such a child develops in an ordinary family, then the solution of the problem of his social development falls on the parents, who are not always ready for this, but more often they are simply not ready.

Another situation is when a child, for some reason, is brought up and develops outside the usual environment necessary for him, for example, in a baby house, then in an orphanage. In this case, it is not possible to naturally some social roles: mother, father, brother, other relatives.

In such and other similar cases, there should be special methods and technologies that allow children to form certain knowledge and skills that contribute to the development of social experience and their integration into society. So, in the process of physical and mental maturation, entering society, mastering social norms, roles, positions, the child acquires value orientations and social attitudes; self-consciousness is actively developing in him, his creative self-realization is taking place, his own individual life path. The normal development of childhood in general and the individual development of each child in particular is a complex process of the child's social development, of mastering the experience of social action. A distinctive feature of the socialization of children is that it is difficult for a child to evaluate and control the norms of behavior proposed by society and society, he can, basically, only assimilate them. Therefore, the socialization of children is greatly influenced by parents, relatives, professionals who work with children (doctors, psychologists, teachers, etc.). It depends on them that children learn the necessary social knowledge and skills as early as possible and better and strive to apply them in life.

In relation to social pedagogy, this means the following. While studying at school or other educational institution the child, as is known, receives primarily academic knowledge and the skills necessary for their assimilation and use. However, at the same time, he must acquire certain systematized social knowledge, skills and abilities that will complement the social experience spontaneously obtained by the child and ensure that he more successfully masters social norms, attitudes, values, and roles. Such knowledge, skills and abilities become especially important in those cases when the child needs special assistance in his socialization.

The purposeful process of transferring social knowledge and the formation of social skills that contribute to the socialization of the child is called social learning.
Along with the concept of social learning in the scientific literature in recent times The term social education is widely used. The term social education appeared in Russia in the first half of the 1990s in connection with the opening of institutes of social pedagogy and social work. However, its meaning is still not clearly defined. There are two main uses of this phrase.

In the first case, social education is understood as professional training specialists for work in the social sphere, including all types of vocational education: primary, secondary, higher and postgraduate, as well as course training and retraining of specialists. In this usage, the term is similar to other types of vocational education, such as teacher education, medical education, legal education, etc.

In the second use, this term refers to education, during which the basic rules of human life in society are taught, the development of social culture, social thinking and action, the culture of social feelings and culture. social organization. In this sense, the term "social education" is close to the concept of "social learning".

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