Home Fruit trees Toyota long life antifreeze red. Genuine Toyota antifreezes. Temperate climatic zones

Toyota long life antifreeze red. Genuine Toyota antifreezes. Temperate climatic zones

When operating a car, the owner subconsciously divides consumables into categories according to their importance. Gasoline and engine oil come first.

This is logical: liquids are poured regularly and can affect the quality of the car “here and now”. This is followed by transmission and brake fluids.

Such consumables rarely change, so the study of the "materiel" is carried out immediately before maintenance.

Much less attention is paid to the coolant. I also remember the tradition of pouring ordinary water from a stream. Therefore, many drivers are trying to save money on antifreeze.

To protect the car from such errors, car manufacturers produce their own consumables: for example, Toyota Super Long Life Coolant.

Original 5 l canister article 0888980072.

Antifreeze types and mutual compatibility (incompatibility)

Just like engine (transmission) oils, engine coolants are created on a different chemical basis.

Any antifreeze is a mixture of ethylene glycol (polypropylene glycol), solvent (distilled water), colorant (for identification), and added additives.

  • Ethylene glycol or polypropylene glycol is a base that prevents liquid from freezing. Actually, this is alcohol, which, depending on the concentration (or strength), has a certain freezing point. The difference is in environmental friendliness and safety for health (unfortunately, they still try to use anti-freeze products inside).
  • The quality of the solvent (water) depends little on the manufacturer of the antifreeze, if it is a concentrate. The liquid is diluted by the owner. When buying a finished product, this problem is not present.
  • Additives: This can be said to be the basis of product quality. Since any non-freeze area contains water, there is a risk of rust formation inside the motor. To neutralize this phenomenon, anti-corrosion additives are used. This is where the concept of incompatibility begins.

There are mainly two types of additives

  1. Carboxylates prevent corrosion by using organic acids. They act selectively: in places where metal oxidation is threatened, a thin layer of inhibitor is formed. It practically does not affect heat transfer. Such antifreezes have a long service life: at least 5 years. However, their cost is quite high.
  2. Silicate antifreezes (these include advanced antifreezes) cover the entire inner surface of the cooling jacket with a layer of scale, which protects against corrosion. Thus, this additive impairs heat transfer. The service life of such compositions is no more than 3 years, the cost is affordable.

Now about the dye. Unfortunately, there are no uniform color standards. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the human eye is too weak a tool to distinguish "yellow" antifreeze from "golden", or "light purple" from "dark pink".

Although, most likely, by the time the standards appeared, automakers had already confused the consumer by labeling liquids according to an internal corporate principle.

Therefore, asking for advice from a neighbor in the garage, what color of liquid to fill, is at least irresponsible. Because Toyota pink antifreeze can match Honda's green antifreeze perfectly.

Important! When mixing coolants containing different anti-corrosion additives (even if they are the same color), antifreeze separation and the formation of jelly-like clots are possible.

In order not to clog the radiator cells, and not to damage the impeller of the water pump, when changing the type of antifreeze, always perform a complete flush of the system.

And in order not to confuse the type of coolant, always follow the instructions for car maintenance. If you want to switch to antifreeze without the manufacturer's logo, focus not on the color, but on the chemical composition. The type of alcohol and anti-corrosion additives must match the original.

Antifreeze Toyota Super Long Life

It is a latest generation coolant based on polypropylene glycol alcohol. The additives in this antifreeze are carboxylated and do not form a continuous surface.

In the "color differentiation" of Toyota antifreezes, the liquid is pink. The size of the container and the concentration does not matter.

Packaging can be as follows: 1L, 2L, 4L, 5L. To be more precise, instead of 4 liters, there will be 3.7 liters: this is the standard of the North American market (1 gallon = 3.79 liters).

The liquid is available both as a concentrate and as a ready-to-drink liquid. The label contains information:

  • for finished chiller - operating temperature;
  • for concentrate - the degree of dilution with distilled water to obtain the required freezing temperature.

Depending on how many liters of antifreeze are poured into the cooling system, you can buy the required amount of concentrate and dilute it to the required volume. After that, the system is filled with the ready-made composition.

Important! Do not pour concentrate and water into the expansion tank separately. Clotting possible.

The same goes for topping up. If antifreeze leaks from the system, you should prepare exactly the same solution and top up the shortage (of course, by eliminating the leak). When the level decreases due to evaporation, only distilled water is topped up.

The characteristics of this liquid are not of interest to the consumer. The main criterion is the freezing point indicated on the label.

As noted, it is important to know the chemical composition. Antifreeze has no other properties like engine oils.

The service life is indicated in the Toyota instructions for routine maintenance:

  • for a new car 160 thousand km or 5 years (whichever comes first);
  • starting from the sixth year of operation - 80 thousand km or 3 years.

It is important to understand that the trouble-free operation of cars of this brand directly depends on proper maintenance. Therefore, you should not skimp on the purchase of consumables, and try to find an alternative.

Long Life Coolant Toyota - is replacement possible?

This antifreeze is not an inexpensive alternative: it was simply replaced by LLC with the Super prefix in 2002. Until that time, Toyota engines were filled with a "regular" Long Life Coolant in red.

Despite the same base and a similar additive package, the fluids are incompatible with each other. Nevertheless, the transition from red to pink antifreeze is possible, but only after flushing the system.

The quality of antifreeze is similar: the new generation has become a little more environmentally friendly and retains the factory parameters for longer. Feedback from drivers who made the transition to a new generation of chillers did not reveal any fundamental differences.

How to identify counterfeit?

Original Toyota antifreeze is quite expensive. Therefore, there will always be those who want to make a fake. First of all, the place of purchase is important.

In addition, the quality of the container is immediately evident. And the last argument is the label on the back.

A whole book is glued to the branded canister, published in 30 languages ​​(including Russian). Of course, there is no such luxury on a fake.

Review of a liter and five-liter canister of Toyota Super Long Life coolant antifreeze - video


Michael, good afternoon! As far as I understand, the original antifreeze comes in two types LLC (red) and Super LLC (pink).
1. I would like to know the timing of the replacement of both fluids.
2. What can be added to pink antifreeze (concentrate or ready-made solution)?
3.Do I understand correctly that red antifreeze is based on ethylene glycol, and pink antifreeze is based on carboxylate (judging by the extended replacement period relative to red)
4. Auto Crown '99, LLC sticker, what antifreeze do you recommend to use with a complete replacement?

Toyota Camry car 12.2003. I noticed that there is not enough liquid in the expansion tank. For topping up I bought Toyota Long Life coolant (concentrated red) antifreeze, diluted and added 200-300 g. Then (unfortunately, later) I carefully read the manual again, and it says Toyota Super Long Life Coolant antifreeze.
Questions: How critical is such mixing for the engine (and whether it will be necessary to shorten the interval for replacing the antifreeze), and how often does the antifreeze change in Russian conditions (according to the manual, 160 thousand km, in this conference it once slipped that every 40 thousand) ...

Dear Dmitry! In the Camry, there are both super (it is pink) and the usual "long live" (it is red) antifreeze. Super is not convenient in that it is not only impossible to add other antifreezes to it, but also water. When mixed with other antifreezes, pink antifreeze can curdle with all the ensuing consequences. If this did not happen for you, or it was filled with red, it is chemically compatible even with blue, or the additive was very insignificant, or the contents of the expansion tank did not mix with the rest of the cooling system. In any case, it is better to replace the antifreeze and not risk it. In addition, you should pay attention to the reason for the decrease in the level. Unfortunately, on cars with plastic parts, their destruction often occurs, followed by the leakage of antifreeze. In the Camry, this is, more often, the lower radiator tank. It is changed under warranty along with antifreeze.
Good luck, Mikhail.

Dear Dmitry! The initiative for such a check belongs to Toyota Motor. There is a suspicion that the spline fastening bolt is installed incorrectly, past the flat. Of those cars that we checked, the defect was not confirmed and replacement was not required. This operation can be carried out at any authorized dealer, at least we take "other people's" cars.
Good luck, Mikhail.

Toyeta recommends only one type of fluid:
coolant concentrate with extended drain:
- 08889-80015 1 liter
- 08889-80014 5 liter
- 08889-80017 60 liters
, and whether it is red or pink depends only on the amount of water which you dilute when replacing. In our strip, it is rather red because with water 50 to 50, if the previous owner did not dilute it with water in order to compensate for leaks.
buy 3.5 liters of concentrate, the rest is water. And all will be well. More than a glass of distillation per year has to be added to the system only in the event of a malfunction. Look for the reason.

It turned out from the officials that.
Original Toyota antifreeze comes in red and pink. The red one is called Long Life Coolant, and the pink one is called Super Long Life Coolant. "Super is not convenient because not only can you not add other antifreezes to it, but also water. When mixed with other antifreezes, pink antifreeze can curdle with all the ensuing consequences." (c) Pink antifreeze is poured into cars of the last years of production. The term for replacing the pink (super) is about 160 t.km., I don’t know the term for replacing the red. And it is not clear how to distinguish red from pink. I suspect that the one that is pink on a carboxylate basis (judging by the timing of replacement), like Liquid Moli. In general, some kind of confusion :)

In short, it became somehow boring, you don't need to do anything in the car ... Just top up the anti-freeze ... I decided to add antifreeze, otherwise in the tank somehow to the minimum area. Bought red - Toyota Long Life Coolant. The manual says Toyota Super Long Life Coolant, but I read it later. Accustomed to the fact that antifreezes can be mixed by color, he did not worry too much, but he threw a question on the Nika Motors forum. Kind people said - they do not mix, and categorically - change immediately. I looked into the tank - and there the antifreeze curled up, a precipitate fell out and all the cases. The result is 2000 rubles for replacing antifreeze. And he changed in Kuntsevo - they could not believe in any way, forced to change by force. Moral - do not add anything yourself, the dealers are not aware of everything, and no one knows what is flooded there. For 40 thousand, change the antifreeze for any ordinary red.

Still, antifreeze curled up, the post says that at first everything was fine .. Mikhail was right :) Can you describe the color in more detail? Or is it still difficult to determine by color?
You write "For 40 thousand, change the antifreeze for any of the usual red." I did not understand, the officials change any antrifreeze to red, i.e. on the one that does not fold? Doing a full flush replacement? By the way, now they sell both one and the other ...
Thank you. Regards, Alexey.

At first I didn't notice, and you can't really see it in the tank either, but after I received an answer from Nick Motors, I looked with passion, i.e. with a flashlight. I was unpleasantly surprised.
The color of pink - I would call it rather purple, as it was in the tuning table of the Soviet color TV. It differs strikingly from red, even divorced in half, but it is necessary to put them side by side in a transparent dish. There was no super in Bitsa and Kuntsevo, they said that it only flows at the plant, was not on sale or in the service. I changed the antifreeze in Kuntsevo, they said that on all cars they change the antifreeze from TO-40,000 to the usual red, Toyota Long Life Coolant. For a long time they could not believe that antifreezes do not mix, they tried to dissuade them from replacing. An interesting question (ask yourself, happy owners of new cars) - and if officials add antifreeze to THAT, then someone pays attention, which one?

We have already discussed with you some codes for Antifreeze ... But I want to dwell on the fact that winter is coming soon and many have not changed antifreeze yet ... and are probably looking for the very codes or recommendations for replacing ...

Original Toyota antifreezes are of two types:
Long Life Coolant (LLC) - red
Super Long Life Coolant (S LLC) - pink

Mixing these types of antifreeze in the system is highly discouraged. May cause flushing of the entire system.
08889-80070 Antifreeze Toyota SUPER LLC, 2l.
08889-80071 Antifreeze Toyota SUPER LLC, 4l.
08889-80072 Antifreeze Toyota SUPER LLC, 5l.

08889-80014 Antifreeze Toyota LLC, 5l.
08889-80015 Antifreeze Toyota LLC, 1l.
08889-80017 Antifreeze Toyota LLC, 60l.
08889-80032 Antifreeze Toyota LLC, 4l.

Is it true that original red antifreeze is better than others on the market? it is clear that "for Toyota" they release a lot of all kinds of trash with supposedly original shildyk))) ... Let's look at everything in order and decide what to do and how we should be =) no matter what the radiator or the engine is killed ... But there are no original substitutes that fall under the recommendation of Toyota, where there is no mandatory color match! After all, there is a document: Basic national standards for coolants JIS K2234 (Japan) And a recommendation from Toyota, which says - antifreeze should be silicate-free based on an organic "corrosion inhibitor". Satisfy these 2 conditions:

SCT Mannol Longlife Antifreeze AG12 +
SCT Mannol Antifreeze AF12 + -40 ° C
Texaco Havoline XLC + B2 (OF02)
Texaco Havoline XLC + B50 / 50
Рanoil Kuttenkeuler ANF 40 (color: blue)
Рanoil Kuttenkeuler ANF 40 (color: green)
Рanoil Kuttenkeuler ANF 40 (color: yellow)
Рanoil Kuttenkeuler S 40 (color: red)
AKIRA LLC (green)
XADO Antifreeze BS
Hi-Gear Antifreeze "GOLD"
Cool Stream Premium 40 (orange)

And so for information:

Currently, antifreezes are divided into silicate and carboxylate antifreezes by the type of anti-corrosion additives. Silicate antifreeze, protecting the OS from corrosion, during operation, covers its entire inner surface with a thin layer of scale, which worsens heat transfer in the OS and reduces its efficiency. Manufacturers paint silicate antifreeze, usually green or blue.

Carboxylate antifreeze contains organic acid based corrosion inhibitors. They do not form a thick protective layer over the entire surface of the system, but are adsorbed only in places where corrosion occurs with the formation of protective layers no more than 0.1 microns thick. In addition, carboxylate antifreeze has a longer service life (5 years versus 3 for silicate) and better detergent properties, which makes it possible to do without flushing the OS during antifreeze change. Manufacturers paint carboxylate antifreeze, usually red.

The manufacturer Toyota itself does not recommend the use of "purely red antifreezes", its recommendation concerns only the use of the original fluid, or the composition of certain chemical standards. This does not prevent other manufacturers from producing antifreeze with similar performance without being tied to color. And Toyota's recommendation will never touch on color, because some Asian manufacturers share the freezing point of antifreeze by color. (red maximum -30, green -25, yellow -20 It is also not recommended to mix antifreezes, even if the colors match (and change completely !! especially if you do not know which liquid is poured into the radiator !!!), a widespread opinion about compatibility antifreeze by color - it is wrong, the coincidence of color does not guarantee the use of the same additives, and the result of the interaction of various additives may be a deterioration in anticorrosive and lubricating properties.

Any antifreeze is a mixture of ethylene glycol (polypropylene glycol), water, dye and additive package. By the way, TOSOL is also antifreeze. Initially, it was a nomenclature designation of antifreeze specially developed for VAZ cars during the construction of a plant in Togliatti. The Italians were not satisfied with the quality of the "Antifreeze 156" that existed at that time in the USSR, they demanded to create a new antifreeze. TOSOL is an abbreviation: Technology of Organic Synthesis OL (alcohol by chemical nomenclature). Now this name has become just a household name. In fact, Antifreeze is a type of antifreeze, but it does not suit us !!!.

And so if we consider antifreezes from all manufacturers, then each manufacturer uses its own additive package, including even in the line of one manufacturer, antifreezes may differ in the amount and composition of the additives used. Additives can be anti-corrosion, anti-foaming, reducing the effect on rubber, etc. Looking back in time, in the 70s, European manufacturers decided to create a classification of Coolant. And three classes were accepted.

G11- ethylene glycol is used, as a rule, the cheapest coolant, with a small package of additives. This class was assigned a green color. By the way, colors were introduced in order to distinguish between liquids of different classes. Before that, the slurries were colorless.

G12- ethylene glycol and carboxylate compounds are used. Due to the fact that the anti-corrosion film is created only in the places of the hot spots, and does not cover all the internal surfaces, the heat dissipation when using this antifreeze is more efficient than that of the G11. Ideally suited for high-speed and temperature-loaded engines. Due to a more perfect package, slurries of this class are more expensive. This class was assigned a red color.

G13- polypropylene glycol is used. It is a more environmentally friendly product (not poisonous, decomposes faster). Europe is chasing environmental friendliness, which is why such products are created. By the way, these are the most expensive coolants. This class is assigned a yellow or orange color. In Russia, no manufacturer makes G13 class fluids. Not yet mature enough to chase the ecology for that kind of money =).

But the majority of Russian and Asian manufacturers do not adhere to this classification. Take the same TCL: it has both green and red slurries of class G11, but they differ in the additive package (red is more perfect). Therefore, the manufacturer introduced color separation to differentiate the product for the end customer. Take, for example, the original Honda antifreeze - it is made in green (well, they wanted it so), but by its properties it corresponds to the G12 class. This is where the confusion comes from. In general, do not cling to the color, take at least blue antifreeze, the main thing is that it is of high quality and corresponds to the temperature regime of your engine (for a Honda, the boiling point at a pressure of 1.1 should be at least 108 degrees).

As for corrosion: it all depends on the additive package, as well as on its balance. At first, almost all less high-quality slurries equally protect against corrosion, but over time, the additives are worked out for cheap products, decompose and only glycol and water are circulated in the cooling system, naturally, there is no question of any protection. Therefore, if you fill in TCL and change it every 6-12 months, nothing terrible will happen even for Honda engines, but you can buy expensive antifreeze and change it every 3-4 years. It's up to the buyer.

About mixing theoretically: it is allowed to mix slurries of classes G11 and G12 from the same manufacturer. In this case, color change is possible.

In emergency cases (on a long trip in the absence of other options), you can mix slurries from different manufacturers, but replace as soon as possible with a fresh one with full flushing. Due to the different composition of the additives, they can begin to interact and precipitate, deteriorating the properties of the coolant.

About European manufacturers: now 90% of the European additive package market is occupied by BASF. For decades they have been producing the so-called masterbatch for classes G11 and G12 (just an additive package). This product carries its own trademark Glysantin.

Manufacturers such as Castrol, Mobil, Agip, Addinoil, etc. buy bass superconcentrate, add water and ethylene glycol, pack it in canisters and sell. :))). The same AWM is also made from this masterbatch. So, what is Kastrol's antiphysis, what is mobile, what is awm - inside the same thing.

Toyota is one of the most renowned Japanese car manufacturers. Asian cars are diverse, affordable and easy to operate. In order for the vehicle to function properly and delight its owner as long as possible, it is recommended to use the original Toyota Super Long Life Coolant.

Characteristics of products

ATTENTION! Found a completely simple way to reduce fuel consumption! Don't believe me? An auto mechanic with 15 years of experience also did not believe until he tried it. And now he saves 35,000 rubles a year on gasoline!

  • Original Long Life Coolant antifreeze;
  • Advanced Super Long Life Coolant.

Until 2002, the plant used the first type of solution for the initial refueling of cars. But after 2002, Toyota Super Long Life antifreeze was developed, which is used in most cases today.

These consumables are fairly similar. They are formulated on the basis of high quality propylene glycol, contain anti-corrosion components and an effective additive package. However, they are different for each antifreeze, for this reason, the solutions cannot be mixed.

While Super Long Life is now heavily used for refueling in the factory, don't underestimate its predecessor. Toyota LLC can be found on sale and used successfully for your vehicle.

Both products are made both in the form of a ready-made solution and as a concentrated liquid. The latter variety should be diluted with water depending on the desired result. The optimal mixing ratio is 50/50. This ratio allows you to protect the car down to temperatures of -40 degrees.

It is best to dilute antifreeze with distilled water. In no case should you use water from lakes and rivers for this purpose.

If it is not possible to purchase an original consumable liquid, you can pick up analogues. It is possible to mix antifreezes produced by different companies only in case of urgent need. This can adversely affect the properties of the solution and cause replacement of the entire fluid.

Both consumables have passed numerous tests and laboratory tests. They fully comply with quality standards. The positive effect of antifreeze is confirmed by the reviews of car owners.

Long Life Coolant (LLC)

LLC coolant (Toyota red antifreeze) is a classic consumable option with the addition of effective additives and anti-corrosion additives. Its use protects the cooling system of the car and serves as a preventive measure against corrosion.

This antifreeze can be used for both Toyota passenger cars and trucks. At the first filling, the solution will last for three years. Subsequent replacements will need to be done approximately every two years.

The product can be purchased in branded 1L, 4L, 5L and 60L canisters. This consumable fluid can be mixed with hybrid and silicate solutions as needed.

Super Antifreeze (SLLC)

Coolant Super Long Life Coolant pink (Toyota SLLC) - antifreeze with propylene glycol in the composition, created using carboxylate technology. It does not contain harmful substances such as nitrates, nitrites and silicates. Such a tool is not only effective, but also environmentally friendly.

Long service life is the undoubted advantage of Toyota pink antifreeze. One application will last for 5 years. This consumable can be used for vehicles with different types of engines.

The solution has anti-corrosion and anti-foam properties and effectively prevents cavitation. It extends the life of the engine and maintains the operating temperature at a normal level. This antifreeze is available in 2L, 4L and 5L cans.

SLLC pink should not be mixed with other solutions. The finished variety (not concentrate) should not be diluted with water under any circumstances. Otherwise, coagulation will occur and the cooling system will stop working.

Determination of counterfeiting

In fact, the original fluid, suitable for only one brand of car, is not often counterfeited. However, this is not at all excluded. Therefore, you need to know how to identify a fake. It is worthwhile to be wary if the following details are visible on the canister:

If any of these signs are present, it is best to purchase antifreeze elsewhere. Ideally, the purchase of consumable fluids should be done from an authorized dealer, after checking the certificate.

Self-fluid replacement

It is not necessary to contact a professional to replace antifreeze. It is quite possible to do it on your own. Before performing the procedure, you need to see how much liquid is present at the moment. Most vehicles have min and max marks on the expansion tank. The content level must be within these designations. Next, you need to act according to the following system:

The frequency of replacing the coolant depends not only on the manufacturer's recommendations, but also on the characteristics of vehicle operation. Many vehicle owners recommend changing the antifreeze every 45 thousand kilometers. However, there are a number of unpleasant symptoms that indicate what needs to be replaced ahead of schedule, these include:

  • Foreign matter builds up on top of the expansion tank.
  • Frequent activation of the cooling system.
  • Turbid appearance of the solution, presence of contaminants.
  • Presence of sediment in the expansion tank during frost.
  • In case you had to add water to antifreeze, which is not intended for this.

Toyota consumables are time-tested quality products. They will reliably protect the car's cooling system and allow it to function properly for a long time. Most importantly: follow the manufacturer's recommendation and replace the fluid on time. Then the result will always delight its owner.

The Toyota carmaker is known not only for its cars, but also for its automotive chemistry and special means. The manufacturer recommends using original authorized antifreeze for servicing cars of its own brand.

General characteristics

Toyota produces two original antifreezes:

Until 2002, only the first antifreeze, LLC, was poured into Toyota cars at the factory. The second antifreeze, Toyota Super Long Life Coolant, began filling after 2002. Today it is used in most cars of the brand.

Both antifreezes have similar properties. Each of them is formulated on the basis of high quality propylene glycol in combination with corrosion inhibitors and modern additives. It is impossible to combine antifreezes, since their additives are fundamentally different. Otherwise, the resulting mixture will be inferior in its characteristics to other coolants.

Despite the fact that the latest Toyota models use Super Long Life antifreeze, its previous version - Long Life - should not be discounted. Toyota Long Life antifreeze is available for free sale to this day and is widely distributed among car owners.

Both types of refrigerant are produced both in the form of a ready-made and in the form of a concentrate. The latter must be diluted with water before replacing. Specific proportions depend on the climatic conditions of operation of Toyota antifreeze and the lowest temperature in the region. For the northern regions, the ratio of one to one is considered optimal. The mixture provides engine protection at temperatures down to -40 degrees. The minimum volume of the concentrate should be 30%, the maximum - 70%.

Concentrated antifreeze is diluted with distilled water, but if it is not available, you can use tap water. Water from natural sources is not suitable for diluting the concentrate.

As a substitute for Toyota antifreeze, you can use analogs with an appropriate base and additives. It is better not to mix coolants of different brands, as this can reduce their service life and deteriorate performance.

Both Toyota antifreezes have been tested and tested in the company's laboratories, the results of which confirm that they meet all industry and manufacturer standards.

Classic antifreeze based on propylene glycol with the addition of corrosion inhibitors and high-quality additives. The liquid is clean, red in color.

Toyota antifreeze has excellent lubricating properties, a high degree of protection against corrosion and wear, excellent heat dissipation properties, protects the engine from hypothermia and overheating. The fluid is compatible with the seals and rubber tubes used by the Toyota manufacturer when building cars.

The purpose

Antifreeze is suitable for use in engines of Toyota trucks and cars. Provides effective protection for motors made of cast iron, iron, copper alloys, aluminum, various solders. The coolant must be changed three years after the first filling and every two years thereafter.

Antifreeze can be mixed with hybrid, silicate and refrigerant compounds. It is approved for use in engines of Japanese brands Lexus and Daihatsu. The manufacturer recommends antifreeze to protect motors from high temperature corrosion when operating under high load conditions.

Cooling liquid of a concentrated and ready-made type, created on the basis of propylene glycol according to the carboxylate technology with the addition of modern corrosion inhibitors. It does not include silicates, nitrates and other substances that can have a negative effect on the engine's performance, impair heat transfer and lead to the formation of deposits inside the mechanism. Accordingly, antifreeze is considered safe for both the engine and the environment.

Toyota Super Long Life Coolant antifreeze is a pure transparent pink liquid. It complies with Volkswagen's G12 or G12 + standards and can be replaced with a long service life. Replaced every five years, it is recommended for engines of any modern Toyota cars, including Toyota Avensis.

Antifreeze prevents corrosion and cavitation of mechanisms, does not oxidize and does not foam. Maintains optimal operating temperature in the engine and prolongs its service life.

Toyota SLLC coolant must not be mixed with similar compounds or diluted with water. This can cause the fluid to coagulate, making the cooling system difficult to operate.

How to distinguish a fake

Original antifreezes, suitable for a specific car brand, are not counterfeited as often as universal ones, but the possibility of counterfeiting cannot be completely ruled out. Which Toyota antifreeze is original and which is not? Counterfeit is determined by the following criteria:

  • defects in the canister seams;
  • a lid that does not fit tightly to the ring, the presence of chips, scratches and other traces of opening along its edges;
  • unevenly glued labels, the presence of traces of glue, folds and bubbles;
  • the information on the packaging is false or contains errors;
  • the text is blurry, there are jagged lines;
  • the date of issue and bottling is difficult to read.

If the appearance of the canister is in doubt, then it is better to refuse to purchase antifreeze and its subsequent operation.

How to properly fill in antifreeze

Toyota coolant replacement can be carried out without contacting service centers, on its own. Before carrying out the procedure, the liquid level in the expansion tank is checked according to the min and max marks located on it. The amount of antifreeze must be within the indicated designations. After that, the coolant is replaced.

How to properly fill in antifreeze:

  • A container is placed under the radiator into which the spent coolant will be drained.
  • Turn off the engine before draining the antifreeze from the cooling system.
  • The cover of the expansion tank is removed.
  • Unscrew the drain plugs on the cylinder block and radiator. They twist only after the antifreeze has completely drained off.
  • The new coolant level should be slightly below the maximum mark.
  • The expansion tank cap closes tightly.

Safety engineering

When replacing antifreeze, you must follow the safety rules, as with any other work with the car. Failure to do so could result in damage or serious injury. The procedure is carried out subject to the following rules:

  • The car engine must be turned off. It is necessary to wait until it cools completely. Failure to observe this point can result in serious burns when replacing antifreeze.
  • If the coolant gets on the mucous membrane or skin, the damaged area must be quickly rinsed with plenty of clean water.
  • It is advisable to work with gloves, as some parts may be hot.
  • You cannot mix original Toyota antifreezes with each other. It is advisable to use the same composition.

The timing of replacing antifreeze depends on the manufacturer's recommendations and the characteristics of vehicle operation. Most experts and car owners advise changing the coolant every 45 thousand kilometers. An early replacement is made if the following factors are present:

  • the appearance of a foreign mass in the upper part of the expansion tank;
  • frequent activation of the cooling system;
  • the presence of dirt in the solution, its cloudy color;
  • the appearance in the expansion tank of sediment at negative temperatures;
  • water has entered the antifreeze.

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