Home Fruit trees Monkey fish girl characteristic. Pisces monkey. Full characteristics of the Pisces child born in the year of the Monkey

Monkey fish girl characteristic. Pisces monkey. Full characteristics of the Pisces child born in the year of the Monkey

Signs such as Virgo and Gemini were born under the auspices of Mercury. Those born under such patronage are often intellectuals. It is worth noting that these signs are different in terms of belonging to the elements. Virgo - represents the earthly element, they are ready to move mountains in order to achieve their goals, and they do it quite successfully. And Gemini was born as representatives of the element of air, often the air is very changeable, their wind can be very gentle and gentle, and after a moment turn into a hurricane of 10-point power.

Gemini will not endure the monotony of life, because they are always looking for adventure, entertainment. Virgos will constantly strive for their own well-being, and persistently pursue this goal. For those born under the sign of Virgo, it will be quite difficult to be near the rather windy Gemini, who at any unexpected moment will be able to harshly criticize you and, if something happens, if the situation becomes desperate for him, then turn away from you altogether. A huge plus is that those born under the sign of Virgo easily forgive their offenders, and therefore the windy Gemini is recommended to pay close attention to this earth sign - after all, such reliable people cannot be found in the whole world.

Both signs presented are owners of love of life and constant optimism, they have quite diverse interests, in many cases this becomes a decisive moment in such a dissimilar partnership, born under the tutelage of the planet Mercury. The stars recommend that earthly and airy people do not hesitate and try to take the first step more boldly - who knows, maybe this time the astrologers made a serious mistake and this incompatibility will be a kind of impetus for the creation of a very perfect and mind-blowing connection between these two interesting and incomparable people.

A woman who was born under the sign of Gemini is quite energetic in nature, has extraordinary beauty and is not at all afraid of aging. Well, why should such a woman worry about something, if she remains quite fit even in the deepest old age, and her face is still flawless, as if she had just visited a beauty salon. It is not surprising that a girl born under this sign always has a sufficient number of connoisseurs of her beauty. Her fans get the girl with the sign of Gemini from the day of her birth, from the very youth to old age, serious passions constantly ignite around this pretty cub of the planet Mercury. These girls in a relationship with a loved one open up like a flower, and without love they can lose their taste for life. Girls who were born under the tutelage of Mercury are quite amorous and throw themselves into love, as if into a pool with their heads. Therefore, many people around begin to think that such girls are very frivolous and windy.

A man whose sign is Virgo is quite modest and timid, but considers himself not to be killed and belligerent. Such guys are difficult enough to understand, but girls who can find and examine his inner core will win back such a young man with great tenacity. There are always a huge number of lovers, such men, and if it were not for his modesty, then with extraordinary ease he could become a desperate womanizer. The baby of the planet Mercury has a preference for honesty in a variety of ways.

It is for this reason that he chooses a life partner for a long period of time, weighing all the pros and cons of the girls from his environment. The girl will definitely be lucky, because a man of the elements of the earth will prove his feelings, not only in beautiful words, but also reinforce it all with actions. Therefore, the companion of the child of Mercury will be the happiest in such a union.

Dating a Gemini girl and a Virgo guy

A modest child of the planet Mercury will never go to a noisy party in the middle of the night, at the moment when a tireless representative of the element of air will frolic there. The girl of the Gemini sign also does not appear in the art gallery, in which Virgo is a frequent visitor, who comes there in order to self-develop. But without meeting these completely different personalities, it would not have been destined to find out about their compatibility. Therefore, at the behest of the stars, the first meeting happened, at the right time, in the right place.

The Virgo man appreciates money, so his choice falls only on those stores where there are discounts and sales, the girl representing the Gemini sign loves to buy everything that comes to hand. That is why she will interest the suspicious guy with her willingness to buy everything at once, and the guy's prudence and the desire to save her savings will certainly attract an airy girl and she, leaving all her affairs, will run after him into the street. A timid guy, will not be able to come to his senses, as the meeting is destined by fate, has already taken place. Such a girl will surely be able to liberate the modest man, and he will be able to remember a few jokes and, undoubtedly, their Gemini woman will appreciate them and will laugh a lot. Virgo will not be able to resist the charm of such a beautiful girl and will definitely find out her phone number.


It would be most correct to ask the man of the elements of the earth for a date, because the air lady, most likely, wants to go to a cafe or club. Therefore, Virgo should instantly invite a dear acquaintance to a party to herself or friends at home. The Virgo man will spend all the traffic on the Internet in search of advice on how to behave on the first date. However, the guy will surprise the girl by appearing as if from the cover and presenting an extraordinary gift that the Gemini girl will remember for her entire life. The child of Mercury on this day will surpass herself, that, even without reaching the meeting place, she will be able to meet more than a dozen young people who will beg to leave their phone number. But it will not be difficult for an earthly guy to deal with his rivals, because he will take his lady of the heart even to the ends of the earth so that no one else can see her.

The Gemini girl will remain, overwhelmed with emotions from a newly-made acquaintance, because he is so attentive and witty. She was attracted by the fact that he listened carefully to all her stories and did not allow himself to interrupt. After the tiring stories of an airy girl, the Virgo will have an opportunity to show their intelligence, which will go like clockwork, because the guy is extremely smart.


The modest and timid Virgo man, and the windy Gemini woman, realize that mutual feelings are not at all legend, but true. Which is not surprising at all, because Cupid spent all his energy on creating this pair, and after that he went on a well-deserved rest. The guy will have to worry a lot after his chosen one immediately initiates him into her past relationship. True, the Gemini girl is so pretty that the guy every second will forget about everything that the lady told him, and dive into the maelstrom of new, unforgettable relationships with his head.

Sexual connection with these signs will be flawless, windy-earthy representatives will forget about everything that is vital, and only a courier who delivers them their ordered pizza will make them descend from heaven.

Virgo men should not forget that no matter how close they are with the Gemini girl, she should not know about his past and long-forgotten relationship, even though the girl was very honest with you. Since the representatives of this sign are still the owners, and if you really mention your ex-girlfriend, then she will surely fill you up with questions about her. The stars also believe that during the "candy-bouquet" period, such a couple should temporarily disappear from the field of vision of their acquaintances, so that they would not get them with questions. And so that relatives do not begin to give advice on how to properly build relationships.


No matter how offensive it may be, the children of Mercury will have to say goodbye to the fairy tale quickly enough, and will meet with the harsh realities of ordinary life. The Virgo man will soon try to teach his pretty companion to wash floors and dishes. After all, this guy is incredibly clean, and the Gemini girl at one time could not even think about how many bacteria live under the toilet lid, on the door handles and even under the bed, and that all this should also be washed to get rid of harmful microbes. The air girl will also mislead and make her chosen one of the earthly elements worry that she will not come home, first staying with a friend, or may not appear at home until morning. Astrologers are in a hurry to reassure the boy of the Virgo sign: his windy girl has no relationship on the side, she just wanted freedom and rest, and, unfortunately, you will have to put up with this. The comrades of such guys will be completely shocked by such a choice and changes that will be noticed in him: a calm friend, will become agitated and in one voice will shout that this girl is not a match for him. But the guy in love will be firm in his decision, despite the advice of the stars. And one wonderful day, the baby of the planet Mercury will nevertheless gather its courage and make its airy and beautiful lady's heart.


The Gemini woman will gladly and immediately accept the offer of her beloved, since the degree of affection for the Virgo man she already has more than 10 out of 10, and even in his pedantry, she began to see a certain zest. The marriage of these signs will become simply unforgettable and unreal. Regardless of even the fact that there will be no numerous guests and a chic banquet. The fact is that the representatives of these signs will be so transformed that not only parents and relatives will cry from emotion, but even the hosts of the holiday.

The spouse of the sign of Virgo will already begin to hope that his lady will come to his senses and become carried away only with household chores, but it was not there, the girl will quickly prove to her man that she is not at all going to sit at home and put an end to herself and her trips to girlfriends, she didn't even think. Even after the birth of children, a windy girl will not come to his senses. Children will be quite happy with their mom, because she will be quite advanced and all their peers will envy them that they have such a cool mom. Virgo's father is also wonderful, because he not only gives children the concept of honesty and discipline, but also gives invaluable knowledge, so their children will be comprehensively developed. It can be concluded that this pair has a great chance of existence.


A pedantic, clean guy of the Virgo sign, every second will be able to see the Gemini sign in an active girl, whose faithful friend she can become in the near future. This is because a girl born under the auspices of Mercury is not able to sit still for a long time, because her element is air. But on the other hand, the girl of this sign will easily help the man of the Virgo sign, forget about shyness, and will give lessons on how to properly and effectively defend your point of view and opinion. The Virgo guy himself will be able to teach the restless girl neatness, that even the parents of the Gemini girl will be grateful to him for such a contribution - after all, their child managed to collect his own bag, and learned to make the bed himself.

Even over time, such a friendship of two completely different elements will not work, only the Virgo man will worry a lot about his windy girlfriend. And all because a girl under the sign of Gemini quite simply finds common topics with others, and she will have too little communication with a Virgo guy. The Gemini girl will quickly explain to the Virgo friend that only he has always been and will be the best, and all the others are just extras, because she definitely has the gift of persuasion. A faithful man of the Virgo sign will often help his girlfriend of the Gemini sign, as she is constantly involved in all sorts of adventures.

Even at retirement age, the Gemini will not calm down in any way, and will seek adventure for themselves. Such people often become bored, and they can begin to take revenge on their neighbors even for their temporary and almost noiseless repairs, and the neighbors, without thinking for a long time, will start a war with a person under the sign of Gemini. But it is worth, only these neighbors will see an embittered grandfather, with a wand, that the enemy "camps" will immediately collapse and begin to make repairs when the harmful granny is not at home.


Those born under the planet Mercury are very talented, smart, able to find a common language with everyone and get used to new circumstances. That is why the Gemini woman and the Virgo man have great chances to achieve their goals and good results in a variety of areas. The common business of two such different elements, including people, will cause dubious feelings in people, and will seem very strange at all. But such different people do not give up and do not worry about someone else's opinion. The Virgo man always has the confidence that his windy companion will always find the right way out of this situation, and the Gemini woman is always sure that there is no need to even doubt the reliability of such a guy. All their business competitors will hide in the corners as soon as at meetings or negotiations, I learn about a possible meeting with a Gemini woman, and her modest and devoted Virgo man will be with her. Representatives of such elements do not try to compete with each other, what is the point of equalizing forces, if together you can work productively ?! Such cooperation will be very fruitful, since a stubborn man of the Virgo sign and an intelligent woman of the Gemini sign are capable of a lot, and when they have a plan of action, then all businessmen will begin to offer them cooperation. And just then, those born under the tutelage of Mercury will prove to everyone in the world that they can work and achieve their goals.

Gemini guys are quite funny, they are optimistic about life, at any second they can drop everything and leave, if a party of interest to him is planned somewhere. Gemini guys, regardless of age, remain eccentric and even in extreme old age they will find a way to play pranks, or they will come up with a way to seduce the beauties of their area. Guys born under the sign of Gemini can combine a lot of things and at the same time, the big disadvantage is that they quickly get bored with it, and they can instantly find a new occupation for themselves, and get carried away with it as enthusiastically as in their youth.

For Gemini, their freedom is always very important, which is why the future darling will have to seriously fight for the opportunity to simply go with Gemini somewhere. But in addition, we can say that the spouse of the Gemini representatives always comes out beautiful, he will be able not only to fully provide for his family, but also his chosen one, and will cherish and cherish her, which is important.

A girl born under the sign of Virgo is modest, but at the same time beautiful, sometimes her shyness greatly interferes with her when choosing her betrothed. There are always plenty of boyfriends for a Virgo girl, and besides, the guys look after her completely different, from deputies to small bandits. The location of this girl is very difficult to achieve. The girl's mania for order and cleanliness very often frightens off young people. That is why the companion in the life of the Virgo girl will have to mentally prepare for the fact that he will never find his dirty socks under the bed, forget about not going to the shower after the gym, or throwing the laundry past a basket of dirty laundry, or to the wash.

Such girls are also very temperamental, and if a man manages to find an approach to a girl, then a very passionate mistress is acquired.


Virgo girl will always choose something simple, expensive entertainment does not attract her attention at all. The girl of the elements of the earth only needs peace of mind and balance, so it is unlikely that someone will be able to meet such a girl in Bali or the Maldives. Gemini guy - has long been a professional in all kinds of travel. And even if someone pays asphalt in the village, builds many shops, and installs an ATM, you can't even drag it there by force. But the patron saint of these signs of Mercury has other plans, and he will do everything impossible so that such different people still meet each other on the path of life.

The first meeting of such different people could take place in some wellness boarding house, where the sweet representative of the Virgo sign decides to take a quiet rest from the noisy city, and the Gemini guy will be shoved there by his comrades so that he finally gets healthier, because constant parties do not pass without leaving a trace. Naturally, the restless man of the Gemini sign did not even think about staying in his bed and listening to the doctors. On the very first day, he noticed this beauty for himself, who only does what she draws pictures, which attracted such close attention of the guy. The Virgo girl can be very scared by such attention from the Gemini guy, which is why she will carefully hide from him. But only now she did not yet know that it is not so easy to get rid of this boyfriend, because he always achieves what he wants. The guy of the Gemini sign uses every opportunity presented to him and still finds out the name, phone number and even the address of this secretive, but beautiful girl. The stars, on the other hand, witnessed that Cupid was already waiting for the moment, and calmed his nerves a little, because this guy will definitely not miss the opportunity to do his job.


The Gemini guy immediately realized that with a girl like Virgo, all his standard tricks would not work, so he decided that it was worth taking his time. An airy man will not bother such an earthly girl with his constant attention and presence while they are on the territory of the boarding house, only sometimes the girl will notice small gifts with a cute message at her door. This guy already has a full-fledged plan to seduce the Virgo girl, clearly calculating when she will go to her home.

She does not even realize that the entire entrance of her house is already in balls, at her door there is a huge and beautiful bouquet and fruits, and a declaration of love flaunts on the asphalt under the windows. That is why there will be a date, because the girl will not resist curiosity and will dial the number that the loving Gemini accidentally left at the door. A young man under the sign of Gemini will create for his beloved the most extraordinary date in her life, of which there were not so many. The girl will definitely be quite a date because a guy born under the tutelage of Mercury has plenty of ideas on how to kill a girl on the spot. The guy bought all the flowers, organized a romantic dinner on the river bank, created a fairy tale. Of course, there will be common interests between two different elements, because for more than an hour Gemini will sing serenades to the girl, and when she finally melts, the Gemini guy will move on to action.


Mercury gave his creation to Virgo, all the best: beauty, tenderness, sexuality, attractiveness. The twin also does not lag behind, because he knows how to please a girl, and with such a girl his charm becomes even more effective. The intimate relationship of such a couple will be wonderful, even the fears of astrologers can be questioned, because their union will be perfect.

For the first months, the couple will enjoy each other, therefore they will not notice the flaws of the second half. The first difficulties will come after the candy-bouquet period, the Virgo girl will understand that her beloved is still a womanizer, and is completely fickle, and this is clearly not to the liking of an earthly girl. The twin guy will also be shocked, because he did not even suspect that there are such ambitious and boring people.

The stars will rejoice, because their predictions came true, but it was not so, Mercury and Cupid do not give up so easily, and they are already coming up with a plan how to send this couple to some uninhabited island, where Gemini would only have thoughts about how to provide for your beloved, and the Virgo will have a lot of opportunities to enjoy the silence.


A civil marriage will seem to the Gemini guy an impossible test, which is why the guy will be able to convince the girl not to rush to move. And besides, the Virgo herself does not yet know what she wants from this, and is in confusion. Astrologers advise not to be nervous, because if their planetary trustee decided that such an alliance was destined to be, then there were reasons for that. The windy Gemini needs to remember that if he wants to keep such a difficult union for him, then the obstinate Virgo should not disappear from the life, because she will be offended, and he will simply fall into her black list. The girl poses with the sign of Virgo should also start working on herself, and stop sending the Gemini guy to brush his teeth every 5 minutes. And to wash the floors every half hour while waiting for your beloved is not worth it, it is better to prepare something for him.

Astrologers give such lovers a slightly strange advice: go with the flow, time will tell. After all, the registry office is in the same place as before.


All astrologers in the world will personally come to this wedding to make sure that this is not a myth, but a reality. The wedding of the Gemini groom and the Virgin's bride will be held, surprisingly to everyone, quite quietly, and there will be no unpleasant surprises. The invitees will get drunk and get drunk. However, the groom will not reckon with alcohol, as he secretly fears that instead of the wedding night, cleaning awaits him. The bride of the Virgo sign will also have to worry, as his beloved Gemini, coquettishly makes eyes at her witness, and smiles with a grin at her beautiful sister.

Quarrels on domestic grounds, the young will be only before the birth of their first child, after that everything will be fine. In the role of a father, a Gemini man, there will be not enough firmness in raising children, so the children will quickly sit on his neck and will constantly be naughty. But with a mother like Virgo, they just can't get away with it, mother, whose element is the earth, is very strict and principled, and she will teach her children discipline. After many years, everyone will envy, how did they manage to achieve such a relationship ?!


From childhood, Gemini is quite active and smart, and Virgo is timid and quiet. Such children begin to get along in kindergarten. Such a friendship will be long enough, unless the parents of a calm Virgo forbid her to communicate with a disheveled Gemini. Gemini's parents will be delighted with such a friend from their child. The Virgo girl will constantly help the fidget Gemini. She will defend him in kindergarten and at school, such a girl will not give anyone an offense to anyone. Over time, such a friendship could develop into something more, but friends will come to their senses in time, and begin to create families in parallel from each other. Longtime friends, almost through force, after a while will force their families to be friends with each other. And even in old age, the airy Gemini will find all sorts of entertainment, and the earthly Virgo will need this, because the older she becomes, the more she is drawn to entertainment.


The Virgo girl has a unique mindset, business is in her blood, because such girls are very neat and efficient. The Gemini man makes a good pair with his energy. Such a pair of companions will be able to move mountains and become successful businessmen if they work together. Their competitors will have no choice but to fall into despair after the news that the executive Virgo has started working together with the adventurous Gemini. Now the children of Mercury will show everyone and everything how to achieve their goals. Such partners have a lot of opportunities, if they draw up a plan correctly, then they will be successful.

As a result, we can conclude that such a pair will be very successful. And it does not depend on whether it is friendship, love, or partnership. For such people, everything will turn out great.

It is difficult to imagine people more unlike each other than Gemini and Virgo. Some belong to the air element, soar in the clouds, are restless, unstable in their desires and judgments, others are patronized by the earthly element, so they value stability and constancy most of all. and Gemini women are in doubt for many, but still these two can try to keep the marriage, if not for life, then for a long time for sure.

The air is constantly rushing wherever the eyes are looking, such a girl does not sit at home, she prefers to visit discos, clubs, visit her girlfriends and friends. The earth prefers loneliness, so the guy will not be very offended if his girlfriend goes to rest on her own and leaves him at home. He will finally have time to sit in silence, meditate on the mysteries of the universe, tidy up bookshelves, fix an alarm clock and much more. Are Gemini Suitable for Virgos? Rather no than yes, but such a union is useful for both in terms of learning something new, discovering a different attitude to life for oneself.

The union of Gemini and Virgo cannot be called lasting, but if they part, it will be only on the initiative of Air, since the Earth seeks to maintain a relationship in any situation. This is not to say that they are not interested in together, it's just that partners often face misunderstanding from the other half. The girl likes to sleep longer, but the man prefers to wake up early. He believes that the house should always be perfectly clean, and breakfast, lunch and dinner should be served at a certain time, but she will not strive to become a good housewife, which can disappoint the earth sign.

The compatibility of Virgo man and Gemini woman seems impossible, but still, in the absence of unfavorable aspects in the horoscope, these two can find happiness. They treat marriage differently. The Earth takes the obligations that marriage places on the shoulders too seriously, so it wants everything to be according to the rules with a stamp in the passport and bells in the church. The air prefers freedom, so it is in no hurry to fetter oneself by marriage, a mark in a document does not mean anything for a girl, if only not by calculation.

Compatibility of Virgo man and Gemini woman is possible if they are more forgiving to each other. He should give her at least a little freedom, not bother with constant lectures and grumbling. She should try to be a little more restrained, not waste money left and right, not split in two, but become a single person, because it will be difficult for Virgo to cope with a whole harem.

The compatibility of Virgo man and Gemini woman can lead to very unexpected consequences. Partners, if desired, can give a lot to each other. A man will give his soul mate stability, but it is so important for her to feel solid ground under her feet, and not to soar constantly in the clouds. The girl will be able to show her defender how wonderful, bright and unpredictable life is. Virgo and Gemini will definitely not be bored.

Compatibility in love between a Virgo man and a Gemini woman is determined by the ratio of their inherent qualities that complement each other. She fills the relationship with passion, and the rational lover gives the beloved the ability to make deliberate decisions. In this communication, a special kind of love is born, in which friendship is in the first place. A relationship in love between a Gemini woman and a Virgo man is initiated by a woman - she captivates and interests the gentleman. Lovers can understand each other without words, they are straightforward in communication, which is not always welcomed in society. Excessive sincerity of a couple living together for a long time can shock those around them.

The restlessness of the Gemini woman can negatively affect the relationship. This annoys the static Virgo, but the gentleman will try to avoid a break. To maintain the union, the partner tries to idealize it. A pedantic man wants his windy girlfriend to be perfect, but she is not capable of that. Windiness is uncontrollable, and this often leads to separation, while after the end of the love relationship between them, friendship remains.

The marriage of these signs is very unstable. For a Virgo man, order is important, and a Gemini woman is used to creative chaos. A woman decides on such a family union, because she understands that she needs a responsible husband. In this marriage there is a calculation, the lady strives for stability and a comfortable existence.

The spouse agrees to such a feat, but in return she must become moral. On such conditions, the wayward partner will become a good wife, and the man will cease to be a bore, learn to endure and understand.

They will strive to occupy a high position in society. This marriage is not based on love and passion - it is based on a partnership that will ensure a stable life for two people.

Sexual compatibility

It can be difficult for a Virgo man and a Gemini woman to agree in the bedroom. In sex, he follows traditions more, does everything well, but in the process he does not give out enough emotions. She loves to experiment, and scheduled sex makes her bored. She wants more passion from the chosen one. The Virgo man needs to give more pleasure to his partner, only in this case they will achieve the unity of body and soul. It is better for him to learn the lesson of previous relationships or meet a not very temperamental Gemini woman, which also happens.

In any case, only practice will help you experience true pleasure in intimacy. The sensuality of the lady and the sensitivity of the lover, if desired, can become the basis for a good sexual compatibility of the couple.

At work and at home

Representatives of these signs are good colleagues or business partners. This couple has a similar train of thought, and activity and hard work help them move mountains. Virgo wants to be successful, Gemini has fun when they go forward and cope with new challenges. A responsible Virgo man is a good employee, but a large data flow is a burden for him. Gemini is impatient when completing painstaking assignments, but they can easily deal with any flow of information.

The tandem, where a courageous man Virgo leads the Gemini lady, is not bad, but ineffective. Virgo is a bad boss, but psychologically they are comfortable working together. He often does the work himself, as he does not trust his subordinates and is afraid to make bold decisions. For a Gemini lady who wants to make a career, in the role of a boss, a person of another zodiac sign from the element of fire is better suited.

The basis for the ideal compatibility of a Virgo man and a Gemini woman in everyday life is the sociability, determination and dynamism of a lady. But these feminine traits can also provoke difficulties in relationships, so it is important to present these qualities as an indisputable plus and show that her opinion coincides with his. Then the comfort in his world will remain and there will be no reason for disagreement in the couple.

In a friendly relationship, the compatibility of a Virgo man and a Gemini woman is just perfect. They love to chat about different topics. Their couple is a good example of true friendship between a man and a woman. The Gemini lady has a prudent friend who will help find answers to many questions.

A man in the company of a Gemini lady has no time to be bored, he plunges headlong into communication with others. The downside of such friendship is that when solving serious problems, they are not ready to sacrifice something for the sake of helping another. These friends will not cheat on their loved ones. Relations between them can only start after parting with their soul mate and as a result of the full realization that only with each other they can reach mutual understanding.

In whatever sphere the representatives of the two elements collide, showing sensitivity, tact and care, they can reach mutual understanding and create a reliable tandem.

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