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Library user groups. Public (public) libraries: current state and development prospects. Forms of library work


[From Gresse]

In the priceless hour of solitude

When the deserted path

With a lively rapture of rapture

You roam with a sweet dream

In the shadow of a silent oak forest, -

Have you seen the playful wind

Will you pick a young twig?

Leaving the native bush,

She twists and falls

On the mirror of stream waters

And, a new inhabitant of pure moisture,

Forced to swim with the stream.

Now over a stream of silvery

She runs calmly

Then suddenly it disappears before our eyes

And lies at the bottom of the stream;

Floats - meets everything new,

All unfamiliar lands:

Dotted with delicate flowers

Here is a smiling Breg,

And there are deserts, eternal snow

Or mountains with formidable rocks.

So far away a twig floats

And he makes his wrong path,

Until she drowns

In the abyss of boundless waters.

Here is our life! - so towards the right goal

In an impenetrable wave

Stream us all from the cradle

Draws to the door of the coffin.


"Why are you, Parasha, so pale?"

- “Dear! cursed brownie

He called me at the window today.

All in black, like a shaggy bear,

With a mustache, but how big!

You will never see such a thing. "

- “Cross yourself, my angel!

Can you see the brownie? "

"You haven't slept, Parasha, night?"

- “Dear! fearfully; does not leave

Cursed demon away from the door;

Knocks on the latch, breathes, wanders,

In the entryway he whispers to me: open it! "

- "Well, what are you?" - "Yes, I do not say a word."

- “Eh, that's enough, my angel, don’t lie:

Can you hear the brownie? "

“Parasha, you are not cheerful;

Did you suffer all night again? "

- "No, nothing: I slept the night."

- “How the night slept! you missed

Walked, unlocked the door;

Are you scared again, aren't you? "

- “No, no, darling, believe me!

I have not seen the brownie. "

December 1826


Song one

Shumi, Sturgeon! Your breg is decorated

The deeds of glorious antiquity;

You dig the stones of the mossy towers

And the ancient solid walls,

Overgrown with old grass.

But who is above the bright river

Scattered piles of bricks

Remains of ancient fortifications,

Ruins of days gone by?

Or for generations to come

As a monument stand onet

Military, high-profile adventures?

So, - the abuse was burning in this country;

But the abusive ones are gone: the grave

Compared the mighty to the weak.

Deep sleep on the battlefield.

The triumph of victory has passed,

The moan of the vanquished fell silent;

Only one dark legend

Broadcasts about the deeds of centuries

And blows around the silent coffins.

Far away, where the shadow is thick,

In the darkness of a mysterious oak forest

The sturgeon hides its stream,

Do you see this majestic hill,

Which is at the edge of the valleys,

Like a lonely giant

Ascended by the head high?

This hill has been famous for a long time.

An ancient legend says,

What is in the darkness of deep antiquity

He was dedicated to Perun,

That every time a cereal was born

And the neighbor dol smiled,

Clothed in new clothes,

And branches trembled in the forest.

Our ancestors flocked here,

They were crowded from all sides.

There is even a rumor that the Slavs are here

Upon returning from fierce scolding

On the altars of their gods

By the blow of superstitious steel

Unhappy prisoners shed blood

Or they betrayed their flame

And in the cold-blooded silence

They watched their torment.

And if you believe the old days,

Barely from the fires like a wave of black

Smoke rose to the azure mountain, -

Suddenly thunder in the silent skies

When the glare of lightning was heard,

The sturgeon roared in its bregs,

And the forest swayed with a crash.

See how the new light is

Shaking his flaming tail

Ryazanski fields lit up

An ominous purple ray.

Celestial dome from meteor

Burns with a crimson glow.

The crowd among the princely court

It grows, crowded and makes noise;

Younger elders surround

And eagerly they catch their words;

Different rumors are carried

Some of them portend

Bloody war or smooth;

Others even say

That soon, to the horror of the universe,

The holy trumpet will sound

And with a fiery sword in hand

The angel of destruction will rush.

Superstitious fear on their faces

And with the cold thrill of confusion

Vlas rose on his foreheads.

Second song

In the middle of the mansion, in the dark,

Under the gloomy and huge vault,

Where dimly between the pillars flashed

The lamp is pale, lonely

And shone with a faint light

And the faces of the walls, and the vault is high

With images of saints, -

Prince Fyodor, surrounded by a crowd

Boyars and young brothers.

But there is no fun between them:

In the fight against mute anxiety,

Languishing in deep thought,

The young prince bowed to his hand.

And on his beautiful forehead

Thoughts wandered like spring

Clouds wander in the clear sky.

An hour lasted an hour, then another;

Princes, boyars were all silent -

Only the sonorous bowls knocked

And boiling honey hissed in them.

But honey, joy of Slavic hearts,

The soul of feasts and the enemy of worries,

For the prince I lost all the sweetness,

And Fedor drinks without consolation.

You flew away, happy delight,

And you lovely dreams

Spring life beauty.

Oh, you faded like the middle of the fields

Flowers that flashed for a moment!

Why, why sad melancholy

Did he give away his young heart?

How long has he been with his dear wife

Did you know only one joy in life?

It used to be daring brothers

They gathered in a noisy crowd:

Between them young Eupraxia

Was gaiety in my soul

And an hour of evening leisure

In a conversation of a friendly circle,

Like a clean, quick moment, it flew.

But meanwhile over the river

Batu prepares an army for battle,

Already under the walls of the city

Brave squads of the Slavs

They stood in orderly rows.

The sacred cross is a sign of Christians -

Was erected in front of the shelves.

Already an altarpiece

Sung a consoling prayer

And the host blessed the battle.

Twelve experienced leaders

Long covered with gray hair

But strong in their old age,

Stand with ready-made swords.

Behind them is a young row of princes,

Support of faith and freedom.

Young Roman matured here,

The flattering hope of the Slavs,

Worthy of the rank of governor.

In the brilliant color of a young age

He joined the princely council

And often with my wisdom

Ryazan elders surprised.

Long tested by armor

He's already been in many battles

And the Polovtsi with the faithful retinue

I amazed many times on the field.

But, the leader is exemplary for warriors,

He despised princes.

His amusements are scolding storms,

And a solid shield is his lodging for the night.

Yuri is visible near Roman,

Mstislav, Boris and you, Oleg!

Why is this handsome young man,

A child after heart and age,

Left home where he is, happy,

Walked carelessly through the colors

A stormless and playful spring?

But he is with damask steel in a young hand

Flies home to defend

And for the first time on the battlefield

Show love for freedom.

But the formidable Tatars regiments,

Full of frantic courage

Already along the fast river

How noisy waves rush.

With the threat of the wild on our lips

They are ready for a bloody battle.

Silver-framed swords

Shine in their strong hands.

Their horses are richly harvested -

Not copper or steel armor

They keep them from copies of their breasts,

But delicate precious fabrics -

The booty of Asian abuse -

On the birds of prey, they shine.

Batu, their leader, with damask in his hand

Before them on a young horse.

Feathered Arrow Quiver

Hanged on his back

And a shawl with rich knots

Plays over its head.

Nurtured in the midst of robbery,

But lush luxury with a hand,

He is a friend of war and a friend of peace

In days of idleness, in the noise of feasts.

He loves the bliss of pleasure

And in the hour of merry rapture

Willingly celebrates love.

But he is terrible in the heat of the battle,

When with a smile on your lips

With a deadly dagger in his teeth,

Like a whirlwind he strives for enemies

And in the foam the horse is smoking under him.

Everywhere there are only screams of the amazed

And the clinking of shields, and the glint of swords ...

Not the youth of sinless days

No old age gray hair venerable

The cruel bulat does not spare.

And suddenly there was a clatter of hooves.

Slavic cavalry units

Strive at full speed into battle,

But the first rides the prince of Ryazan

Roman, followed by Oleg Young

And Evpatiy, the old boyar

With a long gray beard.

The blows are followed by blows.

Young man Oleg is the most ardent.

Now on the left side, now on the right

His bloody damask shines.

Such an unexpected foray

Dazed the Mughals.

The raids of the Suzdal people are terrible.

They fly, the Tatars are crushed

And, embraced by cold horror,

They run scattered across the fields.

In vain is the brave son of Batu,

Nagai, resists enemies

And the rows of riders are thick

One seeks to keep.

Carried away by the crowd,

He himself involuntarily rushes after ...

So a boat in the midst of an angry storm

Fights a thunderstorm instantly

Instantly despises the winds,

But suddenly, having dashed off with speed,

It gives way to angry waves ...


Oh life, insidious siren,

How much you are attracted to yourself!

You weave from shiny flowers

The shackles of disastrous captivity.

You are serving the cup of happiness

And sing songs of joy;

But in the cup of happiness there is only treason,

And in songs of joy there is only a lie.

Do not torment with vain temptation

Of my tortured breast

And don't catch my eyes

Some kind of light ghost.

I am not comforted by a false dream.

My stingy hands for you

Will not bring a submissive tribute,

No, I'm not doomed to you.

Your captivating betrayal

You can put in your heart

Minute fire, instant discord,

Pour the Lanita with pallor

And overshadow youth with sadness,

Take away peace, carelessness, joy,

But you will not take away, believe me,

Love, hope, inspiration!

Not! my good genius will save them,

And they are not mine now.

I dedicate them from now on

Forever poetry saint

And with a terrible oath and with a supplication

I put it on the altar to the goddess.

1826 or 1827

A life

At first, life captivates us:

Everything is warm in her, all her heart warms

And like a tempting story

Our freaky mind cherishes.

Something frightens from afar, -

But in this fear is delight:

He cheers the imagination

How about a magical adventure

The Old Man's Night Story.

But the playful deception will end!

We get used to miracles.

Then - we look at everything lazily,

Then - and life became hateful to us:

Its riddle and denouement

Already long, old, boring,

Like a retold tale

Tired before the hour of sleep.


Here is the hour of the last suffering!

Attend: Dead Man's Will

Pay attention: so that this ring

They did not take off the cold hand:

May my sorrows die with him

And they will be buried with him.

Friends - hello and consolation:

Delight the best moments

They were dedicated to them by me.

Listen also to you, my goddess:

Now your soul is a shrine

Me and more accessible, and clearer;

The voice of passions has died out in me,

The magic of love is forgotten

The rainbow haze has disappeared

And what you called heaven

It is now open in front of me.

Come closer! here is the grave door!

Everything is allowed to me now:

I am not afraid of the judgments of the light.

Now I can hug you

Now I can kiss you

As with the first joy of greetings

In paradise the face of the angels of the saints

I would kiss with clean lips,

Whenever we delight them

Behind the coffin, they were greeted with gloomy.

But forget this speech:

In it is a secret murmur of frenzy;

Why cold doubts

Will I pour it into a fiery chest?

One, one prayer to you!

Do not forget! .. away from assurances -

Swear! .. Do you believe, dear friend,

What's beyond the grave sim limit

My soul will say goodbye to the body

And he will live like a free spirit,

Without an image, without darkness and light,

Dressed with one incorruptibility.

This spirit is like an eternally vigilant gaze,

Your unrelenting companion will be

And if the memory is criminal

You will change, trouble since then!

I will secretly put on a reproach;

I'll stick to the treacherous soul,

In her I will find food for revenge,

And the heart will be sad, languid,

And I, like a worm, will not fall away.

1826 or 1827

Signs before Caesar's death

About Phoebus! Do we dare to call you deceitful?

Isn't your quick gaze able to penetrate

To the depths of hearts where vengeance arises

And violent anger, but secret excitement.

After Caesar's death, you shared grief with Rome,

He covered your brow with a bloody cloud;

You have turned away angry eyes from us,

And the world, the underworld, was afraid of the eternal night.

But everything threatened us - and the roar of the sea walls,

And the languid click of the lies, and the barking of the terrible dogs.

Kolkrata we ripened like Etna flint horn

Molten rocks rotated a fiery river

And the flame belched in clubs on the field.

The German man gazed at the heavens trembling;

With a crash the clouds fought the clouds

And the Alps moved under the eternal snows.

The sacred forest groaned; in the mist of thick nights

A pale host of flickering shadows wandered.

The copper then poured (a wonderful sign of sadness!),

We noticed tears on the marbles of the gods.

The earth opened up, the Tiber rushed back,

And the beasts, to their horror, could speak words;

Eridanus spilled in boiling waves

He carried away the dense forest and the shepherds with their flocks.

In the insides of the victims, the sacred gaze of the priests

I read only the disasters and the terrible wrath of the gods;

The streams turned into bloody streams;

The wolves, the sound of the stagnation, wandered in the gloom;

We were ripe on a clear day and lightning and thunder,

And a terrible star with a flaming tail.

And so the second time the eagles fought with the eagles.

In the fields of Filippov under the same banners

Relatives fought among themselves again regiments,

And in the battle the brother fell from the brother's hand;

Twice rock ordered the Roman squads

Thracian valleys nourished with blood.

Perhaps once in these vast fields,

Where our warriors lie soulless dust

Calm peasant with a heavy harrow

Hit the helmet with an empty and trembling hand

Will raise a rusty shield, blunt damask steel, -

And the bones under his feet will clatter.


Italy, the homeland of inspiration!

My hour will come when I succeed

To love you with delight of pleasure,

How I love your image in a bright dream.

Without grief, I say goodbye to dreams,

And in reality, in the circle of your miracles,

Under a yacht of sparkling skies

With a young soul I will play out at will.

There joyfully I will sing to the dawn

And congratulate the king of the stars on the sunrise,

There I will soar proudly in my soul

Under a fiery, boundless vault.

How fun is the golden morning in it

And sweet is the silver night!

O world of vanities! then away from thoughts!

In the arms of neg and in creative peace

I will live in the past among the singers,

I will summon their hosts from the coffins!

Then, oh Tass! I will break your peaceful sleep,

And your delight, your midday fever

Will shed life and a gift of sweet songs

Into the cold mind and into the northern soul.

To friends

May the seeker of proud glory

Sacrifices peace to her!

Let him fly into bloody battle

Behind the crowd of heroes!

But with arrogant crowns

The singer of the forests is not deceived:

I'm happy without crowns

With a lyre, with faithful friends.

Let the riches torment the passion

Thirsty for their slaves!

Let it shower them with gold

Let them be from foreign countries

With loaded ships

Ardent waves crush:

I'm rich without gold

With a lyre, with faithful friends.

Let the roar of merry swarm

The crowd entails!

May their altar shine

Every sacrifice will suffer!

I do not strive for their crowds -

I am without their noisy passions

Merry with his fate

With a lyre, with faithful friends.

To friends for the New Year

Friends! the new year has come!

Forget the old sorrows

And sorrow days, and days of worries,

And everything that killed joy;

But don't forget the clear days

Having fun, fun light-winged,

Golden hours, for a dear heart,

And old, sincere friends.

Live new in the new year,

Leave old dreams

And everything that does not give happiness,

And only one will give birth to desires!

Still in this new year

Love jokes, games, joy

And old, sincere friends.

Friends! Celebrate the new year

In the circle of relatives, in the midst of freedom:

Let it flow for you, friends,

Like childhood happy years.

But in the midst of Petropol's undertakings

Don't forget the sounds of the lyre,

Occupations sweet and peaceful,

And old, sincere friends.

To the image of Urania

Five stars topped the brow of the inspirational:

Poetry wondrous star,

A gracious star of sweet hope,

Star of loveless love

Radiant star of sincere friendship,

What will be the fifth star?

May she be, beneficent gods,

Mental happiness is a star.

1826 or 1827

To the music lover

I pray you do not torment me:

Your noise, your applause

The tongue of mock fire

Pointless exclamations

Disgusting, hateful to me.

Believe me, habits are a cold slave,

Not so, not so delight free

Burns in the depths of the heart.

If you knew that these sounds

Whenever their secret language

You penetrated with a fiery feeling, -

Believe me, your mouth and your hands

Would be chained, as in holy hour,

Reverent silence.

Then your soul, becoming numb,

I would have understood the joy

Then she would be more alive, more freely

I hugged my soul mate.

Then rebellious excitement

And heavy storms of passions -

Everything would have died down, silenced in her

Before the shrine of delight.

Then you would not want to shine

The guise of a forced passion,

But you'd be in the corner, alone,

Thai loving breast,

You people would be brothers

You would secretly shed tears

And warm embraces to them,

As a friend of the universe, he stretched.

1826 or 1827

To my goddess

Not proud thoughts raise

Passion-filled chest

Neva waves do not interfere

Rest for a tired soul, -

When I'm along the wide river

I wander gloomy, lonely

And the gaze wanders along the banks,

Language slurred babbles

And quietly splashing waves

Intermittent words rush.

Then far from thoughts

And the proud hope of glory

And a quiet river

And the stately coast of the Neva;

Then do not timid melancholy

Has a powerless heart

And a secret murmur inspires me ...

You understand this murmur,

O deity of my soul!

Cold life of passion

Do you know I should breathe and live?

Do you know if I adore

A soul not made for happiness

Crowds of habitual dreams

And tributes to the servile service

Wearing a bustle idol?

Not! No! and warm days of friendship

And the days of hot love

They taught another heart:

Another fire they are in the blood,

Other senses settled.

What is happiness to me? Why is it?

Didn't you insist that fate

It is only given to the timid here,

What happiness with a fiery soul

You can't combine in this world,

That for him I can't breathe ...

Oh, be blessed by me!

It's sacred to me

This is a prophecy of misfortune,

And, keeping his covenant,

With what delight of sensuality

I'm waiting for a ruinous day

And the triumph of an insidious fate!

And if the mind is ungrateful

He murmured to heaven in troubles,

Your b appearance, dear angel,

Like a gift from heaven, stopped

The curse is on my lips.

I would do my chest again

The reverence of the saint

The healing look of your eyes

And again in my soul

Delight has risen to strength,

And proud contempt of happiness,

And sweet silence.

This is what heaves my chest

And a secret murmur inspires me!

This is what my soul is full of,

When I am along the wide Neva

I wander gloomy, lonely.

To my ring

You were dug in a dusty grave

Age-old herald of love,

And again you are a grave dust

You will be bequeathed, my ring.

But not love now by you

Blessed the eternal flame

And over you, in heartbreak,

I made a holy vow ...

Not! friendship in the bitter hour of goodbye

Sobbing love gave

You are the pledge of compassion.

Oh, be my faithful talisman!

Keep me safe from serious wounds

And light, and an insignificant crowd,

From a pungent thirst for false glory,

From a seductive dream

And from spiritual emptiness.

In the hours of cold doubt

Revive your heart with hope

And if in the sorrows of confinement,

Far from the angel of love

It will conceive a crime, -

You will tame with wondrous power

Gusts of hopeless passion

And from my rebellious chest

Turn away the lead of madness.

When will I be at the hour of death

Say goodbye to what I love here

I won't forget you in goodbye:

Then I will beg my friend

So that he is off my cold hand

You, my ring, did not take off,

So that the coffin does not separate us.

And the request will not be fruitless:

He will confirm his vow to me

With the words of a fatal oath.

The centuries will fly by, and maybe

That someone will disturb my ashes

And in it he will open you again;

And again timid love

Will whisper to you superstitiously

Words of painful passions

And again you will be her friend

As it was to me, my ring is faithful.

1826 or 1827

To Pushkin

I know: a genius is available

For the voice of sincere hearts.

To you, sublime singer,

I call out with the fervor of chants.

Dispel for a moment the saint's delight,

Meditating creative spirit

And condescending hearing

Worthy of a young muse.

When the prophet of freedom is brave

A melancholy poet,

Left the orphaned world

Leaving glory hot light

And the shadow of worldwide sorrow,

Laudatory thunder sounded

Your poems followed him.

You brought tribute to a faded power

And glory at his grave

He bequeathed another name.

You are quieter, you chanted sweeter

At the muses of the abducted Gaul.

Excited by your song,

In my enthusiastic chest

The soul was torn and trembling.

But you haven't paid extra yet

To the stones of debt of inspiration:

To the praises of mourned graves

Add some merry praises.

Another singer is waiting for them:

He is ours - a resident of the same world,

Its crown has been shining for a long time;

But the fame of loud greetings

The poet's voice is more resonant, more gratifying.

Our mentor, your mentor,

It lies in the land of dreams

In his own Germany, native.

Dosel Freezing Hands

Sometimes they run along the strings

And intermittent sounds

As after a woeful separation

A sweet voice of old friendship,

We are tending to familiar thoughts.

Until his heart was cold,

And believe he is happily alive

In the orphanage of dreary old age

And maybe captivated by you,

Inspired by the last heat,

The swan will sing in response

And, to the sky with a song of farewell

The stirrup is a solemn flight,

Delighted with a wondrous dream

O Pushkin, he will name you.

Mid or October 1826

C [curtain]

When sending him vaudeville

Not the fruit of high inspirations

A singer and friend brings you a gift;

Not pyerid heavenly heat,

Not a fiery delight, not a genius

I possessed my soul:

My lyre sounded inappropriate song,

And I traded in madness

The smile of the muses for the laughter of a satyr.

But you will forgive me my innocent sin;

You yourself, a beautiful seeker,

A happy admirer of the arts,

Often, for pranks, forgetting the delight of the living,

Throwing a brush - an instrument of gifting,

I sinned in private before the muses

And bold coal on the wall

He drew fantasies of playful creatures.

Imagination without shackles

It's like a butterfly playful:

That loves over a shiny cornfield

Flutter in a circle of earthly flowers

It rushes to the rainbow, to the heavenly flowers.

Do not think that it will go out in me

Heat for high songs! No, it lurks in the soul,

He will be awakened again by a powerful voice,

And, the brave disciple of Byron,

I will rush on the wings of a dream

To the magic side where the swan of Albion is

Plucked forgotten flowers.

Let it be a dream! he consoles me,

And I will not lose heart

As long as fate allows me

To share delight with friends.

Oh friend! we are on different paths

Let's go a certain way:

You have chosen a field of work,

I wanted to rest beforehand;

Beneath the peaceful shade of olive

I have chosen my own shelter; but my lot is lucky

Should not flicker with glory:

Have a modest silence in the bosom

My life will creep into the unknown,

Like the calm water of a deserted stream.

You doomed Bellona to a cheerful spirit

And loving the valor of the strong,

Doomed his sword to the idol of loud glory -

Go! - But the camp noise, military fun,

Everything will be foreign to you

Like unexpected dreams,

As a world of a new phenomenon.

Perhaps, on the banks of the Dnieper,

When in the shadow of a moving tent

Your comrades, daring dragoons,

Seething with fighting courage,

Will gather around you in a noisy crowd,

And the circular glasses will knock loudly, -

Regretting the thought of the former silence,

You will remember your friends, you will remember me;

Avoiding these new joys,

You will remember my list

Or, looking at him unintentionally,

Say to yourself: we once knew how

To play naughty with decency, to play pranks with the mind.

K. I. Gerke (In the evening hour of solitude ...)

(When sending the tragedy of Werner)

In the evening hour of solitude

When, free from labor,

Your heart longs for inspiration

Harmony of sweet poetry,

Read, dream - let it be before you

The veil of time will fall

And in a clear long line

A number of past years will rush by!

Take a look! already a mighty genius

He dissolved the cold gloom of the graves;

Already, having gathered the heroes of the shadow,

I surrounded you with their host -

Recognize the seal of heavenly power

On their pale foreheads.

The dust of the grave did not flatten her,

And the same flame in their eyes ...

But you're in the temple. Around the tomb

Where a sweet child lies

The sad maidens sing

And a slender cry flies to the sky:

“Why is she, like the color of May,

For a moment flashing beauty

Left the light so early

And she took the joy with me! "

You listen and tears have fallen

On a leaf with flaming cheeks,

And a quiet feeling of sadness

Involuntarily the heart moves.

Blessed, blessed is he who is at noon

And at the sunset of clear years,

As in the depths of a joyful homeland,

He still lives in fantasy.

To whom is heavenly - dear,

Who combines with gray hair

Imagination is young

And a mind with a fiery soul.

In a magic bowl of delight

He will not find an empty bottom

And he exclaims, in feelings of rapture:

"There are no limits to beauty!"


Leave me, forget me!

I loved you alone in the world,

But I loved you as a friend

How they love an asterisk on the air,

How they love a bright ideal

Or a lucid dream of the imagination.

I have recognized a lot in life,

I did not know torment in love alone,

And I want to go into the coffin

Like a charmed ignoramus.

Leave me, forget me!

Look - this is where my hope is;

Take a look - but why did you flinch?

No, do not tremble: death is not terrible;

Oh, don't you whisper to me about hell:

Believe, hell in the world, lovely friend!

Where there is no life, there is no flour.

Give a kiss as a guarantee of goodbye ...

Why are your kisses trembling?

Why is your gaze burning in tears?

Leave me, love another!

Forget me, I'll soon be on my own

I will forget the sorrow of earthly life.

Wings of life

From Milvoye

On light wings

Swallows fly;

But the wings are lighter

Life is windy.

Doesn't know in his youth

She is tired

And the joy is frisky

Takes trustingly

On your wing.

Flies, admires

A wonderful burden ...

But soon painful

Her guest is dear;

The wings are tired

And the joy is frisky

She shakes them off.

Sadness seems to her

Not so hard

And, whimsical,

Misty sorrow

Takes on the wing

And starts off into the distance

With a new friend.

But the wings are light

All the pain, more

They lean under the burden.

And soon falls

They have a new guest,

And life is tired

Alone, no burden

Flies calmer

Only in the wings

Barely noticeable

From the burden of the abandoned

Traces remained -

And imprinted

Only in feathers

Two colors are pale:

A little light

From frisky joy

A little dark

From a gloomy guest.

1826 or 1827

Love pet inspiration

And bow your proud mind before him;

But in a pure thirst for pleasure

Do not entrust your ears to every harp.

Not many true prophets

With the seal of power on your forehead,

With gifts of lofty lessons,

With the verb of heaven on earth.

Favorite color

(Dedicated to S [ofier] In [ladimirovna]

In [enevitina])

All flowers in the sky are beautiful.

Everyone shines sweetly above the ground

All breathe mountain beauty.

I love the clear blue color:

He often captivated with languor

My brooding eyes

And poured into a timid heart

A gratifying ray of good hope.

I love, I love the color of the moon

When she's on the air

With the gifts of the sweet world

Floats like an angel of silence.

I love the color of the transparent rainbow -

But from flowers my beloved

There is a color of a young woman:

In this color, as in a wedding garment,

The sky is shining in the morning.

He is the color of happy innocence

He is as pure as a virgin's eyes,

And the dream is clear as a baby.

When both fear and a swarm of merriments -

Everything was alien to you

Within the cradle

Messenger of heaven, loving

Baby sweet carelessness,

I cherished you in silence

You rested - but in a dream,

Solving eternity with my soul,

Met a lucid dream

A sweet, lovely smile.

That tore off that smile

That you were ripe - I do not know;

But your keeper, guest of heaven

Flapped a mysterious wing -

And the shadow of the night ran

I played in the sky

Dennitsa with purple fire,

And a ray of rosy dawn

Illuminated your lanits.

Since then, he has become twice as sweet to me,

This ray of ruddy dawn.

Keep it - it's not for nothing that he

It is kindled on virgin cheeks,

Not a glimpse of vain beauty,

Not! he is the seal of the clear minute,

It is a secret, unearthly pledge.

All flowers in the sky are beautiful

All breathe mountain beauty;

But between the flowers there is a holy color -

He is the color of a young woman.

My prayer

Souls invisible keeper

Hear my prayer!

Bless my abode

And stand guard at its gates,

Yes, through my doorstep humble

Will not step over like a night thief,

Neither a clever seducer,

Not laziness with a killed soul,

Nor envy with a poisonous eye,

Not a false friend with hidden cunning.

Always secure armor

Let my chest be dressed

May it not hit me with an arrow

Betrayal of the vengeful light.

Do not give my soul

A sacrifice to vain desires;

But bring it up calmly in her

Fire of sublime passions.

Close my lips in silence,

All the feelings of the secret autumn

Yes, do not meet their cold gaze,

Yes, a ray of vanity will not enlighten

For days unnoticed.

But pour sweetness into your soul,

Sow the seeds of hope

And take joy from your heart:

She is an unfaithful wife.

New Year 1827

So again the year flashed like a shadow,

Hid in a dark eternity

And with a quick run he rebuked

My lazy carelessness.

Oh, if he asked me:

“Where is the fruit of fervent promises?

How did you stop me? " -

I would find no excuse

In my scattered dreams!

I have nothing to drown out the reproach!

But listen you, cruel fugitive!

I swear to you in a goodbye moment:

You did not rush off without a return;

I will fly for you

And the upcoming brother

I will pay my entire heavy debt.


(Dedicated to A.I.T)

"Go ahead, coachman, but speak,

How far is Novgrad? " - “Not far away,

Four or three versts.

You see something high up there,

Like a black forest from afar ... "

- “Well, I see; these are clouds. "

- "Not! These are roofs from Novgrad ”.

You are in front of me, oh ancient city

Freedom, glory and trade!

How lively they say to the heart

Hills of scattered rubble!

Your deeds did not cease in them,

And the glory of the ancestors passed

In the mouth of truthful descendants.

“Well, three! in the spirit of the report! "

- “Quiet. Where is the Cathedral of St. Sophia? "

- “The Cathedral is from here, sir, close.

Here is a street, but two to the left,

And there you will find by yourself,

And the cross on the golden head

It will be right in front of you. "

Everywhere of the past is a fresh trace!

Centuries have passed ... but their flight

Raced here without destroying.

“Coachman! Where is the Vechevaya square? "

- "This nickname is not here ..."

- "How not?" - “And the area? Near:

Behind this wide street.

Here is the square. Do you see six pillars?

According to the tales of our old people,

Once upon a time hung on these pillars

Huge bell, but it

He was taken away from here a long time ago.

- “Be quiet, my friend; here the place is holy:

The air is cleaner and freer here!

Quiet! .. No, go quickly:

What am I looking for here, madman?

Where is Volkhov? " - “Here in front of you

It flows under this mountain ... "

All the same he, in a noisy wave

While playing, he runs merrily! ..

He is not sad about the past.

Everything is so close here, as before ...

Now you answer me yourself

Oh Novgrad! In age-old clothes

You are in front of me, as in gray hair,

The immortal knights are the same age.

Your ashes speak like a vigilant messenger

About the impenetrable antiquity.

Respond, majestic city:

Where are the times of blooming glory

Sounding here like brass in a stormy veche,

To court or to a bloody battle

Summoned obedient sons?

When your sword, your neighbor's thunderstorm,

Caral and knights and Swede,

And this proud wave

Was it a tribute to the brutal war?

Tell me where are these times?

They are far, ah, far away!

Between October and December 1826

Freeing the Skald

(Scandinavian tale)

E l m o r

Lay down the heavy sword. Is the hand powerless

To own sim damask, oh peaceful singer!

Glory to us in battles, dangerous battles to us;

A crown of sweet-sounding singing is for you.

Forgive me, O son of the Scandinavian kings!

In the singer's hand, this damask is not dishonorable.

Do you remember that Reckner was famous for the harp

And a brave example among the abusive fields.

E l m o r

Sorry young skald, you are an inspirational singer,

But if you want, Egil, we broadcast

About the glory you gained only in battles,

Then for a long and long time you will be silent.

Elmore! il forgot that, being proud of the purple,

The king of the skald offended, and with his neighbor

His sorrowful mother, in bitter tears,

She sobbed over the cold tomb of her son ...

So, with firmness of mind, with a threat in the mouth,

Egil answers, - and, with a quick foot,

Silent, both, with boast in their hearts,

They hid in an oak forest under the deciduous darkness.

A whole hour in the silence of the thick night

Sword on sword thundered in the middle of the deaf grove.

Spattered with blood and exhausted

Egil! you came out of the oak grove alone.

Brave Elmore! You are in vain Armin,

Surrounded by his family in his palaces,

A native is waiting for a feast under the roof.

You really shouldn't drink a circular cup from the cup.

Without life, without fame, your corpse is distorted

Lies in the middle of the oak forest on dry turf.

You bowed to dust with an arrogant brow.

All around is silent, like a mute grave,

And the death of the Scandinavian was avenged for the skald.

But in the morning, barely just between the gray vapors

Aurora blushed cold in the sky,

In a dense oak forest, with the barking dogs,

Recognized Elmore's bloody body.

Recognizing Elmore's features are distorted,

Armin struck by an unexpected blow

She does not cry, but she tears her chest apart with her hand.

Meanwhile, everything revolted, in the city of excitement,

Everyone is looking for a murderer, everyone is demanding revenge.

“I know,” Armin exclaimed, “Ingisphal

He always harbored a grudge against Elmore!

Hurry, hurry to comprehend the villain,

Strive, oh friends, strive faster,

Than lightning jagged sparkle in the sky.

Prepare your weapons for the killer's death.

Meanwhile, let the gates of the impregnable dungeon

They will thunder on it on cast-iron hooks. "

And they all rushed. Egil on the banks

He wandered by the sea with a sad foot.

Like a cloud, from which a fiery arrow

The fleeting Perun flashed in the sky,

On the wings of black with the remains of the storm

Floats slightly mobile in the blue of the sky, -

So gloomy is Egil and wandered thoughtfully.

When suddenly in front of him, surrounded by a crowd,

The innocent goes to the palaces of Ingisfal.

"Elmore triumphs, and revenge on the murderer!" -

So, in a rage, the whole people repeated.

But the skald, rushing into the crowd, exclaimed:

"People! he is innocent; with my right hand

The young prince died in the midst of the battle.

But I am not a murderer, O king of the Scandinavians!

Your daring son fought with me,

He fell and is glorious for a heroic death. "

Trembling with anger, Armin commanded

Throw Egil into a deep dungeon.

The innocent is free, death is the fate of the skald.

But the skald is not afraid of captivity, nor the grave,

And quietly, silently, a powerful singer

Walks among the screams of ferocious vengeance,

Goes - as if the glorious crown was waiting for him

The reward of his mellifluous singing.

“Oh, woe to you!” The whole people exclaimed, “

Oh woe to you! grief, dignified skald.

Here the bards will not broadcast your glory.

Like a shadow, your memory will pass without noise,

And with life the name of the villain will disappear. "

And, spinning heavily on copper faiths,

The dungeon door is locked,

And hid it merged with the whistle of Boreas.

So, he is alone, without joy: but no, -

With him a harp, in misfortune a friend dragging.

Egil, clattering in the darkness of the dungeon,

Elmora sings the last song.

“Lucky man! you fell among the dear homeland,

Your ashes will smolder under the native land,

Your memory has not gone into the coffin with you,

And often over your cold grave

Your sad father will come to cry!

And your friend will not forget to visit you.

And I am dying at the dawn of my life

Far from relatives and from a sweet homeland.

Sister is a young and tender mother

They will not come to water my coffin with tears.

Goodbye, my harp, our chants have passed.

And skald the youngest happy days -

How swift the waves rushed by.

And soon, full of terrible vengeance,

Furious barbarian will stop my age,

And a wicked Scandinavian with a fierce hand

Your consonant strings will break.

Greet, grieve! parting with you

Yes, I will heed your last song! -

I have lived during my life

I was happy with you, I was glorious for you. "

But the bards, performing the rite of the Scandinavians,

Meanwhile, a harsh tune began

And loudly thundered among the wild choir:

"May the murderer of Elmore perish!"

There is raging anger in their fiery eyes,

And all, in a circular motion, united by hands,

Elmora sang in discordant praises

And, having surrounded the corpse, they walked around.

Already in the middle of a vast field near the forest

A huge and wild piece of cliff

The singer's murder is approved by the altar.

Bulatna's ax lay on him,

And near, waiting for the victim, the killers stood.

And suddenly, creaking, deep dungeon

The doors are open, the people are striving.

Alas! everything is ready for the death of Egil,

The grave was opened to the unfortunate skald,

But the skald goes without fear of death.

Nor the cries of the people seething with vengeance,

Neither formidable steel, nor altar, nor bonfire

The singer is not shaken, only he with disgust

Hears like bards a frantic choir

Thunders praise unworthy of Elmore.

“O king!” Exclaimed the inspired Egil, “

Let me say goodbye to peace and singing,

Before death I repeated my songs

And quietly glorified the consonant on the harp

Elmora, who is unhappy in battle

I struck down, but in the way I struck down a hero. "

He is rivers; but with the name of the son of Elmore

The king's heart shook with rage.

Looking at Egil with fierce gaze,

He had already said ... When suddenly there was

The dull, gentle sound of the harp,

Armin went numb with the harmony of the strings,

He told the noisy crowd to shut up,

And the whole people became in silent expectation.

The singer bent down on a wild cliff

Took a faithful harp, a friend in sorrow,

And his fingers played on the strings,

And the wind blew his song in the valley.

"Where is the brave youth who

The enemies of the motherland reflected

And the land of fathers, native mountains

Protected with a mighty muscle?

Elmore, defeated by no one,

You have fallen, you are no longer there.

You fell - like a strong wolf will fall,

Struck down by a powerless shepherd.

Where are the days when the bloody war,

Hero, you led the squads

And returned to Elva with glory,

And he shared his happiness with Elva?

Ah, soon to the quivering girl

With tears the mother will announce

That her faithful friend lies

In damp earth, in a silent tomb.

But the strong are honored by the good gods,

And he's on the wings of the clouds

Swept into the high halls,

Heroic residence of spirits.

And I am along the secret shore,

The night fog is surrounded

Always wandering condemned

Beneath the cold waves of Lega. *

O skald, what a hostile god

In the midst of a desperate fight

I helped you invisibly

Slay the brave hero

And ruled your hand?

You won by cruel fate.

Alas! far from home

The grave will be your trophy!

I can already see before me

I see a hungry death

Ready over my head

Spread out a terrible scythe,

Already with an iron hand

She pulls me into the coffin.

Goodbye, goodbye beautiful light

Parting with you forever

And you, playful breeze,

Fly to your beloved homeland

Tell your family that it's hard rock

He told the singer to give up his life

Far from my native country!

But what before death, dying,

He sang, remembering them,

And my soul flew to them.

My last hour has already come.

Come killer, I'm ready.

Come, strike, let my pale corpse

Falls before the eyes of enemies.

Let the poppy with the grass fragrant

Graves grow around mine.

And you, son of the north, are above her

Make noise with pleasant coolness. "

He fell silent, but for a long time and by himself

The strings sounded like a lovely harmony,

And slowly the voice of sorrow disappeared into the field.

Armin, beside himself, with his head bowed,

Sitting silently among the amazed crowd, -

But suddenly, as if awakened from a long sleep:

“O skald! what song? what a sweet voice?

He exclaimed, - What a magical power

Did you unapologetically inspire me with tender feelings?

He sang - and in me the terrible anger went out.

He sang and shook his cruel heart.

He sang - and his mellifluous singing,

It seemed that my sorrow was quenched

Oh skald ... Oh my Elmore ... no. Vengeance, vengeance!

Killer! take deadly steel ...

Throw down the altar ... may the family of Egil

They will be happier than a bitter father.

Go. You are free, magic singer. "

And with a joyous cry, the crowd repeated:

"Free singer!" Grateful Egil

Armin's hand washed with tears

And before the benefactor he fell moved.

Egil returned to his native shore,

Where with impatience, under the humble roof,

His mother was waiting for him with her young sister.

Sad, tormented by evil memory,

He cursed his sword and hid it under a rock.

When, thoughtfully, in the evening,

The singer admired the excitement of the sea,

The gloomy shadow of young Elmore

She appeared to him on the foggy banks.

But only in the east Aurora blushed,

This ghost, like a dream, disappeared into the clouds.

1823 or 1824

Song of the Greek

Under the sky of rich Attica

A happy family bloomed.

Like my father, simple orat,

I sang freedom behind the plow.

But the Turks are evil militias

Our possessions poured over ...

Mother died, father was killed,

My young sister was saved with me,

I hid with her, repeating:

I did not shed tears in cruel sorrow,

But the chest cramped and cramped;

Our light boat rushed us into the sea,

A poor village was burning

And the smoke blackened in a column over the tree.

Sister sobbed - with a veil

The sad gaze is half-closed;

But, hearing a quiet prayer,

I hummed to her in consolation:

"For everything my sword will avenge them!"

We swim - and with a silvery moon

We see a fortress over a rock.

Above, like a shadow, on a mossy tower

Chagall Turkish sentry;

The turban bowed to the squeak -

Suddenly the waves sparkled

And now - in my hands lies

The virgin is young without life.

I hugged my body, repeating:

"For everything my sword will avenge you!"

East blushed with dawn,

A boat landed on the shore,

And over the rustling wave

I dug my sister's grave.

Not marble with an inscription dull

Hides the body of a sweet maiden, -

No, a corpse is buried under a rock;

But on this rock unchanging

I have inscribed a sacred vow:

"For everything, my sword will avenge you!"

Since then I have been Mohammedans

Recognized in a combat skirmish,

Since then, as often in the noise of the abuse

I repeat my vow!

Homeland death, beautiful death,

I will remember everything, everything in a terrible hour;

And whenever the sword glistens

And the head falls with a turban,

I say with an evil smile:

"For everything my sword will avenge you!"

Kolma's Song

[From Macpherson]

The night is terrible, but I am alone

Here at the top of the lonely.

The war is around me.

In the gorges of the high mountain

I hear the winds whistle dull.

Here, on the rocks from the steep mountain

The stream of resonances rushes down,

Terrible over my head

Perun thunders, clouds rush.

Where to run? where is my dear?

Alas, under the storm of the night

I am without shelter, alone!

Shine on high, moon

Rise, appear over the mountain!

Perhaps a blessed light

Will lead me to Salgar.

He is, probably, catching exhausted,

Surrounded by his dogs

In an oak forest or in a deaf steppe.

He threw off his mighty bow from his shoulders,

With the bowstring lowered

And despising thunderclouds,

He is familiar with the howl of the storm,

Lies dry on the ant.

Or wait for me on a desert mountain,

Until the day comes

And will not scatter the long night?

More terrible is thunder; the shadow is more terrible;

Howling is stronger than the winds;

Stronger than gray waves lapping!

And not hear the voice!

O faithful friend! Salgar my dear,

Where are you? Oh, how long have I been sad

To suffer in this desert?

Here is an oak, a stream, O Breg, crushed,

Where you swore to be until nightfall!

And dear shelter for Salgar

And my dear brother is forgotten by me.

Our families know revenge

They are enemies among themselves,

We are not enemies, Salgar, with you!

Shut up, wind, even for a moment!

Stop, the stream is gray!

Perhaps my lover

Salgar! here Kolma is waiting;

Here is an oak, a stream, crushing shore;

Everything is here: only the cute is not here.

Clara's song

(From Goethe's tragedy "Egmont")

The drums are pounding

The whistle has started playing;

With a swearing squad

My friend rode!

He rides, shakes

Great spear ...

My heart is with him! ..

Oh, that I am not a warrior!

What I don’t have

Spears and horse!

I would rush after him

In the distant lands

And I would fight with him

I am not in awe!

Enemies staggered -

They followed ...

There is no mercy for them! ..

O brave man!

Who is equal to you

In a happy destiny!

Mid 1826

Message to R [held back] well (Leave, oh my friend ...)

Leave, oh my friend, your murmur,

Subdue criminal unrest;

Not looking for consolation elsewhere

A soul rich in itself.

Do not trust people to disperse

Sublime hearts of sorrow.

The covetous friendship gives them

Empty caresses, not happiness;

Be proud that you are forgotten by them, -

Their indifferent dispassion

Praise be to you.

The stone did not smile at the dawn;

So are the hearts of the heavenly flame

To the soulless and empty crowd

Has always been an incomprehensible secret.

Meet her with a damask soul

And do not be afraid of weak hands

No severe wounds, no grievous torment.

Oh, if only you could with a quick glance

My new lot to run

Would you stop tempting

Destiny is an unrighteous reproach.

When would you see this world

Where sight and taste are disappointed

Where the feeling grows cold, the mind is bound

And where vanity is an idol;

When in the crowded desert

You have not found a soul alone, -

Believe me, you would be forever, my friend,

I forgot my reckless murmur.

How often in the flame of speeches,

Carrying my thoughts among friends

Dream deceiving, obedient

I gave my hand innocently -

Nobody shook my hand.

Here weasel warm greetings

The young soul is not warmed.

I do not find here in my eyes

Fire, kindled in them by feeling,

And a word, compressed by art,

Involuntarily dies in my mouth.

Oh, if we could pray

Reach the skies of the stingy,

Not a new bowl of pleasure

I would ask them for the old days.

Give me my friends

Give the flame of their embrace

Their quiet but hot gaze

The tongue of silent handshakes

And an inspired conversation.

Render sweet sounds:

They guarantee me happiness, -

They breathed so quietly

By the fire of love in the soul of an ignoramus

And a bright rainbow of hope

My days were scheduled.

But no! not everything changed me:

Another loyal friend to me

He alone is for a sad soul

Friends are replaced by a circle.

His conversations and lessons

I catch greedy attention;

They are both clear and deep

As if the waves of being;

In his fantasy rich

I came to life in full

And the early experience did not buy

Rapture early loss.

He himself does not sacrifice passions,

He himself does not believe their dreams;

But, as a creature's witness,

He unrolled the entire life of the cloth.

To him vice and virtue

Equally pay tribute,

As the proud ruler of the world:

My friend, did you recognize Shakespeare?

Message to R [squeezed] well (I'm young, my friend ...)

I am young, my friend, in the prime of life,

But I have tasted the sea of ​​life,

And for me there is no mystery

Not in ardent joy, not in sorrow.

For a long time I amused myself with a dream

I blindly believed in the stars of heaven

And the ocean is boundless measure

With my fragile boat.

With haughty joy, it happened

I looked like my brave boat

He stamped his mark in the abyss of waves.

The abyss did not frighten me:

“Why be afraid?” I thought.

Was the mirror so clear

How is the swell of the seas? " So I thought

And he swam proudly, forgetting the edges.

And what was hidden under the wave?

I struck against the stone with a boat,

And to smithereens my boat!

Deceived by the sky and the dream

I cursed fate and dreams ...

But from afar you beckoned me

How the inviting Breg smiled,

I hugged you with delight,

I believed in pleasures again

And combined with a cold life

Hot dream souls.


Do you know the son of the gods

A favorite of muses and inspiration?

Did I know between the sons of the earth

Are you his speech, his movements?

He is not quick-tempered, and a strict mind

Doesn't shine in noisy conversation,

But a clear ray of high thoughts

Involuntarily shines in a clear gaze.

Let it be around him, in the daze of joy,

Windy youth is raging,

Crazy scream, immodest laugh

And unbridled joy:

Everything is alien, wild for him,

He looks at everything calmly,

Only rarely does something from his lips

He breaks off a cursory smile.

His goddess is simplicity

And the quiet genius of reflection

He delivered from birth

The seal of silence on the lips.

His dreams, his desires,

His fears, hopes -

Everything is secret in him, everything in him is silent:

In his soul he carefully keeps

He's unsolved feelings ...

When suddenly something

Excite the fiery chest -

Soul, no fear, no art,

Ready to pour out in speeches

And shines in fiery eyes ...

And again he is quiet, and bashful

He lowers his gaze to the ground,

As if he hears a reproach

For irreversible impulses.

Oh if you meet him

With meditation on a stern brow -

Pass without noise near him,

Don't break with a cold word

His sacred, quiet dreams;

Take a look with a tear of awe

And say: this is the son of the gods,

A favorite of muses and inspiration.

Poet and friend

You only bloom in life

And the world is clear before you, -

Why are you young in my soul

Do you feed an insidious dream?

Who is close to the door of the grave,

That mouth does not burn,

His soul is not so fervent,

In greetings, the eyes do not brighten,

And does his hand shake like that?

My friend! your words are in vain

Feelings don't lie to me - their language

I got used to understanding for a long time

And their prophecies are clear to me.

The soul told me a long time ago:

You will rush in the world with lightning!

You are given to feel everything

But you won't enjoy life.

The covenant is not so strict of nature.

Do not despise her gifts:

She is to the delight of young years

Gives hope to us with dreams.

You proudly heard their greetings;

She is a holy desire

Itself lit in your blood

And in the chest for sweet love

Inserted a young heart.

Nature is not for all eyes

Raises its secret veil:

We read in it anyway,

But who, reading, understands?

Only the one who from his youthful days

He was a fiery priest of art,

Who did not spare life for the feeling,

I bought a crown with torment,

The spirit ascended over vanity

And hearts tremble with greedy hearing,

To the one who completed the lot,

Losing a life is not a loss -

Without fear, he will leave the world!

Fate is rich in its gifts,

And she has more than one law:

Tom will flourish with developed power

And erase the trace by the death of life,

Another is to die early,

But to live behind a gloomy grave!

My friend! Why feed deception?

Not! twice life does not cherish us.

I love that my heart warms

What can I call mine

What delight in a full bowl

We are offered every day.

And what's behind the grave is not ours:

Let them call our shadow

Our naked skeleton is ripped off,

By the will of a windy dream

Give him a face, features

And the ghost is called glory!

No, my friend! do not scold glory.

The soul has become akin to a dream;

She is a good hope

Sorrows lit up the days.

It's sweet to me to believe that with me

Not everything, not everything will die suddenly

And what my lips were saying -

A fleeting sound of fun

The chant of brooding sorrow, -

Will also remind you of me

And a bold verse will alarm you more than once

The ardent mind of a youth in a dream,

And the old man with a tear, perhaps

He will read the false works -

He will find a seal in them

And he says a word of compassion:

“How I love his creatures!

He breathes the heat of beauty

In him mind and heart agreed

And full thoughts rushed

On the light wings of a dream.

How he knew life, how little he lived! "

The poet's prophecies have come true,

And a friend in tears with the beginning of summer

I visited his grave.

How he knew life! how little he lived!

Sonnet (To you, oh pure Spirit ...)

To you, oh pure Spirit, source of inspiration,

My thought rushes on the wings of love;

She is lost in the vale of confinement

And everything calls her to heavenly lands.

But you have clothed yourself in a veil of eternal secrets:

In vain does my spirit strive to soar to you.

I read you in the depths of my heart,

And I was left with hope, love.

Sin with hope, sin with love, lyre!

On the threshold of eternity, sin with his praise!

And if the world collapsed, the light of the ether was eclipsed

And chaos crushed nature with emptiness, -

Gremi! Let them mourn among the ruins of the world

Love with hope and holy faith!

Sonnet (Calm my days ...)

Quietly my days blossomed in the valley of life;

I was cherished to have fun with a dream.

To me, the fantasy world was a clear homeland,

He attracted me with a familiar beauty.

But early the flame of feelings, spiritual impulses

They destroyed me by magic:

I am losing my sweet life a happy ray,

Only remembering from the past keeping.

O muse! I knew your charm!

I saw the lightning glitter, the ferocity of the fierce waves;

I heard the crash of thunder and the howl of a storm:

But what can you compare with a singer when he is full of passion?

Sorry! your pet dies by you

And the perishing one blesses you.

Three roses

Into the deaf steppe of the earthly road,

The emblem of paradise beauty

Three roses were thrown to us by the gods,

Eden's finest flowers.

Alone under the sky of Cashmere

Blooms near a light stream;

She's the marshmallow's lover

And the inspiration of the nightingale.

It does not fade day or night,

And if someone rips it off,

As soon as the morning light shines through,

A fresh rose will bloom.

The other is even more charming:

She, rosy dawn

Blooming in the early sky

Captivates with bright beauty.

Fresh from this rose blows

And it's more fun to meet her:

For a moment she turns red

But every day it blooms again.

Still fresh from the third blows,

Although she is not in heaven;

She cherishes her for hot lips

Love on virgin cheeks.

But this rose will soon fade:

She is shy and gentle

And in vain the morning ray will show through -

She will not bloom again.

Three destinies

Three fates in the world are enviable, friends.

The lucky one who controls fate for centuries,

Melting in the soul of an unsolved thought.

He sows for the harvest, but does not gather the harvest:

No praise of the peoples of recognition,

The nations do not reproach him with damnation.

For centuries he bequeathed a deep plan;

After the death of the immortal, deeds ripen.

The lot on earth is more enviable than a poet.

From infancy, he became friends with nature,

And stones saved the heart from the cold,

And a rebellious mind is brought up by freedom,

And a ray of inspiration lit up in the eyes.

He clothe the whole world in harmonious sounds;

Is the heart embarrassed by the excitement of torment -

He will cry grief in burning verses.

But believe, about friends! happier a hundredfold

A carefree pet of fun and laziness.

Deep thoughts do not muddy the soul,

He does not know tears and fire of inspiration,

And the day for him, like another, flew by,

And he will meet the future again carelessly,

And the heart will fade without heartache -

About rock! why didn't you give me this lot?


Blessed is the one to whom fate has invested

A high gift of speech in the mouth,

To whom is she the hearts of people

Conquered by magic power;

Like Prometheus, he kidnapped

Source of life, wondrous flame

And around me, like Pygmalion,

Cold stone animates.

Few heavenly gift

They get a happy lot,

And rarely, rarely, the heart is hot

The lips obediently express.

But if you put it in your soul

Though a spark of noble passion, -

Believe me, it's not for nothing that she is in her,

It does not glimmer fruitlessly ...

Not with that fate lit her,

To death cold ash

She extinguished it forever:

No! - what's in the depths of the soul,

That will not be carried away by the grave:

It will stay for me.

The souls of the prophecy are true.

I knew the impulses of the heart

I was their victim, I suffered

And he did not grumble about suffering;

I had a consolation in my life,

What is not a vain torment

The chest was torn to pieces before the deadline.

He said: “Someday

The fruit of this secret flour will ripen

And the word strong is accidental

In an unexpected flame of speeches

It will tear out of your chest;

You will drop it for a reason:

It will light someone else's chest

Like a spark will fall into it

And it will wake up in it by fire. "

But an hour will pass - and our boats

They suffered death towards them!

They are still hidden behind the rock;

But soon they will fly to the mercy of the shafts.

Son of the North! get ready for battle.

B ay ron

I am always ready to die.

Yes! Death is sweet when the color of life

You bring it in tribute to your homeland.

I myself have met her more than once

Among our valiant retinue,

And the unsteadiness of the deep sea

Hope, life and entrusted everything.

I remember the glorious coast of Heo -

He is in the memory of enemies.

Spending the night amid the faithful pier,

Calm Mohammedans

They did not think about the noise of the abuse.

Peace cherished their carelessness.

But we, we Greeks are not afraid

Disturb the sleep of your enemies:

We fly on ten boats;

Fatal lightning soared,

And in a moment the sea shafts lit up.

The masses of ships took off -

And everything was quiet in the abyss of waters.

What did the clear morning ray illuminate? -

Only an empty ocean

Where is the occasional wreck of a ship

Rushing to the green shores

Or the corpse is cold, and with a turban,

Swinging quietly over the wave.

Archipelago Ramparts

They boil under an evil gang;

Friends! on ships

Turbans flicker in the distance,

And the months are sparkling

On white sails.

The Sultan's slaves are sailing,

But the commandment of the Quran

They are not guaranteed victories.

May they be brave!

Sons of the Archipelago

Death will be sent to them after.

Eagle! What Perun is hostile

Have you summoned into the darkness of the graves?

O Evre! Hey the sad news!

Revy dejectedly, stormy shaft!

Let Albion be a distant shore,

Trembling, hears that he has fallen.

Flock, tribes of Hellas,

Sons of freedom and victories!

Let instead of laurels and awards

Our vow will burst over the grave:

Fight with a fiery soul

For the happiness of Greece, for revenge,

And as a sacrifice to the fallen hero

Bring the faded moon!

Elegy (Sorceress! How sweetly you sang ...)

Enchantress! How sweet you sang

About the wondrous land of charm,

About the hot homeland of beauty!

How I loved your memories

How eagerly I listened to your words

And how he dreamed of the unknown land!

You drank this wonderful air

And your speech breathes it so passionately!

You looked at the color of heaven for a long time

And brought the color of heaven in our eyes.

Your soul has flared up so clearly

And a new fire lit in my chest.

But this fire is agonizing, rebellious,

He does not burn with quiet, tender love, -

Not! it burns and torments and kills,

Is worried about a changeable desire

It will subside suddenly, then it will boil violently,

And the heart will awaken again with suffering.

Why, why did you sing so sweetly?

Why did I listen to you so eagerly

And from your lips, singer of beauty,

Drank the poison of dreams and joyless passion?

I feel it burns in me

Holy flame of inspiration

But the spirit soars towards the dark goal ...

Who will show me the way of salvation?

I see life in front of me

Boils like an endless ocean ...

Will I find a rock solid

Where will I lean my foot firmly?

Or, full of eternal doubt,

I will look sadly

Into the changing waves

Not knowing what to love, what to sing?

Open your eyes to all nature, -

But give them choice and freedom

Your hour has not yet come:

Now chase the wondrous life

And resurrect in her every moment,

For every sound its inviting -

Respond with a song of response!

When are the minutes of surprise

Like a foggy dream, fly by

And the secrets of eternal creation

He will read a calm look clearer, -

Proud desire will be resigned

Embrace the whole world in a single moment,

And the sounds of your quiet strings

Will merge into slender creatures.

And my strings are true

Since then, the soul has not changed.

I sing first joy, then sorrow,

Now the ardor of passions, now the ardor of love,

And fugitive thoughts are innocent

I trust in the flame of poetry.

So a nightingale in the shadow of the oak trees,

Obedient to a short delight,

When a shadow falls on the valleys,

The sad evening sings

And in the morning he meets cheerfully

The day is bright in the ruddy sky.

In the materials of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) it is said that there is no one who is too young or too old to use the library. The public library's mission is to provide services to all citizens and social groups. Potential reading groups of a public, including rural library, as defined by IFLA, are children, youth, adults (among which the following subgroups are distinguished: people representing different cultures and ethnic groups; people with disabilities; people placed in special institutions - hospitals , prisons; local government institutions, educational and cultural organizations).

A significant part of the main users of modern Russian rural libraries are, as before, children and students, rural intelligentsia: teachers, doctors, agricultural workers, as well as pensioners, housewives.

Recently, new categories of users have also been added: the number of unemployed has increased, as well as migrants who have settled in the countryside, who also have the right to services. Each of these categories addresses the library with its own problems and expects help from it. However, a significant place continues to be occupied by the need for information to help education, as well as self-education, understood broadly enough: as obtaining information necessary to solve many life problems.

With regard to children and youth, rural and school libraries have accumulated vast experience, having managed, despite all the difficulties, in most cases to realize their main function - to create conditions for education and personal development. Their main task is to familiarize with books, reading, the formation of a sustainable need for knowledge and, consequently, in the library.

The changing role of reading in the life of a young person is changing before our eyes leads to the fact that today the library should not only introduce him to reading, but also provide him with a free way of access to information. This multifaceted problem requires the solution of a whole range of issues: from having a good fund to fostering an information culture, the ability to choose an information product.

Recently, the library has become the object of attention of the rural family as a whole. This approach can be especially successful where there has been a merger of school and rural libraries. It has long been noticed that in rural families children are often the leaders of reading. This feature is taken into account in the work of libraries, which aim to unite the family through books and reading, to influence the microclimate in it, to bring people together on the basis of common interests, to help them get rid of negative phenomena. A rural librarian who knows each of his readers well enough can successfully solve this problem.

The most important task of the library working in the countryside has always been to help the rural school. The close connection of these social institutions, which are most important for the life of the Russian countryside, can be clearly traced throughout the entire period of their development. Today the rural school, overcoming numerous difficulties, is going through a difficult period. She is trying to modernize all her activities, seeing as the main criterion for the success of the work of a person prepared for life.

It is obvious that a person's readiness for modern life presupposes, not least, a high level of education and awareness. To provide it, information saturation of the entire school sphere is necessary. The main objects of such "information enrichment" can be considered directly the teacher's personality, the educational process, as well as extracurricular activities. In reality, this means that the library, through the book, the organization of events, should help every teacher and every student.

Helping the teacher has always been the most important task of the library. Today the teacher experiences the same hardships as any villager. Research shows that 76.8% of teachers need social protection. The living and working conditions of a rural teacher are characterized as unfavorable; suffice it to say that only 7% of teachers receive regular salaries. Many teachers show a decrease in their satisfaction with their work. It is interesting that one of the main reasons for this is the poor state of educational and methodological support of the subject being taught and the low general level of information support of the school.

The information needs of teachers and principals differ markedly. The directors feel most acutely the lack of information on legal issues (66%), psychological and pedagogical problems of education (57%), the achievements of modern domestic pedagogy, additional education for children and adults. The principals of rural schools are interested in foreign experience of education and upbringing of children (15%), as well as medical problems of childhood and adolescence.

Subject teachers need, first of all, constant broad information related to the development of the relevant field - chemistry, physics, history. The educational value of a subject largely depends on how the problem of correlating the content of the taught course and the level of development of science is solved. For example, the science of geography has been significantly updated. The design of an academic subject should be based on basic scientific ideas, patterns, laws, facts and reflect the modern world in full, and not in a truncated form. Such teaching requires a high level of teacher awareness. Only then will he be able to build the educational process in an interesting way, develop new forms of teaching.

Of course, teachers and school administration need knowledge of a methodological, psychological, pedagogical, medical nature. The rural library can and should alleviate the conditions of information deficit in which the school operates.

Its role is extremely important in informational support of students, identification of especially capable and talented among them.

It is known that an interest in reading, a craving for knowledge is the first sign of a person's talent. Involving such a child in the life of the library can give a lot for his future development. The library is able to help him and in the awareness of his abilities, and in the development of interest in any field of activity. The librarian, as well as the teacher, has a great responsibility to ensure that the first seeds of student talent are noticed and supported.

Of course, difficult adolescents should not be left out of the spotlight either. Experience shows that a library can be a place where a teenager is able to restore peace of mind: no one gives him marks, there is no such strict discipline, here he can find more understanding and qualified help. Often the library helps to show his positive qualities and abilities that were not noticed in school. Studies show that, despite the fact that the authority of the library among rural adolescents is very high: 53.4% ​​of rural school leavers are regular readers.

Extracurricular and extracurricular work is another area that needs information saturation. The organization of circles, labor and industrial training, mastering the skills of personal subsidiary farming, the formation of "agricultural literacy" - is impossible without referring to the book.

The peculiarity of the work of the rural library - close, everyday contact with the villagers - allows you to constantly clarify and deepen the request and maximize the individualization of information. In addition, under these conditions, the librarian is able to give, etc. "Proactive information" at his disposal.

A special place among the users of the rural library is occupied today by the so-called. managers.

This group includes the head of the local administration, employees of the administration apparatus, deputies of self-government bodies, economic leaders, etc.

These people have to solve a wide range of economic, social, socio-cultural, legal, environmental and other issues, which requires constant work with legislative documents, tracking the necessary information in periodicals, etc. Solving personnel problems, resolving conflict situations in production requires knowledge of psychology and management. It is also necessary to know the experience of local self-government in other regions of the country and abroad.

Thus, managers need information of a constant nature, both analytical and factual in nature.

It should be noted that the degree of usefulness of the library to the management staff will certainly affect their attitude to the needs of the library itself. Only by constantly proving its usefulness to the rural community, the library has the right to count on its support!

Today there are quite a lot of unemployed among the inhabitants of the village. Among them are people of pre-retirement age, and young people. It is the library, using all its capabilities, that can provide them with the most comprehensive and complete data on the possibilities of education, retraining, the availability of jobs, both in the district and beyond, on employment for the summer period, in their free time, for part-time working day, as well as on the conditions for registering an early pension, on the rules for registering as an unemployed person and his rights, etc. In the library, they will be able to find out how and where to get tested for professional aptitude, as well as what official legislative documents can be relied on when looking for a job.

As a rule, pensioners, veterans, and the disabled make up a significant group of rural library users. These people especially need help from the library. They are concerned about the issues of pensions, medical, consumer and social services, changes in pension legislation, provisions on rights and benefits. They need legal information, books on fishing and canning, and magazines, for example, "Krestyanka", "Vash 6 ares", etc.

The rural library, working with these groups of readers, performs not only informational, but also social function. The work of a rural library has its own specifics: on the one hand, it experiences great difficulties in terms of acquisition, on the other, great opportunities for communication with each of the readers, penetration into the world of his interests and abilities.

Recently in many rural libraries such forms of communication as "hotline", "psychological aid rooms", "trust rooms", "support telephone", etc. have begun to appear in many rural libraries. These forms are the library's reaction to the real need of readers who are experiencing difficulties in the process of communication, in essence, the library's attempt to help him in the passage of socialization. In very small rural libraries, this need is realized, of course, too, but, as a rule, in direct communication with the librarian.

With regard to differentiated services, recently in rural libraries they began to distinguish not only traditional groups of students (schoolchildren, students, vocational school students, etc.), but also such groups as “unemployed”, “teenagers with disabilities”, “ gifted children ".

The village library forms a special approach to these reading groups. The library services for these groups of readers are based not only on assistance in obtaining information, but also on the desire to help with informational means in life, everyday problems. The existence of such an approach makes it possible to express the idea that some librarians, including rural ones, perceive (as a rule, spontaneously) library services as one of the conditions for social protection of a developing personality. Of course, this philosophy of library service is not seen everywhere.

The rural library tries to provide its services to correspondence students, of whom there are many among rural specialists and school graduates. She tries to find the necessary literature for completing educational tasks, to provide information about available bibliographic sources, etc. The possibility of educational assistance to correspondence students increases many times, even if even a small library has a computer and a modem, thanks to which it can gain access to the resources of large domestic and world information centers, order an electronic copy of the required article or even a whole book.

Thus, a modern library operating in rural areas, regardless of its type and type, covers all subjects of the pedagogical process with its activities, helping them to solve their numerous educational and self-educational problems, which fully meets the requirements that IFLA places on public libraries.

The concept and features of public (public) libraries, their types: state, municipal, confessional (religious), cooperative, etc. The main categories of library users. Principles of organizing the activities of public libraries.

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Public (public) libraries: current state and development prospects


1. The concept and features of public (public) libraries

2. Types of public (public) libraries

3. Principles of organizing the activities of public (public) libraries

4. Current state and development prospects




A library is an integrative social institution that collects, stores and distributes socially significant documents in the space-time continuum in order to meet and form the information needs of users (4, p. 212). The main reason for the emergence of the library and its existence is information needs caused by various types of human activity. The library will exist (no matter what it will be called) as long as mankind will have a need for information and documents as artificial means of storing and distributing it.

Libraries today occupy a central place in the process of intellectualization of society, the development of its science, education and culture. They should turn into intellectual centers of social life. The traditional methods of information support for the activities of organizations and institutions through the accumulation, classification and dissemination of information should be replaced by new methods based on the use of emerging information support opportunities. This primarily applies to public (public) libraries, since they have a direct impact on a wide variety of audiences, and are often the only available source of satisfaction of the intellectual, informational and cultural needs of users.

The purpose of the work is to study the current state and development prospects of public (public) libraries.

1. Conceptand features of public (public) libraries

Public (public) libraries are an element of the state mechanism for social protection of the population, which is achieved due to the free service in the conditions of the high cost of books and leisure, the availability of accommodation and the variety of services provided.

The federal law on librarianship gives the following definition of the concept of "public library": a library that provides an opportunity to use its fund and services to legal entities, regardless of their organizational forms and forms of ownership, and citizens without restrictions on the level of education, specialty, attitude to religion.

BF Volodin, author of the article "Public Library" in the "Library Encyclopedia" (Moscow, 2007), speaks of two interpretations of the concept of "public library" - narrow (its prevalence, first of all, in the former Soviet public libraries) and wide (includes distribution to scientific libraries). The introduction of electronic technologies and remote access to funds allow any of these libraries to be considered publicly available. An analysis of the use cases of these interpretations suggests that the first of them is more widespread.

In the early 1990s. the moral and ideological obsolescence of the term "mass libraries" was recognized, it was proposed to rename them into folk or - general, educational, public, etc. In 1994, the Federal Law on Librarianship established the term "public libraries" , without using the concept of "mass libraries" in its content, which allows them to be considered renamed.

It should be agreed that at that stage of the development of librarianship it was impossible to introduce the name public libraries in relation to public libraries, since their real state did not correspond to the prevailing world view of public libraries as a form of libraries. According to international views, public libraries are extremely accessible (they serve without restrictions on age, social status); for them, the universality of the fund is not obligatory (both school and special, etc. can be public, the quality of their functioning allows them to satisfy the information requests of users to the maximum extent possible.

Meanwhile, the desire for international unification of terminology, certain qualitative transformations of publicly available libraries, in 1999, in GOST 7.0-99 "Information and library activities, bibliography" strata of the population ".

As a result, today, in accordance with the Federal Law on Librarianship and GOST 7.0-99, one and the same type of library is called differently. In library vocabulary, the technique of simultaneous use of two terms has become widespread, that is, "publicly available (public) libraries", which in practice, depending on the real state of a particular library, makes it possible to call it either public or public.

Peculiaritiespublic (public) libraries:

1) social accessibility: service for all categories of the population (from preschool children);

2) territorial accessibility: maximum proximity to users (to the place of residence and work through the use of stationary and non-stationary forms);

3) communication accessibility: the use of active forms of promoting information and documents to users.

public library municipal user

2. Types of public (public) libraries

A significant network of public (public) libraries is represented by institutions of various types, which are grouped according to the most important typologization criteria (5):

I. The procedure for the establishment of the library and the form of ownership:

1) public libraries - established by state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (regional, territorial, republican (within the Russian Federation) children's, youth libraries and libraries for the blind);

2) municipal libraries- established by local government bodies;

3) public libraries- established and financed by public organizations:

a) union libraries(their differences from the municipal ones: established by another department, located according to the production principle, in their fund - literature on the trade union movement, they closely cooperate with the special library of the enterprise);

b) political and ideological libraries(party and various political organizations and movements): for example, the library of the Liberal Democratic Party, the Independent Public Library in Moscow, the library of the society "Memorial" (victims of political repression) in Nizhny Tagil;

v) confessional (religious) libraries(in particular, among Orthodox libraries, the public includes the Synodal Library of the Moscow Patriarchate, the library at the Krutitsky Compound (Moscow), the library at the Cathedral of St. Catherine (Moscow); public libraries include the libraries of Orthodox parishes, as well as mosques, synagogues, etc.) ...

G) National Society libraries(for example, the library of the Jewish society in Chelyabinsk, the library of the society "Georgian community" in Moscow, etc.);

e) cooperative libraries, created by a group of persons at their expense and providing services, as a rule, for a fee;

e) private libraries established by an individual individual at their own expense;

g) libraries of other various societies(All-Russian Society of the Deaf, Societies of Dog Lovers, etc.).

1) children's libraries;

2) youth (youth) libraries;

3) children's and youth libraries;

4) libraries for all ages;

5) libraries for the blind;

6) libraries for the deaf.

III. The territorial type of the municipality - the location of the library:

1) city ​​libraries;

2) rural libraries.

IV. The territorial status of the library:

1) settlement libraries;

2) inter-settlement libraries;

3) central city libraries;

4) central regional libraries;

5) district libraries(Moscow, KhMAO) ;

6) regional (republican, regional) children's, youth libraries and libraries for the blind.

V. Profile of the library fund:

1) universal libraries;

2) specialized libraries(family reading, spiritual revival, religion, history, ecology, etc.).

Vi. Types of documents in the library collection:

1) libraries with bump and machine-readable documents (for the blind);

2) libraries, branches specialized by the type of document (for example, periodicals)

3. Principles of organizing the activities of public (public) libraries

The network of public (public) libraries is built according to the administrative-territorial principle, since these libraries are intended to serve the residents of a particular territory, settlement or part of it. When placing libraries across the territory, the requirements of their proximity to the population, uniform placement, regional features of the area, the possibility of coordinating the interaction of libraries when serving users are taken into account. In specific cases of creating and placing a library, factors such as the radius of the library's service are taken into account; the degree of isolation of a residential area or settlement; the likelihood of using the library, the number of storeys of buildings, i.e., the density and size of the population; the nature and level of industrial production; forms of settlement and configuration of the territory; natural conditions.

The creation of an economically rational, convenient from the point of view of use, a network of publicly available (public) libraries is a difficult task, since it requires constant adjustment to take into account the changing administrative-territorial, demographic and settlement situations.

The instrument for organizing the library network is a norm (standard). In connection with the finding of public (public) libraries under the jurisdiction of municipalities (local authorities), the influence on them of general federal regulatory documents, in particular, those developed by the Ministry of Culture, has been lost. Accordingly, the position of local authorities is decisive in the creation and placement of libraries within their territorial competence. In particular, the order of the Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation "On the approval of standards for the minimum resource provision of services for rural cultural institutions (public libraries and cultural and leisure institutions)" dated 20.02.2008 No. 32, which establishes the basic requirements for quality and making library services accessible to the public.

The RLA document "Model standard of public library activity" (2008), which establishes the obligatory presence of a public library in each settlement of the territory (municipality), its placement, taking into account its maximum availability (in time no more than 15-20 minutes, for which a local can get to the library).

In reality, today, on average, one municipal library accounts for 3 thousand people, in rural areas - for 1 thousand people. Small settlements are served by library points (there are more than 57 thousand of them), at the same time, in a significant number of rural settlements there are no libraries at all.

The social purpose of public (public) libraries is to contribute to the general cultural development of users and the satisfaction of their daily need for information

Like other types of libraries, public (public) libraries in their activities implement the main (essential) functions (cumulative, memorial, communication). The typical function of public (public) libraries is to promote self-education and the organization of leisure for users. Libraries of this type are characterized by the implementation of a wide variety of manifest functions (educational, educational, hedonistic, recreational, charitable, rehabilitation, etc.).

The goal of publicly available (public) libraries is to guarantee the population the realization of self-educational information needs.

The tasks of public (public) libraries as a special type of library institution are:

1) maximum provision of self-educational information needs and interests of users.

3) the organization of intellectual leisure of the population.

The complex of tasks and functions of public (public) libraries is presented in the UNESCO Manifesto on the Public Library and the RLA Manifesto on the Public Library in Russia.

4. Modernstate and development prospects

Monitoring of the transformation of the network of municipal public libraries, carried out by the National Library of Russia in 2011-2014, was reflected in the State Report on the State of Culture in the Russian Federation in 2014 (1). He identified the following problems:

- Destruction of the network organization of library services for the population at the municipal level and, as a consequence, the integrity of the information and library space of the region and the country as a whole. Full or partial decentralization of library systems at the district level, the transfer of all libraries to the settlement level, the abolition of the status of the central regional library, the refusal to create inter-settlement libraries, the transfer of libraries to the structures of non-library organizations - all these actions of local governments have led to organizational, legal and technological disunity municipal libraries. Most of the rural libraries found themselves in a "solitary" voyage without the necessary resources, modern technological base, qualified personnel, without cooperation and coordination in professional activities. According to the National Library of Russia, as of January 1, 2015, the network of public libraries consisted of about 44.4 thousand libraries, of which 261 were. central libraries of the subjects of the federation, 35.5 thousand municipal libraries and about 8.6 thousand libraries - structural units in organizations of cultural and leisure type (hereinafter - KDU). Almost a fifth of the municipal libraries found themselves outside the professional library network. Such libraries operate in 62 subjects of the federation, and in some regions they make up more than 50% of the total network of municipal libraries. Settlement, intersettlement, city, district, children's libraries and even centralized library systems are being transferred to the CDU.

Libraries that have not received the status of a legal entity do not have the right to receive subsidies from the federal budget for connecting to the Internet, for creating model libraries in rural areas, virtual reading rooms, and acquisition. Providing access to the resources of the federal state information system "National Electronic Library" (NEB) is also possible only for libraries allocated to a separate (independent) subdivision. Finding themselves without proper financial support and resource provision, “in-club” libraries very quickly turn into little-demanded points for issuing old and obsolete books, and are deprived of any prospect for further development and even existence.

- Shrinking the library network. The closure of libraries, rather than integration into larger club-type institutions (multifunctional cultural centers), has become the main "trend" in the optimization of the library network. The annual decrease in the number of libraries in 83 constituent entities of the Russian Federation reflects an increasing negative trend: 2012 - minus 334 libraries, 2013 - minus 666 libraries, 2014 - minus 857 libraries. For three years, almost 2 thousand libraries were abolished in the country (1857). Only due to the "infusion" of the libraries of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, the final indicator of losses for three years "softened" - to 1133 libraries. The reduction in the network is observed in most of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (in 75 regions). In more than 40 constituent entities of the Federation, the network decreased by tens and hundreds of libraries, among them the following regions stand out: Tula (minus 112 libraries), Penza (minus 110 libraries), Vologda (minus 86 libraries), etc.

In many regions there are so-called "mothballed" libraries that do not work, but are only listed, and their fate has not been decided for several years (in the Volgograd, Kursk, Leningrad regions, Primorsky Territory, etc.). Here are the formulations from the decisions of the representative bodies of LSG and orders of the administrations of municipalities on the closure of libraries:

Reduction of budgetary allocations, systematic underfunding by the regional budget in the form of subventions and subsidies;

Optimization of funds in the budget of a rural settlement;

Inappropriate content;

Exclusion from the network of ineffective, non-working rural libraries;

Pre-emergency condition of buildings and lack of funds for repairs, etc.

- Reducing the operating mode of the libraries , an increase in the number of libraries serving readers on a reduced schedule, with a minimum of services. So, in the Pskov region, 70% of the total number of municipal libraries work on a reduced schedule, in Bryansk - 60%, in Kursk and Ulyanovsk - more than 50%, in Voronezh and Kirov - more than 40%, in Kurgan and Samara - about 37%, in Sakhalin - 25%, etc. The number of such libraries is growing every year. In the context of individual districts, these figures exceed 80%, and rural libraries are open only 2-3 hours a day or 2-3 days a week. Perhaps, it was precisely this mode of operation that became the basis for the closure of libraries with the formulations: "due to the lack of demand for library services by the villagers" (Novosibirsk region), "due to the failure to meet 70% of the coverage of the population with library services" attendance and incomplete functioning "(Lipetsk region), etc. Such measures lead to a decrease in the quality of library services to the population, contribute to an increase in hidden unemployment, and a decrease in the standard of living of library workers.

- Decrease in the provision of the population with libraries is associated with different approaches to the observance of social standards for providing the population with libraries, which are established by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 19, 1999 No. 1683 (as amended on November 23, 2009) "On the methodology for determining the normative needs of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in social infrastructure facilities", but are advisory character. Therefore, in regions equal in economic development and population, there is a rather significant difference in the number of libraries, for example, in the Vologda Oblast - 557 libraries, in the Arkhangelsk - 476 libraries. In the country, as of January 1, 2015, on average, one public library had 3.3 thousand inhabitants (in 2011 - 3.1 thousand inhabitants). At the same time, there is a significant scatter of this indicator across the country from 1.1 to 9 thousand people (excluding Moscow and St. Petersburg, where there are more than 26 thousand people per library). In the first place, rural residents suffer from this. (3)

The identified problems are associated not only with the long-standing problem - the budget deficit of settlements, but to a large extent with the lack of an effective strategy for organizing library services at the municipal and regional levels. The organizational and legal heterogeneity of the library sphere, the scattering of libraries among different institutions and founders, complicate the authorities' exercise of their powers, hinder the provision of the quality and availability of library services throughout the territory of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. (Method.rec., P. 3-4)

In recent years, there have been positive changes in the situation of municipal libraries. In a number of regions of the country, targeted programs for the development of public libraries are being implemented. The new funding conditions allow for the establishment of specialized wages for librarians.

Today, to improve the efficiency and quality of library services, the integration of library technologies, organizational enlargement, and not the transfer of library functions to various types of KDU are required.

This can provide a solution to the following tasks:

* create favorable conditions for networking, integrating library resources and centralizing technological processes that require highly qualified personnel;

* to ensure the formation of a single library and information space not only in a virtual environment, but also in the real world, with its own infrastructure;

* to increase the role of the central libraries of the subjects of the federation and other types of central libraries (intersettlement, central regional and city libraries) as methodological centers;

* to ensure the maximum social effect of the activities of library specialists.


To preserve, ensure the normal functioning and development of publicly available libraries, it is necessary to develop a concept of library development at the regional level and change the principles and approaches to financing libraries, since today large material investments are required to compensate for losses that occurred in previous years, and to invest in the development of progressive library information technologies.

Priority tasks requiring solution and financial support from regional budgets:

Development of corporate library projects aimed at networking public libraries;

Modernization of libraries, including their informatization and strengthening of the material and technical base;

Development of human resources of libraries,

Improvement of the system of extra-stationary library services and interlibrary exchange.


1. State report on the state of culture in the Russian Federation in 2014 / Ministry of Culture Ros. Federation: Official site: [Electronic resource]. URL: http://mkrf.ru/report/report2014/ (p. 65 - 67)

2. Melent'eva Yu.P. Library service: textbook. - M .: FAIR, 2006 .-- 256 p. - (Special Publishing Project for Libraries)

3. Methodological recommendations on the organization of library services for the population, taking into account the changes made to the legislation of the Russian Federation on local self-government in 2014 / MB Avramova, SA Basov; RNL, Scientific and Methodological Department of Library Science; RBA. - Moscow, 2014 .-- 11 p.

4. Motulsky R.S. General library science: a textbook for universities. - M .: LIBERIA, 2004 .-- 224 p.

5. Sergeeva Yu.S. Librarianship and Library Science: Lecture Notes. - M .: Prior-ed, 2009 .-- 170 p.

6. Eidemiller I.V., Petrusenko T.V. Libraries and Knowledge: Challenges of Modern Society // University Book. - 2010. - No. 6. - P. 34-40

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Lecture 8.

Typical functions: are allocated from the number of derived functions in accordance with the information needs of users of a particular library. In accordance with the information needs of users, public, universal scientific and special libraries can be distinguished; in each of these types of libraries, one social function will dominate, which will be the type-forming one for this library.

For example, in educational libraries the dominant functions are: educational and upbringing, therefore, they are typical for educational libraries.

For a special library, the type-forming function will be the function of information support for professional and production activities.

Additional functions: these functions are performed by only a few libraries that have the ability to do this. For instance:

o The function of methodological assistance is performed only by libraries - methodological centers that have a methodological department in their structure.

o Research function - performed only by large libraries that have their own research centers.

1. Technological functions of libraries (independently).

Topic: Typology of Libraries.


  1. Evolution of views of librarians on the typology of libraries.

Classification and typology are the leading problems of any science, since allow you to streamline and systematize objects and phenomena that make up the object of study of any science.

The problem of library typology is one of the most difficult and has not yet been completely resolved.

The first attempt in Russia to attempt a typology of libraries was Gennadi, in 1864, when he compiled an index of the Russian library. The criterion by which the libraries were divided into types was geographic.

Later, they returned to attempts at typology only at the beginning of the 20th century. Libraries were classified geographically in the 1920s and 40s.

In 1924, the Belgians Tarkje and Budersten proposed to classify libraries according to 4 positions:

o By designation - scientific and non-scientific libraries.

o By the nature of the fund, general and special were distinguished.

o According to the range of activities - community and municipal libraries.

In the 50s of the 20th century, Chubaryan proposed to classify libraries by reading purpose. Allocated 2 classes:

o Mass libraries.

o Scientific and special libraries.

This theory lasted until the 80s of the 20th century.

In the 60-70s, a discussion about the typology of libraries developed on the pages of the NTB journal. Karatygina, Dubauskass, Valyanas, Fromin, Chernyak and others offered their options.

Stolyarov, Motulsky - proposed their own types of classification, as well as offered their ideas about classification and typology. Motulsky, based on the social role of libraries, suggested distinguishing 3 types:

o A shared library is a library that meets the information needs of the whole society, based on the universal content of the collection. The types of shared libraries are:

§ National Libraries.

§ Regional universal.

§ Public libraries.

o Special libraries are libraries that satisfy specific information needs arising from different areas of the reader's activity. These libraries have a collection of documents that is industry-specific in content and a universal (specialized) in form.

o Personal libraries are libraries that meet the needs of one individual.

  1. Features of the typology of libraries in the Republic of Belarus.
    1. Public libraries.
    2. Special libraries.

Typology of libraries is the division of libraries into groups or types, which are characterized by the commonality of the following characteristics:

· Composition of the fund.

· Contingent of readers.

· The place of the library in the aggregate republican network of libraries.

The type of library is the main division of libraries into groups according to main characteristics.

The type and subspecies of the library is a further, more detailed typology of libraries based on other characteristics.

The typology is needed to differentiate tasks, functions, to purposefully form the composition and structure of collections, to create an aggregate network of libraries in the republic, to better meet the information needs of users, and to effectively manage librarianship.

In the Republic of Belarus, in Article 9 of the "Law on Librarianship of the Republic of Belarus" the typology of the republic's libraries according to the reader's purpose is enshrined. On this basis, 2 types of libraries are distinguished:

· Public libraries.

· Special libraries.

The library type is determined by 3 parameters:

· By the composition of library funds.

· Based on the principle of placing a network of libraries.

Public libraries: typological features of public libraries:

· The universal character of the funds - in the composition of these funds there is both fiction and industry literature on all branches of knowledge. Industry literature can be both scientific and popular science.

· The contingent of readers - all comers who live in the service area of ​​the library.

· The placement of the library network is carried out according to the administrative-territorial division (according to the place of residence).

Public libraries are focused on meeting the self-educational, educational, professional and leisure information needs of the user.

Types of public libraries:

o Universal Scientific Libraries (NSL):

Typological signs of NSA:

§ Universal funds, which are completed mainly with universal literature.

§ The readers are mainly specialists in various industries and scientists (but also serve everyone).

§ The library network is located according to the administrative-territorial division.

Types of NSA:

§ National NSA.

§ Regional (territorial) UNB.

o Mass public libraries (BCH grass-roots public libraries).

Typological signs of the BCH:

§ The universal character of the funds, which are completed by 50-60%, consist of fiction, the rest is industry literature of a popular scientific nature.

§ Readers are all residents of the library's service area. In addition, mass libraries satisfy the professional information needs of specialists who do not have their own network of special libraries (workers of mass professions, employees in the sphere of everyday life and trade).

§ The library network is located at the place of residence or by administrative division.

Types of BCH:

§ MPB is a state network that is funded and subordinate to the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus. These include city, district, rural, children's libraries.

§ MPB public organizations, which include libraries of trade unions, parties, national and cultural associations, religious communities, private or commercial libraries.

§ BCH of other departments, which include mass libraries in hospitals for patients (but not medical libraries), libraries in military units for soldiers, libraries in prisons.

Special libraries: typological features of libraries:

· The special nature of the funds is the acquisition of only specialized industry literature.

· The contingent of readers is specialists from different industries.

· Network location - on a departmental basis, or at the place of work.

Special libraries meet the needs of users, caused by the field of their professional or educational activities. The activities of special libraries are focused on specialists, employees of ministries, departments, organizations and enterprises in which they are organized and operate.

Special libraries are united in branch networks, which are headed by large republican branch libraries.

Types of special libraries:

· Scientific Special Libraries (NSL).

o Libraries of the Academy of Sciences (TsNL named after Y. Kolas of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan and a network of subordinate academic libraries; state and republican large branch libraries (RNTL, RNMB, BelSKhB, NPB).

o Libraries of research institutes and design bureaus.

The main task of libraries of this type is to meet the scientific needs of users and to promote research activities.

· Production special libraries (PSB).

This group includes special libraries with sectoral funds at the regional and grassroots level. These include:

o Technical libraries (regional scientific and technical libraries (NTB), head or "basic" NTBs, technical libraries at enterprises, institutions and organizations).

o Medical libraries (regional medical libraries, medical libraries at polyclinics and hospitals for employees, medical libraries of medical institutions).

o Agricultural libraries (agricultural libraries at scientific research institutes of agricultural profile and educational institutions of agricultural profile; also agricultural libraries of experimental stations).

o Military libraries (for command personnel).

The main task of production special libraries: meeting the needs associated with the production activities of readers.

· Educational special libraries (CSS):

o Libraries of universities and other institutions of higher education.

o Libraries of colleges and lyceums.

o Libraries of grammar schools and schools.

o Out-of-school libraries.

o Libraries of institutions for advanced training and retraining of teaching staff.

The main social purpose of educational social libraries is to support the educational process. In addition to requests related to educational activities of readers, such libraries satisfy production needs related to industrial practice; scientific inquiries of teachers, students and staff. Also, libraries of cultural institutes and pedagogical universities meet the demands for art. literature.

· Special libraries of authorities and administration (SBOViU):

o Libraries of local councils of deputies are “libraries of legislative bodies”.

o Libraries of executive authorities - libraries of executive committees.

o Libraries of the Prosecutor's Office and Courts

These libraries serve the needs of readers' legislative, guiding activities. Their funds contain complete sets of laws, decrees, decrees, orders of authorities at various levels.

The largest among them is the Presidential Library.
Topic: Library systems and networks of the Republic of Belarus.


  1. The concepts of "library system" and "library network". Principles of the formation of library networks.

The organization and functioning of librarianship is based on the principle of consistency (or "systems approach"). He suggests that libraries form a variety of associations at the local, regional or national level, which are denoted by the terms "library systems" or "library networks".

A library system is a collection of interacting libraries, united under certain contractual conditions, in order to better satisfy user requests and efficiently use library resources.

A library network is a library system united by a commonality of tasks, organizational solutions and a number of common features: belonging to a certain territory, institution, industry, etc.

All these library systems and networks operate on certain principles:

· The principle of interaction - i.e. interaction is a set of certain connections that are aimed at the fullest satisfaction of information needs, rational formation and effective use of library resources. These links also predetermine the acquisition by the library system of new properties that provide complementarity and mutual assistance of libraries.

Types of library interaction:

o Coordination.

o Cooperation.

o Association in library consortia.

o Specialization.

o Centralization (the highest form of interaction).

· The principle of the integrity of the library system is when all the elements of the system are mutually consistent with each other, their impacts are consistent with the interests of the rest.

· A certain organizational structure - at the organizational level, various library associations are distinguished, which cover the interrelated libraries of one or different departments.

By the scale of the territory, the number of libraries, the volume and nature of library resources, one can distinguish primary, local, regional and regional library associations.

The primary level of the association is the CLS, which includes libraries of the same type and one department in a certain territory.

· Dynamism of united systems.

  1. CLS of public libraries: types, goals, objectives, structure.

In the Republic of Belarus, all public libraries operate on a centralized basis, i.e. combined into centralized library systems.

Centralization provides for the unification of previously independent libraries into a single system, with a single book fund, centralized collection and processing of documents, a single staff and management.

CLS = is a single library institution that unites state and public libraries, operating on the basis of a single administrative and methodological guide, a common staff and fund, and centralization of the processes of formation and use of funds. All libraries are subject to one guideline.

The unification of libraries in the CLS was due to a number of reasons:

· Rapid development in the 70s of science, economics, culture.

· Strengthening the integration of sciences, the emergence of complex problems that have caused changes and significant complications in the information needs of users.

· The need to unify the processes of formation and cataloging of funds to serve readers.

Before the centralization process, each library worked in isolation, regardless of the libraries that were nearby.

The centralization of public libraries took place in 3 stages:

· Experimental stage (1966-1972).

· Transitional stage (1973-1975).

· Mass (frontal) association of public libraries in the Central Library System (1976-1988).

In the Republic of Belarus, centralization was carried out in 1980.

Centralization was carried out on the basis of the following documents:

· Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU on increasing the role of libraries in the communist education of workers and scientific and technological progress (published in 1974).

· Regulation "On the centralization of public public libraries", 1975.

The typical structure of the CLS includes:

· Central Library (CB), for example, the Central City Library, Central City Library.

· Supporting branch libraries.

· Libraries affiliates.

· Non-stationary forms of service.

The structure of the CLS depends on the composition and number of readers, and the number of affiliated libraries included in the system.

The Central Library is the head subdivision of the CLS that manages the branch libraries, provides centralized acquisition, processing of documents, reference-bibliographic and information services based on a single reference-bibliographic apparatus. The central library is responsible for serving readers, attracting as many people as possible from the service area to libraries, and managing the activities of branch libraries

Functions of the central library in the CLS:

· The central library is a legally responsible person who has its own seal and can enter into agreements with various institutions and organizations.

· The Central Bank is the main book depository of the entire CLS. Forms its funds taking into account the needs of readers of the entire service area.

· The Central Bank collects and processes the library collections of all branches on a centralized basis. The Central Bank also forms its own fund, the employees of its acquisition and processing department redistribute the literature received by the CLS and determine where to send special or scientific literature received in one copy.

· The Central Library keeps a summary and individual record of all documents received by the Central Library System, excludes literature from the central library fund and writes it off the balance sheet.

· The Central Bank reflects the unified fund of the Central Bank System through a system of catalogs and filing cabinets. Creates central catalogs and card indexes, counting on their use by the readers of the entire CLS, maintains a consolidated catalog reflecting the funds of all branch libraries.

· It unifies and summarizes the experience of the branch libraries, disseminates and controls the implementation of best practices, and promotes professional development of the library personnel of the system.

· The central library is responsible for the administration of the entire system. Responsible for the equipment of all branch libraries and the distribution of all funds.

· The central library carries out planning and reporting within the entire CLS and submits documents to the accountable authority on time.

· The Central Library coordinates the main activities of all branch libraries, as well as coordinates the activities of the entire CLS with other libraries.

The structure of the central library.

The Central Library has the following departments:

· Administrative department.

· Department of acquisition and processing of a single fund.

· Information and bibliographic department.

· Service department:

o Subscription department.

o Reading room department.

· Department of non-stationary services.

· Marketing department (methodical department).

· Music and music department.

Supporting branch libraries: these are city, central rural, children's libraries, which act as a support in their administrative region. They can stand out if the CLS has a large number of libraries.

These branch reference libraries assist the central library in the following functions:

· Provide methodological assistance to branch libraries in the area of ​​their activity.

· Partially perform administrative and economic functions in relation to the branch libraries.

The structure of the supporting branch library:

· Service department:

o Subscription.

o Reading room.

· Children's department.

Branch libraries: these are urban, rural or children's libraries that have become part of the CLS. They are responsible for library and bibliographic services and for the attraction of reading to the population of their service area, as well as for the use and preservation of their collection.

The main task of these libraries is to improve the forms and methods of serving the readers of their zone. The branch library takes part in the acquisition of its collection (applications), systematically selects and transfers to the central library literature unused by readers, issues publications from its collection requested by other libraries; receives from the central library (the central children's library and other libraries of the branches) on interlibrary loan the editions necessary for the readers and ensures their safety.

The branch library has the right to participate in the collegial solution of issues related to the activities of the Central Library System and the branch library. It also maintains technological ties with the departments of the central library, the central children's library. Coordinates work with libraries of other departments in his region (the same functions are performed by the supporting libraries of the branches).

Branch library structure:

· Service department:

o Subscription.

o Reading room.

· Children's department.

· Possible multimedia department.

Non-stationary forms of service: this is the lower level of the CLS. If necessary, any stationary library of the Central Library System can organize in small settlements, or in remote microdistricts of the city, at city enterprises, organizations, house administrations, various forms of non-stationary service:

· Library points.

This is when a librarian, or a reader of a stationary library, brings books from there (from the library) to the required place, at a certain time, and gives them out.

· Book publishing.

When a librarian carries books to readers at their place of residence or work.

· Library brigade subscription.

When, according to one reader form, a team member in production can receive books for the entire team.

· Extramural subscription.

Books by mail.

· Mobile libraries.

Libraries. This is a specially equipped bus that serves readers in remote city districts or remote settlements. The first such appeared in the 40s of the 20th century. The library bus is organized by the central library service department. It has broader functions than other non-stationary forms of service:

o The libibus employees fulfill requests for documents from the unified collection of the library system.

o The bibliobus employees hold mass events for readers (bibliographic reviews of new literature, book exhibitions).

o The libibus employees provide methodological assistance to employees of other non-stationary forms of service.

Stationary library - a library with a permanent location, has its own premises, its own fund, its own equipment and employees.

Non-stationary library - has no permanent premises, fund, equipment and staff. All this is organized by the stationary library.

Non-stationary forms of service are organized in order to bring documents closer to the place of residence, study or work.

Centralization options for public mass libraries:

The regulation "On the centralization of public public libraries" provides for the following options for combining libraries on the territory of a city or rural area:

· City CLS.

o The central library of this CBS is the Central City Library (CGB).

o Supporting libraries and branches are the largest libraries of micro-districts of the city.

o Branch libraries - city and children's libraries on the territory of the city.

If the population is less than 1 million. people - one CBS is organized. In cities with more than 1 million inhabitants. centralization can be carried out as follows:

o By creating a single CLS, which will include all the city's libraries. This system is very large and the efficiency of management decisions of the central library in it is low.

o Organization of independent, parallel working, city-wide systems: a system of libraries for adults, and a system of libraries for children.

o By district centralization, i.e. unification of public and children's libraries within the same administrative district of the city (disadvantage: lack of a citywide policy of acquisition and use of the fund).

· Rural CLS.

Centralization is carried out within the administrative region.

o The central library of this CLS is the Central Regional Library (CRL).

o Supporting branch libraries are central rural libraries.

o Affiliate Libraries - Rural libraries located in villages.

· Mixed CLS.

The central library of this system is:

o CRH is the central regional library.

o Branch libraries - rural libraries, city and rural libraries of the district center.

· If there are more than 8 children's libraries in the city, then a Special CLS for children's libraries is created, it unites all children's libraries in the city. This network is headed by the Central City Children's Hospital. In this case, city libraries for adults do not serve children. Such a CLS in Minsk.

· If there are less than 8 children's libraries, they are included in the city or mixed CLS as separate specialized branches. In this case, libraries for adults serve children as well. In this CLS, the central city children's library is a department of the central library.

Specialization of public mass libraries of the Republic of Belarus.

Currently, there is a process of specialization of public public libraries, in which a number of public public libraries on the basis of universal funds specialize their activities in a certain direction of library services, or are focused on serving any one category of readers.

Public Library Specialization Options:

· By types of documents: music libraries, art libraries, video libraries, electronic libraries.

· In the areas of library services:

o Family reading libraries.

They focus on the demographic situation, study families, maintain close contact with schools, when recruiting and placing funds, determining the topics and forms of library activities, they are guided by the interests of the family. The staff of the libraries includes teachers, psychologists, organizers of mass cultural work. In Minsk, the CLS for adults has 3 family reading libraries.

o Libraries - cultural complexes and social and leisure centers, libraries - clubs.

They provide leisure time, therefore they work closely with cultural institutions, focus on local history topics. The types of these libraries:

§ Youth cultural centers.

§ Libraries clubs for children.

§ Libraries museums.

§ Libraries, information and educational centers.

o Library business.

In addition to the universal fund, a "business fund" is being formed - literature on economics, management, marketing, etc. Services of such libraries:

§ They provide documents from both the universal fund and the business fund.

§ Carry out informational and bibliographic information retrieval.

§ They organize the study of foreign languages, computer work, courses on the basics of business relations.

§ Business clubs are established.

§ Provide consulting services.

§ Provide service.

§ Special book kiosks are being created.

Previously, such a library existed in Minsk at the Y. Kupala Central City Hospital, but its activity was recognized as inexpedient.

Depository libraries.

According to the results of scientific research, about 40% of the funds of universal scientific libraries and special libraries by readers are either almost not used, or are used to a limited extent. In order to cleanse the library funds from little-used literature, at certain scientific libraries, departments of depository storage of funds were created, and such libraries began to be called depository libraries.

Depository libraries are special and universal scientific libraries that preserve little-used documents, create a reference and bibliographic apparatus for these documents and serve their readers and readers of other libraries with them.

Little-used documents include scientific documents used in professional and scientific spheres, which were published 10-15 years ago and which have not received requests from readers over the past 3-5 years, and which are not included in the core of the library fund. However, these documents have not lost their scientific value and are rarely needed by specialists.

Functions of depository libraries:

· Depository libraries accept from all libraries little-used documents that are not in their collections.

· Libraries permanently keep these documents in 1-2 copies.

· These documents are issued both to their readers and to readers of other libraries.

· Create a SBA (reference and bibliographic apparatus), which reflects the funds of depository storage.

· Provide methodological assistance to libraries and the STI body for identifying and transferring little-used documents to the depository.

Library levels - depositories:

· Republican: represented by the national library and republican branch scientific libraries. Each of these libraries has a different depository profile.

o NBL is a universal and diversified depository, which stores documents on social sciences, cross-sectoral and complex problems, reference and encyclopedic literature of universal content.

o CSL NAS RB is a depository of documents on natural and exact sciences.

o RLST is a depository of technical normative documents and industrial catalogs.

o RNMB is a depository of documents on medicine and health care.

o BelSKhB is a depository of agricultural documents.

· Regional (regional): these are regional universal scientific libraries. In the Republic of Belarus there are 6 regional NSBs that are depositories of local history literature.

  1. Public Library Networks.

All libraries (both public and specialized) and on the basis of administrative affiliation are divided into:

· State public library network.

· A network of libraries of departments and institutions.

· Network of libraries of public organizations.

Library Network Analysis :

· Network structure.

· Central library of the network, its characteristics and functions.

· Centralization options in this network.

· Typological characteristics of all libraries included in the network at different levels.

The network of state public libraries of the Republic of Belarus:

This network is created and funded by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus.

Network structure:

· Republican level: NBB

· Regional (oblast) level: oblast universal scientific libraries.

· Grassroots level: libraries included in the Central Library System: all central libraries (Central City Library, Central Regional Library, Central City Library), urban, rural children's youth libraries, branches of urban, rural and mixed CLS.

Centralization options: see the lecture on CLS, urban, mixed and rural CLS.

National Library of Belarus. Typological features (see materials in room 312 and excursion materials).

Regional universal scientific libraries of the Republic of Belarus. Their typological foundations and functions. See materials of excursions in room 312.

Central library in the CLS, its functions (see the corresponding lecture).

  1. Networks of special libraries of the Republic of Belarus.
    1. Library network of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus.

This network brings together academic libraries at various levels.

An academic library is a library that is a structural subdivision of an academic research institution and an institute, and organizes library services for its staff.

The funds of academic libraries contain scientific, reference publications, a wide range of periodicals in Russian and foreign languages.

Academic libraries are subordinate to and financed by the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus, which exercises general management and control over their activities through the library council under the presidium and library councils of the National Research University.

Academic library network structure:

o Republican level - central scientific library named after Ya. Kolas National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan. CSL functions:

§ The fund contains the most complete collection of works in the sciences.

§ Academic Libraries Leadership Center.

§ NBA industry center by network profile.

§ Center for coordination with republican and regional libraries in areas of activity.

o Regional level - libraries of research institutes, research centers and branches of the Academy of Sciences. Libraries of this level are special libraries with highly specialized collections. They work at research institutions and ensure the satisfaction of the scientific needs of the staff of these institutions. For example, there are the following industry libraries at this level:

§ On technical sciences: library of the Institute of Technology and Cybernetics of the Academy of Sciences.

§ Philological Sciences: Library of the Institute of Belarusian Language and Literature of the Academy of Sciences.

§ On natural and exact sciences: library of the Institute of Applied Physics of the Academy of Sciences.

Centralization of academic libraries: the Y. Kolas Central Library unites 25 libraries of research institutions into a single CLS, which are part of its network as branches. 15 libraries of branches located in Minsk are included in this CLS on the basis of complete centralization, i.e. - they are structural subdivisions of the CSL and CSL performs a series of technological processes for them (acquisition and processing of funds, organization of reference and information and exhibition work, serves subscribers in the NBA, implements ABIS). Libraries located in regional centers at research institutes are included in this CLS on the basis of partial centralization, i.e. - they retain their affiliation with their scientific institutions, and the Y. Kolas CSL provides only methodological assistance to these branch libraries.

    1. The network of scientific and technical libraries of the Republic of Belarus.

Network structure:

o Republican level - republican scientific and technical library. It is subordinate to the State Committee for Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus. It was founded in 1977 on the basis of the scientific and technical library of the Institute of Information. It provides library, reference and bibliographic services to enterprises, institutions and specialists of the economy of the Republic of Belarus. In the structure of this library, there are 2 specialized departments that distinguish it from other libraries:

§ Department of Scientific and Technical Documentation and Industrial Catalogs. Employees of this department make changes to the normative and technical documentation, maintain a reference and search apparatus for new materials, advise readers on working with industrial catalogs and normative and technical documentation.

§ Department of Patent Documentation.

RLST functions:

§ The main repository of domestic and foreign scientific and technical literature, patent and regulatory and technical literature.

§ Methodological center for scientific and technical libraries of the republic, for standardization services, information and patent services for other institutions.

§ The NBA Industry Center for these documents.

§ Center for coordination with large universal and special libraries of the republican level in the main areas of activity.

o Regional level - this includes regional scientific and technical libraries. There are 5 such libraries in RB.

o The third level is the head or basic scientific and technical libraries of production and scientific production associations. Functions of head NTBs:

§ Provide library and information services for management, scientific, engineering and technical workers, and workers of the serviced complex of enterprises and organizations.

§ Provide methodological assistance to technical libraries of enterprises or institutions that are part of production associations.

§ Collections of funds of technical associations are completed in a centralized manner, large funds are organized and the intra-system redistribution of scientific and technical literature and documentation.

§ Provide non-stationary services to enterprises and institutions that are part of this association, but do not have their own technical libraries.

o Technical libraries of enterprises, design bureaus, design organizations and research institutes. These technical libraries are structural units of the enterprise or institution within which they operate. The staff of their enterprise is served with documents. The funds of these libraries are formed in accordance with the plans of production, scientific, design, engineering and technical work in order to provide information services to the employees of this enterprise.

Centralization of technical libraries: There are 2 options for centralizing NTBs:

o Organizational (full) centralization - when the head NTB centralizes all technical libraries within one union, which become its branches. In this case, the head NTL performs the same functions for the branch libraries as the central library of the CLS of public libraries. Thus, in the Republic of Belarus, only the libraries of the Belarusian railway are centralized. The central library in this network is the library of the design technology center of the Belarusian Railways. The network includes 16 branches, 6 of them are regional branch libraries, and 10,000 are technical libraries of branches in regional centers.

o Functional (partial) centralization, which provides for the centralization of only individual library and bibliographic processes. For example: picking, planning. This option is feasible when there is no territorial unity of the libraries.

To comprehensively serve the population based on the concentration of various types of cultural and educational institutions.

Features of a single set of libraries:

o Public accessibility of libraries that are organized at the place of work or study.

o Planned placement of libraries, taking into account national and regional characteristics, socio-economic and cultural objectives.

o A differentiated approach to the organization of library services for the population, by opening libraries for certain groups of readers, according to the relevant branches of knowledge or by types of literature.

o Consolidation of libraries into departmental, sectoral networks and subordination of libraries within each network.

o Centralization of the main processes of library work, the creation of departmental and interdepartmental CLS.

o Functioning of libraries - methodological centers providing methodological guidance and assistance to other libraries.

o Development of interaction between libraries and library networks in the main areas of activity. Interaction can be carried out:

§ By specializing libraries (public, mass libraries).

§ By centralizing library processes (creating a CLS).

§ Through cooperation and coordination of the main activities, the creation of library consortia.

The cumulative library network includes:

o Libraries of the system of the Ministry of Culture.

o Special libraries of other systems and departments based on state ownership.

Fundamentals of the organization and creation of a unified library system in the Republic of Belarus.

The unified library network operates on the following principles:

· On the basis of the unification of libraries into departmental (sectoral) interdepartmental (intersectoral) CLS and territorial library associations, library consortia.

· Based on the centralization of the following library processes within the RB:

o Centralized acquisition of the collections of the RB libraries through the system of library collectors (a library collector is a bookselling organization that communicates between publishers and libraries).

o Centralized scientific and technical processing of documents entering the library funds also through library collectors.

o Creation, together with the NTI bodies, of unified reference and information funds.

· The library network functions on the basis of coordination and cooperation of libraries in the main areas of activity.

· Based on the interaction of libraries with other social institutions: publishing houses, NTI bodies, mass media, museums, archives, etc.

The interaction of libraries and library systems with each other is the most important basis for organizing the functioning of a single library system.

The concept and features of public (public) libraries, their types: state, municipal, confessional (religious), cooperative, etc. The main categories of library users. Principles of organizing the activities of public libraries.

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