Home Fruit trees Relationships. People have different attitudes. "A New Division of the Earth"

Relationships. People have different attitudes. "A New Division of the Earth"

People have different attitudes to the world around them - to other people, to nature, to work, to themselves. Different attitudes are expressed in behavior, in the actions of a person.
Personality properties that express a person’s attitude to reality always form a kind of combination that is not the sum of individual features of a given person, but a single whole, which is called character. "gt;
The word "character" in Greek means "feature", "seal", "sign". The character of a person, as it were, leaves a certain imprint on his behavior, on relationships with other people, is a certain sign of his personality.
Character is an individual combination of essential personality traits that express a person’s attitude to reality and are manifested in his behavior, in his actions. Character is a unique combination of psychological qualities, individual personality traits, it is character that gives the basis for judging whether this person is good or not.
The writer S. Shurtakov writes in one of his books: “It happens like this. The person seems to be unprepossessing in appearance, and his tongue is not striking, and in general, among others, he is not remarkable in any way, but you get to know him better and even though you may not have time to eat a pood of salt, this person will remain in your heart for the whole life. You will remember him in a month, in a year - and you will become joyful: it is good that somewhere there is such a wonderful person!
It is known that there is a close relationship between a person's behavior and his character. This is expressed in the fact that it is in behavior that the characteristics of a person's character are manifested. A person always behaves in one way or another - performs certain actions, actions in relation to the world around him and, above all, in relation to people. Behavior reveals the features of our character and temperament, our needs, tastes, habits, desires, the degree of self-confidence or self-doubt, etc.
Words, movements, actions, individual actions and behavior as a whole make it possible to understand the character of a person, they seem to highlight his inner content, hidden from prying eyes. But, on the other hand, each property of character leads under certain conditions to the commission of certain actions, imposes a seal on all actions, thoughts and feelings of a person. Folk wisdom says: "What is the character, such are the actions." The most important measure, an indicator of character, is the actions and behavior of a person. A person can say anything about himself, but actions show what he really is. The true essence of character is especially clearly manifested in difficult and critical situations, for example, in misfortune, in an accident or fire. “A person is reflected in his actions,” wrote F. Schiller. “A person is nothing but a series of his actions,” G. Hegel argued.
Human behavior is considered, evaluated primarily from the point of view of his relationship with others - with individuals and with society as a whole. At the same time, not only the act itself is evaluated, but the motive that prompted him to act this way and not otherwise. And this act is evaluated from the point of view of whether it helps people in their lives and well-being, whether it contributes to the movement of society forward. N.N. Miklouho-Maclay remarked: "People should be valued according to the goals they set for themselves."
Anyone who wants to understand a person begins by looking for the causes of his actions, deeds, relationships. It is important to penetrate into the motives (and this is not so easy!) by which people are guided by choosing this or that way of behavior, in other words, to find out why efforts are being made. Only knowing the motive, knowing the inner motivation, can we correctly judge the actions of this or that person, because the peculiarities of behavior always follow from the true relationship of a person to reality and, above all, to people, to society, to himself.
Knowing the basic properties of a person's character, it is possible to understand, with a certain probability, to foresee his behavior.
2.2. Character traits
Character traits express a person's attitude to other people, to himself, to the world around him and activities.
Character traits are individual habitual forms of human behavior in appropriate situations in which his attitude to reality is realized.
There are a lot of character traits, or personality traits. Very conditionally, they can be divided into two groups, which are closely related to each other, influence each other, but still reflect a person's attitude to different aspects of life.
Group one - character traits that express beliefs and ideals, personality orientation. For example: collectivism (a person puts the interests of the team and the common cause above narrow personal interests) and egoism (a person takes care primarily of personal well-being, for him there are only his personal needs and desires); sensitivity and rudeness; sociability, accuracy and irresponsibility, negligence; initiative, a sense of the new and inertia, conservatism; thrift and prodigality; helping others and predatory attitude towards people; modesty, self-criticism and arrogance; demanding of oneself and arrogance; self-esteem and arrogance, etc.
These character traits, or personality traits, are moral qualities and act as either virtues or vices of a person. Our main virtue lies in caring for the people around us, their interests, their peace of mind. Everyone thinks a lot about happiness, wants to be happy and often forgets about the main thing - only when we bring happiness to other people, we ourselves feel happy. These are not empty words. Thinking only about yourself, about your own good, you can be satisfied, satisfied (smug), calm, but never happy.
B.L. Pasternak wrote:
After all, life is also only a moment, Only the dissolution of ourselves in all others, As if they were a gift.
The second group is strong-willed character traits. They are expressed in the ability and habit to consciously regulate their behavior, their activities in accordance with certain principles, to overcome obstacles on the way to the goal. The will is called the basis of character, its backbone. Speaking of someone "a person with character", thereby emphasizing, first of all, the severity of strong-willed character traits: purposefulness, determination, self-control, endurance, patience, discipline, courage, courage.
But these character traits are valuable only when they are manifested in a moral, educated person. It is important to know what goals a person aspires to and what means he chooses to achieve them. Not only the goals, but also the means of activity must be honest and humane. The purposefulness and perseverance of a dictator or a careerist, the courage of a bully or a fool cannot be positive qualities. Volitional traits and actions are valuable not in themselves, but only together with the moral orientation of the individual.
Character traits are not only manifested in actions, deeds, relationships, but also formed in them. So, courage appears in the process of committing courageous deeds, and becomes a character trait only when such actions cease to be random episodes in a person’s life and turn into a habit for him. “You cannot educate a courageous person,” said A.S. Makarenko, - if you do not put him in such conditions when he could show courage - it’s all the same - in restraint, in a direct open word, some deprivation, in patience, in courage.
Even Democritus said: "Good people become more from exercise than from nature." A Chinese proverb says:
Sow an act - you reap a habit, sow a habit - you reap a character, sow a character - you reap a destiny.
Each character trait does not appear in isolation from others, but is associated with them. Depending on this, different people can have the same character trait in different ways. For example, a bold act can be reasonable and reckless, moral and immoral. Such a trait as courage includes not only the volitional sphere, but also the intellectual and emotional sphere. Courage is also a moral trait. The character of each person is a peculiar combination of various features combined in a human personality.
There have been many attempts in the history of psychology to classify human characters or to define types of characters. However, a satisfactory classification and typology of characters has not yet been created. Therefore, when characterizing a person, one or two of the most prominent features of his character are usually indicated. Some we call people of a firm, strong character, others - modest, hardworking, others - kind, sociable, etc.
Character traits that are manifested in a person in his activities, in feelings, in speech, in relation to other people, to himself, acquire a positive or negative meaning depending on what goals a person is guided in his life, for what he lives, how makes sense of his life and his actions.
There are people without a pronounced character, people with an indefinite character. About such people N.V. Gogol wrote: "People ... indefinite, neither this nor that, you will not understand what kind of people, neither in the city of Bogdan, nor in the village of Seli-fan." Our people also quite aptly say about such people and figures: “So-so man - neither fish nor meat”, “Not a candle to God, not a poker to hell”.
Character traits are acquired and fixed properties of the personality, the physiological basis of the character is made up of the features of the nervous system that have changed in the process of individual life.
I.P. Pavlov associated the changing type of the nervous system with the systematic work of the cerebral cortex and with a dynamic stereotype, which is a well-coordinated, balanced system of nervous processes.
The stereotype is the neuro-physiological basis of firmly fixed habitual personality traits, which include character traits.
For understanding the neuro-physiological basis of character, the teachings of I.P. Pavlova about the second signal system1. The second signaling system is the physiological basis of thinking and speech, and at the same time it regulates human behavior. “In a normally developed person,” said I.P. Pavlov, - the second signaling system is the highest regulator of human behavior. Of course, speaking of the physiological foundations of character, one cannot understand the matter in such a way that all character traits are determined only by the characteristics of the nervous system. “The physiological basis of character, of course, does not and cannot include its content side, for example, social orientation, courage, fidelity to duty. The content side of the psychology of character has its source in social categories; revealing this side, psychology is included in the number of social sciences.
Being formed under the influence of the environment, a person’s life experience, his upbringing, the character of each person is a unity of the individual and typical, arising under the influence of both socio-historical conditions (a certain socio-historical system, social environment) and individual conditions of life and activity ( human life path).
Not all features of a person can be considered traits of his character, but only essential and stable. For example, the one for whom such a form of behavior is constant, is typical, is bold. Of course, he, too, can sometimes feel a sense of fear, but you cannot call him a coward.
To know the character of a person, it takes time and constant communication with him. Difficulty with a stranger
1 See: Pavlov I.P. Full composition of writings. - M., 1951. - T. 3. - Book. 2. - S. 334, 346.
2 In the same place, communicate and deal primarily because you don’t know what to expect from him and what he expects from you. Knowing the character of a person, we can foresee, predict how he will behave in a given situation, how he will act under given circumstances, what he will do, what and how he will say.
Let's remember our friends, acquaintances, classmates, colleagues. In relation to almost each of them, one can foresee how they will react to a particular problem, how they will behave under certain circumstances, what decision they will make ...
The character of a person can be definite or indefinite, whole or contradictory.
The certainty of character depends on how clearly the dominant, core features are expressed. Integral character is the unity of thoughts, feelings and behavior, actions, deeds.
If the individuality of a person is devoid of internal certainty, his actions depend not so much on himself as on external circumstances, we are talking about the “spinelessness” of a person. Let us recall once again the folk proverbs: “Goes with the flow like a log”; "Not a man, but a bunch of trifles." We see that such people have never enjoyed respect among the people.
But “spiritlessness” is often only external: internally, for himself, a person strictly adheres to a certain line, but his line, if I may say so, is fundamentally indefinite - he does it as profitably: he can be heartless, cruel or kind in someone's eyes (it's all about who those eyes belong to). Courageous or cowardly, fight with the heat now for this idea, then for the opposite.
Character, like personality itself, is a very complex phenomenon that has not frozen once and for all. It develops and forms throughout a person's life.
What character traits are most attractive in a person? Probably, everyone will agree that this is goodwill, a sense of dignity and justice, spiritual sensitivity, simplicity in communicating with people, optimism, dedication to one's work, courage, adherence to principles, humor. K. Paustovsky wrote that the deepest, most intense human activity can and even should be accompanied by humor. The lack of humor testifies not only to indifference to everything around, but also to a well-known mental dullness. A cultured, educated person will resolve an unexpected everyday conflict more with humor than with annoyance. He (K. Paustovsky) remarked: "A person must be smart, simple, fair, brave and kind."
2.3. The relationship of character with other aspects of the personality
Character is interconnected with all aspects of personality.
The needs and interests of a person, forming the basis of his motivational sphere, form his character. There are people for whom spiritual values ​​are above all. But there are those who have become slaves of things. In the latter, the spiritual and moral world is impoverished, such character traits as stupidity, stinginess, greed, and envy arise. A person's beliefs are manifested in such character traits as purposefulness, optimism, exactingness towards oneself and others, they make a person's behavior fundamental. Worldview allows a person to correctly navigate social events, regulate their behavior.
The intellectual properties of a person also leave a certain imprint on his character and give him originality. Sharpness or dullness, solidity or shallowness of the mind are intellectual properties that can become character traits.
Will determines the decisiveness, constancy, independence and purposefulness of character. Feelings in character show an emotional attitude towards people, the world and oneself. What a person loves or hates, what remains indifferent to - all this is manifested in his character, testifying to his attitude.
Character is closely related to temperament. Temperament affects the form of manifestation of character. So, persistence in a choleric person is expressed in vigorous activity, in a phlegmatic person - in concentrated deliberation.
Many character traits depend on temperament, such as balanced behavior, sociability, ease or difficulty of inclusion in a new activity, expression of feelings. However, the type of temperament does not determine the essence of character: a phlegmatic person can be active and industrious, and a sanguine person can be fussy and barren. It should be noted that there is a close interdependence of character and abilities. The development of abilities depends on such character traits as diligence, ability to work. At school, in secondary and higher educational institutions, there are many pupils and students who, thanks to their abilities, grasp everything on the fly and do well. But in life, some of them do not justify their hopes, and mainly because they are not accustomed to work seriously and in an organized manner, to persistently overcome obstacles.
For the development of abilities, such character traits as self-criticism, exactingness to oneself are important. Such a character trait as modesty is also very important. Confidence in one's exclusivity is often detrimental to abilities, since in this case arrogance, self-admiration, and neglect of others are often formed. MM. Prishvin remarked: “The greatest happiness is not to consider yourself special, but to be like all people.” A.I. Goethe emphasized: "He who does not think too much about himself is better than he thinks about himself."

People treat each other differently. There are different types of relationships, for example, family and official. Friendship is a stable and strong relationship of mutual sympathy, trust with common interests, common vision and goals. I have a best friend, she is like a sister to me, we all know each other.

Relations. People treat each other differently. There are different types of relationships, for example, family and official. Friendship is a stable and strong relationship of mutual sympathy, trust with common interests, common vision and goals. I have a best friend, she is like a sister to me, we all know each other.

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Results (English) 1:

Relationship.People relate differently to each other. There are different kinds of relationships, such as related and official. Friendship is steady and strong relationships of mutual sympathy, trust with common interests, a single perspective and objectives. I have a best friend, she is my sister, we all know about each other.

translating, please wait..

55% think so

And conflicts like in Pugachev have been taking place in the south of Russia for a long time. REX IA expert, political scientist and historian, candidate of historical sciences Lev Vershinin in the article "" he commented to the agency on the interethnic confrontation in Nalchik in 2005 and the role of the Circassians in the North Caucasus. Sergey Sibiryakov, coordinator of the international expert group of IA REX, conducted a survey on the Maxpark social network on the topic “For you, do the peoples of the Caucasus all look the same as LKN (persons of Caucasian nationality) or are they different?”.

The results of the survey on the topic “For you, the peoples of the Caucasus are all the same person LKN (persons of Caucasian nationality) or are they different?”

Possible answer

Number of survey participants who answered yes

% of survey participants

All the peoples of the Caucasus are different and treat Russians differently

All the peoples of the Caucasus look the same and they treat Russians equally badly

In each of the Caucasian peoples there are different people, and they treat Russians differently

It's hard to answer.

Your own answer.

Here are the most interesting comments to the survey:

Vasily Lakov:

Interesting material by Lev Vershinin. I would like the authorities to also distinguish between the Caucasian peoples. You can't say better than T. Shaov (Russian bard, Circassian by nationality)!

For the cops in Moscow, I'm also a Basurman,

But I'm not confusing the Fatherland with the cops.

Well, do not fight with fools poker!

Now I'm telling you something else...

Anton Kosyba:

Yes, an interesting and clever article by Lev Vershinin about the Circassians. He worked with one Adygei on a fishing fleet ship in the mid-60s. I can only say good things about him: clean, hard worker, he knew how to keep a distance of politeness. He was about 30 years old, we cadets-probationers were 18 years old.

Sergey Zakharov:

Half a hundred years have passed since the 60s, and it is not known what happened to your Adygei. Maybe he, along with his fellow tribesmen, cut the throats of our boys. Dzhokhar Dudayev was also once an exemplary Soviet officer.

Svetlana Fire:

It's not about individuals, it's about nations. Each nation has its own way of existence, its own priorities, its own traditions and customs. They do not always provide prosperity and a conflict-free existence with other peoples. I came across Chechens in my life and realized that the biggest misfortune for their people is unquestioning obedience to people authoritative among them: elders, priests. This submission results in disrespect for the personality of a person (man, woman, child), and, therefore, to their life.

Sergey Ktorov:

The Caucasian peoples are so numerous in tribal composition that they themselves do not always distinguish each other, except from their close neighbors. Why demand this from those who do not live among them, due to the long-standing repression and other conflicts.

Vladimir Shpirko:

Be sure to distinguish! And they remember who drove whom and when from the plains to the mountains, and how the next people drove out these conquerors too ... This is passed down in childhood through folk tales and legends.

Viktor Gogolev:

The Circassians do not ask for independence, from time immemorial they have participated in all wars together with the Russians defending Russia, in addition, there are materials that say that in general the Cossacks of Russia have common roots with the Circassians.

Andrey Korablev:

In every person on Earth lives a virus of dislike for people from another tribe, like the HSV virus (herpes simplex virus). A person can live all his life and this virus will never make itself felt, but as soon as favorable conditions appear, this infection can kill a person. The authorities in Russia are doing their best to create such conditions and even more - to infect with a virus of hatred for each other, people of the same tribe, but of different worldviews. I am sure that this is not stupidity - this is a deliberate action, to push everyone's foreheads against everyone - UVZ workers with the intelligentsia, believers with atheists, Russians ... yes, with everyone. Who are our friends? There are none! We have enemies all around us both in our own country and on Earth as a whole. The main thing for the authorities is that a person does not think and does not understand that the real enemy, very often, is himself.

Irgwer Tauberg:

People are different. The national character is like a blueprint, regardless of religion and other things. And for all of them, the Russians are far from brothers, this must not be forgotten, otherwise the Russian Federation will receive the "Caucasus of the 90s" part next. I grew up among them all in the Transcaucasus. And one day it turned out to be "the accursed Russians Akupand." In real life, I would rather admit platonic love for Russians on the part of a hungry white shark, rather than the possibility of a sincerely warm attitude of Caucasians.

Alexander Semyonov:

Of course, the Caucasian peoples, like any other, are different - in terms of language, customs, traditional occupations. Those who lived there can sometimes recognize them by their appearance. But when you get into the city, the difference is quickly erased - at least it was so before the appearance of the "diasporas". But if we are talking about their attitude to the Russians - or rather, to the common state - then nationality does not play a role here. Here the life experience of each person individually, his position in life, his interests, etc. are important. In other words, there are no good and bad nations, but in every nation, and in Russian too, there are adequate people, and there are idiots who believe that people of a different nationality are to blame for their problems. Moreover, it feels like idiots are deliberately spawned by those who benefit from the massacre between us.

We add that the survey was conducted from 6 to 8 August. It was attended by 1899 bloggers who left 455 comments on the topic of the survey.

Recall, REX IA expert, political scientist and historian, candidate of historical sciences Lev Vershinin notes that all these numerous peoples are not at all LKN (persons of Caucasian nationality) on the same face, but very, very different. “In all respects. And the difference between some is not even that between a Bavarian and a Prussian or a Spaniard and a Catalan, and not less than, say, between a Basque and a Viet. Including in the sense of attitude towards Russia and with Russia. If the same Chechnya has never been complimentary to Russians and Russia has never been (there are different reasons for that), then the peoples of Dagestan already perceived the arrival of new neighbors on their land in very different ways, and there’s nothing to talk about Ossetians, ”the expert emphasizes. “With the Circassians (or, as they themselves generally say, “Adyghe”), it’s completely interesting. This numerous (and once very numerous) and socially developed (the degree of formalization of feudalism and its ethics is more complicated than the Japanese, which is very similar) people have cooperated with the Russians since time immemorial. At least since those (although, rather, even earlier), when Prince Mstislav, having defeated the Kassogian rix Redad, included his squad in his own and won back the estate, including Chernigov, from the fratricide Yaroslav, allocating the Caucasian knights as a reward, - the founders of many noble Russian surnames , - land for a settlement (by the way, in particular, where Cherkasy now stands). And then the cooperation did not stop. So much so that for Orthodox princes (and later tsars), who considered Western monarchs no equal, marriages with Circassians were considered equal (remember, for example, Tsarina Maria Temryukovna, nee Kabardian Princess Kuchenya). And the noble Circassians, having moved to Moscow, organically joined the Moscow elite, receiving titles and honestly, not for life, but for death, serving Russia in various departments, from the very beginning they were perceived not as “come in large numbers”, but as their own, ”- says the expert.

“As long as the Circassians are traditionally loyal to Russia and the Russians, the Caucasus will not turn into an ulcer that cannot be healed. By the way, this is well understood both in London and in Washington, in Ankara, where the Great Circassia project has been promoted for a long time, skillfully and very, very purposefully, but, fortunately, so far without any real success. Fortunately, the vast majority of Circassians are not idiots, they are aware of what they want to incite and actively (no matter how hard anyone tries) do not incite. I think that those who do not know about this should know, those who know, but do not think - if they are still able - to think, and those who are not capable of thinking at all, at least, cut on their truly Aryan noses. I, probably, still should, having overpowered myself, again go to the people with educational programs. For learning is light, knowledge is power, and we are responsible for those we have tamed,” the expert sums up.

Humanity has always tried to figure out the differences between the sexes, but men invariably find women mysterious, and women men - emotionally closed. Over the years, have we learned nothing as a result? Is there really no genetic or emotional aspect that can be used to explain why both sexes interact differently in relationships?

Let's look at the unique biological, sociological and evolutionary qualities of women and men. What are the five main aspects that underlie this gender difference?

1. Women and men evolved completely differently.

And this is just a biological and historical fact. Over the millennia, male brains have evolved to match male tasks: to hunt and protect their community from enemies. To accomplish these tasks, they had to learn to abstract and “turn off” empathy. The brain of a woman has evolved differently. The women gave birth to children and took care of the household. The way their worldview has evolved over the centuries is what defines the difference between them today. Women often want more sympathetic communication with their men and criticize them for their lack of this emotional component.

2. These evolutionary differences only complicate things.

As a result, the so-called "evolutionary mismatch" arose. This refers to the fact that the bodies and brains of men and women in the past developed in accordance with their tasks in society. Now, most men no longer need to hunt, and not every woman now has to give birth and be a housewife. So, even more confusion arises, the way out of which can be found, for example, in an open conversation about such a discrepancy in order to ensure peace and harmony in relations.

3. Men and women view sex and romance differently.

Because men evolved without the ability to communicate emotionally like women do, both sexes often have different opinions when it comes to the value of sex and romance. For example, men are four times more likely than women to believe that emotional intimacy and sex are one and the same. Perhaps that is why men fall in love faster. Both sexes in this case need to understand that when they talk about romance, they can have completely different perceptions of this concept.

4. Gender isn't everything

Yes, there are big differences between both sexes both mentally and biologically. Therefore, it must be recognized that a number of important points do not simply refer to the physiological difference. And it's not just a matter of gender. First of all, we are people. If you're trying to study evolutionary differences between the sexes, you also need to consider bioindividuality. Because differences exist between all people, not just between men and women.

5. Over the years, relationships between men and women have also evolved.

This is especially important for those couples who have been together for a long time. When people start a family at a very young age and quickly discover their differences and disagreements, they must be aware that everything in their relationship will continue to evolve and change at every stage of life. Career, having children, retirement or a serious illness - all these problems can completely change the couple's relationship. Partners need to understand that their union will also evolve along with all the events that take place.

Remember - both sexes have always had a symbiotic (interdependent) relationship from the very beginning of mankind. They can annoy each other and not always understand, but the more we recognize and talk about the differences between the sexes, the easier and easier it will be to find a common language in the end.

People have different attitudes to statistical information: some do not perceive it, others unconditionally believe, and still others agree with the opinion of the English politician Disraeli: “There are 3 types of lies: lies, blatant lies and statistics”, but he also owns the following statement: “In life, as a rule, the one who has the best information succeeds more.

Statistical observation is the initial stage of statistical research, therefore, both the final results of the work and the conclusions of researchers largely depend on how complete and high-quality the collected primary data are. In statistical practice, different forms, types and methods of observation are used.

Distinguish 3 forms monitoring organizations: statistical reporting, specially organized statistical surveys and registers.

1. Statistical reporting- this is a special form of organizing the collection of data by state statistics on the activities of economic entities that are required to fill out forms, called forms of statistical reporting. Statistical reporting form- this is a special document-form containing a list of certain indicators, information characterizing a particular economic unit and the results of its activities, filled out on the basis of operational or accounting data and submitted to state statistical bodies for further generalization. The list and content of statistical reporting forms is approved by the state statistics authorities and is mandatory for the established circle of enterprises and organizations. Each reporting form has a code and a name. In accordance with the deadlines for reporting, reports are daily(daily), weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual. All these types of reporting, except for the annual, are united by one name - current reporting. Each reporting form must be submitted within the time limits set for it.

2. The range of manifestations of public life is so large that it is impossible to cover them completely in reporting. In all cases, when it is necessary to obtain information for which there is no reporting, when it is necessary to clarify or supplement the data of a particular reporting, or to conduct a one-time detailed, comprehensive examination of any objects, apply specially organized statistical observations conducted in the form of censuses or special surveys (sample or census). Such surveys are used both by statistical authorities and by individual economic entities.

3. Observation through registers- a relatively new form of organization of statistical observation, based on the use of computer technology. The register is a named and constantly updated list of certain observation units, created for continuous long-term statistical observation of a certain population, which contains information about each unit of the population (for example, USREO - the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations).

It should be noted that all 3 organizational forms of statistical observation do not oppose, but complement each other, allowing a deeper, more comprehensive study of individual phenomena and processes of social life.

According to the time of registration of facts, they distinguish current(continuous) and discontinuous observation. The latter, in turn, is subdivided into lump sum and periodic.

According to the coverage of units of observation, they distinguish continuous when all units of the studied population are subject to observation, and discontinuous. Non-continuous observation is divided into the following types: 1) observation of the main array(unsignificant units are excluded from observation); 2) questionnaire(voluntarily filling out questionnaires leads to a discontinuous type of observation); 3) selective(random selection of units from the studied population); four) monographic(a detailed study of a single unit of the population).

According to the sources of the collected information, the following methods of observation are distinguished: 1) direct(inspection, measurement, weighing); 2) documentary(based on reporting); 3) interview(information is recorded from the words of the surveyed unit of observation). Survey methods: forwarding, self-registration, correspondent and private.

Any statistical research must begin with a precise formulation of its purpose and specific tasks, and hence the information that can be obtained in the process of observation. After that, the object and unit of observation are determined, a program is developed, and the type and method of observation is selected.

Object of observation- a set of socio-economic phenomena and processes that are subject to research, or the exact boundaries within which statistical information will be recorded. In some cases, they use a qualification. Qualification- a restrictive feature that all units of the studied population must satisfy. Unit of observation is called an integral part of the object of study, which serves as the basis for counting and has features that are subject to registration during observation. Observation program- a list of issues on which information is collected, or a list of signs or indicators to be registered. It is issued in the form of a form (questionnaire, form), in which primary information is entered. It is accompanied by instructions (or instructions on the forms themselves) explaining the meaning of the questions.

Organizational issues of statistical observation are related to the definition of the subject, place, time, form and method of observation. Subject supervision - the body carrying out supervision. Time observations - the period during which the observation will be carried out (observation period), or the time to which the recorded information relates (the critical moment of observation).

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