Home Fruit trees Happy child quotes. Beautiful statuses about children. Looking at a newborn child, it is difficult to imagine that life rushes so fast

Happy child quotes. Beautiful statuses about children. Looking at a newborn child, it is difficult to imagine that life rushes so fast

Children need a role model more than criticism.

“J. Joubert "

Know how to love someone else's child. Never do to someone else what you would not want yours to do.

Janusz Korczak

If children grew up according to our expectations, we would only grow up to be geniuses.

"Johann Wolfgang Goethe"

One child in a family is not enough, two is much more than necessary.

"Axiom O'Toole"

The subjects taught to children must correspond to their age, otherwise there is a danger that cleverness, fashion, vanity will develop in them.

When the sage was asked: "Is it worth pampering children?"

Children never obeyed adults, but they regularly imitated them.

“D. Baldwin"

If the child is guilty, give him even more love - right now he needs it more than ever.

A little daughter is a great happiness. Her eyes, cheeks, mouth. It is impossible to look at her without a smile. I want to give my life for her laugh ...

Small children are small troubles, and if they grow up, they will be big.

Only children know what they want. They eat with their hands because it's so much fun. They paint on the wallpaper, making their room special. They don't want to be like everyone else. They do the most difficult thing - they remain themselves.

Instead of criticizing children, show them how to do it by example. After a while, they will involuntarily repeat after you.

My husband and I are thinking of having a dog or a child. But we have not yet decided which is better: ruin our carpet or our life.

Rita Rudner

Children can only be compared with money: no matter how big we grow up, we still perceive them as small.

It turns out that children are the most beautiful miracle on earth. Just think that there are little people in the world who hold out their hands to everyone and think about everyone that he is good and kind. Little people for whom it does not matter whether you have a beautiful face or a bad one, they are ready to kiss everyone with joy, they love everyone - old and young, rich and poor!

Selma Lagerlef

Quotes about children

The only way not to become a fool is to have many children.

A child who is not loved by anyone ceases to be a child: he is just a small, defenseless adult.

"Gilbert Sesbronne"

Children start out by loving their parents. Then they judge them. And they almost never forgive them.

Children's conversations are a kind of retelling of facts from their lives. Who bought what toy, whose dad works as a firefighter, and so on. But these two, having only talked for a couple of hours, already knew the most important things about each other.

"Alexander Polyarny"

Be like children! They don't care about people's opinions, they always enjoy life.

I stopped drinking when I had children because I wanted to be always on the alert. I would not like to miss a single thing that children say or do. It is very important for me. When you have children, you act like on drugs. You are always focused. You are covered from head to toe with their little baby poop, but that's cool. That's why I stopped drinking.

I want happiness ... a little such happiness, with tiny arms and legs, and with your eyes.

Many people want to change the world for the better for their children. I want to change my children so that they serve the world.

If by the age of forty your home is not filled with children's voices, it is filled with nightmares.
Charles Saint-Beuve

Children are such an expensive pleasure that only the poor can afford it.
English dictum

Times are changing: a car is now a necessity, and children are a luxury.

Humans are the only creatures that have children for a specific purpose, apart from the guppy fish that eat their babies.
Patrick 0'Rourke

It is dangerous to confuse children with angels.
David Fife

The first child is the last doll.
Folk wisdom

Late children are early orphans.
Benjamin Franklin

If you already have a child, then until the end of your life you will have to answer the questions "What is his name?", "How old is he?" and "Is this a lion or a boy?"
Erma Bombek

One child in a family is not enough, two is much more than necessary.
O'Toole's axiom

Troubles and twins never come alone.

You will always be your child's favorite toy.
Vicky Lansky

What annoys us most about children is that they behave like children.

No matter how old your child is, parents with older children always assure you that the worst is yet to come.
Roseanne Barr

Some kids console only by the fact that they were not born with twins.

Children's home parties are organized primarily to make sure that there are even worse kids than yours.
Catherine Whitehorn

My husband and I are thinking of having a dog or a child. But we have not yet decided which is better: ruin our carpet or our life.
Rita Rudner

Not having children is a crime, but having children is a punishment.
Konstantin Melikhan

Parents will never understand why all children want to play with tomboys, and not with goodies.

There are no other people's children.
Hillary Clinton

The majority of children are childless.
Maria Ebner - Eschenbach

If you have children, you have nothing else.
Kathleen Norris

A child who is not loved by anyone ceases to be a child: he is just a small, defenseless adult.
Gilbert Sesbron

Children who are not loved become adults who cannot love.
Pearl Buck

A child is born with the need to be loved, and in this sense remains a child all his life.
Frank Kürk

Always be kind to your children - they will choose a nursing home for you.
Phyllis Diller

Lunch time is the only time of the day when the flyers decisively refuse to eat.
Phryn Lebowia

One child is enough to fill the whole house and yard.
Mark Twain

Children have wide ears and long tongues.
Thomas Fuller

Looking after children is the best way to look after yourself.
Yang McEwen

Madness is a hereditary disease: it is passed on to us from our children.
Erma Bombek

Many find their tormentors in their children.

Anyone who beats a wife or child raises his hand to the highest shrine.
Cato the Elder

The child's right is even more sacred than the father's.
Victor Hugo

We worry about what kind of person our child will grow up to be; but we forget that he is already a man.
Stasia Tauscher

Consider the unsettling contrast between the radiant mind of a healthy child and the dementia of the average adult.
Sigmund Freud

If children grew up according to our expectations, we would only grow up to be geniuses.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Every child is to some extent a genius, and every genius is to some extent a child.
Arthur Schopenhauer

This world will be judged by children.
Georges Bernanos

Watch out for children! Someday they will take over the world!
Ashley Diamond

Mutual love is held together by children.

If your son came out of adolescence as impudent and shameless, prone to theft and lies, make him a gladiator. Give him a sword or a knife and pray to God that he would sooner be torn to pieces by beasts or killed. For if he survives, you will perish because of his vices. Don't expect anything good from him. The bad son is better off dead.

If you went to visit a friend, then the sight of his children, even before you entered the house, will tell you whether you are honored as a friend. If the children meet you joyfully, you can be sure that your friend loves you and you are dear to him. But if his children did not come out to meet you, then your friend does not want to see you. Then turn around and, without hesitation, return home.

Children amuse themselves with this or that activity, even when they are doing nothing.
Cicero Mark Tullius

Boys are boys, they look at the boyish like a boy.
Unknown author

A tree is recognized by its fruit.
Unknown author

A respectful son is one who grieves his father and mother, except perhaps with his illness.
Confucius (Kun-tzu)

There is no such thing as philanthropic children abandon their parents.

If you don't know what your children are like, look at their friends.
Xun Tzu

What a pity that the offspring is unreasonable
Born from a sage:
The son does not inherit
Father's talent and knowledge.

It is no wonder that sons are rich in knowledge, Who were raised by a wise father.

Look at my children. My former freshness is alive in them. They are the justification for my old age.
William Shakespeare

If death is the sickle unforgiving, Leave the descendants to argue with him!
William Shakespeare

Children multiply our everyday worries and worries, but at the same time, thanks to them, death does not seem so terrible to us.
Francis Bacon

The one who has no children makes the sacrifice of death.
Francis Bacon

When the son swore, Diogenes hit his father.
Robert Burton

Children are always willing to do something. This is very useful, and therefore not only should not interfere with this, but measures must be taken to ensure that they always have something to do.
Jan Amos Comenius

There are children with a sharp mind and curious, but wild and stubborn. These are usually hated in schools and are almost always considered hopeless; yet great people usually come out of them, if only they are educated in the right way.
Jan Amos Comenius

When you are among children, you should be on your guard, as if they are not your own children, but sworn enemies.
George Savile Halifax

Children have no past or future, but unlike us adults, they know how to use the present.
Jean le La Bruyère

Children need to be treated gently because the punishments make them harder.
Charles Louis Montesquieu

The child has his own special ability to see, think and feel; there is nothing more stupid than trying to replace this skill with ours.
Jean Jacques Rousseau

Parents love their children with an unsettling and indulgent love that spoils them. There is another love, considerate and calm, that makes them honest. And this is the true love of a father.
Denis Diderot

Every person is always someone's child.
Pierre Augustin Beaumarchais

Raise your children in virtue: she alone can give happiness.
Ludwig van Beethoven

True, children should - while they remain children - be guided by parental authority, but at the same time they should be prepared to not always remain children.
Christoph Martin Wieland

Of all generally immoral relationships, the attitude towards children as to slaves is the most immoral.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

We must act with children in the same way that God is with us: he makes us the happiest when he lets us rush from side to side in joyful delusion.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Everything is good and beautiful in harmony, in accordance with oneself. Unnaturally and prematurely developed children are moral monsters. Any premature maturity is like child molestation.

A father loves his child because it is his birth; but he must still love him as a future person. Only such love for children is true and worthy to be called love; every other is selfishness, cold pride.
Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky

Let the child play pranks and pranks, so long as his pranks and leprosy are not harmful and do not bear the imprint of physical and moral cynicism.
Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky

What a commission, creator,
To be a grown-up daughter's father!
Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov

If one cannot see the ideal of moral perfection in children, then at least one cannot but agree that they are incomparably more moral than adults.
Nikolay Alexandrovich Dobrolyubov

Without children, it would be impossible to love humanity so much.
Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

We should not be exalted over children, we are worse than them. And if we teach them something to make them better, then they make us better by our contact with them.
Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

Nothing works in the young souls of children stronger than the universal power of example, and among all other examples no one else is impressed in them deeper and more firmly than the example of parents.
Nikolay Ivanovich Novikov

Speaking of honor, of truth, are you really honest and truthful? If not, then you will deceive an adult with your words, but you will not deceive a child; he will not listen to your words, but your gaze, your spirit, which possesses you.
Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky

When a child is frightened, flogged and upset in every possible way, then from an early age he begins to feel lonely.
Dmitry Ivanovich Pisarev

A person who truly respects the human personality should respect it in his child, starting from the moment when the child felt his “I” and separated himself from the world around him.
Dmitry Ivanovich Pisarev

For children whose teeth are teething, I can safely advise the violet root!
Kozma Prutkov

Never promise a child that cannot be fulfilled, and never deceive him.
Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky

A child who suffers less abuse grows up to be more dignified.
Nikolay Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky

The children of a hero are not always heroes; it is even less likely that grandchildren will be the heroes.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Do not make an idol out of a child: when he grows up, it will require many sacrifices.
Pierre Bouast

Children immediately and at ease master with happiness, for they themselves are by their very nature joy and happiness.
Victor Marie Hugo

There is no anthem on earth more solemn than the babbling of children's lips.
Victor Marie Hugo

The child is the future.
Victor Marie Hugo

Nothing surprises when everything surprises: such is the peculiarity of a child.
Antoine Rivarol

How terrible the world would be if it were not for the constant birth of children, carrying with them innocence and the possibility of all perfection!
John Ruskin

Each child should be given his or her own yardstick, encouraged to take on his own responsibility, and rewarded with his own well-deserved praise. Effort, not success, deserves a reward.
John Ruskin

Children's charm lies in the fact that with each child everything is renewed and the world appears anew before the human judgment.
Gilbert Keith Chesterton

Children are the pinnacle of a healthy marriage.
Rudolf Neubert

The character of the child is a cast of the character of the parents; it develops in response to their character.
Erich Fromm

A child is an intelligent creature, he knows well the needs, difficulties and obstacles of his life.
Janusz Korczak

The stubborn child is the result of the mother's unreasonable behavior.
Janusz Korczak

Trust in yourself. There are two strong anchors in life - work and children. All other adversities can be tolerated.
Nikolay Mikhailovich Amosov

Children are natural flowers of the earth ...
Maksim Gorky

Children are tomorrow's judges of ours, they are critics of our views, deeds, these are people who go into the world for the great work of building new forms of life.
Maksim Gorky

Love for a child, like any great love, becomes creativity and can give the child lasting, true happiness when it enhances the scope of the lover's life, makes him a full-fledged person, and does not turn the beloved creature into an idol.
Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky

All the children of the world cry in the same language.
Leonid Maksimovich Leonov

Children teach adults not to immerse themselves in business to the end and to remain free.
Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin

The "natural" love of parents for children must inevitably return from children to parents as a grief, unless the love for children contains a lofty guiding ideal.
Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin

All the charm of children for us, their special, human charm is inextricably linked with the hope that they will not be what we are, they will be better than us.
Vladimir Sergeevich Soloviev

Be truthful even in relation to the child: keep your promise, otherwise you will teach him to lie.
Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Children love everyone, especially those who love and caress them.
Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Children are more moral, much more discerning than adults, and they, often without showing or even realizing it, see not only the shortcomings of their parents, but also the worst of all shortcomings, the hypocrisy of the parents, and lose respect for them.
Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

If I was given a choice: to populate the earth with such saints as I can imagine, but that there are no children, or such people as now, but with children, I would choose the latter.
Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

There is no more terrible retribution for follies and delusions than to see how your own children suffer because of them.
William Graham Sumner

Children should live in the world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity. Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky

If people say bad things about your children, it means they are saying bad things about you.
Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky

Life is short, but man lives it again in his children.
Anatol France

Children often start stealing when they feel deprived of something very important to their life.
Alfred Adler

If we asked ourselves who are the strongest people in our culture, it would be logical to answer - babies. Babies rule without being subject to control.
Alfred Adler

Life for a child is one huge experiment.
Alfred Adler

Every spoiled child has a share of the rejected.
Alfred Adler

Every child runs the risk of developing in the wrong direction.
Alfred Adler

We do not pretend that we can turn any child into a so-called "talented person", but we can always make him a "talentless" adult.
Alfred Adler

No child likes being the smallest and least capable all the time.
Alfred Adler

No one has ever managed to grow up without making mistakes.
Alfred Adler

It is almost a crime to make fun of children.
Alfred Adler

A child has to learn a lot before he can pretend.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

The child learns to believe many things.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

A child learns by believing in an adult. Doubt comes after faith.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

Those who are tormented by orders the most are children. It's amazing how they don't break at all under the yoke of orders and manage to outlive the zeal of their educators.
Elias Canetti

We must strive to ensure that only desired children are born, since it is cruel to give life to an unwanted child who can become a victim of physical or mental abuse.
Karl Raimund Popper

The child begins to speak long before he utters the first word.
Oswald Spengler

It is very easy to tell your child not to lie.
Ernst Simon Bloch

The child in no way wants to be recognized in disguise.
Hans Georg Gadamer

Every word of an adult appears mysteriously meaningful to a child.
Lev Shestov

If a child thinks his parents are magicians, it is partly because they themselves convinced him of this.
Eric Byrne

Among the lower peoples, naturalization is the simplest operation. The child continues not with old age or the mature age of his parents, but their own childhood.
Emile Durkheim

If children, fortunately, can forget about the world of adults for a while, they will still be given, in the end, to this world.
Georges Bataille

The mistake of children is that they stick to the truths of adults.
Georges Bataille

For a child, everything good that he receives from his mother is self-evident.
Jacques Lacan

Children should not know how dear they are to those who bring them up.
Robert Walser

Only a real child's heart attacks fresh thoughts, beaten and reviled - never.
Robert Walser

Children admit that each of their thoughts is the thought of all others, that everyone can read and understand it, even if it is not expressed quite clearly.
Jean Piaget

Children's definitions are always interesting, but their interpretation is difficult.
Jean Piaget

Exploring spontaneous children's questions is the best introduction to a child's logic.
Jean Piaget

The child's thought is egocentric, that is, the child thinks for himself, not caring about being understood by others, or about taking the point of view of another.
Jean Piaget

The child does not know the necessity - neither physical nor logical.
Jean Piaget

It often happens that if you are late to give an answer to the child, then he does not wait for him and answers himself.
Jean Piaget

How happy parents are when they have a child. They want to shout to the whole world, tell all their friends, family and acquaintances how happy they are. At such moments they shine, and practically nothing can extinguish this shine. Incredibly beautiful quotes about happiness and children can show the boundless love of parents for their children, joy and happiness that overwhelms them in full.



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Statuses about happiness and children

Children are happiness, children are joy, Children are a fresh breeze in life. They cannot be earned, this is not a reward, God gives them by grace to adults. Children, oddly enough, are also a test. Children, like trees, do not grow by themselves. They need care, affection, understanding. Children are time, children are work. Children are a miracle, a message of kindness, Rays of sunrise, drops of love. Children are every girl's desire (Even careerists, at heart). Children are often getting up at night, Children are nipples, colic, pots. Children are arguments in matters of upbringing, Mom's prayers, Dad's fasts. Children are affection, sincerity and friendship. They argue for fun, they love it so seriously. With them, we are cunning, we do not need to hide - With children's eyes you can see right through us. Children are dads often not at home, Children are mothers at home all day. Children are often a narrow circle of acquaintances, Their own plans move into the shadows. Children are like life started over: First smiles, first steps, First successes, first failures. Children are experience, children are us ...

In a happy family, the wife thinks that the money comes from the bedside table, the husband thinks that the food is taken from the refrigerator, and the children think that they were found in cabbage. As a child, we are happy because we don’t think about it. How you want to go back to that carefree childhood, where there is a lot of laughter, joy, and you associate only ukolchik with pain. With the birth of children, order, money, peace and serenity disappear in the house ... and happiness appears. On the pillow quietly, little happiness sleeps! She clung to the toy, quietly sniffs with her nose! We just understand how wonderful it is to be a child only when we grow up.

What is happiness? It's very easy! It starts with half a meter of growth. These are undershirts, booties and a bib, a brand new described mother's sarafan. Happiness is soft, warm palms, candy wrappers behind the sofa, crumbs on the sofa. What is happiness? It's easier not to answer everyone who has children has it! Happiness cannot be bought. But you can give birth to it! For a woman, there is no greater joy than children. Men are nothing more than weakness for us. So you will relax once, you will remain a guaranteed joy for the rest of your life ...

My daughter and my son are everything to me: they are my life, my heart, my soul and the most important reason why I breathe! I cannot imagine life without them. I love my children! And what is happiness, mom? - my son asked me and, looking stubbornly into my eyes, he was waiting for an answer from me. I love his questions so much, there is so much childish simplicity in them. Having kissed his stubborn nose, I will answer: HAPPINESS IS YOU! The best alarm clock is children. I started it once, and for life! A gentle face, every dash, snub-nosed nose sniffs ... Money, career - all this is unimportant, important - he sleeps side by side.

What is the sweetest sweetness in the world? Sugar - I could once answer. Honey, marmalade, candy ... and sherbet ... Only now I understood the answer - Native baby the smell of the crown, What remains on our pillow, Tender fingers ... and marigolds, Ass, knees ... and elbows ... The most pleasant thing is when little children look at you with admiration imagining that they will grow up and become like you ... I firmly believe that a child is a gift from God. This is such a valuable gift that one must constantly love, pamper and educate him. I will kiss a tenderly soft little hand, I will barely touch my nose with my lips, my heart melts from love for a child, for me there is no better creature in the world !!! Childhood is the happiest years of life, but not for children.

Deciding to have a child is not a joke. It means deciding to have your heart now and forever walk outside your body. A mother of one child is naive and inexperienced, like a recruit in the army. The mother of two children is calm and confident, like a demobilization. The mother of three children is a Special Forces. My child - my wings are behind my back! My child is my stars above the earth! My child is my happiness forever! My child is my joy, MY LIFE ... The most valuable cargo in the world is the toddler in the belly He sniffs quietly with his nose - hugging his mother, here he is lying side by side - my piece of paradise

Children are worries, difficulties, screaming, noise, mess. But when you come up to them asleep, straighten the blanket, kiss on the nose, cheeks, and you understand that this is the greatest happiness in life. Our happiness is our children, they are better off in the world; like butterflies fly, they fill our life with meaning. Without children, not life, but boredom: there is no warmth and no comfort; no fun, no fire, continuation of you. Happiness is soft warm palms, candy wrappers behind the sofa, crumbs on the sofa ... What is happiness? It's easier not to answer! Everyone who has children has happiness! Happiness consists of four parts: good PARENTS, loyal FRIENDS, a beloved PERSON and healthy CHILDREN ... Children immediately and at ease master with happiness, because they themselves are by nature joy and happiness

A child can teach an adult three things: to be happy for no reason, always find something to do and insist on his own. Undressing a sleeping child is like defusing a bomb: one sudden movement and minus 4 hours of sleep. The quieter the child sits, the more terrifying it is to enter the room! Even the most dull room will be revived by the most ordinary children, beautifully arranged in the corners Gold - not what glitters, but what runs, laughs and turns everything upside down ...

After giving birth to a child, every woman grows wings ... And they become a Guardian Angel for her little man! The day begins with happiness, Happiness rose before everyone else! Happiness smiles at mom, Unfolding a smile into laughter. Happiness for a mother is the smile of a baby that she wore under her heart for months ... The first word and the first step, when the son falls asleep in his arms. Her happiness cannot be measured in years ... Happiness for a woman is simply to be a MOM! The most expensive necklace on a woman's neck is the arms of a hugging child! I take your palm in my hand! And the whole wreath on the wrist. It was not in vain that I experienced torment to give birth to such happiness ...

HAPPINESS splashed on the floor, Barefoot and without pants, My HAPPINESS is barefoot, It’s not intelligent, whimsical and not meek, Here it breaks, there it breaks, Above the lip - a kefir mustache ... Here it is, it runs to me !!! A miracle walks around the apartment, There is no favorite in the world. Like lakes of saucers-eyes, the Gnome is small from a fairy tale. Happiness is when your children are healthy !!! I will kiss a tenderly soft hand, I will touch my nose with my lips, My heart is melting from love for a child, For me there is no better creature in the world! Precious baby sleeps carelessly for himself, Tiny fingers clenched into a fist, Will become the first guy in the future, of course, He is already a cool little man today

Children are happiness, beautiful quotes about children with meaning. Children are flowers of life. It is important not to forget that children are happy and joyful when their parents are happy and harmonious.

Children don't come out of nowhere, they come from God.

“Children who have felt the unselfish love of their parents become happy people” - Pearl Buck.

"No precious stone can adorn a woman like a son walking next to him."

“Looking at your child, you understand that it’s not in vain that you live in this world”.

"The child is my love, happiness and wealth."

In a family where everything is good, there are no bad children.

Even the pangs of pregnancy, childbirth and other things cannot darken those moments of happiness when you look at this little happiness and understand that this happiness is a part of you!

Nine months give new life to at least three lives at once. Sukhorukov Leonid.

Children are our message to the future.

Children are happiness! But it comes at a high price!

Children immediately and at ease master with happiness, for they themselves are by their very nature joy and happiness. Victor Hugo.

Children immediately and at ease master with happiness, for they themselves are by their very nature joy and happiness.

Children are smiling Gods. Anatoly Rakhmatov.

Children are the anchors that keep the mother alive. Sophocles.

"We give life to children, and they give us the meaning of life."

The childish state of mind goes through our entire life - it is this that prompts us to seek the meaning of life, to seek God.

Children are happiness that grows over the years. (children are happiness quotes)

One child is enough to fill the whole house and yard. Mark Twain

If you look at the world through the eyes of a child, then for them great happiness is just the touch of a mother's hands!

A woman - a mother will save the world. Friedrich Nietzsche.

A woman automatically loses freedom from the moment of conception of life in her, but in return, she acquires great happiness - Motherhood. Tamara Sinelny.

Having children is wealth, being a mother is great happiness!

When children are happiness, parents are true children! Sukhorukov Leonid.

The best way to make children good is to make them happy. Oscar Wilde.

Any woman, when she is sleeping, may not hear the phone ringing, knocking on the door. But he will hear his child's breath even in a dream!

Mom is the happiest woman in the world.

Motherhood is the greatest happiness in the world, it is the most priceless gift of God!

There is no anthem on earth more solemn than the babbling of children's lips. Victor Hugo

There is nothing more beautiful than children's eyes! They are so clear as if heaven!

The child gives birth to parents. Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

The birth of a little man whom you are looking forward to is the most wonderful moment in this life. Galina Sukhoverkh.

The birth of a child takes a lot of energy, health, and time from a woman. But in return it gives a lot of happiness, love, tenderness.

With the onset of motherhood, femininity flourishes in all its strength and beauty. Vasily Sukhomlinsky.

With the birth of children, money, order, peace and serenity disappear in the house ... and happiness appears.

The most beautiful thing in the life of any family is children.

family starts with children. Alexander Herzen.

The most expensive necklace on a woman's neck is the hugging arms of her child.

Only a happy woman can raise a happy child!

A mother's heart is an inexhaustible source of miracles.

Happiness is small, warm, palms, candy wrappers behind the sofa, and crumbs on the armchair.

Happiness is the word "mom" written in a child's hand.

Happiness cannot be bought. But you can give birth to it.

Happiness consists of 4 parts: living parents, healthy children, a loved one and loyal friends!

When in your arms, your loved one has your beloved child - this is a great happiness.

Quietly sniffs with a nose, hugging my mother, here he is, lying side by side, my piece of paradise!

Only when you come to the bed where your little baby sleeps, do you really understand what tears of happiness are ...

Smile at the child ... Feel the happiness ..

This section contains beautiful quotes about children and happiness. Children are a source of happiness, they bring great joy to this world along with their bursting laughter, awkward first steps, and even scattered toys.

A good upbringing is the key to our old age. By raising your children correctly, you will have a happy old age. If you bring up poorly, you will have boundless grief,
tears and guilt in front of strangers.

The most excellent way to nurture a person is to make his childhood happy.

Children are pride, my daughter is happiness, plump lips, mischievous eyes, children's laughter in the apartment, our children are the best!

If peace, silence, order and money have left the house, but happiness has appeared, then a little man has appeared in this house.

Best status:
As a child, the girls and I leafed through my mother's magazines and, seeing a popular model, shouted: "It's me!"

Only children can hug sincerely and tightly, without reason and with love ...

There is no jewelry on a woman's neck more expensive than the arms of her hugging baby.

How happy I would be if his small copy screeched around the room, reminding him of the blissful hours.

Only in a happy marriage, the wife does not suspect that the money is not taken from the wallet, the husband does not suspect that the food is not taken from the refrigerator and the child does not know that it was not a stork who brought it.

What happiness it is to be together! And together life is beautiful! It's wonderful that you are not alone, because I carry a baby under my heart!

What a strange bliss to realize that there, inside, Perfection grows and ripens, My angel, the fruit of my love.

A child's happiness is measured in the size of a toy ...?

I look small, five years old, typing something in a search engine. I went up and read: How to quit kindergarten?

Earlier, children blew soap bubbles and played with toys, and when they matured they blew bubbles from gum and smoked. Now it's the other way around

Think before you do a bad deed. You have a child behind you who thinks that you are a hero to him!

A young family with a 5-year-old son comes to see the purchased apartment. The child looks at the empty wall and says: - And here we zhuuyut shelf. The father gives a slap on the head and asks: - Got it? - Understood. - Understood what? - That the shelf is not needed here.

Honey, I talked to our daughter about love and sex. She's already 15! ”“ And what, dear? ”“ I'm already burning with impatience to try everything that she told me ...

Children can turn any ideal order, no matter how carefully it was established, into the complete opposite in a couple of minutes.

Two kids talk in kindergarten: - Vov, you know, we have a new nanny. She is young, slender legs, plump lips, narrow waist, and breasts ... - Enough, Misha, she won't fit into the pot.

A child is a creature that you carry in yourself for 9 months, in your arms for 3 years, and in your heart until you die yourself.

Our love with you will not end after death, she will live on, in our children, grandchildren ... She will never die

Once I asked my mom! "Where the babies come from?" She looked at me with a strange look and said “Vanyush you wouldn't know at 40

You can only give birth to an ideal man yourself ...

A young daddy is alone at home with a child and sings a lullaby to him: Bayu-bayushki-bayu. Where is your mother?

Once in my childhood I argued with a boy that being a girl is much better than a boy, arguing that I won't have to shave ... Stupid!

Never forget that your children, following your example, will treat you the same way you treat your parents now.

The only man I will run after will shout to me: "Catch up, mom!"

In a happy family, the wife thinks that the money comes from the bedside table, the husband thinks that the food is taken from the refrigerator, and the children think that they were found in cabbage.

A child, stroking a cat on the face, playing, says: "Musenka, you know, in the human world, women with mustaches are not very much appreciated!"

Your child needs your love the most when he least deserves it.

The child is a mirror. Recognize yourself in it.

Only when you come to the bed where your little baby sleeps, do you really understand what tears of happiness are ...

Children listen most attentively when they are not talking to them.

First-graders happily go to school on September 1 only because their parents carefully hide information about how much they will have to study there.

Children in the kindergarten. - "The stork brought me." - "And they downloaded me from the Internet." - “And our family is not rich. Dad does everything himself.

A gentle face, every dash, snub-nosed nose sniffing ... Money, career - all this is unimportant, important - he sleeps side by side.

Today you breastfeed him and teach him how to walk, and tomorrow he teaches you how to use a new computer.

If your child asks to make him a birthday present with money, do not hesitate, he has definitely already grown

She made a riddle to her son - either losing weight or getting fat, she was wailing at the whole house (accordion), to which he replied: "It's you mommy."

For a child with a hammer - all those around him are nails!

Don't like it when your parents stand behind their backs and read about what are you texting with your friends? Let's see what you do when your kids start using the computer.

A little son asks his father: “Dad, dad! How much does it cost to get married? " Dad thought and answered: “You know, son, I still don’t know, because still paying. ”

If there is no food in the house and crumpled children, then mom spent the whole day on the Internet!

Only children know what they want. They eat with their hands because it's so much fun. They paint on the wallpaper, making their room special. They don't want to be like everyone else. They do the most difficult thing - they remain themselves.

The child shouts from the corridor: -Ma-aa-ma! Maaama! Mom! Mother answered: -What are you, shouting? Come and tell me what you want. The son spanks through the whole apartment, comes up and says: -Mom, I’m in th * but stepped on. Where can I wash my sandal?

13-year-old Lesha was presented with a tear-off erotic calendar for his birthday. A year flew by in 15 minutes.

They are the same, but their own mother will never confuse them!

Yesterday my son showed me another masterpiece on the wallpaper. When asked where the red paint came from, he said it was ketchup. Today there is a brown drawing on the wall - I'm afraid to ask.

Childhood is the time when you think that you are an adult, and adults think that you are a child. And at the same time, everyone is fundamentally mistaken.

A cheerfully laughing girl was born in the maternity hospital, holding something in her fist! When the doctors opened the cam, they saw the contraceptive pill ...))

When you say to little children: "Show how you love me ..." - they stand on their toes, hug you with such force that you involuntarily understand - there is nothing stronger than such hugs and such sincere love in the World!

The most naive people in the world are porn site admins. They seriously think that when asked "are you already 18?" children answer no and leave their site.

The little boy looks for a long time and attentively at his one-year-old brother, who chatters animatedly in one language he understands, and then asks his mother a question: - Mom, are you sure that he is Russian?

A quadruple was born in one family. Neighbors ask their seven-year-old brother: - What were the kids named? - If I understood my dad correctly on the phone - Niha, Yase, Beb, Lyad.

If a man has a son, he becomes a father ... And if a daughter is born to him, he becomes a dad)

In the kindergarten, cockroaches were brought up and the children were madly afraid of them, roared and screamed. Once, while drawing, the teacher took gouache, caught cockroaches and painted them. The result exceeded all expectations, the children with joyful cries of "Look Skittles is crawling" ran after the cockroaches and crushed them.

Previously, children were frightened by Babka-Yozhka, but now they turn off the Internet ...)

Teacher to parents: - Your children are like flowers in spring! -Oh, thanks! ... -Dispersed, bastards!

When I come home after work, barely dragging my feet and with one desire - to sit on the sofa, my child, who is already on the doorstep, suddenly changes the situation. Immediately the meaning and strength to live appear

No matter how much you teach your children good manners, they still naturally tend to imitate their parents.

Children are flowers of life! My flower fertilized itself again! ...

A child smiles for the first time at the age of four weeks. By this time, his eyes are already focused enough to get a good look at your face.

Crimea. Girl and boy on the beach. They are still very small and therefore naked. The girl looks at the boy for a long time and finally says:

In my opinion, all children have one goal - to bring others to ... to bring to anything, the main thing is to bring.

Children in kindergarten are talking: - Are your parents afraid of cartoons? - Not! - And mine are afraid ... As cartoons begin, they put me in front of the TV, and they themselves - in the bedroom ... They crawl under the covers and tremble, tremble, tremble ...

Wife to husband: Do you see this man in the photo? Husband: Yes. Wife: Pick him up from kindergarten at 6 pm!

How unimportant everything around becomes - money, career, envy, clothes, cars ... when a little treasure is quietly sniffing next to you

Undressing a sleeping child is like defusing a bomb, one sudden movement minus 4 hours of sleep.

Daddy, are you awake? The kid is talking to you. I'm here next, in the dark, Mom's belly. I have your nose and eyes, I feel your caresses, My laughter will flow soon, Crying, or rather, but not from grief. And while I'm growing up, you protect Mom. I love you all already. Wait, I will come to you soon!

If a woman has a man whom she loves more than life ... then this man is her son!

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