Home Fruit trees Herbal tonic tea at the pharmacy. Medicinal herbal teas. How to make delicious hawthorn tea

Herbal tonic tea at the pharmacy. Medicinal herbal teas. How to make delicious hawthorn tea

What herbal teas are good for

Recently, due to the passion for healthy living, herbal teas have gained a lot of popularity. However, drinks infused with herbs, in fact, are not tea, because we know that tea is an infusion of the leaves of the tea bush. Herbal drinks are prepared from the leaves, flowers and roots of wild or garden plants, and depending on the choice of ingredients, you can get infusions and decoctions of different taste and effect. Herbal tea is believed to strengthen health and immunity, help prevent many diseases, and increase life expectancy. The fragrant and tasty tea is good with honey, fruits and berries, it is a pleasure to start the day with it, and it is recommended to drink a soothing herbal tea before bed, after which you sleep as easily and soundly as in childhood!

Why herbal tea is useful

There are different types of herbal teas depending on the ingredients. Toning herbal tea, which invigorates no worse than coffee, can be made from willow tea, a vitamin drink to strengthen immunity is brewed from St. John's wort, yarrow, calendula flowers, rose hips, raspberry leaves and black currant. Relaxing tea made from motherwort, valerian, mint and hop cones perfectly soothes, and tea for colds includes chamomile, linden, mint, rosemary - such drinks lower the temperature, activate the body's defenses, and relieve coughs and runny nose.

From the leaves of birch and lingonberry, coltsfoot, horsetail and juniper fruits, you get a very good diuretic herbal tea that removes excess fluid from the body, improves kidney function and relieves inflammation.

Herbal preparations, which are a mixture of leaves, flowers, rhizomes and fruits of several medicinal plants, are especially effective.

The immunomodulatory collection, consisting of nettle, golden root, plantain, echinacea and milk thistle, has a powerful strengthening effect, and the expectorant collection is prescribed for coughing, it includes marshmallow, licorice root, sage, calendula and pine buds. There are gastric, anthelmintic, choleretic, antitumor, renal, hypertonic charges - each disease has its own herbs!

Useful herbs

You should not give up medicinal herbs, you just need to know which herbal teas are useful in any case, because many plants have no side effects. But even if you love chamomile and oregano, it is quite possible to brew them, the main thing is not to get carried away and do not drink such teas every day: take short breaks so that the body can rest. Plants with a neutral effect include lemon balm, linden blossom, willow tea, clover flowers, raspberry, black currant, sea buckthorn and strawberry leaves, thyme and dried berries. Phytobar employee Yevgeny Smolets believes that mint and chamomile teas are also very useful, if they are not overused.

  • “Chamomile has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects, which is why it is prescribed even for pregnant women and babies. They also say that chamomile tea inhibits the growth of tumors, so in the preparation of drinks I often use chamomile and mint flowers, which normalizes metabolism and removes toxins from the body. "

How to brew herbal tea

Let's try to make delicious herbal tea with our own hands.

To do this, you need a teapot with a mesh, in which, in fact, leaves, herbs, flowers, roots, fruits and seeds of plants are placed, depending on the type of tea. Pour boiling water over this fragrant splendor and let it brew for 3-10 minutes. Delicate leaves are brewed instantly, tougher herbs and seeds need to stand for 5 minutes, and let the fruits and roots languish for 10 minutes. Medicinal decoctions are usually prepared in a water bath in accordance with the instructions, and some vitamin teas are boiled over a fire for several minutes.

Vitamin drinks to promote health

Try making a vitamin herbal tea that will help you survive the winter and protect you from vitamin deficiency and unpleasant colds.

To do this, mix 20 g of dry crushed rose hips and 10 g of rowan berries, boil them for 5 minutes in a glass of water, and at the end of cooking add a pinch of oregano.

The tea should be infused for about 10 minutes, then you can drink it.

Vitamin strawberry tea is very useful and tasty - pour 10 g of dry strawberry leaves, 2 g of mint and St. John's wort with a glass of boiling water, and then enjoy fragrant tea with honey or dried fruits. The vitamin collection from crushed hawthorn fruits, blackberry leaves, St. John's wort, lemon balm and thyme is very good, for this drink you need to take an equal amount of components and brew the collection like ordinary tea.

Invigorating tonic teas

Invigorating teas in the morning fill with energy, give strength and tone the body. Brew willow tea on its own or with other herbs, such as raspberry and bergenia leaves, taken in equal proportions.

It perfectly wakes up the body and drives away sleep, it is no coincidence that our ancestors drank it instead of Chinese tea.

Tea brewed from 2 parts of golden root, 3 parts of crushed rose hips, 2 parts of nettle leaves, 1 part of St. Perfectly tonify rose leaf, hibiscus, sea buckthorn, St. John's wort, raspberry leaf, mint and thyme, and if you add lemon, citrus zest and grated fresh ginger to tea, the result will be amazing.

And what's important, no caffeine in drinks!

Soothing tea for stress relief

This tea is best drunk before bed to relieve stress, relax and sleep well. It is a very gentle and safe way to fight insomnia, fatigue, nervousness and irritability.

Mix 1 tbsp. l. peppermint, St. John's wort, oregano and chamomile, pour 1 tbsp. l. mixture with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 15 minutes and drink after a hard day at work - it is very soothing.

Tea made from valerian roots and equal parts of mint, sweet clover, oregano, hawthorn flowers also helps well, and if you add lemon balm here, it will be even tastier. It is recommended to brew this tea for half an hour if you have natural valerian root. For children, a soothing tea made from the fruits of fennel, mint and chamomile is effective (1 tablespoon of each component in dry form), but it is better to drink it after consulting a pediatrician.

Herbalists have miraculous recipes for rejuvenating teas, with which you can preserve beauty and youth. But any herbal tea can have the same effect when prepared from healthy aromatic herbs and drunk in a good mood, which is the foundation of longevity. Drink tea, be healthy, beautiful and happy!

Spring vitamin deficiency, blockages at work, constant family quarrels, sessions, cloudy weather, constant presence at the computer - so many reasons lead to lethargy and loss of energy, makes you feel like a "vegetable"!

And we start looking for "doping" - drinking liters of coffee, poisoning ourselves with energy drinks, swallowing pills ...

But there are natural "energy", which is in every home! What are they?

Correctly brewed teas from certain raw materials serve not only to quench thirst, but also have various healing properties: they are drunk to feel cheerfulness, increase efficiency and attention, strengthen capillaries, stimulate blood formation, tone the heart muscle, saturate the body with vital energy and fight fatigue. It is not for nothing that tea is called the drink of longevity.

But what is the best variety for this purpose?

Recall that in the last article we looked at.

5 most effective types

There are many different types of tea available to increase alertness and energy. Below we will consider the most effective and proven options.

1. Black and green teas

Both black and green tea have healing and invigorating properties. However black more caffeine stimulates faster while green is more and more of the organism as a whole. It can normalize blood pressure, increase concentration, etc.

Theine found in tea is similar in properties to caffeine, but unlike it is considered safe for the heart. By gently toning without increasing blood pressure, theine allows a person to feel as vigorous as after coffee, differing only in a softer and longer-lasting effect.

Both green and black tea drink invigorates as well as coffee. Therefore, a cup of strong tea before bedtime, drunk to activate metabolism, is unlikely to allow you to fall asleep peacefully. And drinking tea in large quantities provokes insomnia and harms the nervous system. Therefore, everything should be in moderation.

Three glasses of tea are enough to cover a person's daily need for vitamin R.

2. Ginseng

Nature has given us many plants with healing and invigorating properties. One of them is ginseng, which has the following benefits:

  1. Lack of addiction. You can drink almost constantly.
  2. The cheapness of raw materials. Accordingly, the cost of ginseng drops, tinctures or fees is low. In addition, they can be found in any pharmacy.
  3. The healing effect. For example, in addition to its invigorating effect, ginseng has been shown to reduce inflammation and lower blood sugar levels.
  4. Does not interfere with the absorption of vitamins and minerals. That is, it is possible to consume ginseng during the period of treatment with other medications.

Ginseng tincture is an excellent energetic and immune system stimulant. It helps with eye fatigue, copes with stress, depression, fatigue, drowsiness, and loss of energy. A person becomes more cheerful and energetic, his working capacity increases. It is not for nothing that ginseng is called the root of life.

3. Eleutherococcus

Eleutherococcus, otherwise called "Siberian ginseng", contains almost all the substances that are in ginseng. Despite the tangible disadvantage - an increase in body weight - eleutherococcus tea is a great way to invigorate. The benefits of this drink:

  1. increases endurance;
  2. increases efficiency;
  3. increases the tone of the body;
  4. improves the functioning of the nervous system;
  5. relieves symptoms of overwork;
  6. improves mental and physical activity of the body.

The effect of tea depends on the season. In the spring, the body "asks" for fragrant herbal infusions with a thick aroma, restoring energy reserves. Summer is "combined" with green tea, which gives a feeling of freshness. In autumn and winter, it is better to warm up with black and red teas.

4. Schisandra chinensis

Leaves and fruits of a plant from the Far Eastern taiga - Schisandra chinensis, - used for pharmaceutical tinctures, stimulate the cerebral cortex and raise blood pressure.

If in the middle of the day you suddenly feel that it is difficult for you to concentrate, it is time to have tea with lemongrass. The uniqueness of this product is provided by lignans - substances that have great potential in the field of biological activity.

With a breakdown, lemongrass is healthier than coffee for its gradual tonic effect... And if coffee gives a short-term invigorating effect, leading to nervous exhaustion, then the effect after a cup of brewed lemongrass will appear only after half an hour, but it will last up to 6 hours.

5. Yerba mate

Mate, or Yerba Mate, is a tonic drink that came to us from South America. For its manufacture, the leaves of Paraguayan holly are used, containing vitamins A, C, E, P, group B, as well as trace elements.

However, this infusion is appreciated as stimulator of physical and mental activity of mild action provided by matein - the main active ingredient of the drink.

Yerba Mate gives the following bonuses:

  1. Improves concentration, focus and energy production. Due to the amount of caffeine in the tea, the feeling of energy is not accompanied by subsequent fatigue and nervousness.
  2. Improves performance. Muscle fibers, thanks to the same caffeine, are better contracted, and athletic performance is improved.
  3. Fights excess weight. It is especially pleasant that belly fat is lost. Appetite decreases, metabolism is activated - and extra pounds go away along with fatigue and depression.

Yerba Mate is compared to coffee for its strength, green tea for its properties, and hot chocolate for its delight.

6. Ginger tea

It is not for nothing that black tea with ginger is a traditional drink in the east. Ginger tea, which relieves fatigue, is comparable to coffee in its invigorating effect, and has a significant difference from it.

Ginger lowers blood pressure, therefore, ginger tea is a real salvation for hypertensive patients for whom coffee is contraindicated.

Ginger tea is great tones the body, relieves drowsiness, gives strength and energy, and also speeds up metabolic processes. This drink has gained popularity among those who want to lose weight, despite its ability to increase appetite.

Ginger tea increases blood circulation in the body, which stimulates the active work of the brain. This is very much appreciated by knowledge workers.

Other energy drinks

There are many other natural "energy drinks" that are useful in their properties, tasty and readily available.

  1. Echinacea This plant-based modulator of the immune system also has anti-allergic and anti-rheumatic effects.
  2. Sea buckthorn. It improves mood due to the content in its cortex of serotonin - the "hormone of joy".
  3. St. John's wort... A strong herbal depressant, thanks to which anti-stress hormones are actively produced.
  4. Maral root... This tonic drink improves mood and helps the body adapt to changes in the weather.

Ivan tea and infusions from meadow clover, garden asters, galangal, angelica, primrose leaves and other herbs, recipes for which are easy to find on the Internet, also restore strength.

Also take a look at the infographic:

Useful video

The conclusion suggests itself - to raise vivacity and strength it is not at all necessary to drink coffee, mother nature helps to fight the "energy crisis". Brewing tonic herbal teas, you will easily fit into the rhythm of a modern person: you can hurry and run somewhere, enjoy endurance and energy, forget about constant fatigue and recharge with energy even in the gloomy weather.

Herbal tea is a delight for the body and soul. The abundance of aromatic, spicy and aromatic herbs makes it possible to prepare tea for every taste. Such a drink does not remain indifferent, because it gives joy, summer mood, tones up and invigorates at the same time. Herbal tea also helps to strengthen the immune system, prevents many colds and viral diseases.

The benefits of herbal tea

Finding the herbs you need is no problem today. You can buy them in the market, in the supermarket, in the pharmacy and in specialty stores, or you can collect them yourself, armed with a herbal guide. In addition, ready-made herbal preparations are sold in pharmacies both for treatment and for every day (for preventive purposes or instead of tea).

A properly selected herbal collection is able to heal the body, restore shattered processes, and even slow down biological aging.

The main thing is not to forget to follow the instructions so as not to harm the body.

20 most popular and in-demand herbal tea recipes

Making herbal teas requires knowledge and skill in picking herbs

Medicinal, vitamin, tonic, tonic or invigorating, each recipe is unique. Even the same herbal collection can affect the body in completely different ways, depending on the method of preparation and mode of use.

How to make chamomile tea

Chamomile broth is an excellent natural antiseptic

The classic recipe for chamomile tea is familiar to everyone's taste. possesses unique healing properties: relieves inflammation, disinfects, relieves pain, destroys pathogenic organisms, soothes and improves sleep. To brew chamomile tea, you must:

  1. Pour one teaspoon of dried chamomile (6 - 8 grams) with water brought to a boil. It is important that the water does not boil for a long time, because in steep boiling water the plant loses up to 70% of its beneficial properties.
  2. Cover the tea tightly with a lid and let it brew for 15 minutes.

They drink chamomile warm.

If you want to sleep more deeply, then it is worth taking a few sips of tea before bed.

The correct way to make rosehip tea

Rosehip tea is rich in vitamin C

The berry contains a large amount of vitamin C. The broth is often used to cleanse the liver and kidneys, as well as in the fight against colds. Brewing a drink is simple:

  • two tablespoons of wild rose berries, pour boiling water (0.5 l);
  • the broth is insisted for 20 minutes;
  • if desired, you can add a spoonful of natural honey (but not sugar).

They drink rose hips in the morning in unlimited quantities and regardless of the meal. Since the berries have a diuretic effect, rosehip broth is not recommended to be consumed after 18.00.

How can you drink thyme tea

Thyme adds flavor to herbal teas

Fragrant thyme is a fragrant medicinal herb. It is added to many gatherings to complement the aromatic palette and add a sophisticated taste. But few people know that this plant is an effective vasodilator.

Strengthens the muscle walls of blood vessels, making them more elastic, which helps to reduce blood pressure.

The recipe is simple:

  1. One teaspoon of thyme is steamed with boiling water (200 ml).
  2. The tea is allowed to brew for up to 10 minutes so that it cools down to an acceptable temperature for consumption.
  3. Then, one teaspoon of brandy and a little honey are added to the tea, everything is thoroughly mixed and drunk in small sips.

As a preventive measure for hypertension, such a drink is drunk twice a day, at lunchtime and in the evening, at least 4 hours before bedtime.

How to make delicious hawthorn tea

Hawthorn decoction is rich in various vitamins

Dried leaves, color and fruits of hawthorn, can be steamed like regular tea, combining it with various herbs, citruses and other additives. To make tea, it is enough to place one tablespoon of dried tea in a teapot, a pinch of tea leaves (at your discretion) and pour boiling water (400 ml). Add honey and lemon if desired. They drink tea warm without diluting it with water.

Hawthorn fruits contain a large amount of oils and acids, vitamins A, E, Z, K, vitamin C, manganese, potassium, iron and zinc.

Decoctions based on this plant strengthen the cardiovascular system and serve as the prevention of pandemic strains of influenza.

Berry tea at home

Berry tea is a delicious refreshing drink

Herbal tea with berries is undoubtedly a delicious and healthy drink. The berries contain a large amount of organic acids, esters, oils, vitamins, macro and microelements necessary for the full functioning of the body. Making berry tea is not difficult:

  1. Decide on a tea base. It can be a classic tea, but it is better to use herbs (mint, lemon balm or savory). You will need a few fresh herb leaves or a teaspoon of dried leaves.
  2. Add two tablespoons of berries. Strawberries, wild strawberries, blackberries, currants, lingonberries, barberry (dogwood), mulberries and even wigs are perfect. The berries are placed in a bowl and lightly pressed with a spoon so that they better let the juice flow.
  3. All ingredients are poured with boiling water (400 ml) and infused for 15 minutes.

For taste, you can add a little cinnamon, a slice of lemon or orange. This tea will be a wonderful way to fight colds. And the main thing is that little children love him very much.

Lemon balm herb and its medicinal properties

Lemon balm tea has a calming effect

Melissa is a natural sedative.

Lemon balm tea is often drunk with strong psychological or emotional stress, neurosis and nervousness, insomnia, during depression and severe irritability.

Preparing such a drink is as easy as shelling pears. One teaspoon of leaves (dried or fresh) is poured over with instantly boiled water (200 ml). As soon as the tea has cooled down, you can immediately drink it. In addition to its main purpose, lemon balm perfectly soothes the stomach, relieves spasms, and eliminates nausea.

Fragrant mint tea

Mint tea will soothe after a busy day

Mint tea perfectly refreshes and tones up in hot weather. Many people think that this plant is a serious irritant and it is better not to add it to drinks. This is absolutely not the case! The health benefits of mint are greatly underestimated.

Mint tea perfectly invigorates, relieves hangovers and withdrawal symptoms. In addition, mint fights many bacteria and is very useful for respiratory diseases.

Place a small amount of mint in a cup and cover with boiling water. After 10 minutes, drink your tea. Some people are afraid to drink at night for fear of insomnia. And if you add a little milk or cream and a teaspoon of lemon juice to the drink, you have a wonderful relaxing sedative.

Herbal tea with oregano

Oregano tea improves the digestive tract

You can make tea either from one oregano or with the addition of other herbs and spices. One tablespoon of dried herbs, pour boiling water (0.5 l) and leave for 35 minutes. Then the broth is poured into a cup, heated and drunk 100 ml after meals, three times a day. Oregano also helps cleanse the bronchi and lungs.

To properly prepare herbal tea, you need to use utensils that retain heat well. Glass jars and aluminum kettles are not suitable.

These materials have high thermal conductivity, and the water in them cools quickly. A double-walled ceramic teapot is ideal.

Healthy tea with fireweed

An infusion of fireweed is drunk for colds

Ivan tea (fireweed) has incredible taste and health benefits. In taste, Ivan-tea resembles ordinary black tea with a subtle honey flavor. As a rule, fireweed is prepared separately, without any additional components. It is enough to pour 5 grams of dried herbs with boiled water and let it brew for several minutes. As a preventive measure, drink up to two cups a day. It is an excellent supplemental source of vitamins and minerals.

How to make birch tea

Birch broth is the best medicine for many ailments.

The forgotten birch tea made from birch buds and leaves has a lot of useful properties:

But the benefits of birch tea do not end there. Making a drink is easy, but it takes a little patience. Place two tablespoons of dried leaves and buds in a bowl and cover with water (1 liter). Cook in a water bath until boiling and 5 minutes after. The broth is filtered and cooled. Drink one cup, 4 - 5 times a day. In addition, you can prepare a decoction from growing on a birch.

Fruit tea for every day

Fruit tea can be made from any available fruit

Fruit tea, or as it is also called vitamin tea, is a favorite drink of our time. The main thing is that when creating it, you can use it yourself to make the composition and change it as you like, adding a variety of components that your heart desires. Here's the recipe itself:

  1. For making fruit tea, it is better to use mint, lemon balm or. These herbs go well with fruits and spices.
  2. Choosing fruit! Everything the imagination can imagine: apples, orange, lemon, lime, grapefruit, mango, pineapple, kiwi, peach, kumquat and others.
  3. Cut a few fruits into small slices, add a couple of fresh herbs and cover with boiling water.
  4. You can also use cinnamon, ginger, and honey.

Fruit tea can be drunk in unlimited quantities, but not on an empty stomach. It contains many fruit acids that irritate the stomach lining. Fruit tea is a vitamin bomb, a charge that allows you to replenish your supply of essential vitamins.

Linden tea for coughing

Linden tea is effective for colds

Linden tea is a wonderful vitamin drink made from dried linden blossom. Place 5 linden flowers in a cup and cover with boiling water. Cover the cup with a saucer and let it brew for 10 minutes. Add some honey and enjoy the drink. appreciated for its beneficial properties:

  • it is an excellent antiseptic;
  • fights respiratory diseases and cough;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • liquefies phlegm and promotes its expectoration.

Doctors often recommend drinking 2-3 cups of linden tea for people suffering from bronchitis and pneumonia. In addition, linden can help you lose weight. Regular consumption of linden tea will help to increase metabolism and accelerate the synthesis of substances.

A decoction of oats is often used in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract.

Oats are very effective for colds. It also cleanses the liver and normalizes bile production.

The recipe is simple: place two tablespoons of unrefined oats in a thermos and pour boiling water over it. After 2 hours, the tea will be ready. Drink one cup (100 ml) three times a day.

St. John's wort decoction to improve health

St. John's wort infusion helps with many diseases

Invigorating Echinacea Tea

Echinacea infusion helps to strengthen the immune system

You can write encyclopedias about the beneficial properties of this plant:

  • stimulates the immune system;
  • fights respiratory diseases;
  • accelerates the healing processes of wounds and ulcerative erosions;
  • has antiseptic properties;
  • cleans blood lymph, normalizes the work of the lymph nodes;
  • serves as the prevention of cancer;
  • cleanses the liver, stimulates the kidneys and adrenal glands.

And this is not the whole track record.

It is best to use echinacea instead of tea rather than as a supplement. There will be much more benefits from such a drink.

One tablespoon of dried plant, pour a cup of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes, covered with a lid on top. Drink tea before meals, in the morning and in the evening.

Parsley tea

Parsley tea improves bowel function

A decoction of fresh parsley helps to normalize the gastrointestinal tract: reduces the acidity of gastric juice; eliminates bloating and dysbiosis; normalizes metabolic processes; cleanses the intestines.

Parsley is an excellent sorbent and antioxidant that cleanses the blood, relieves inflammation and has an analgesic effect.

To make tea you will need:

  • fresh sprigs of parsley (3 pcs.);
  • one slice of lemon;
  • brewing black tea.

All components are placed in a kettle and poured with boiling water (400 ml). Drink one cup three times a day.

Nettle tea is rich in vitamins

This drink can be called a symbiosis of herbal decoctions. Nettle is one of the first plants to be used for medicinal purposes. It has many beneficial properties, stimulates the immune system and fights colds. One tablespoon of nettle, cook in a water bath (20 minutes), pouring 1 liter of water. The broth is filtered and drunk three times a day, an hour after eating.

Forest tea is easy to make yourself while walking in the forest

This forest collection, which can be made with your own hands at home, is a fortifying drink, which can include a wide variety of herbs: St. John's wort, oregano, bird cherry, rose hips, lemon balm, mint, plantain and others. Two tablespoons of raw materials are placed in a saucepan, filled with water and brought to a boil. After 2 minutes, the broth is poured into a kettle and allowed to brew. They drink instead of regular tea, in unlimited quantities.

Jasmine tea with mango and pear

Jasmine tea is a very aromatic and delicious drink

This is an incredible exotic drink that will give you a great mood and energize for the whole day. To make tea you will need:

  1. Grind one wedge of mango and pear into small cubes.
  2. Place them in a teapot and add a teaspoon of flowers.
  3. Pour boiling water over all the ingredients and leave for 5 - 7 minutes.

The taste is very rich and pleasant, the aroma is breathtaking, reminiscent of sweet nectar.

Cold tonic tea with basil

Basil tea has antiseptic properties

Basil is considered to be salad greens, but in eastern countries it is often used for making drinks. possesses antiseptic properties, serves as prevention of botulism, kills germs and bacteria. To make tea you will need:

  • three sprigs of fresh green basil;
  • ginger root (1 cm unmilled);
  • a quarter lemon, cut into wedges.

All components are poured with boiling water (0.5 l) and insisted for about an hour. Add a spoonful of sugar if desired. The drink is cooled, filtered and consumed throughout the day.

The beneficial properties of herbal teas have been tested by practice and generations. If you have a need to improve immunity, you should not run to the pharmacy and buy pills.

Herbal tea will be much more effective than any synthetic preparation.

Well, if you just want to pamper yourself with a delicious and aromatic drink, find your own individual recipe or create it yourself!

Nowadays, due to a hectic and stressful lifestyle, more and more people feel sluggish and lethargic even at a young age. Some people prefer to boost their alertness by using synthetic drinks like energy drinks.

Others consume huge amounts of coffee day and night in order to feel the rush of energy during rush jobs at work or school. And still others go the surest way, using tonic medicinal herbs.

The best doctor is nature!

The doctrine of these plants belongs to Ayurveda. According to her philosophy, these components of decoctions and infusions have a beneficial effect on the chakras, which are responsible for the flow of vital energy and strength in the body. If you start using them (of course, subject to proper preparation and aging), you will feel an influx of strength and vigor, a general strengthening effect on the entire body, getting rid of various chronic diseases that can significantly reduce the quality of your life.

Herbal medicine, although it is an alternative method, not yet recognized by official medicine, is recommended even by doctors. In any case, many doctors recommend it to their patients when undergoing standard treatments.

Traditional medicine has long learned the art of healing the soul and body with the help of medicinal plant components. Some healers believe that it is with the help of herbs and flowers that you can save yourself from even the most terrible and insidious pathologies that are considered fatal. The healing properties of each component of phytotherapeutic preparations are unique and affect the body in their own way.

One thing is clear - herbal treatment almost always gives an excellent result. In addition, you have nothing to lose because this therapy is the mildest and most neutral of all the options available. If you are constantly experiencing psychological stress, become nervous, irritable and tired, try preparing a collection for a tonic herbal tea!

Why are herbs so beneficial?

Mother Nature has endowed us with everything necessary for the treatment of various pathologies and discomfort conditions. Even synthetic drugs are made in the likeness of natural components that existed long before the active development of chemistry and biology. However, today for some reason we prefer to look for easy ways.

Of course, why collect and brew herbs when you can run to the nearest pharmacy and buy synthetic vitamin and mineral complexes?

However, you should know that natural products, be it food or medicinal plants, act on our organs and systems much more delicately than their aggressive chemical derivatives.

You can buy ready-made tonic herbal preparations from herbalists. Although these remedies are increasingly seen on the windows of pharmaceutical stores. Making decoctions and other drinks from them is not difficult at all, and even an amateur in such things can cope with this. A collection that does not involve sequential processing can be brewed at all in the same way as you prepare regular loose leaf tea.

Experiencing constant stress and a feeling of fatigue due to hard work, you can turn to psychostimulants, or you can turn to herbs and roots that affect the body, albeit slowly, but really good. Yes, various pills and syrups give an almost instant effect, but if you stop taking them, the condition worsens. In addition, they can cause severe damage to overall health.

With herbs, the situation is fundamentally the opposite. They cannot be called instant means, but they are designed to heal the body at the global level. In addition, they provide a cumulative effect, which means that it does not "dissipate" after the completion of the course.

If you want to turn to herbalistic traditions, but do not find tonic herbal preparations in the pharmacy, turn to the knowledgeable people who devote most of their lives to healing with natural gifts. From them you can purchase all the components of the fees separately and make your own "cocktail", suitable individually in your case.

What herbs are useful for toning the body, and what effect do they give?

There are many herbs and spices that effectively tone the body, affecting the production of specific hormones.

We have compiled for you a whole list of herbs that tone the body:

  • Licorice. Dried licorice roots are sold in pharmacies or by professional herbalists. They carry substances into the body that are similar in their effect to synthetic steroids. These elements stimulate the glands responsible for the production of the hormone adrenaline. In addition to toning the body, licorice promotes the increased production of interferons - specific proteins that fight viruses and infections. These components have a strengthening effect on the immune system;
  • Ginseng. This herb is an excellent brain stimulant. But besides this, it has the property of toning the whole organism. Penetrating into it, its plant components stimulate the production of cytotoxic T-cells of the immune system, which actively remove toxins, heavy metal ions and salts from the body. Ginseng is an excellent energy tonic for your body. It also has a complex effect on the adrenal glands, awakening vitality, strength and vigor within you. Drinks based on it can be prepared independently, however, among the finished products you will find many preparations based on this plant;
  • Dandelion. We are used to classifying this plant as a weed, and most of us believe that it does not carry any benefit. However, this is not at all the case! Chopped dandelion stems and leaves are able to saturate the body with valuable and rare vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other nutrients. This herb helps to normalize blood formation, ensures proper "construction" formed elements of blood, optimizes the processes of saturation of cells and tissues with fresh blood. Dandelion also stabilizes digestion, having a beneficial effect on the production of gastric juice. He also “knows how” to carry out powerful detoxification in the body. Its reception is especially useful in springtime;
  • Yerba. An original American shrub, the leaves and shoots of which have a stimulating effect on the nervous system. Its effect is similar to that of caffeine, however, unlike the second, it increases the flow of fresh blood to the heart and brain, without acting as aggressively. By taking it, you will be able to organize for yourself the ideal sleep and rest regimen, as the plant increases energy only during the daytime. Taken at night, on the contrary, it will provide you with relaxation and deep healthy sleep;
  • Alfalfa. Taking alfalfa as a flavoring for fresh salads can help you stay healthy and alert at any time of the year. This herb will contribute to the normalization of digestive processes in all organs of the gastrointestinal tract, regulate the work of the stomach, establish natural motility and intestinal motility. Its natural composition includes phytoestrogens - plant analogues of hormones that can normalize their production in the body. Alfalfa contains easily digestible vitamins and minerals that give the will to live and contribute to the enlightenment of the intellect;
  • Gotu kola. This herb is used in Ayurveda as a brain stimulant, as well as for effective blood purification. The herb protects a person from a variety of pathogenic microorganisms, has an antioxidant effect, instantly removes all impurities and poisonous products from the body. A drink based on it cannot be called pleasant to the taste, since it has a rather strong bitterness. But this little flaw can be tolerated given the health benefits of Gotu Kola.

Tea is a versatile drink; in the hot season it will help to quench your thirst, and in the winter it will help you to keep warm. Some sorts of tea help to calm down, relax after a hard day, some are able to perfectly tone up. There are teas that are not inferior in terms of the tonic effect of coffee. A cup of this tea will help you recharge your energy for the whole day.

Puer tea

Chinese pu-erh tea has long been renowned for its tonic properties. Over the years, this tea only gets better, it is similar to good cognac. When making pu-erh tea, tea leaves age naturally or artificially. It takes up to 8 years until the tea is ready. True connoisseurs of Chinese tea note that after a cup of pu-erh, there is a rise in vital energy, an increase in strength, and an improvement in working capacity. Puerh also improves health, digestion, and helps to lose weight.

Green or black tea with herbs

On the basis of regular tea, you can make your own tonic tea. For this, it is worth adding to the classic tea leaves the fruits of plants with healing properties. Ginger and licorice can give strength, black currant, mountain ash and rose hips will provide the body with vitamins, strengthen the immune system. For colds, you can drink a cup of tea with sea buckthorn and raspberries. They will help to cope with fever, fever.

Herbal tonic tea

For cooking, which have a pronounced tonic effect. These include:

  • ginseng,
  • leuzea,
  • lure,
  • rhodiola rosea,
  • aralia manchu.

Herbs have a slight psychostimulating effect, which can also be added to herbal preparations:

  • yarrow,
  • prickly tartar,
  • St. John's wort,
  • medicinal lovage,
  • knotweed.

For toning up, it should not be taken all the time. It is better to drink them in courses, when the strength has completely left, when you need to quickly recuperate, cheer up, and increase efficiency.

Herbs like black currant, yarrow, blackberry leaves, and strawberry go well. You can use a mixture of rowan, rose hips, rhodiola roots, St. John's wort and mint leaves. Tea is prepared simply: a teaspoon of herbs is taken in a glass of boiling water.

The effect of tonic tea

Tea has a mild effect on the nervous system, it increases the body's endurance, invigorates. It suits those people who find it difficult to wake up in the morning. It is not recommended to drink this tea drink in the evening. In addition to the tonic effect, the herbal collection can strengthen the immune system, improve attention.

Toning tea recipes

1. To increase efficiency, you can use a mixture of Schisandra chinensis leaves and rose hips, these plants are rich in B vitamins, ascorbic acid.

2. For the treatment of mild depression, asthenia, St. John's wort tea is recommended. It invigorates and restores strength.

3. Rowan fruits - 10 g, rose hips - 20 g, St. John's wort - 20 g, Rhodiola rosea - 30 g, peppermint - 5 grams. In a thermos, pour 10 g of the mixture with 200 ml of boiling water. Leave it overnight. Strain in the morning, squeeze out the raw materials, drink, adding honey.

4. Rowan berries - 10 g, rowan flowers -3 g, knotweed - 4 g. For preparation, a teaspoon of the mixture is brewed with boiling water in the amount of a glass.

5. Leaves of black currant, strawberry, blackberry, yarrow grass are taken in equal parts. A teaspoon of herbal tea is taken in a glass of boiling water.

How to drink tonic tea

Toning tea should be drunk in the morning, instead of the usual coffee. Better in the evening, so that by morning he was ready. Tea can be stored for no more than a day without losing its properties. Warm drink is very aromatic, it contains essential oils of plants.

You can add a little sugar or natural honey to this tea to taste. You should not use such tea at night, so as not to cause insomnia, milk should not be added either, since it removes nutrients from plants.

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