Home Garden on the windowsill What happened to the plane. Anonymous source: Escaped from captivity, the passenger of a Malaysian Boeing went to a village in southeastern Afghanistan. Why was the society misinformed?

What happened to the plane. Anonymous source: Escaped from captivity, the passenger of a Malaysian Boeing went to a village in southeastern Afghanistan. Why was the society misinformed?

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The Independent: US military shot down missing Boeing over Indian Ocean

On August 18, 2015, that is, a year and a half after the mysterious disappearance of the Malaysian Boeing 777 flight MH370 from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, finally appeared, which confirms the correctness of the information given June 28, 2014 and published on many resources, including in Australia, and sent to the so-called FUND created by relatives of the victims https://www.thehuntformh370.info/tip and at numerous addresses published at the following link: http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/2979159/post330077517#BlCom659808665

Briefly about the essence:

On board the Boeing 777 were 20 specialists, one way or another connected with the US military complex. 20 employees Freescale flew to a business meeting in Beijing. 12 of them were citizens of Malaysia, 8 were Chinese. All 20 specialists, "smart", as if on a selection. Apparently, this particular team of scientists was formed and selected for a long time, whose brains are most valuable for Incognito, who is interested in acquiring these brains. You can imagine the “accident”, “coincidence” when 20 of the most powerful specialists gathered on one plane, and all 20 registered patents in the military-industrial complex.

2 days before the departure of the Boeing 777, 1 patent was registered, which had 5 owners. The 4 Chinese who were on board and the American company, which is now the sole owner, thanks to the disappearance of the aircraft. This patent is about technology that allows you to disappear from the radar of an aircraft and take control of it from a distance.

The death of a Boeing with such a "stuffing" is excluded. Too valuable cargo was on board.

On the route of the aircraft is located military base Diego Garcia. A secret base with a military prison where torture is practiced. The island is closed completely from people. Many years ago, local residents were forcibly evicted, who then sued and won a court case in the UK in 2006, hoping to return home. But the decision is not implemented. Americans spit on the decisions of the British court.

As we know, the phones of some passengers called back in the next few days after the disappearance of the plane. A picture was sent from one iPhone, the geology of which indicated the base of Diego Garcia. 19 families have signed a petition to request confirmation of the plane's presence at the Diego Garcia military base. I hope that people in the world understand that 239 passengers will never return home from such a base. Peaceful people who happened to be on the same plane with 20 scientists, according to the laws of the military, should be liquidated as witnesses.

In which case it is not necessary to find the plane

Probably only two: if it was some kind of diabolical operation of some special services, or if the plane was shot down somewhere. Then it is necessary to play for time and throw false information to the investigators about the various places of search, so that they are conducted anywhere, but not where they need to be. Subsequently, one can begin to gradually process the mass consciousness that the plane may not be found.

SIMILAR PUBLICATIONS, on the Internet - a lot. However, the closest to the truth should be considered information from the Australian company GeoResonance.

Formerly an Australian company GeoResonance stated that found the missing plane at the bottom of the Bay of Bengal, thousands of kilometers from the current search area off the coast of Australia.

Company GeoResonance, specialized in mineral exploration in the mining industry using proprietary technology announced that it had discovered an object that, according to its characteristics, completely coincides with the passenger Boeing-777 of Malaysia Airlines that disappeared in March of this year.

The spectral analysis map of the anomaly at the bottom of the Bay of Bengal corresponds to the outlines of the Boeing-777 passenger plane of Malaysia Airlines MH3770, which disappeared on March 8, 2014.

Malaysian government took note of the data provided by GeoResonance specialists. According to these data, an unknown object that matches the characteristics of the missing Boeing rests on the bottom of the Indian Ocean about a hundred kilometers south of Bangladesh in the Bay of Bengal.

The data was obtained using a special surface scanning technology that takes into account the presence of specific metals, minerals and compounds. This technology is used to search for mineral deposits. Also earlier GeoResonance carried out orders to search for sunken warships and aircraft on the ocean floor. In the case of the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, GeoResonance specialists looked for the chemical elements that make up this particular aircraft - aluminum, copper, titanium, various steel alloys, fuel and a number of other materials. Later, the goal became to search from the air and scan satellite data to find a place where these materials are present in one place. AT GeoResonance claim that about 1.2 million square miles of the probable accident area were surveyed in this way. The resulting "multi-spectral" images come from images dated March 10, the third day after the disappearance. Visually, the pictures show the outlines of a large aircraft. As stated, the anomaly arose precisely between March 5 and 10 ...


The coordinates that REPRESENTED, (these are the vertices of the square) point to PLACE, where ARE debris Boeing 777

The ocean current, in the indicated place, is the form of a "spinning funnel", and therefore the wreckage of the aircraft should, in the indicated square, float on the surface for a long time.

1. LATITUDE - 20 degrees 15 minutes N
2. LATITUDE - 20 degrees 00 minutes N
LONGITUDE - 89 degrees 45 minutes E
3. LATITUDE - 20 degrees 00 minutes N
LONGITUDE - 90 degrees 15 minutes E
4. LATITUDE - 20 degrees 15 minutes N
LONGITUDE - 90 degrees 15 minutes E

It - Northern Indian Ocean, Bay of Bengal(East India). The location is on the edge of the continental shelf. Close to the state of Bangladesh.



In the specified location - are THREE PLANE PARTS. Most likely, this is a consequence of the explosion of the aircraft.

Before the plane was DESTROYED, he was "PLANTED" at the "Base" somewhere in the Indian Ocean. The cargo that was on board was unloaded from the aircraft. Airplane 31 PEOPLE LEFT. After unloading the cargo and 31 people, all other passengers were gassed. The plane took off with the passengers already dead. At the appointed point, the Boeing crew left the plane and reached the shore. The plane, after the team left the board, was blown up and fell into the water, breaking into three parts, in SPECIFIED COORDINATES. Perhaps the plane, with dead passengers, was put on the water. The team left the plane on boats and after that it was blown up (this is not of fundamental importance now. The main thing is that were PASSENGERS DESTROYED aircraft flight that do not have NO RELATIONSHIP to what is happening.

The initial coordinates of the death of the aircraft were already determined by us on March 24th. This information was passed on to various international aviation organizations and a number of foreign newspapers. As time passed, it was not difficult to clarify that there was a "conspiracy of silence" on this "incident". Then - the task was “solved” of “restoring the scenario of all the events that occurred”, in full what happened, where the death of people and the destruction of the aircraft were a “cover” for the planned actions of the participants we indicated. After that, it became clear why the publication of information was denied. We have decided to TRANSFER THIS INFORMATION to the open Internet.

More details with the full text can be found at this link.

Moscow. July 31st. INTERFAX.RU - Specialists have established that the serial number of the part found near Reunion Island matches the technical specifications of the Malaysian Boeing that disappeared more than a year ago, local media report. Investigators determined that the piece was part of an aileron located at the rear of the wing. For further research, the find will be sent to the nearest office of the French Air Crash Investigation Bureau in Toulouse.

July 29, off the west coast of Reunion (an island east of Madagascar, French overseas territory), a fragment of an aircraft was found. The fragment is covered with sea shells, which indicates that it has been in sea water for quite a long time.

A Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777 flew from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on March 8, 2014 and disappeared an hour after takeoff. The search for the plane has so far turned up nothing. There were 239 people on board.

In 2014, on the night of March 7-8, a Boeing 777-200ER belonging to Malaysia Airlines flew over. It was flight MH370 flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. For unknown reasons, while crossing the Indian Ocean, the airliner disappeared from the radar. On board at that time there were 227 passengers and 12 crew members. If the crash of this aircraft was proved, this incident would become one of the largest disasters in the history of aviation.

After the incident, dozens of countries joined forces to find the plane. All sorts of modern high-tech tools were used, however, despite this, large-scale search work did not bring any results for a long time. Based on data received from the satellite, the Malaysian government announced after 2 weeks that the plane crashed in the southern part of the Indian Ocean. All passengers and crew were killed. However, no physical evidence was provided.

During the search work, signals were recorded coming from a black box from the bottom of the ocean. However, over time, the signals stopped coming. It was not possible to prove that exactly the black box that belonged to the wanted airliner was at the bottom of the ocean.

The search covered a vast territory from the South China Sea to the Indian Ocean (to the western coast of Australia) through the Malacca Strait. Such a vast territory was allocated for a reason. The Boeing stopped signaling to controllers 40 minutes after takeoff. Probably, after that, the plane was in the air for several more hours, radically changing the flight route.

The search operation lasted from March to April. 26 states participated in it. Despite the fact that no wreckage of the airliner, passengers' belongings, or the bodies of the dead were found, the experts managed to establish that the crash occurred in the southern part of the ocean. Experts came to this conclusion after studying the trajectory of the airliner, which was transmitted via the Inmarsat satellite. There was no other data to support this conclusion.

Beginning in April, the search was moved underwater. For this, unmanned submarines were used. Experts have researched over 300 square miles aquatic environment in the alleged crash zone. However, no traces of the Boeing were found here either. Several months after the search began, experts have not been able to accurately answer the question of what happened to the Malaysian Boeing that went missing in March.

As a rule, after the disappearance of an aircraft from the radar, airlines immediately give alarm signals to start a search operation. In the case of the Boeing, the airline in Malaysia announced that the search would not begin until five hours after the signals from the aircraft ceased. Such a delay arose due to the fault of the dispatcher, who, as it turned out, slept for 4 hours after the aircraft disappeared from the radar. At the same time, Vietnamese controllers (and at the moment the Boeing disappeared from radar was just approaching the territory of this state) began to find out why the airliner did not enter the airspace 2 minutes after the appointed time, but only 20 minutes later. At the same time, it is obvious that if the liner really fell into the water, the current could carry the Boeing a long distance in a matter of minutes.


Search operations have helped determine that the missing Malaysian Airlines jet is most likely in the water. On land, he would have been found by now in all these months of work. A few days after the disappearance of the Boeing, information appeared in the media that a fragment of the aircraft was found during the search operation. Found in the South China Sea. However, the belonging of the fragment found to the Boeing was immediately refuted, since it turned out that it was a cable reel overgrown with aquatic vegetation.

After that, new information emerged that officials from the Maritime Safety Authority in Australia found two wrecks that may be part of the missing aircraft. Around the same time, China announced the discovery of two large wreckage, which may also be part of the Boeing. However, the belonging of these finds to Boeing has not been proven.

It wasn't until July 2015 that the first piece of debris was found that actually belonged to the missing airliner. Moreover, cleaners who removed garbage on the territory of Reunion Island found a fragment. Part of the wing was found at a distance of more than 4 thousand kilometers from the outlined search area under water. The cleaners found a part of the wing of the aircraft, almost 2.5 m long. The surface of the wreckage was covered with shells. After this discovery, experts began to explore the territory of the island. More debris was found. As a result, it was confirmed that both the wreckage and the wing belonged to the Boeing.

After 6 months, information about the discovery of parts of the aircraft again appeared in the media. This time the fragment was found in the province of Nakhon Si Thammarat. Local residents found a large curved metal object that washed up on the ocean shore. However, as a result of the examination, it was found that the serial number and bundle numbers are not the same as those of the desired Boeing.

Another fragment was found on the coast of Mozambique. It was a piece of metal about 1 m long. It was assumed that it was a horizontal stabilizer that was attached to the tail section of the airliner. But the only proof that this stabilizer really belonged to the missing Boeing was that it was found in the territory where the crash could have happened. There was no other confirmation of the ownership of this fragment.

In fact, for all this time, only 3 fragments were found that could really be parts of a Boeing. However, not a single suitcase, not a single thing, not a single body of a passenger or crew members was found. At the same time, over the entire period of search operations, a huge territory was explored and about $50 million was spent. These searches were recognized as the largest in the history of aviation.

Since for 2 years of search work it was not possible to understand where the Malaysian Boeing disappeared, the International Coordinating Search Center announced the termination of search operations.

Reasons for the crash

In fact, unsuccessful searches have led to the emergence of many different versions explaining the cause of the plane crash. One of the versions belongs to M. Dugen, the head of Proteus Airlines. He claimed that the US military was involved in the crash of the Boeing. According to him, the plane was shot down on purpose because of US suspicions that terrorists were going to hijack the airliner. In order to prevent terrorist acts similar to those that occurred on September 11, the military was forced to shoot down the aircraft.

According to the Malaysian government, the missing Malaysian aircraft was last seen flying over the Strait of Malacca. And he moved in the opposite direction from the planned. Given this, we can conclude that the airliner changed course after losing communication with the controller.

According to this version, information about where to actually look for the plane is known to the United States. However, officially the search was carried out in a completely different place. Dugen believes that in reality the fall took place near the US military base, which is located on the island of Diego Garcia, in the Indian Ocean. However, in order to absolve themselves of responsibility for the death of such a large number of passengers and crew who were on board, the Americans hide information about the real crash site. Dugen believes that only a piece of debris brought ashore on the island of Reunion made it possible to find out the truth about the catastrophe. He also considers it suspicious that in the territory outlined for the search, work was carried out for months. When the fragment of the wing was found, search operations in the area of ​​the island lasted only 10 days. The question arises: why did the search stop so quickly? The fact that the fragment of the wing found really belongs to the missing airliner is beyond doubt. After an examination conducted in Australia, it was found that the visible part of the number coincides with the number of the airliner.

Dugen's version was supported by many relatives and friends of the dead passengers. Confirmation that the wreckage belonged to a Boeing was the cause of the protest. Relatives and friends could not understand why, knowing that the missing Malaysian aircraft had changed course during the flight, the search was conducted in a completely different place, as if the airliner had not changed the route. At the same time, huge amounts of money and a lot of time were wasted.

Suspicions of attempts to commit a terrorist act by the US military were not unfounded. As the investigation showed, there were two Iranian citizens on board the plane, who purchased tickets for the airliner using forged documents. They used the passport details of two Europeans who lost their documents while on holiday in Thailand. The details were subsequently entered by Interpol into the international database of stolen documents. Despite this, two citizens with other people's documents managed to go through the control procedure and purchase tickets without arousing any suspicion among the airline and airport employees. There are no supporting facts that there was an explosive device on board, or that the plane was hijacked by terrorists. Therefore, it is impossible to prove the version with a terrorist attack.

Depression of the commander as the cause of the plane crash

For what reason the Malaysian Boeing crashed, missing in March, the latest news reports different data. One of the versions is the depressive state of the commander of the airliner. His name was Zachary Ahmad Shah. This version of a deliberate crash is similar to the truth, since this has already happened in the history of aviation. In particular, one of such cases was the crash of an Airbus A320. A. Lubits, the commander of this airliner, deliberately crashed the plane. Later it turned out that he suffered from chronic depression and regularly visited a psychiatrist.

Zachary, the commander of the missing Boeing, also experienced a mental crisis in the time before the crash. According to his wife, recently they have had very tense relations in the family. And about two weeks before this flight, the couple did not communicate at all. One of Zachary's close friends told the police after the crash that he was depressed. He even advised the crew commander not to take the helm. The daughter of the commander admitted that in the last few weeks before the departure, her father seemed to her a completely different person. She claims that he has changed a lot and no longer looked like the cheerful person he was before.

The US FBI put forward one of the versions, according to which the crash was a deliberate action by the crew commander. The confirmation of such conclusions was a simulator (simulator), which imitates the cockpit of an aircraft. Such a simulator allows you to practice flights. It was found that for several weeks before the flight, Zachary worked out a route that would have led to the crash of the plane. As investigators noted, the Boeing's route actually resembled the one that the commander worked out on the simulator. Moreover, the FBI noted that for some reason the commander erased all records and data that were stored in the simulator. However, experts managed to recover data from hard drives. Found fragment of the wing had lowered flaps. This is further evidence that the plane was deliberately directed down into the ocean. Thus, there is quite a lot of evidence that the crash was the result of deliberate actions.

In contact with

The disappearance of a Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777-200 in March 2014 shook the world. Versions of what happened, put forward a variety of. But until now, nothing really is known about the fate of the aircraft.

Did the flight go “normally”?

On March 8, 2014, Boeing operated joint flight MH370 with China Southern Airlines from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to Beijing, China. There were 227 passengers from different countries and 12 crew members on board. The crew commander was an experienced 53-year-old pilot, Zachary Ahmad Shah, and the co-pilot was 27-year-old co-pilot Farik Ab Namid. The liner took off from Kuala Lumpur at 0.41 local time and, according to the schedule, was supposed to land at the Beijing airport at 6.30.

At 02.40 Malaysian time, the plane disappeared from the radar screens. At the same time, the dispatchers did not receive any information about technical problems, course changes or other problems. The last message received from the crew read: "All right, good night." At that moment, the liner was over the South China Sea, 220 kilometers from the east coast of Malaysia.

26 countries, including Russia, took part in the search and rescue operation. But no trace of the missing airliner was found. At the end of January 2015, the Malaysian Civil Aviation Department officially declared everyone on board the plane dead.

On July 29, 2015, on the French island of Reunion in the Indian Ocean, near the city of San André, beach cleaners found a fragment of a wing of an unidentified aircraft covered with shells. Specialists confirmed that this fragment most likely belongs to the missing liner. Other fragments were later discovered, but it was not possible to prove their indisputable belonging to the disappeared Boeing.


Meanwhile, an investigation carried out by Malaysia jointly with seven other states - the United States, Great Britain, France, China, Singapore, Indonesia and Australia, showed that after the plane became unavailable for radar, he spent another 7 hours in flight. The last contact took place over the Gulf of Malacca, south of Kuala Lumpur. After about 40 minutes, communications with ground services were disabled, including the ACARS system, accessible only from the cockpit. Only electronic messages continued to be received from the onboard terminal to the Inmarsat satellites. It was thanks to them that it became known that over the Malaysian city of Kota Bharu, the Boeing reversed course, crossed Malaysia for the second time in a southwestern direction and headed south. Presumably the flight ended in the southern part of the Indian Ocean. The last signal from the board was received by satellites at 8:15 local time. The "black box" signals were never registered.

The plane was hijacked by the Americans?

During a search of the home of Captain Ahmad Shah, a makeshift Boeing flight simulator was found. It turned out that for some reason Shah was training to land the liner at five airfields in the Indian Ocean. He also erased all entries from his electronic diary.

Therefore, the main version of the investigation was the hijacking of the liner by unknown persons who were allegedly in collusion with the pilots. Another argument in favor of the crew's involvement in the disappearance of the plane was the fact that a few minutes before departure, Ahmad Shah was talking on a mobile phone with a woman who purchased a SIM card using fake documents.

It was the hijackers who could turn off the appliances. But where did the plane go? One of the points where Ahmad Shah "planted" him with the help of a simulator is the US military base "Diego Garcia", located on an atoll island with an area of ​​​​about 27 square kilometers, which is part of the Chagos archipelago.

Why did the US military need to hijack the Boeing? Ilya Belous, president of the Institute for Scientific Research of the Third Millennium, points out that among the passengers were 20 employees of the American company Freescale Semiconductor, which manufactures chips, semiconductors and other electronic equipment, including military technology. Moreover, these employees were not Americans. 12 of them were Malaysians, 8 were Chinese. And they had a number of patents in the military field. Perhaps they wanted to force them to work for the American government under supervision. And the plane with the rest of the passengers was simply liquidated.

But if all this is true, then it is very unlikely that we will ever know about the true fate of the fatal Boeing. After all, the secret services know how to hide the ends in the water.

British virtual tracker Ian Wilson is a video engineer by profession. He discovered an object similar to an airplane using the Google Maps resource. I saw him lying in the hard-to-reach jungles of Cambodia.

A picture in which the virtual pathfinder spotted the aircraft.

Yang has no doubt: the object is the plane - most likely the same one - the Malaysian Boeing 777-200, which on March 8, 2014, following from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, disappeared in the most mysterious way along with 239 passengers.

According to the outlines, the discovered liner, which is necessary. Only almost 6 meters longer - not 63.7 meters, but 70.

The tail fell off, - explains the tracker, - lies a little further from the fuselage. Hence the "elongation".

The main objection of skeptics is that the photograph from space used by Google Maps could have been accidentally hit by a plane flying over the jungle. In addition, four years have passed since the loss, it is quite enough for the lush tropical vegetation to completely hide the liner. And it's strange that the car in the photo is almost intact. Even if the plane did not crash from a great height, but tried to land in the jungle, it would most likely fall apart into several large fragments.

No, Wilson dismisses doubts. Like, I checked it using one of the resource options - “escape ground view”. The plane is down.

Could the virtual pathfinder "stumble" not on the MH370, but on some other Boeing 777-200?. Excluded - no other such in this area of ​​Cambodia fell. At least aviation experts do not know anything about such disasters.

Wilson said that he would like to get to the crash site he discovered. After all, Malaysian and Australian experts, who, albeit to no avail, but officially are busy searching for the remains of the liner, as a rule, do not respond to the “signals” of virtual pathfinders. Or brush them aside.


And then there's Boeing

Competing with Wilson is Australian Peter McMahon, who has long been passionate about air crash investigations. Using Google Maps, he also saw the silhouette of a crashed Malaysian Boeing. But in another place - under water. If he gets to him, then he will have to dive.

In March 2018, McMahon pointed out that the Boeing lies in shallow water about 16 kilometers south of Round Island, one of the Seychelles. The satellite photo shows both the wings and the fuselage.

The Australian Transport and Safety Bureau told McMahon that the plane he discovered could very well be the one he was looking for. But no action was taken. The Malaysian authorities also responded. But more harshly: they asked not to mislead people.

McMahon somehow saw that the fuselage of the liner was full of holes. As if stitched with machine-gun bursts.

And one more

In 2016, a Malaysian Boeing found Scott Waring, a well-known ufologist and virtual archaeologist among those who look for anomalies in images transmitted from other planets, such as Mars.

Scott assures that he did not specifically search for the missing liner. Looking for traces UFO, which were seen near the Cape of Good Hope in 2013. And for this purpose, I looked at the pictures of the area posted on Google Earth. I saw the outline of the plane. He lies under water. Almost whole.

Meanwhile, an investigation carried out by Malaysia jointly with seven other states - the United States, Great Britain, France, China, Singapore, Indonesia and Australia, showed that after the plane became unavailable for radar, it spent another 7 hours in flight. The last contact took place over the Gulf of Malacca, south of Kuala Lumpur. After about 40 minutes, communications with ground services were disabled, including the ACARS system, accessible only from the cockpit. Only electronic messages continued to be received from the onboard terminal to the Inmarsat satellites. It was thanks to them that it became known that over the Malaysian city of Kota Bharu, the Boeing reversed course, crossed Malaysia for the second time in a southwestern direction and headed south. Presumably the flight ended in the southern part of the Indian Ocean. The last signal from the board was received by satellites at 8:15 local time. The "black box" signals were never registered.

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