Home Garden on the windowsill Fipi oral interview in Russian 9. Completion of a communicative task

Fipi oral interview in Russian 9. Completion of a communicative task

Before the new form of the exam becomes mandatory for everyone, the model must be tested. In the fall of 2016, two versions of the oral exam (with a "live" interlocutor and with a computer form) were "run in" on 1,500 schoolchildren from the Moscow region, Tatarstan and Chechnya. After analyzing the results, the developers decided to focus on the form of an interview with a teacher.

In the 2017-2018 academic year, a large-scale testing of this model will take place: oral interviews in Russian will be held by ninth-graders from 19 regions of Russia. The exam will take place in the fall the results will not affect the admission or non-admission of schoolchildren to pass the GIA. Therefore, ninth-graders need not worry - in fact, this year it is not their knowledge that is being tested, but the efficiency of the exam model.

The dates when the final interview will become mandatory for all students of the 9th grade have not yet been officially announced - this will depend, among other things, on the results of the approbation.

How will the oral exam in Russian take place?

It is assumed that ninth-graders will be interviewed at their schools, however, "unfamiliar" teachers who have not previously taught with these guys will act as examiners. The interview will be held one-on-one and recorded on audio or video. The time allotted for each student is approx. 15 minutes.

Assignments will be exclusively practical - no rules, analysis of proposals, and the like. The task of the interview is to check whether the student has sufficient skills in spontaneous (unprepared) oral speech, whether he can clearly and relatively competently express himself in Russian, build monologues, conduct a dialogue, and so on.

The interview includes four tasks, and all of them belong to the base level. It:

  • reading aloud;
  • retelling,
  • monologue,
  • dialogue with the examiner.

Tasks are inherently simple, and their successful completion does not require special training.

  1. In the first task of the interview, the student must read aloud a short (150-200 words) text about one of the famous representatives of our country. He has two minutes to prepare. It is necessary to read clearly and with expression, correctly intoning punctuation marks (because only in this case the text will be adequately perceived by ear).
  2. In preparation for the second task - retelling of the text The student is given one minute. For retelling, a short, one paragraph, text and an addition to it are proposed - a statement that will need to be organically included in the retelling. The first and second tasks can be thematically related - for example, in the demo version prepared by FIPI for reading aloud, a text about Gagarin's flight on the Vostok ship is offered, for retelling - information about the creator of the ship, the Queen.
  3. The third task of the interview in the Russian language - monologue. Here, the examiner is offered three options to choose from: he can describe the proposed picture, talk about his personal experience, or express his opinion on the problem. The proposed topics are multidirectional, which allows you to choose the most interesting option for yourself. Supporting questions are attached to each of them, which should make the task easier. One minute is also given for thinking and preparation, and the monologue itself must “fit” in three.
  4. The last exam task is a dialogue. Here the student will have to give detailed answers to three questions of the examiner (all of them are related to the topic chosen for the monologue). Three minutes are also allotted for the final part of the interview.

Criteria for evaluating the final interview

The final points for the interview are the sum of the points received for each of the four tasks, as well as the assessment of the "quality of speech" - it is assessed separately for the first two tasks and for the logical block of monologue and dialogue.

You can get 2 points for reading aloud.- one for the correct intonation of punctuation marks, the second - for the pace of speech (you can’t “part” or, on the contrary, slow down too much, the pace should be such that the text is adequately perceived by ear). Retelling is also worth two points.- one can be obtained for the preservation of micro-themes of the original text, the second - for the organic inclusion in the retelling of a given statement (you can quote it in any way).

If during the execution of the first two tasks no grammatical, spelling, speech errors were made, and the words were pronounced without distortion - for speech quality will be credited two more points(up to three errors - one point). Thus, the maximum that can be obtained for the first two tasks is 6 points.

When evaluating a monologue statement the main criterion is the degree of fulfillment of the communicative task (that is, the overall quality of the utterance). If the examiner managed to build a clear detailed statement, giving answers to all the basic questions and did not make factual errors, he receives one point for this criterion. If this task is not completed, no points are given for the monologue. The second criterion is the speech design of the monologue (integrity, consistency and consistency of presentation). It is also worth one point, respectively. maximum for a monologue - 2 points.

In the dialogue, each of the three answers is evaluated separately - a point for each. A score of "0" is given if the student gave a one-word answer or did not answer at all.

Grade for literacy, exhibited on the basis of the results of tasks 3 and 4 - the most "weighty", here you can earn up to three points. Two of them fall on the literacy of speech (it is assessed in the same way as in the first block of tasks), one more point can be obtained for "speech design" (lexical stock, syntactic variety, accuracy and richness of speech).

Thus, the maximum number of points for the final interview in the Russian language in grade 9 is 14. The final mark for the exam is "pass" or "fail". In order for the interview to be considered successfully passed, and admission to the GIA was received, a ninth grader must score at least 8 points.

Basic general education

Line UMK M. M. Razumovskaya. Russian language (5-9)

Line UMK VV Babaytseva. Russian language (5-9)

Line UMK A. D. Shmelev. Russian language (5-9)

Line UMK R. I. Albetkova. Russian language. Russian literature. (5-9)

Oral interview in grade 9: preparation practice

Oleg Boytsov, a leading methodologist in Russian language and literature, candidate of philological sciences, presents the preparation for a new stage of certification as a general formation of the necessary communication skills.

Competence development

An oral interview is a test of the student's communicative competence, that is, the knowledge, skills, and abilities acquired by him in expressing his thoughts and in communication. Later, for most people, these skills are transformed into communicative competence, an important component of a mature personality.

Oral interview can be called a meta-subject phenomenon. The necessary competence is developed in any class where speech is used. Retelling, answering a question, posing a question, talking with a teacher, delivering a ready-made or unprepared speech, a study conversation in pairs or in groups, discussion, participation in debates, business and role-playing games, building evidence and rebuttals, defense of the project - all this is indirect preparing for an oral interview.

In the lessons of the Russian language itself, an integrated approach is important. The Russian Textbook Corporation offers two effective teaching materials in the Russian language for grades 5-9: edited by M.M. Razumovskaya and A.D. Shmelev. The textbooks contain many tasks aimed at improving communication skills. Using these teaching materials, you can prepare for an oral interview without additional aids.


Read also:

  • Final interview in Russian in grade 9: requirements, preparation, conditions
  • Preparing for the final interview in the Russian language in grade 9: tips for teachers, students and parents

Recommendations and algorithms for students to complete assignments

Task 1. Reading aloud a short text.

Usually, fiction is read expressively in the classroom, and the assignment at the interview presents mainly journalistic texts. When preparing, pay attention to how TV presenters sound in news releases and documentaries, take the best of them as a model. Start by copying speech techniques, then practice reading aloud from articles in newspapers and magazines. As a result, your speech should attract attention and “hold” the listener.


Task 2. Retelling the read text, supplementing it with a statement.

Execution algorithm:

  1. Read the text.
  2. Formulate the topic of the text and the main idea.
  3. Highlight the key words, depending on the type of text: verbs, gerunds and adverbs in the narrative; nouns, adjectives and participles in the description; words with the meaning of a logical sequence of phenomena, events, facts, thoughts in reasoning.
  4. Set the number of microthemes.
  5. Identify a micro-theme, the content of which can be supplemented with a quote (direct or indirect) given in the assignment.
  6. Highlight the main and secondary information in the text, shorten the text based on this.

The textbook is an integral part of the educational complex in the Russian language for grades 5-9, which has proven itself well in school and is known to teachers and students. It contains tasks and exercises both for mastering the new and for consolidating what has already been studied in the Russian language, aimed at the formation of subject, meta-subject skills and personal qualities, presents interesting didactic materials that reflect a variety of methods of working with them.


Task 3. One of three options for a conversation: a description of a photograph, a story based on life experience, a reasoning on one of the formulated problems.

Pay attention to the approximate answer plan proposed in the interview participant's card, and make up at least 10 phrases based on it. How to work with each of the conversation options:

  • Description. Determine the topic of your statement, and then take a good look at the photo. Give answers to the questions: who is shown in the photo? what is he doing? what might he be thinking about? what feelings is likely to be experienced? what feelings does it make you feel?
  • Narration. Determine the topic of the statement, then choose from the events of your life the story about which the narration will be conducted. Give answers to the questions: when and where did it happen? who participated? what was important about this event? How did you and other participants react to the event?
  • Reasoning. Determine whether everything is clear in the proposed question, then act in accordance with the reasoning structure: formulate a thesis (thought for justification), select evidence (suitable examples), draw a conclusion. In your answer, use introductory constructions: “I think”, “it seems to me”, “I am sure”, “maybe”, “apparently”, “therefore”, and others.

The notebook is intended for use in conjunction with the textbook "Russian Language. Grade 9" included in the "Algorithm of Success" system, edited by A. D. Shmelev. The material is structured by chapters of the textbook and selected in accordance with the topics of the sections "Spelling" and "Culture of Speech".


Task 4. Participation in a dialogue on the topic of the previous task.

Execution algorithm:

  1. Listen to the question.
  2. Define the keyword of the question.
  3. Skip the one-word answer.
  4. Formulate a detailed answer using complex sentences.
  5. Do not forget the introductory words that help the "movement of thought" of the participants in the dialogue ("firstly", "secondly", "in this way" and others).

Constantly work out expressive reading, competent presentation of the text, the use of quotations. Keep in mind that an oral interview is more of a response in the form of an unprepared presentation. To reach your full potential in an interview, you need to feel free and confident.

The workbook, created in connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standards LLC in the Russian language, will help the teacher to objectively diagnose the subject and meta-subject results of mastering the academic discipline by schoolchildren in the format of input, thematic and final control, students - to prepare for the final certification in the Russian language, resorting to self-examination, and parents - to organize work on students' mistakes at home.

The purpose of introducing the oral part of the state final certification in the Russian language is to strengthen the communicative orientation in teaching.

In modern society, preference is given to such personality traits that help to quickly adapt to new conditions, independently replenish knowledge, identify and solve problems.



If you enter a class from which it is difficult

get the word, start showing pictures, and

the class will speak, and most importantly, speak freely ...

K.D. Ushinsky

The successful passing of this exam is facilitated by working with a picture in the lessons of the Russian language and literature, since when teaching types of speech activity, the picture most often acts as a visual-semantic support that contributes to the formation of skills and abilities in listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Working with a picture is of great importance: it develops students' speech, broadens their horizons in the field of fine arts, teaches children to observe, and observing objects and phenomena in their relationship in a picture, students learn to think logically, attach importance to details. The use of reproductions of famous paintings by the teacher in the lesson provides ample opportunities for vocabulary work. Examining and evaluating the picture, the student involuntarily connects the image with the word in his mind. In the process of working on a picture, the vocabulary of students is enriched, since understanding the content of the picture is combined with the selection of the necessary vocabulary to express their thoughts and feelings. Representing a source of emotional impact on a person, the picture helps the assimilation of emotionally colored words.

When conducting vocabulary work, the teacher encourages students to activate the passive vocabulary so that students understand and know how to use words that are already in their vocabulary. But still, the main merit of the picture for the philologist is that through examining the canvas, students try to understand why they like or dislike this or that image. Thus, children form their own opinion, which they express with the help of complex syntactic constructions. And the statement itself is not only a description of the picture, but also a full-fledged reasoning.

Essays on the picture are written in all classes and can be different in degree of difficulty. The teacher is given the following tasks: to teach students to look at the picture, understand the content and see its artistic possibilities, translate what they see into the language of the word. Also, the picture makes it possible to develop logical thinking, since when describing or transmitting its plot, it is necessary to be able to highlight the main and secondary, see the details and determine the relationship between the parts, describe everything in the right sequence. That is, while working with a painting, plot drawing or photograph, the child, without suspecting it, is preparing to complete the oral task No. 3 of the OGE, which tests the ability to build a monologue statement based on the description of the photograph.

If schoolchildren during their studies in grades 5-9 learn to create verbal pictures, then at the exam their statements will be characterized by semantic integrity, speech coherence and consistency of presentation. They will learn not to make logical mistakes and not to break the sequence of presentation of thoughts, that is, they will successfully complete the communicative task assigned to them.

Using the picture in the lessons of speech development, the teacher must, firstly, teach students to “read” it, to understand the artist’s creative intent. Secondly, the teacher needs to help the children to reveal the content and ideological meaning of the picture. In this regard, the selection of paintings is of great importance. It is advisable to start work with genre paintings that are interesting in terms of subject matter, close and accessible to children, simple in compositional relations, especially since photographs that are close to genre paintings are a means of assessing the communicative qualities of a ninth grader.

In a speech development lesson, it seems to me that the moment of silent examination of a picture is important: a work of art, whether it is a painting by a famous artist or a photograph taken by a classmate, with its vivid images affects children, gives impetus to their imagination, develops students' thinking.

Examining the picture under the guidance of a teacher, students understand that the theme is the subject of the image, and the main idea is the author's intention, which the artist reveals using pictorial means, depending on his personal approach to the topic. The episode depicted in the picture most often simulates a real situation, so the picture makes it possible to introduce students into a communication situation close to natural, helps to increase their speech activity during the lesson, creates optimal prerequisites for expressing their attitude to the depicted and the formation of both prepared and and spontaneous speech.

During the analysis of the picture, it is important not to restrain the children's emotions received from acquaintance with the work of art. Statements of a personal point of view by each of those present in the class bring invaluable benefits to the development of monologue speech skills, accustom students to public speaking, and develop the ability to express their thoughts in a logical sequence. The picture not only organizes the utterance, but also helps the speaker to follow his own expression of thoughts. At the same time, the path of development of the student's thought can be provided by performing various kinds of exercises in the picture (question-answer, on a given topic, according to key words, dialogue, conversation) and a conscious choice of the genre of a speech work (description, narration, reasoning). Analysis of a picture is one of the most effective means of helping students to develop a correct assessment of a work of art, to master the ability to think figuratively and speak figuratively.

An essay on a painting can be written in a different style: colloquial with elements of artistic speech (a story about a painting, a letter about impressions from an exhibition of paintings), journalistic with elements of a conversation (review, review), popular science (an article in a newspaper, a guide's story), journalistic with elements of fiction (composition-description with elements of reasoning), fiction with elements of colloquial (composition-description with elements of narration). Thus, during the lessons of speech development, students get acquainted with the expected wording of examination questions.

An essay based on a work of fine art, drawing and even photography is one of the most significant and productive exercises for the development of students' speech, as it creates the basis for the conscious mastery of the word, gives rise to a meaningful coherent statement of students. In the process of conveying the content of the picture, schoolchildren need to decline nouns and pronouns, conjugate verbs, coordinate adjectives and participles with the words they define, and use a variety of syntactic constructions. Thus, vocabulary and style, grammar and logic are intertwined with each other with the help of a picture.


  1. Albetkova R.I. From word to literature. - M: Bustard, 2000.
  2. Zelmanova L.M., Kolokoltsev E.N. The development of speech. Russian language and literature. Fine art works. 8 - 9 grades. – M.: Bustard, 2001.
  3. Plenkin N.A. Lessons in the development of speech. 5 - 9 grades. - M: Enlightenment, 1995.
  4. Rodin I.O., Pimenova T.M. Works. Rules for compiling texts. - M: Astrel LLC. AST", 2003.

Regulations for organizing and conducting a final oral interview in the Russian language in grade 9

This Regulation includes the Procedure for preparing and conducting the final interview (document.doc 2.12 MB).

Preparing for the final interview

Making changes to the order dated 20.10.17.

Monitoring the quality of training of 9th grade students in the Russian language in the form of a final interview will be held in April 2018 in all regions of the Russian Federation. The interview will be held for two days - April 13 and 16. On amendments to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (document.doc 14.9 KB).

speaking. 10 workout options (pdf file 8.96 MB).

Option 1 about Dr. Pirogov for an interview (pdf file 599 KB).

Final interview 2017–2018

The final interview of ninth-graders in the 2017-2018 academic year was included by the Ministry of Education and Science in the activities for monitoring the quality of graduate training (clause 1.1.26 of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 20, 2017 No. 1025).

When will

Rosobrnadzor organizes an interview 13 and April 16, 2018 of the year. Results for ninth graders 2018 school year, will not influence for admission to the GIA.

How will it go

Rosobrnadzor will prepare texts, topics and tasks according to time zones. Schools will be interviewed on assignment kits they will receive from regional governments prior to the interview. The set will include four tasks.

Exercise 1- reading aloud a short text.
Preparation time - 2 minutes.

In task 2 it is proposed to retell the read text, supplementing it with a statement.
Preparation time - 1 minute.

In task 3 It is proposed to choose one of the three proposed conversation options:

  • photo description;
  • storytelling based on life experience;
  • discussion on one of the formulated problems.

Preparation time - 1 minute.

In task 4 Students will have to participate in a conversation on the topic of the previous task.

The total response time, including preparation time, is 15 minutes. For children with disabilities - up to 45 minutes.

The interview will be audio and video recorded. The exam should be taken by a teacher who does not teach graduates of this class. The procedure for conducting an interview can be found in the specification for an interview.

How will they evaluate

On November 2, 2017, FIPI posted a new demo version of the final interview on its website. The "credit" for the interview will be received by ninth-graders who score 10 or more points. You can score a maximum of 19 points: 10 for working with text and 9 for monologue and dialogue.

Cheat Sheet for monologue

Photo Description

1. I have an interesting photo in front of me.

2. I think it shows…………..

3. Let's take a closer look at the image.

4. In front of us (school yard, museum hall, room, etc.). If this is a street, describe the weather - The picture captures (what, what) day, morning .... + details (the bright sun is shining, there are clouds in the sky, etc.)

5. In the foreground we see….

6. They (describe appearance, clothes, what they do).

7. Their faces (his face, her face) ... (joyful, sad, focused) because ...

8. In the background we see (name who, what is in the background)

9. I think (it seems to me) that .... (to draw a conclusion about what is in the background or about the picture as a whole).

10. I liked this photo because it clearly conveys the feelings and emotions of those present (present) in it.

Story on a given topic

1. I want to tell you about one interesting event - ....

2. I went there with (class, family, friends).

3. Our (trip, excursion, our hike) took place (indicate the exact or approximate date).

4. We prepared for this event in advance: ... (a story about how we prepared: if it was a museum, an excursion, then we read about it, studied the materials, if it was a hike, we collected things, thought out the route).

5. And now the long-awaited day has come.

6. During the tour, we visited ... During the hike, we visited ... ..

7. Also, we saw….

8. The most interesting turned out to be (became, was) ...., since ....

9. I liked this ….. (I liked this one …) because ……

10. I want to take part in such an event again.

Reasoning on a given topic

1. I was offered to speculate on an interesting topic.

2. (Pronounce the topic given for the monologue).

3. I will try to state my point of view.

5. I think that ... (the answer to the first proposed question).

6. (Answer to the second suggested question) because…

7. I believe that (the answer to the third proposed question) is because…

9. (Answer to the last question)

10. Thus, (make a general conclusion). That is my position.

In paragraphs 5, 6, 7, 9, apply the technique of reconstructing an interrogative sentence into an affirmative one.

Today, April 28, 2017, I participated in a webinar on the State Examination: OGE and EGE. The materials provided were good.

  • Highly , in which all the features of the examination work are thoroughly analyzed and explanations are given for the introduction of the oral part.
  • The second question was preparation for the exam, where the structural and content features of the Unified State Examination are considered, the results of the tasks of the KIMs of the Unified State Examination in 2016 are analyzed, some changes in the examination work of 2017 are said, and an analysis of typical mistakes in writing an essay is given.
  • Composition in the Unified State Examination in the Russian language: problems and ways to solve them.



From February 14 to February 16, 2018, a large-scale testing will be carried out in 19 regions of Russia oral part In Russian. Officially it will be called final interview.

It is planned that the final interview further will be for graduates of the 9th grade admission to the OGE. Similarly, in the 11th grade: in order to get admission to the exam, you need to write a final essay.

The final interview will be conversations with the teacher(not with a computer). After receiving the results of the approbation, a decision will be made on the possibility of introducing an oral exam into the regular mode.

The oral exam will focus on testing skills spontaneous speeches - for preparation the participant will be given about a minute.

The model of the final interview in the Russian language includes the following types of tasks:
1) reading the text aloud;
2) retelling of the text with additional information;
3) a monologue statement on one of the selected topics;
4) dialogue with the examiner-interlocutor.

All reading texts that will be offered to the interview participants are texts about prominent people in Russia, such as the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, the famous surgeon Nikolai Pirogov, our contemporaries Doctor Lisa (Elizaveta Glinka) and a doctor from Krasnoyarsk, who performed an operation in difficult conditions and saved a child's life.

Each participant will have approximately 15 minutes to complete the task. The interview will be audio-recorded.

The assessment of the performance of the tasks of the work will be carried out by the expert directly in the process of answering according to specially developed criteria, taking into account the observance of the norms of the modern Russian literary language.

It is planned that the final interview of 9th grade graduates will be held at their schools. It will be evaluated according to the “pass” / “fail” system.

● For admission to the OGE, you will need to pass a final interview.
● In 2018, the results of the final interview will not affect admission to the OGE. It will be held in 19 regions in the testing mode.
● During the student's response, the instructor will evaluate the student. After the answer, the student will receive a “pass” or “fail”.
● The final interview will last approximately 15 minutes.
● The final interview will consist of 4 parts: reading, retelling, monologue and dialogue.
● The student will be tested for spontaneous speech, so there will be little preparation time - only 1 minute.

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