Home Garden on the windowsill Hexagram 2 love interpretation. Here the opposite vibration is dominant! that is, the development of the situation will go in the direction of strengthening the power of yang. this always happens when a property is overexpressed. it is simply impossible to implement a powerful

Hexagram 2 love interpretation. Here the opposite vibration is dominant! that is, the development of the situation will go in the direction of strengthening the power of yang. this always happens when a property is overexpressed. it is simply impossible to implement a powerful

This hexagram represents the Earth, a symbol of fertility, kindness, submission, humility and steadfastness. The main features are a passive attitude and steadfastness. If you receive such a hexagram as an answer to a question, then you must be restrained and compliant, fulfill your obligations in good faith, without complaining, and willingly accept the passive role of a subordinate.

By doing so, you will receive a corresponding reward, this is comparable to the patiently and diligently tilling the land, which brings a rich harvest. Do not take the initiative, but follow the stronger and more experienced people. Do not make hasty actions and do not poke your nose into new things until the situation changes radically.

Such wise behavior will bring good luck. Since fertility is one of the key points of this hexagram, make every effort to achieve your goal.


The implementation of the plan is impossible both at the moment and in the near future. Be patient. The plan will come true, but after some time.


Success is possible if you restrain your feelings for a person. If you are selfish, impatient or impulsive, you are doomed to fail.


A harmonious marriage is possible, as both parties fit together, but haste, impulsive behavior, and outbursts of anger can ruin everything.

Pregnancy, childbirth

A girl will be born, without any problems.

Health status

Diseases of the abdominal cavity and liver. If time does not start treatment, then this disease can develop into a chronic one.

Negotiations, disputes, litigation

Patiently seek a compromise.


If you are going to travel alone, cancel your trip. On the other hand, the circumstances are favorable for traveling in a group or with an experienced person.

Exam, test

Average rating.

Work, business, specialization

Not the best time for this. Wait a bit.


Cloudy and rainy.

lucky color

Yellow and black.

lucky numbers

8, 5, 10.

Changing Traits


Be careful! Fear fills you. He forces them to enter into a dispute for power. This conflict will not keep you waiting long, and it will only aggravate the situation. Danger!


Doubt has a great effect on self-esteem. Eliminate them in a cold-blooded but persistent manner. Do not directly show your virtues, let them penetrate into all your affairs.


A very problematic situation. Be careful because your actions awaken a dark power in someone. Don't give up, but at the same time, don't give up. Carry your cross uncomplaining, no matter how humiliating it may seem. Objections will only make matters worse. Don't make commitments and be discreet.


Don't try to impress others. Don't worry about what others think of you and your actions, no matter how noble, casual, and truly significant you are. Do your job properly and don't claim your worth.

Second (dominant)

Throw in tricks and tricks. Be open, calm, honest, and the solution to the problem will manifest itself. If you are closed, then the decision will elude you.


The first manifestations of moral decline will be noticeable in this situation. Your reactions such as doubt, anger, envy, fear or alienation develop within you. You must get rid of these inferior emotions because your environment senses them and reacts negatively.

Earth. Execution

Primal happiness. The stamina of the mare is favorable. A noble person has a place to go. First he gets lost, then he finds the right path. It is favorable to find friends in the Southwest, to lose friends in the Northeast. If you remain calm in steadfastness, there will be happiness.


1. Initial six.

If you stepped on frost, it means that strong ice will appear soon.

2. Six second.

The greatness of the right square (Earth). Even without studying the situation, there will be nothing favorable.

3. Six third.

While melting your manifestations, you must be persistent. Perhaps serve the emperor by following him. Without doing anything, you will finish the job.

4. Six fourth.

A tied bag. There will be no blasphemy, but there will be no praise.

5. Six fifth.

Yellow skirt. Primal happiness.

6. Top six.

Dragons are fighting on the outskirts. Their blood is blue and yellow.


1. Bottom six.

Problems begin. They are still weak and can be easily dealt with.

2. Six second.

Not knowing what awaits in the end, not understanding what is happening, continue to act. The trouble is over.

3. Six third.

Modesty and respect for elders, superiors, payroll, diligence without much effort will help you achieve what you want.

4. Six fourth.

This is not the time to show your virtues, hide them from prying eyes, "tie" them for a while.

5. Six fifth.

Keep being humble, stick to the golden, "yellow" middle.

6. Top six.

Violation of harmony, "excesses" in business can lead to conflicts, war.


The hexagram Kun consists of two Yin trigrams, therefore it describes a completely opposite situation than the hexagram Qian. Here, the doubled passive female energy creates the need for appropriate behavior and adaptation of a person in the world. According to the canons of ancient Chinese philosophy, a wife should be compliant, submissive and led by her husband. "Fortitude of a mare" is that patience and diligence that are necessary for a good wife, and in our case for asking advice from the I-Ching. As a wife is modest and inconspicuous in the house, such should be the behavior of a person.

Kun is female emotionality and painful sensitivity to what is happening. There are plenty of them in this hexagram. The bag must be tied, in other words, watch your mood and resentment. Being on the sidelines is now safer, serving and being subordinate is more useful. Do not expect gifts from fate, but there will be no big whites either. You may be giving more than you are receiving. If you are used to superiority, leadership and leadership, you will have a hard time. Humble yourself, no one will win the war, the "fighting dragons" have an equal chance, but also an equal opportunity to lose what they value.

The path to the goal is not straight and not easy. But if the goal is noble, does not harm other people, then there will certainly be success. The solution of the issue may be related to the land plot, cottage, agricultural. products, employees. Your female environment, relatives and children should not be left without attention.

The element of the Earth, both in classical European astrology and in Eastern philosophy, describes a person who is hard-working, realistic, not afraid of physical, hard work, tied to material, earthly goods, economical, he appreciates responsibility, duty, order in any business, whatever he does and wherever you are. Look: representatives of the Taurus sign take care of the order on their land, Virgos - about the order in the service, Capricorns - about the order in the structures of power and government. "Engage in "earthly" affairs, correspond to earthly qualities," the hexagram advises.

Success awaits in the Southwest, this is a good direction for travel, a place from which an important message will be received, assistants or friends are in this direction.

If this hexagram is obtained, then it is considered that luck awaits in the distant future, in the distant future. now you need to accept the rules of the game that is played by superiors or those on which a person is dependent. Be flexible and patient.

The answer to the question about family relationships sounds in the hexagram as a necessity and a paramount task to take care of the house, children, fulfill one's duties, sacrifice time and effort for the good of loved ones. Someone will have to literally "feed", raise to their feet, surround with warmth and heartfelt participation.

In love relationships, the situation is similar. But constant giving and sacrifice at one fine moment can sow a storm in a relationship. Here, the "enmity of dragons" must be bypassed by realizing what is acceptable in a relationship and what is not. Marital duty is one thing, but romantic courtship is another. No marriage will be long and happy if one of its participants sacrifices his worldview, life position, dream, spiritual aspirations for the sake of another. During the period of romantic courtship, there is a knowledge of oneself, a partner. Track your own and other people's negative traits, "comb" your character, but avoid sacrifices, strive for mutual happiness, mutual joy from communication.


initial accomplishment; the stamina of the mare is favorable.
The prince has a place to speak.
He will advance - he will get lost;
Follow - will find the master.
Favorable: in the southwest to find friends, in the northeast - to lose friends.
If you remain calm in steadfastness, there will be happiness.

It is the primal spiritual force that nourishes and gives form to everything. You see it in the moon, in the earth, in the mother, in the faithful servant, in the mare. You face many opposing forces. Hold on to the essential and give it form; nourish and provide for it.

This will open a new cycle of time, bring success, benefit and enlightenment. Maintain an inner sense of purpose. At first, you will be confused by the abundance of events, but do not worry. Do what needs to be done now. Soon you will get what you need.

Join other people in real activity (southwest), but don't shy away from responsibility (northeast). The path will be open to you through a calm, silent agreement with the course of things. May your strength be generous and nourishing. Take care of the living and help them grow.


  1. Eleven mouths - an image from an old Chinese riddle, the answer to which is the Chinese character meaning "old, ancient." Eleven mouths also means "many dependents".
  2. An official sitting on a pile of coins means success in politics and business.
  3. God on a platform in golden armor hands documents to an official. This image means insight, divine inspiration.

Image: support and contain everything.

Symbol:"one for all and all for one".

Explanation of the hexagram according to Wen-wang

Earth. The highest success if you work hard like a mare. If a person tries to lead, he loses. But if he follows the leader, he finds the guidance he needs. It is good to make friends in the west and south, avoid friends from the east and north. Quiet work will bring good luck.

This is the October hexagram. Good in spring and winter, bad in summer.
  1. Don't act without purpose or reason.
  2. It's good to do something for others.
  3. This is one of the eight "pure" hexagrams. The patient, who is now in critical condition, will recover, but it will take time.
  4. You have a very good wife or girlfriend.

Explanation of individual yaos according to Zhou Gong

First Yao.

Initial six. When the first frost falls, there will soon be solid ice.
  1. Take the greatest care, take care of yourself!
  2. Resist the temptation of small victories or you will suffer a big defeat.
  3. Old friendships can be completely forgotten when financial circumstances suddenly change. This means that even people who are good old friends can have conflicts over money. They quarrel, fight each other and forget that they are friends.
Second Yao.
Six second. Straight, square and huge. Has no purpose, but neglects nothing.

  1. If you are always open and cordial, people will believe in you and you will be successful in various areas.
  2. Something good will happen unexpectedly.
  3. Luck. Don't miss the opportunity to get better.

Third Yao.

Six third. There are hidden lines. The person can remain persistent. If you serve the king, don't look for visible achievement, but just work to do what you have to do.
  1. The auspicious time has not yet come.
  2. Forethought brings happiness.
  3. Work hard like a mare.

fourth yao

Six fourth. The bag is tied. Nothing to praise, nothing to blame.
  1. Don't try to speculate in the stock market.
  2. People will call you a miser.

Fifth Yao.

Six fifth. If your underwear is yellow, you have the greatest fortune.
  1. Don't interfere in other people's affairs.
  2. Switch to a new way of life.
  3. The husband is submissive to his wife, and the father to his son.

Sixth Yao.

Top six. Dragons are fighting in the meadow. Their blood is dark blue and yellow.
  1. If you think of nothing but your own benefit, you will be judged for your mistakes.
  2. Don't try to get into a fight with your allies.
  3. He who is intemperate in trifles destroys great undertakings. All features are mobile.

The use of sixes.Don't interrupt work

  1. The symbol is life together as husband and wife.
  2. If you can work selflessly, you will be lucky.

General interpretation according to Y. Shutsky

Even the most intense creativity cannot be realized if there is no environment in which it will be carried out. But this environment, in order to realize absolute creativity, must also be absolutely malleable and plastic. In addition, it must be deprived of any initiative of its own, it must, in complete self-renunciation, only echo and follow the impulses of creativity.

But at the same time, she would not be able to fulfill what is a creative idea. Therefore, she - a completely self-denying force - is expressed metaphorically in the form of a mare, which, although devoid of a horse's temper, is not inferior to him in the ability to act. If Creativity is Heaven, Light, Perfect Man, then Execution is Earth, Darkness.

A noble person who listens and follows the instructions of the Perfect Man. It is he who will have to act here not according to these instructions, but on his own initiative, then he could only be mistaken. And only by following his master can he find him.

Thus, for a noble person, it is best here, having lost friends like himself, to find a friend above him who is worthy of him, who with his qualities makes up for his shortcomings. In the spatial symbolism of the Book, the southwest is considered an area of ​​darkness, since the fading of light begins there.

And, in contrast, the northeast - the region where light originates - is considered the region of light. Fulfillment is expressed in the features of darkness, so he needs to lose forces like him in the southwest and find replenishing forces - a "friend" - in the northeast in order to obey them.

At the same time, it is important that the activity of the Execution proceed in complete calm, in the submissive acceptance of its fate, without overdevelopment, otherwise its activity will not fulfill the ideas of creativity, but compete with them. Darkness will enter into an unlawful battle with light, which cannot lead to a good result, because the power of darkness is a blind necessity, and not a clear consciousness.

If the first symbol refers primarily to the sovereign, husband, etc., then the symbol Execution tells about the activities of a subject, wife, etc. It shows the evolving need for Fulfillment.

This is expressed in the text as follows: In the initial development, the stamina of the mare is favorable. A noble person has to act, but if he moves forward, he will get lost, stepping back, he will find a master. Here it is favorable to find a friend in the southwest and to lose a friend in the northeast. Calm stamina - fortunately.

The gods have awakened Mother Earth. Work diligently, and in two months your efforts will be crowned with great success.

You are a cultured and thirsty person, lovingly treat even the smallest fruits of your labor. Very attached to mother. Now is not the time to give free rein to greed, so do not think too much about material gain.

Your wish will come true, although not immediately. In the near future, it is not recommended to go on the road - not alone, not with anyone.

Soon a person will appear in your environment who has a strong interest in you.

Even the most intense creativity cannot be realized if there is no environment in which it will be carried out. But this environment, in order to realize absolute creativity, must also be absolutely malleable and plastic.

In addition, it must be deprived of any initiative of its own, it must, in complete self-renunciation, only echo and follow the impulses of creativity.

But at the same time, she would not be able to fulfill what is a creative idea. Therefore, she, a completely self-denying force, is expressed metaphorically in the form of a mare, which, although devoid of a horse's temper, is not inferior to him in the ability to act.

If Creativity is Heaven, Light, Perfect Man, then Execution is Earth, Darkness. A noble person who listens and follows the instructions of the Perfect Man. It is he who will have to act here not according to these instructions, but on his own initiative, then he could only be mistaken.

And only by following his master can he find him. Thus, for a noble person, it is best here, having lost friends like himself, to find a friend above him who is worthy of him, who with his qualities makes up for his shortcomings.

In the spatial symbolism of the Book, the southwest is considered an area of ​​darkness, since the fading of light begins there. And, by contrast, the northeast, the region where light originates, is considered the region of light. Fulfillment, on the other hand, is expressed in terms of darkness, so he needs to lose forces like him in the southwest and find replenishing forces - a "friend" - in the northeast in order to obey them. At the same time, it is important that the activity of the Execution proceed in complete calm, in the submissive acceptance of its fate, without overdevelopment, otherwise its activity will not fulfill the ideas of creativity, but compete with them. Darkness will enter into an unlawful battle with light, which cannot lead to a good result, because the power of darkness is a blind necessity, and not a clear consciousness.

If the first symbol refers primarily to the sovereign, husband, etc., then the symbol Execution tells about the activities of a subject, wife, etc. It shows the evolving need for Fulfillment. This is expressed in the text as follows:

In the initial development, the stamina of the mare is favorable. A noble person has to act, but if he moves forward, he will get lost, stepping back, he will find a master. Here it is favorable to find a friend in the southwest and to lose a friend in the northeast. Calm stamina - fortunately.

The first moment of Fulfillment is such that it is still imperceptible in it. And yet it will be carried out with full necessity. Even if the power of Darkness and cold has not yet been revealed here. But she has already begun to act. Even if the frost has already fallen, the future frost is not yet noticeable, but if the frost has fallen, then it means that the time is not far when there will be strong ice, in which cold and darkness will already fully manifest.

The growth of power and darkness can also be understood in a figurative sense: this is the time when “nonentities” — immoral people — can start acting more and more. We must anticipate events and be ready to meet them. Therefore, the words of the text sound like a warning:

Weakness in the beginning. If you stepped on frost, it means that strong ice is approaching.

In the symbolism of the geometric forms of the Book, the sky is given the shape of a circle, and the earth a square. Spatially, the sky is conceived as domed, and the earth as “straight”, flat. But, entering into interaction with the sky, the earth must fully adapt to it in order to carry out its impulses. Despite the difference in their forms, this is possible due to the vastness of the earth. (The ancient Chinese idea that an infinitely large square tends to turn into a circle is attested in chapter 41 of the Tao Te Ching: “A great square has no corners.”) In each symbol of the Book, one of the features is considered the main one. In this case, it is the second feature. Therefore, it expresses the quality of this symbol par excellence. And since in this case this quality is available to the fullest extent, then no preliminary exercises are required here: no preliminary preparation is needed, and everything develops favorably by itself. Only in the light of these thoughts does the text become clear:

Weak trait in second place. The flat square is huge. Even if you don't prepare, there will be nothing unfavorable.

After the first, internal revelation of this situation, a certain crisis again sets in. During it, free activity is impossible. A person may have the most beautiful qualities, but time does not favor him. Therefore, he must hide his brilliance. He can be steadfast and can even act, however, only on condition that his activities do not take place on his own initiative, but only on the instructions of a superior leader, then only his work can be brought to the desired end. That is why the text says:

Weak trait in third place. Hide your brilliance and you can stay steadfast. It is possible that if you act, following the leader, without doing anything yourself, then the matter will be brought to an end.

With the passivity of the power of Darkness, which is characteristic of the Execution, the state of crisis is somewhat delayed. Therefore, although in the fourth position it has already passed, but its influence still remains. A person can have many things, but here it is better for him to hide what he has: tie a bag. This position symbolizes the position of a person close to the sovereign. His position is unstable and full of anxiety. Of course, if a person in such a position stays in the background, then the danger will not threaten him, however, remaining unnoticed, he cannot count on any kind of praise. Thus, in the text we read:

Weak trait in fourth place. Tie up the bag. There will be no blasphemy, there will be no praise.

Both the second and fifth features, like the middle features in the lower and upper trigrams, express one of the most important qualities: balance, understood as the ability to always be in the right place without extremes. [This central position is expressed in an image that requires some decoding. The fact is that according to ancient Chinese views, the gamut of colors does not consist of seven (like ours), but of five colors, and in it the yellow color occupies a central position. Therefore, in aphorisms relating to the second and fifth features, images are often found that have the epithet "yellow"]. In addition, yellow is the color of the Earth. The fifth line in this symbol, although not the main one, but, occupying the most advantageous position in the upper trigram, denoting the external, it symbolizes the possibility of manifestation outside. The outer manifestation is a kind of clothing. But since here we are talking about the Earth, then its position, lower in relation to Heaven, is reflected in the fact that the lower part of Chinese clothing is indicated in the image: “skirt”. The favorable nature of this position makes it possible to speak here not only of happiness, but even of "original happiness." After these explanations, the text will probably not seem incomprehensible:

Weak trait in fifth place. Yellow skirt. Primal happiness.

The sixth position expresses the overdevelopment of this situation. The power of Darkness, being overdeveloped, comes into conflict with the power of Light. Here, at the extreme position, on the outskirts, Light and Darkness, Heaven and Earth, which are inherent in blue and yellow colors, are fighting. This battle cannot be good, since it is a violation of world laws, and now the “blood of dragons” is pouring:

Above is a weak feature. Dragons are fighting on the outskirts. Their blood is blue and yellow.

To avoid such a battle under the influence of the forces of Darkness - weak traits - one must always keep in mind that here only eternal stamina can be favorable. This is also indicated by the general warning to this symbol:

Under the action of weak traits, eternal steadfastness is favorable.

Kun (Performance): the surface of the world, real being, the fundamental ability to give form to all things; earth, moon; mother, wife, feminine; flexible strength, susceptibility; follow, obey, agree, contain, give life, bear fruit; nourish, provide, serve, work for good. The hieroglyph depicts the spirits of the earth.

figurative row

initial accomplishment; the stamina of the mare is favorable.
The prince has a place to speak.
He will advance - he will get lost;
Follow - will find the master.
Favorable: in the southwest to find friends, in the northeast - to lose friends.
If you remain calm in steadfastness, there will be happiness.

It is the primal spiritual force that nourishes and gives form to everything. You see it in the moon, in the earth, in the mother, in the faithful servant, in the mare. You face many opposing forces. Hold on to the essential and give it form; nourish and provide for it. This will open a new cycle of time, bring success, benefit and enlightenment. Maintain an inner sense of purpose. At first, you will be confused by the abundance of events, but do not worry. Do what needs to be done now. Soon you will get what you need. Join other people in real activity (southwest), but don't shy away from responsibility (northeast). The path will be open to you through a calm, silent agreement with the course of things. May your strength be generous and nourishing. Take care of the living and help them grow.

Outer and Inner Worlds: Earth and Earth

Nourishment, maintenance and service characterize the Earth. It has a huge potential that gives shape to everything that exists.


Earth means suppleness.


The earth contains and generates.
The noble person uses this generous power to sustain all life.

Hexagram lines

First six

If you stepped on frost, it means close and strong ice.

Work slowly, carefully, and consistently to establish a solid foundation. Something important is coming back.

Six second

The flat square is huge (directness, ubiquity, greatness).
Even if you don't prepare, there will be nothing unfavorable.

A flat square (the shape of the Earth) interacts with a round dome (the shape of the Sky). The Tao Te Ching says, "The great square has no corners." Correct the wrong, expand in all directions, focus on the great idea. You don't need to prepare or rehearse your moves. Get straight to the point: it will benefit everyone. The Earth Force is helping you.

Six third

Hide your brilliance and you can stay steadfast.
Perhaps serve the king by following him.
Without doing anything, you will finish the job.

This is the time of hidden perfection. You can act, but only on the instructions of superiors. If you don't give in to the temptation to make your accomplishments public, you can accomplish even great things. If you think about the distant, you will get insight.

Six fourth

A tied bag.
There will be no blasphemy, there will be no praise.

Time of instability, fraught with different possibilities. If you stay in the background, you will avoid danger, but you will not be able to count on praise. Think carefully about your actions.

Six fifth

Yellow skirt.
Primal happiness.

Yellow is the color of the Earth, the skirt indicates subordination to Heaven. Gracefully accept what is happening. You may be confused, but the way will be open (original happiness). Be patient. What is being done now will have a beneficial effect on the future.

Top six

Dragons are fighting on the outskirts.
Their blood is blue and yellow.

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