Home Garden on the windowsill How to return a young face to a non-old woman. How to restore youth to the skin? Ways and recipes. Protection external and internal

How to return a young face to a non-old woman. How to restore youth to the skin? Ways and recipes. Protection external and internal

Damage to madness

The basic rules for conducting such a ritual as damage to madness:

Any action and assistance from the dark forces require a certain fee from the performer, and this fee is by no means measured in money;

When conducting the ceremony, it is necessary to take into account the rules related directly to this ceremony, and the general rules, the so-called "safety precautions".

Safety precautions when pointing damage

Before the ritual is carried out, a “diagnostics” of the victim must be carried out in order to determine if she has any protection, this must be taken into account;

If it is desirable to use it - this way you guarantee yourself that in case of any “failure” in the conduct of the ritual, the response will pass you by;

Do not "grab" every "recipe" you find - think about whether this type of damage is suitable for a particular victim. Better - consult with a specialist. Even better - order a job for him, it's safer;

Not all victims are "dumb" and do not feel anything, so in addition to diagnosing the victim, first pick up a beautiful defense for yourself. Even if you are not going to do the work yourself;

A good master, when conducting such rituals, takes risks instead of you, which means he costs money, you need to be prepared for this. Do not be stingy - a living enemy costs more. And damage to madness completely neutralizes it.

Damage to madness. Examples.

Damage to madness - to the shadow of the church

The plot is read standing in the shadow of the church, located under the left foot. The text is read 3 times. Then the photo must be burned. Leave silently, without looking back. Observe safety precautions. (Take the ransom after the ceremony). There are a variety of repayment options, read the literature, select the appropriate option.

Damage to madness - through becoming
Damage to insanity through the application of a certain Stav causes mental deviations, aggressive manic-depressive psychosis, and with serious effort, even death.

Rule 1 - you need to apply becoming on the day of the exact new moon immediately after dawn (not during it, but after).

Rule 2 - it is better to entrust this type of damage to an experienced specialist, because. it "breaks through" the protection of the object.

Rule 3 - when ordering a similar bet on madness from a specialist, you order yourself Becoming on defense, because. you are prudent, and you have something to live for. Therefore, before the "attack" - we select for ourselves - beautiful and durable "armor". After all, you are worth it!

I have extensive experience in this area, so if you want a safe job with excellent results, feel free to contact me!

Damage to insanity is one of the most dangerous and extremely cruel types of influence. It is still unknown which of the options is more humane - to bring inevitable death to a person or doom him to a miserable existence with a lost mind. This type of ceremony is asked to be carried out, as a rule, by deceived wives against the mistresses of their husbands, unscrupulous competitors in order to remove a more successful rival, people to whom the future victim somehow crossed the road. Without resorting to the most terrible death rite, envious people choose a no less monstrous option - damage to madness.

Signs of damage to insanity

  1. Intermittent memory problems. A person starts talking, confuses endings in words, cannot adequately support a conversation.
  2. Deterioration of well-being, insomnia. Clouding of consciousness, absent-mindedness, depression.
  3. Causeless emotional swings from sudden hysteria to complete apathy.

Usually, ignorant people associate such signs with chronic fatigue from too intense work, lack of rest, sleep, and age-related health problems. Maybe so. But, if the symptoms do not disappear after a change of scenery, outdoor activities and other positive events, this rite was most likely performed against the person.

One of the options for damage to madness

It should be remembered that the stronger and more negative the result of the conspiracy, the more severe the consequences will affect the customer himself. This is where the boomerang effect kicks in. Whoever wants to subject another person to such a strong rite must remember that for him this action will not pass without a trace.

To complete the ceremony, you must take a photograph of the victim. On the new moon, heat two needles on a candle flame and stick them in the eyes of the victim, repeating to yourself:

"You have no mind, slave (name), no memory."

Leave the photo with the needles on all night. In the morning, remove the needles, and bury the photograph in the cemetery next to the fresh grave. Be sure to leave a valuable thing on the grave, as a thank you to the deceased for his assistance. The result usually happens within two weeks to a couple of months.

Removing damage to madness

Only specialists can help in this matter, trying to remove it yourself is useless. Damage has such destructive power that removing it is an incredibly time-consuming process and requires enormous energy costs that are beyond the control of an ordinary person.

Damage to madness belongs to the category of rites of black magic. Such rituals are used in various fields. More often it is damage to a business partner, or to a competitor, to lovers, or simply to an enemy.

It is difficult to understand that a person is affected by damage to madness. The first symptomatology is not pronounced and at first glance, its manifestations may seem to be a consequence of elementary fatigue.

What is damage to madness, how to do it

As already mentioned, more often the signs of such damage are confused with the symptoms of chronic fatigue. This plays a decisive role in such a rite.

The thing is that the strength of such damage depends on the degree of neglect. The longer a negative program affects a person, the stronger it becomes. And the harder it is to get rid of it. What is damage to insanity and its consequences that are not easy to remove?

To direct damage to dementia, insanity, use the following set of magical tools to influence a person:

  • photo of the enemy;
  • hair;
  • personal item;
  • black charmed threads;
  • spoken water.

The photo must be taken individually. Threads must be natural. And the liquid is best to take spring or melt.

If it is not possible to get a photo, then you can use the enemy's personal item. But before using such an accessory, make sure that it really belongs to him. Mistakes in such a case are unforgivable.

Ritual of inducing madness

This rite of passage to induce madness has a long history. The first thing worth mentioning is the fact that Voodoo elements are involved here.

The technology of performing the ritual itself does not have any particular difficulties. But the preparation must be done in accordance with all the rules:

  1. For three days before the ceremony, do not visit the church or any other holy places.
  2. Do not quarrel with anyone, especially limit contact with the future victim.
  3. Do not tell anyone that you are preparing a ritual.
  4. On the day of the ceremony, limit communication with children.

When you fulfill all the conditions of preparation, you need to mentally set yourself up to work with dark energy. Think about what this person has done to you.

You must be completely sure that he deserved punishment, for his mental appearance can change irrevocably. It is impossible to regret and ponder, the decision must be firm.

How to perform the rite

In the evening before the ceremony, you need to take a bath and remove all jewelry from yourself. The water in the bathroom should not be hot.

After dark, you can get to work:

  1. Lay out the picture, threads, and a container of melt water on the table.
  2. Now you need to talk threads.
  3. Take the skein in your left hand, unwind the thread a little with your right hand and say:

I'm not twisting the thread, I'm trying to persuade the put. To confuse things and confuse the mind!

  1. Next, you need to wrap the photo with this thread.
  2. You need to wrap it in the head area while uttering a special slander:

“In a gray field, there is a black church,

Yes, in that church, one priest is an anathema,

Yes, in the church the parish is inferno,

There are 36 devils, yes 4 suits,

Satisfiers like blasphemous deeds minions.

That funerals, razluchniki, ailments helpers,

Undead vorkovniki, death matchmakers,

That tribe of Herod, who drank blood.

So go you blasphemers

From that black church, but across the gray field,

Burials, burial grounds, all who are collected in a well,

Go to * N *, throw his life,

Shuffle, marked day, then lost to the queen of spades,

Measure his flour, deprive him of a good share

Funeral *H* in that black church,

Let's not live, throw it around the world,

Yes, and do not co-own to die,

Even there will be no peace in this abode,

Not in your bakery.

That priest of an anathemist is implored by prayers,

That is 36 devils, 4 suits for the brothers pleasing, agile

Then you are a black fate, pernicious * H * implored by an anathema priest.

Funeral candles, the nameless grave is all sealed,

36 devils this thing is done.

I rinse out! In the pool of your thoughts, in the pool of your deeds! Sober mind, I'll twist your bright head!

It is imperative to destroy all traces of the ritual, because this is not the providence of God. Do not leave traces of your participation, all things that took part in the ritual must be carefully destroyed.

  • The first signs of anxiety.
  • Persecution mania.
  • Groundless fear.
  • Over time, the symptoms will become more pronounced, especially if the magician managed to bring everything to completion. The use of traditional medicine at first will only help for a short period of time. But it will not be a cure, it will be a disguise.

    When the strength of the impact reaches a certain point, a period of intense manifestation will begin. They will become more frequent, panic attacks, seizures, tantrums may begin, aggression towards others may be clearly manifested.

    If the moment of exacerbation is missed, the program will end its destructive effect and then the anti-programming will not work. It should be taken into account the fact that conventional methods of treatment, that is, official medicine, will not be effective. If it is possible to neutralize the work of corruption, this must be done before the impact enters the progression phase.

    You may be surprised, but women and men who are over 35 years old in order to to look 10 or more years younger, it is not at all necessary to resort to plastic surgery or torturing yourself with painful procedures in order to lose weight or rejuvenate the skin of the face (and these are not empty words, but confirmed facts) And yes, it's not a lot of money to pay for it. Everything ingenious is simple!

    Currently, scientists identify five main causes of premature aging, both of the body as a whole and of the skin in particular: dehydration, exposure to free radicals, hyperglycemia (sweet tooth problem), violation of the production of enzymes (enzymes are biological catalysts that direct and regulate metabolism, and a high metabolic rate, as you know, is the prerogative of youth), chronic intoxication of the body (intoxication from the Latin in - in, into, inside and from the Greek toxikon - poison, i.e. all factors of influence that lead to poisoning of the body).

    So, now let's find out what needs to be done to look younger without surgery and expensive experiments on your body and skin. After all, each of the above factors can be corrected, and therefore, if you follow the recommendations, you can look younger by 10 or even more years. (of course, depends on your current age), budget and without much torture in expensive cosmetology clinics.

    Before you continue reading, we can assure you that this is more than just useful information, it will motivate and help many of your friends and acquaintances look much younger than their years and have excellent health. Therefore, do not be stingy and share it, because, as you know, according to the laws of the universe, if you want to get something, then start giving something similar to the world.

    People who do not drink enough water not only age faster, but also chronic dehydration is one of the main causes of many chronic diseases, including arthrosis, heart attack, stroke and various forms of cancer. Because a constant lack of water in the body is the cause of a violation of the water-electrolyte balance (shrinking), reducing the functional activity of tissues.

    The relationship between premature aging and lack of water in the body is quite simple to explain. The main functions that water performs in the body are dissolution and purification, and the following are derived from them:

    • assimilation and digestion of food;
    • improved metabolism;
    • excretion of waste products (toxins, slags);
    • transport function (transportation of nutrients and oxygen);
    • maintenance of cell structures;
    • regulation of body temperature;
    • depreciation of joints and prevention of their friction;
    • protection of tissues and internal organs.

    From the above, incomplete list of the functions of water in the body, we can conclude that water is the basis of all life processes in the body, and primarily in metabolic and cleansing, its main functions are the removal of metabolic products, harmful substances, toxins, toxins from the body. (slags - a relatively recently introduced concept regarding our health - according to old definitions - referred only to by-products or waste from metal production, after cleaning from the remains of valuable components, which, in principle, very capaciously characterizes the remains of the body's waste products, as a result of its poisonous). And if you do not drink enough water, then lymph and blood cannot cope with the cleansing of tissues from metabolic products, as a result of which self-poisoning begins. Thus, the aging process of the body in general and the skin in particular is accelerated. As a result of a lack of water, the osmotic pressure in the cells is disturbed, their energy potential decreases, the skin suffers from a lack of moisture, and its turgor is lost. (turgor is the elasticity, fullness of the skin, its ability to resist mechanical influences (pulling, pressure)), elasticity and as a result, wrinkles, creases appear.

    If you drink enough water, not only the skin, but also the body as a whole will look younger, and as a bonus, get rid of a few extra pounds.

    One of the cases confirming the above information

    An English resident, Sarah, after many years of suffering from headaches and poor digestion, decided to consult a neurologist and a nutritionist, both experts advised to drink up to three liters of fluid per day to feel better. Prior to that, she drank about 1 liter of fluid per day.

    Her determination to conduct the experiment was strengthened by reading the results of a social survey that out of 5 women in England, 1 consumes less than the recommended amount of water.

    She decided to experiment what would happen if she drank the recommended amount of water for a month.

    She provides photographs taken on the first day of the experiment and after, the first of which she says shows what dehydration does to the skin.

    She admits that at 42 she looked more like 52. Dark circles under her eyes, an abundance of wrinkles, strange reddish spots created a haggard look on her face. Well, she decided to drink 3 liters of water for 28 days. As she describes her experience, the results were simply amazing. She feels fitter, leaner and healthier, and her husband and friends say she looks 10 years younger. She asks a question. - "Is there anyone who would not want to try drinking a certain daily amount of water to get such wonderful results as I have?".

    A reasonable question may arise, what is the rate of water per day? - The rate of water per day depends on many factors and indicators, but the main ones are body weight and gender of the individual. The easiest way to calculate the required amount of water per day (but this is only taking into account only two main indicators: gender and body weight), you can use the following formula:

    • Men: body weight x 35 ml. water
    • Women: body weight x 31 ml. water

    But still, to calculate the required amount of water per day, it is better to use a calculator that takes into account all indicators and factors: online water rate calculator.

    If you really want to look younger, then start playing sports. Regularly playing sports, you can look younger by at least 5-7 years, and most often more, everything is individual. If you haven't played sports before, it's never too late to start.

    Canadian scientists have found that in addition to the well-known health benefits of sports, sports have another feature - to effectively rid a person of age-related wrinkles. This conclusion was made by scientists from McMaster University in Ontario.

    They studied a group of 29 volunteers aged 20 to 84, some of whom went in for sports 3 times a week, and others 1 time.

    Studies have shown that regular exercise after the age of 40 helps to get rid of wrinkles, regular physical activity tightens the skin, makes it more elastic and looks younger.

    The report indicates that, on average, after 40 years, thinning of the stratum corneum begins. (stratum corneum), the skin becomes saggy, sluggish and develops into age wrinkles. But they found that regular exercise after age 40 helped maintain the thickness of the stratum corneum and the underlying dermis. (the dermis is the main part of the skin, giving it firmness, elasticity and the ability to withstand significant pressure and stretching). In an experiment, skin biopsies of men in their early 40s who exercise regularly showed results similar to those of 20-year-olds. It is noted that this positive effect persists with regular exercise, even in those who are over 65.

    In the context of this article, sports for healing and rejuvenation of the body means its types and physical exercises available to all age categories, taking into account personal health indicators, i.e. a strictly individual approach is needed, with a ban on competitive elements. Because sports aimed at achieving certain indicators, achieving records are extreme loads on the body and, as a rule, such sports are not always good for health.

    Everyone knows about the dangers of free radicals, but this is necessary for a common understanding, and we will briefly, in the simplest terms, explain what the notorious free radicals are.

    free radicals- These are molecules or atoms with high activity, which have an unpaired electron, and they tend to fill this vacancy by taking electrons from other atoms. In simple terms, free radicals have a negative effect on the body due to their parsitic properties due to the instability of their structure. The reason for the instability is the presence of a free unpaired electron, which they take away from other tiny particles.

    Randomly moving, free radicals attack all the smallest particles (molecules and atoms) that they encounter on their way and suffer from this: cell membranes, proteins, lipids, collagen fibers, etc. Having taken the missing electron, the radical becomes stable, and the attacked molecule becomes unstable and begins to attack like a free radical. Aggressive molecules multiply very quickly: one gives birth to another, another to a third, and such a chain reaction of oxidation can continue indefinitely if there is no stabilizing intervention.

    It should be noted that free radicals are formed in the body not only as a result of biochemical oxidation reactions as a result of obtaining oxygen during breathing. (a powerful generator of free radicals is the air saturated with exhaust gases and tobacco smoke), they are also formed as a result of stress, the use of unhealthy foods, excessive UV radiation.

    In fact, free radicals, in a certain balance, play an important role in the immune system aimed at fighting pathogens, oxidize toxic substances, thereby helping to get rid of them, synthesize vital enzymes, promote blood clotting, serve to transmit information at the intracellular level and etc.

    But, if the amount of free radicals exceeds the permissible norm, then their positive effect becomes destructive. For example, they attack enzymes that keep cells functioning smoothly, damaging the genetic code contained in cell nuclei, causing DNA mutations and the appearance of cancer cells.

    After the necessary introduction for a superficial understanding of the impact that free radicals have on the human body as a whole, we will learn how they affect the aging process of the skin.

    Free radicals have an extremely negative effect on the condition and functioning of the epidermal layer, aggressive particles cause damage to ceramides (lipid molecules), which are the main building component of the outer structure of the skin, creating a protective lipid barrier. Their oxidation leads to moisture deficiency, inflammatory reactions, penetration of bacteria, pollution that damages the cell membranes of the epidermis and dermis, thereby weakening their protective function.

    As a result of oxidative reactions, collagen and elastin fibers are damaged, inhibiting (suppressing physiological or physico-chemical processes) their synthesis (connection of various elements), which leads to a decrease in the firmness and elasticity of the epidermal layer, accelerates the formation of deep wrinkles and sagging of the skin. The destructive effects of free radicals lead to the destruction of proteoglycans and hyaluronic acid, causing the activation of aging enzymes. The protective mechanisms of the skin weaken, the processes of regeneration and cell renewal worsen.

    To prolong the youth of the body in general and the skin in particular, you need to use antioxidants., because Antioxidants are unique free radical scavengers. Antioxidants- These are substances that block the oxidative process, neutralize the effects of free radicals, through the safe "borrowing" of their electron to aggressors. Of course, antioxidants, after giving up their electron, also become free radicals, but less dangerous, because. do not harm the body.

    Main Sources of Antioxidants- These are products of plant origin, vegetables, fruits and berries. The following is a small list of the best antioxidants: lemon, grapefruit, strawberries, nuts, broccoli, red grapes, chicken and especially quail eggs, fish, brown rice, cranberries, beans, watermelon, red wine, ripe bananas, oatmeal, coffee, green tea .

    Eat less sugary foods

    If the influence of free radicals on the aging process is covered sufficiently, then the harmful effects of sugar-containing products on the skin have received much less attention. And in vain, because. Excessive consumption of sweets is actually almost the main cause of premature skin aging.

    The skin, due to excess sugar in the body, loses its firmness and elasticity, since due to the process of glycation collagen and elastin proteins become less effective. In addition, the abuse of various sweets, refined carbohydrates (sweet pastries, canned juices, jams, marmalade, sweets, ice cream), lead to hyperglycemia, sharp jumps in blood glucose and an increase in insulin, having an effect on the skin similar to chronic inflammatory processes and leading to premature aging of the skin.

    hyperglycemia is an increase in glucose (Sahara) in the blood, which is provoked by the abuse of sugar-containing foods and easily digestible carbohydrates. And with hyperglycemia, the synthesis of hyaluronic acid slows down (hyaluronic acid is a molecular natural "sponge" with super-moisturizing properties, the main function of which is binding, retaining water in the connective tissues of the dermis, as well as preventing the destruction of collagen) and formation of collagen fibers (collagen is a protein that forms the basis of the connective tissues of the body, including the dermis, and ensures its firmness and elasticity).

    Two anti-aging diets for facial rejuvenation

    There are two diets that act as "antidotes to aging", one of them is not just a diet, but a model of a balanced diet.

    Face lift diet

    At the end of the last century, a diet for facial skin rejuvenation was developed by Nicholas Perricone, a dermatologist, professor of the Faculty of Human Body Studies at the University of Michigan, who devoted almost 40 years to medicine, of which 20 devoted to studying the problem of premature skin aging. Perricone was one of the first to voice the version that free radicals in the body cause premature aging, as well as health problems.

    He not unreasonably assures that the true cause of skin problems in the form of age wrinkles or acne depends on what we eat.

    The diet that the professor developed is called the "face lift diet", which means "face lift diet", with the help of this diet, people can stay young and beautiful longer without resorting to the services of plastic surgeons.

    The face lift diet is based on fatty varieties of fish from cold sea waters. (particularly salmon). Salmon contains the famous Omega-3 fatty acids that smooth the skin and maintain water balance, and the B vitamins it contains improve blood circulation and facilitate the absorption of oxygen by skin, nail and hair cells.

    Salmon should be eaten about 10 servings a week, i.e. once or twice a day. It is recommended to cook it for a couple, grill or bake, thus preserving all the vitamins, but in no case fry.

    The purpose of the antioxidant anti-inflammatory diet to nourish the skin "face lift diet", stop inflammation and promote moisture retention in the dermis by eliminating hyperglycemic foods from the diet and enriching it with foods with high antioxidant activity.

    A secondary effect of the face lift diet is weight normalization. The low-carb "face lift diet" has both many adherents who have proven its effectiveness, and many critics who are skeptical of the as yet scientifically unfounded diet for rapid rejuvenation.

    Following the recommendations of the "face lift diet", every meal should contain fatty acids (preferably olive oil or fresh unsalted nuts), lean proteins, carbohydrates (vegetables fruits).

    Unlike many other diets, list of allowed products The face lift diet is quite extensive: fish (salmon, trout, tuna, flounder), seafood, turkey, cottage cheese, tofu, low-fat yogurt, eggs, mushrooms, olives, green leafy vegetables, asparagus, cabbage, tomatoes, bell peppers, berries (especially cherries, raspberries and blueberries), apples, pears, avocados, melon, nuts, legumes, barley, oats, green tea, spices (ginger, basil, cayenne pepper).

    In addition to salmon, Nicholas Perricon considers the best foods to prevent skin aging: avocados, sweet peppers, tomatoes, pumpkin, blueberries, raspberries, melons, apples, pears, spinach and greens. Since these products have powerful antioxidant properties and contain many vitamins necessary for the skin.

    It didn't go without list of prohibited products: alcohol, fast food, flour products, (confectionery, pastries) various sweets, coffee, soft drinks, fruit juices, marinades, beef, hard cheese, mayonnaise, duck meat, rice, pasta, spaghetti, some vegetables and fruits (potatoes, carrots, corn, pumpkin, grapes, bananas, mangoes, oranges, papaya, watermelon, raisins).

    Following the recommendations of the face lift diet, you need to eat foods in a certain sequence: eat protein foods first (meat, fish, mushrooms, dairy products, legumes) followed by fiber-rich foods (cereals, vegetables), and then you can eat carbohydrate foods (fruit).

    Due to the observance of this sequence, the absorption of sugar by the body slows down and the level of sugar in the blood does not rise abruptly. Nicholas Perricon also recommends drinking plenty of non-carbonated mineral water, green tea and exercising for 20-30 minutes a day during the diet.

    There are two diet options, 3 and 28 day cycles, these cycles can be alternated throughout life. The professor recommends five meals a day - three full meals and two snacks.

    This diet has proven effective in rejuvenating the skin of the face, but according to experts in the field of dietary nutrition, this is a very expensive method of rejuvenation and not without flaws. Because like most diets, it is not distinguished by its balance due to the fact that it excludes a significant number of food items necessary for the normal functioning of the body, which entails some health risks. But there is an alternative!

    Diet "OmniHeart"

    A less strict, more balanced, and evidence-based diet as an alternative to the face lift diet can be the OmniHeart eating model developed by scientists at Harvard University. The OmniHeart diet is positioned under the slogan “More than just for the heart” and this slogan was not invented by chance, because. its goal is to prevent inflammatory processes that underlie the aging of the body and skin, as well as to prevent the development of chronic diseases, primarily cardiovascular, which develop under the influence of oxidative stress.

    This diet excludes sharp jumps in blood sugar levels and is a kind of “antidote to aging”, although it was originally developed for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, but during the experiments its effectiveness against chronic inflammation and aging was confirmed.

    Below is a diagram of the OmniHeart Nutrition Model with approximate serving sizes.

    The recommendations below are designed for an adult with an average energy expenditure, whose daily diet is 2000 kilocalories. To cover smaller or larger energy costs, you should reduce proportionally or vice versa increase the size of the servings.

    One important, practical advice from diet developers: in order not to bother yourself with determining the exact proportions of recommended foods every time before eating, you should fill most of the plate with greens, vegetables and fruits.

    The developers of the OmniHeart nutrition model, using modern medical information processing equipment, taking into account all aspects of a complete, balanced diet for skin rejuvenation, offer the following optimal daily diet.

    Daily diet "OmniHeart"

    50% of calories come from carbohydrates, 23% from proteins and 27% from fats (6% saturated fat, 12% monounsaturated fat, 9% polyunsaturated fat), such proportions of fats are optimal in terms of the ratio of omega-3 and omega-6.

    Vegetables and fruits: 11 servings per day (½ cup raw or cooked vegetables, 1 cup green salad greens, 1 fruit, ½ cup fresh berries, ¼ cup dried fruit).

    Cereal crops (prefer whole grains): 4 servings per day (1 slice of bread, ½ cup of pasta or cereals in finished form).

    Milk products (fat-free or low-fat): 2 servings a day (1 glass of milk, kefir, yogurt, about 40 g of cheese).

    Nuts, beans and beans: 2 servings per day (¼ cup nuts, ½ cup boiled beans).

    Meat, poultry, fish: 1 portion per day (115 g. finished).

    Dessert, sweets: 2 servings per day (1 tsp sugar, 1 small cookie).

    Fats and oils: 2 servings per day (1 tbsp vegetable oil, 1 tbsp mayonnaise, 1 tbsp spread).

    Additionally(of your choice): 1 serving of meat, or fish, or poultry, or 1 serving of fats or oils, or 1 serving of whole grains, or 1 serving of dessert, sweets.

    Duration: long-term eating pattern, can be followed for life.

    Therefore, a balanced diet, the right choice of carbohydrate sources in favor of whole foods (rich in fiber and nutrients - vegetables, fruits and whole grains), the rejection of refined foods will help minimize the harm caused to the body by hyperglycemia.

    Omega-3 and Omega-6 must be in the diet in the recommended amount

    Omega-3 and Omega-6 enter our body with food, and their independent synthesis by the body is impossible, therefore, with a lack of fatty acids in the diet, the likelihood of developing various diseases increases, and deterioration in health is noted.

    Omega-3 and Omega-6 improve the appearance of skin, hair and nails, have a rejuvenating effect on the skin, and under their influence on the skin, inflammation in eczema is relieved, irritation heals faster, symptoms of the disease become less noticeable. The presence of these fatty acids in the diet in sufficient quantities is especially important for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, arrhythmia, arthritis and obesity, these acids contribute to the normalization of weight. They also reduce cravings for strong alcoholic beverages and smoking.

    Omega 3

    Omega-3 fatty acids are extremely beneficial for skin rejuvenation and repair- they make it elastic, increase elasticity, restore the protective barrier, relieve all skin inflammation and irritation. You will learn how Omega-3s are beneficial for the skin below, but for now, briefly about the benefits of Omega-3s for health and the body as a whole.

    In addition to the rejuvenating effect on the skin, Omega-3 fatty acids have a beneficial effect on the entire body, heal and rejuvenate it. These fatty acids do not allow blood to thicken, and joints become inflamed, normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system, improve the functioning of internal organs, velvety skin depends on them, beauty of hair, strength of nails, visual acuity. Omega-3s have powerful antioxidant properties, are a preventive measure of premature aging, oncology, depression, but due to its ability to regulate fat metabolism help fight excess weight. Omega-3s restore hormonal balance, improve the functioning of the immune system, help in the treatment of migraines, diabetes, eczema, psoriasis, arthrosis, bronchial asthma and many other diseases. They are very efficient eliminate chronic fatigue syndrome, emotional disorders, level menstrual pain, suppress allergic reactions.

    Omega-3 deficiency and oversaturation

    With a lack of Omega-3 in the body, the skin begins to peel off, acne and dandruff appear, their lack is accompanied by a depressed emotional state, memory impairment, cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the joints, liver, mammary glands, and an acute shortage can even lead to the development of schizophrenia.

    But oversaturation of the body with Omega-3 is just as harmful as their lack. An excessive excess of Omega-3 can cause the development of hypertension, be the cause of irritability, increased anxiety, weak muscle tone, lethargy, increased bleeding of cuts, and cause malfunctions of the pancreas.

    List of foods rich in Omega-3 per 100 gr. product

    Omega-3s are found in the following foods:

    • fatty varieties of fish living in cold sea waters: salmon, herring, tuna, mackerel, sardines, mackerel, halibut, as well as trout and eel;
    • red, black caviar;
    • fish fat;
    • seafood: shrimp, shellfish, scallops;
    • flax-seed;
    • linseed, soybean, sesame, canola, rapeseed unrefined vegetable oils;
    • soybeans, tofu;
    • germinated wheat;
    • beans, broccoli, cauliflower, melon, spinach;
    • raw soaked walnuts, almonds;
    • domestic eggs, especially quail.

    Omega-3 intake for adults- 1-2 g per day: up to 2 g for men and up to 1.6 g for women (approximately 1-2% of daily caloric intake).

    • To improve health and normalize cholesterol levels, it is enough to take 1-2 g of Omega-3 per day. But it all depends on the state of health of the body. For problems with the cardiovascular system, disorders of the brain (frequent depression, Alzheimer's disease) doctors recommend increasing omega-3 containing foods in the diet;
    • When doing bodybuilding to increase muscle mass, doses of 2-3 g daily are required;
    • When reducing body weight, take 3-4 g of Omega-3.

    The body's daily need for Omega-3 can be replenished by adding 1 tbsp to food. a spoonful of rapeseed oil or a teaspoon of flaxseed. And you can eat 5-10 walnuts a day, or eat a small piece (about 100 grams) of freshly cooked salmon or sardines.

    Omega 6

    With a sufficient amount in the diet, Omega-6 maintains skin elasticity, strong nails, healthy hair, helps in the treatment of skin diseases, can reduce the negative manifestations of PMS, help in the treatment of diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, atherosclerosis.

    Omega-6 deficiency and oversaturation

    With a lack of Omega-6 in the body, hair can begin to fall out, as well as more serious problems in the form of infertility, developmental delay, mental disorders, liver dysfunction, eczema.

    Oversaturation of Omega-6 leads to a weakened immune system, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, strokes, heart attacks, the development of inflammatory processes and even oncology.

    List of foods rich in Omega-6 per 100 gr. product

    Omega-6 is found in the following foods:

    • walnut oil, sunflower, corn, soybean, pumpkin, safrole oils;
    • lard;
    • sesame, poppy;
    • raw sunflower seeds;
    • pumpkin seeds;
    • germinated wheat;
    • eggs;
    • butter;
    • pistachios, pine nuts.

    Omega-6 intake for adults- 8-10 g per day (approximately 5-8% of daily caloric intake).

    The body's need for Omega-6 depends on many factors, so the daily rate is individual for each person. It is also necessary to observe the ratio of Omega-3 and Omega-6 in the daily diet - the ratio varies from 1:2 to 1:4. Unfortunately, most of the inhabitants of the post-Soviet space are 10 times higher than the norm of consumption of Omega-6!

    Why are polyunsaturated fatty acids important for the skin?

    All cosmetologists recommend using anti-aging creams to eliminate wrinkles, but cosmetologists and dermatologists also warn that the skin can be healthy, young and beautiful only if you eliminate the internal problems of the body and put your health in order, because. The skin is a kind of indicator, it reflects the state of the whole organism. And polyunsaturated fatty acids have been scientifically proven to have a positive effect on all vital processes in the body. Without polyunsaturated fatty acids, the skin will not be completely healthy, firm and elastic. They can be called a cult vitamin for all skin types, they heal the skin and the skin literally glows from the inside.

    Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for beautiful skin for the following reasons

    1. Omega-3 fatty acids inhibit the overactivity of the immune system, preventing the development of skin allergies.

    2. Omega-3 fatty acids preserve collagen - the elastic basis of our skin, which is responsible for elasticity and the absence of wrinkles.

    3. Omega-3 fatty acids - very effective against chronic inflammation. This is an effective remedy for wrinkles, acne and pimples, they accelerate wound healing, and serve as an important component in the treatment of chronic dermatitis.

    4. Skin problems are directly related to various stresses. Through clinical trials, it has been established that hormonal changes are at the heart of the problem. (the hormonal background affects the body in such a way that any problem immediately affects the appearance and general health). During stress, cortisol levels (cortisol is a stress hormone that breaks down proteins, promotes fat storage, and also raises blood glucose levels) rises sharply, destroying collagen and causing inflammation of the skin. As a result, small wrinkles appear, and in case of exacerbation, acne, psoriasis, rosacea may appear. And omega-3 fatty acids prevent bursts of stress hormones, thereby protecting against depression and mood changes during PMS. They help the nervous system to respond more easily to difficult situations and various problems, reduce nervous excitability, eliminate headaches and sleep disturbances, help restore optimism and remain calm and unperturbed in difficult situations. As soon as the deficiency of Omega-3 fatty acids is replenished in the body, depression disappears, the body begins to recover, and the skin experiences a “second youth”.

    By the way, it will be said that in the late eighties, Omega-3 fatty acids won the recognition of cosmetologists and dermatologists, they stated that healthy and beautiful skin is unthinkable without a sufficient amount of Omega-3.

    Thesis on the effect of Omega-3 fatty acids on the condition of the skin:

    • are the prevention of wrinkles, as they stimulate the synthesis of neocollagen and counteract the destruction of the existing skin framework;
    • help get rid of acne and acne, as they inhibit inflammation and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
    • prevent dehydration, as they contain vitamin F;
    • fight skin diseases: eczema, allergic dermatitis, psoriasis;
    • offset the negative effects of sunlight.

    Zinc has long been considered a "beauty mineral", and is known for its properties that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nail plates.

    Zinc is one of the most important minerals for the normal functioning of all systems of the human body. it participates in all important biochemical processes. First of all, it is a very powerful antioxidant that prevents the formation of free radicals, strengthens the immune system and is necessary for growth, restoration, and hence rejuvenation of cells! It stimulates the entire hormonal system, regulates the work of the most important glands responsible for longevity: the pituitary and gonads, as well as the pancreas. Zinc provides the process of cell rejuvenation by stimulating the synthesis of three main anabolic hormones: growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor and testosterone. (growth hormone is produced as a complex zinc compound).

    Zinc deficiency can lead to various disorders in the body, similar to those that develop with aging! Experiments were carried out on animals with different daily portions of zinc in the diet, in those animals that received zinc in sufficient quantities, life expectancy increased.

    The foods richest in zinc are primarily seafood. (the highest content of zinc in oysters, up to 25 mg., 50 to 100 grams of oysters is enough to fill the body with the daily norm of zinc for an adult) and products of animal origin. Zinc is also found in nuts, grains, seeds, legumes, milk and eggs, but plant foods contain this trace element in small amounts.

    In this regard, vegetarians may be deficient in this trace element in the body, so it is recommended to supplement it with zinc supplements. Also, excessively salty foods and the abuse of sweets can be the causes of a lack of zinc in the body.

    List of foods rich in zinc in mg. per 100 gr. product

    The following is a list of foods richest in zinc in milligrams per 100 grams, in descending order: oysters from 10 to 25, sesame seeds - 7.75, pumpkin seeds - 7.44, boiled chicken hearts - 7.30, peanuts - 6.68, sunflower seeds - 5.29, liver from 4 to 6.6, soy raw materials - 5, hard cheeses 4.7, pine nuts - 4.28, grilled turkey meat - 4.28, processed cheeses - 3.5, beef - 3.24, beans - 3.21, peas 3.18, lamb - 3, pork - 3, natural sausages 3.0, wheat - 2.8, buckwheat - 2.77, barley groats - 2.71, duck - 2.47, turkey - 2.45, chicken - 2, peas boiled - 1.00, canned salmon - 0.92, tuna in oil - 0.90, boiled mushrooms - 0.87, tofu - 0.80, boiled spinach - 0.76, dried apricots - 0.74, boiled brown rice - 0.63, vermicelli - 0.53, oatmeal - 0.49, boiled white rice - 0.45, 1% fat milk - 0.39, green onions - 0.39, boiled broccoli - 0.38, avocado - 0.31, boiled cauliflower - 0.31, radish - 0.30, boiled carrot - 0.30.

    The daily norm of zinc for an adult, depending on gender, is 10-15 mg. The Tolerable Upper Intake Level for zinc is 25 mg. per day. The need for zinc increases with: sports, profuse sweating.

    Enzymes (enzymes)- Catalysts with a protein structure are synthesized in cells and many times accelerate the reactions occurring in them, carrying out metabolism, and are the basis for the existence of any organism.

    With age, the body's ability to independently produce enzymes, including digestive ones, deteriorates, so you should try to eat more foods rich in enzymes and refuse or minimize the consumption of foods that are devoid of enzymes, because. for their digestion, the body has to produce enzymes on its own, “stealing” them from other organs.

    But it is enzymes that are responsible for removing dead cells and removing toxins and poisons from the body. They are the ubiquitous catalysts of all vital processes. And in case of their shortage or low activity, the waste products of the body begin to accumulate, which leads to a deterioration in appearance. (skin, hair, nails, obesity) and dysfunction (disruption of activity) internal organs with the development of various chronic diseases, up to cancer.

    Where do enzymes come from? - Our body inherits a certain enzymatic potential at birth and it is different for everyone, so we need to protect and save this limited supply of energy designed for a lifetime. It is not in vain that in the East a person is compared with a candle. The brighter and stronger the candle burns, the faster it burns out. And eating everything (foods that consume the genetically incorporated supply of enzymes), leading a chaotic or passive lifestyle, consuming alcohol, not to mention drugs, a person is likened to a candle that burns from two ends! I think the result is understandable, the candle burns out even faster.

    That is, the duration of your life depends on the duration of the body's possession of the factors of enzymatic activity that form new enzymes. When your body is no longer able to produce enzymes, life ends. Therefore, the faster you use up the energy reserve of enzymes allotted to you by nature, the faster you will age, therefore, the faster you will approach the logical outcome, and on the way along the road of life you will look much worse than you could.

    And the supply of enzymes, among other things, is wasted when a person eats thermally processed food, because. when food is cooked at 100°C, then all the enzymes in it are destroyed with 100% probability. One of the founders of the natural healing system, Dr. Edward Howell, concluded that enzymes are the main component that distinguishes thermally processed food from “live”, raw food. He determined that these "units of vital energy" are destroyed at temperatures above 50 ° C. Unfortunately, in our time, almost everyone consumes food that has mainly undergone heat treatment and therefore does not contain enzymes. Back in the 30s of the 20th century, Dr. Howell tried to prove to his contemporaries that thermally processed food causes irreparable harm to health.

    If our diet were dominated by raw foods, then enzymes would be present in the food we eat in relatively sufficient quantities, and they themselves would do a significant part of the work of digesting food, thereby preserving the precious supply of enzymes. And if you eat heat-treated food devoid of enzymes, then the body is forced to independently produce enzymes for its digestion, which greatly reduces the already limited enzymatic potential.

    You should be aware that the load caused by thermally processed food on the enzyme stores is very high. It is one of the main causes of premature aging and early death, as well as the cause of almost all diseases. This is explained by the fact that if the body is forced to supply a lot of enzymes in saliva, gastric juice, pancreatic juice and intestinal juice, then it reduces the production of enzymes for other purposes. It cannot produce enough enzymes for the brain, heart, kidneys, lungs, and other organs and tissues. This “stealing” of enzymes for the digestive tract from other parts of the body leads to a struggle for enzymes between all organs and tissues, which can be the main cause of cancer, diabetes, coronary disease and many other chronic or even incurable diseases. As already mentioned, enzyme deficiency is the scourge of our modern society, following a civilized diet devoid of enzymes.

    Nowadays, taking advantage of the benefits of civilization, people eat such a huge amount of thermally processed food that enzymes are only busy digesting it. As a result, there is an acute shortage of enzymes to maintain the internal organs and tissues in a healthy state. And few people know that one of the best ways to rejuvenate, heal and restore diseased organs is long-term therapeutic starvation. During prolonged therapeutic starvation, the production of enzymes for digestion is suspended, the amount of enzymes in saliva, gastric and pancreatic juices is reduced. Thus, the enzymes that used to work for the digestion of food are released and work for healing, restoring damaged organs and tissues. During prolonged therapeutic fasting, enzymes change unhealthy body structures, they fight pathological tissues and destroy unprocessed and undigested substances, after which they are excreted from the body in a natural way.

    5 tips to promote the production of enzymes in the body

    1. Eat predominantly raw thermally unprocessed food. For example, raw foods are rich in enzymes, and after heat treatment they are destroyed. Ideally, your diet should be at least 75% raw.

    2. Minimize the consumption of meat and animal fats, as their excess leads to disruption of metabolic processes.

    3. Thoroughly chew food. Since the digestive process begins with chewing, as a result of which the food consumed is easier to digest in the stomach and intestines.

    4. Conduct long-term therapeutic fasting, for 7, 14 or 30 days. Since during prolonged therapeutic fasting, the production of enzymes for digestion is suspended and the enzymes that used to work for the digestion of food are released and work for healing, restoring damaged organs and tissues.

    5. Avoid stress. Chronic stress adversely affects the functioning of the entire body, including its ability to effectively digest food and produce enzymes.

    It is also possible to restore enzymatic activity with the help of special nutritional supplements that compensate for the deficiency of digestive enzymes (enzymes). These food additives have a high specific selectivity and catalytic activity, similar to the actions of natural enzymes.

    But digestive enzymes cannot be taken indefinitely, only in courses prescribed by a doctor, as they disrupt the natural secretion of enzymes. (the body may gradually stop producing enzymes on its own), and can also cause a decrease in the absorption of certain trace elements (e.g. iron).

    Therefore, the treatment of enzyme deficiency is strongly recommended under the supervision of a gastroenterologist.

    Help your body work in a natural way: by adjusting your diet, physical activity, giving up bad habits and managing stress.

    Reduce the toxic load on the body

    There are two ways to reduce the toxic load on the body - to minimize the penetration of harmful substances from the outside and to strengthen the detoxification system of your body.

    First way reducing the toxic load on the body lies in the fact that in order to significantly reduce the flow of toxins into the body, you need to be very careful in choosing food and drinking water. Try to buy groceries (especially meat, fish, eggs and dairy products, because these products can accumulate especially a lot of toxins and heavy metals) labeled to indicate that the product is environmentally friendly. A few words about vegetables and fruits, when buying which you need to pay attention to their environmental friendliness, because. they are especially prone to the accumulation of pesticides: potatoes, apples, watermelons, melons, zucchini, peppers, peaches, apricots, strawberries, raspberries.

    Try to buy only organic products to reduce the intake of heavy metals, pesticides and fertilizers in the body and get rid of things in the house that contain toxins and volatile organic compounds (varnishes, solvents). Buy products without flavor and odor enhancers, try not to use deodorants, air fresheners with an overly saturated smell.

    Second way- this is the strengthening of the detoxification system of your body, due to the use of foods rich in methionine (Methionine is an essential sulfur-containing amino acid found in proteins). For detoxification, foods rich in methionine are needed because the processes of blood purification in the liver are complicated by insufficient intake of sulfur-containing components in food. And detoxification occurs due to the methylation of toxins as a result of their combination with the sulfur-containing amino acid methionine. Products rich in methionine include: meat of animals and birds grown in the wild, fish, cheeses, cottage cheese, eggs, to a lesser extent - nuts, legumes, rice, millet, oats, lentils, seeds.

    Sulfur is also found in abundance in bulbous plants. (garlic, raw onion) and in various varieties of cabbage, especially broccoli. But it should be borne in mind that prolonged heat treatment leads to a significant destruction of valuable organic compounds.

    Also, for detoxification, you should include in your diet fermented foods that have detoxifying properties, such as sauerkraut, kefir and yogurt.

    Some herbs and spices also have detoxifying properties, such as turmeric, cloves, and cilantro top the list of natural foods for neutralizing heavy metals in the body.

    P.S. The article that you have read is the contours of the direction of your rejuvenation actions, the basic basis for building confidence in you in the reality of achieving the results described in this article. We tried to be as concise as possible, without water, covering difficult-to-understand topics in simple-to-understand words, and so that you could immediately apply the information received in practice. But nevertheless, in this article there are 8 paragraphs, for each of which one could write at least 10 more articles. Therefore, this article cannot claim to be exhaustive, fully revealing each of the topics, and if you were inspired by the 8 tips given in this article, then it would not be out of place to understand in more detail the nuances of each of the topics. Having mastered the nuances and applied in practice, you will receive a personal rejuvenation program. No wonder they say that details and nuances are crucial!

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