Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill The husband is a drug addict taking pills, the advice of a psychologist. The husband is a drug addict. The only solution to the problem

The husband is a drug addict taking pills, the advice of a psychologist. The husband is a drug addict. The only solution to the problem

Addict husband Is a real tragedy for any family. After all, drug addiction has a detrimental effect not only on the person who directly uses drugs, but also on his immediate environment, primarily the family. A drug addict on his own is unlikely to come to a decision to recover, especially in a family that does not support him and does not understand. Therefore, if you really want to save your husband and family, it is your attitude towards the problem and your spouse that must change mainly.

To realize and in the future to accept the fact that your beloved husband is a drug addict is very difficult and not everyone can do. You must understand that it is not in your power to force the addict to stop using the drug. But you can work on your behavior, thereby helping your loved one come to the right decision on their own.

  1. Most couples with drug addiction go through the same thing. Therefore, the wife must first give up what is usually considered help. It is useless to ask, swear and constantly reproach the addict's husband. Showing him that he is not living up to your expectations will definitely not help him.
  2. You need to learn to separate the disease from the person you love. This is a very important step. After all, you should hate and be angry at the illness, and continue to love your husband no matter what.
  3. Do not try to take responsibility for how he lives, what he eats and what decisions he makes. Stop being overly protective. This will help him to take a sensible look at the situation and understand what the disease is doing to him. This way you can avoid speculating on your feelings on his part.
  4. If the addict himself is not ready for treatment at the moment, all your attempts to force him to recover will be doomed to failure. Treatment is useless without a personal, conscious desire to give up drugs.
  5. There is no need to “ring the bell” about your family tragedy. In this way, you will only distance yourself from each other and lose his trust.
Important! Do not give in to provocations. addict husband... Do not pay off his debts, do not believe in his lies, and take a firm, principled position. He must understand that he is personally responsible for his actions. This is the best way to show your love and give your husband a chance to get well.

"My husband is a drug addict - I want to save my family and children ..."

If the family has children, everything is much more complicated. It would be wiser to think about their health and safety. Drug addicts behave unpredictably and in most cases do not even realize what happens to them during the drug's duration. If you really want to save your family, but are afraid for the lives of your children, then there is only one way out - it is to seek help from specialists for emergency hospitalization.

Fortunately, today there are medical institutions capable of providing such assistance. Specialized drug addiction centers have trained and trained personnel who are involved in persuasion for drug addiction treatment.

This is a complex process, all the subtleties of which cannot be accommodated in one article. But its meaning is quite simple - a visiting group of specialists, consisting of a psychologist and a consultant on chemical dependence, travels to the address indicated by you, establishes a dialogue with the addict in order to convey to him the importance of undergoing a treatment course. Hospitalization is successful in 98% of cases. In this case, physical force and any illegal actions are not used.

Communication with a drug addict is a whole science that specialists study in universities and prepare for this for many years. Not surprisingly, you never managed to influence the addict. We can help you!

Our hotline receives a lot of calls that begin with the words “my husband uses salt, what should I do?”. The problem of synthetic drugs is really the most urgent today. As stated earlier, there are simple rules you can follow to help your husband make his own decision to stop destroying his health. Or call us for a free consultation with an experienced psychologist. Together, we will definitely find a way out of even the most difficult situation.

Drug addiction is a scourge of society, many are wondering what to do if the husband is a drug addict? The problems that a wife can solve are independent of the factor why the man took drugs - psychologists will deal with this. If a man refuses to be treated for drug addiction, it is almost impossible to help.


If the husband is a drug addict, the wife seeks to help, the spouse does not agree to treatment - go away. Some wives will find this option unacceptable, but this is the best way out of this situation. The man does not want to be treated - it is impossible to help by force. Wish the man good luck, pray for health, but show that you intend to leave the inadequate addict.

Daily care for the husband leads to the fact that he continues to use. Why overcome, be treated, if a woman pays for utilities, food? The need to pay on their own, loneliness - this will force a man to seek help from doctors.


The breakdown of a marriage with drug addiction is likely, but not necessary. It is necessary to leave the addict husband, but when parting, inform that you will return when the addict is cured. Why do children need to watch how the husband of a drug addict uses drugs, gradually degrades? The mother's duty is to save the younger generation from a bad example, constant scandals, and physical danger.

It is unsafe for a woman to be near a drug addict; in fact, she can become a victim of drugs. Female drug addiction is more difficult to treat (there is an opinion in society that female drug addicts are incurable). The danger for the family is the increased aggressiveness of the drug addict. At the moment of intoxication, withdrawal, he is uncontrollable, physically dangerous. A lot of domestic crimes occur every day due to drug addiction. If a woman does not babysit her husband-drug addict, clearly puts forward demands on the need for treatment, reinforces firmness of intentions with actions - a man has more chances to wake up from the intoxication, to save his family.

How to deal with your spouse's addiction

If the husband is a drug addict, the spouse is obliged to give up what is considered help. Stop scolding, persuading, shaming, crying, persuading, frightening. Learn to separate your beloved spouse from illness. Stop taking responsibility for the fate of an adult man, do not take care of a drug addict - feeling lonely, unnecessary, he will be saved.

If the wife sends her spouse for compulsory treatment, it is useless. He is being treated for his wife, without motivation. The money is thrown away, soon there is a relapse, the husband discharged from the clinic, again slides into drug addiction. A woman should stop blaming herself for her illness. There is part of the woman's fault, but the lion's share of the responsibility lies with the man.

  • Arguing with a drug addict is a waste of time and nerves.
  • Stop funding the man.
  • Drive out creditors who demand to pay back men's debts.
  • Take care of children, work, remember less about your husband.
  • Physically distance yourself from your husband, wait for him to return healthy.

Remember, it is dangerous to be near the addict. When the man is cured, you will be able to live together at will.


Relatives of addicts need psychological support. You can really get help from competent psychologists. Opening trouble to someone who has experienced the same type of problem is a huge support. Help can be found in specialized support groups at various drug treatment centers. Usually classes with wives and other relatives of drug addicts are held in a group. Learning how others overcame a terrible misfortune is a huge relief, restoring faith, giving the will to fight.

Practicing psychologists will teach the rules of conduct with the People's Commissar. Recommendations will come in handy in later family life, to relieve the psychological stress of a woman. The psyche of a drug addict is unstable, prevention of scandals, misunderstandings in the family will help to form motivation for further recovery.


When a husband becomes a drug addict, it is a blow to a loving wife. At such a moment, the woman is upset, pondering what to do. If you are in doubt about what to do with your drug-addicted husband, consult a drug clinic specialist. There are many sites on the Internet where you can contact specialists. They will support and give professional advice.

One of the most bitter consequences of drug influence is the codependency of loved ones. If your husband is a drug addict, most likely your first reaction was to try to dissuade him, to appeal to reason, to give arguments why drug addiction is deadly. But he didn't listen to you. And over time, you began to adapt to him: he shouts and is rude, you endure. He raises his hand to you, you close your eyes to it. He takes things out of the house, you try not to notice it. You try to treat him as an adequate person whom you are used to seeing next to. But such an attitude only provokes conflicts and resentment. You start to patronize him, solve problems for him, hand out his debts. And the situation is getting worse.

You empathize with him, try to understand the reasons why he became like that. And now not only he, but you, together with him, are sinking deeper into addiction. Unfortunately, codependency only delays the most important decision - going to a rehabilitation clinic. To break the cycle of codependency, you need to separate your personality from the behavior of your addict husband, stop blaming yourself for what happened - this only makes you powerless. Accept fully the dire truth about him and call the doctors.

How to deal with a drug addict

    Control your emotions. Do not try to sort things out at a time when your husband is under the influence of drugs or in search of a new dose. You can provoke the addict to aggression. Remember: he is sick and cannot respond to your words and actions adequately. In the most critical situation - leave home for a while until it sober up.

    Take care of yourself first. Otherwise, you will not have the strength to help the addict in the family. Do not abandon yourself and your personal affairs. Appreciate your personal time, do not plunge headlong into the problems of a loved one, do not solve all the worries for him. Just give him your moral support, not forgetting about your own needs.

    Don't take full responsibility for yourself. Remember that you cannot influence the personality of the addict until he or she wants to change.

    Don't be manipulated. At the sight of withdrawal, you cannot give money or look for drugs: the pains from withdrawal symptoms are phantom and pass after a while. Don't let the addict take off their responsibilities. Better to let him be involved in family affairs, helping around the house.

    Do not store alcohol and other surfactants at home. Use your example to show how important it is to stay sober.

    Be patient. Do not expect the addict to heal quickly. Rehabilitation takes from 3 months to a year. At the same time, the "stable" state can be considered only after three years of complete abstinence.

    Give the addict a choice. Let him either go to rehabilitation with your help, or use it anywhere, but not at home. Facing reality without family support can help you understand the consequences of drug use.

    Draw up a contract. Pick a moment when your husband is sober. You can check this by the pupils - they will narrow in bright light and expand in the dark. Calmly explain to him how hard it is for you to live because of his illness, suggest contacting specialists. The addict will refuse and begin to convince you that he is healthy. Then offer a contract: you trust him, but if you suspect you have taken a drug, you can always check your guess. And if it is confirmed, the spouse will agree to rehabilitation.

Why did the spouse become a drug addict?

The main reasons for the development of drug addiction:

    Childhood trauma. The beatings and tyranny of the parents leave a deep trauma on the child's psyche. With age, painful memories do not go away, other adversities join them, and psychological problems grow like a snowball.

    Lack of implementation. Career failures, lack of visible prospects, difficulties in achieving the desired goals, disrespect from loved ones - all this hits the male ego, breaks character and makes him seek solace in psychotropic drugs.

    Financial difficulties. In the eyes of society, a man is a breadwinner. And material difficulties are perceived by him as an indicator of his own insolvency. Added to this is stress and fatigue from hard work or looking for it.

    Domestic quarrels. Constant scandals and clarification of relationships, reproaches and tricks - such an unhealthy atmosphere in the family makes you want to run away and forget.

How to convince a husband to be treated?

Drug addicts almost never go to doctors on their own - usually they are convinced by their relatives. So how can you help your spouse take the first step and persuade him to be treated?

Intervention will help you - a conversation between a drug addict and loved ones, during which he learns about the consequences of drug addiction and decides to fight it.

Before the conversation, each participant (relative or friend) prepares a list of 4 points:

  1. Dates when a person's addiction harmed him.
  2. The essence of this damage.
  3. Why won't he take it anymore.
  4. How can you get out of the situation - contact a specialist.

However, such a conversation can provoke a family scandal, and the patient will become even more isolated in himself, and loved ones will become enemies for him. Therefore, it is better to invite experienced psychologists to conduct the Intervention.

How to choose the right drug treatment center?

In any field, there are both professionals and scammers. And in the case of drug treatment, the work of the latter is especially dangerous. Unscrupulous "doctors" can harm the physical and psychological health of the patient, aggravate his illness.

Therefore, when choosing a drug treatment center, I advise you to pay attention to the following nuances:

    Legality and reputation. Find out how long the institution has existed, whether there are reviews about it from graduates, whether it is a legal entity and whether it complies with GOSTs.

    Staff. Are there narcologists, addictologists, clinical psychologists, psychotherapists, and chemical addiction specialists among the staff of the clinic? If so, can you see their diplomas?

    Treatment methods. Ask what methods will be used to treat your spouse. If the methods are kept under wraps because of their "innovativeness" or "copyright", you have turned to scammers.

    Rehabilitation conditions. Reputable centers offer rehabilitation in comfortable out-of-town hospitals with all amenities and good food.

    Reasonable prices. Full-fledged drug addiction treatment is a long and costly process that includes many resources: renting a comfortable room, meals for patients, remuneration of qualified doctors and service personnel. In addition, the centers are spent on attracting new customers, providing a hotline and free consultation. And if you are offered to cure drug addiction "cheaply" - there is a good reason to doubt the conscientiousness of such people and the quality of their services.

    Family support. Experienced specialists know that not only the addict is sick, but also his environment. If you do not heal the patient's relatives from psychological trauma, he will return to a hostile family atmosphere, and then there is a risk of relapse. Therefore, professional centers conduct additional classes with relatives.

I know how difficult it is for you. When a husband - protection and support - suffers from such a terrible ailment, many problems fall on the fragile female shoulders. But it is on your actions that his life and future now depend, because each new dose brings him closer to death. Therefore, I wish you courage and fortitude to resist the disease together with your loved one. And if you need support, professional advice or full-fledged help from specialists - call us at any time.

Addiction is a slow, long and painful suicide. The consequences inevitably affect all family members, destroying all the most valuable - love, trust and respect. If your husband is a drug addict, then you need to act consciously and deliberately, making informed decisions.

How do you know if your husband is a drug addict?

How can you be sure that your husband has become a drug addict? We propose to study the signs by which you can determine whether a person is using drugs:

Don't jump to conclusions if you notice one or more of the signs of addiction. Try to talk to your husband and follow his reaction - any talk about drugs will make him wary.

Pay attention to changes in the body, unusual objects at home, strange correspondence

The first step to recovery

If your fears were justified, the question immediately arises of what to do if the husband is a drug addict? You have two ways - to close your eyes and move on with your life, watching your family collapse, or to accept the problem and try to solve it.

If you chose the first option, feel free to close the article and get down to household chores. For those who have decided to save their family and support their spouse, the only right decision is a heart-to-heart conversation.

  • Do not reproach or blame your husband - leave aside your pleas, tears and cries... In the fight against drug addiction, they will not help you in any way;
  • Find out what is the reason for using drugs and how long it has been going on... The information will be useful to you for further treatment;
  • Let your spouse know that you will be there for him in any situation.... Rest assured, your support is important to him.

During the conversation, inform your husband that in order to save the family, he needs to seek help from specialists, and you can help in choosing a rehabilitation center and a treatment program.

Drug addiction?

Get a consultation right now

Drug addiction treatment intervention

If the addict refuses and believes that drug addiction does not need treatment or he will overcome drug addiction on his own, there is only one way out - professional intervention.

Attention! Compulsory drug addiction treatment in Russia is prohibited, therefore, in order to undergo rehabilitation, it is necessary to obtain consent from the addict.

If during the conversation you were unable to convince your spouse to undergo treatment, then contact us for help. An experienced psychologist will talk to the addict and get his consent for rehabilitation.

A few tips for a spouse facing the fact that her husband is a drug addict:

  • Don't blame your spouse for drug addiction- try to take his illness for granted and not look for the culprit;
  • Don't leave your husband alone with your problem.- let him know that you are always there and will help;
  • Don't make excuses for the addict- he must be responsible for his actions, otherwise he will not be able to realize the problem of addiction;
  • Do not use threats, reproaches and malice - the spouse must trust you, and by such behavior you only put yourself in the position of an "enemy";
  • Do not think that no one will help you - you can always contact the narcologists of our clinic, who are ready to advise you on solutions.

Where to contact?

What to do if a drug addict husband uses? Sign up for treatment at our drug treatment clinic. Qualified drug therapists, psychologists and addicts provide assistance to all patients who have decided to fight drug addiction.

We guarantee the reliability, safety and effectiveness of rehabilitation. Free help groups are organized especially for the relatives of addicted patients. Here you can learn how to deal with your drug addict husband and avoid codependency.

Among the advantages of contacting our clinic:

  • Anonymity - information about patients is not disclosed and is not transferred to third parties and government agencies;
  • Availability - we accept for treatment all those who apply, regardless of age and drug "experience";
  • Complexity - addiction treatment takes place simultaneously at the physiological and psychological level.

Remember that only professional drug treatment can help you save your spouse and keep your family together!

The husband who is a drug addict is a global problem that is gradually embracing the whole society. A man who uses drugs not only harms his own body, but also destroys the lives of people close to him - his wife and children.

A husband's drug addiction is a tragedy from which no family is protected. It is important that the spouse shows a conscious and deliberate attitude towards her. If you want to save your family and help your husband, then you must follow a number of rules.

Qualified specialists of the Rehabilitation Center "Solution" share with you tips and tricks.

What if my husband is a drug addict?

If your husband uses drugs, try to follow these tips:

  1. Don't blame your husband for drug addiction... Reproaching from you will not help him cope with addiction, on the contrary, he will feel depressed, which will only aggravate the craving for the drug. Take his illness for granted and must be dealt with. Realize that he needs your help and support.
  2. Do not try to induce guilt in the addict by telling others about their actions.... By notifying all relatives and friends about his bad behavior, you will only make things worse, put yourself in the position of an enemy in relation to your spouse. It is enough to warn loved ones that they do not lend money to your husband.
  3. Don't leave the addict alone with your problem... He needs your support and care, even if he doesn't want to admit it. However, it is important to show that the whole world does not revolve around him alone - keep doing household chores, raising children, working, etc.
  4. Do not shout or try to prove something to the addict... Such behavior will worsen the current situation, the husband may stop trusting you, will begin to do some "spiteful" actions in order to justify your reproaches.
  5. Do not think that no one can help you. Know that there is always a way out of the situation, and the specialists of the rehabilitation center in Voronezh are ready to prove it!

How can I help my husband who uses drugs?

It is important to rethink your behavior to help your drug-using husband. We draw your attention to the list of mistakes made by spouses of drug addicts:

  1. Denial of the fact of drug addiction... Women hope that this is not so, and turn a blind eye to the surrounding reality.
  2. Justifying the addict to himself and others... Spouses begin to indulge the problem, supporting fictitious reasons.
  3. Protecting the addict from liability... As a result, he cannot feel the full severity of the consequences of drug use.
  4. Accusation, notation. The addict is not able to adequately perceive criticism, he aggressively and viciously reacts to any accusations.
  5. Decision to postpone "everything for later". This leads to the fact that the problem is getting worse and it becomes more difficult to solve it.

Calculating the cost of drug addiction treatment Help your husband now!

The only way to help a drug addict husband is to seek professional help. The specialists of the Resolve rehabilitation center are ready to help you and your family cope with the problem of drug addiction.

Intervention is one of the range of services we provide. If your spouse refuses treatment, please contact our specialists. An experienced psychologist will talk with the man and convince him to undergo a rehabilitation course.

What can be the result of inaction?

Remember that you will not be able to help your husband get out of the "drug hole" into which he fell on your own. You are his wife, but not a narcologist, not a psychologist or a psychiatrist.

Your task is to be close to your husband, to support him in difficult times, to give thoughtful and balanced advice. It is important to provide him with first aid - to seek help from professionals.

Inaction, hopes for an independent recovery of your spouse, the desire to ensure peace and tranquility in the family, ignoring the current situation - all this leads to sad consequences:

  • Your husband will soon feel the need for money.... The family budget is not able to provide for a long time the money that is required to buy drugs. Endless attempts will be made - to borrow from relatives, friends, contact a bank, MFO;
  • The spouse will start having problems with law enforcement... More than 70% of drug addicts take the illegal path in order to get funds for the purchase of the next dose;
  • Your husband's physical and mental health will deteriorate... He will become a vicious and aggressive person, he will develop suicidal tendencies. Internal organs and vital systems will be disrupted.

Without using professional help, you can only watch how a person close to you ruins his and your life!

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