Home Trees and shrubs Who is stronger water or iron rat. Year of the Rat: positive and negative aspects of those born during this period. Wood Rat Chinese Zodiac

Who is stronger water or iron rat. Year of the Rat: positive and negative aspects of those born during this period. Wood Rat Chinese Zodiac

  • From 02/05/1924 to 01/24/1925 - the year of the Wood (Blue) Rat;
  • From 01/24/1936 to 02/10/1937 - the year of the Fiery (Red) Rat;
  • From 02/10/1948 to 01/28/1949 - the year of the Earth (Yellow) Rat;
  • From 01/28/1960 to 02/14/1961 - the year of the Metal (White) Rat;
  • From 02/15/1972 to 02/02/1973 - the year of the Water (Black) Rat;
  • From 02/02/1984 to 02/19/1985 - the year of the Wood (Blue) Rat;
  • From 02/19/1996 to 02/06/1997 - the year of the Fiery (Red) Rat;
  • From 02/07/2008 to 01/25/2009 - the year of the Earth (Yellow) Rat;
  • From 01/25/2020 to 02/11/2021 - the year of the Metal (White) Rat.

The corresponding zodiac sign is ♈ Aries.

Strengths of character 🐀

A person born in the year of the Rat (Mouse) according to the Chinese calendar finds a way out of any situation. He does not get lost even during public panic, and instead of succumbing to emotions, he thinks. The representative of this sign often solves the most difficult problems in unusual ways that other people did not consider at all as a method of action. The result of his resourcefulness is not only pleasing, but also surprising.

The rat is practical. In all her actions, a certain meaning is invested, which few people see except herself. This person looks ahead, and may well give up momentary comfort for the sake of what will bear fruit in a few years.

The Rat, or Mouse, is a good friend. There will always be a certain distance between her and another person, but this is not the main thing. The representative of this sign knows how to keep secrets. He does not tend to laugh at other people's failures or gossip. If someone opened his soul to him, he can be sure that everything said will remain between him and the interlocutor born in the year of the Rat.

Weaknesses of character 🐀

To achieve comfort or a certain position in society, the Rat tends to use the location of other people. At the same time, she does not deceive and does not abuse other people's trust. Surprisingly, those on whom the well-being of the Rat depends, go towards it themselves, but the fact is that usually they are counting on something. If for some reason they do not fit into the future plans of the Rat, their expectations will be in vain. The representative of this sign himself, in response to claims, may well declare that he did not ask anyone for anything. If at the same time the disappointed have the opportunity to communicate with each other, the reputation of the Rat in certain circles can suffer greatly.

The representative of this sign acts on the basis of his own benefit, often hurting the interests of others. If, as a result, the injured party actively defends its rights, the Rat may give in to it, but not out of pity. This person just doesn't need the extra noise. The Rat has a lot of ill-wishers, but this does not bother her.

🐀 In love

A person born in the year of the Rat (Mouse) is charming and knows how to find a common language with almost everyone. Representatives of the opposite sex like him, but you should not try to charm him with beauty or brightness. These qualities will certainly be appreciated by the Rat, but only if something else is attached to them. What exactly - depends on the lifestyle and interests of the Rat. In any case, her love union is more like a mutually beneficial relationship, where each of the parties follows certain rules and performs its duties.

The Rat does not like to live alone, she needs a family, or a strong relationship if marriage is impossible for some reason. This person tends to live a habit. Even if the relationship with a partner has long exhausted itself, the Rat will not intentionally look for a replacement for him. She will decide to break the previous relationship only for the sake of another option in which she feels the prospect. The representative of this sign keeps emotions under control and does not give in to outbursts of passion.

🐀 Career

It is unlikely that among people born in the year of the Rat, there is a person who dreamed of becoming an astronaut in childhood. For the most part, they are practical from a very young age. The rat treats work only as a source of income, therefore it is engaged exclusively in what brings real benefits.

In appearance, the Rat may seem like an ambitious and ambitious person, but in reality it is not. She will seek to increase only if this affects her salary. A representative of this sign will not work for free as a boss just for the sake of status, and he does not need extra duties.

The rat is a responsible worker, but not a workaholic. She really does not like being disturbed on work issues in her personal time, and at such moments she does not try to be polite. With superiors and work colleagues, this person maintains only business relations, but does not do it defiantly.

👨 Man 🐀 Rat

A guy born in the year of the Rat becomes independent early, but is in no hurry to leave his parental home. He does not like to live alone, and most often moves out when he decides to create his own family with a particular girl. He knows how to make money, and most importantly - knows how to manage them. At a time when all his peers are still being helped with might and main by his parents, he himself is already fully taking care of them.

The Rat man is sociable, but tries to get some benefit from every acquaintance. The benefit is not necessarily material in nature - it can be an opportunity to learn something, or to acquire the necessary connections through a new friend. At the same time, it can hardly be said that this person uses people. To those in whom he is interested, he also tries to be useful.

In relations with women, he is also practical, although he tends to pay attention to external brilliance. If, apart from the bright appearance of his chosen one, there is nothing more to brag about, he will very quickly disappear from her life. The Rat man can marry very early, but even in this case, his decision is made by the mind, not the heart. He needs a beloved woman nearby, home comfort and children, whom he loves very much. Among all representatives of the eastern horoscope, Rats have the most stable marriages.

👩 Woman 🐀 Rat

The Rat woman is a loving wife, a caring mother and a wonderful housewife. More than anything, she loves her family and home, so she provides comfort and maintains an atmosphere of kindness and mutual understanding in the house. She enjoys cooking, doing needlework and decorating her home to the best of her ability.

The representative of this sign is friendly and kind to people. She has a large circle of friends, but she rarely lets anyone get too close to her. She treats other women with some distrust, especially after marriage. Like a man born this year, each of her acquaintances carries some meaning. Communication for the sake of communication does not interest her.

In relationships with the opposite sex, the Rat woman does not seek adventure. She needs a partner for life, ready to become a responsible husband and father of her children. In general, she has a very positive characteristic, and rare conflicts in her family happen only because of her habit of finding fault with her husband over trifles. With age, she will be able to take control of this.

People born between February 18, 1996 and February 6, 1997 are under the auspices of the Red Fire Rat according to the Eastern calendar. Individuals under the influence of this beast are hardworking natures, accustomed to achieving their goals. They are endowed with a bright and memorable appearance, easily adapt to life circumstances. But the excessive self-confidence of the sign can lead to confrontation with other people.

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    Characteristics of the sign

    Natures born in are very emotional. They are always eloquent and eager to innovate. The incredible energy that overwhelms the sign, with a skillfully given direction, can benefit a person in many areas of his life.

    The Fire Rat is distinguished by originality and originality of thinking. She will not tolerate attempts to lead herself and is too straightforward, which creates certain difficulties in relationships with others. This is a perspicacious person who is almost impossible to mislead.

    The element that patronizes people born in 1996 endowed its wards with such a distinctive quality as determination, which makes life much easier for the Red Rats. These are very reasonable natures who do not need to think long before any action. At the same time, the Fire gave them a large amount of vitality and energy.

    Red Fire Rats are creative and imaginative people with a very short temper.

    The whole life of this sign is very active. The period of childhood usually passes happily and carefree. Youth is stormy and full of many different adventures. But this life period for the Rat is quite dangerous, since it is at great risk of losing everything acquired in an unsuccessful business or because of excitement. The third phase of life among the representatives of the sign is quite calm, although even in old age these people try to breathe deeply and at the same time look respectable.

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    Rat Woman

    Active and inquisitive nature, endowed with incredible charm. For this girl, the opinion of others about her person is very important, which is why she develops some fear of criticism. From the outside, the Rat sometimes seems meticulous, but this behavior is explained by the fact that it honors generally accepted rules and laws. However, such a nature will never become equal to people who have a social position lower than hers.

    The Rat Woman practically does not live in the present, as she is more concerned about the future. Because of this, representatives of the sign have a tendency to hoard. They are frugal and actively look for opportunities to save on their next purchase. Sometimes this trait can lead to quarrels in the family..

    Such persons never remain without male attention due to their own attractiveness, sexuality and friendliness. But in the depths of their souls, the representatives of the sign often have a certain fear and excitement, which only a loved one and the warmth of a family hearth can help get rid of. That is why Rat Woman gets married quite early. These girls become wonderful housewives and keepers of the hearth.

    Rat Man

    A very attractive outwardly man with erudition and friendliness. It creates the impression of a calm and self-confident man, but as soon as he gets in his way, the feigned coldness disappears, giving way to anger. If he gives vent to emotions in critical situations, then he becomes unpredictable and scary..

    Generosity is not a hallmark of the Rat man. But if an opportunity arises to prove himself, he will spare no expense to show his own power and confidence.

    Having fallen in love with a woman, this person loses the ability to think about anyone else, because his feelings are always sincere and all-consuming. But due to sociability and emotionality, representatives of the sign have quite a lot of love relationships throughout their lives. Over time, one of them will surely become the basis of a strong marriage.

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    Areas of activity

    Rats are multifaceted in different areas of their lives. According to the Chinese horoscope, such people strive to lead and dominate not only at work, but also in love. To understand how to achieve the location of such a person, you should study it from all sides.

    Communication and friendship

    People under the influence of this animal do not like to sit still. They strive to be constantly in motion - not only physically, but also spiritually, constantly developing as a person. Therefore, it is very important for Rats to be in the center of people's attention, which pushes them to participate in all kinds of events and activities.

    Sociable and at the same time cunning, such a person skillfully uses his charm. He is well aware that he is able to skillfully manipulate others. This allows him to enjoy the trust of people and even the fruits of their labors. Although this sign communicates exclusively with personalities of interest to him, he is always looking for the benefits of any connections.

    The main disadvantage of Rats in relationships with others is their inability to keep their mouths shut.. Because of this, communication problems arise in the life of representatives of the sign. To avoid trouble in this area, you should learn to keep criticism and harsh statements to yourself. Otherwise, the Rat runs the risk of surrounding himself with acquaintances rather than friends.

    Work and career

    Innate ambition makes the Rat achieve impressive results in the professional field. Most representatives of the sign in the name of the goal are ready to go over their heads, going far beyond the bounds of decency. The biggest fear of this person is the failure of their own plans.

    The Rat uses its well-developed analytical mind for both good and bad. However, sometimes those born under this sign commit rash actions, which later makes them embark on a dangerous path.

    Love for everything new is also manifested in work. Rats are trying to introduce various new schemes and methods into their field of activity, thereby increasing labor productivity. That is why they often succeed.

    The most suitable professions for the sign are:

    • advocate;
    • broker;
    • businessman.

    Works well in law enforcement as well.

    Love and relationships

    The weak point of Rats is love. Enamored representatives of this sign lose the ability to think rationally and often become hostages of their own feelings and emotions. But even showing immense generosity and dedication in relationships, they still manage to remain selfish. If such a person is driven into a corner, he will abruptly move from a defensive position to an attacking one.

    The Rat in love is not shy about taking great care of the object of passion. People of this sign are not used to hiding their own emotions.. The lack of reciprocity on the part of a partner can greatly hurt them, because of which they can hold a grudge or even move away. In order for the Rat to be comfortable in a relationship, she needs to constantly receive new emotions.

    Family and Children

    Representatives of the sign are adherents of a strict routine, therefore, even in the family they set their own rules. Because of this, it may seem from the outside that tyranny reigns in the house of the Rat, but this is not at all the case. It's just that the sign needs a strictly planned plan and distribution of responsibilities between family members.

    These natures become exemplary parents, since from an early age they instill in their children positive qualities in their opinion by their own example. The rat surrounds its offspring with care and affection. Due to innate insight, he is well versed in the thoughts and actions of the child, prompting him to solve the problem, if necessary.

    With a loved one, this person shows truly great generosity and sentimentality. With him, the Rat will always be generous and open. The only thing that can disrupt harmony in relations with this person is the lack of passion and indifference on the part of the partner.

    Advantages and disadvantages of the Rat

    The positive and negative traits of the character of the sign include:

    Sign Talismans

    Compatibility according to the Chinese horoscope

    The eastern horoscope provides an opportunity with one or another person. This information will be very valuable for those who need to adjust their relationships with the most important people in their lives.


    Two Rats get along well with each other due to the complete similarity of characters. Sometimes, however, such an alliance looks rather boring. In love and marriage between people there is a special tenderness and reverent attitude towards the chosen one.

    In the sexual life of Rats, it is difficult to call egoists. In the first place for these people is the pleasure of a partner. The only thing that can threaten the relationship of this couple is the desire for leadership of one of the partners. One of them will have to give up the lust for power.

    Bull (Ox)

    A good couple who have chances for a strong relationship. True, the Bull should have held back his assertive temper, with which he is able to frighten anyone in his path. However, the Rat is surprisingly resistant to the attacks of a partner thanks to his sense of humor.

    The ingenuity of the Rat will diversify the couple's sexual life. The ox will be able to give his chosen one a sense of security and psychological comfort, so in general they will be happy.


    A very problematic union, which is unlikely to bring pleasure to both partners - their characters and worldview are too different. Relationships can be strong and long-lasting only if the signs stop fighting for leadership and change their life plans a little.

    The only place where their temperaments completely converge is the bed. The Rat and the Tiger will be completely satisfied with each other. Marriage is most possible in a union in which the Tiger will be a man. It is in this variant that the couple gets the opportunity to come to compromises.

    Rabbit (Cat)

    The Rat should not mess with the Cat and harbor illusions about possible happiness. The rabbit acts as a stronger partner and begins to put pressure on her psychologically. Even if the Rat becomes the initiator of the gap, in the end it will still be the only victim.

    Relations between these people rarely go to the stage of marriage. If this happens, the Cat should reduce its requirements for a partner and stop putting pressure on him. But even in this case, the union is unlikely to live up to expectations.

    The Dragon

    The Dragon does not seek to create a family, but, having met the Rat on its way, it is able to drastically change its mind. Having established a relationship with her, the representative of the sign will try to provide all the necessary benefits, which will cause a reciprocal desire in the Rat to do the same in response.

    Being smart, cunning and endowed with a fair amount of humor, these partners will become one. Relationships promise to be harmonious, as the signs perfectly complement each other. In bed, they will need to learn to trust the chosen one; if it comes out, then the couple will be just fine.


    If there are happy and lasting relationships between these people, it is only thanks to the remarkable efforts of the Rat. At the initial stage of the union, she admires the mind and wisdom of the Snake, which, in turn, has a genuine interest in a sociable partner. But later, the independence of the Snake will make the Rat doubt the sincerity and devotion of the chosen one.

    In the sexual sphere, a real hurricane rages between them, which, however, subsides rather quickly. After that, further relationships will lose all meaning.


    Very difficult relationships, which nevertheless occur quite often. The romance between these people begins very passionately and beautifully. Over time, when the passion gradually subsides, all the unpleasant qualities of the signs are exposed - stubbornness, assertiveness, perception of one's opinion as the only true one.

    Marriage, if it comes to it, is full of quarrels and conflicts. Gradually, the Rat and the Horse get tired of each other. The former most often meet a new partner, while the latter believes that the relationship has become obsolete, which means it's time to move on. Only sex can be long between signs.

    Goat (Sheep)

    The union of these natures is far from ideal, but still possible. If the Rat is financially secure, then it will become a real idol in the eyes of the capricious Goat. The latter will feel incredibly comfortable paired with such a person.

    It will be difficult for the Rat in a relationship with the Sheep. It will seem unbearable for her to be near such a capricious, pampered and vulnerable person. Such a couple usually breaks up at the moment when the Rat runs out of patience.

    A monkey

    These partners have the opportunity to build a lasting relationship. The charming Monkey will make a lasting impression on the Rat, although the latter will not fully understand whether it is positive.

    Over time, the Rat will imbue the partner with sincere sympathy and trust and will begin to share innermost thoughts with him. The monkey will appreciate such a gesture and treat it with gratitude. A bonus to success will be complete satisfaction in bed.


    A complex union in which there is no place for harmony. The Rat will not be able to contain caustic remarks about the partner, which greatly hurts the pride of the Rooster. In such relationships, it is almost impossible to avoid quarrels.

    Communication between them is possible subject to one condition: the Rat must have very deep and sincere feelings for the Rooster. But even in this case, serious disagreements are possible on the basis of a completely different attitude towards money. After all, the Rat is used to saving them and saving them, while the Rooster will scatter finances without hesitation.


    A good couple, the duration of the relationship which depends solely on the desire of both partners. Usually the Dog in this union is in a more advantageous position - the Rat will give her his care and financial stability, to which the Dog will surely respond with incredible devotion.

    In bed, the couple will have mutual understanding. The Dog will discard its innate restraint and learn to give the Rat tenderness. The marriage will be more prosperous if the Rat gets the role of the head of the family.

    Pig (Boar)

    A very promising couple that is able to build a long-term relationship. Both partners are bright and interesting personalities, endowed with an extraordinary mind. They are pretty easy to get along with. In addition, both signs know how to make good money.

    The Pig has a very good and easy character, so the Rat needs to restrain its innate aggressiveness, with which it can scare away a gullible partner. In bed, the couple will not have to face problems, because both the Boar and the Rat are temperamental natures. They won't be bored.

    Characteristics of the signs of the zodiac

    The temperament and character of the Rat to some extent depends on the sign of the zodiac, under the influence of which the person is. The combination of the zodiac and eastern horoscope makes the characteristics of each individual individual.


    A very selfish nature. Excessive curiosity sometimes borders on arrogance. Being a sociable and self-confident person, he feels comfortable in society and knows how to set the tone for a general conversation. This sign of the zodiac is characterized by pragmatism, so such a Rat always tries to benefit from any situation.

    She knows how to achieve her goals, which is especially facilitated by the energy of the Rat, combined with the stubbornness of Aries. Such people successfully hide their own emotions, but under the cold mask of complete indifference, a seething passion is hidden. Despite the craving for numerous relationships, in the end he creates a strong family.


    Nature is creative, accustomed to being in constant motion. In communication, such a person is soft and friendly. His inherent diplomacy makes the Rat-Taurus an excellent business partner. He does not like to be subordinate, often successfully manifests himself in the field of art.

    Representatives of the sign really need a sense of security and comfort, so they make great efforts to equip their own comfortable home. In relationships, these Rats are guided by calculation, but they do not tend to live with an unloved person, so the sign, as a rule, remains true to their partner.


    Possessing amazing intuition, this nature always correctly chooses a model of behavior in a particular situation. Also, the Gemini Rat subtly captures changes in the mood of the interlocutor, skillfully adjusting to him. Innate cunning and instant reaction allow her to build an excellent career.

    Such a person is drawn to everything new and loves to find all kinds of ways of self-realization, but the inability to stop at the chosen one makes him leave most of the work unfinished. It is pleasant to spend time with the Gemini Rat, but because of her carelessness, it will be short-sighted to count on something more with such a personality.


    The most calm and even, one might say, passive Rat. Her innermost dream will be to find a quiet corner in which she can indulge in her own dreams. A person under the influence of this tandem of signs is a domestic nature and will strive to create a family to which he can devote himself completely.

    He painfully perceives changes and everything new, therefore, choosing friends and a chosen one, he does this once and for all. Rat-Cancer feels comfortable only surrounded by close people, which is why he avoids noisy companies and parties.

    a lion

    A very contradictory person, in the depths of whose soul there is an endless struggle between the regal nature of Leo and the rationalism of the Rat. Despite the mood swings inherent in the sign, it becomes an excellent business partner due to the ability to impress any person.

    The Leo Rat is self-confident, generous and proud, so it’s hard not to notice her. She does not accept a dependent position, therefore she always strives for leadership positions. Innate intuition allows her to choose the right style of behavior, which makes such a person a good boss. In personal relationships, he tends to show his emotionality; nevertheless, is a reliable partner.


    The key feature of this Rat is the perfect combination of her intuition and Virgo's pedantry. This person sets a goal and prepares to go towards it, even if it takes a whole life. Demonstrating his own knowledge and high intelligence, he is able to attract other people to his company.

    Rat-Virgo does not accept the use of ignoble methods, as by nature it is simple-minded and open. In relationships, he manifests himself as a non-conflict personality, not prone to gossip and discussing a person behind his back. She always remains true to her principles and friends.


    The aesthetics of Libra and the charm of the Rat make this combination very sophisticated and aristocratic. Such a person has a sense of harmony. Professionally maneuvering between the intricacies of intrigue and gossip, he successfully builds relationships with others.

    In a relationship, the Rat-Libra loves to please the partner with wide and beautiful gestures, but it is very difficult to call it permanent. This nature is subject to change. Although with age, such a person realizes that he needs something reliable, therefore he creates a family and values ​​it very much.


    An incredibly strong, but complex person who needs to feel safe. He needs a family, so the Rat-Scorpio either clings to the parental home for a long period, or creates its own nest quite early.

    By nature, this man is a fighter; he is endowed with a strong will and endurance, constantly comparing himself with others. Stunning physical data, combined with an innate sense of competition, make representatives of the sign excellent athletes.


    Charming nature, the key features of which are a great sense of humor and a sharp mind. Skillfully communicating with others, he always knows how to benefit for himself. This Rat is very concerned about its own future, which is why it spends a lot of time and energy protecting its rear, accumulating benefits for a rainy day.

    Representatives of the sign cope well with critical situations: they skillfully resolve conflicts at work and at home. Congenital sociability and charm allow such a Rat not to get lost when it is in the center of everyone's attention. She rarely changes sexual partners as she hates to complicate things.


    Rat-Capricorn makes stability in all spheres of life its main goal. She never takes risks, preferring to act only after all possibilities have been evaluated. This person does not tolerate disorder in relationships, therefore, making new acquaintances, he tries to find out the whole ins and outs of people. For this reason, he rarely makes mistakes in choosing friends.

    Being a lover of reinsurance, the Rat-Capricorn always thinks through several options for the situation at once. Innate intuition allows you to feel the likely changes and prepare for them. In relationships, he also shows pedantry, but in return he can offer his partner loyalty and reliability.


    A non-standard type of Rat, which, in the name of friendship, is even able to refuse benefits. She is less concerned about the future and material values ​​than other signs of the zodiac: she prefers to rely on human relations and freedom.

    This is a very smart person, endowed with a lively character and a developed imagination. These qualities allow him to get along well with children. However, the rebellious nature and love of freedom interfere with pedagogical activity. In relationships, the sign is rather unstable, does not consider it shameful to have several hobbies at the same time.


    A very shy Rat, preferring solitude and a secretive lifestyle. Thoughtful nature, absorbed by inner experiences. She is very interested in the relationship between people and their inner world. For the sake of a lofty goal, such a person is ready to sacrifice his own comfort.

    Being a romantic person, the Rat-Pisces is very attached to his chosen one and shows exceptional tenderness towards him. She needs a reliable home, which she will try to make as cozy and charming as possible. Such a Rat can hardly endure a misunderstanding of a partner and a break in relations, therefore, with all his might, he will try to avoid both.

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People born in the year of the Rat fascinate and repel at the same time. They are sociable, but not as simple as it might seem at first glance. These people are manipulators who will use outsiders to achieve their goals.

The year of the Rat according to the eastern calendar comes immediately after the year of the Boar. It is followed by the Year of the Ox. Rats according to the horoscope are people born in 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996 and 2008. The next period of the Rat will be in 2020.

Video "What is the character of those born in the year of the Rat"

In this video, the astrologer will tell you what character people born in the year of the Rat have.

Character traits

This sign has a controversial characteristic. Among the positive qualities are well-developed intuition and the desire for success. They are not boring both in friendship and in love. They are excellent lovers and will always support any conversation, even in an unfamiliar company.

Among the minuses, one can single out the bad character of the Rats. Their mood changes every second, so the interlocutors should always be ready for such turns. They are cunning and unreliable. Resentment is another negative trait of Rats. They will not forgive the offender until they take revenge on him. They are ready to think over the plan of revenge to the smallest detail for years.


A woman born under this sign is attractive and charming. She does not have to be beautiful to drive men crazy, because she has an inner charm. Despite their femininity, Rat girls also have masculine traits. They always show initiative and like to lead people. In business, they are able to wipe the nose even of men.

For strangers, Rat women are reserved and cold people. But for a close circle, they are gentle and caring. Representatives of this sign make loving wives and good mothers.

The male

Men born under this sign are open and sharp in their judgments. They love to have short-term romances and charm women. But on a subconscious level, they are looking for their only love, with which they will live the rest of their lives.

To conquer the fair sex, male Rats are helped by an attractive appearance and complaisant character. But behind constant conversations, young people hide self-doubt. Therefore, they may not show their true nature.

The disadvantage of the representatives of this sign is unpredictability. Rat men do not control their emotions well. They absolutely do not know how to restrain aggression or lie. If something does not suit them, they will never keep silent, and can report it in a rude manner.

They do not like Rats and relationships that have exhausted themselves. If they feel that they have cooled off towards their partner, they will immediately tell her about it and break off the relationship. The same applies to partners whose feelings have faded away for the Rats. They feel this on a subconscious level and immediately try to end relationships that do not bring pleasure.


Children born under this sign have leadership abilities from the cradle. At first, they will competently manipulate their parents, and then classmates. Studying is easy for them, they can always agree with teachers. Thanks to organizational talents, such children often become class leaders.

Parents need to pay special attention to the talents of their child, so as not to miss the birth of a genius. Rat children are easily given the study of mathematical subjects, so parents may not notice the creative vein. However, they can learn to play any musical instrument. Representatives of this sign make excellent composers.

Elemental Influence

Each year in the eastern horoscope has its own element, which determines the character of a person.

People born under the sign of the Water Rat are romantic and accommodating. They often go on about emotions, which affects their career success. These people have a strong gift of foreboding, thanks to which they manage to avoid trouble in an amazing way.

The Earth Rat endows its wards with inflated self-esteem and great ambitions. Such people will easily go over their heads in order to achieve their goals. But they never use other people for this, because they are used to achieving everything on their own.

Representatives of the Wood Rat sign cannot be called frivolous. They think about any issues for a long time and analyze situations to the smallest detail. The Wood Rat rewarded her wards with analytical abilities, as well as a craving for art.

People born in the year of the Metal Rat are desperate workaholics. They will work beyond measure because they dream of wealth and a beautiful life. Because of this desire, they are poor partners in love relationships.

The Fire Rat endowed people with waywardness and eccentricity. Such people are excellent manipulators, so they reach the top of the career ladder in a short period of time.

Career ladder

Rats have a negative attitude towards physical labor. They constantly expand their horizons and strive to get a high-paying position that will allow them to develop. They make excellent politicians and top managers. Such people are able not only to find the right words for subordinates, but also to organize the workflow.

Inherent in this sign and artistry. Rats often sing well or play musical instruments. Thanks to their extraordinary abilities, they can reach the top in the musical field.

Relationships and love

In love, Rats are impulsive and impulsive. You can’t look away from them, because this sign knows how to charm. But those who succumb to their charms will be disappointed. Representatives of this sign flirt recklessly, but are in no hurry to burden themselves with a serious relationship. They value freedom and independence, so they marry at a late age.

If the Rats find a worthy partner with whom they are ready to link their fate, they will be demanding of him. By their nature, representatives of this sign are owners who are not used to sharing their partner's attention with someone else.

Compatibility with other signs of the eastern horoscope

The compatibility forecast for Rats can be built depending on what signs they associate their relationship with. The union of two Rats is a moot point. They are so similar that on this basis they may have a conflict of interest. A passionate relationship can connect them with the Bulls, but you should not count on more. These signs are leaders, so their relationship will turn into a constant tug of war.

Relations with the Tigers will lead to problems - these signs are so different. But they can become good friends, because they are very sociable and able to support any conversation. Cats have high self-esteem, so they will oppress Rats.

The dragon is a great match for this sign. They look at life the same way, so their relationship will be unbreakable. Together, these signs can achieve a lot. Snakes will disappoint Rats with deceit and constant lies. These signs have different views on relationships, so nothing good awaits this couple.

Horses complement Rats well. Their marriage will be intense - quarrels and passionate reconciliations. But these signs know how to negotiate, so in all matters they will have harmony. The union of Rats and Goats is not ideal, but they will be able to find a common language. Both signs value freedom, so they can delay marriage for a long time.

It is impossible to imagine a better partner for Rats than a Monkey. Especially if their zodiac sign is Taurus. They are so similar that over time they will become a single whole. Roosters and Rats are united by mutual intolerance and slovenliness. Therefore, their relationship is doomed to constant quarrels.

Dogs and Rats do not have any common interests, so they will be bored in a relationship. But Pigs and Rats are united by a love of travel and holidays. They are both bright and charismatic, so they can become both friends and lovers.


People born under the sign of the Rat become famous for their ability to manipulate others. They are cunning, so they build chains in relationships in order to get to know influential people. If such people set themselves the goal of becoming famous, they will definitely achieve it.

Among the male celebrities born under this sign are the actor Hugh Grant, writers Leo Tolstoy, William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Emile Zola. Among women, we note the spy Mata Hari, writers Charlotte Bronte, Margaret Mitchell, Countess Lucrezia Borgia.


The main colors of the logo are red, green, white and black. Flowers include hyacinths and orchids. As for amulets, amber protects Rats from bad influences and brings success in financial affairs. Pomegranate will give energy for the fulfillment of cherished desires, and also bring harmony to life. Representatives of this sign can use pendants or small trinkets with the image of a mouse as a talisman.

It is worth noting that despite the negative sides of the Rats, these people are interesting interlocutors who can come to the rescue. They are devoted to their close circle, sociable and extravagant.

Impulsiveness is lost against the background of charisma and generosity that representatives of this sign possess.

The Rat begins the circle of the Eastern Zodiac. According to legend, when 12 animals and fabulous creatures rushed forward to take first place, the little Rat (according to another version, it was a Mouse) settled on the back of a strong, hardy Ox (Bull), and when he overtook his rivals, she jumped off at the finish line in front of him and became the first.

Not quite a fair move, but the winners are not judged. Moreover, starting a Zodiac is not only an honor, but also difficult. Not everyone can handle it. Small, but quick-witted and dexterous, the Rat has been successfully coping for many centuries. Therefore, despite her deceit, she enjoys great respect in the East. Years corresponding to the year of the Rat in the Eastern horoscope: 1900, 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984,1996, 2008, 2020.

The nature of people born in the year of the Rat

People born in the year of the Rat are charming, endowed with charm and able to charm even with a not very attractive appearance. Cute, pleasant, sociable Rats people like others. However, people feel that everything is not so simple with the cheerful Rat, and that it is not at all as frivolous and easy-going as it seems at first glance. This inconsistency of their nature adds charm and captivates people. Rats are reckless and ready to take risks, but at the same time they are practical and take risks only if they are sure of victory. Good intuition tells them when their chances are high. If something gets to them, they will not let it out of their hands. This applies not only to money, things or business success. The Rat also values ​​close people very much and never breaks off relations. If a secret is shared with her, she won't tell anyone. That is, it is a very thrifty sign in everything. Thanks to this, he always has a cash reserve, a reliable profession, a rich house, true friends and a loving family. After all, while others spend time and effort in vain, the Rat saves. The rat is very attached to his home. For her, comfort and coziness, “full bins”, stability and reliability are important. She cannot live in an untidy environment. Rat women are considered excellent housewives, they have an innate gift to equip a cozy home. Home for them is not a subject of boasting, but a very intimate part of life. With any troubles and worries, the Rat closes at home, focuses on household chores, finds support and protection in the house. But clouds rarely gather over them: these people have simply amazing instincts, they see the approach of a threat in advance, and therefore they safely avoid it.

People born in the year of the Rat: compatibility in love

People of the year of the Rat are very popular with the opposite sex. But this did not spoil them, they are not supporters of frivolous relationships and numerous novels. The choice of a partner is taken seriously, they are reliable and faithful. Looking for stability in a relationship. While fans hover around them, they are friendly and charming, maintain equal worthy communication with everyone, and do not get close to anyone. The abundance of fans (or admirers) pleases them not because they “diversify” their personal lives in such a way, but because it gives them a choice. And only after the Rat has decided, she begins to build relationships with the chosen one. Her goal is marriage and life together until the end of days. The rat is not mercantile and chooses not by calculation, but by love. Strong broad natures, passionate and temperamental, the personal life of the Rat seems boring and bourgeois. But, fortunately, there are many people who can appreciate the loyalty of the Rat, the comfort and stability that it offers. Therefore, it is easy for her to find a mate. The best partners for the Rat are considered, and. With these people, the Rat does everything the way she wants - reliably and stably.

People born in the year of the Rat: compatibility in friendship

The rat is sociable, easily makes contact. Starting a friendship with a Rat, you can be sure that you will not be disappointed over time. Her friendliness is not a mask, she really treats people well and takes a keen interest in the affairs of her friends. Often the Rat is the soul of the company, she is sweet and charming without arrogance and arrogance. She is smart, knows how to listen, supports friends in word and deed. She has many friends and acquaintances. In the company, she is valued for her lively character and energy, and close friends can count on her support. But the Rat does not dissolve in friends. She is well aware of her own interests, ambitious and more diplomatic than sincere. She will not sacrifice her plans for her friends. She is able to manipulate people, but, to her credit, she rarely does it - rather, she knows how to build relationships so that her friends cannot make claims to her if she cheats on friendship for profit. To do this, the Rat uses his brilliant diplomatic talent, being able to be friends, but not promise anything. A good friendship with the Rat develops with another Rat, with, with, and.

People born in the year of the Rat: work compatibility

The Rat is an excellent organizer. She radiates enthusiasm and finds an approach to a variety of people. In her work, she is energetic, energetically goes to the goal. Tries to control everything, very practical. Rats make good leaders and owners of their own businesses. And developed intuition helps them avoid mistakes and see the benefits. The Rat is preoccupied with the future, so it is looking for a promising job in which you can make a career or save money. In the role of the boss, the Rat takes care of his subordinates, but sometimes interferes too unceremoniously in their affairs. In working with business partners, she is reliable, does not run away from work, but is not averse to getting the biggest piece of the pie when sharing income.

Everyone is well aware of the existence of the twelve signs of the zodiac, but few of us know that there are five more different elements of the elements that give the sign additional character traits and behaviors to their owner. Today we will tell about the changes that they make to the sign using the example of the Rat.

Five elements and the year of the Rat in our century

  • 1900 January 31 - element of the year metal
  • February 18, 1912 - the element of the year is water
  • 1924 February 5 - element of the year tree
  • January 24, 1936 - the element of the year is fire
  • 1948 February 10 - element of the year earth
  • 1960 January 28 - element of the year metal
  • 1972 February 15 - element of the year water
  • February 2, 1984 - element of the year tree
  • 1996 February 19 - element of the year fire
  • February 7, 2008 - element of the year earth

Metal (Iron) Rat

Metal appeared as a result of the touch of the western sky with the Earth. The metal personified the cold autumn wind from the harsh steppes, which is looking for a space for existence. People born under this zodiac sign tend to have a strong body build and strong bones. The hair of people born under this sign has extraordinary hardness and is extremely straight, but as the years go by, they begin to thin out profusely. They have powerful limbs and a rough jaw, eyes and skin are often dark shades, and their nose is quite straight.

Those Rats who were born under the influence of the elements of metal have a sharp mind and exquisite taste. They make their homes cozy and very comfortable. Such rats are hospitable in receiving guests and will gladly visit refined society. The innate scent of these people regarding the affairs of the financial sector, as well as understanding in investing their finances, is their hallmark. Basically, people born under the sign of the "metal rat" are very self-confident in life (although there are shy personalities). And the devotion with which they treat their family and friends is simply admirable.

Metal rats are sharp and unambiguous, as well as sharp-tongued in handling, which is sometimes not to the liking of others. They have a stubborn nature. Although the line of their observation of destruction and creation is very thin, their thoughts lead them to an incomprehensible feeling of melancholy and deep sadness. Trying to find balance in their lives, they often find themselves on the verge of loneliness and can completely withdraw into themselves.

Metal Rats, thanks to their endless energy and magnificent eloquence, are not afraid of difficulties and difficulties in life. Their qualities and talents find their best application in the legislative field, because these Rats love to give orders, judge and resolve disputes. They are wonderful organizers, but the straightforwardness inherent in the "Metal Rats" sometimes repels and frightens the people around them, so they are recommended to at least occasionally relax and allow them to dream. Sometimes they behave unpredictably, which can lead to their isolation from society and they should seriously think about how to hide or soften some facets of their character. If the "Metal Rat" deprives himself of too much in achieving his goal, he will inevitably fall into his own trap.

Autumn weather has the best effect on their mood, and the dry climate favorably affects their health. "Metal Rats" should pay special attention to their lungs, as well as the small intestine, because these are their most vulnerable organs. They like to sharpen their food, and give the greatest preference to dishes prepared from horse meat and oats. They should spend time outdoors as often as possible and devote time to breathing exercises, doing this to prevent lung diseases.

The white color of the Metal Rat is a symbol of their success and prosperity.

Water rat

In the northern outskirts of the heavens, the appearance of cold occurred, which appeared on earth in the form of snow. Thus, the element of Water was born. Water is a symbol of life and a source of fertility, but it can and will manifest itself in the form of blowing deadly cold ice. Such contradictory properties of water manifested themselves in a very original way in people born under it. The “Water Rats” have a rounded oval face and slightly protruding eyes, fragile and thick hair, soft skin to the touch, and an elongated fragile torso. They have delicate and very weak hands.

If the "Water Rat" is more dominated by the cold side of the water - ice, they get cold and insensitive morals. They have almost no passion, but only a cold calculation, which, incidentally, is a guarantee of a peaceful existence. This type of Rats is boring in dealing with people and whiny in life. They may feel sorry for themselves for a long time and mourn their wounded nature.

The calmness and peacefulness of the nature of this type of people, which is characteristic of the "Water Rats", allows them to win sympathy from people they know. An excellent ability of this type of rat is the ability to calm any aggressor and prevent conflict situations. What contributes to the element of Water, which makes the Rat not so shy and aggressive. They have no equal in their work, and they can find themselves in almost any profession, since they are not afraid of any difficulties that arise in their path. In business, they are cool and smart, and protect the interests of the public as well as their own interests.

"Water Rats" should not hesitate in their actions and destroy the wall of ice that often surrounds them as soon as possible. Therefore, it is worth fighting in order to show others your true face.

They are serious and formulate their thoughts precisely and extremely clearly, which convinces others that they are right. And a well-developed intellect and innate insight, as well as an impatient craving for knowledge and study, make this kind of Rats perhaps the most gifted among other people. However, the desire to find as many friends as possible, so as not to be alone, sometimes brings them together with unreliable people, which is why they often suffer.

Possessing poor concentration, listening to the “Water Rats”, you should not strive for two birds with one stone at once, but it is best to focus on one thing, otherwise they risk being left with nothing. Thanks to the potential that this type of people has, they have the opportunity to become famous writers and poets. But due to innate qualities, as well as various characters, only a small number of "Water Rats" can manifest their literary future.

In winter and in cold weather, the Water Rat feels most comfortable, and experiences a huge burst of energy. They should pay special attention to kidney disease, as this is their weakest organ. No matter how regrettable it may sound, but it is the “Water Rats” that are highly susceptible to diseases of the urolithiasis system, pathological kidney disease, and colic in the abdomen. In cooking, they prefer salty dishes. They have a special predisposition to pork and pea dishes.

The color symbolizing the "Water Rat" and bringing her well-being and success is blue.

Wood (Wood) Rat

A strong east wind brought with it life-giving force and warmth from heaven to earth - this is how the Tree was born. This element adds balance to its owner. It represents the beginning of spring and a fresh climate. Those born under the sign of the "Tree Rat" are tall and slender, but they have weak bones. Their skin is a dark shade, their eyes are just perfect, and their hair is extraordinarily lush. They have beautiful lips, delicate legs and arms, and simply velvety skin. One can only dream of the "Tree Rat", because they are true seducers and the most beautiful among other types of Rats. It is also worth noting that people who were born under this sign are considered extraordinary lucky ones.

Such people love to live in harmony and beauty, they are very elegant and sophisticated. The element of Wood endows its owner with charm and creativity in contrast to such qualities as the desire to destroy with unstoppable force.

They, having an innate temper, sometimes simply do not notice the measure of their own dignity. Nothing restrains their aggressiveness, and whims are often simply limitless.

They, however, successfully suppress their aggression and try to do everything slowly and with the utmost caution. When life throws them into a dead end, they are capable of improvisation and the creative use of their innate talent. Such Rats will feel comfortable, both working in the field and creating poems and poems, they are characterized by the versatility and balance of their elements.

Wanderlust and a huge imagination pushes them towards art, and a great sense of humor will only help if they want to become writers. "Tree Rats" have a stormy perception of everything that happens, but sometimes their character can change because of this. They are born speakers and use their gift in the fight for freedom and justice. They just need to try themselves in the political arena, because this is the best way for them to realize their potential.

Wood Rats are characterized by an open and friendly character, which disposes their colleagues and relatives to them. The flexible and insightful mind of these Rats pushes them to try something new. They are afraid of instability in their lives, but this is unlikely due to their intelligence.

Spring and its fresh breath is considered the most favorable for such people. It is in the spring that they feel on the rise of their vitality and emotions, because their element Wood begins to bloom. A common disease for these people is kidney and urolithiasis failure. In food "Tree Rats" I prefer poultry dishes and rye bread. They also like acidic foods and food, but you should try to eliminate acidic foods from the diet, and save their already vulnerable liver. They should not abuse alcoholic beverages either, there is a high probability of cirrhosis of the liver, as well as alcoholism.

Green is their color of life, success and prosperity, as well as the patron saint of the Wood Rats.

Fire Rat

Fire appeared after the heat originated in the southern part of the sky and fell to the Earth fertilized it. The warm and sultry weather of the sky, that's what Fire likes. In alliance with the Rat, Fire has enormous creative potential for its owner and irresistibility in destruction. "Fire Rats" are endowed with an aquiline nose and a slightly expanded face in the lower part, which the Rats clearly do not like, because they strive to please people. The women are mostly red-haired with bright scarlet lips and a fiery passionate character.

The insatiable supply of energy endowed with "Fire Rats" simply does not allow them to sit in one place for a long time and constantly requires active action from them. Such people always strive for adventure and always want to be at the center of events, regardless of whether it is a new project or another adventure. They have a very unusual mindset and they hate it when someone tries to control or command them. The Fire Rats try to express their thoughts directly, but their inherent creative impulse can sometimes lead them far. Such Rats are hardy by nature and can achieve a lot.

One of the disadvantages of people born under the sign of the "Fire Rat" is a tendency to destruction and sometimes they have bouts of unjustified aggression, so sometimes they should be feared. The specificity of the combination of Fire and the Rat is one certainty - this is either victory or death, and there can be no compromises here! They are very far-sighted and quick-witted and because of this they do not tolerate when someone tries to challenge their leadership. Fire Rats make excellent military men, due to their inherent militancy, desire for destruction and command. But in the field of art, they will not succeed much, militancy does not reserve the right to create. Do not try to imitate them, it may end badly for you.

Not bad enduring a hot and sultry climate, such people feel more confident in the summer. Most of all, "Fire Rats" should be wary of heart and intestinal diseases. They love spicy, well seasoned dishes. However, this is not helpful for them. They give special preference to dishes made from rice or lamb. Sharp jumps in atmospheric pressure are very dangerous for them and should be avoided if possible, due to possible heart problems.

Good luck, success and happiness in life "Fire Rats" can bring red.

earth rat

The earth appeared when moisture fell down from the sky. The earth is characterized by the summer sun and the beginning cold breeze of autumn. The earth is a symbol of the hearth and life.

Earth Rats often show a tendency to think deeply, which can sometimes bring them harm. They constantly need to move up and achieve goals, otherwise they can simply die from a simple routine and life. They are impenetrable pragmatists and egoists. They are the embodiment of fruitfulness in business and realists in life, but they are not without excellent cunning. Earth Rats are careful economists and good entrepreneurs. Such people have good families, and in these families they are leaders, because they do not like when they try to challenge their supremacy.

These rats need constant activity and movement, otherwise they will disappear. Their wisdom sometimes suppresses the feeling of temptation and passion. In their affairs, Earth Rats try not to procrastinate, as procrastination causes them stress and irritability.

These people combine great cunning and composure, which allows them to avoid danger and risk, even though they are constantly trying to increase their capital. Earth Rats very confidently and persistently move towards the task, nullifying the influence of accidents and unpleasant incidents. Although compared to other species, Earth Rats have a less adventurous propensity, this is more than offset by prudence and perseverance in the performance of any task. They will not take risks until everything is thoroughly studied and checked, and only then will they get down to business.

They do not skimp on gifts and in every possible way show their love and care for loved ones. But their excessive attention to their appearance, which serves only to play for the audience, may seem pretentious and unnecessary.

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