Home roses Fortune telling on tea thick meaning. Fortune telling on tea - varieties, methods and interpretations. How to interpret fortune-telling on coffee grounds or tea - man

Fortune telling on tea thick meaning. Fortune telling on tea - varieties, methods and interpretations. How to interpret fortune-telling on coffee grounds or tea - man

On tea brewing, you can guess the same way as on coffee grounds. Particularly successful will be love divination on tea leaves. This method is becoming increasingly popular among fortune tellers because it is simple and straightforward.

Fortune telling about love can be done in different ways. One of them is tea divination. Tea has been used in such rituals for a long time, even by the ancient fortunetellers of China. We drink this drink every day, several times a day, so why not combine business with pleasure, and at the same time look into the future, referring to the knowledge of the sages of the East.

Features of divination on tea leaves

For such divination, it is better to use oriental tea, green, with jasmine petals. If you do not like jasmine or green tea, you can also buy black, but preferably of better quality. The fact is that ordinary, simple black tea leaves, as a rule, are prepared from the remains of elite tea, and using it in divination can make the information inaccurate. In elite grade teas, only the best tea leaves are selected, which open during brewing. It is in such leaves that information about the future is contained, which will help to find out the truth about a loved one.

If you are going to tell fortunes on tea leaves, then sugar and other ingredients should not be added to such tea: this will disrupt the process of transmitting and receiving information. But that doesn't mean you have to give up a delicious piece of candy or a piece of cake.

Fortune telling on tea

Take the required amount of tea leaves with your left hand and put in a cup. You need to use your own hand and your own fingers, because upon contact with a spoon, tea will not feel your energy. When it is brewed and infused, you can start drinking tea, during which think about what exactly you want to know. Maybe you're interested in a certain person or maybe you're just wondering when you'll meet your soul mate. The question must be formulated carefully.

In order to get a clear pattern, you should leave some tea at the bottom of the cup. Then take it in your left hand and turn it upside down. Next, put in this position on a saucer and wait a bit. However, you should not delay too much and go about your business, interrupting the ritual, as the tea leaves can dry out and crumble.

When you have done all this, you can proceed to the most interesting, key process of divination. Tune in and focus, and then start looking at the tea leaves at the bottom of the cup. Don't be in a hurry; turn on your imagination and listen to your feelings. Then you will see the answer to your question. As a rule, any decoding of figures and objects in such fortune-telling is generalized and ambiguous, so you should not be tied to strictly defined values. They are given for interpretation when you are guessing to another person, but here you yourself charge the tea drink with your energy. Trust your intuition, and then you can correctly interpret any sign.

Many people think that only the elite or people with a good imagination can find out the truth from the tea leaves, but they assure that everyone can learn to read the future. Tea has many magical, healing and beneficial properties. And in the business of divination, the main thing is to have a great desire and have a little patience, because practice is needed in any business. Listen to your inner voice, trust your intuition and don't forget to push the buttons and

Perhaps fortune telling on tea is not as common as fortune telling on coffee, but it has its own attractive sides. It is especially suitable for those who cannot stand coffee and never drink it. Those who practice this method of divination say that the method of brewing tea does not matter, the number of tea leaves is much more important. Loose tea is more suitable here than in bags, but there are also those who tell fortunes even on bags.

A couple of spoons of tea leaves are poured into a warm teapot, which must be poured with boiling water and covered with a lid. The person who needs to tell fortunes drinks tea, and in the process of drinking, he needs to mentally concentrate on the subject of fortune telling. After drinking the contents, shake the cup. This is a way of divination for the inhabitants of European countries.

There are already established interpretations of signs that have turned out, but first you need to remember the main thing.

The handle of the mug is the whole environment of a person on which fortune-telling takes place, his house, loved ones and work. This pen is the starting point of divination, and it should be located to the left of the one who is guessing.

The time when an event should occur is determined by the location of the sign The that defines this event. A symbol close to the edge of the circle means that the event is about to happen. A symbol located somewhere at the bottom of the cup means that the event will happen in the distant future. The lower the sign is, the more time remains until the event that it interprets. Conversely, the closer the symbol is to the handle, the faster what the sign means will happen. The one who guesses should take the mug away from himself somewhat in order to interpret the arrangement of the symbols more correctly.

Today there are a huge number of options for interpreting tea divination, but the most reliable method is the ancient Chinese, because it has been tested for centuries. According to the Chinese, with the help of tea, one can reveal the spiritual potential of a person and help the subconscious pay attention to secret signs. Tea is brewed in a cup covered with a saucer. Divination is carried out on a full cup, and the interpretation of signs is akin to the European method.

One tea leaf remaining on the surface on the left, and several tea leaves on the right mean that success awaits in work matters, and money and love issues will bring the expected joy.

If 2 tea leaves are located on two opposite sides of the cup , this is considered a bad omen. Problems at work, quarrels with a lover, emotional upheavals - this is what such a symbol can mean.

Two tea leaves of an elongated shape, connected to each other by the tips , and a few wide tea leaves on the left in addition, mean that unfavorable circumstances await the one who guesses. True, sometimes the same combination promises good luck on the love front. But dizzying success in the financial sector should not be expected.

Fortune telling on tea is an ancient tradition that came to us from Asia - the birthplace of this drink. Nevertheless, it quickly took root in Slavic realities and acquired additional elements, since tea appeared in Russia much earlier than in Europe.

In the article:

Asian divination on tea

In Asia, tea is not only a traditionally popular drink, a remedy for all ailments and part of etiquette, but also a way to look into your future. Asian tea divination is very simple and anyone can do it. This type of prediction allows fortune-telling in the company of girlfriends, it will be more interesting for many.

So, how to guess on tea in Asian style? Take a cup, put a spoonful of tea in it and brew it with boiling water. Everyone knows that this drink takes time to infuse and acquire a pleasant taste. Cover the cup with a lid and leave it for 10-15 minutes.

While your tea is brewing, you should focus on the question, the answer to which is of particular concern to you. When the drink is ready, remove the lid, which tea leaves have surfaced, which have remained on the surface, and how many of them are arranged in this way. This will help interpretations, which are very important when divining tea in Asian style.

Asian fortune-telling on tea - interpretation

Before interpreting the meaning of tea leaves that have surfaced during tea brewing, you should determine the position of the cup. Ideally, it should stand in relation to the interpreter the way you originally set it. You can also place the cup with the handle to the left if you do not remember how it should have stood. Some people spin the container with a drink before looking at the location of the tea leaves. Each method can be called correct in its own way, listen to your intuition and choose the position of the cup that you like best.

On the right - two tea leaves, on the left - one. This location of the brew gives you a good prediction, but its detailed meaning depends on the situation that you thought about during the brewing of the drink. The wish made will come true, they will be strong and long-lasting, there will be an increase at work, incomes will increase. If the tea leaves have surfaced this way, you can be sure that success and good luck await you.

If there is one tea leaf on each side of the cup, this is not very good. Problems are possible at work, there is a high probability of a quarrel with a loved one, personal life may suffer a little due to quarrels and lack of attention, troubles are also possible in relations with friends. In general, this is a bad omen, which is in the case that you were guessing at.

Two tea leaves on the right and on the left mean that in business, at work and in any money matters you will not see good luck yet. With personal life, not everything is so bad, joy and happiness await you. If you were wondering about relationships, the value is pretty good, but you won’t be lucky in everything else.

Tea leaves are only on the left - both good and bad events await you, regardless of the question asked to the tea.

If on the surface you see all the tea leaves that were in the cup, this means that you do not have the patience or the tea was brewed incorrectly. Perhaps this warns you against excessive haste in your question, because it usually does not lead to anything good either in love or in money matters.

If the tea leaves float somewhere in the middle of the cup without rising to the surface, then success awaits you both in your personal life and at work. It is possible to receive a large amount of money, a bonus or a gift. You are most likely going to be promoted. There will be love and passion in your relationship.

English fortune-telling on tea thick

It is believed that this fortune-telling on tea thick appeared in England, although in fact they were guessing in this way all over Europe. The technique is similar to the one used for tea, and this fortune-telling on tea is no more difficult than Asian.

In order to know your future, brew tea in a cup. It is better to take it a little more than is necessary for the previous method, two spoons instead of one. You can also do such predictions in the company of friends.

After the drink is used for its intended purpose, the cup is turned with the handle to the left, covered with a saucer and shaken three times. After that, they look at what figure appeared on the bottom. And by its location they judge how soon what they foretold will come true. The closer to the bottom, the more time will pass before the fulfillment of the prophecy, but if there is something that you are waiting for in the near future, then this matter will have to be postponed.

English fortune-telling on tea - the meaning of symbols

Some people prefer to learn the meaning of symbols on their own. To do this, you need to understand what associations the figure that you see on the bottom evokes. Two different people very rarely have such interpretations. Today, this is a rather rare way to interpret the meaning of fortune-telling on tea thick.

  • Gemstone, diamond, crystal - happiness in personal life.
  • Angel, bell - good news, surprise, joy.
  • Harp - success in creativity, the appearance of inspiration. Sometimes means a new relationship.
  • Butterfly - problems due to carelessness and the wrong attitude to entertainment.
  • Drum - problems due to pride and high conceit.

A ring, bracelet or circle is a new stage in a relationship, an engagement or a wedding. Perhaps next to this figure you can see letters or numbers. However, if you have already planned such an event, and the figure is visible at the very bottom of the cup, you should be prepared to move away the desired minute.

A bouquet of flowers, a heart - happiness in personal or family life. One flower means marriage or lasting friendship, but the flowers at the bottom of the cup - unfortunately in love.

Bottle, jug and other vessels for liquids - you should be careful about everything that concerns excesses, and not necessarily alcohol.

A horned animal is in danger because of your character, which should not be shown in the near future. There may be problems due to stubbornness. Try not to get involved in quarrels and disassemblies.

  • Fan, dancer - problems due to frivolity.

A bare branch - to a quarrel, with leaves - to a new friend or ally, perhaps a meeting with friends. Only the leaves tell you not to give up, it's worth it.

  • Grapes - fidelity and happiness in love.
  • Mountains, hills - you have to work hard to get what you want.
  • Tree, bush, stars - money, happiness and health.

A female profile or figure - wishful thinking is passed off as real, perhaps this symbolizes passion or your hope to get something. Perhaps this is to meet a woman. If this is a mask, then you should keep your desires secret.

  • Castle - some very good event, most often associated with money.
  • Snake - intrigues are being weaved against you, most likely you have an ill-wisher.

Initials, letters and numbers - you should pay attention to them, remember them and try to understand what they mean to you.

Knife, dagger, scissors, sword, sword - quarrel, quarrel, misunderstanding. Money can be difficult. You should take care of your health.
  • Clover leaf, horseshoe, fountain, fruit or key - great luck.
  • Cell - or marriage, or problems, perhaps your plans will not come true.

Wheel, crown, shovel, hammer - thanks to hard work, you will achieve success or big profits.

  • Comet - you are worried about what will not happen.

Compass, ship, plane - either to a long journey, or to the need to change something in life, for example, work or place of residence.

  • The cat is a betrayal.
  • Armchair or stool - to the guests in your home.
  • Cross - you have to lose something in order to achieve your goal.
  • Bed, bed and other places to rest - you need a breather.
  • Light bulb - support.
  • Bat - jealousy, relationship problems, bad trip, trouble.

Smooth lines - either you will have guests, or you will become a guest. Wavy ones symbolize fear and indecision.

  • Planet - glory and honors.
  • Frog - we need to change the strategy.
  • Car, chariot - good changes.
  • Bridge - you make the right decision.
  • Bear - troubles that are better to wait out while sitting at home.
  • Clouds are not for you, do something else.
  • Donkey - moderate stubbornness.
  • Glasses - a surprise, most likely unpleasant.
  • Spider - a gift, good luck, a pleasant surprise.
  • Saw - someone will interfere in your business in order to harm.

Bird, arrow - news, but if an owl - to illness. The clearer the figure of an arrow or a bird, the better the news will be.

  • Firearms - a lot of household chores.
  • Hand, hands - the help of relatives.
  • Fish - happiness, a pleasant journey, good news.
  • Elephant - you need someone you can rely on, and then health and happiness await you.
  • Dog - your friend needs help.
  • An ax is a danger.
  • Points - receiving money, possibly fulfilling a desire.
  • The triangle is fortunate, but you have to think about every step you take.

Smoking pipe, flag - listen to the advice of others, think over your actions, beware of overconfidence.

To get the best results when fortune telling on coffee grounds, you need to prepare a mixture of two types of grinding - coarse and fine. In a cup, put two tablespoons of coarse grinding and one teaspoon of fine grinding. The cup should be without patterns, with a wide edge. You will also need a saucer. The cup must be warmed with boiling water and then dried quickly. Put coffee in it in the indicated amount. Place the cup on a saucer so as not to stain the table or tablecloth. Pour boiling water over coffee, close the lid and let it brew for a little over a minute. Then the person who is guessing should drink this coffee or at least take a few sips. Then he drains the unfinished coffee, leaving no more than a tablespoon of liquid in the cup.

When you have done all this, take the cup in your left hand, make a wish and make three circular movements counterclockwise with the cup so that the thick is distributed along its walls. Then quickly turn the cup upside down and place on a saucer - let the liquid drain. Next, take the cup and place it on the saucer upside down. You will see that the coffee grounds form on the walls of the cup the same figures, dots and lines, the meaning of which you will have to reveal. And it is precisely those images and associations that you will have that will be the best prediction of the future for a person who has drunk coffee.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds appeared simultaneously with fortune telling on tea in those countries where coffee was a more common drink. Now it has become even more popular.

The symbolism of the figures is the same in both fortune-telling: in fortune-telling on coffee grounds, and in fortune-telling on tea leaves.

In the 18th century, the Italians claimed that it was they who developed the symbolism of divination on coffee grounds, the results of which, in their opinion, were the work of demons. Ground coffee was poured with water, boiled in a coffee pot and the words: "Aqua boraxit venias carajos" were pronounced over it. While stirring (so that the coffee does not overflow), "Fexitur et patricam explinabit tornare" should be repeated. Then the liquid was drained, the wet coffee grounds were splashed onto a white unglazed saucer with the words "Hax verticaline, pax Fantas marobum, max destinatus, veida porol".

It was believed that fortunetellers who forgot to cast the above spells or did not know them at all were guessing incorrectly.

Fortune telling on tea

By the 15th century, tea was brought to Europe from China. And soon people noticed that the figures that form tea leaves in a cup resemble figures from ancient divination. Then they began to interpret them in the same way, and another method of divination was born, which has not lost its popularity to this day. But China has its own system of divination by tea leaves.

Fortune telling on tea or on tea leaves is, first of all, a pleasant entertainment. If you carefully read what is written below, then over time you will be able to reach certain heights in guessing the future. And if you do this often enough, you may find yourself with psychic or predictive abilities. The method of brewing tea does not play a special role. However, it is important that there are enough tea leaves. Good tea and good tea leaves for fortune-telling are obtained if two full teaspoons of tea are put into a heated small teapot, poured with boiling water and tightly covered with a lid.

The person who is guessing should drink tea, shake the cup with a strong circular motion and pass it to the predictor. The latter, using his imagination and other abilities, interprets the resulting figures - symbols.

Before deciphering the symbols of the resulting figures, let's touch on some of the initial concepts that underlie tea divination.

Cup handle. It symbolizes a person who is being divined, his environment, occupation, home.

Time for upcoming action. It is determined by the location of the figure in the cup. Present tense - if it is on the edge of the cup or near the edge. The closer to the bottom, the further removed the upcoming event in time. At the very bottom are symbols related to the distant future. The closer the symbol is to the pen, the sooner the prediction will come true.

Fortune-telling on coffee has become more widespread for the reason that the sediment remains from coffee with any method of brewing - not counting, of course, instant coffee. "Tea" tasseography is preserved mainly in English-speaking countries as an old, kind tradition.

Tea for divination can be brewed in two ways: directly in a cup and in a teapot with a fairly wide spout that allows tea leaves to pass through. You can take any variety, preferably large-leaved. Whether you drink tea with sugar or without sugar, it does not matter, but of course, it is better not to put lemon.

Tea is not drunk completely, leaving some liquid at the bottom. The optimal amount of grounds and water at the bottom of the cup will have to be established empirically, through several trial and error, if there is too little water left, and there is too much grounds, it will stick together into one common background at the bottom of the cup, and with the inverse ratio, all the tea leaves from the inverted cup will flow out onto saucer.

Take a cup with tea leaves and liquid residues with your left hand and make three rotational movements, distributing the tea leaves along the walls. Then it needs to be turned over and put on a saucer.

During these operations, one must think of a question and repeat it to oneself several times. The cup should be turned away from you.

If you are guessing to another person, he must do these operations. The rules must be observed at least for the first time, until you are used to this method of divination. As you gain experience and habits, intuition will tell you which of the provisions should be followed further, and which you can do without.

For testing and first experiments, you can use any cups: the main thing is that they are opaque and have a handle. If you like this method of divination and decide to "take it into service", you need to take into account that the cups will become your working tool, so they should be distinguished from the rest and not used anymore for regular tea drinking. It is best if you have two or three cups from some old service: they are easy to distinguish from those that you use every day by their pattern.

If you know how to guess on coffee grounds, it will not be difficult for you to get used to the new method: the rules of interpretation are very similar here and there. After letting the inverted cup stand for some time (five to ten minutes), you open it, holding the handle up, and begin to read the pattern of tea leaves.

Read it counterclockwise, going from the handle to the left to find out the past, and then clockwise, to the right of the handle to find out the future. If you draw an imaginary perpendicular from the handle to the opposite edge of the cup, then the left side will correspond to the past, the right side to the future, and the closer to the handle, the closer to the present moment. Thus, at the point opposite to the handle, the distant past and the distant future seem to converge.

It is believed that the cup tells about things and events that happen to the person himself or in his immediate environment. Only tea leaves stuck to the very edge of the cup, or even to its outer side, indicate people or events that are a considerable distance away. The bottom of the cup is considered the focus of "negativity": all the figures located at the bottom are interpreted in an unfavorable sense for the questioner. At the same time, the bottom is divided into the same two halves, the zone of the past and the zone of the future.

The fewer figures and tea leaves in general in the cup, the less problems a person has, the calmer and more harmonious his situation. And vice versa: a dense, dense drawing speaks of a multitude of worries and questions occupying his thoughts. However, it also depends on how much tea and water were in the cup; therefore, it is better to use the first experiments with the cup in order to find the optimal "working mass", without deviating too much from this ratio in the future.

You need to start the interpretation with the figures of the simplest and most understandable. Do not rush to conclusions, think, let your imagination "play out". Below we will give examples of the interpretation of some figures, but they should not be taken as dogma. The main thing is those images that arise in your imagination.

The simplest shapes are dots and sticks. The dots usually represent money (hence the more dots the better). One single dot can mean news, a letter or a parcel. The value of the message is directly proportional to the size of the point.

Wand means a process, the beginning of some business. Many sticks - many things going on at the same time. Here it is important to determine where the stick is turned, counting from the handle: to the bottom of the cup or to the edge. If to the bottom - the case is unlikely to end successfully, if to the edge - success is guaranteed. A stick located parallel to the bottom and edges ("neither up nor down") means a smooth course of action and a smooth ending.

Sometimes tea leaves directly add up to graphic symbols - letters, numbers, icons of planets and constellations; they can be interpreted according to the meaning of the symbol and its associated associations.

In the drawing of tea leaves, unlike coffee grounds, regular figures (circle, cross, triangle, square, etc.) are rare. But there are "voluminous" figures, a kind of bas-reliefs, reminiscent of different images, if you look at them from different angles. Their meaning should be interpreted in several ways. Looking at such a figure, look away, and then look again. Try, without looking at it, to remember something similar seen before. Please try again. And further.

Often from tea leaves animals, plants or household items are obtained. Animal images can sometimes be interpreted in accordance with the signs of the eastern zodiac (Dragon, Snake, Monkey) as an indication of the time of the event - the year of the Dragon, the year of the Monkey, etc. Other creatures and objects are also quite recognizable most often.

The general rule is: noble animals, birds, plants (horse, dog, swan, eagle, oak, maple, etc.) mean favorable events or things - love, friendship, health, well-being, the rest have an unfavorable meaning (wolf, crocodile, crow, henbane, nettle). A pig, as well as two-headed creatures, means an ambiguous situation, success in one area and failure in another.

Three- and six-petal figures, similar to a flower or a star, portend good luck, four- and eight-petal - failure, an accident, five-petal - something in between: a belated success, an unexpected benefit from an unpleasant event.

Curved (curved) petals means that many more people will be involved in these events besides you.

Planes, cars, ships, as well as a staff, a bag, a suitcase etc. mean a journey.

Many symbols can be interpreted using the rules of other divination, because the meaning of the symbols does not depend on the divination system, but is inherent in them. An appeal to the dream book can also give interesting information.

Finally, try to determine the "mood" of the cup as a whole: does it lead you to sad thoughts, does it create an impression of harmony, peace, or does it not evoke any emotions. Trust your intuition: it will not deceive. This "mood" can become the leitmotif of interpretation and help interpret individual symbols.

Keep a cup of tea leaves at some distance from you in order to clearly see the location of the formed figures. Take a closer look at the clusters of tea leaves, individual dots, dots that form a line. Circles, squares, triangles, letters and numbers can be expressed with varying degrees of clarity. Note for yourself their location relative to other symbols, more clear. Try to find clouds, trees, flowers, animals, birds, a house, a ship - any shapes. If the figure is large, then it symbolizes a very significant news; if it is small, its value is not so great. In the event that a square or rectangle (envelope) is located near the letter, the news will come by mail. If you see a lot of dots nearby, then the news is about money problems. The closer the envelope is to the handle and the edge of the cup, the sooner the letter should arrive.

The handle of the cup is the basis from which we start. In other words, the starting point. It should be on the left side. The lines of tea leaves that start to the left of the handle promise a journey. Located on the right, they portend the appearance of an unexpected guest. If the tea leaves form a path around the entire inner circumference of the cup, this means that the one who is guessed will go on a long journey and then return home. Thus, if the figure is located to the left of the handle, the person who is guessing is an active person in the development of events. If the signs are located to the right of the handle, the action is directed at this person, happens to him or in his house, which in turn can be interpreted as a house, environment or occupation.

If you saw nothing in the cup but a senseless heap of tea leaves, consider that this is the answer, because this corresponds to the state of uncertainty and confusion in which you are.

Do not guess a second time, as it is believed that you cannot do this for yourself or for others more than once a week.

Symbolism of the figures:

Angel. Unexpected joy and good news.

Harp. Novel. lofty ideas.

Butterfly. Secular entertainment, which sometimes ends in tears. But usually resolved with a light joke. Be careful.

Drum. Avoid pomposity, look for something new and exciting.

Barrel. Full, closer to the handle - a holiday in your home. Empty - you better rest. At the bottom - save money.

Bracelet (ring). A symbol of engagement, wedding, a very important union for you; congratulations follow. In order to clarify the details, look for numbers or initials nearby. But remember: if the bracelet (ring) is at the bottom of the cup, then due to unforeseen circumstances or due to mutual misunderstanding, the date of the engagement (wedding) can be postponed or even completely canceled.

Letters. Clearly looming letters mean good news, fuzzy - bad. If dots are located near them, this symbolizes money; if the letters are near the heart, expect an emotional load. Letters (capital or lowercase) also symbolize friends, colleagues, relatives.

Bouquet. Happiness in love, which continues in family life.

Bottles. Refrain from excesses. If the figure is located on the bottom of the cup, this warning applies to someone close to you.

Bull. Carefully. Danger awaits you. Moderate your temper.

Vase. Reward and peace of mind will come to you through service to others.

Fan (fan). Be careful. Don't make a faux pas. Your frivolity can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Branch. Without leaves - a quarrel at home or at work will lead to temporary tension. With leaves - a new friendship will be struck up. Birth notice.

Grape. Happiness through confidence in a loved one.

Kite. Fate is not on your side, especially in the game. Look at everything calmly and sanely.

Gates. Open - a happy resolution of an unpleasant situation. Closed - before you come to a satisfying result, you will have to negotiate.

Guitar. The desire for stormy love and affection.

Pigeon. Peace, calm, good news.

There is hard work ahead, but a true friend will help you out.

Mushrooms. A brief quarrel with a lover. Some complications at work or at home. Apparently, you will have to reorganize a little both mentally and physically.

Coffin. Bad news. Sometimes it can mean death.

Door. Open - pleasant and unexpected news. Closed - be patient, and your wish will come true.

Tree. You are waiting for health and happiness, the possession of many things. A lot of trees - you strive for changes and wait for them.

The Dragon. From this moment on, start a new business, reconsider your point of view.

Acorn. Success despite difficulties. If the acorn came out very clearly - good luck; If its outlines are vague, you will have to make some efforts to achieve the goal.

Female. The symbol of the desired, Passed off as real. Symbol of hope and passion.

Lock. Unexpected legacy. Something extremely pleasant will happen.

Star. Happy sign. Symbolizes happiness, health and wealth. All your thoughts and hopes will come true.

Building. For the sake of achieving the goal, you will change your views; You may need a change of scenery.

Snake. Symbolizes evil. The enemy plots against you.

Umbrella. Closed umbrella - You do not fit into the situation in which you are. Open - be careful and do not be afraid to consult with friends.

Initials. They mean people with whom these initials can be associated, and if they are located close to the handle, then people close or important to the person they are guessing. Any letters of the alphabet can refer to people you know or will soon recognize.

Fireplace. Invite guests, communicate more.

drop of tea, left in a cup (or on a saucer, as in divination on coffee grounds), means tears or grief for the subject.

Square. A good sign is considered as a means of protection against errors and dangers that can or have been avoided (weakened).

Dagger. Danger of loss due to enmity.

Clover. Whatever the problems, everything will end very well for you.

Cell (large). As a rule, a cage means a wedding. But it can also mean problems that worry you a lot. Wait - time will put everything in its place.

Cage (small, for birds). Be careful with hobbies: think carefully before making far-reaching promises.

Key. You are a happy person. All roads and all doors open before you, both in business and in your personal life. Any issues will be resolved, keep looking.

Book. Closed - do not make hasty decisions. Open - continue as planned.

Goat. Bad news from a traveler. Don't be stubborn and try to avoid quarrels with others.

Wheel. By working hard, you will achieve what you want. If the wheel is located at the edge of the cup, you are waiting for a salary increase or dividends.

Bell. Good news. Many bells are an important event. Perhaps a wedding.

Cleaver. Difficulties may arise. Don't give in to the first impulse. Avoid quarrels.

Ring. See bracelet (ring).

Comet. Don't worry about things that might not happen at all. Relax.

Compass. Go travel. Find yourself a new occupation.

Ship. A journey awaits you. If the ship is located near the handle, the trip will be useful both for business and for the family; if at the edge of the cup - you will have to pack your things and get ready for the road in a hurry.

Basket. Full - a surprise or a message about the birth of a child. Empty - spend less money.

Box. Closed - something is bothering you. Open - your precarious situation will soon pass, you will gain the ability to communicate as soon as you think about being friendly to others.

Crown. Good luck will come after a serious achievement and honors.

Cat. Bad sign. Betrayal will bring a lot of trouble.

Armchair chair). Unexpected guest. Find time to relax.

Cross. You will have to give up something significant. At the bottom of the cup - one of your loved ones is in big trouble. Closer to the upper edge - the troubles will end soon. Cross in a square - soon you will be able to ward off trouble.

Bed (bed)- subconscious desire to relax and unwind. Dreams can help you forget troubles.

A circle. Usually a circle means money. The larger the circle, the more money. The circle can also signify success after many failed attempts and hard work.

Jug. Soon it will be time to have fun and indulge in joy. Avoid excesses and do not follow your own weaknesses. You will find many pleasant meetings with friends.

Hen. Save money. Good intuition and financial sense will bring good luck.

Bush. unexpected money; the bigger the bush, the more money.

Lamp. Located on the side - means unforeseen support in difficult times; located on the bottom of the cup - means that an important event is being postponed and you will have to endure disappointment; located at the very edge of the cup or on its edge - means a happy reunion and triumph; located at the handle - promises a special legacy. Two lamps portend a merger or two weddings.

Stairs. Your idealistic aspirations will accelerate your progress. But accordingly, the requirements for you will increase.

Bat. Trouble from the jealousy of a person who hates you. The trip you have planned may not be necessary.

Lily. Symbol of friendship and constancy. Located on the edge of the cup, it symbolizes a wonderful marriage, and on the bottom - a sharp squabble, quarrel.

The lines are parallel. They promise a journey, a trip.

The lines are broken, wavy. Indecision, uncertainty as a result of the deterioration of the situation, sometimes monetary losses.

The lines are straight, continuous. They mean calmness, peace, clarity, due to clear planning.

Fox. Deception or cunning will destroy a good relationship or friendship.

Leaves. If the figures formed from tea leaves resemble small leaves, then this means that "hope dies last" - do not give up, start your business all over again. If the figures lie at the bottom of the cup, you will achieve your goal, although not soon.

Faces. New acquaintances will bring you new friends.

A boat. If sailing, do what you have planned. If this is a large ship - fear of travel or a desire to avoid something, change your current plans.

Shovel. Your hard work will be marked by many honors and awards.

Moon. A symbol of honor and honour. If it is located near the handle of the cup, a new novel awaits you; if on the bottom - a trip or a trip; if the moon is in the phase of the first quarter - start a new business; and if in the last quarter - hurry to make the necessary decisions; if the moon is covered with clouds or is not clearly drawn, your worries will soon come to an end.

Frog. It's time to make changes in business or in communication with others.

Daisy. Love and happiness await you.

Mask. Keep your cherished dreams and secret desires. If a bell or a flower is located next to this figure, a festive celebration awaits you soon.

Car. Change for the better.

Bear. Potential trouble warning. Stay home.

Broom. New perspectives will open, new interests will arise; time for a change.

Baby. On the wall - financial difficulties. Closer to the handle - unexpected honors. At the bottom - failure in love.

Hammer. The path of trial and error will lead you to success.

Bridge. Your decision on how to overcome the obstacle that has arisen will turn out to be the right one in the end.

The male. An unfamiliar man will come into contact with you; the initial next to the figure will give an idea of ​​its name.

Ants. Difficulties, hard times, a lot of work ahead.

Flies. Unpleasant moments that you should not pay attention to.

Ball. Coming changes.

Anvil. To achieve the goal, you will need to put in a lot of effort.

Heavenly bodies. It takes some imagination to recognize them. These include: the Sun, the Moon, the Milky Way, other stars and planets. All of them predict happiness and prosperity.

Knife. Bad sign. Watch your health. Do not make business contacts without consulting experts. Monetary misunderstandings may arise. If the knife is located at the bottom of the cup, lawsuits may be brought against you. If the knife is turned with a sharp end to the handle, this may mean a temporary separation from the family or a break in work. If the knife is partially covered by a square, you will be lucky in some way and you will avoid some difficulties. Your relationships with friends and loved ones will be severely tested.

Scissors. A bitter omen. If they are located at the handle, expect complications in family relationships; if near the edge - there will be a divorce from a husband or wife; if at the bottom of the cup - a conflict at work.

Clouds. Bad sign; trouble awaits. The more tea leaves around the clouds, the more difficult the financial circumstances will be. Try changing your plans.

Deer. Be calm, try not to get involved in disputes and not start quarrels.

Eagle. See bird. The eagle is a very large bird. Thus, your desire is more serious and stronger than you think. Try to expand your home, family hearth and circle of your friends. Protection needed.

Donkey. Develop patience in yourself. Don't be stubborn. Explore all aspects of the issue.

Glasses. You are in for a surprise. If it happens at work, be careful.

Palm. A sign of good luck, happiness and marital well-being.

Spider. Although you always hide from everyone and no one knows anything about you, this time it is known that you will receive a lot of money and unexpected gifts.

Hourglass (calculated for one hour). Danger is on the threshold. Especially bad if at the bottom of the cup. Don't rush into a decision.

Saw. Someone's interference in your affairs will create serious problems for you.

Horseshoe. Promises good luck. See if there are signs specifying which one.

Bed. See bed.

Bird. On the branch - a quick trip. If there are dots or short dashes nearby, you will travel in a company. A few birds are happiness. In general, a bird means news, good or bad, depending on the signs located nearby.

Gun. Be careful - household chores can also bring trouble.

Hand. Someone needs you as much as you need them. Understanding and friendship give you strength.

A fish. Happy sign. Good news; travel is possible.

Airplane. At the bottom - the journey may not take place; inevitable disappointment. On the wall - I want to escape from existing problems, at least fly away by plane - no matter how strange it may seem. Next to the pen - for yourself or for your family you will have to do something new.

Boot. There is an intention to travel, but some financial assistance will be required to make your dream a reality. If you have planned a business trip, then it will be successful.

Heart. You have a lover or a very close friend. If there is a ring nearby, a wedding is coming soon. Dots at the heart - wait for the money. If the heart is fuzzy, you are not serious in your intentions.

Elephant. Heralds health and happiness, but you need a friend you can rely on.

Dog. You have a very loyal friend. At the bottom - one of your friends needs your help. Dog head - someone from your environment highly appreciates you as a friend.

Owl. A bad omen - perhaps illness or even death.

Arrow. A letter will come, after which some kind of agreement will be possible. If the arrow came out fuzzy or incomplete, the news can be unpleasant.

Chair. See armchair.

Dancer. Avoid frivolity. You may be misunderstood.

Awning. If you are upset and do not find a place for yourself - go traveling.

Axe. Hazard warning. If it came out fuzzy, the danger is not so serious.

Dots (lined up in a row). Means travel. Three points gathered together - the fulfillment of desires.

Dots (cluster). The accumulation of dots from tea leaves of different sizes means money: the larger the cluster, the more money. But it can also mean work that will bring money.

Triangle. Happiness accompanies you, unless it is turned upside down. In this case, you should carefully weigh any step before taking something new.

A tube. It indicates that the time has come to think carefully, to listen to advice. Don't be overconfident, try to be reasonable.

Duck. Cheerfulness and optimism will help improve the current situation.

Apron. Getting to know people soon who will become your close friends.

Flag. Be careful. An attack is possible, act slowly and carefully.

Fountain. Your plans will come to a successful conclusion. Joy and prosperity await you.

Fruit. A sign that promises good luck, so act.

Flowers. Happiness and honor. At the bottom of the cup is an unlucky love knot. On the wall - marriage or love.

Church. Love, betrothal or marriage.

Numbers. Can represent money, address, date or time (minutes, hours, days, weeks, months or years). The explanation of the figures is contained in other figures. The closer the numbers are to the pen, the sooner the prediction will come true. Can expect good luck in the lottery.

A large tea leaf on the edge of the cup means a man who has an interest in the person being divined.

Small tea leaf on the edge of the cup means a woman who has an interest in the person being divined.

Kettle. Your goal is to achieve harmony at home. If steam comes out of the kettle, it means a struggle or lack of peace.

Clock. Make plans for the future.

Chalice (cup). A symbol of abundance. A new acquaintance will bring you a lot of joy.

Chessmen. Numerous difficulties await you.

Hat. Money. On the bottom- Balanced and happy family life. On the wall - you have extremely developed diplomatic skills.

Sword. Be careful: conflicts await you - both at home and at work.

Crew. Your secret may be revealed. Don't do anything in a hurry.

Apple. You are able to achieve a certain success in business; work on yourself. Also signifies good health.

Eggs. A baby was born. Two or three nests is great news.

Anchor. Sign of success. Higher - love and constancy. On the side - You are more interested in business and travel than sex and love affairs. At the bottom - any undertaking involving a journey will be successful. If the anchor turned out to be fuzzy, this means temporary troubles associated with loved ones.

People and body parts:

Eyes- There will be a change in life

human head– A young man who has a beneficial effect on you and your destiny

Human head looking up- strong patron

Human head looking down- There is some danger ahead

Two faces look at each other- Mutual love

Two faces in a circle- Marriage

Two faces separated by a line- Quarrel, divorce, betrayal

Young woman- Love

Face in profile– Strong defense

Young man- Parting or separation

Several people- Expect help from others

Mouth- At the bottom - good news, closer to the edge - You can rely on friends

Hand- Disappointment

Old woman- Strong love relationship

man with animal- someone's concern


Butterfly- Love letter

Buffalo– Suffering

Bull- Danger

bull on the hill- profit, money

bull in the valley- Good health

Camel- Wealth

Crow- Misfortune in the house

Pigeon– Pure, honest soul

Hare– Cowardice, inability to grasp the perspective

Snake- A symbol of evil. Intrigues

Cow- Happiness awaits you ahead

Cat- Poverty, ruin

Hen– You will help some stranger

Swan– Unexpected or random money

a lion- Power, nobility

Fox- Deception, fraud, trickery, cunning

Frog– Happiness and luck, good news

Bear- Danger that can be avoided

Ant- Trouble, worry

Fly- Wealth, legacy

Deer– Honesty, wisdom

Eagle- Victory after a hard fight

Spider- Unexpected gift

Rooster- Good news, happiness in the family

Rooster at the bottom of the cup- Someone wants to harm you

A fish– Good news or travel

Elephant- Strength, power, wealth

Dog- Good, loyal friend

Owl– Severe illness or death

Tiger– Anger

Lizard– Unexpected event


Oak- Victory, triumph

Willow– Sadness, tears, melancholy

Clover- All problems will be solved, everything will end well

Bush- The case ends badly.

Forest- Mistakes in life

Lily- Constancy, friendship. At the bottom of the cup - a quarrel

the Rose- wedding, engagement

Violet- Marriage to a rich man

Chrysanthemum- Late love


Automobile– Travel, trip

Diamond- Happy love

Angel- Good news, unexpected joy

Fork– Rich and luxurious life

Coffin- Grief, sadness

Coffin with a cross- someone's death

coffin next to bed- Serious disease

Door– Success in a new venture

House- Luck, success, family happiness

Dagger- enmity, loss

Key- All doors are open for you

Wheel– Adventure

Ring– Engagement, wedding, important union

Box- Joy, luck, success

Hammer- Trial and error leads to success

Knife- Damage, loss, sacrifice

Scissors- Luck

Shoes- Danger

Weapon- scandal, quarrel

Folder- good deal

A loop- An extremely unfavorable sign, portending serious problems, sometimes death.

Glove- Awakening old feelings

Horseshoe- Luck

Tableware- Unexpected meeting

Candle- Dream

Chair– Success, promotion

Flag- Attack. Instruction not to rush

Hat- honor, glory

Anchor- Clear - success, fuzzy - temporary personal difficulties

Shapes and lines:

Arc- Dangerous Enemy

Star- freedom, liberation

Square- A harbinger of a happy, prosperous life

X-shaped cross- Marriage

The cross is black from the inside- sad news

Cross white inside- Happiness in family life

The circle is closed- Excellent relationships with others

The circle is open- New acquaintance

Zigzag line– Adventure

Line crossed by curves or broken lines- Personal difficulties, resentment

The line crosses the bottom of the cup– Have a nice trip

The line is straight and long– Happy carefree life

dashed line– Illness, indecision, uncertainty, sometimes loss

Lots of oblique lines- Be careful

Lots of broken lines- financial difficulties

Oval- Marriage

Dots or short strokes- good luck ahead

Triangle closed- Luck, unexpected luck

Triangle open– Safety, security

dashes– Job change

quadrilateral- success in love

1 - someone loves you

2 - failure, sickness

3 – Successful deal, profit

4 - good luck ahead

5 - Gossip, gossip, empty talk

6 - Marriage

7 - Family happiness, mutual love

8 - Quarrel with loved one

9 - New acquaintance

10 … 100 - luck, luck

Over 100– Longevity

Angel- good news and unexpected joy.

Harp- your thoughts are full of lofty ideas. A romance is possible.

Butterfly- secular entertainment awaits you and perhaps this will be resolved deplorably or as a joke, you need to be careful.

Barrel- at the bottom - you need to save money. Close to the handle - there will be a holiday in your house. Empty barrel - you need rest.

Bracelet or ring- This is a symbol of an important union, engagement or wedding. Pay close attention to the details around. Numbers or initials. If the ring (bracelet) is located at the bottom, then due to some circumstances, the date may be postponed or canceled altogether.

Letter(s)- clear letters - good news. If there are dots next to the letters, this is for money. If next to the figure of the heart - expect great emotions. Also, letters are a symbol of relatives, friends.

Bouquet- love and happiness, and whoever has a family, then in family life.

Bottle(s)- do not overdo it in acceptance, and if the bottle is at the bottom, then this is a warning for people close to you.

Bull- lower your temperament - danger is possible.

Vase- you will be rewarded and peace of mind for your work in the service of people.

Fan or fan- do not be frivolous, do not be tactless, This can lead to trouble.

Branch- with foliage - a new acquaintance. Someone will be born. Without foliage - stress at work or at home.

Grape- you will be happy because of your confidence in the person you love.

Gates- if closed, then you are waiting for negotiations before a satisfactory result. If the gate is open, an unpleasant situation will be happily resolved.

Kite- if you are in the game, then fate is not on your side. You need to look at everything sensibly and calmly.

Pigeon- good, good news. Calm and peace.

Guitar- you seek affection and love.

Mountain(s)- Serious and difficult work awaits you, but a faithful friend will help you out.

Mushrooms- you are waiting for small complications at home and at work.

Door- if open, then expect pleasant and unexpected news. If it is closed, the wish will come true, but you need to be patient.

Tree- health and happiness, the house is a full bowl - that's what awaits you. There are a lot of trees - you want and strive for changes in life - and you will wait for this.

The Dragon- you need to reconsider your views on life and start a new business.

Acorn- despite all the difficulties - success awaits you. The clear outline of an acorn is a great success. Not very clear - you will achieve the goal, but you will have to work hard.

Female is a symbol of passion and hope.

Lock(castle building) - an unexpected inheritance. Something very pleasant is waiting for you.

Star- a very happy sign that symbolizes health, happiness and wealth. Your hopes, dreams and thoughts will surely come true.

Building- you may need a change of scenery, a change of views, all this to achieve the goal.

Snake- They are plotting against you.

Umbrella- open umbrella - you need to be careful and consult with friends. Closed umbrella - you do not own the situation.

Initials- all letters can mean the initials of the people who surround you. The closer to the handle, the closer they are and are important to you.

Fireplace- you need to communicate more with friends - invite them to visit.

Square- this is a good and kind symbol that will protect you from mistakes.

Dagger- because of enmity, you can lose something.

Clover- everything will end very well, despite the difficulties.

Cell- Usually it's for the wedding. Sometimes problems that worry you, but time will put everything in its place.

Key- you are lucky. All doors and all roads will open before you. All problems are resolved.

Book- if the book is open - do what you have planned. If the book is closed, there is no need to rush into making decisions.

Goat- stop being stubborn and avoid quarrels. Not very pleasant news is possible from someone who is currently on a journey.

Wheel- if you work hard and hard, you will achieve your goal. If the wheel is at the edge of the cup - an increase in income or salary.

Bell- if there are a lot of bells, an important event awaits you. Good news. Wedding.

Cleaver- you need to avoid quarrels and not give in to impulses - otherwise there may be difficulties.

Ring- see the bracelet.

Comet- if something worries you now - it will not happen.

Compass- a good time for travel or a new activity.

Ship- you have to travel. The ship next to the handle - this trip will be very useful for family and business. The ship is at the edge of the cup - you will gather in a hurry.

Basket- if empty, then you need to be more economical. If complete, then the birth of a child or a big surprise.

Box- if closed, then you are worried about something. If the box is open, the position will become stable. Be friendly.

Crown- Achievements and honors await you. Good luck awaits you.

Cat- a sign of betrayal and trouble.

Armchair or a chair - an unexpected guest. Time to get some rest.

Cross- if at the bottom, then your loved ones are in trouble. Close to the edge - the troubles will end soon. If the cross is in a square, you will have the opportunity to avoid or avert trouble from yourself.

Bed- you need rest.

A circle The larger the circle, the more money. Money. Success after failure and long and hard work.

Jug- a time of joy and fun awaits you soon. Do not overdo it and give up your weaknesses. Pleasant meetings with friends await you.

Hen- your intuition and flair for money will bring you good luck, but you need to save money.

Bush- unexpected money - the larger the bush, the more money.

Lamp- located on the side - means unforeseen support in difficult times. At the bottom of the cup, it means that something important is being transferred, and now you are in for a little disappointment. At the edge of the cup - a happy celebration awaits you, a reunion with someone. At the handle - an inheritance awaits you. If there are two lamps, then perhaps two weddings or in business - a merger of several companies.

Stairs- accelerating the achievement of your goal, but accordingly, more requirements will be required from you.

Bat- expect trouble from your enemies. It is possible that the planned trip will not take place.

Lily- symbolizes constancy and friendship. If the lily is located on the edge, then this is a symbol of a happy marriage. At the bottom - a small quarrel.

Lines are parallel- journey, journey.

lines wavy, interrupted - your uncertainty in the current situation, a loss of money is possible.

The lines are straight, continuous - you have everything clearly planned, peace and tranquility. Clarity in everything.

Fox Cunning and deceit can destroy a friendship or relationship.

Leaves- if the leaves are small, then you can’t give up and start all over again. If the leaves are at the bottom of the cup - though not soon, but you will achieve your goal.

faces- new acquaintances and new friends are waiting for you.

A boat- if with a sail, then you need to do what you have in mind. If a large ship, then your fear of avoiding something or fear of traveling can change your plans.

moon is a symbol of honor and honor. If the moon is near the handle - a new romantic adventure. At the bottom - a trip or a trip. If in the form of a growing month, feel free to start a new business. The moon is closer to full - you need to hurry to make a decision. If the Moon in the clouds is a good sign, your worries will leave you.

Frog- you need changes in business and in communication with your environment.

Daisy- a symbol of happiness and love.

Car- you are waiting for a change for the better.

Bear- try not to leave the house today, so as not to earn trouble.

Broom- it's time for a change. Good prospects and interests will open for you.

Baby- if on the wall of the cup, then financial difficulties. If closer to the handle, then an unexpected honor. If at the bottom, then failures in love.

Hammer You will succeed through trial and error.

Bridge You have made the right decision to overcome the obstacles that have arisen.

The male- a meeting with an unfamiliar man awaits you, if there is a letter, then this is his initial.

Ants- you expect difficulties and a lot of work.

flies– do not pay attention to trifles, even unpleasant ones.

Ball- Changes are waiting for you.

Anvil You will have to work hard to achieve your goal.

celestial bodies- all these signs mean prosperity and happiness.

Knife- You need to take care of your health. You should not make business contacts without experts in these matters, otherwise there will be misunderstandings in money matters. Knife at the bottom - lawsuits against you are possible. If the sharp end of the knife is turned towards the handle, a break in work or temporary separation from the family is possible. The knife is partially closed by a square - you will avoid difficulties and you will be lucky.

Scissors- located at the handle - complications in family matters. Near the edge - a divorce is possible. Scissors on the bottom - a problem at work.

Clouds- trouble. The more tea leaves (coffee) around the clouds, the more difficult it is with finances. You need a change in your plans.

Deer- you need not get involved in anything - not start them in disputes. You need calmness.

Eagle- (bird) - a rather large bird. This suggests that your goal or desire is much stronger and more serious than you thought.

Donkey- do not be stubborn. Be patient. Look at the question from all angles.

Glasses- be careful. Possible surprise.

Palm- a very good sign. A symbol of happiness, prosperity in married life, good luck.

Spider- it is useless to hide and hide about yourself - everyone will know that a lot of money and unexpected gifts await you.

Hourglass- danger is possible if the figure of the clock is at the bottom. Don't decide without thinking.

Saw- someone will interfere in your affairs and big problems will arise.

Bed- you need rest.

Bird- sits on a branch - you will soon go on a trip. If there are dashes and dots with the figure of a bird on a branch - a trip in the company. If there are several birds, this is happiness. The bird is a symbol of news.

Gun- be careful - even housework can bring trouble.

Hand- this suggests that both you and someone else needs help. Friendship and understanding will give you strength.

A fish- a good sign, happy. Good news and a journey await you.

Airplane- if the figure of an airplane is at the bottom - disappointment that the journey may not happen. On the wall of the cup - you really want to escape from all problems.

Boot- if you have a business trip ahead of you, then it will be a success.

Heart- you have a friend or lover. If the ring is next to the heart, then an ambulance wedding. Dots near the heart - this is for money.

Elephant- a symbol of health and happiness, but you need a devoted friend.

Dog- a very good sign of friendship and a true friend. If the figure of a dog is on the bottom, your friend needs help. Seeing a dog's head means you are greatly appreciated as a friend.

Owl- possible disease.

Arrow- A letter is waiting for you, after which you will agree on something. A fuzzy arrow is not very good news.

Chair- Time relax. Unexpected guests.

Dancer- be careful in frivolities - you may be misunderstood.

Awning- if you can not find a place for yourself and are upset - you need to go on a trip.

Axe is a danger warning. A fuzzy ax is a frivolous danger.

Dots in a row- journey. If there are three dots, the wish will come true.

Points in a cluster- This is money. The larger the accumulation, the more money. It can be a job that promises good money.

Triangle- if the triangle with its apex is not directed upwards, happiness accompanies you. If up, then carefully weigh each step in the decisions.

A tube- the time has come when you need advice. Don't be overconfident. Be reasonable.

Duck- in this situation, optimism and cheerfulness will help you.

Apron- you will soon meet, which will grow into a great friendship.

Flag- Attention! Possible intrigues of enemies. Act prudently and carefully.

Fountain- Prosperity and joyful times await you. All your plans will be successful.

Fruit- a symbol of good luck. Your actions will bring you success.

Flowers- love. Marriage and happiness. Honors await you.

Church- engagement. Marriage. Love.

Numbers- they mean literally everything that can be written in numbers. Hours, minutes, weeks, months, days, years, etc. explanation in the figures beside. If the numbers are close to the handle, it means fast execution. The numbers also indicate luck in the lottery.

Kettle- your main goal in life is harmony in your home. If steam comes out of the spout, then this indicates that you are very restless.

Clock- a good time to plan for the future.

Bowl- Joy and abundance await you, meeting good people.

Chessmen- Difficulties await you.

Hat- a symbol of money. At the bottom of the hat - happiness in family life. On the wall - you have great abilities for diplomacy.

Sword- you have to be careful. There are conflicts at work and at home.

Crew(wagon) - perhaps your secret will be revealed. Do and say everything thoughtfully.

Apple is a symbol of excellent health. You have the opportunity to achieve business success.

Eggs- to be born or a child was born. If there are 2 or 3 eggs in the nest, this is very happy and joyful news.

Anchor- a symbol of success. Closer to the edge - constancy in love. On the side of the wall - a great interest in travel, and not in sex - adventures. If the anchor is at the bottom, all matters related to the future journey will be successful. Not a very clear anchor - a little trouble with your soulmate.

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