Home Flowers Skiing in a dream. Skiing on white snow. What did you do with skis in your dream?

Skiing in a dream. Skiing on white snow. What did you do with skis in your dream?

Why do you dream about riding on these wooden or plastic “sticks”? Not every dream book is familiar with skiing, but we have found for you the most complete interpretation of dreams that are in one way or another related to this “transport”.

  • Seeing skis in a dream is good: most often they are associated with relaxation, nature, and health.
  • If you admired a skier performing in a competition, the dream means: you will reach your new “peaks.”
  • If you watched a group of skiers skiing, this means: your relationship with your friends will “warm up”. Maybe even a friend you haven't heard from in years will come back into your life.
  • Was your real friend a skier performing somewhere or just skiing? This man will soon need your help. Don't refuse! Over time, this friend will “rise up” and thank you generously.
  • If you weren’t really skiing, but snowboarding, the dream promises a pleasant surprise from your close friend.

Ski appearance

  • They were bright in color. Your subconscious is hinting: you are bored with everyday life, which means you urgently need to “shake yourself up.” Rearranging the house, redecorating, changing the menu will help.
  • Old, dilapidated skis: the days spent at school will remind you of themselves. It is quite possible that you will meet some of your old friends, or plan such a meeting.
  • Broken skis: problems will come into your life.
  • On the contrary, they were new: in life you will only be a winner. The skis were on display: you will be bursting with fresh ideas.
  • They were very long: you are facing very boring work that requires maximum perseverance. But if you try, you will get a decent payment.

What did you do in your dream?

  • You were sliding along a knurled track (ski track), or along a flat road: everything in your life is as “smooth” as on this path. Most likely, nothing will change in the near future.
  • You made your way through the high snow, making your own way: life is preparing a rake for you. If you adequately overcome everything that befalls you, life will get better and even better.
  • Getting stuck in the snow on a ski slope: something personal will hinder your progress towards your goal.
  • Why do you dream about the skis you bought? You want to “refresh” your own life by bringing something new into it. It takes a long time to choose them: think carefully about what you plan to do. The second interpretation of this dream: you will finally buy the thing you have long dreamed of.
  • Did you buy some really bright skis (red or something)? To brighten up a bland life, you need to introduce extreme things into it - for example, a hobby that borders on danger.
  • In your dream, was another person buying skis? This means that in real life you can count on a surprise from a close relative or friend.
  • Renting skis in a dream: you will have to prove your authority to minors. These will not necessarily be your children - maybe the children of relatives or acquaintances will begin to be insolent to you.
  • Take care of your skis (say, smear them with a special product or regular lard): a situation that makes you very nervous will soon be resolved thanks to your ingenuity. This dream has another interpretation: you are respected at work, including by your boss.
  • To be nervous in a dream because your skis were stolen: in real life you will lose something.
  • Were you such a thief yourself? Your business has simply stalled, and you need to make attempts to somehow “revive” it.
  • You jumped from a springboard with skis: you are destined for an act of increased responsibility. How did you land? If successful, you will quickly achieve your plans. If you fall, there will be additional problems - although, of course, you will be able to solve them.
  • Putting on skis in a dream, fastening (fastening) boots: in your hands there is some information that you will skillfully use.
  • You were riding on broken “sticks”: some action of yours will ruin your life.
  • Ride with friends: your friends will do something to please you, and maybe you will have a good time together. If you were skiing alone, this means that you love peace and inner harmony (maybe you are an introvert?)
  • Did you throw them away? A fix idea will visit your head.

Wasn't it winter skiing?

  • The most common interpretation of skiing without snow is that you will perform a rather extravagant act.
  • Water skiing in a dream promises a carefree holiday.
  • Fall from them into the water: a person you trust will upset and (or) disappoint you.

Was there an injury or breakdown?

  • Have you fallen off your skis? You will soon have troubles, and you will only have yourself to blame.
  • Did you break a limb due to a fall? An envious colleague secretly puts a spoke in your wheels, preventing you from growing in your career.
  • In your dream, did you roll around with a cast? The dream warns of a possible illness or injury. Be careful!
  • You broke your skis: to achieve your goal, you need to overcome several small problems.

Opinion of the most famous books

Not every dream book can decipher the appearance of skis in a dream - after all, this type of movement is not popular in all countries. But these books know well why you were rolling around in the snow in your sleep!

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Longo

  1. As this dream book says, skiing is nothing more than a hint: your life should change before problems start. Moreover, what you are so desperately grasping for will bring trouble.
  2. A broken ski is a “rake” on the way to a goal that you have been moving towards for many days. Yes, the obstacle seems difficult, but don’t give up - you will overcome everything and achieve your goal if you don’t lose heart.
  3. Did you rent skis? In real life, some child (maybe even a stepchild) will ask an unchildish question. You will have to use all your intelligence and ingenuity to answer it correctly.

Modern dream book

  1. In a dream, you were not an athlete, but a simple vacationer skiing for fun? “In real life” you urgently need a change of scenery. Take a vacation and go somewhere.
  2. Have you treated your skis with cream for easy gliding? Your environment is confident that you are a wise and serious person.
  3. Have you been skiing down a mountain and being a desperate coward at the same time? This means that you work according to the principle “eyes are afraid, hands are doing.” Yes, you doubt yourself, and yes, you are afraid that it won’t work out - but you don’t give up, and as a result you will get a perfectly completed job.

Is it good or bad to see skis in a dream? Different dream books will answer this question.

Modern dream book

If you saw skis in a dream, expect a joyful event in reality.

When you happen to be skiing from a mountain in a dream, it means that in reality the most difficult task will end with great success.

In a dream, you saw cross marks from skiing - in reality, you will have to face proceedings in a love relationship.

If in your dream there was a ski track that winded through a snow-covered forest, most likely you will be able to make the right choice.

When in a dream the skis were water skis, it means that in reality you will have wonderful entertainment or stressful situations.

Skis can also symbolize painful memories of the distant past that follow you.

When you are actually sick and saw skiing in a dream, expect a speedy healing. When you are healthy, such a dream can portend financial waste.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

In the dream book, the skis you have skied on mean that you will soon have to change your usual environment, otherwise your life path will be filled with failures, difficulties, and losses. Everything that you are afraid of losing will become a symbol of your upcoming difficulties.

Dreaming of broken skis predicts the appearance of obstacles on the path of life - a goal that you set for yourself a long time ago may not be achieved. But you shouldn’t become limp, it’s better to continue what you started with great perseverance, then everything will definitely work out.

Did you rent skis in your dream? You will communicate in reality with the child of people you know, and the child will puzzle you with a serious question, the answer to which will be very difficult to give.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

If you saw skis in a dream, a sudden joyful event awaits you.

If you had to ski on heavy snow, you will be faced with a task that will be difficult to complete.

Skiing downhill - expect a good turn of events that seem unfavorable.

If you saw in a dream how someone competes on skis - possible illnesses and some stagnation in the conduct of business.

To indicate ambiguities in a love relationship, you dream of an intersecting ski trail.

If you noticed a ski track that ran between snow-covered trees, your choice will definitely be the right one. Whatever you decide to start, it will work out in your hands.

Wanderer's Dream Book

Skiing in this dream book is interpreted as too long-term relationships and affairs.

This dream predicts a temporary cooling of relationships, their completion on your own initiative, and difficulties that must be overcome at this stage of life.

It all depends on how difficult it was for you to get where you need to go, especially on skis. If you want to understand what this plot means, you should pay attention to where exactly you skated and with whom.

It matters whether you were comfortable going down the mountain or not. This is what it means to ski in a dream under various circumstances.

Winter or summer

In the case of avid skiers who take walks in the snow, it is not at all surprising if you dream about skiing even after walking.

Such visions are not interpreted, since they are simply processing of daytime impressions, so such a dream has no meaning for you.

However, in another situation, if shortly before going to bed you did not make any ski trips, this picture is certainly worth interpreting.

To understand why such a plot is dreamed of, pay attention to the area, whether it is familiar to you or not.

A vision in which you or someone else is skiing or falling is worth interpreting even in winter, if you dreamed about it unexpectedly.

In summer and outside the ski season, it is also worth interpreting similar night pictures.

What does this dream mean

If in a dream you were skiing or simply sliding down an ice slide and having fun, this means you should expect changes in your personal relationships.

It is possible that your significant other will show coldness, hostility and can greatly harm you, but not always intentionally. If you climb a snowy mountain on skis with great difficulty, then a period of difficulties and troubles awaits you.

Most likely, nothing will be easy for you, so you will have to focus on overcoming various difficulties.

If you dream that you climbed to a certain height or did not reach the top and skied down the mountain, expect a new turn in your personal life.

IN It is possible that the girl or guy you love will surprise you with their coldness and reluctance to communicate.

Why dream of just skiing down a small slope with others? This is a very good dream that promises joy, love, and pleasant changes in your personal life.

It is possible that your opinion about friends and enemies will change dramatically, and they may change places. Some people dream of a similar plot to a love adventure, exciting surprises, joy in love.

But if a meeting of skiers resembles a competition among themselves or you are engaged in professional skiing, then the modern dream book writes that you will compete with someone.

It is possible that you will have to fight for your own place in the sun. The skier who came to the finish line first is your main rival or competitor.

If you don’t know him, then it is this person’s personal qualities that will be what you lack to win the race of life. Try to develop them so that you will be successful.

Other meanings of sleep

Falls, fractures and other injuries received on a ski trip mean that you will not be able to cope with some difficulties, and at the same time it will be very difficult for you to count on the help of friends in a difficult situation.

  • Seeing skis in a dream foretells unexpected joy.
  • Skiing on snow means that you will undertake a quick but difficult task.
  • Skiing from the mountains - to happy consequences in unfavorable conditions.
  • Seeing ski competitions in a dream foreshadows stagnation in business due to a serious illness.
  • Intersecting ski marks are a sign of uncertainty in a love relationship.
  • Seeing a well-worn ski track winding through a snow-covered forest means that you will make the right choice, deciding to blaze your own path in a new business.
  • Lubricate your skis with a special cream - you are considered a very thorough and insightful person.
  • Skiing down the mountain means a happy ending to a difficult undertaking.
  • Skiing down a high mountain while experiencing fear - despite your doubts, you will be able to cope with the task.
  • Seeing that your skis are broken means you will easily achieve your goals.

See interpretation: sport, ride

Modern dream book

  • If in a dream you ski for your own pleasure, without trying to set records, then in real life you feel the need for a change of scenery. Why don't you take a little vacation for yourself? If you dreamed that you were lubricating your skis with a special cream, then in reality you are considered a very thorough and perspicacious person. A dream in which you ski down a high mountain, while experiencing fear, means that, despite your doubts, you will be able to cope with the task set before you.

Mayan Dream Interpretation

  • Symbolizes superficial eroticism.

Freud's Dream Book

  • Why do you dream of Skis - A merry road, as the dream book predictor reports.

Ancient Russian dream book

  • To run on skis - To run on skis - beware of too easy paths, you can get lost on them (don’t always live with your mind).

Dream book of the 21st century

  • Skis - Seeing skis in a dream means an unexpected pleasant meeting with old friends; sliding on them is a harbinger of a pleasant journey. Seeing skiers in a dream means stagnation in business, a tempting prospect associated with financial risk. Skiing on a well-worn track in a dream means making a difficult journey in reality or unexpectedly finding yourself on the road. If you yourself lay a ski track on solid snow crust, it means that you will be forced to make a responsible decision, as such a dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Spring dream book

  • Ski track - Seeing a ski track in a dream means marrying a person who was already married.

Summer dream book

  • Ski track - Seeing in a dream how you are skiing on a ski track means that you are firmly following the intended path.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

  • If you were skiing in a dream, it means that you need to change your environment as soon as possible, otherwise your life may, as they say, turn back. Anything you value so much that you are so afraid of losing can become the source of your difficulties. The broken ski you saw in a dream symbolizes an obstacle to achieving a goal that you have set for quite some time. If you allow yourself to become discouraged and depressed about the fact that nothing is working out for you, then nothing will work out, and those small steps that you have already taken, moving towards your cherished desire, will not play any role; everything will be upset. Therefore, you simply should not perceive this obstacle as a serious obstacle to your goal. Continue what you started and you will certainly achieve success. Rent skis - you have to communicate with one of your friends’ children, and the child will ask you a difficult question, and you need to answer it intelligently.

Miller's Dream Book

  • Skiing (on skis myself) – Pleasure. Dream Interpretation Ski Track - Seeing in a dream how you are walking along a ski track means fortitude.

Azar's Dream Book

  • to see Skis in a dream - A short road, a journey

Aesop's Dream Book

  • Unexpected joy; skiing - happy consequences; to see those sliding - stagnation in business.

Skiing in a dream is a clear warning. The dream book warns that you will have to fight hard for your happiness. But the explanation for why this winter fun is dreamed of is not always so negative. In some cases, this dream promises pleasant events.

Predictions from a 21st century dream book

Seeing yourself skiing in one of your dreams is a sign of a soon pleasant meeting with one of your good old friends. Communication with this person will allow you to experience a whole range of pleasant feelings and plunge into nostalgic, joyful memories.

If you dreamed that you were easily and naturally gliding along a ski track, then in reality you will go on a trip. If you dream that you have been skiing for quite a long time, then you will be able to go quite far from home. The 21st century dream book reminds us that even if you are in a relaxed vacation mood, you should not forget about your own safety.

To dream of a group of skiers descending from a mountain means financial stagnation. This is a sign that you should not bet on a new business; there is a high probability that it will not bring any tangible profit. If you dream that you yourself are skiing, it means that in reality you will decide to take part in a dangerous event. Such a penchant for adventure can do a disservice and get you into big trouble.

Miller's dream book opinion

Skiing in your dream means the need to change your environment. Such changes will allow you to change your life for the better. If you dream about such a plot, don’t delay and decide on what you’ve been planning for so long.

Seeing a broken ski in a dream is a bad sign. Miller's dream book warns that what you are very afraid of losing will be the source of your difficulties.

Rolling down the mountain means failure. Something that we had been planning for a long time suddenly got upset. Just don't give up. The dream should not lead you astray from your goal and intended path. If you sincerely believe that what you have planned is really necessary for you, take up the matter again.

Having fun on the mountain slopes using rented sports equipment means having to enter into a difficult conversation with your own child. Miller's dream book recommends not trying to avoid difficult topics, but, on the contrary, finally talking frankly. This will restore mutual understanding and trust in the relationship.

If you dreamed that you were descending from a mountain in the company of a lover or lover, then the relationship will experience some kind of renewal. The dream indicates that feelings will become brighter, and passion will again burn in the heart, as in the first months of meetings.

Skiing in a dream in the summer means bold decisions. If you didn’t like doing this sport at all in the summer, then you should wait with your choice and actions, otherwise they will only provoke a number of difficulties.

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