Home Garden on the windowsill Which words in English are preceded by the and a. Articles in English - what they are for and when to use them

Which words in English are preceded by the and a. Articles in English - what they are for and when to use them

The article is a functional word showing that the word behind it is a noun and describing some of its features. Articles allow you to distinguish from other parts of speech. They perform other tasks as well.

AT English language there are two articles: uncertaina (an) and definitethe.

The indefinite article before words that begin with a consonant sound is used in the form a[ə], for example: a desk [ə'desk], a book [ə'bʊk]; before words that begin with a vowel - in the form an[ən], for example: an animal [ən'ænɪməl], an eye [ən'aɪ]. The name of the article itself (without a noun) always sounds [еɪ].

Definite article the before words that begin with a consonant sound, it is pronounced as [ðə], for example: the table [ðə'teɪbl], the pen [ðə'pen]; before words that begin with a vowel - like [ðɪ], for example: the apple [ðɪ'æpl], the arm [ðɪ'ɑːm]. The name of the article itself is always pronounced as [ðɪ].

When writing and pronouncing articles, it is important with which sound the word begins, and not with which letter. For example, if the initial letter u reads like [ʌ], then you need to put an(an uncle [ən'ʌŋkl]), but if both, then - a(a union [ə'ju:nɪon]).

Another example: if at the beginning of a word a letter h pronounced, then you need to put a(a hen [ə'hen] chicken), but if not pronounced, then - an(an hour [ən'auə] hour).

    Indefinite article
  • has two forms - a and an;
  • denotes an incomprehensible / unfamiliar object.
    Definite article
  • has one form the;
  • denotes an understandable/familiar subject.

Articles are never stressed and in speech merge with the word following them. If there is an adjective, the article is placed before it. Compare: an apple - a big green apple.

Use of the article

When using articles, it is important to consider in what number (singular or plural) the noun is and what its type is, namely: is it common or proper, countable or uncountable, abstract or concrete.

In many cases, the use (or absence) of the article is regulated by grammatical rules, but in some cases it is traditional. Such cases must be remembered.

Indefinite article

The indefinite article comes from the numeral one(one). It is usually not translated into Russian, but it could be translated as “one”, “one of” or “some”, “some”. Therefore, the indefinite article can only be used with countable nouns and only in the singular.’

    The indefinite article is used:
  1. When an object, creature or person is mentioned for the first time, for example: I see a boy (I see (some) boy).
  2. If turnover is used there is, for example: There is an apple in my pocket (I have an apple in my pocket / in my pocket (there is)).
  3. If turnover is used have something/ have got something, for example: I have (got) an orange (I have an orange).
  4. If the profession, position, nationality and other characteristics of a person are called, for example: I am a teacher (I am a teacher); Her son is a pupil (Her son is a student).
  5. When it is necessary to indicate that a given object (creature, person) belongs to a certain group (the property of a group is expressed by an adjective), for example: Do you know that town? Yes, it is a nice small town (Do you know this town? Yes, it's a nice little town). (In this case, it is not necessary that the subject be mentioned for the first time.)
  6. If you need to specifically emphasize that there is only one subject, for example: Do you have pencils? Yes, I have a pencil (Do you have pencils? Yes, there is (one)). (Here, too, the subject need not be mentioned for the first time.)

Definite article

The definite article comes from demonstrative pronoun that(this). He singles out a specific object from among similar ones (“this”, “exactly this”, “the same”).

    The definite article is used:
  1. If the subject has already been mentioned and the speech continues about it, for example: My friend has got a dog. He walks with the dog every day (My friend has a dog. He walks with the dog every day). But: My friend has got a dog. My sister also has a dog (My friend has a dog. My sister also has a dog).
  2. If the object or objects belong to some special group, for example: The flowers in our garden are very beautiful (The flowers in our garden are very beautiful). (Here in our garden is special group, so the word flowers is written with a definite article. In this case, the word may be mentioned for the first time, but the article will be definite.)
  3. If the noun is preceded by an ordinal number, for example: The second lesson is English (The second lesson is English). (In this case, we are talking about the specific and the only one: there can be only one second lesson.)
  4. If the noun is preceded by a superlative adjective, for example: Not is the best pupil in our school (He is the best student in our school). (In this case, we are talking about the specific and unique: there can be only one best student.)
  5. If it's about unique phenomenon or object. (Therefore, the Earth and the Sun are usually written. Here, the use of the definite article is similar to the capitalization of the word in Russian.)
  6. If we are talking about familiar furnishings and the world around us, for example: Where is my coat? It hangs at the door (Where is my coat? It hangs at the door). (It is not necessary to refer to a specific door - it simply refers to a familiar piece of furniture).
  7. If an abstract noun is used in some of its particular manifestations, for example: I cannot see anything in the darkness! (I can't see anything in this darkness!)

No article (zero article)

In the absence of an article, they also say that there is a zero article.

    The article is missing in the following cases.
  1. When an object (thing, creature, person) is mentioned for the first time in the plural, for example: I see boys in the street (I see (some) boys on the street).
  2. If turnover is used there are with a plural noun, for example: There are apples in my pocket (I have apples in my pocket).
  3. If turnover is used have something/ have got something, for example: I have (got) oranges in my fridge (I have oranges in the fridge).
  4. If the profession, position, nationality and other characteristics of two or more people are called, for example: We are teachers (We are teachers); Her sons are pupils (Her sons are students).
  5. When it is necessary to indicate that these items belong to a certain group (the property of the group is expressed by an adjective), for example: Did you hear these songs? Yes, these were very nice songs (Did you hear these songs? Yes, they were very nice songs). (In this case, it is not necessary that the word be called for the first time.)
  6. If an abstract noun is used in the most general sense, for example: Darkness is the absence of light (Darkness is the absence of light).
  7. If the noun is preceded by possessive pronoun, for example: My house is yellow (My house is yellow).
  8. If a noun is preceded by a negative no(not not!), for example: We have no bread on the table (We have no bread on the table).

It's important to know! If in cases 1-5 uncountable nouns are used (they do not have a plural), then the article is also absent. All these cases are analogous to the use of the indefinite article with singular countable nouns.

Use of the article with proper names

Proper names are usually used without an article, for example: Moscow, New York, Elizabeth, Trafalgar Square, Elbrus.

    The definite article is used in the following special cases.
  1. Names of rivers, seas, oceans, for example: the Mississippi - Mississippi (river); the Baltic Sea - the Baltic Sea; the Atlantic Ocean - the Atlantic Ocean.
  2. The names of some states, for example: the Russian Federation - the Russian Federation; the Ukraine - Ukraine; the Brazil - Brazil; the USA - USA; the United Kingdom - United Kingdom.
  3. Some other geographical names (with the article - according to tradition), for example: the Caucasus - the Caucasus; the Crimea - Crimea; the Hague - The Hague (a city in the Netherlands).
  4. Mountain names ( mountain systems), for example: the Alps - Alps.
  5. The names of the cardinal points: the North - north; the South - south; the East - east; the West - west.
  6. Names of newspapers and magazines, for example: the Times - The Times.
  7. Names of hotels, for example: the Savoy - "Savoy".
  8. The name of the whole family (all family members) by last name, for example: the Krasnovs - Krasnovs (Krasnov family).
    Used without article following names own.
  1. Names of continents, for example: America - America; Asia - Asia; Africa - Africa.
  2. The names of most countries, for example: Russia - Russia; India - India; France - France; Great Britain - Great Britain.
  3. City names, for example: London - London; Paris - Paris; Moscow - Moscow.
  4. Names of streets and squares, for example: Green Street - Green Street; Red Square - Red Square.
  5. The names of the months and days of the week, for example: I'll see you in September / on Sunday (See you in September / on Sunday).
  6. Names and surnames, for example: Jack Black, Ivan Petrov.

Phrases with and without articles

Combinations without articles

after school / work - after school / work
at half past two - at half past two
at night - at night
at home - at home; at work - at work
at school - at school (in the classroom)
at table - at the table (that is, at dinner, etc.)
by heart - by heart
by post - by mail
from beginning to end - from beginning to end
from morning till night - from morning to evening
go to bed - go to bed
in front of - ahead
play football / hockey - play football / hockey
to go / come home - go / come home

Combinations with the indefinite article

at a quarter past two - at a quarter past two
go for a walk - go for a walk
have a good time - have a good time
have a look - look
in a hurry - in a hurry
in a low / loud voice - quiet / loud
It's a pity! - It's a pity!
It's a pleasure! - Very nice!
It's a shame! - Ashamed!

Combinations with the definite article

go to the theater / cinema - go to the theater / cinema
in the country - outside the city, in the countryside
in the morning/afternoon/evening - in the morning/afternoon/evening
keep the house - stay at home
on / to the right / left - right, right / left, left
play the piano/guitar - play the piano/guitar
the other day
What is the time? - What time is it now?

It is impossible to brag about knowledge of English grammar without knowing minor at first glance, but important details, such as articles. One of the most insidious and treacherous of these is the definite article "the". When communicating with a native speaker, it is very easy to "sleep" by using it out of place, or vice versa, missing it. Knowing the following 10 rules, you will be able to
strengthen your knowledge on the front of articles and be more confident in the correctness of your sayings. But be extremely careful - the rules are full of exceptions and pitfalls. Don "t say "thanks" just yet. Check what we have in store for ya!

Let's start simple. You use the article when you want to distinguish a word from other possible versions. If there is no confusion as to what you mean then you do not use the article. Therefore, if everyone already knows, for example, where you go to school (to university or to work), you just say: "I"m going to school", because there is no confusion. Or if you say that ever going to school in general, you do not use the article « the". The same applies to the house - usually everyone has one, and hell with Paradise, which everyone is aware of. So, when you once again think about where you will go after death, think in English, and do it correctly: "I "m going to hell." However, when we talk about special hell of a particular religion, the article "the" should already be: " The hell of Islam is far worse than the hell of Chirstianity

With that being said, it is important to remember that if noun countable (one gun, two guns), then always put the article (the / a / an). And at the same time remember that can't bet his before plural (guns, books) or incalculablenouns(water, blood, advice, chocolate, meat etc.).


We do not set « the", when talking about something generally, no specifics.

Cats are awesome pets!

Here we are not talking about one particular awesome cat or pet, but about all the awesome cats and pets at once.

Women love it when men do it right.
People are evil in that neighborhood.


Names of sports and other types of physical activity do not require the article "the".

I love to go skiing in the winter.
I play baseball every day after school.
He loves watching hockey on TV.
She does yoga 3 times a week.
My daughter really enjoys dancing.

A family

We use « the"when we say about family(name) but not about a specific person or combinations with names:

We're having dinner with the Smiths tonight.
The Browns are going to play with us.
John is coming over later.
Mary Carpenter is my boss.
Prince Charles is Queen Elizabeth's son.
President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas.


Do not put the article, when:

  • after the noun comes the number:
He's staying at the Haunted hotel in room 221.
The train to Noplaceville leaves from platform 2.
My Exorcism class is in room 6 on the first floor("first" acts as an adjective in this sentence and describes "the floor" - floor).
  • year indicated:
1948 was a wonderful year.
He was born in 1995 .

We put the article before:

  • superlative adjectives and ordinal numbers:
the third movie
the tallest kid
the last hour
  • decades and other periods of years:
I"m the kid of the nineties.
This is a painting from the 1820's.


If the sentence contains such a word, then feel free to sculpt “the” in front of it:

This is the only day we "ve had sunshine all week.
You are the only person she will listen to.
The only tea I like is black tea.

Not the first time

We put " a when we talk about something for the first time, and then change to « the', when something about what in question,it's getting clear. Also put « the', when all quite obvious or when something or someone is one of a kind. Using this rule, you will be right in most cases, but remember about hell and heaven.

He was talking to a man. The man was laughing.
She gave him a present. The present was very expensive.
I cleaned the bathroom this morning.
the sun is hot today.
He traveled around the world.

Breakfasts, lunches and dinners

We do not use article before meal names:

We had lunch at none.
I have breakfast at 7 a.m.

proper names

Majority names holidays, companies, languages, countries, streets, airports, stations, cities, continents, islands, individual mountains, lakes etc. are all proper names, and article here usually not needed. But it is in this section of the rules for the use of "the" that there is many exceptions so be extremely careful.

McDonald's has restaurants in 119 countries.
Victoria Station is in the center of London.
Can you direct me to Bond Street?
She lives in Florence.
I got some cool ideas for halloween. (there is only 1 Halloween that everyone knows about)
Asia and Europe are two continents, in case you didn't know.
Her son graduated from Harvard. (but "He has a master's degree from the University of Toronto»).
I'm leaving for america next week (but " the United States»).
Lake Ontario and Lake Huron are 2 of the Great Lakes("the Great Lakes" - a group of lakes on the border between Canada and the United States requires an article).
I teach people how to speak English / Chinese / Spanish / Russian(however, when talking about the inhabitants of a particular nation: " The Spanish are known for their warm hospitality").
Mount Everest is the one I plan to climb next week (but " the Endes», « the Rockies” or unusual names for individual mountains, such as Mt. the Matterhorn"(peak in the Pennine Alps).
Easter Island, Maui, Key West- none of these islands I "ve visited (but chains islands like " the Aleutians», « the Hebrides" or" the Canary Islands» require an article).

Names, establishments and places

We do not use « the" before:

  • names of professions, subjects at school, shops and some places:
My office is located on main street/Washington Blvd.
I usually go to church on Sundays.
Did you go to school today?
She's studying business at university.
Engineering is a well-paid career.
He'll probably study medicine.
I'll get the card at Smith's.
Can you go to Boots for me?
  • names of subjects at school:
  • before the following words in a general sense:
I hope to go to college.
He spent three years in prison.

We use « the" before:

  • names of rivers, oceans and seas ( the Nile, the Pacific,the Arctic, the Atlantic, the Black Sea, the Thames);
  • countries ( the Netherlands, the Philippines), also before those whose names include the words " republic", « states" and " kingdom» ( the Czech Republic, the Dominican Republic, Republic of Ireland, the United States, the United Kingdom);
  • points of the globe ( the Equator, the North Field);
  • geographic areas ( the Middle East, the West);
  • deserts, forests, bays and peninsulas ( the Sahara, Persian Gulf, the Black Forest, the Iberian Peninsula).
  • names of newspapers and famous buildings, works of art, museums and monuments ( the New York Times, the Guardian,the Vietnam Memorial, the Louvre, Mona Lisa, the Eiffel Tower,the Globe).
  • before the names of hotels and restaurants, unless they are named after a person ( the Golden Lion, the Hilton).
  • in front of already known places where people usually go ( the bank, the supermarket, the doctor's)
Let's go the movies.
My dad is in the hospital(Americans will put the article here, but the British can omit it).
She works at the post office.
What time do you have to be at the airport?
Please drop me off at the bus stop.
She doesn't like to go to doctor or the dentist.


Or acronyms - an abbreviated form of the name of something, using the capital letters of each word to form a new one. So here it is if the acronym is pronounced like a word, we do not use « the»:

NATO[’neɪtoʊ] (North Atlantic Treaty Organization is pronounced in one word here) ambassadors met to discuss the situation.
UNSECO(United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) was formed in 1946.
Sorry, you've got AIDS(Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome).

The same goes for abbreviations. names of educational institutions:

She has a Ph. D from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology).

However, if abbreviation is spelled, then article"the" is needed. And you may well say the NATO member(member of NATO).

The UN was created after the Second World War (United Nations = UN and spelled).

The same applies to the following abbreviations:

the EU(European Union)
the US(United States)
the CIA(Central Intelligence Agency)
the FBI(Federal Bureau of Investigation)

Now you are supposed to be from "the" to "you", but do not rush to be familiar. Do not forget about exceptions and the main rule. Good luck with learning English and keep the progress going!

Big and friendly family EnglishDom

Articles in English a/an and the indicate the degree of certainty of the subject in a given context or in general. In Russian, they, as service words, are absent and are not translated from English, but sometimes they can “meet” in phrases like: “I know one girl. This girl is in our school. Or: “One boy was very fond of reading. This boy once found a very interesting book ... "

Therefore, on an intuitive level, we sometimes also use the words “one / one / one / alone” when we first mention an object, and “this / this / this / these” when it is used again in speech. Especially often this can be found in fairy tales: "Once upon a time there was an old man ..."

The use of articles in English

correct use of articles in English often causes difficulty. There are, of course, rules for the use of certain articles - a/ an, the, zero article, but since native speakers trust, first of all, their intuition and logic, then by putting ourselves in their place and trying to think like them, we could greatly facilitate the task.

What is this certainty/uncertainty?

I have bought a dog. - I bought a dog. In this context, you are talking about a dog for the first time, this means “some kind of dog, one of many”, it is not yet clear to the listener which particular dog we are talking about, so in this example we use the indefinite article -a.

The dog is very cute. - The dog is very cute. Now you are already talking about “a particular dog - the one that you bought. The listener already understands that we are talking about your dog, so there is already a definite article -the. In other words, as in the "bearded" joke about English for the "new Russians": the article -a - means "type", and -the - "specifically", that is, one of many or a specific example.

Table of articles in English

It will help to systematize all of the above. table of articles in English.


The subject is mentioned in this context repeatedly: I have an interesting idea. I have interesting idea. Wow tell me about the ideas please! Wow, tell me about this idea please.)
The object or person is the only one in the given situation: The actress is on the scene. The actress is on stage. (on a certain stage)
The noun is preceded by an ordinal number: He is on the second floor. He's on the second floor.
A superlative adjective precedes a noun: She is the most beautiful girl, I`ve ever seen. (she is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen.
A noun denotes a substance in a certain amount or a certain place, in a given setting: Pass me the salt, please. Pass me the salt, please.
Where is the water? Where is the water?
Noun singular of its kind: > the sun, the moon, the sky, the universe, the earth
With the name of the countries, including such words as republic, union, kingdom, states, emirates, as well as with the names of countries in the plural: the German Federal Republic
the United Arab Emirates
the Philippines
Before the names of oceans, seas, rivers, mountain ranges, groups of islands, deserts: the atlantic, the pacific ocean, the Nile, the Bahamas, the Alps
With the cardinal points The south, the North
The noun denotes a whole class of objects: The giraffe is the tallest animals. The giraffe is the tallest animal.
After the words one/some/many/most/both/all of Some of the mistakes are very bad.
Some of the mistakes are very gross.
Before family name in plural: The Smiths have moved to another town. The Smiths moved to another city.


At the first mention of the subject: A man is waiting for you. A man is waiting for you. (some)
If it's an indefinite amount: I can bring a coffee to your friend. I can bring coffee to your friend.
With job titles: He is an engineer. He is an engineer.
In the nominal part compound predicate: She is a smart girl.
If an object belongs to the class of homogeneous objects: There is a bee in the cup. There is a bee in the cup. (not an ant).
In stable combinations like: what a..
a little
a few
a lot of
as a rule
as a result
for a while
to be in a
to have a
to see a
there is a
What a lovely day!
I'd like to say a few words.
I have a little free time.
I have a lot of friends.
Before words such, quite, rather, most (meaning "very"): He is quite a young man. He is quite a young man.
If you can replace the article with the word "one". : There is a flower in the garden.
There is a flower in the garden.
There is one flower in the garden.

Zero article:

Before nouns with definitions (pronouns, numerals, proper names in the possessive case.): My mother works here. My mom works here.
Tom's bag. Tom's bag.
When generalized in the plural. before countable nouns: Apples are my favorite fruits.
Apples are my favorite fruit.
Before nouns as a definition: guitar lessons - guitar lessons
Before the names of countries, continents, cities, streets: Germany, Poland, London, Hyde Park, High Street
Before abstract (uncountable) nouns: This is important information. This is important information.
Before the names and surnames of people: His name is Lee.
In adverbial combinations: for breakfast, at lunch, to dinner, at night, by bus, on sale, in fact, from time to time, from school, to work, at work, from work…

If you still have questions on the topic of articles in English, Double You Studio - an English language school in Kyiv (suburb, Vyshneve, Sofievskaya Borshchagovka, Boyarka, Petrivske) will help you figure it out.

In many foreign languages ​​there is such a thing as an article. To start learning grammar from this topic will be a good option for those who want to know English. The article (the rule of use will help to understand the question) is a service part of speech in English. It shows certainty or indefiniteness. Further in the text, the rules for its use are given when the article a (an), the is omitted.

Types of articles

There are two types of articles in English:

  • definite - the;
  • indefinite - a (an) (two forms).

The definite article shows that we are talking about some well-known or familiar subject that is more individualized, somehow stands out from others. And the indefinite one indicates a more generalized meaning or an object that appears in the text for the first time. Examples:

The girl has a dog./The girl has a dog.

From this sentence, it can be understood that we are talking about a particular girl who is already familiar to the reader and she was previously mentioned in the text, but the word “dog” is more generalized, which dog is unknown.


We have already found out that in English there is such a part of speech as the article: a (an), the. They originally came from other words and to some extent retained their old meaning.

For example, the definite article is an abbreviated form of the word that (that, that), which is why it carries such a specific meaning.

It comes from the word one (someone, some).

Definite article

In English, the definite article has two functions: the first of them is concretizing, and the other is generalizing. And this part of speech is used if a person knows exactly what subject is being discussed, or if this subject is unique.

The definite article in a concretizing meaning

  • It is used if one object stands out from the whole set, it has some excellent parameters, it is distinguished by a unique case, context. Before adjectives in

He is the best player in our team./He is the best player in our team.

  • Placed before the words following, last, next, only and very. They make the noun more specific.

And not the next day. / And not the next day.

  • Superlative adjectives are also preceded by the definite article.

It is the worst day in my life. / This is the worst day in my life.

The definite article in a general sense

  • In generalizing - when a noun can be attributed to a whole kind of objects.

Examples include the German Shepherd - the double coat is straight, and short length./For example, a German Shepherd. The coat has two characteristics: straight and short in length.

Here we are talking about all dogs belonging to a particular breed.

  • Omitted if replaced by a possessive pronoun.

She sure had some love for her German Shepards.

  • If you can put the word "this" before the noun.

The hotel also features easy access to the several subway stations./The hotel is also easily accessible from several subway stations.

  • When specifying the era, significant events.

The First World War./The First World War.

  • Before uncountable nouns, only if we are talking about a certain amount of substance.

And then the farmer has to find another way to deliver the juice.

  • Before the names of body parts.

The hand

  • Before social classes and strata of society.

The police./Police officers.

The definite article with proper nouns and some titles

It will help to better understand how to use articles with proper names and some names, the table below. All of the following words must be preceded by the definite article the.

proper names

Riversthe Nakdong
Names of newspapersthe Washington Post
place namesthe North Field
Objects from astronomythe Moon
Mountain namesthe Andes
cardinal directionsin the East

Surnames in the plural

(meaning all family members)

the Adamsons
Channelsthe Nicaragua Canal
City districtsthe West End
Nationalitiesthe Italian
Unique architectural structuresthe Winter Palace
desertthe Bolivian
Names of reservoirsthe Black Sea
Ship namesthe Aurora
Some countriesthe Argentina
Nicknamesthe Tall Ben

Definite article. Plural

  • If the definite article is used before a word in the singular, then it is placed before it in the plural.

You can bring the ball with, if you want.

You can bring the balls with, if you want./If you want, take the balls with you.

  • Also, the article remains before the plural when it comes to a group as a whole.

The members of Golf club can breathe fresh air./The members of the Golf club can breathe fresh air. (Everyone can breathe fresh air).

Indefinite article a (an)

"a" is used if the first letter in the word is a consonant, "an" if it is a vowel:

  • a table, a carpet, a dog / table, carpet, dog;
  • an elephant, an eagle, an orange / elephant, eagle, orange.

Exceptions to the rule:

  • the article "a" is always placed before words that begin with the letter "u" if it is pronounced /ju:/ (English is a universal language);
  • before the words "one", "ones" the article "a" (a one-parent family) is always used;
  • if abbreviations start with a consonant but read with a vowel (F is pronounced like /ef/), they are always preceded by the indefinite article "an" (an FBI agent).

Classifying, generalizing and numeral meaning of the indefinite article

  • In expressive sentences, in exclamatory sentences that begin with the word what, the indefinite article is used.

What a great!

  • With singular nouns preceded by words such as rather, quite, such, and most.

In a rather prescient way./Very far-sighted.

  • If a noun is a generic value for the entire class, species, layer, etc., then it is preceded by an indefinite article. Most often, such a noun is at the beginning of a sentence and does not carry any important information. More significant details are described later in the text.

A newspaper text is a very laconic and relevant essay.

  • In the numeral value, the article denotes its original meaning - one.

I can stay in Paris for only a day./I could stay in Paris for only a day. (Here it is clear that the particle -a can be replaced by one, the word from which the article a (an) was formed (the - from that). In this sentence, the particle takes its usual place).

Indefinite article a (an). Plural

Articles that are used before singular nouns are not used in the plural.

She had a book of astrology./She had a book on astrology.

She had two books./She had two books. (As you can see, the article is omitted).

Proper nouns and the article a (an)

The article a (an) is used before if they:

  • unknown

A Mr. Anderson has come to see you./A certain Mr. Anderson has come to see you.

  • used as a noun

You think, I am a Leonardoda Vinci?

  • point to individual family members

It is no wonder; in fact, she is a Smith./No wonder, because she is a Smith.

  • describe the position of a place or object

We saw a rebuild Rome. / We saw a rebuilt Rome.

In addition, there set expressions, which, regardless of context, never change and always remain in place. These phrases just need to be learned:

a few / a few, it is a pity / sorry, a little / a little, etc.

When the article is not needed

In English there is such a thing as when it is absent in sentences before nouns. Above in the article, cases were already mentioned when the article is omitted. Let's look at a few more typical rules.

  • If nouns are preceded by adjectives old / old, little / small, poor / poor, lazy / lazy, honest / honest.

She is little girl./She is a little girl.

  • If there is no definition for a noun.

I do not like Peter. / I do not like Peter.

  • Before titles, titles.

Lord Green./Lord Green.

Article exercises

To consolidate the acquired knowledge, you need to do a few exercises. Then check your answers with the keys, analyze the errors. For example, you can do the task below.

Insert the missing article a (an), the:

Paris is … beautiful town./Paris is a beautiful city.

What "s going on? I think it's ... salute. / What's going on? I think it's a salute.

Britney Spears is … singer./Britney Spears is a singer.

This is Nick. He is … engineer./This is Nick. He is an engineer.

… spider has eight legs./Spiders have eight legs.

It is … tomato./This is a tomato.

I am ... nurse. / I am a nurse.

She is … best./She is the best.

To take … seat./Sit down.

In ... country. / In the country.

Answers to the exercise. How to correctly insert the article a (an), the:

1. a. 2. a. 3. a. 4. an. 5. a. 6.a. 7. a. 8. the. 9 a. 10. the.

In this article, we will touch on the topic "Articles"- one of the most "unloved" topics of our students.

Many admit that, although they have gone through this topic many times, they continue to put articles at random and cannot systematize knowledge in any way. The article THE is of particular difficulty. Perhaps you have the same problem.

In preparing this article, we asked our students and subscribers to formulate questions related to the use of the article THE, to which they find it difficult to answer on their own. I would like to note that the questions were very similar, so we summarized them. And here are the questions of interest to students:

  • Which article to choose: A or THE?
  • How to determine if the article THE is needed with plural nouns and with uncountable nouns?

If you are also not completely sure of the depth of your knowledge about the use of the definite article THE and previous experience of studying "by the textbook" was useless, then given material will help you systematize the knowledge you already have and, perhaps, learn something new.

Which article to choose A or THE?

Let's remember a little from the theory. A(an)- this, it points to an indefinite object, and emphasizes that the object is one. THE- definite article (definite article), it is used when referring to something already known to the speaker.

Consider an example:

My father bought me a dog.
- Great! What color is the dog?
- The dog is black. And my mother bought me a book.

The first sentence uses article A, since the dog is mentioned for the first time and the interlocutor still does not know anything about it. Subsequently, it is used the article THE, since it became clear to both speakers which dog they were talking about. In the last sentence, the word book also used with the indefinite article, since it is mentioned for the first time, the interlocutor has not yet determined what kind of book it is.

A few more examples:

Yesterday I got a letter. The letter was from my friend. - I received a letter yesterday. The letter was from my friend.

I am reading a newspaper. I bought the newspaper from the news agent. - I am reading a newspaper. I bought a newspaper from a periodicals dealer.

Remember the rule: If you have a countable noun in the singular, then use Aif this item is mentioned for the first time or it is indefinite, inessential. THE is used if the subject has already been mentioned before and is known to the interlocutors.

Sometimes, despite the fact that something is mentioned for the first time, we can understand from the context what it is about: when additional information about the subject is given, an explanation, or when it is clear from the situation itself. Consider examples with explanations:

I was at a party yesterday. - I was at the party yesterday.
(Meaning some kind of party that we don't know anything about yet)

I was at theparty organized by my friend. - I was at a party organized by my friend.
(We understand what kind of party we are talking about)

He saw a woman in the corridor. - He saw (some) woman in the corridor.
(No further information is given about the woman)

He saw the woman who lived next door to him. - He saw a woman who lived next door.
(We understand what kind of woman this is)

He entered a door. - He entered the door.
(He entered one of the doors, we do not know which one).

He entered the door nearest to the stairs. He entered the door closest to the stairs.
(Specify which door)

When is the article THE always used?

Remember a number of cases in which the article THE is always used:

  • when something is mentioned that exists in one instance, something unique in its kind: the sun, the moon, the world, the earth, the capital, the ground, the environment, the universe
  • with the names of groups of people expressed by adjectives: the elderly, the young, the old, the rich, the poor, the unemployed, the disabled and others
  • with titles that end in -ese and -sh (-ch): the British, the Scottish, the Spanish, the Chinese, the Japanese. With other nationalities, the article THE may not be used: (the) Russians, (the) Americans
  • in combinations related to space: the end, the beginning, the middle, the center
  • in combinations related to time: in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening; the next, the last, the present, the future, the past
  • with titles and positions: the King, the president, the Prime Minister, the Queen
  • with and adverbs in the superlative degree: the best, the worst, the fastest, the most interesting, the most beautiful
  • from , including dates: the first (of May), the third (of November), the twentieth, the thirty-first
  • in combinations like: THE something OF: the legs of the table, the topic of our lesson
  • with the names of musical instruments: the guitar, the piano, the cello
  • with the word the same: same
  • in many stable phrases and idiomatic expressions.

When is THE used with place nouns?

Nouns denoting various places (not to be confused with place names!), can be used with or without the article THE. The use of the article directly depends on the context in which the noun is mentioned.

Consider an example. If someone is sick, then he is in the hospital:

He is at hospital.

When we say this, we do not mean a specific hospital, but we are talking about the hospital in general, as an institution where patients are treated.

If a friend of our patient decided to visit him and came to the hospital, then you need to say about him:

He is at the hospital.

He is not sick and should not be in the hospital (in the general sense of the word), he came to a certain hospital (the one in which his friend is), which is why the article THE appears.

One more example:

My little sister goes to school. Today it is a school concert so all our family will go to the school.

Children go to school in general to learn, so when talking about students, the article is not used. Other family members are not students. They will go to a certain school where their child is studying to watch a concert, respectively, before the word school put the article.

The same miracles happen with the words prison, church, university.

Remember the rule: if you mean a place all in all(its intended purpose is emphasized), the article THE not used. When it means specific institution or building, article THE used.

As for other nouns denoting places, THE is most often used with them: the beach, the station, the coast, the seaside, the city, the countryside.

With the words cinema and theater, the article THE is used even when the speaker does not mean a specific place:

We go to the cinema every weekend.
They have never been to the theatre.

Why is the article used with these words? The explanation is that when we use them, it is clear from the context what we mean, and the interlocutor understands what is being said. Consider examples of situations where it is clear from the situation itself what place we are talking about:

1. When, being in a room or apartment, we talk about its parts:

Switch on the light! - Turn on the lights! (In this room, in the room where you are)

I closed the door and opened the window. - I closed the door and opened the window. (In the room where I was at that moment, in my room)

The floor was clean. - The floor was clean. (The floor in the room I was in.)

2. When we talk about the buildings of the city, if it is clear which city we are talking about:

Where is the railway station? - Where is the railway station? (The station of this city. If there are several stations in the city, you will have to specify which one you need. If you are close to the station, then the interlocutor will understand that you are asking about the nearest station)

The city hall is very old. - The City Hall building is very old. (There is one mayor's office in the city, respectively, your interlocutor will understand what is at stake)

The market was crowded in the morning. - The market was crowded in the morning. (The market of this city; the nearest market; the market that the speaker goes to)

3. When referring to organizations providing services, if it is clear from the context what exactly the speaker means:

I need to go to the bank tomorrow. - I have to go to the bank tomorrow. (Bank where I have an account; nearest bank; bank I use)

Tom went to the post office to send a letter. Tom went to the post office to send a letter. (Meaning the nearest post office; the only one in this city)

You should go to the doctor. - You should go to the doctor. (To your doctor)

She is seeing the dentist on Friday. She is going to see the dentist on Friday. (To your dentist).

Be careful, in some situations, of course, the article A can be used. Most often, when the speaker means: "any", "one of many", "it doesn't matter which", "any":

How to determine if the article THE is needed with uncountable nouns and nouns in the plural?

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