Home Garden on the windowsill Buildings of ostrich farms paddocks and pastures. Breeding an ostrich at home. Business plan for breeding ostriches. Acquisition of the parent herd of ostriches

Buildings of ostrich farms paddocks and pastures. Breeding an ostrich at home. Business plan for breeding ostriches. Acquisition of the parent herd of ostriches

Keeping ostriches at home, as a rule, does not cause much difficulty for experienced farmers. The main thing is to properly organize the room in which the ostriches will live. Such a site must necessarily be built in accordance with the characteristics of this African bird, both biological and sanitary. It is important for everyone to know what characteristics should have room for keeping ostriches.

Room for keeping ostriches

Room for ostriches - what should it be?

In order to properly organize a room for living ostriches, it is necessary to take into account a number of features:

Suitable site . For the residence of an ostrich, an African bird, and, therefore, preferring warmth, a site that will be illuminated from all sides by the rays of the sun is perfect. It is desirable that the soil in this place be mostly sandy, as it is more hygienically clean and absorbs moisture well.

The territory for the poultry house should be on a slight elevation, preferably in the south or southeast. This is important in order to prevent the accumulation of groundwater and meltwater under the premises. Ostriches need not only a place to sleep, but also a place to walk, for this purpose spaces rich in vegetation in the form of grass, or simply covered with stony soil, are perfect.

Poultry organization. When building a poultry house for ostriches, it is important to take into account a number of nuances:

  • The ideal material for building a poultry house would be wood, but if it is not available, you can use cinder block, brick or clay.
  • The thickness of the walls is about thirty centimeters.
  • The poultry house must stand on the foundation, this will help not only to insulate the building, but also save it from dampness.
  • It is obligatory to build a poultry house with sufficiently high (about three meters) ceilings. The main thing is that from the head of the ostrich to the ceiling there should be about a meter in height, in this case, the bird will not be able to get hurt.
  • For one adult ostrich, it is supposed to allocate about ten square meters of area. Do not forget that during the nesting period, the male chooses one or two females with whom he lives for a long time, for such families it is necessary to provide separate rooms.
  • In order to prevent the appearance of blood-sucking insects in the house, it is important to treat the walls with plaster and a solution of borax. And the finished building must be periodically treated inside with a solution of alum.
  • Straw can be used as bedding, which needs to be changed as it gets dirty.

It is imperative that there are windows in the house covered with a net so that the bird cannot break them with its beak. They are needed for abundant sunlight in the poultry house, as ostriches are very demanding on a fairly long daylight hours. In winter and autumn, additional lighting is required. Be sure to organize exhaust openings through which ventilation of the room will be carried out in the cold season. The ideal air temperature for keeping ostriches is considered to be twenty degrees, it is this level that has a good effect on the condition of the birds.

As a conclusion, it can be noted that the premises for keeping ostriches cannot be called a very difficult task. It is enough just to follow certain criteria and take into account the peculiarities of the life and development of this African bird.

Ostrich farming is a promising and profitable business. If in Europe and the Americas it is well mastered, then in our country the needs for meat, fat, eggs and skin of ostriches are covered by only 1–2%. So novice businessmen have a good chance of organizing a profitable enterprise with an unsaturated market.

Benefits of breeding ostriches as a business

If you decide to breed ostriches, you can quickly recoup the initial investment. Such a company has other advantages:

  • the profitability of an ostrich farm with proper organization and detailed costing can be up to 150% of the initial investment;
  • estimated payback - just over a year;
  • the ostrich is an unpretentious bird, highly adaptable to our climatic conditions;
  • these birds rarely get sick;
  • the female ostrich does not lose the ability to lay eggs almost 40 years;
  • the whole bird can be sold - skin, claws, fat, feathers and even eyelashes are in demand;
  • the cost of feed and complementary foods is relatively low;
  • to start, some of the equipment can be designed with your own hands;
  • demand for ostrich products is high and stable, especially in big cities;
  • an entrepreneur who organized an ostrich farm will definitely have regular customers, which simplifies planning and allows you to get the maximum benefit;
  • there is an opportunity to organize additional income not only from the sale of meat and eggs, but also from the sale of chickens, souvenirs, medicines and cosmetics, leather, claws, feathers, agritourism.

That is, an ostrich farm is a highly profitable type of business that will pay off in a little over a year.

Disadvantages of ostrich breeding

An ostrich farm is an enterprise that requires constant monitoring and attention from a businessman. In addition, this type of activity has other features and even disadvantages:

  • lack of specialized literature;
  • it is difficult to learn ostrich breeding - there are still very few practitioners;
  • chickens are relatively expensive - about 8-10 thousand;
  • eggs for incubation are also quite expensive - about 3 thousand;
  • delivery of young animals often has to be made from other regions, which increases the cost of delivery;
  • there is a risk of bird death, the appearance of an epidemic;
  • the first profit will appear no earlier than after 3-4 months;
  • the cost of land for the installation of pens and warm rooms can be quite expensive: ostriches need a lot of space to fully develop;
  • theoretical background is required;
  • the organizer of the farm will have to hire people to care for the bird, equipment;
  • to treat ostriches, you need a veterinarian, whose call can be quite expensive, especially if he does not live in the immediate vicinity of the farm;
  • it is necessary to pass an attestation commission in the local control veterinary service.

An adult bird can reach a weight of more than 150 kilograms and a height of about 2.5–2.7 meters. Chicks gain full weight and adult plumage by 10 months. It is better to slaughter poultry at the age of 10-14 months - during this period, ostrich meat will be as useful as possible, rich in protein, fats, but without harmful cholesterol.

Important: there must be permanent employees on the ostrich farm - the birds get used to them.

Ostriches can be damaged by high humidity, their legs are especially affected, but in principle these birds love to wash. In our conditions, it will be enough to install simple sheds in the enclosures and provide sensible water drainage.

This bird tolerates cold very well, so up to -5 ° C they can be kept in the air and only then transferred to a heated room. The optimum temperature for adult ostriches is +22°C, humidity is about 50%.

Breeding ostriches at home as a business: video with step-by-step instructions

Ostriches are an almost trouble-free and non-risk type of income. An entrepreneur who has the funds for the initial investment and the necessary knowledge can get a very good income - about 120-150% of the input. This is an interesting and profitable type of business that is worth getting involved in if you are ready to give it round-the-clock attention for at least the first year.

Breeding ostriches at home as a business is a promising activity with high profitability. This video contains the basic rules of ostrich breeding for beginner businessmen:




    The largest birds currently living on Earth - flightless flat-chested ostriches - are attracting more and more attention as an agricultural object. They are bred in order to obtain high-quality meat, feathers, and skins.

    Although the ostrich is an exotic bird for our region, it is no more difficult to breed it than any other agricultural bird. You just need to know both the biological and practical features of keeping and breeding ostriches.

    The most promising in Russia, especially in the southern regions (Astrakhan, Volgograd, etc.), is the black African ostrich (hybrid form - Struthio camelus domesticus), fully adapted for breeding in artificial conditions. It tolerates both hot weather (+30-50 °C) and low temperatures (-20-25 °C). In the conditions of central Russia, these birds are kept in heated rooms in winter (temperature not lower than + 10-20 ° C), with the onset of a warm period, they are transferred to pens (pasture areas fenced with wire mesh).

    Ostriches can graze in meadows, fields sown with perennial grasses, throughout the warm period of the year. The ostrich is an exotic bird, but not at all picky. For successful breeding, she needs enough space (land), a constant supply of water (ostriches are very fond of taking a shower in summer), pastures where grassy and rocky areas alternate, and, in addition, paddocks where ostriches are located in inclement weather, which is very sensitive.

    As for ostrich nests, during the mating season, the male chooses three females and digs a shallow hole in the sand. This is the nest where the eggs will be laid. It should be noted that some scientists consider the ostrich not a very smart bird, because the female ostrich can dig a hole for eggs in any, even the most inconvenient and inappropriate part of the terrain. For example, outside the farm, "under the nose" of other animals. Ostrich breeders should take this into account and ensure that their pets do not leave the territory allotted to them, otherwise the eggs can be rolled over long distances, lost, and the farmer will suffer losses.

    Female African ostriches begin laying eggs at 2–3 years of age, and males become sexually mature by 4–5 years of age. The egg production of ostriches is small compared to chickens, but their eggs have a larger mass (1300-1700 g) and one egg is enough to feed 10-12 people. Ostrich eggs are tasty, they surpass chicken eggs in the content of essential amino acids - lysine and threonine, but are inferior to them in the content of alanine.

    When the egg is in the nest, the males are filled with pride. A three-meter giant in black plumage looks down, as if asking: “Well, do you understand who is the boss here?” The long neck rises above the fence, the wings spread out - and the author of the book is in a hurry to move away from the enclosure in one of the ostrich farms.

    The owner reminds that this African broad-winged ostrich can kill a person with a kick. Because, firstly, it guards the nest, and secondly, it cannot stand strangers. Moreover, she may not even recognize her mistress if she is in unusual clothes.

    As for specially equipped rooms for ostriches in the cold season, there are already some achievements of the first breeders. These can be buildings like a shed for baby ostriches or rooms like a Russian hut, only without a stove, with high ceilings (up to three meters high), to which outdoor enclosures should adjoin.

    The nutrition of ostriches is about the same as that of any other poultry: compound feed, alfalfa specially prepared for the winter, vitamins, shell rock. They also very willingly seek out in the area allotted to them and greedily eat pebbles, chicken shells, pieces of lime, apples, carrots. Experts say that birds need it to strengthen bones.

    Of herbs, they prefer clover and alfalfa. In winter, the main food for them is hay from grass mixtures consisting of meadow fescue, perennial chaff, meadow bluegrass, team hedgehog, meadow (red) clover, creeping (white) clover, fodder sainfoin and sowing seradella. The daily intake of feed for young animals over the age of 14 months, with a live weight of 100-120 kg, is 2-3 kg per day.

    Young growth grown for slaughter is suitable for this purpose at the age of 9-10 months. At this age, its weight is 100-110 kg. One adult female ostrich, with 50 eggs per year, provides about 4 tons of meat per season. For comparison, from one sow you can get only 1.5-2.5 tons of pork for the same period. Moreover, for its fattening, mainly expensive feed is required, while in ostriches, weight gain occurs mainly due to cheap green feed and hay, which you can prepare yourself on the site.

    An adult domestic ostrich weighs about 120-150 kg (female 100-120 kg). Ostrich meat is red in color, its fat and cholesterol content is slightly lower than in chicken or turkey meat. It tastes like veal, is high in calories and contains a lot of protein. In addition, ostriches give exceptional quality leather and black feathers. When selling one skin (the price is about $ 240 per 1.5 m2), the cost of raising poultry is fully paid off.

    In addition to African ostriches, nandu and emu can also be bred. However, the breeding of these species has not yet reached such a scale as it happened with the African ostrich. Our zoos have shown that rhea and emu can also be successfully bred in captivity and are in no way inferior to other types of farm birds.

    Ostrich farming can become very profitable in Russian farms. Of course, the production of broiler chickens will apparently remain the basis of meat poultry farming. Nevertheless, it is more profitable to breed ostriches, especially on sandy soils and in arid areas, than to breed, for example, ducks and geese, for which it is necessary to build reservoirs with appropriate equipment in arid areas.

    So, what does it take to start ostrich farming? Let's summarize the preliminary results:

    1. Availability of land.

    2. Water supply.

    3. Pasture conditions.

    4. Pens, nests.

    5. Young growth.

    6. Availability of funds, start-up capital. At present, the emergence of ostrich farms in Russia depends entirely on enthusiasts who, at their own peril and risk, organize the breeding of these birds. They, without any help from research institutions and the state, are developing a methodology for keeping and growing ostriches in the conditions of our country, compose rations for feeding poultry with local, cheaper feed, develop GOSTs for the products of their farms, etc. All this hinders the rapid development of ostrich breeding in Russia and requires legislative support from the Government of the Russian Federation and other state bodies.



    Modern ostriches are completely unrelated to each other in structure, they are large and very large birds, combined by taxonomists into a group of keelless or running birds, which are characterized by the absence of a keel, which other birds have. The wings of ostriches are underdeveloped and unsuitable for flight, there is no coccygeal gland, plumage evenly covers the entire body (pterylia and apteria are absent), feathers are unraveled (due to the lack of hooks, the beards do not interlock in a fan), their fans are symmetrical, there is no additional rod, flywheels and steering reduced or play the role of decorating feathers.

    The ratites are divided into four orders, of which the ostriches have three orders with the following families:

    American ostriches (Rheidae) with one genus and two species, the northern rhea (Rhea americana) and the long-billed or Darwinian rhea (R. pennata). The first species is distributed in the steppes of Brazil and Argentina, the second - in Patagonia and in the mountain steppes of the Andes. It is smaller than the northern rhea, has darker plumage, weaker legs and a longer beak.

    True ostriches (Struthionidae) with one genus and one species - the African ostrich (Struthio camelus), currently living only in the steppes and deserts of Africa.

    Australian ostriches (Dromaiidae) with one genus and species - emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae), living in the shrubby sandy deserts and savannahs of Australia.

    African ostriches, nandu and emu are usually kept in small groups. Sexual dimorphism in some species is well expressed, in nandu it is not expressed. In males, current behavior is clearly noted: they take various poses, flap their wings and dance in front of females. Monogamous, but more often polygamous: up to 4-5 females stay with the male.

    The eggs are small relative to the body of the female (1.5-3.9% of the female's weight), shiny or rough in appearance. On average, there are 8-10 eggs in a clutch, sometimes a few more. Incubation continues, depending on the species and external conditions, for 6-8 weeks. Brood-type chicks: hatch together, fully pubescent, sighted and, having dried, leave the nest. They feed on their own. They become sexually mature at the age of 3-4 years, females a little earlier.

    All species of ostriches feed mainly on plant foods, but on occasion they do not refuse animal food either. In connection with the mode of nutrition, their esophagus is highly extensible, and the glandular stomach is voluminous.

    The muscular stomach is small in volume, but has powerful muscular walls and a thick tuberculate cuticle, which ensures grinding of coarse plant foods. The intestine is very long; it exceeds the body length, depending on the type of bird, by about 8-20 times. Stones and even metal objects can be found in the stomach of ostriches. All ostrich-like birds can go without water for a long time, but on occasion they willingly drink a lot, and some like to swim.

    All species of ostriches were destroyed by man mainly because of good tasty meat and feathers, which led to a reduction in their numbers. The fashion for its feathers, which went to ladies' hats, especially undermined the number of the African ostrich. In this regard, ostrich farms began to be organized in southern Africa, which raised young animals and received a good income from their breeding. In captivity, African ostriches, rhea and emu are easy to lay eggs and incubate, especially if caught at a young age.

    Currently, ostrich farms successfully raise chicks not only in Africa, but also in the USA, Europe and some Asian countries. In Russia, enthusiastic poultry farmers began to do this in the 1990s and achieved some success in obtaining products from these birds.


    The largest of modern birds is the African ostrich: its weight is 75-100 kg. He runs great, reaching speeds of over 50 km / h; of the four toes developed in most birds, these birds have lost the first and second and retained only the third and fourth. According to the structure of the legs, the African ostrich is as distinctive among birds as the horse is among mammals. The beak of these ostriches is short, its cut almost reaches the eyes, and the nostrils lie in the middle of the length of the beak. In adult birds, the neck is covered with short down, its color is determined by the color of the skin. In the plumage, there is a sharp sexual dimorphism: the female is of a uniform brownish-gray color, the male is black, with white flight and tail feathers, which act as decorating feathers.

    There are currently three subspecies: the common African ostrich, which has a dark red head, neck and legs with a brownish spot on the crown; feathers at the base of the back of the neck are white, black on the body with a reddish tint on the back; steering and flywheels are white; the beak is yellow-pink with a brown apex and a reddish mandible. This subspecies belongs to North Africa (south to Niger in the west and Abyssinia in the east).

    The second subspecies - the Somali African ostrich - is common in Somalia and Central Africa, differs from the common grayish-blue color of the skin on the head, neck and legs; on the crown of the head is a dirty-yellow horn shield, densely surrounded by hair-like feathers; scutes on the front side of the metatarsus are not meat-colored, as in the common subspecies, but cinnabar; the beak is pale red with a yellow-horned apex; there are no white feathers at the back at the base of the neck. This view is slightly larger than the previous one. The third subspecies - the South African ostrich belongs to South Africa. Its head is lead-gray, the neck and legs of the same color, which, when kept in captivity, become light. The beak is horn-colored, with a red rim and a red base of the upper jaw; (beaks); in breeding attire, the beak becomes reddish; the skin near the corners of the mouth is red. Vertex bare, but without horn shield; instead of a white stripe at the base of the neck, there are separate white feathers behind; the back is intense black, like the common African subspecies, without a reddish tint; black feathers are sometimes found between the flight and tail feathers. The metatarsal shields are horn in front, becoming bright red during the mating season. The female is smaller than the male and is colored uniformly in grayish-brown tones.

    Desert plains and sandy deserts, covered with sparse grassy vegetation and sparse bushes, the native habitat of African ostriches. Due to its high growth (height 2.7 m, weight more than 100 kg) and amazing eyesight, this bird can survey a large area and notice the approaching danger in time. Ostriches often graze with zebras and antelopes. Possessing extraordinary visual acuity and being very careful, ostriches serve as a kind of watchmen for mammals. An angry or defensive ostrich is dangerous to humans. During the day, these birds are in constant motion: they move from place to place or go to a watering place. By its nature, the African ostrich is a social bird, gathering in flocks of 10-20 individuals or more. Ostriches feed mainly on plant foods - grass, leaves, fruits, and the latter can have a very hard shell. In addition, they eat various small animals, birds, lizards and insects. African ostriches can go without water for a long time, but when they have it, they drink a lot and swim willingly.

    The nesting conditions of the African ostrich are very interesting. Their breeding season falls on early spring, when the male, after stubborn competition with rivals, forms a family with 3-4 females. All females lay their eggs in one nest, which is a simple depression dug in the sand and surrounded by a roller from it. There can be up to 20 eggs in one common nest. Sometimes females lay so many eggs that they do not fit in the nest and lie around it, becoming bait for jackals and vultures. Almost all care for the offspring lies with the male. At night, the male sits on the masonry, and during the day, the female, but not all day. Often in the daytime, the eggs are heated by the rays of the sun. Incubation lasts at least 42 days, but apparently this period varies quite significantly in different latitudes. During the first two months of life, the chicks are covered with brownish hard bristle-like feathers, then they dress in an outfit similar to that of the female. They become capable of reproduction depending on the sex: females in the third year of life, males in the fourth.

    For a long time, African ostriches were persecuted because of their flight and tail feathers, which, after appropriate processing, went to decorate ladies' hats and fans. In 1840, for example, about 1000 kg of ostrich feathers were taken out of South Africa, in 1910 already 370,000 kg. With such shooting of these birds, the number of ostriches has sharply decreased, and if they were not bred in captivity on farms, they would now be completely exterminated. As for the cost of this product, in 1875 only from Egypt (where there are no ostriches now) it was taken out for 2325 thousand rubles, and from the then Cape Colony for 2139 thousand rubles.

    At present, the domestic black ostrich, which was obtained by hybridization of subspecies of the common and South African ostriches, is most widely used on ostrich farms.

    From a domestic black ostrich, meat is obtained, which is distinguished by excellent nutritional and dietary properties, skin and feathers of exceptional quality. These birds easily adapt to local conditions, therefore they make up the bulk of the African ostrich population bred in ostrich farms around the world.

    African ostrich lifestyle

    Of all the ostrich species, the African ostrich is mainly used for farming. To successfully keep it in captivity, the owner needs to have an idea of ​​​​what kind of life these exotic birds lead in natural conditions.

    Here is what Nikolai Drozdov, a well-known television presenter and connoisseur of world fauna, writes about his impressions: “African ostriches are not only the largest of modern birds, but also the most caring parents and faithful spouses.

    The female lays eggs directly on the ground and incubates them during the day. The female is gray and cannot be seen among the grass. And the black male is on duty on the sidelines, he can drive away any predator. He has tremendous strength in his legs, and on the main finger (there are only two of them) a claw is powerful, like a hoof. With such a hoof, an ostrich can kill both a jackal and a hyena! And by night the male replaces the female on the nest.

    He is almost three meters tall and weighs up to one hundred kilograms! True, it cannot fly - it is heavy, and the wings are very small for such a whopper. Yes, and the feathers are soft, suitable only for a fan. But the African ostrich runs at a speed of 70 kilometers per hour!

    On impassable roads, you can’t keep up with him either on a horse or in a car.

    It is black, and just at night it is not visible. The female ostrich lays 6-8 eggs. But once I saw a male and a female ostrich near the nest, which had 18 eggs! .. I looked around, and in the distance two more couples of ostriches were walking. It turns out that females sometimes arrange collective nests and instruct the most exemplary pair to incubate the triple clutch. You ask - how did I come up if the male with his claw-hoof is so dangerous? There is a secret to know here. The ostrich boldly attacks everyone who is shorter than him! And I don’t want to get hit by an ostrich “hoof” at all, and I prepare in advance. I take a long stick, put my cap on it, and when the ostrich rushes at me, I raise the stick with the cap up! My "head" on a thin "neck" soars up to a height of more than three meters! The ostrich looks in surprise, stops abruptly and even runs back a little. So I have many times been able to deceive the warlike ostriches.

    Ostrich breeders need to take on board the experience of a well-known zoologist in order to avoid trouble when working with their pets.

    Ostriches have been farmed in Africa for over 150 years. The methods of keeping them did not require any complex technological methods, since the ostriches were kept in the open air. For the mass breeding of these birds in other climatic zones, it is impossible to do without scientifically based technology that will allow you to get the highest result at the lowest cost.

    Technology of breeding ostriches

    In a private household, ostriches can be kept in winter on deep litter in insulated rooms, in summer - in pens on natural ground. Depending on the method of keeping and the time of year, each species of ostrich requires certain conditions of keeping, which contribute to high reproduction and the production of ostrich products. The room for ostriches should be dry, as spacious as possible, bright, spotlessly clean and appropriate for the season. If some conditions do not correspond to the ecology of these birds, then they will not give the necessary products in the quantity and quality that can justify the funds spent on keeping them, and their breeding will be unprofitable. To prevent this from happening, the poultry farmer must take seriously the choice and construction of the premises, creating the best living conditions for ostriches. All types of ostriches are hardy and unpretentious birds. They are not afraid of the cold, they are not very demanding on the premises, but still it must be taken into account that ostriches can only tolerate short-term drops in air temperature to -20 ° C, and emus also begin to lay eggs and incubate chicks when winter comes in our country .

    The work of an ostrich farm in any region of Russia should be based on a single closed technological cycle that would determine all its main activities and would give the greatest possible income.

    On the farm, the reproduction of the ostrich herd can be carried out in the following ways.

    The parent stock is kept, depending on the season, in a poultry house with paddocks or in a paddock, eggs are constantly removed from the nests, which intensifies oviposition (40 or more eggs are obtained from each female). The eggs are incubated, the young are grown without the participation of adult birds.

    Parent stock is kept indoors with extensive range throughout the year. During the nesting period, eggs are not taken from ostriches, but they are given the opportunity to incubate and hatch chicks themselves. With the described method of artificial breeding, human concern is reduced to protecting the parent flock from predators and feeding adult birds and young. The intensity of reproduction in this case is relatively low, since the bird can cover no more than 15-20 eggs with its body.

    The use of this method allows you to save on incubators.

    Mixed way. With this method, ostrich chicks are hatched both in an incubator and in a natural way. Its use allows it to be used for incubation of a certain number of eggs by birds at the end of the nesting season. This allows you to increase the yield of young animals with a certain savings in funds for their hatching.

    The choice of one or another technology for an ostrich farm depends on the specific conditions and opportunities in relation to the necessary costs. For a large farm, the first and third methods of breeding ostriches are the most acceptable.

    Farm plot

    Before purchasing ostriches, you need to choose a suitable site for building a winter shelter and paddock. The site must satisfy the biological characteristics of birds, as well as technological and sanitary conditions. One of the most common mistakes made when organizing farms is the wrong choice of site for construction. Any poultry farm is a production site (regardless of its size, output and expected productivity), its success depends mainly on logistics. For the normal functioning of the farm, first of all, the proximity of a power line, water supply or reservoir is necessary. Products grown on the farm can be exported by road. For this, it is best to choose a site on the outskirts of the settlement, not far from the highway, in order to reduce the cost of building access roads and delivering products to the buyer. However, it is impossible to locate an ostrich farm directly near the highway.

    If there is no water supply in the settlement or it is impossible to bring it up, then in this case you can purchase a plot near a natural or artificial reservoir. It is desirable to have a corral for keeping ostriches in summer on sandy soil, which is more hygienic. Fat and swampy areas will contribute to the occurrence of various diseases and make it difficult to care for ostriches. It is not excluded on such soils the device of artificial drainage, adding a thick layer of gravel or sand.

    The corral should be illuminated by the sun, and therefore tree and shrub vegetation on it is undesirable (single-standing small trees that do not create a strong shadow are acceptable). An area that is exposed to sunlight is more hygienic and helps to reduce infectious diseases. If necessary, protect the corral from the northern winds by planting shrubs.

    Premises for keeping ostriches

    All facilities of the ostrich breeding farm can be divided into main and auxiliary. Their size and number depend on the capabilities of the owner. If the farm is organized by one owner, some facilities may not be built, but similar facilities available on the farm, for example, in which cattle were previously kept, can be used.

    The main (production) facilities include: a stationary poultry house, a paddock and a hatchery. The utility rooms include warehouses for hatching and marketable eggs, a washing room, a feed kitchen, etc. In the hatchery of a large farm, it is necessary to have a room for receiving and sorting hatching eggs, as well as a room for storing food eggs. On small farms, it is possible to incubate eggs in stationary poultry houses, when birds are kept in pens during the summer. For this purpose, incubators and heaters for daily ostriches are installed in the premises. It is unacceptable to get sunlight on the incubators during operation, so they are placed near the walls away from windows.

    A warehouse for storing and accumulating hatching eggs for the next laying in the incubator can be located in another room with good ventilation, the ability to maintain the temperature at + 8-12 ° C and relative humidity of about 60%. The warehouse is equipped with shelves with movable shelves around the axis for storing and turning eggs. Edible eggs can be stored in a pantry at normal temperature or in a cellar.

    It is also desirable on a small farm to have a gas chamber for disinfecting eggs before they are laid in an incubator. This chamber must be airtight, preventing the penetration of gases and formalin vapors into the room, which must be equipped with ventilation to quickly remove gases after opening the chamber.

    Stationary poultry house- an insulated shed on a foundation, which can be built of brick, tess or other materials. The best place for him, as already indicated, is a site with sandy soil.

    The building is best placed on the foundation, as this helps to maintain the dryness of the room and its normal sanitary condition. In addition, rodents are less likely to settle in a poultry house installed on a foundation. There should be good ventilation in the poultry house, which is carried out in the warm season through an open window closed with a metal mesh, in the cold season - through special exhaust holes in the ceiling or upper part of the wall, in which valves are strengthened to regulate the flow of fresh air. The upper part of the box, which goes outside, is tightened with a fine mesh so that rats and mice do not enter the room. The premises of a stationary poultry house should be ventilated not only in winter, when there is a bird in it, but also in summer, when ostriches are in the corral. This is necessary so that dampness and mold do not occur in the premises, which destroy the structure.

    The internal surfaces of the walls and the ceiling in the room must be plastered or upholstered with smooth planed boards so that they can be washed, whitewashed and disinfected. On the eastern and western sides, windows are arranged, closed with a fine mesh, so that the ostriches do not break the glass with a blow of their beak.

    The floors are made of wood or adobe. They are covered with a thick layer of straw bedding. Brick and asphalt floors are called hard and are recognized as unsuitable, as they are very cold and even a thick layer of bedding does not save the legs of ostriches from strong cooling. In any case, the floor must meet the following conditions: not to absorb liquid, sewage, be sufficiently warm and durable, with a smooth smooth surface and be well cleaned of dirt.

    The walls must be strong enough and conduct heat poorly. The best material in this respect is wood. In the northern regions, log walls are usually made with a thickness of at least 22 cm, the thickness of frame-sheathing walls can be 27 cm, adobe - 51 cm, adobe and brick - 55 cm. In wooded areas, walls can be made of logs or framed with outer and inner lining boards, between which sawdust, dry peat or other heat-insulating material is poured. The width of the bulk space between the boards is at least 15 cm. In the southern treeless regions, adobe brick is a good material for walls; you can build adobe-straw walls. To insulate the room, the walls can be plastered.

    The roof of the poultry house must protect the room from cooling, overheating and penetration of atmospheric precipitation. The simplest and cheapest type of roof is a pitched roof. The gable roof with even and uneven slopes is especially convenient for wide poultry houses.

    For the roof, you can use reeds, straw, wood chips, tes, roofing felt, tiles, corrugated slate.

    Poultry houses are not built very high, but quite sufficient so that from the head of an ostrich to the ceiling there is at least one meter. The total area of ​​the windows of the room is not less than 1 m per 10 m2 of the floor area. They are placed at a height of one meter so that the house is well lit. The best window sizes are 80 x 80 cm. Doors are made solid and hung on metal hinges. The height of single-leaf doors for human entry is 1.8-2 m, width -90 cm.

    With a non-walking system for keeping birds, a pen a little more than 2.5 m high should be attached to the poultry house, enclosing it with a metal mesh with a mesh of no more than 3x3 cm. can't take it out. For the release of ostriches into the corral, double doors 2.5 m high and at least 1.5 m wide are arranged for each door.

    The scheme of the corral with the correct location of the feeders; in the middle of a manger for greenery

    It is good to keep the parent herd and young ostriches all summer long in spacious pens, which are an area fenced with a fence of poles with a metal mesh of 2-3 mm steel wire stretched over them. Before installing the pillars around the perimeter, it is necessary to make a foundation from logs buried in the ground or a mixture of cement mortar with broken bricks. Such a foundation with a depth of at least 70 cm will prevent stray dogs and rodents from entering the corral. The height of the fence, as in the pens near the poultry house, is 2.5 m. In the pens, you need to install feeders, water dishes, over which a canopy is installed to protect the feed from rain.

    The bird, while walking around the corral, is exposed to the sun, moves a lot, finds invertebrates and rodents, eats grass right on the vine and swallows small pebbles to improve digestion. All this has a beneficial effect on the health of ostriches, they put on weight, have good egg production and hatch strong, healthy ostriches. Equipment of rooms and enclosures. Before populating the premises with birds, they should be appropriately equipped with feeders, drinkers, electric heaters, incubators and other equipment should be installed.

    Feeders. There should be enough feeders in the room, since their lack leads to the death of birds, especially young ones, due to crushing and fighting during feeding. To avoid unnecessary losses, the feeding front must be sufficient and be at least 50 cm for chicks at the age of 2 months and at least 1.5 m for adult birds. Extra feeders are not needed, as they block up the passages in the room, in addition, some of the feed remains in them and turns sour.

    Feed inventory should be convenient for maintenance, exclude the loss of feed by birds, not be contaminated with droppings and not be exposed to moisture. The feeder should be placed at a height that would allow the ostrich to take food comfortably. Feeders are made from dry boards without knots, about 10 mm thick. Feeders are loaded with food for 2/3 of their capacity. More than half of all expenses for the maintenance of birds is the cost of feed, therefore, special attention should be paid to the rational design of feed inventory, the correct filling of the feeder containers, which does not allow the bird to scatter feed. In imperfect feeders, its loss can reach 15-30%. The use of feeders on stands allows you to increase the usable area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and save food.

    For feeding ostriches green fodder (alfalfa, carrot leaves, nettles, etc.) and hay, you can use an iron wire nursery that is suspended from a metal grid of a corral or otherwise fixed at a height of 50-70 cm.

    Drinkers. For watering ostriches, you can use dishes made of glass, baked clay and other materials, as well as equipment used in large poultry farms. Some poultry farms use automatic drinkers. This is an ordinary wooden or iron barrel with a capacity of 130 liters, which is installed horizontally on wooden stands or skids. A tube and a valve with a diameter of 1.0-1.5 cm are attached to the lower part of both sides of the barrel. Before pouring water into the barrel, the valve is closed and the cork is unscrewed. When the barrel is full, it is hermetically sealed, and the valve is opened, and water flows through the tube into the trough until it covers the end of the tube in it. When the ostriches drink a certain amount of water and its level decreases, the water will again begin to flow into the trough.

    Incubators. Ostrich farms should mainly focus on the artificial incubation of ostrich eggs. These units create and maintain a certain temperature, relative humidity, gas exchange and ventilation during the incubation of eggs and hatching. However, the incubators used in the domestic industrial poultry farming, although they have a large capacity, are not intended for the incubation of ostrich eggs. For example, the Universal-55 incubator is designed for a one-time placement of 56 thousand chicken eggs in it.

    It consists of 3 incubators (each with a capacity of 16 thousand chicken eggs) and one hatcher (for 8 thousand eggs). Even when using the setter and hatcher, the total capacity of the unit is 24,000 chicken eggs. An incubator of such a capacity after its modernization (manufacturing of trays for ostrich eggs) can be successfully used on large ostrich farms, where at least 25 thousand ostrich chicks are hatched annually. In modern Russian farms, it is not advisable to use such incubators. For small ostrich farms, small-sized incubators for backyard poultry farming produced by the domestic industry are more suitable. The IPH-5 incubator most suitable for these purposes, although it has one essential

    small incubator

    Industrial three-chamber incubator

    ny disadvantage - the unit is designed for incubation of common species of poultry. However, it is quite possible to make certain design changes (make new trays for ostrich eggs). Abroad produce incubators of different capacity and degree of automation mode. The small-sized incubators of the Italian company Victoria, the French company Nationala, the West German company Schumacher and the American incubator Roll-x have proven themselves well. The room in which the incubators are placed must be capital, well ventilated, with the ability to maintain the specified air temperature (+18-20 ° C) and humidity (about 60%). For stability, incubators should be placed on a concrete base, and floors and walls should be with a washable coating.

    Selection and transportation of ostriches

    You have built a poultry house, equipped the premises with the necessary equipment, and prepared feed. Now you can buy ostriches.

    The formation of a parent herd of ostriches for a newly organized farm can be carried out in three ways: buying eggs with their subsequent incubation on the farm; buying young animals from another farm and raising them to adulthood or buying already adult birds.

    The purchase of adults or ostriches in other farms in Russia and abroad is the most convenient way to form the parent stock of ostriches. True, birds brought from another farm can be a source of various infectious and parasitic diseases, which will be difficult to get rid of in the future.

    The age of the bird is of great importance. The younger it is, the easier it gets used to new conditions, the sooner it starts breeding. With the onset of maturity, it is easier to obtain greater productivity from such birds than from old, but still suitable birds for breeding. Old birds with good performance are very rarely sold, usually the previous owner gets rid of barren or bad habit birds.

    The purchase of hatching eggs from other farms and the hatching of ostriches in the farm's incubator also has a positive perspective. This method is as convenient as buying young animals. In this case, by carefully disinfecting the brought eggs, many diseases can be prevented from entering your farm. Young animals hatched from eggs adapt well to the rearing and feeding regimen of the new farm and grow rapidly. But ostrich eggs are not very suitable for long-term transportation and storage, they do not tolerate shaking. The choice of newly acquired birds is an important undertaking, on which the success of your ostrich farm largely depends. First of all, you should pay attention to the appearance of the bird. In a healthy bird, the plumage is clean, the wings fit snugly to the body, the eyes are shiny, lively, it reacts to the approach of a person.

    When choosing ostriches, they should be picked up in order to determine their fatness. For this purpose, the bird is felt, especially the pectoral muscles, the feathers around the cloaca, the area of ​​​​the nostrils and the beak are examined. It should be plump, but not greasy.

    Adult ostriches can only be examined visually, at a certain distance, and be careful, as at this age they can be dangerous to humans.

    If the feathers around the cloaca are clean and not stuck together from dirt, and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe nostrils and beak are dry, without extraneous growths, then the bird is probably healthy. You should also listen to what kind of breathing the ostrich has, bringing the ear closer to its body. With old ostriches, this procedure is not recommended. If breathing is without wheezing and whistling, then the bird should be healthy. It is not worth buying lethargic ostriches, with disheveled and dirty feathers or bare parts of the body (where feathers should be), such chicks are certainly sick. You can not acquire closely related birds. Ostriches are mostly polygamous, so you need to purchase several females for each male. However, this is not always possible, as there are usually more males on sale than females. Due to the mismatch of the sex ratio in the ostrich community, the productivity of the ostrich farm is falling.

    It is better to buy ostriches in the spring: during the summer and autumn they will get stronger, get used to the new conditions, the young will grow up and will develop normally until their sexual maturity.

    For the transportation of adult birds, special cages are needed, which are loaded into vehicles, into freight cars or onto river or sea vessels. During transportation, ostriches must be fed, watered and fed.

    Ostriches, depending on age, are sorted and placed in a cage no more than 5 individuals, adult birds in each cage one by one. Straw bedding is placed in the cages, which helps to retain heat, which is especially important if the birds are transported in the cold season. Cages can be used in different sizes depending on the age of the ostriches or the type of ostriches; on top of the cage should also be insulated with straw, and on the side there is an opening door for the ostrich to enter.

    A bird that has just been brought in cannot be immediately allowed into the common room, it must be quarantined in a special area fenced with a metal mesh. After quarantine, this area must be treated with disinfectants and prepared for the next batch of ostrich chicks, but already for shipment to the buyer.

    bird care

    The care of African ostriches, rhea and emu consists of a number of activities, which ensure the required mode of keeping and feeding, collection of eggs, normal hatching and rearing of ostriches, proper sanitary and hygienic condition of the premises, equipment and inventory. The internal routine may vary depending on the operating mode of the poultry farmer, the type of ostriches and the premises in which they are kept. If, for example, ostriches are kept in a winter room, then daily you need to clean and replace the litter, monitor the temperature and humidity of the air; in a paddock, ostrich care is simplified, since cleaning has to be done less often. Care should be organized so that the birds are always fed and kept in normal conditions.

    Thus, the newly acquired bird is put in a separate pen and kept in quarantine for a month. If this is not done and the brought ostriches are immediately placed in a stationary room, an infection can be introduced, which then will be difficult to eliminate even after several treatments with disinfectants. During the first week of quarantine, they observe how the ostriches feel after transportation, whether they eat food well and how they behave. If they have a good appetite and normal stools, the diet is gradually diversified, supplementary feed is given and it is found out what the bird eats more readily and in what quantity, that is, they set the daily feeding rate. A sharp transition from one food to another leads, as a rule, to indigestion. In the event of loose stools, ostriches can be given oatmeal or rice water instead of water until the droppings become more formed. In general, ostriches should not be given much water, but should be given daily.

    Compliance with the regime of keeping and feeding is of great importance for the normal life and reproduction of ostriches. All indicators of the regime when growing ostriches (temperature, humidity, availability of food, etc.) are checked at the beginning of the day, and if violations of the established norms are noticed, the necessary measures are immediately taken to eliminate the shortcomings. With an increase in temperature and humidity, the content of harmful gases in the air, ventilation should be increased (turn on a fan or open a window). With a decrease in temperature, but normal humidity and a good gas composition of the air, ventilation should be weakened or completely turned off.

    When growing ostriches in a pen, it is impossible to change the microclimate, so they are brought up in the weather that was established on the days of their release. Ostrich chicks are very hardy and they need human help only in the first days of life. In very rainy and cold weather, a heater can be installed in the paddock. To do this, the frame is covered with a plastic film on top, and an electric heater is placed under it. The film must be at least 150–200 microns thick. The film coating protects the chicks from rain, cold wind and retains heat. The microclimate is maintained by electric heating. When the weather improves, the film coating can be removed and the electric heating turned off.

    In addition to general cleanliness measures, preventive measures should also be taken. There should be no gaps in the room that allow rodents to penetrate into it, and if they appear, then it is necessary to exterminate them. Birds that have fallen and are planted on suspicion of illness must be reliably isolated from the rest of the livestock and disinfected in the room.

    Sunlight and almost equally artificial lighting, along with other conditions of detention, have a great influence on the growth, physiological development, viability and reproduction of ostriches. The fact is that African ostriches and emus live in the southern regions of Africa and Australia, where the length of the day does not change so dramatically during the year as in our latitudes, and the illumination per unit area is much higher. In winter, when the day is especially short and the birds do not have time to eat the daily ration of food, it is necessary to artificially extend the daylight hours to 14-16 hours due to electric lighting. Its power should be at least 5 W per 1 m2. It has been established that the light of ordinary incandescent lamps, as well as gas lamps (more economical) completely (with the exception of the effect of ultraviolet irradiation) replaces natural sunlight in terms of its effect on the bird. The beginning and end of additional lighting is determined by the seasonal change in the length of daylight hours, as well as the state of the weather. In cloudy weather, lighting has to be turned on earlier, in cloudless weather - later. It is desirable to turn on and off the lighting gradually, using rheostats. Additional lighting is recommended from October to the end of April.

    The high density of ostriches not only disturbs the microclimate and makes it difficult to access water and food, but also deprives them of rest and rest, and injures the nervous system. When placing birds in pens, and even more so in stationary poultry houses, one should strive for at least 10–15 m2 for each adult ostrich, and 5 m2 for each ostrich. Living together even in a large paddock of more than one family noticeably affects the behavior and breeding efficiency of birds. It is not the lack of space that affects each ostrich, but the complex relationships within the flock during the breeding season.

    The behavior of birds in connection with age and seasons of the year changes, as they experience certain biological cycles: mating, building a nest, egg-laying, incubation, etc. In the process of evolution, for each such period, a certain type of behavior has been developed and inherited, which corresponds not only to changing external conditions, but also to a clearly alternating physiological state of the body associated with the activity of the gonads and other endocrine organs associated with them. The struggle for territory, attracting females, building a nest, incubation - all these actions are due to mental reactions that are peculiar only to a certain species and are steadily transmitted from generation to generation. Even accumulations in flocks to a certain extent are in the nature of instincts, which are especially important to know when settling a winter house or pen with new individuals of ostriches.

    The African ostrich, and partly the Nanda, has actually been domesticated by man and is bred in significant quantities on farms or in semi-free conditions, thereby violating their biological cycles to a greater or lesser extent. In these species, the rest pause has been greatly reduced due to the increase in the breeding period, they do not gather in flocks after nesting, like wild ancestors, they are accustomed to artificial food, some have lost the instinct to incubate eggs, etc. Of all the cycles, the African ostrich has only one , which is associated with mating and feather change (molting). Hence, between the male ostriches in the corral during the breeding season, there are always antagonistic relationships that lead to stress when kept together. When kept, ostriches well distinguish members of their family from foreign birds, and the appearance of a new individual in the corral always leads to quarrels and attacks by local birds on a stranger. It takes a certain time for the birds to settle down and for a new individual to take its place in the flock. Therefore, when a new individual is released into the corral, it is necessary to carefully monitor the attitude of other family members towards it and take the necessary measures in time to avoid unpleasant consequences.

    A stress reaction can, for example, occur when there are few feeders and drinkers in the room. At the same time, some of the weakened birds are malnourished and become even weaker, becoming unsuitable as producers (although no pathological changes are found during the opening of such individuals). To prevent stress, it is necessary to install additional feeders and drinkers, and place them as far apart as possible.

    Thanks to such measures, ostriches will not crowd in one place and weak individuals will always find a place at the feeder to eat food.

    Stress can also arise from improper feeding of birds, especially ostriches. She gets used to a certain composition of the feed, its taste and color, and serving. Therefore, you need to change the diet gradually, and when replacing a new one, the old feeder should not be immediately removed from the room, but only after a few days, when the ostriches get used to the new one. If ostriches are fed only one kind of food, for example, finely chopped beets, their appetite decreases from monotonous food, which will lead to loss in live weight, despite the fact that there is food in the feeder. Failure to comply with the norms and regimen of feeding violates the conditioned reflex, which can also provoke stress. That is why you need to feed the birds at the same time, give a variety of food and in the required quantity. Stress in ostriches can also be caused by changes in the environment. So, they get used to the person who feeds them, to his clothes, the order of work and the location of the equipment.

    Unfavorable microclimate parameters that cause stress in adult ostriches and especially in chicks include low or high temperatures, high humidity, high levels of ammonia, carbon dioxide and other harmful gases, and low oxygen concentration in the atmosphere.

    Air temperature is one of the most important microclimate factors. It affects egg production, egg weight and quality, feed intake, body weight, bird well-being. The optimum temperature for ostrich females kept in a poultry house is + 16-20 ° C. However, constant maintenance of the temperature at +21 °С allows obtaining a sufficient number of eggs from poultry and at the same time saving more than 14 kg of feed annually for each individual. Apparently, with this mode of keeping, female ostriches may not reduce their egg production, and at the same time, while maintaining the temperature at +21 -23 ° C, it will be possible to save food. Under conditions of high temperatures, an increase in the level of protein and fat in the diet of females prevents a decrease in their feed intake and contributes to an increase in the mass of eggs.

    With an increase in air temperature, water consumption by ostriches increases, but they can endure thirst for a long time without losing weight. Humidity in combination with the thermal factor has a strong impact on the life and productivity of ostriches, as well as on the sanitary condition of the premises. These birds live in dry areas, so for them the optimal level of relative humidity in the house should not exceed 60%.

    Good ventilation of the premises is one of the most important factors in keeping and rearing ostriches. They need fresh air as much as food. In a well-ventilated room, they have a good appetite, they are mobile, grow and develop faster.

    It is important to monitor air exchange in the autumn-winter period, when cold air currents can lead to colds for adult birds, especially young birds, if they are in a draft for a long time.

    During the molting period (seasonal feather change), ventilation in the house is maximized, especially in the warm season.

    And more advice. Young animals should not be raised in the same room as adults. The content of different age groups should be separate. The usual microflora that accumulates on the body of an adult bird can be detrimental to young birds.

    feeding ostriches

    For normal life and reproduction, ostriches need a full and varied diet. The feed should contain in sufficient quantity and the right proportion proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals that are consumed in the bird's body for the formation of energy, the growth of new cells and tissues. Not a single type of food, taken separately, has a set of all the nutrients necessary for the normal functioning of the body. A bird can get them only if the diet is properly composed. And for this, the poultry farmer must compile it taking into account the time of year, the method of keeping (in the house, paddock), the physiological state of the ostrich and its age.

    Hay feeder

    The food of ostriches consists of a variety of simple and complex chemical compounds, which are divided into two main forms: liquid - water and solid - dry matter.

    Animal and plant bodies contain similar types of chemicals, many of which have complex structures, specific properties, and functions. The main components of ostrich feed are carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen. Mineral substances, which are also included in the feed, unlike organic substances, contain calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, iron and other chemical elements.

    The main foods for ostriches are vegetable, while animals and minerals are given in smaller quantities and are additional.

    Vegetable feed. These foods are the main sources of energy, crude protein, fat, minerals, vitamins and contain a lot of fiber.

    Corn belongs to complete feed, its seeds are best given in the form of cereals or porridge. In terms of digestibility and calorie content, this crop surpasses all other feeds - it is rich in starch, contains carotenoids, but it has few essential amino acids and calcium, therefore, in the diets of ostriches, it should be no more than 15-20% of the mass of all feeds. It is introduced into the diet of chicks from the second or third day of life (30-40%), for growing and fattening marketable young animals for meat, they should be given up to 70% crushed grain. It is recognized that grains of corn are a good warming food for the winter period.

    With long-term storage of corn on the cob under sheds or in open areas, its fodder quality decreases due to the oxidation of the fat contained in the grain. Therefore, it is better to exclude such grain from the diet. Corn stalks at a young age, even before the formation of cobs, are also good complete food for ostriches. The plant mass of corn has approximately the same qualities as grain, but in green, juicy leaves there are more vitamins and minerals than in grain.

    Wheat. This cereal is widely used for feeding ostriches, especially where there are no conditions for growing corn. Unlike other cereals, wheat contains more crude protein (12-14%), it has more amino acids than other cereals, and relatively many B and E vitamins, especially in sprouted grains. Wheat, like corn, can be used to make porridge. Given the value of this crop, ostrich diets often include the so-called fodder wheat, which is unsuitable for human nutrition, but can be used to feed birds.

    Barley. The grains of this cereal are enclosed in a film shell, consisting mainly of indigestible fiber (the mass of the films is up to 15% of the total mass of the grain, so there are 2-3 times more fiber in barley than in wheat). Grain in this form is unsuitable for feeding young animals, and therefore cereals should be used for porridge. In terms of nutritional value, barley is inferior to corn and wheat, but is 20% superior to oats. In the daily feed supply, barley groats can account for 30-40% of the total amount of grain components.

    Oats. A good food for adult ostriches and chicks, it is used in the form of cereals, from which porridge is cooked for young animals, adult birds can be given cereal - oatmeal. In the diet can be up to 36-40% of the total amount of grain components.

    Juicy food. Greens are the main plant food, an important source of vitamins and partially protein. Finely chopped greens are readily eaten by both adult birds and ostriches. It is better to feed greens fresh, immediately after mowing. It is especially valuable in the stage of budding or the beginning of flowering. However, it is usually given in separate feeders. Greens should be fed to ostriches daily in the warm season, and in the form of hay in winter.

    Green fodder contains: water - 60-83%, protein - up to 25%, fiber - up to 16% and ash - up to 11%. The digestibility of green fodder for ostriches is approximately 70-80%, which leads to a good availability of nutrients. If ostriches walk in a paddock, which is located in a meadow overgrown with lush herbs, they have a more complete diet, as they choose those plants that they prefer. A good pasture can cover almost all of these birds' essential nutrient needs. The green mass in the feeders will never replace their free range.

    As green fodder, it is best to use alfalfa, clover, green mass of peas or beans, which are especially valuable because their agricultural technology has been developed to perfection and they are sown on large areas. With success, you can also use young nettles, which ostriches willingly eat crushed or mixed with vegetables. Nettle is one of the earliest plants. It grows everywhere - in wastelands, inconvenient lands, along ravines, on the edges of the forest. The best time for its use is the time from the beginning of the growing season to the flowering of the plant. It contains an average of up to 4% protein and fiber, a lot of provitamin A (50 µg/g), vitamins B and E (4 and 10 µg/g, respectively). You can feed finely chopped greens to young animals from the first days of life. It improves appetite in adult birds, which increases the absorption of nutrients, and young birds develop and gain weight faster.

    Good food for ostriches is dried young nettles and hay. For drying, nettles are plucked, tied into small bundles and hung in the shade in the wind or draft. The dried plant is put in boxes with holes or in bags and stored in a dry place. Birds are fed dry nettles, also in crushed form, mixed with other feeds. Nettle flour contains more than 20% protein, about 5% fat, up to 12% fiber. 1 g of flour contains 100-120 mcg of carotene, 25 mcg of vitamin E and 12 mcg of vitamin B. Due to young nettle and flour from it, it is possible to meet the need for ostriches in protein by 10-20%, in vitamins by 60-70% and save up to 20% on compound feed.

    vitamin hay from clover, alfalfa and other cultivated meadow grasses - a complete and basic food for ostriches in the winter. The most nutritious is hay from legumes cut before flowering. Vitamins are better preserved with artificial drying of grass, weaker with shady drying, and even worse with solar drying. The grass from which they want to get vitamin hay should be dried with shading in windrows or on hangers under a canopy, without losing leaves. Hay is stored in a dry, closed and dark room (preferably pressed) and fed to the bird in finely chopped form.

    Herbal flour. It is prepared from freshly cut greens with short-term exposure to heated air, which does not negatively affect the preservation of vitamins and nutrients present in the grass. Such herbal flour in terms of nutritional value and carotene content is noticeably superior to flour even from good vitamin hay of shadow drying. It is prepared from the greens of alfalfa or clover, less often from other legumes and cereal herbs. Grass flour, due to the presence of a whole complex of useful substances in it - protein, easily digestible macro- and microelements, carotene, folic acid and some others - has a positive effect on the growth and viability of ostriches, egg production of birds, fertility and hatchability of eggs. When keeping in winter, grass flour should be included in the diet for ostriches. It is introduced into feed mixtures for adult birds in the amount of 5-7%, for ostriches 3-5%. Freshly prepared flour of good quality contains 17-20% protein, up to 250-300 micrograms of carotene (per 1 g of flour) and other vitamins, but its energy nutritional value is about half that of oats. However, during storage, especially with free access to air and in the light, the carotene in the flour is destroyed rather quickly, so it is stored in dense, preferably paper, bags in darkened cool warehouses, in relatively small piles. It should be remembered that with dense storage and large stacks, it is capable of spontaneous combustion. Herbal flour can also be successfully prepared from nettles. It is fed in the same quantity as alfalfa or clover flour.

    root crops(carrots, beets, potatoes, ground pear) have valuable properties and are the most important source of vitamins and mineral salts in the winter-spring season. Feed and sugar beets should be given in finely chopped form and fed with bran.

    Melons and horticultural crops(cabbage, pumpkin, zucchini, watermelons) can also be fed to ostriches. When giving cabbage, especially white cabbage, indigestion is sometimes observed, so it is better to feed it in small quantities.

    Potatoes (boiled) fed to ostriches in a mashed form mixed with bran and herbal flour. The rate of root crops per day depends on the age of the young, and for adult birds - on the period of the year. On average, about 200 g of root crops can be given per ostrich at the age of four months, except for greens (hay).

    Carrot fed to ostriches in finely chopped form. 1 g contains 80-85 mcg of carotene. In its fresh form, it is fed to ostriches of all ages up to 30% of the total mass of feed. The best is red carrots - it has more carotene. If necessary, along with carrots, you can give medications: vitamins A, D, E (in oil), group B and multivitamins. Carrots are a part of many wet combined feeds. Sometimes, instead of it, turnips, rutabaga or beets are introduced into the feed; beets, even when stored for a long time, do not lose their nutritional properties.

    Animal feed. They are necessary to maintain normal metabolism and development of young animals. These feeds contain the most valuable proteins containing many essential amino acids.

    Milk. Whole milk is not used for feeding birds; yogurt, cottage cheese, skimmed milk and liquid waste obtained by churning butter are used. Whey is poor in protein compared to other dairy products, but it contains easily digestible minerals. Therefore, it should be given to ostriches and females during the laying period. Usually whey is given instead of water. Dairy products should not be stored in galvanized containers.

    Fish. For feeding ostriches, only fishery waste is used: non-commercial varieties of fish and fish meat and bone meal. The fish is pre-boiled and chopped. It is introduced into the diet of birds in small quantities, since meat when fed with one fish has an unpleasant odor. Fishmeal contains from 46 to 60% protein and up to 15-18% fat, almost all amino acids, many minerals and vitamins. It is given to chicks starting from a daily age in an amount of 3 to 12% of the feed weight. Since fat oxidizes quickly, fishmeal should be stored in the refrigerator and used only fresh. In this regard, it is better to use skimmed flour containing no more than 2-3% fat. It is added to compound feed at the rate of one incomplete teaspoon for every 10 kg of live bird weight.

    Meat meal. It is made from meat processing waste. To ensure sterility, meat and bone meal is processed at very high temperatures, as a result of which proteins, or rather their protein part, undergo profound changes, which significantly reduces their nutritional value. However, recently a new cooking technology has been developed - with heating of raw materials to 100 ° C. The quality of the flour obtained by this technology is much higher. Good meat and bone meal contains 47-50% protein, no more than 9-11% fat and 25-28% ash elements. The high content of the latter cannot be considered as a disadvantage of this feed - it is its valuable mineral part (a source of calcium and phosphorus), which is formed as a result of processing into flour not only the meat parts of animal carcasses, but also their bones. Meat and bone meal is included in the diet of poultry in the amount of 3-7%.

    Bird eggs. They have all the substances necessary for the body. They are given to chicks in the first days of their life, hard-boiled and carefully chopped. Chicken eggs are boiled for 5 minutes, ostrich eggs - 75 minutes, then dipped in cold water. Egg shells must be collected, dried and used for mineral feeding.

    Rations and feeding techniques for ostriches. Feed ration is the daily supply of a set of feed, compiled in accordance with the developed norms and rules of feeding. The diet is formed according to the number of feed units, energy, digestible protein, calcium and phosphorus. These feed components in the nutrition of ostriches are the most important. The nutritional value of 1 g of medium quality oats is taken as a feed unit in poultry farming, and the nutritional value of other feeds is determined in comparison with it. Ostriches at any age should receive a complete balanced diet. The restriction in the consumption of one or another feed is used only for adult ostriches raised for a tribe.

    Their diet during the period of preparation for mating should contain less fat and easily digestible carbohydrates (starch, sugar) and a little more indigestible fiber. Such a diet reduces the deposition of fat in the tissues and maintains birds in normal condition. A diet that fully satisfies the need for dry matter, energy, nutrients, vitamins is called balanced. The composition of a balanced daily diet for emu chicks in the first months of life is presented in the table.

    Balanced daily diet for ostriches

    When compiling balanced diets, it is necessary to determine which of the feeds available on the farm are important and profitable to feed and how much of them should be given daily.

    The main requirement for any diet is to fully satisfy the needs of birds using the cheapest and least scarce feeds.

    The calorie content of the taken feed should correspond to the needs of ostriches. It is impossible to calculate the calorie content of the diet for fatty feeds if only feeds containing a small percentage of fats are available. The table shows the feed ration that poultry farmers can take as a basis when compiling diets for ostrich chicks on their farm.

    If, based on the availability of feed, you have to make up the diet yourself, then it is necessary to take into account the nutritional value of each feed, the weight of the birds and their physiological state.

    Two periods are distinguished in feeding the parent herd of ostriches: unproductive and productive. Unproductive in winter when African ostriches are not used for breeding and must be kept until the next breeding season in a state of average fatness.

    And a productive dormant period, which occurs in males after the young are deposited and until the next mating with the onset of spring, and in females after the end of oviposition and until the next nesting season. The ability of males to fertilize females depends on the state of health and fatness. They should not be allowed to become obese and should not be given low-nutrient feed. For example, ostriches quickly get fat from barley and corn, so they should be given more green mass.

    When there is no green fodder, and hay is of poor quality, germinated wheat should be given, meat or meat and bone meal should be introduced into the diet.

    Ostriches should be fed daily and at certain times. Adult birds and young birds older than one year are fed twice a day. Feeding of the parent flock with a diet typical for the breeding season begins one month before the start of oviposition. Young animals of the current year are fed 3-4 times a day. The transition to summer or winter diets should be gradual and last at least 10 days. The diet for the unproductive period is replaced by a diet more highly nutritious, characteristic of the breeding season.

    Feed should not be left in the feeders, as it loses its nutritional value. Feed should be eaten during the day. At the same time, it is necessary that the feeders are under a canopy and the feed is not soaked by rain and does not turn sour.

    Due to the fact that the industry does not yet produce compound feed for ostriches, compound feed produced for chickens or domestic ducks can be used.

    Low quality hay is given in cut form. Chopped hay is poured with warm water for 0.5-1 hour, then drained, sprinkled with bran, salted according to the norm and placed in feeders.

    Ostriches should be watered with clean, fresh water every morning (in hot weather more often), polluted or very warm water should be changed more often.

    To prevent gastrointestinal diseases, ostriches should not be given wet, dirty leaves and grass. They must be washed and dried a little with warm air.

    Feed requirements of ostriches


    Pastures for ostriches are most suitable with interspersed grassy and rocky areas, a constant water supply is desirable, as ostriches like to take a shower in summer.

    In the warm season, it is advisable to keep ostriches in spacious pens, covered around the perimeter with a metal mesh with a mesh size of no more than 30x30 mm. A mesh with larger meshes is unsuitable, as ostriches often stick their heads into them and can die from suffocation. Along the perimeter of the corral, it is desirable to make a foundation of logs and clay, on which poles are installed for attaching the grid. Such a fence will prevent the penetration of stray dogs into the corral.

    The height of the fence must be at least 2-2.5 m, otherwise the ostriches can jump over it.

    In our conditions, when there is a lot of precipitation in spring and autumn, it is recommended to build sheds on the walking area, where it is also convenient to place feeders. Canopies are built either along the fence or between the trees - a light plastic canopy is attached to the branches. It is necessary to lay straw on top of the plastic - this will protect it from the scorching rays of the sun. Hanging the feeders under the roof keeps the feed from getting wet and makes it comfortable for the bird to eat even in rainy weather.

    Feather collection

    At the stage of feather maturity, the blood vessels in the feather dry up to the level of the connection of the feather with the skin surface, however, its trunk remains below this level and continues to grow. The lower part of the feather shaft is called the "green level", the germ cells of this part multiply and increase in size, which subsequently pushes the feather out of the well. At the "green level" of the trunk are blood vessels and nerves that approach the center of the feather some distance outside the feather well, but do not reach the area where the feather opens. From this point on, the feather becomes a dry, keratinized tube filled with air throughout the entire area of ​​the mature feather. A feather above the "green level" is dead and no longer needs a blood supply for nourishment. Trimming feathers at this stage is the same for ostriches as cutting a human hair, and there is no pain in the birds. The feather, like hair or nails, is devoid of nerves and blood vessels.

    When trimming feathers, do not go below the green level, as this will lead to significant bleeding and a feeling of pain in the bird. It is necessary to cut the feather at least not lower than 5-8 cm to the level of the well.

    It takes six months for the wing plumage to mature, and eight months for the full formation of the feather shaft. Instead of removing the "green" feathers (not fully matured), they are cut off above the core layer. The rationale behind this technique is that the feathers are removed as soon as they are fully formed, while avoiding the spoilage that can occur if they are left to fully mature in a well. Feathers are usually cut with special scissors (secateurs).

    After pruning, uncut remains of feather trunks remain in the wells. These trunks are fully mature two months after shearing. After that, the mature trunks can be removed, then new feathers begin to grow. To remove using ordinary forceps. After the procedure, the skin of the ostrich must be lubricated with petroleum jelly or fat to protect the wells from clogging and other external influences.

    It has been established that the wing plumage grows by approximately 0.5-0.75 cm per day.

    Ostriches do not have a seasonal molt. The change of plumage occurs gradually throughout the year. This means that if the feathers are not harvested, they will mature continuously throughout the year. It is very important to take into account the fact that the removal of feathers from a bird improves the commercial quality of its skin - when pulled out, the root follicles become more pronounced, thereby increasing the value of the skin. If the farmer plans to slaughter poultry at 1214 months of age, then ostrich chicks should be feathered at 7 months of age.

    Before collecting the feather, the birds are driven into pens, and from there they are driven one by one to the clipping box.

    The box has a trihedral shape and in most cases the following dimensions: the width of the front edge is 50 cm, the width of the back is 70 cm, the length is 1.2 m, the depth is 1.2 m.

    After the bird is placed in the feather box, two rows of feathers are pulled out first, covering the long white feathers. Then - two rows of silk feathers from the bottom of the wing. After that, they begin to trim the white feathers of the wings and the tail, leaving the feather trunks sticking out about 2.5 cm from the epidermis. These protruding ends are removed after 2 months.

    Currently, there are two main systems for collecting ostrich feathers - at intervals of eight and twelve months. The earlier practice of harvesting feathers at 6-month intervals was discontinued after it was found that with such frequent collection, the feather that then grew became shorter and stiffer, reducing its value.

    The eight-month system is practiced where the climatic conditions in winter and summer are not too different, and there is also abundant vegetation, which makes it possible for the bird to eat well all the time. With this system, the first trimming of feathers is done at 6 months of age.

    Subsequent collections - at 16 months and two years of age, which makes it possible to harvest feathers 3 times in 2 years.

    The one-year system is used where climatic conditions change significantly during the year. In the cold season, feather growth slows down. Feathers are harvested before the onset of sexual instinct.

    The main generally accepted rule for collecting feathers in any system is to start collecting feathers only when the bird is in good condition. If the bird has been ill, weakened, or simply exhausted, the growth of the following feathers will be uneven.


    The technology of breeding ostriches (African, nandu and emu) on farms is in many ways similar to breeding domestic chickens. The basic techniques and modern achievements of industrial poultry farming can also be used on ostrich farms. However, there is a certain specificity in the technology of breeding ostriches, dictated by the biological characteristics of these birds and the degree of their domestication. Of the ostrich-like birds, the technology of breeding the African ostrich is the most developed. Up to 70,000 heads and more of these birds are produced and processed annually. However, effective breeding of nandu and emu is also possible and largely depends on the rational methods of breeding these birds and the sale of the resulting products on the market.

    Acquisition of the parent herd of ostriches

    With the onset of maturity of the young, one should begin recruiting the ostrich parent herd, which is understood as the selection of the best young for the tribe, and the selection of females and males for use in the production of breeding offspring (replacement young), placing it indoors and obtaining marketable products. Until the parent flock is completed, pullets and males are kept in separate rooms, they are intensively fed, they give a lot of fresh herbs and germinated grain. Completing a family is a very responsible job that requires relevant knowledge and experience, which come as a result of many years of practice. In order to achieve uniform egg production, one or two ostrich parent flocks should be recruited annually. Sexual maturity in male African ostrich usually occurs at the age of 30-50 months, in nandu - 30-40, in emu - about 40 months. Puberty in ostriches when kept in captivity may occur earlier. Much depends on how they are kept on farms. Under normal conditions of selection and maintenance, sexual activity of males of all types of ostriches can last up to 10-20 years or more on average. Female ostriches reach sexual maturity earlier than males (at the age of 2-3 years), but may carry unfertilized eggs earlier.

    With artificial breeding of ostriches, the sex ratio in the family should be 1: 3-5. Keeping these birds in pairs is contrary to their biology and unprofitable for the economy. The polygamous ratio allows for fewer males and more females, resulting in a larger and cheaper product (hatching egg) for the same cost. In addition, it gives the best indicators of egg production, fertility and hatchability of eggs. However, if the male has lost its activity for any reason, all the females of this family begin to lay unfertilized eggs. In such cases, when the male cannot serve the largest number of females or is generally unsuitable to be a producer, he is given fewer females or culled.

    When forming families, it is more convenient to keep ostriches of the first year of oviposition separately from the second or third. This approach will allow the selection of breeding birds to complete the parent flock with the best laying hens this autumn. In the case when, for one reason or another, it is impossible to keep them separately, it is necessary to carry out individual marking of birds, which gives the best results with any method of their selection. To do this, all the data for each ostrich is entered either in a special sheet or in an individual card, which details: the type of ostrich, gender, date of hatching, place of hatching (farm), date of arrival in the farm, ring or wing mark number, etc.

    A visual assessment of the constitution and exterior of a bird usually cannot give an accurate and complete picture of its productivity, therefore it is necessary to evaluate the quality of the parent flock not only by the egg production of the past year, but also take into account other indicators: origin, weight, height, etc. Select for breeding followed by birds of known pedigree, normally developed, healthy, free of defects and well-fledged young. It should be sufficiently well-fed, but not exceed the average weight of the birds that graze in the paddock. The rearing young are transferred to the premises for the adult stock as early as February-March, i.e., even before the nesting season. With the late transfer of sexually mature young animals, there is a delay in oviposition due to great stress. 2 days before the transfer of the bird from one room to another, an anti-stress diet is introduced (the dose of vitamins increases by 2 times).

    The male is first placed in the room, it is desirable that he be older than the females. Before planting, it is good to check the quality of the seed of the breeding male. After a short period of time (2-3 days), when he gets used to the room, females are planted. Each section should have the same number of females per male.

    Males and females selected for a productive (obtaining eggs and meat) or breeding herd must be properly placed in the poultry house. At the same time, first of all, they do not allow overcrowding, that is, the placement of more birds per unit area than is provided for by the norms (Table 3). An increase in density worsens the microclimate of the room (the content of moisture and harmful gases in the air increases), makes it difficult for birds to freely access feeders and drinkers, and the frequency of their contact with each other increases. At the same time, weakened birds appear among the females, which after some time have to be prematurely culled, which significantly reduces the number of livestock and egg production.

    An increase in stocking density when rearing ostrich chicks for meat also leads to indispensable losses: they eat more food than they give weight gain, and often get sick. Consequently, due to the high stocking density, the poultry breeder is often forced to prematurely replace birds, using them for productive purposes not completely, but only for a few years. When keeping ostriches in a stationary poultry house, for their health and productivity, the size of the section, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is allocated for one family, as well as for young animals, matters. In cramped quarters, young birds develop and grow worse, and adult birds take longer to lay eggs and hatch chicks (when natural incubation is used). It is impossible to engage in sorting and transplanting ostriches during the laying period, as a bird accustomed to a certain community will reduce egg production or completely stop laying eggs. In addition, birds from the new community will definitely begin to peck a new individual, not allow it to the feeder or watering place, which will negatively affect not only it, but the entire herd of ostriches - the egg production of other females will decrease. After the end of the nesting season, you can start replacing bad females and males with replacement young, so as not to reduce the productivity of the parent flock next year. The conditions in which ostriches are kept can greatly affect their productivity, as they are very sensitive to biological factors (however, like other agricultural birds) that control their body. Highly productive laying hens consume the maximum amount of feed that the body can process. In addition, such females give eggs, while maintaining a constant live weight. Therefore, eggs should be specially selected from such females, they should be incubated and breeding young animals should be raised. The high productivity of birds is based on a genetic basis, is inherited, so you need to pay great attention to breeding and selection work when breeding ostriches on your farm.

    All other factors affecting poultry productivity are classified under the broad concept of "environment", which includes the microclimate, feeding, factors affecting the endocrine system, etc. Let's consider some of them in order.

    Factors affecting the endocrine system

    We have already spoken about the effect on ostriches of the duration and intensity of illumination, which stimulates the release of endocrine hormones associated with the reproductive system of birds. Another hormone that also affects productivity is the thyroid gland. Apparently, low temperature causes an increase in the function of this gland, which causes partial molting and reduces productivity. It has been established that the critical temperature for birds is +2°C.

    physical factors. These factors affect the consumption of feed and water, and therefore the productivity of ostriches. In poultry houses, where there is poor ventilation, high or low temperatures, the lowest egg production is observed. In such rooms, the installation of additional fans or vents is required so that the air changes faster, there is less dust and moisture. It is also necessary to maintain a normal temperature (+18-20 °C) in the poultry house by better ventilation of the room if the temperature is too high, or by adjusting the heating.

    Environment can affect the performance of birds depending on the housing system: in the poultry house or in the pen, poultry with or without range. The type of feeders, stocking density, the length of the feeding front, the depth of the feeders, and the composition of the community in a flock of ostriches can also affect.

    Feeding is the key to productivity, all other factors are links. When using factory-made compound feed, it should be borne in mind that the quality of the ingredients included in the compound feed is better controlled in laboratories that are available at veterinary institutions and poultry farms.

    Fatness. The intensity of laying and the weight of the eggs are more closely related to the fatness of the birds. By the degree of fat deposition, one can judge the future productivity of young females. The deposition of fat in females is not a favorable sign. It is clear that feed intake is far in excess of the nutrient requirements needed to keep the bird alive and lay eggs, so the feed rate should be somewhat reduced. If the bird's appetite has worsened, then you need to find out the reason, otherwise egg production will also begin to decrease in a few days. In connection with the above, it is necessary to take into account the amount of food eaten daily by weighing, and not determine their amount by eye. A very important indicator of the decline in ostrich egg production is the weight of the egg. In case of violations in feeding (worsening of appetite), first of all, the weight of eggs decreases, and only then, after 2-5 days, the intensity of oviposition. Thus, it is possible to draw a conclusion in advance about the upcoming decrease in egg production.

    Oviposition and collection of eggs

    In early spring, with the lengthening of daylight hours, African ostriches and rhea, kept in a stationary poultry house, begin to show signs of mating behavior, which gradually increase, and males begin to pursue females. Egg-laying can begin even when kept in a winter room, and after the transfer of ostriches to pens (when the snow melts), it intensifies and the females begin to rush actively.

    Under farm conditions, females, as a rule, not only lay their eggs in a nest prepared by the male, but also scatter them throughout the paddock. The nest is a compacted hole lined with grass, which is guarded by the male. The clutch usually does not exceed 12-14 eggs, the rest of the eggs lie away from the nest. On average, about 40 eggs can be obtained from each female ostrich, but some of them have high egg production and lay up to 100 eggs per nesting season. The offspring from such females should be left to the tribe in order to eventually concentrate a highly efficient parental herd of ostriches in their household.

    Eggs laid by healthy birds are sterile. But after demolition, they can be affected through the pores of the shell by viruses, bacteria, fungi. A freshly laid egg is at bird body temperature and is still warm, moist and free of poo. When the mass of the egg begins to cool, its contents shrink in volume and at the blunt end, where the shell has more pores, a space (puga) appears, which is filled with air. Together with air, bacteria enter the egg, here they find favorable conditions for reproduction. This process occurs during the first 2 hours after the egg is laid. This is why the house and egg storage areas should be kept clean to reduce microbial contamination of the eggs.

    Under conditions of artificial incubation, it is necessary to keep the eggs for several days before laying in the incubator. As a result of long-term storage, the development of the embryo in the eggs may not occur. The main reason is the death of the embryo and the development of microflora in the egg as a result of its long and improper storage. The shelf life of ostrich eggs does not exceed 5-6 days, and the hatchability of young at the end of this period is approximately 50%. Under conditions of natural incubation, where the shelf life is practically 0, the hatchability is 81.8% with an egg fertility of 88.1%. When storing eggs for no more than 3-4 days and under the same regimen, the number of eggs with developing embryos averages 85.4%, that is, the percentage of hatchability approaches that of natural incubation.

    The ability of poultry embryos to endure longer storage has been the result of artificial selection by humans over a period of a thousand years or more. Ostriches have a very short history of breeding under artificial conditions, and during this time they practically did not change, and the embryos did not develop adaptation to a long state of anabiosis. This is especially true for rhea, which begin to incubate from the first egg.

    Eggs must be collected at least twice a day. Their regular removal contributes to an increase in the number of eggs laid by females during a given period and the preservation of their incubation qualities. One of the most important moments in increasing egg production is also the full feeding of ostriches. Birds should be transferred to the diet of the breeding period no earlier than a month before the start of oviposition.

    In the cold days of early spring, eggs laid at sub-zero temperatures during frosts at night lose their incubation qualities and may even burst. Eggs should be collected frequently during this time, especially in the evening if they are laid outdoors. In most farms, eggs are collected from the second half of the day and especially at dusk. The eggs are labelled. To do this, with a simple soft pencil on the shell of the sharp end of the egg, write the date of collection and the section number.

    Often, ostrich eggs are contaminated. However, it is impossible to wash and wipe the eggs during collection, as this contributes to clogging the pores of the shell and the penetration of infection through them into the egg. From eggs wiped with a rag or hand during collection, hatchability is low, a high percentage of embryo death from molds is observed.

    After marking, the eggs are placed in special baskets or plywood, cardboard and wooden boxes with gaskets. It is impossible to lay eggs in several layers in baskets or boxes, since the lower eggs can be crushed or microcracks will appear on their shells. Baskets and boxes with eggs are immediately taken to the warehouse to be stored in places protected from sunlight. If transportation of eggs is required, they are packed in wooden boxes. Straw, special cardboard pads and deciduous tree shavings can serve as packaging material. Boxes and packing materials must be dry, clean, free of tar and free of foreign smell. This is the packaging technique. The bottom and inner walls of the box are lined with a uniformly dense layer of shavings or straw 5 cm thick, on which eggs are laid in rows. A second even layer of shavings or straw is spread on top, on which eggs are laid in the same order. In total, there should be no more than two rows of ostrich eggs in the box. The top row of eggs is covered with a layer of shavings or straw 2-3 cm above the edge and clogged with boards.

    When transported by car or horse-drawn transport, boxes with eggs are placed on straw (layer 20 cm), covered with a tarpaulin and firmly strengthened to prevent shaking. The boxes are laid across the body or cart in such a way that the eggs are located along the long axis in the direction of the car. Although oviposition in ostriches, except for emus, occurs during the warm season, sharp fluctuations in air temperature during storage and transportation of eggs are undesirable. Eggs can be delivered to another farm at a speed of no more than 30 km/h.

    After they are delivered to the site, the boxes are unpacked and manually sorted, checking the suitability of the eggs for incubation. They are stored in a dark room at a temperature of + 5-12 ° C and a humidity of 65-70% in a vertical position with a blunt end down. If the eggs have to lie for several days before incubation, they must be turned over daily, otherwise the yolk will float and stick to the shell: such eggs are unsuitable for incubation. The hatchability of eggs also depends on how many days after transportation they will be laid in the incubator.

    Morphology and chemical composition of the egg

    The main function of hatching eggs is to ensure the proper development and growth of the embryo. During its embryonic development, the necessary nutrients come from the yolk and white of the egg. The contents of the egg are covered with a two-layer shell membrane and protected by the shell. In the process of incubation, the embryo uses the mineral substances of the shell to form a skeleton, and through its pores it evaporates moisture and exchanges gases during incubation. The ratio of the components of the egg, depending on the type of ostrich, is shown in the table.

    The average weight of an egg in an African ostrich is 1400 g, in a nandu - 620 g, in an emu - 650 g. The yolk in the egg is located in the center, on its surface there is an embryonic disc in the form of a light spot with dark edges. With prolonged storage, it approaches the shell. In unfertilized eggs, the germinal disc is always smaller and without a dark zone around the edges. The yolk consists of alternating dark and light layers, enclosed in one common very thin shell. Its color, which depends on the content of carotene and xanthophyll, is influenced by the composition of the feed and the season of the year. The intense color of the yolk indicates the provision of birds with vitamin A. The maximum content of pigments in ostrich eggs is observed in the summer months, when ostriches eat a lot of greens on the paddocks. In the yolk under a microscope, you can see yellow grains filled with fatty substances, from which the germ layers are formed, and white, almost colorless balls - the first nutrient material for the embryo.

    The organic matter of the yolk is mainly represented by fats (lipids) and protein. It also contains carbohydrates, minerals, trace elements, vitamins.

    The egg protein for the embryo is the main source of both protein and water-salt nutrition. It consists of four layers: the outer liquid, adjacent to the shell membranes, the middle dense, consisting of a thicker mass, the inner liquid and dense, associated with hailstones and adjacent directly to the yolk membrane, covering it with a thin layer.

    The hailstones extending to the sharp and blunt ends of the egg hold the yolk in the center. Egg proteins are in a dissolved state due to the content of neutral salts in the protein.

    Composition of an ostrich egg

    Requirements for the quality of hatching eggs

    Hatching eggs should have a regular shape, a smooth, uniform shell, an inactive yolk, occupying a central position in the light, without clearly defined boundaries. The air chamber should be at the blunt end of the egg.

    All eggs are incubated, with the exception of obviously unsuitable ones. Evaluate them visually and with the help of an ovoscope. Egg size should be medium. Weak chicks are hatched from small ones, which will be difficult to preserve and grow. In addition, small egg sizes are passed on to offspring, and the future female will also carry small eggs. Excessively large eggs often come with two yolks unsuitable for incubation.

    In a fresh, just laid egg, the contents are not dark, almost transparent, the scare is barely noticeable when candling, and the yolk is less noticeable than in an old egg. When turning, the yolk moves slowly and does not come close to the shell. The longer the egg is stored, the more it dries out and the scar increases, and the yolk is located near the shell of the old egg. For incubation, fresh eggs with a barely noticeable puffiness are best, which, when sorted, should be sorted into a separate batch and incubated separately from other eggs. From such eggs, the chicks hatch earlier, are more friendly, develop better and gain weight faster.

    With the correct collection of freshly laid eggs, the rejection of eggs unsuitable for incubation is usually no more than 5-15%. Unconditionally unsuitable for incubation should also include eggs with cracks in the shell. An egg with a very thin shell when incubated by a hen will be crushed and its contents will stain all the eggs. Dirty eggs cannot be washed: this destroys the shell film and clogs the pores in the shell through which air is exchanged. The practice of poultry farms shows that from a young bird that has started laying eggs for the first time, it is impossible to obtain biologically high-grade eggs that are fully suitable for incubation. Among the eggs obtained from pullets, there are a lot of unfertilized ones, and in fertilized ones, hatchability is low. Chicks from such eggs often have reduced viability. The best results are obtained when incubating eggs laid by females in the second or third nesting season. The egg production of females also depends on age. Young females give 10-25 eggs, at 6-7 years of age - 60-70 eggs.

    Egg incubation

    Ostrich eggs, like the eggs of other farm birds, can be incubated in two ways: artificial - in an incubator and natural - under ostriches. Regardless of the method of incubation, the development of the embryo in the egg is significantly influenced by environmental conditions, feeding of the female before oviposition, time and method of storing eggs. In addition, the laid egg should not be immediately transferred to the incubator, since the laid egg, as a rule, also does not begin to incubate immediately, but only after several hours or even days (depending on the type of bird). The results of incubation largely depend on the duration of this period and the conditions for storing eggs.

    The main conditions for normal incubation are: a certain temperature and humidity around the eggs, a regular change in the position of the eggs in the nest tray or in the incubator.

    Temperature is the leading factor in egg incubation. She resumes the development of the embryo in the egg, which ends shortly after it is laid. In the nest tray, the eggs are in different temperature conditions. In the center, the eggs come into contact with the body of the incubating bird, and the embryonic disk, under its influence, thus falls into conditions of a rather high temperature (+40-42 ° C). Along the edges of the nest tray, eggs even on the surface are heated less. The lower side of the eggs is in a zone of low temperatures, which are not the same in the center and on the periphery of the nest tray. The temperature in the nests of incubating birds, depending on the position of the eggs, is shown in the table.

    Incubating birds feel the temperature of the eggs and constantly move them from the center of the nest to its periphery, while turning them around the longitudinal axis. The lower surface of the egg turns out to be the upper one, and the yolk, slowly turning, moves the germinal disk with the developing embryo into this now upper zone. Periodically, birds leave the nest. In hot weather, absences are longer, their duration varies depending on the period of incubation. The hen either sits tightly on the masonry, or rises above the eggs. Periodic cooling of eggs during the absence of a bird on the nest is of great importance for the very process of embryo development. Cooling down, the contents of the egg, as it were, suck in air from the environment and are enriched with oxygen. Temperature fluctuations, apparently, accelerate the development of their own thermoregulation and normalize the course of metabolic processes.

    At the beginning of incubation, the egg develops only due to the heat from the incubating bird and from the environment, and with the intensification of metabolic processes, it acquires its own temperature. In this regard, the amount of heat that the embryo must receive from the environment also changes. Thus, during natural incubation, the embryo goes through a complex system of temperature changes, which has not yet been sufficiently studied even for domestic birds. It has been established that the optimal temperature parameters during the incubation period are +37.6 °С and 38.5 °С (excluding cooling periods). This formed the basis of the incubation regimes used in industrial poultry farming.

    During artificial incubation, the optimum temperature in modern incubators is maintained at +37–38 °C. Non-compliance with the temperature regime adversely affects the development of the embryo. The weaker the heating, the slower the growth and development of the embryo, and vice versa. With very rapid growth, development is disturbed, deformities appear and embryonic mortality increases.

    They heat eggs in incubators in two ways: maintain the proper air temperature and use the heat radiated by the eggs. Previously laid eggs additionally heat those eggs that are laid later in the adjacent row of the tray.

    In the first half of the incubation, it is necessary to keep warm in the heated eggs, but in such a way as to reduce the evaporation of water from them and prevent the heat from being consumed to turn it into steam. In addition, the walls of the incubator should also be warm, which also take a lot of heat from heated eggs if the room temperature is below + 20-25 ° C. Opinions about the expediency of cooling, its degree and duration, depending on the development of the embryo, as well as the frequency of cooling during the incubation period, are contradictory. Most researchers consider cooling necessary. Rhythmic short-term temperature drops (small deviations from the optimal values) have a positive effect on the results of incubation. There is an opinion that such drops play the role of a thermal stimulus that stimulates the growth of the embryo. They create optimal conditions for gas exchange, increase the body's resistance to low temperatures, and accelerate the development of its own thermoregulation. Humidity of the air around the developing egg has a great influence on the development of the embryo. Evaporation of water from the surface of the egg depends on the temperature and relative humidity of the air. In the initial stage of incubation, when the evaporation of moisture from the egg is subject almost exclusively to physical laws, it is very important to retain water in the egg. To do this, the humidity in the incubator is maintained at a high level. With the development of the allantois, and especially after its closing at the sharp end of the egg, the evaporation process almost entirely depends on the activity of this organ and is determined by the intensity of the development of the embryo - humidity as a factor recedes into the background. High humidity during this period can make it difficult for water to evaporate from the allantois, which will adversely affect the development of the embryo. During the hatching period, the humidity is increased, since at low humidity, after the shell is biting, the chick may dry to the egg shells, which will not allow it to turn around the longitudinal axis, punch a furrow in the shell and get out of it.

    At the same time, very high humidity makes it difficult for the chick to dry inside the egg after the air chamber and the egg shell break through. It is also important to remember that the relative humidity of the air is directly related to its heat capacity; operating limits for relative humidity during incubation of eggs from 40 to 70%.

    It is also necessary to monitor the composition of the air in the incubator chamber. Since eggs emit carbon dioxide, its content in the incubator, despite gas exchange with the external environment, is increased, which leads to mass death of embryos. The optimal level of oxygen in the air should correspond to 21%, and carbon dioxide 0.5%. In the first two days of incubation and during the hatching of chicks, an increase in carbon dioxide content up to 2% is allowed.

    The friendly hatching of the chicks in the nest is due to the inviting sounds that the mother hen (in this case, the male) makes, as well as the clicking of the chicks that have not yet broken through the shell. These signals significantly stimulate the process of hatching of chicks from eggs, and they hatch together. In incubators, this process sometimes stretches up to 1.5-2.0 days. Late hatching chicks are weaker and less viable. Therefore, a number of poultry farms in incubators have speakers installed that begin to reproduce at the right time acoustic sounds recorded on tape during the hatching of the chicks, and loud enough to be heard against the background of the hum of the fans - this speeds up the hatching process.

    Incubation regimens for poultry have been developed with the simultaneous selection of breeds and lines in which the embryonic development is adapted to these regimens. You can use them to incubate ostrich eggs, but the results are usually lower.

    Obviously, for the incubation of ostrich eggs, it is necessary to slightly change the modes of artificial incubation in order to obtain the same hatchability as in the case of incubation by ostriches. To do this, it is necessary to reproduce the modes of natural incubation, which are not yet sufficiently developed for ostriches. Therefore, the development of optimal modes of incubation of ostrich eggs in our climate is of great importance for the development of ostrich breeding in Russia.

    Biological control is used to monitor the progress of incubation and make timely adjustments to the regimen. Its essence is reduced to the periodic determination of changes in the mass of eggs in the process of development, monitoring the development of the embryo and its temporary organs by transilluminating the eggs (candling under a strong light source) and monitoring hatching. Candling of rhea and especially emu eggs is ineffective. Therefore, to control such eggs, the so-called water test is used. Water heated to a temperature of +37.5 ° C is poured into a sufficiently wide and deep vessel, and an egg is lowered into it. As a rule, on the 12-14th day of incubation, it pops up. When the water in the vessel calms down, you can notice that the floating egg periodically twitches, as it were, moves in the water. This is a sure sign of embryo development. If the egg freezes motionless, the embryo is dead. At the end of the water test, the egg with a live embryo is again placed under the incubator without wiping or drying it.

    The temperature in the nests during incubation of eggs

    The main violations during incubation

    The reasons for the infertility of eggs can be different: too many (fight and interfere with each other) or not enough males; males are too old; insufficient level of feeding or watering; insufficient area for maintenance (crowding); seasonal decline in fertility; sick or genetically defective bird.

    Eggs can be fertilized, but embryonic development does not occur at all. Here, the causes may be damage to the eggs by excessive cooling or heating; too long or improper storage, improper disinfection of eggs before incubation.

    The reasons for the deterioration of the incubation performance of ostrich eggs are basically the same as for chicken ones: poor quality of the shell, violations in the feeding of parents, genetic factors, incorrect position of the embryo. With a decrease in humidity below an acceptable level, evaporation of moisture through the egg shell increases, which adversely affects the development and hatching of chicks.

    On the contrary, with excessive humidity in the incubator, evaporation from the eggs slows down, excess fluid accumulates in the fetal membranes, and swelling occurs in the embryo.

    In the last stages of incubation, the most likely causes of embryonic mortality may be a very high temperature in the incubator, too low or too high percentage of egg weight loss, hypoxia.


    Modern incubators for chicken (goose, duck) eggs are difficult to adapt to the incubation of ostrich eggs, that is, to ensure reliable regulation of temperature, humidity and air exchange, automatic rotation of the trays.

    In recent years, the production of incubators designed specifically for ostrich eggs has been launched. In particular, they are produced by Buckeye (England) and Victoria (Italy). It is advisable to have several incubators on the farm - one or two larger ones and a couple of smaller ones - in case problems arise due to significant fluctuations in the size of the eggs: one for large ones, the other for small ones. In low-capacity cabinets, it is easier to maintain the desired mode, including humidity. Small capacity incubators can also be used during those periods of the year when egg production is reduced. The best conditions for the development of ostrich embryos can be created in incubators with separate cabinets - incubation and hatcher - with a one-time and full load of eggs (Fig. 10). At the same time, many farmers with small herds of ostriches are forced to lay eggs for incubation as they arrive, as a result of which embryos of different ages are in the same cabinet, and the parameters of the incubation regimen are averaged. In this case, egg placement schemes are used differently, but it is important that there is a homogeneous gaseous environment inside the incubator - with a uniform distribution of oxygen and the release of carbon dioxide.

    Ovoscope for translucent eggs:

    1 - egg in position for translucence; 2 - rubber ring; 3 - electric lamp 100 W; 4 - base; 5 - stand

    It is desirable on the 39th day of incubation of the first batch of eggs to transfer them for hatching to another cabinet in order to prevent contact of the rest of the eggs with the chicks and the fluff and dust that appear when they hatch. Violation of sanitary and hygienic conditions for incubated eggs is extremely unfavorable. In addition, with continuous loading of the incubator, it is very difficult to carry out deep disinfection.

    Conclusion of young animals under brood hens

    In small farms, it is easier to breed ostriches under a hen, which is male ostriches. They usually incubate eggs well and keep the chicks warm, hatching chicks with this method of incubation gives better results than hatching in an incubator. The higher efficiency seems to be associated with the most appropriate mode of incubation of ostrich eggs. However, there is a negative side to the farm in the natural way of hatching ostriches - the number of eggs heated by the bird's body is limited, so the herd's productivity is low compared to hatching chicks in an incubator, and the cost of production is high.

    In order for the male ostrich to incubate the clutch, it must first be prepared for this process. In the room where ostriches are kept, nesting material (hay, grass, straw) is placed. The male prepares a recess for the nest, into which he pulls the nesting material and tamps it down with his body. Nest building begins almost immediately after the first mating games of the male.

    Females lay eggs at intervals of 2-3 days. Before laying an egg, the female becomes very excitable, constantly walks around the paddock along the fence, sometimes makes sounds, and the male approaches the nest, bows and makes the same sounds as when displaying. The female approaches the nest several times, then crouches on bent legs and assumes the position of laying eggs, then rises and leaves the nest again. It is undesirable to disturb ostriches at this time with your presence.

    Finally, the female lays an egg for 1-3 minutes and both birds stand over it for some time, sprinkling it with nesting material. This moment is important for the manifestation of the instinct of incubation in the male. This happens every time the female lays the next egg.

    Male ostriches, as a rule, have high sexual activity, so the fertility of eggs is very high, not less than 80%. It should be remembered that he does not feed during incubation, so you need to prepare him for the nesting period so that he is not fat, but well-fed.

    The same applies to females. During the period of laying eggs, they are reluctant to eat food, the body is depleted, because of which they can even die. Therefore, if there is no incubator, one should not strive to get as many eggs as possible, since all the same they will not fit under the male. When there are 15-20 eggs in the nest (depending on the type of ostrich), the female is removed, which usually leads to the cessation of oviposition. When keeping ostriches in a poultry house with paddocks throughout the year, it is better to remove the eggs laid by females immediately, and instead of them put artificial ones (models), which are made of soft woods. They should be the same size, shape and color as real eggs. 2-3 days after laying the first egg, the male begins to incubate the clutch.

    When the male finally sits down and it will already be possible to hope that he will not leave the nest, artificial eggs are replaced with real ones. While incubating the eggs, he turns them over, periodically moves the eggs from the center of the tray to its edge, and then in the reverse order.

    As already mentioned, the incubation of eggs by an African ostrich lasts 42-43 days, rhea - about 40, emu 52-56 days. In exceptional cases, incubation may be more, so you can not rush another 5-6 days.

    Industrial hygiene

    Industrial hygiene during incubation and after hatching is extremely important.

    Before entering the incubation room, you must have a disinfectant bath for shoes. It must be filled with one of the most effective commercially available disinfectants. Each time, approaching the incubator, you need to wet the soles of the shoes in this bath.

    The same applies to disinfecting hands before handling eggs. It is recommended to use disposable paper towels to dry hands, as normal towels may allow the transfer of harmful microorganisms from egg to egg.

    When constructing an incubation room, an important detail must be taken into account: the incubation room and adjacent auxiliary rooms should have only one entrance and one exit. That is, one should enter and exit through different doors. This reduces the risk of transmission of infection.

    Cultivation of ostriches

    You can learn about the hatching of chicks by the characteristic squeak that they emit during this period. Male ostriches are good mother hens. They are very attentive to their chicks and careful when getting up from the nest, so they should not be disturbed before the chicks hatch until they leave the nest themselves.

    You can raise ostriches with or without a male. If the chicks are bred under hens, they are best left with the male. He leads them, heats them, promotes their active movement; ostriches learn from him to find and collect food.

    At first, hatchery ostriches should be kept in a room where there is a heater (brooder), especially if the weather is cold or rainy. They are very sensitive to fluctuations in temperature and humidity in the first days of life. Subsequently, the ostriches become stronger and tolerate fluctuations in temperature and humidity well. As soon as the ostriches dry out after leaving the egg, they need to be fed and watered. The final success of their rearing depends on how quickly the chicks receive food. Therefore, the premises, equipment and feed must be prepared in advance. In cold, rainy weather, two or three days before hatching, they create the necessary microclimate in the incubator at the place where the chicks will be kept, and check the operation of the brooder. A few hours before hatching, water is poured into the dishes so that it warms up in a timely manner. They should be fed with crumbly food (hard boiled and chopped egg, porridge, greens). As the ostriches grow and their appetite improves, the variety of feeds and their quantity are gradually increased; bread, carrots, beets and other feeds are introduced into the diet.

    Particular attention should be paid to the rearing of replacement young animals intended for completing the parent stock. It is desirable to obtain such young animals from breeding birds that have been rushing for the second or third year.

    During the entire period of rearing young animals, it is necessary to carefully monitor the general development and condition of the ostriches by weighing them daily. These data, recorded in the diary of observations, make it possible to control the mode of feeding and keeping ostriches and to make appropriate corrections in a timely manner. For ostriches, the patterns of growth, and, consequently, the parameters of changes in body weight, as well as exterior measurements, have not been studied enough. Therefore, this data will have to be obtained on your own farm.

    In the process of rearing, it is necessary to select all chicks that are lagging behind in growth, having exterior flaws.

    To accustom ostriches to a person, it is necessary to contact them more often. Training should begin from the first day of the life of hatchery ostriches. When caring for them and giving food, you should constantly pronounce different words in a gentle voice so that the young get used to you faster. Hand ostriches will take you for a leader, they will be easier to raise, and when they become adults, they can be pastured like cows in a pasture.


    In order to successfully breed any animals on a farm, the farmer must have sufficient knowledge of the specific needs of these animals. When the intensification of the livestock system on the farm begins, this becomes even more important. The better these needs are met, the less stress the animals receive.

    The “ability” of African ostriches to die “for unknown reasons” is well known, but in most cases it is still quite possible to identify errors in bird care, prevent further development of stress and death of animals. Every farmer has an interest in acquiring as much knowledge as possible about the needs of his birds. Then he will be able to reduce the risk of their diseases to a minimum. Ostrich farming can be very profitable, but if it's not managed correctly, it can become ruinous.

    Adult ostriches are resistant to infectious diseases, except for bird pox and encephalitis. However, they are prone to digestive disorders and respiratory diseases.

    Granulated foods can sometimes disrupt digestion, while finely ground foods can affect the respiratory system.

    Prevention of ostrich diseases includes all kinds of vaccinations, constant attention to sanitary and hygienic rules, and timely disinfection.

    Disease prevention

    If your business develops successfully and ostrich breeding begins to "gain momentum", it will not be superfluous to invite a professional veterinarian to a full-time position in your farm. After all, no matter how competently the farm itself is equipped and the process of breeding ostriches is established, a program for the prevention of diseases of the bird flock is still needed. The disease prevention program should include all kinds of vaccinations, biological safety.

    Biosecurity is the cheapest way to prevent disease. It includes constant monitoring of both birds and other animals, as well as staff and visitors, and must also ensure the proper sanitary condition of the farm and its inhabitants.

    By the way, do not get carried away with cheap disinfectants - they are not always of good quality.

    The main diseases of ostriches

    The diseases most commonly seen in ostriches can be divided into four groups:

    - respiratory;

    - gastrointestinal;

    – neurological (musculoskeletal system);

    - others.

    The most common respiratory diseases are rhinotracheitis and aerosacculitis (inflammation of the air sacs). Untreated rhinotracheitis often turns into aerosacculitis.

    Gastrointestinal diseases can be subdivided into gastric and intestinal.

    Of the neurological (musculoskeletal) diseases, leg deformity and Newcastle disease are the most important. Other diseases include dermatological, hepatitis and reproductive problems.


    The productive value of ostrich breeding

    Ostrich farms are considered one of the most profitable livestock farms due to the variety and specificity of products produced from materials obtained from ostrich farming. The price of ostrich meat in France is currently $28 per kilo. The cost of one hatching egg can reach $400.

    Valuable products of ostrich breeding include ostrich skin, which is the most demanded in the world for the production of bags, shoes and clothing, high-diet ostrich meat and feathers. Other products are also widely used.

    For example, ostrich tendons are used to replace human tendons.

    Recent studies in ophthalmology have shown the possibility of using ostrich eyes for transplantation of the cornea to humans. From the ostrich brain, a substance is obtained that is being studied for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease and other manifestations of senile dementia.

    To better understand the potential of the African ostrich and its advantages over other farm animals and poultry, let's compare the production performance of the African ostrich and the cow. One calf is obtained from a cow per year, which reaches slaughter weight in 600-650 days from the moment of conception, giving 240-250 kilograms of meat at slaughter.

    From a female ostrich, at least 30 chickens are obtained annually, which reach slaughter age in 407-410 days from the moment of fertilization of the egg (42-45 days of incubation and 365 days of rearing), giving at slaughter 1000 kilograms of clean, tender meat with a low cholesterol content, 40 square meters of skin and 35 kilograms of feathers every year (see table).

    Comparison of some parameters of cattle and ostrich

    The slaughter yield of pure ostrich meat is 50% of its slaughter weight, which is much higher than that of other farm animals: cattle, sheep and even poultry. And a female ostrich can withstand such a level of productivity for 30-40 years. The full productivity of one female during her life can reach 72 tons of meat.

    Subject to the rules and norms of modern zootechnics, the total productivity of a female ostrich during her "economic life" can reach the following level: 40 tons of meat, 1600 square meters of skin and 1400 kilograms of feathers.

    Successful rearing of the African ostrich in farming, well-organized production conditions is not particularly different from the rearing of traditional poultry species and does not present additional difficulties. Moreover, for keeping an ostrich flock numbering 500 heads of various ages, a former livestock farm designed for keeping 800 heads of cattle can be easily adapted.

    As with the breeding of traditional types of farm animals, the first period of the life of ostriches is critical. Ostrich chicks require good care, a balanced diet containing all the necessary nutrients in optimal amounts, and maintaining the correct temperature during the first four months of the rearing period.

    All of the above makes ostrich breeding as a branch of farming a highly economical direction in agriculture in many countries, including Russia and the CIS countries.

    In recent years, many farmers in the US and Western Europe have changed their specialization, switching from traditional livestock and crop production to breeding African ostrich, which is much more profitable and interesting.

    General enthusiasm did not bypass Russia, as well as the CIS countries. Farms for breeding ostriches are being created in the Krasnodar Territory, the Volgograd Region, Moldova, Georgia, Turkmenistan, the Baltic countries, the Moscow Region, the Stavropol Territory and other regions.

    Commercial value and quality characteristics of the pen

    The commercial value of feathers is divided according to the following indicators: length of the feather, density of plumage, width of the beard and the angle of its position in relation to the stem of the feather, strength or self-supporting down, quality and gloss, which are determined by the quality and structure of the fabric, silkiness, external shine, flexibility and, finally, its shape, which should be symmetrical, with a rounded tip and a rectangular bottom edge.

    Length is one of the most important indicators of the commercial value or quality of an ostrich feather. With the equivalence of other characteristics, the value of the pen is set depending on its length. Long feathers are more highly valued if the down on both sides of the trunk is the same. Good quality wing feathers are usually up to 70 centimeters long.

    The width of a pen is also taken into account when determining its value. Wide feathers are valued more than narrow ones. Down on both sides of the trunk should be the same length. The width of high-quality wing feathers reaches 30 centimeters.

    The density or compactness of down depends on the following factors:

    is the distance between the barbs of the first order;

    - the distance between the barbs of the second order;

    - the length of the barbs of the second order. The most valuable are feathers with a compact structure.

    The strength of the feather, or the self-support of the down, is determined by the external structure of the feather. The barbs of the first order must be located at the right angle to the trunk and not fall, which is provided by the support of the down. This increases the width of the pen and its value. Gloss or shine gives the pen a marketable appearance. This quality is difficult to quantify. It is directly dependent on the quality and structure of the fabric, silkiness and elasticity.

    The form is one of the qualitative indicators that attracted the attention of ancient civilizations to the plumage of an ostrich. It is thanks to the shape of the ostrich feather that it was considered a symbol of justice.

    The feather should be symmetrical, with parallel sides, uniform down width, rounded tip and rectangular underparts.

    The feather barrel should be as thin as possible, but strong enough so that the feather does not break.

    Lice and mites, sudden temperature fluctuations and frequent changes in bird condition can also adversely affect feather quality.

    Ostrich skin

    For a long time in the countries of Africa, America and Australia, where the African ostrich is grown in farm conditions, its skin was not recognized as a valuable product that deserves attention for production. People have been making valuable products from ostrich skin for a long time, but their production was spontaneous.

    In 1964, a slaughterhouse was built in Australia, where the skin underwent primary processing and was exported in a wet-salted condition. Due to unstable weather conditions, the supply of poultry for slaughter was irregular, but the increase in global demand for products from this unique skin made leather manufacturers and ostrich breeders think about the prospect of developing a new direction in ostrich breeding.

    In 1970, a tannery was built, which produced a complete processing of ostrich skin, which led to a rapid increase in its price. 85% of the products produced here were exported to the highly developed countries of the world.

    The main importers of ostrich leather are fashion-oriented countries, which include France, Germany, Italy, Japan and America. Companies known all over the world buy dressed ostrich skin and make handbags, wallets, briefcases, shoes, belts, upholstery, jackets and other products from it. Poultry is slaughtered mainly in adulthood. A skin of approximately 1.3 square meters is obtained from a 12-14 month old ostrich. The cost of one tanned ostrich skin is about 450 US dollars in world markets.

    Now the skin of the African ostrich is considered one of the most expensive. Ostrich leather products, along with crocodile and snake skin products, occupy the first places in the world's list of luxury goods. Ostrich leather is unique in that, despite its considerable thickness, it is surprisingly soft and wearable for about 30 years, while cowhide leather is only 5-6 years old. Ostrich leather is easy to process and suitable for a wide range of products.

    All these advantages provide a high price for products made from this exotic leather, for which there is a stable demand in developed countries.


    The meat of the African ostrich has been used for culinary purposes since ancient times in many countries of the world, even where ostriches have been bred only recently. Ostrich meat is red in color and tastes very close to veal and beef. It has long been recognized as a delicacy due to its excellent culinary qualities and unique dietary characteristics.

    The hallmark of ostrich meat is its high protein content and remarkably low fat content. In the full sense of the word, ostrich meat is the leanest meat. If earlier nutritionists of the world considered turkey meat the most healthy meat product, now this place rightfully belongs to ostrich meat, since it contains less cholesterol than turkey meat. The following table shows the results of a comparative analysis of the nutritional value of ostrich meat with traditional types of meat.

    From the table it follows that ostrich meat is a healthier food than other traditional types of meat. The fact that the consumption of ostrich meat reduces the level of cholesterol in human blood increases the interest of consumers of food of animal origin in ostrich meat. According to recent statistical studies, the current level of production of ostrich meat is much lower than consumer demand for this food product. In other words, the demand for ostrich meat is growing faster than its global production.

    Judging by the development of ostrich meat sales markets in Western Europe, North America and Japan, traditional types of meat are expected to be gradually replaced in world markets.

    As for the markets of the less developed countries of the East and Asia, the prospects for this production are also significant.

    Naturally, the purchasing power of the average consumer in Russia or Ukraine does not correspond to world prices for these products, and at the first stage of development of the ostrich breeding industry in the countries of the former Soviet Union, ostrich products will be in demand only by the wealthiest segment of the population. For example, meat will be sold through a network of restaurants, hotels, recreation centers, etc. As for the markets of the less developed countries of the East and Asia, the prospects for this production are also significant.

    Naturally, the purchasing power of the average consumer

    Russia or Ukraine does not correspond to world prices for these products, and at the first stage of development of the ostrich breeding industry in the countries of the former Soviet Union, ostrich products will be in demand only by the wealthiest segment of the population. Let's say meat will be sold through a network of restaurants, hotels, recreation centers, etc.

    However, the potential of the consumer market of large and resort cities in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and the Baltic States is so great that it can hardly be compared with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary), where the ostrich breeding industry and markets for its products already exist. .

    In countries where consumers are already accustomed to ostrich meat, it is usually eaten in the form of the so-called "biltong". This is dried ostrich meat, seasoned in salt and dried. Demand for this delicacy is growing rapidly.

    There are a number of dishes prepared from ostrich meat. In addition to biltong, this includes raw smoked sausage, ostrich fillet, and a number of other boneless tenderloins used for the production of chilled meat products such as minced meat, sausages and meat casserole. The ostrich neck fillet is also of interest.

    Slaughter of ostriches, as already mentioned, is carried out at the age of 12-14 months. At this time, the ostrich reaches a live weight of 100-120 kilograms, and the yield of pure meat in this case is from 30 to 40 kilograms. The main part of the meat is made up of powerful leg muscles. Other parts are also used, including the long fleshy neck.

  • But you can still see them. And you do not need to go, fly and sail to Africa, Australia or South America for this. It is enough to find out where the nearest ostrich farm is located. And there are not enough of them. They are in the Crimea, Siberia and even in Kamchatka. In Europe, there are already more than six hundred such farms.

    It turns out that this southern bird perfectly tolerates winter cold. And it can be safely bred in our latitudes. But pleasure is not cheap. Without a great desire and start-up capital, success in this business cannot be achieved.

    What is the advantage of these birds

    It would seem that the ostrich is an interesting bird, but why such difficulties when there are chickens. It's a common thing, grow them, increase volumes and make a profit. This is how an ostrich breeder from Lithuania explains the profitability of the ostrich business.


    According to this Lithuanian breeder, from one ostrich going to slaughter, you can get:

    • first-class meat - 20-25 kg at a price of 15 euros per kilogram;
    • second-class - 10-15 kg - 8-10 euros;
    • raw-salted leather in the amount of 60-80 euros.

    It turned out that one ostrich can bring an income of 500-600 euros. It will take from 150 to 200 euros to maintain it. In total, the net profit will be 300-400 euros. So in Europe. According to him, profits in Russia will be higher, since the cost of expenses will be lower, and the price of products will be higher.

    Ostriches go to slaughter at the age of ten to sixteen months. And he asks a logical question - how many chickens do you need to feed in order to get the same income as from one sold ostrich.

    However, according to the Internet, we get a little more modest.

    • An ostrich fillet (1 kg) costs 650 rubles.
    • Egg depending on weight - from 800 to 1000 rubles.
    • Dressed leather per 1 sq. meter - 5000 rubles.

    The price advantage is obvious. But then there is the issue of marketing.

    If you live near a millionth city, then it will be easier to organize the sale of products. There are still more rich people living there than in the provinces. The likelihood that they will want to at least try ostrich meat is much higher. But potential buyers give a good price only in the case of a large volume of products.

    At first, you won't be able to offer it. Some entrepreneurs cooperate to sell large volumes of goods at a higher price.

    But not only the sale of meat is interesting breeding ostriches.


    Ostrich eggs are also highly valued. They are mainly sold for incubation and breeding. But they are also edible. One ostrich egg can replace 30 chicken eggs. Its weight can be more than one and a half kilograms.

    The egg shell is yellowish-pink or green. It is used by artists for their work.

    Ostriches rush from March to October. During the season, an adult female can carry up to eighty eggs. But a young first-year will carry no more than twenty.


    Whoever read the book "Three Musketeers" by Dumas, he remembers the magnificent hats of musketeers with ostrich feathers. In those days, not only the brave musketeers had this accessory, ladies of high society also actively used it for their outfits.

    Therefore, for the reliability of reproducing the spirit of that era in cinema and theater, a magnificent ostrich feather is in great demand. Feather boas, various accessories and souvenirs are made from it. They can remove dust from various objects and mechanisms. There will be no problems with the sale of this product.


    Ostrich skin is valued in the same way as crocodile skin. It is elastic and waterproof. Special cowboy boots and various leather goods are sewn from it. A purse is made from the skin of the tarsus of the legs of an ostrich. From one ostrich get 1.5 square meters of skin.


    Ostrich fat has healing properties, so it is especially valued. It relieves swelling, heals wounds, eliminates inflammation. It is even recommended for pregnant women. Before childbirth, it protects against stretch marks, eliminates itching. After childbirth, it helps to speed up the healing of wounds.

    With minor injuries and dislocations, ostrich fat is able to relieve pain, soothe itching, and reduce swelling.

    It is actively used in cosmetics. It is the basis for the manufacture of various moisturizing creams, nourishes nails, and protects against frostbite. This fat also promotes hair growth. It does not cause allergies, odorless.

    claws and beak

    Everything from this exotic bird is used. Even what other birds usually throw away.

    The claws go to making the powder. They polish precious stones, even as hard as diamonds.

    The beak and claws are raw materials for the production of various crafts and souvenirs:

    • amulets;
    • necklaces;
    • various cases;
    • cases for flash drives.

    What breeds of ostriches are bred

    • South American (nandu). The shortest and lightest breed of ostrich.
    • Height - about 150 cm.
    • Weight - 40 kg.
    • Australian (emu). In terms of weight and height parameters, it occupies an average position in this breed of birds.
    • Height - maximum 190 cm.
    • Weight - 70 kg.
    • African. They are the largest.
    • Height - 2.7 meters.
    • Weight - more than 150 kg.

    By crossing a black African female with a Zimbabwean ostrich, a hybrid was developed that is most often used for breeding on private farms. They multiply rapidly and are unpretentious in content. They easily tolerate both heat (+ 40 degrees) and cold (-29 degrees). Only ostriches up to six months old need a temperature of at least sixteen degrees.

    Where to begin

    Let's look at all the ways to get into this business.

    • Buy hatching eggs. With this method, you need
    • be sure to get an incubator;
    • pay $35 for one egg.

    As a result, the egg may not be fertilized, or the ostrich may not be viable. With this method, the likelihood is too high that all your expenses and efforts will be in vain.

    • Buy monthly ostriches. One ostrich costs 10,000 rubles. This is the least expensive option for a beginner ostrich breeder.
    • Buy ostrich family. It is considered optimal when in a family of ostriches there are two females per male. The cost of one family is about $5,000. Such a start guarantees a quick payback and income generation. But the costs in this case are significant. Requires a large start-up capital.


    • The need for a large start-up capital.
    • Difficulties in marketing products.
    • A lot of land is required for an ostrich farm.

    How much land do you need for an ostrich farm?

    According to the European minimum standards for keeping poultry per adult bird, it is necessary:

    • indoors (ostrich house) - 10 sq. meters;
    • in the aviary - 100 sq. meters.
    • there must be a distance of at least 200 meters between the premises where breeders are kept for the production of hatching eggs and the premises for rearing ostriches for up to three months. This is due to the fact that ostriches make sounds reminiscent of a call for help. Upon hearing them, breeders may stop laying eggs.
    • Ostriches up to 14 months are kept in groups of 40-50 birds.
    • Area norms for birds reared for slaughter, starting from 6 months of age
    1. indoors - 5 sq. meters,
    2. in the aviary - 50 sq. meters.

    For 100 heads of ostriches grown for meat, 1 hectare of land is required.

    Depending on how many families of ostriches you are going to keep, the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour farm will depend. Add to this area another place for staff.

    When equipping enclosures for ostriches, first of all, think about making it convenient for you to serve them yourself.

    Ostrich breeding options:

    • Intensive. Ostriches are kept in a small area. Everything necessary for its existence is supplied by man. The least comfortable option for ostriches.
    • Extensive. Conditions are created as close to natural as possible. Requires a lot of land.
    • Semi-intensive. According to this technique, feeding is almost completely carried out by a person, but more comfortable conditions are created for the ostrich. This system of keeping birds is usually used by beginner ostrich breeders.

    Arrangement of premises on an ostrich farm

    Although ostriches are birds, it will not work to keep them like chickens or geese. They need the construction of pens and ostrich houses with separate sections for each family. And also with a ceiling height in the room of at least 3.5 meters.

    The ostrich family consists of one male and two to four females. It is optimal to have two females. Then almost all the eggs they lay will be fertilized. Between the females in the beginning there is a struggle for the right to be the "beloved" girlfriend of the male. Make sure they don't get bloodshed.

    It happens that a stronger female starts chasing the weak one around the enclosure, and she rushes about, does not know where to hide. In this case, put a stack of hay in the aviary or just a wooden shield. When the victim disappears from the field of view of the aggressive female, she will calm down.

    Equipping rooms for ostriches, consider their shyness. Therefore, place ostriches and aviaries away from various noisy irritants. Also, one of the sides of the enclosure must be at least 40-60 meters long. Since in case of fright, the ostrich runs just such a number of meters to calm down a little. And then he will smash everything with fright and hurt himself.

    Although the ostrich is a hardy bird, it should not be brought to extreme conditions. It is better to insulate the ostrich house well using the methods available to you. It is desirable that the temperature in it does not fall below 16 degrees in winter, and does not rise above 23 degrees in summer.

    It must be dry and well ventilated. Ammonia fumes from faeces can lead to death of livestock.

    Farms for meat production are equipped with the following.

    • A room for young animals up to three months old, a walking area for them. The litter in it should be made of sand. The use of other materials is not recommended. Since the stomachs of ostriches are not yet strong, and they, due to their curiosity, can swallow sawdust or straw. It should be warm (+ 28 degrees). Therefore, in winter it must be heated.
    • An ostrich house for young animals from three months to slaughter. Here you can already use straw bedding. You can build an ostrich coop from a metal frame covered with polycarbonate or sandwich panels. In this case, due to tightness and the formation of condensate, special attention must be paid to ventilation. One ostrich should have 5 square meters. meters indoors, and 50 sq. meters in an aviary.
    • Room for ostrich families. It is equipped in the same way as in the previous case. only each family should have its own section. For one adult ostrich in the room, 10 square meters should be allocated. meters. In the aviary - 100 sq. meters.
    • Aviaries. For their fencing, you can use wooden three-meter poles with a diameter of 20 cm, and dug in every three meters. Four poles are nailed between them, at a distance of half a meter from each other. Sometimes they stretch the net. It is better to put them on sandy soil, as in Africa.
    • A room for breeders (breeders) - females carrying an incubation egg.
    • hatcheries. There are installed incubators for the withdrawal of young animals.

    Ostrich equipment

    Feeders and drinkers must be installed in all ostrich houses. Rules for the arrangement of feeders.

    • One ostrich should have at least half a meter of feeder.
    • For an adult ostrich - one and a half meters.
    • They fill up to two-thirds of the volume.
    • Senniki (grass feeders) are fixed at a height of just over fifty centimeters.

    Drinkers should be stable so that the ostriches do not get wet. For them it is very dangerous. This may cause them to die. Choose white drinkers. Young people find them faster. Convenient automatic drinkers with a water volume of 30 liters. Renew water in drinkers daily.


    When feeding ostriches, it is easier and better to use ready-made feed. All nutrients in such feeds are balanced. But in this case, maintenance costs will increase by almost 40%.

    To calculate the cost of feeding, it is necessary to take into account that

    • ostrich up to 12-14 months a year eats 400-500 kg of feed,
    • older ostrich - 700-800 kg of feed.

    Separately, you will hardly find compound feed for ostriches. Therefore, use chicken feed for the appropriate age group.

    They also need grass (they like alfalfa) and shell rock with vitamins. The young are fed four times a day. Then it is transferred to the diet of an adult bird - twice a day (in the morning and in the evening). Do not leave the daily dose of food for the next day.

    When females lay eggs, they require increased nutrition. Therefore, they are advised to feed separately from males.

    Within a week after birth, ostriches do not need to be fed. Their stomach is not yet able to absorb food coming from outside. They have enough of what was laid in the egg. After this time, the ostriches are fed as follows:

    • up to a month - compound feed, in which the protein content is 24%. You can give cottage cheese and boiled eggs, alfalfa (it has a lot of protein);
    • from a month to three - the protein content in the feed decreases to 19%, and fiber is not more than 12%.
    • For the proper functioning of the stomach, the grown-up young animals, like the adult bird, need gravel pebbles.

    Ostriches, like chickens, who cares for them, that they obey, that is what they go for. In order to avoid infection of young animals, it must be kept separately from adults. Chicks need to add five grams of B vitamins to drinking water.

    Bird health

    In view of the uniqueness and high cost of the bird, taking care of its health comes to the fore. Ostriches are dangerous respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases. Therefore, the absence of drafts in the ostrich coop and compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards is so important for them.

    It is not profitable to breed ostriches for your own needs and out of love for this bird. Large financial investments are required for initial breeding and further maintenance. Without plans for further profit, this activity is meaningless.

    But if you plan to do it as a business, then this is a very promising direction. The niche is no longer empty, but not yet filled. This means that you will be able not to make those mistakes that are characteristic of the pioneers. And at the same time, you will be among the first, receiving all the dividends due to them.

    This business can be entered quickly, but it requires a large start-up capital. If you do not have such finances, this does not mean that the path to it is closed.

    You can start a business with little capital. Only you will begin to receive profit not earlier than in three years. Ostriches live a long time (50 years), and reach sexual maturity only at two (females) and three (males) years. Therefore, if you start breeding ostriches from eggs, you will not have any income earlier than in three years.

    As you can see, this is a matter for everyone, if there is a desire. And how to do it is up to you.

    One of the options for running an effective own business is an ostrich farm. Breeding ostriches at home is exotic, in demand, profitable!

    Why ostrich breeding?

    Every year this type of farming is gaining more and more popularity, because it quickly pays off and begins to make a profit after one or two years.

    A businessman who decides to breed ostriches at home, in addition to studying a large amount of information from various sources, is recommended to visit several farms specializing in this type of farming. This is required to form a correct impression of the planned business and a clear idea of ​​its optimal management.

    Valuable ostrich products

    Why ostrich breeding? Because it:

    • Meat is a tasty and healthy dietary product that is rapidly gaining popularity due to the rich composition of microelements, high protein content and minimal presence of fats. Reminiscent of veal in taste, ostrich meat lends itself to any type of heat treatment, perfectly absorbs marinades and spices. The yield of meat when cutting the carcass is approximately 25-30 kilograms, which is 40% of the bird. One sold carcass of an ostrich can bring 500 or more dollars, despite the fact that the price per kilogram of such meat in European and American markets ranges from 15 to 25 dollars.
    • Fat, widely used in pharmacology and cosmetology, as an integral part in the production of soaps, balms, ointments, creams. The most valuable is emu fat, which has bactericidal, hypoallergenic, anti-inflammatory properties. On average, an adult bird is able to produce from 7 to 15 kilograms of such a valuable product.
    • The skin is moisture resistant, elastic, with a high service life (more than 30 years), is in great demand among designers and is a material for the manufacture of elite models of bags, wallets, shoes, gloves, belts, purses and cowboy shoes popular with Americans. Ostrich skin, comparable in quality to snake and crocodile skin, cannot be faked. Selling the skin of one ostrich, the price of which varies from 200 to 300 dollars per piece, fully pays for all the costs of breeding poultry.
    • An adult bird is also an important part of a farmer's income. As a rule, breeding chicks and individuals are sold, which can later be used to breed future offspring. A five-day-old chick in Russia costs about 100 dollars, a month-old ostrich can be bought for 200 dollars, a pair of adult ostriches will cost 3.5 thousand and more.

    African ostrich - a favorite of farmers

    The African ostrich is the largest breed (weight 100 - 160 kg, height - about 3 meters), due to its unpretentiousness in content, it is grown in more than 50 countries of the world. This bird is able to endure high and low temperatures. The speed developed during running reaches 50 km / h.

    Emu ostriches, whose farming is less developed than African ostriches, do not require special care. It is important to know the behavior of this bird in natural conditions, so that later the artificially created environment can be optimized for the natural environment familiar to such exotic creatures.

    Brief description of poultry keeping

    In winter, the bird can be kept in unheated rooms on deep litter; for 6-month-old young animals on cold days, the room should warm up to a temperature of 12-18 degrees. The productive season for the African ostrich is from March to October. The egg production of one female per season ranges from 50 to 80 eggs, the weight of which is 1.3-1.8 kg. The incubation period for young animals that hatch at the same time is 45 days. The ostriches that have appeared have a weight of up to 1 kilogram with a height of 20-25 centimeters. Females reach puberty at 18-24 months, males at 24-30 months.

    feeding ostriches

    Ostriches, being an omnivorous bird, eat what nature gives. Preference is given to vegetation (grass, leaves, fruits, roots). They also do not disdain various animals, birds, small insects and lizards. In general, the poultry diet should consist of 50% green fodder, 30% combined fodder, 20% - at the discretion and ability of the farmer. Adult birds and young animals older than a year need to be fed 2 times a day, young animals up to a year - at least 3-4 times.

    In farms, poultry, the average daily diet of which is 3 kg of feed, receives:

    • (clover, rapeseed, alfalfa, quinoa, white and fodder cabbage, spinach, corn and cereal silage, mustard, nettle, beet, carrot, mulberry leaves).
    • Roughage (clover hay, alfalfa, meadow grasses, soybeans, seradella and cereal straw).
    • Root vegetables, fruits and vegetables (pumpkin, radish, cucumbers, carrots, beets, apples, watermelon, bananas).
    • Grain crops (corn, barley, oats, wheat, rye, millet, sorghum, sunflower).
    • feed additives and
    • Minerals (shells, gravel, limestone, egg shells), which ostriches are very willing to look for and eat with pleasure. This contributes to the normal functioning of the digestive system. By the way, the territory of the farm should be thoroughly cleaned, as ostriches do not disdain any small debris (nails, pieces of plastic).

    Ostrich breeding systems

    Modern ostrich breeding adheres to three main systems on which the breeding of these birds is based:

    • intensive. Breeding and keeping ostriches is similar to stall care for livestock on livestock farms. Birds are kept in a small area in conditions of full support of their livelihoods by the farm staff, which has a positive effect on the development of livestock, and especially young animals. Close contact and regular grooming allow the bird to be tamed and easily controlled. In an intensive system, eggs are removed from nests and incubated, resulting in high reproduction rates, allowing up to 80 eggs per year from a single hen.

      • extensive. Breeding an ostrich is as close as possible to natural conditions: the bird itself is more or less worried about itself. Females, due to free movement, can mate with various males, as a result of which the number of fertilized eggs increases markedly.
      • Semi-intensive- combines the positive qualities of the above systems and is recommended for beginner poultry farmers. There is one female for every adult male.

      Where to begin? Business plan

      Breeding ostriches in Ukraine and Russia is a promising business, because the unpretentiousness of this bird in care and the high cost of ostrich breeding products will pay off the new business quickly enough, starting to bring tangible profits in a fairly short period of time.

      The first step in starting your own farming business is to find a suitable area for keeping ostriches. How to start breeding ostriches? The first steps are the arrangement of a farm for their maintenance and the purchase of young animals or adults.

      Of course, breeding an ostrich will require certain financial investments, but they are worth it, as they will pay off in the first year of running an ostrich farm. Although the ostrich is an unpretentious bird, nevertheless, the key to a successful undertaking in the ostrich business will be to create the most comfortable conditions for it.

      Expensive expense item - farm construction

      Significant costs will require the construction of a farm. The cost of investments will depend on local features, personal and rental agreements, prices for building materials and the work of hired people.

      You will need to build:

      • closed insulated room, bright and spacious, with an approximate area of ​​150 sq. meters to maintain an average herd of about 30 adult heads: one individual should have at least 50 square meters. meters of land;
      • open enclosures with an area of ​​1500 sq. meters;
      • fences;
      • communications that ensure the continuous life of the farm.

      Be sure to pay attention to the remoteness of the farm from noisy highways, industries with hazardous emissions; wind protection and relief are also important. Good access roads and good water supply are necessary conditions for the smooth operation of the farm.

      Finding less expensive ways

      Farmers who own land with buildings on it will be in a winning position.

      Another way with a minimum investment of funds would be to search somewhere in the outback for an abandoned pigsty or cowshed, surrounded by pastures and water. Of course, the premises will require repairs (heating, sewerage and ventilation) and the purchase of equipment, but this option will save a significant part of the money that can be invested directly in the purchase of livestock.

      Buying 4 adult families and 6 - 8 females will cost 30 - 40 thousand dollars. You can purchase grown chicks, which will significantly reduce the investment, but delay the time period for obtaining the first profit.

      Selection work - the right way to a healthy livestock

      From the first days, special attention will need to be paid to breeding work, periodically updating the flock with good productive birds and culling sick and unsuitable individuals. When forming families, it will be necessary to take into account the mutual sympathy of ostriches, because the mechanical connection of birds may be unproductive and will cause reduced egg production.

      You will definitely need to get an incubator, the cheapest of which, designed for 45 eggs, costs $ 1,500.

      To feed ostriches, you will need to buy a domestic one that includes vitamin and mineral supplements. Also, the bird will be happy to consume oats, corn, barley, millet, bran, hay and straw. In summer and autumn, the bird can be transferred to green juicy food: alfalfa and clover.

      With a large bird population (500 individuals and more), it is advisable to set up your own feed production, which will only reduce the cost of keeping ostriches. Own feed can be sold to neighboring farms.

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