Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill Correct use of sports nutrition. How long does it take to take this or that sports nutrition to effect? For gaining muscle mass

Correct use of sports nutrition. How long does it take to take this or that sports nutrition to effect? For gaining muscle mass

Sports nutrition- this is a very important component that is necessary to achieve a harmonious physique and fitness goals. However, many novice athletes face a reasonable question: "How to properly take sports nutrition?" Given the huge range of these products on the modern market, it is very difficult to figure out what needs to be done and to establish the correct scheme for taking supplements.

To increase strength, muscle mass and endurance, fat burning, as well as achieve other athletic goals, you will need your own set of supplements. However, regardless of this, they need to be consumed according to strict schemes that have been developed based on the results of numerous studies. There will be no proper sense from them if you do not know how to use sports nutrition correctly. The most important factor is the time of intake - the effectiveness and effect of certain additives will depend on this. For example, those who take creatine and whey protein before and immediately after training achieve much better results than those who do it at other times. In this material, practical recommendations will be given on how to take sports nutrition, what are the features of its intake and the most effective schemes depending on the time. As a rule, supplements are taken:

  • immediately after waking up;
  • for breakfast;
  • lunch;
  • dinner;
  • afternoon tea;
  • before training;
  • after workout;
  • dinner;
  • reception before going to bed.

Consider which supplements are most rational to take during these periods.

Immediately after waking up

  • Whey Protein (20g)
  • BCAA (5gr);
  • Caffeine (200 mg).

After a person wakes up, his muscles need resources, because they, in fact, “starved” for the previous 6-10 hours. If you do not feed them, the process of catabolism begins and muscle tissue begins to be consumed as fuel for the body. You can eat an egg or other sources of protein, but they take a long time to digest and cannot stop the breakdown of muscle tissue. Consuming digestible protein with complementary branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) will help suppress catabolism and enable muscle synthesis.

Fruit can also be taken. During the night, the liver uses up its glycogen stores, after which the body starts using amino acids from the muscles as fuel. A small amount of glucose does not cause a sharp jump in insulin, at the same time it stops catabolism.

For those who consume coffee in the morning, it is recommended to use caffeinated tablets instead of the traditional drink. scientifically proven that the synthesized substance allows you to suppress the processes of catabolism.

Breakfast (30-50 minutes after waking up)

30-50 minutes after you woke up, you need to eat, but this time it should be complete. It is recommended to use oatmeal and eggs. Breakfast is also a good time to get a good dose of some of the other essential micronutrients that are best absorbed with food alone. This includes:

  • multivitamin complex (1 tablet);
  • vitamin C (1000 mg);
  • vitamin E (300-900 IU);
  • vitamin D (1200-2000 IU);
  • calcium (400-700 mg);
  • fish oil (Omega 3 - 2-3 gr).

Breakfast should be complete and balanced, and it should never be skipped. Also at this time it is recommended to receive "" as a source of a large number of elements for the whole day.


It can be whey or complex protein, as well as green tea extract. The latter, like fish oil, belongs to the category of very useful additives. It is formulated with polyphenols such as EGCG to help you not only burn fat, but also accelerate recovery.

Research shows that they are not absorbed as readily as a simple extract supplement.


Lunch should be complete and natural. Most people eat lunch at work, so it becomes very difficult to stick to the desired regimen. At this time, it is recommended to take fish oil from sports supplements - half an hour before meals or 30 minutes after.

Pre-workout sports nutrition

60 minutes before the start of the training process, it is recommended to take:

  • green tea extract;
  • NO Booster (nitrogen donor).

However, keep in mind that you also need to eat a full meal - slow carbohydrates are best.

Green tea will significantly speed up fat burning, and a nitrogen booster will help improve muscle recharge during exercise. As for the pre-workout complexes, they will also make it possible to significantly increase the intensity of training, increase endurance and strength, and reduce the time between sets.

Whey protein, creatine, BCAAs and amino acid complexes are taken 15-30 minutes before training. This is necessary because muscle tissue uses amino acids as fuel during an intense training process, and if the body is not provided with fast sources of amino acids (whey protein), it will take them from the muscles. Whey protein will even help support muscle recovery during exercise.

Post-workout sports nutrition

This time is one of the most important, since immediately after the end of strength training, the so-called "protein-carbohydrate window" opens. It is observed for 4-60 minutes, which must be used to recharge the muscle tissue. Nutrients here must be absorbed as quickly as possible, so whey protein will be the most optimal solution. In addition, branched-chain amino acid supplementation (BCAA) is required, and creatine and beta-alanine are needed to replenish muscle energy reserves for the next training session. The optimal scheme for taking sports nutrition is reduced to the use of:

  • Whey protein 20 g;
  • Casein 10-25 gr;
  • BCAA 5 gr;
  • Creatine 5-10 g;
  • Beta-alanine 3-4 g;
  • Fast carbohydrates 50-100 gr.

You can also add casein after your workout. It belongs to the category of slow-digesting proteins that continue to synthesize protein for several hours after training.

Since muscle glycogen is significantly consumed during training, it is therefore recommended to take fast carbohydrates after that. That is why the best option would be to use a gainer - a protein-carbohydrate mixture that covers all the body's needs for glycogen and protein.

Sports nutrition before bed

  • casein;
  • fish oil;

This will provide the body with nutrients during prolonged fasting. Muscles will not break down; they will grow and repair.

You can often hear negative feedback from users that sports nutrition has no effect and that it is a waste of time and money. I hasten to refute the words of these "experts", there is an effect, but subject to the correct intake of supplements.

Most people, buying sports nutrition, for some reason do not read the instructions for use. Although, it would seem, the simplest and most commonplace is to get acquainted with the manufacturer's recommendations. Many people prefer to listen to the "smart" neighbor and his advice, and then complain that there is no sense.

So I repeat once again, before you start using sports supplements, you need to know how to properly take sports nutrition, only in this case they will begin to work and perform their function.

Sports nutrition is an additional source of energy, which makes it possible to exercise for a longer time with greater loads. Consequently, productivity increases and the desired parameters are achieved faster.

There can be no harm specifically from sports nutrition (if there are no direct contraindications for health), because this is a product made from natural raw materials, these are not steroids, which include chemistry. Sports nutrition, on the contrary, improves metabolism, helps to strengthen the immune system, and also enriches the organs with necessary microelements and vitamins.

There may be a negative reaction of the body if you exceed the dosage or use the drug incorrectly. It is also worth remembering that while using biological supplements in parallel, there must be physical activity, otherwise the remedy will not only not work, but can also harm your organs.

The conclusion from the above will be traced throughout the article, the main thing is to follow the rules for taking each supplement separately, you need to know this and follow this.

How to consume sports nutrition

The dosage depends on many factors: weight, height, load, duration of playing sports (you are a beginner or a professional). If you bought sports nutrition for the first time, and in sports you are just starting your journey, then it is best to divide the indicators indicated on the package by three, since they are indicated for more professional athletes.

The test period, which will give the answer to suit the sports food of this company for you, lasts three months, after which you need to make at least a month of rest. The body will signal if a sports supplement does not suit you, then you need to try another (change the company).

Yes, the selection of your sports nutrition occurs only by the test method, all athletes go through this, there is nothing wrong with that, but later you will already know what to use. There is no one good drug that will help everyone. The individuality of the organism poses before us a difficult task, but feasible. Now more about the substances that make up sports nutrition.

Amino acids

Amino acids are a constituent of protein, so their area of ​​action is similar. Taking amino acids helps to restore strength and muscles after physical exertion. They are involved in the formation and building of muscle mass. It makes little sense to drink amino acids if you already have protein in your sports nutrition, in fact they are the same thing.

It will be more rational to divide the daily dose of amino acids into two portions and drink them at different times. The first part of the mixture, diluted in water or juice, is taken between meals (breakfast and lunch), and the second half is drunk immediately after exercising in the gym.

Amino acids are mostly used in order to lose weight. But it is also effective in the case of mass gain. This is a sports nutrition with a wide spectrum of action.


An immediate building material for muscle tissue. Thanks to him, the body is enriched with energy and strength. Protein, entering the body, breaks down into amino acids, after which they undergo a transformation period and are reassembled into another cellular protein, which is part of muscle tissue

For protein to work properly and perform its functions, it also needs to be taken according to a certain scheme. Divide the powder in two and take one dose after breakfast, and take one dose after breakfast, and take one dose after breakfast, and take a dose after an hour in the field of training. If there is no workout, then the second portion should go into the body after lunch.

Protein mixed with milk is well absorbed, but if you have problems with milk absorption, you can simply dilute the substance in water. This is a personal matter for everyone, although this drink will still be tastier and more pleasant with milk.


The composition of the gainer includes two important substances for the body, already well known to us protein, that is, protein, as well as carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are the most important building block of muscle cells. It is he who will enrich the body with strength for the whole day. Providing the correct dosage of carbohydrates in the body, productivity will increase significantly and remain throughout the day.

You need to take a gainer in the same way as protein. Twice a day: after breakfast and after training. If you include it in your diet, then you do not need to spend extra on protein, since you will get it in the required amount from the gainer.

Like protein, you need to stir the gainer with milk or water, as you like, although the best assimilation occurs with the help of milk.


A substance that our body produces daily. If you take it additionally, then the body receives an additional supply of energy, with the help of creatine you can prolong the workout, there will be enough strength to increase the load.

There are often articles reporting that creatine is best taken with protein and gainer, but there is other information along with that. That it is better to take it separately from all substances, as an independent supplement. So if you take it separately, then for better absorption you need to drink, for example, with grape juice, because, when taken together with carbohydrates, the drug is split and absorbed better. If taken together with a gainer. Then the carbohydrates that start the dissolution process will be taken from it.


Another amino acid that is part of the protein. Thanks to this conditionally essential amino acid, immunity is strengthened, and if you drink it, muscle growth is accelerated. This amino acid inhibits the process of protein breakdown, helps the athlete to recover after training, to tone the muscles. Quite a wide range of effects, therefore we can say that it is useful to include the substance in your diet. Glutamine is found in blood and muscles.

The daily dose varies from 4 to 8 g, it should be divided into two doses, and drunk after lunch and immediately before bedtime. It is best to take this amino acid separately from other means, then its effect occurs most rapidly, and the effect is improved.


A complex of essential amino acids that work through interaction with each other. Thanks to this complex, the body can independently synthesize any amino acid. Additional intake of these amino acids is necessary for people who have increased physical activity.

This drug should be drunk quite often, before training, directly during training, and after one hour has passed. The daily rate should not exceed twenty grams, but it is optimal to take five or a little more grams at a time.

Stimulates intense muscle growth, and how should it be taken? Develop the right sports supplement strategy and maximize your muscle gains!

You squat, you press the barbell from your chest, you pave the way for your ideal physique every time you step into the gym. The goals are set, the working weights are constantly increasing, as well as the number of repetitions in the set. You are disciplined, you work hard, and you don’t accept compromise on training and sports nutrition. You count and write down the number of approaches and repetitions, and take into account each gram of proteins obtained and. But, unfortunately, even with such a scrupulous approach, you periodically notice that progress slows down and stops, and, perhaps, you even take a step back! This means that additional impetus is needed. You need a good sports nutrition strategy to get you back on track for success. But what drugs to take, when and in what dosages?

This guide will help you build a solid foundation for a nutritional strategy that is thought out to the smallest detail and optimized to fully realize the nutritional benefits of foods. For each drug, we will select the ideal dosing time that will maximize the achievement of both novice athletes and experienced bodybuilding veterans. In short, if you're looking to gain muscle mass, master these skills!

But first, let me list the nutrients we've included in this program. We also consider it necessary to dwell in detail on the time of intake and the dosage of nutrients. And, as with any exercise program or diet, consult your doctor first.

Whey Protein

20g Pre-Workout: the time has come to once again raise the amino acid content in the blood plasma. By taking whey protein before training, you will ensure a steady flow of amino acids to the muscles during the training session, and this will accelerate the onset of growth processes and.

40g Post Workout: Prime time for fast, easy-to-digest protein combined with a double serving of simple carbohydrates (80 g). No later than 30 minutes after training, drink this protein-carbohydrate shake and add a couple of ingredients to stimulate insulin secretion, which in turn will help boost protein synthesis and transport and amino acids to muscle tissue.


Another well-known and very effective nutrient. It is converted into creatine phosphate in muscle tissue, which is a source of energy for muscle contractions during a training session. Creatine formulations ensure that muscles are loaded to their utmost with this energetic substrate. In addition, creatine has a hydrating effect and attracts water to muscle cells, which creates an anabolic environment and promotes protein synthesis. And you can't wish for the best for gaining mass and increasing strength indicators!

3-5 g pre-workout: Combined with a small amount of complex carbohydrates and 20 g of whey protein, the pre-workout creatine intake ensures you get the most of this nutrient load.

3-5 g post workout: Within 30 minutes of post-workout, drink a shake containing the specified amount of creatine, 80 g of simple sugars and 40 g of whey protein for powerful muscle growth. Muscles are desperate for nutrients after a workout session, so why don't we give them those nutrients? The secretion of insulin in response to the influx of monosaccharides will help transport creatine directly into muscle tissue.


The second source of protein on our list is a slow protein, and therefore is digested in the digestive tract and enters the bloodstream steadily and continuously, nourishing the muscles over a long period of time. If we included whey protein in the program because of its instant absorption, then casein comes in handy when we need a long supply of nutrients, for example, between main meals or when there is no opportunity for a full meal for a long time.

20g Post Workout: add 20g casein to your post-workout shake. Whey protein will provide an instant flow of nutrients to muscle tissue, while casein will begin to be absorbed when a serving of whey protein has already been used up, and muscles still need an influx of amino acids for effective recovery. Plus, casein will keep you feeling full until you get to a full post-workout meal.

20 g at night: Since casein is absorbed slowly, you may benefit from a midnight shake to meet the nutrient needs of your muscles. During a night's sleep, the body is hungry, and this hunger translates the metabolism into a catabolic state. Taking casein 3-4 hours after going to bed will guarantee you continuous muscle gain. Yes, you have to set the alarm, but you have more than good reason for this!


Can be called a "long-term investment". Yes, it does not have such a pronounced effect as creatine, but glutamine gives you a lot of benefits invisible to the naked eye. As one of the body's most abundant amino acids, glutamine promotes recovery by participating in the replenishment of glycogen stores in muscle cells after a workout session, enhances growth hormone secretion and strengthens the immune system to keep you healthy and energized. In addition, glutamine pushes the threshold of fatigue during training so you can increase the length and intensity of your training sessions. The digestive system needs glutamine so badly that the deficiency is made up by the breakdown of muscle tissue. As you can see, the need for taking glutamine is obvious.

7-10 g in the morning immediately after waking up: the first serving should be taken with the whey protein shake mentioned earlier. The cocktail needs to be absorbed quickly in order for the body to recover from the catabolic state after a night's sleep.

7-10 g Pre-Workout: the second serving will help you train longer and increase the intensity of your workouts.

7-10 g post workout: taking glutamine after training will help replenish glycogen stores, transfer the body to the desired anabolic state and give a powerful impetus to the beginning of recovery processes.

7-10 g 30-60 minutes before bedtime: another great opportunity to protect muscle tissue from sweat and blood during a night's sleep. Glutamine, along with a small serving of a casein shake, can help you avoid the nightmare of catabolism.

Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs)

During intense training, isoleucine and valine act as alternative energy sources and prevent the hard-earned muscles from being used up as fuel. In other periods, BCAAs stimulate protein synthesis and repel attacks - the main catabolic hormone.

5-10 g in the morning immediately after waking up: You should start your day with BCAAs, as they are another “lethal weapon” for fighting the catabolism that attacks the body in the dark. BCAA's instantly energize the body, while glutamine and whey protein are sent straight to muscle tissue.

5-10 g Pre-Workout: Again, a pre-workout serving of BCAAs will energize the body, protect muscle tissue and help you stay anabolic for intense muscle growth.

5-10 g post workout: The third serving will stimulate protein synthesis and stop the secretion of the catabolic hormone cortisol, which promotes muscle breakdown and reduces the anabolic effect of testosterone on muscle growth.


As a direct precursor of Nitric Oxide (NO), it is a powerful supplement with many beneficial properties. By expanding blood vessels, arginine increases blood flow to muscle tissue and aids in the delivery of nutrients (amino acids and glucose) and anabolic hormones such as growth hormone, testosterone, and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) to the muscles. In addition, by increasing the hydration of muscle cells, protein synthesis is stimulated, which in turn becomes the foundation for effective muscle gain.

2-3 g in the morning immediately after waking up: Arginine will dilate your blood vessels and help deliver nutrients to your muscle tissue.

2-3 g Pre-Workout: A serving of arginine will increase the secretion of growth hormone before a workout session.

2-3 g 30-60 minutes before bedtime: This is a good time to get the most out of the nightly peak in growth hormone secretion, since arginine potentiates the action of growth hormone.

Testosterone Booster

Promotes the synthesis of testosterone from cholesterol in the testes. In addition, it has the ability to improve neuromuscular conduction and increase the strength of muscle contractions during a training session. If you need extra strength and energy before training, a testosterone booster is the perfect choice.

250-500 mg Pre-Workout: give an extra boost to testosterone secretion before going to the gym.


(a combination of magnesium, zinc and) increases the secretion of IGF-1 and testosterone. gives a powerful impetus to the regeneration processes, and magnesium calms the nervous system and helps you to tune in for rest and recovery. And the more soundly you sleep at night, the more time your body gets to grow.

Many sports nutrition users trumpet that this or that supplement does not work, that they ran into a fake, that the effect is weak, that the product is a dummy, so as not to join their ranks, let's consider the CORRECT use of sports nutrition so that it works and brings the expected and most importantly , the desired effect!


It is advisable to mix the protein with milk, if the milk is not digestible, then with water. You can drink protein in the morning, at night, between meals, and after exercise, depending on the type of protein and your goals. How much protein you need and how much protein is absorbed at a time, see our other article "Protein, How Much You Need to Get Big".


The gainer is also mixed with milk or water. Be sure to drink a gainer after training, as well as between meals and in the morning. Eating a weight gainer at night can lead to an increase in unwanted fat. The amount of gainer should be calculated based on how many calories you need to get per day.


Contrary to the claims of some manufacturers that creatine should be consumed with food or protein, creatine is best consumed separately and in its own form, i.e. not as part of a protein or gainer, but separately or together with a transport system. Creatine alone or with the transport system will be absorbed many times better! It is better to drink creatine separately from everything between meals, stirring it in grape juice, 5 grams of creatine per 1 glass of juice. If creatine comes with the transport system, usually a mixture of carbohydrates, then creatine can be mixed in water, since the carbohydrates that come with creatine will replace grape juice. Creatine is drunk separately from everything so that in the process of digestion it does not break down and turn into a useless product, the transport system and grape juice are used for the same.

Amino acids

Amino acids can be drunk with water, juice, any liquid, both in the morning and in the afternoon, and between meals, and at night, as well as with food, before and after eating, i.e. at any time, they will be assimilated always and at any time. You can extract the amount of amino acids you need by reading our article "Amino Acids".


BCAAs or BCA are best consumed before, during and after training, this is the ideal time to consume BCA with some induction, juice or any other liquid. They can be drunk with food, protein, or anything else. To feel the effect of BCAA, you need to drink about 5 grams at a time. In general, they are consumed from 5 to 20 grams at a time. Naturally, from 1 gram of BCA the effect will be, but not what you expect from them.


A very delicate and unstable amino acid, glutamine must be stirred in water and consumed immediately. It is best to drink glutamine separately between meals or in the morning and at night, but you can also mix it with a protein or gainer or regular food. The dosage of glutamine should be from 5 to 20 grams, since most of it is destroyed in the stomach without entering the bloodstream.

Vitamins, minerals, herbs

Vitamins can be drunk with water at any time of the day, but preferably with food, either immediately before a meal or immediately after a meal, since they are less irritating to the stomach with food and are better absorbed. The dosage of vitamins must be checked depending on the manufacturer and the manufacturer's instructions must be followed.

Fat burners

Fat burners should be drunk with water, according to the manufacturer's instructions, or half an hour before training.


As a tonic, you can drink L-carnitine at any time of the day with water or with food. As a fat burner, drink 30 minutes before training, starting at a dosage of 1 gram and, depending on how you feel, gradually increasing it. Usually L-carnitine is already felt well at a dosage of 1-3 grams.

Pre-workout complexes

Drink 15-45 minutes before training, stirring in water or juice. Pre-workout complexes must be drunk on an empty stomach, i.e. before using the pre-workout complex, you need not eat at least 1 hour, but preferably 2, since the ingredients included in the complexes are destroyed in the stomach and the complex no longer works the way it should work.

Training complexes

Drink instead of water during training, naturally dissolving the training complex in water or juice.

Post-workout complexes

It is necessary to drink immediately after training, depending on the complex, dissolving in water, juice or milk.

L-arginine or nitric oxide

Drink before workout on an empty stomach, as well as the pre-workout complex, or in the morning immediately after sleep, and start eating half an hour after taking L-arginine so that it has time to be absorbed. L-arginine is very delicate and easily degraded, hence the need to take it on an empty stomach.

Products for joints and ligaments

Testosterone boosters

Most people involved in bodybuilding or fitness simply do not know how to take sports nutrition. Most often, they are interested in what kind of sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass should be taken and the best (correct) way to do it. This article will tell you when to take some of the popular supplements and how to get the most out of them.

How and when to take sports nutrition correctly

There are 3 types of well-known and proven supplements for gaining lean muscle mass and strength, namely, and. But what is the best time to take these supplements?

Protein powder

  1. The most important time to properly consume protein powder is 40-50 grams immediately after training. Muscles are like a sponge, they need instant nutrition for recovery and growth.
  2. The next most important time to take protein is before 20-30 grams. You will sleep for about 8 hours. This is a long time without protein.
  3. As soon as you wake up, take 20-30 grams of protein 30 minutes before a full breakfast. This will help stop the catabolic effects that your body has undergone during your night's sleep.
  4. Be sure to take 20-30 grams of protein half an hour before going to the gym. This will help reduce the catabolic effect of your strength training.

The above is the best time to consume protein. And it doesn't have to be a protein powder. If you can, you can get all the protein you need from regular food. But a protein supplement is better absorbed. The choice is yours! Without missing any of the four cocktail receptions, you will feel the change for the better.

How to take Creatine

I think everyone knows the benefits of using creatine. It hydrates muscles to aid in protein synthesis, which helps improve recovery between sets and workouts. Take creatine 30 minutes with juice or protein before and immediately after training. This mixture will create an anabolic state for the muscles and help prevent muscle breakdown (catabolism).

In addition to these two important creatine supplements, you can add a couple more supplements throughout the day. I recommend 25-30 grams of creatine per day during the loading phase (lasts about five days), and then go into the maintenance phase of 10-20 grams of creatine per day, which will last for about a month.

How to take Glutamine

As one of the most abundant amino acids in muscle cells, glutamine aids in recovery by strengthening the immune system. Therefore, it is imperative to take glutamine immediately after training (10 grams) along with a post-workout shake. Also, most studies show that 5 grams of glutamine before bed significantly increases growth hormone levels.

Taking all three of these popular supplements together is okay, but it can make it harder to figure out which supplement works best for you and which is a waste of time. Everyone has a different metabolism, so be patient and give the supplement time to do its job! Use one supplement for 4-6 weeks and document your results. Over time, you will understand what is best for your specific goals.

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