Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill Trade unions place a strong emphasis on cultural work. Oscar Yakovlevich Goykhman. Speech communication. Questions and tasks

Trade unions place a strong emphasis on cultural work. Oscar Yakovlevich Goykhman. Speech communication. Questions and tasks

1. Among the audience, representatives of youth prevailed,

2. Trade unions place a strong emphasis on cultural work.

3. The girl confessed to her friends that she had changed her name

Katya on Carmen, because the latter impresses her appearance.

4) a new announcement posted on the front door caught everyone's attention.


5. In the last competition, the factory football team suffered

a complete fiasco.

6. You can not neglect your duties.

7. An identical decision was made by the students in the parallel class.

8. The new season opens up great opportunities for further evo-

lucii of individual sports.

9 The construction of the secondary school, which began in the spring, is being accelerated

at a fast pace.

10 The speaker spoke in a very pompous manner, which did not affect the audience.

negative effect.

Chapter 1.3 SPEECH NORM


Speech rate

Speech norm is called the set of the most stable traditional implementations of the language system, selected and fixed in the process of public communication. The norm is formed on the basis of the language of a particular region or city. For example, the pronunciation norms of the modern Russian literary language were formed on the basis of the Central Russian dialects and the speech of the inhabitants of Moscow. In the process of the development of the literary language, there are shifts towards dialects and other functional varieties of the language. As a rule, the norms of written speech are formed earlier than oral. Currently, there is a tendency towards convergence of the norms of written and oral speech.

A linguistic phenomenon is considered regulatory, if it is characterized by such features as: 1) compliance with the structure of the language; 2) massive and regular reproducibility in the communication process; 3) public approval and recognition. In the formation of a speech norm, both spontaneous and conscious processes operate. Spontaneity is associated with the massive and regular use of a particular language norm in the speech of native speakers, the processes of "legitimization" or codification of spontaneously formed linguistic norms in grammar and dictionaries are conscious. Codification, that is, the fixation of the phenomena that have developed in the process of social practice, is carried out by scientists-philologists.

Norms exist at all levels of the language and in all functional styles. The most familiar sets of grammatical norms are spelling and punctuation. Spelling - a set of rules for spelling words, that is, spelling rules. Punctuation - a set of rules (norms) for the placement of punctuation marks. For oral speech, it is of great importance orthoepy - a set of norms of literary pronunciation. These norms are necessary to achieve uniformity in pronunciation, which facilitates communication between people, helps them to understand each other faster.

It should be noted that linguistic norms change under the influence of various factors and, above all, under the influence of changes in society. For example, everyone knows that before the revolution, at the end of words ending in a consonant, the letter was written B... After the spelling reform, this rule was no longer valid. According to the old spelling norms, they wrote devil and come, and in the 50s new norms appeared - crap and to come... Orthoepic norms change very quickly under the influence of dialects and vernacular. Instead of kulinariya pronounce now cooking, instead of [bakery] and [plum] - [bakery] and [creamy]. New pronunciations have already become normative.

Often, some outdated pronunciation is associated with a person's belonging to a particular social stratum. So, among the educated people of the XIX century. it was customary to pronounce some surnames with an accent on the penultimate syllable - Ivanov, BYkov. And in common parlance, on the contrary, they pronounced the surname with an emphasis on the last syllable - Ivanov, Bykov. After the 1917 revolution, pronunciation Ivanov became associated with the concept of people from more prosperous strata of society and therefore quickly became outdated. It was replaced by a more democratic Ivanov... Pronunciation type compass or astronomer persist due to the influence of professional jargon.

Certain norms exist in every functional style of speech. Here the stylistic norm is not absolute, but is of a relative, probabilistic nature. The specificity of the functional style is that it allows the communication process to be carried out in the best possible way under the given standard conditions and with the given typical communication goals. For example, if in an everyday situation a person uses the book language, then those around him may think that he is either non-Russian, or with socio-psychological deviations (for example, obsessed with megalomania of bureaucratic grandeur or scientific detachment from everyday life), or is in a state of latent nervous tension. So, in everyday speech, the words identical are inappropriate instead of the same, such instead of this, rather than instead of what, for instead of because, etc.

The above examples illustrate the need to adhere to the principle in speech communicative expediency, which requires that linguistic forms correspond to the conditions and purposes of communication. Expediency is determined by the consciousness of speaking and writing people, subjectively assessing the objective necessity of the communicative qualities of good speech. If the norm is the same for all members of the linguistic community, then expediency depends on the functional style of speech, social differences, on communicative tasks and goals.

Knowledge of speech norms and adherence to the principle of communicative expediency is the basis of a person's speech culture.

A culture of speech

The culture of a person's speech plays an important role in the process of verbal communication, one of the tasks of which is the desire to make a good impression on the interlocutor, that is, positive self-presentation. By the way a person speaks, one can judge the level of his spiritual and intellectual development, about his inner culture.

In its everyday meaning, the culture of speech is often understood as "beautiful" speech containing exquisite words and expressions. Sometimes you can hear: "She answers so culturally" or "He expresses himself uncultured." However, this concept is more voluminous and meaningful.

A culture of speech- this is "possession of the norms of oral and written literary language (rules of pronunciation, stress, word usage, grammar, stylistics), as well as the ability to use expressive means of language in various communication conditions in accordance with the goals and content of speech" * In other words, the culture of speech is the ability to speak and write correctly, as well as the ability to use words and expressions in accordance with the goals and situation of communication. Thus, there are two main indicators, or criteria, of the culture of speech - correctness and communicative expediency. But the culture of speech is not limited to these criteria. Other criteria of the culture of speech, defined since ancient times, are: accuracy, consistency, clarity and accessibility, purity, expressiveness, variety, aesthetics, and relevance. Let's consider all the criteria of the culture of speech in more detail.


Correctness is adherence to language norms. Speech is correct, which is consistent with the norms of the language - pronunciation, grammatical, stylistic. In accordance with these norms, it is necessary to say, for example, [INTO], and not [what]; quarter, not a quarter; go, don't go, etc. But correctness is only the first stage of true speech culture.

Task 6. Determine the appropriateness of the use of foreign language vocabulary. Correct the sentences, if necessary, make synonymous substitutions.
1. Representatives of youth prevailed among the audience.
2. The girl confidentially confessed to her friends that she changed Katya's name to Carmen, because the latter appeals to her appearance.
3. The new season opens up good prospects for further evolution in the field of sports performance.
4. Trade unions place a strong emphasis on cultural work.
5. An identical decision was made by the students of the second group.
6. A wide variety of people appeared as witnesses at the trial.
7. No reasons acted on the stubborn disputant, and no arguments could convince him.
8. Many pre-revolutionary intellectuals who considered themselves liberals were indifferent to religious issues.
9. Passengers rested in canvas sun loungers on the deck of a comfortable liner.

Task 7. Correct mistakes in the use of stable phrases.
1. It is known what an important role our literature plays in the education of our youth. 2. In addition to vaccinations for the population, the destruction of rodents is of great importance in prevention. 3. Only under these conditions will the leader be able to take a vanguard role in production. 4. The committee must play the main violin in this matter. 5. Egorov Philip Ivanovich, who has already defended his candidate's degree, is still presiding there. 6. This year, Ivan unexpectedly took the title of heavyweight champion. 7. It is necessary to take decisive measures to raise the pace of production. 8. I raised a toast to my distant friends.


Topic: Syntactic norms of the modern Russian language
1. Grammatical compatibility as the main aspect of the correct construction of phrases. Basic standards of management.
2. Difficulties associated with the agreement (coordination) of the main members.
3. The use of homogeneous members, isolated members, their semantic and stylistic specificity.
4. The order of words in the sentence.
5. Standards for translating direct speech into indirect speech.

1. Golub I.B. Russian language and culture of speech. M., 2001.S. 312-331. *
2. Russian language and culture of speech [Text]: Textbook for universities / Ed. V.D. Chernyak - M. - SPb., 2002. - S. 259-315. *
3. Rosenthal D.E. Spelling and stylistics reference. SPb .: 1997.S. 264-331.

Practical tasks:
Gameplay in WoW is not that accessible. Therefore, I ask you to familiarize yourself with the critical information posted on the portal: free private wow server Please, these notes may turn out to be great. It doesn't matter who you are a gamer: a dk or a warrior, after reading the post you will get yourself a comprehensive idea of ​​the complexity.
Task 1. Make statements with the following words requiring different cases of nouns:
To vouch - to guarantee; start - start; to put on - to put on; worry - worry; to reconcile - to reconcile; advantage - superiority; faith is confidence; pack up - pack; to slow down - to hinder; justify - found; similar - identical; to lean - to be based; to be amazed - to be surprised; warn - warn; to appreciate - to value.

Task 2. Find the error, correct the sentences:
1. After university, she was not going to become either an investigator or a lawyer, but to work in any law firm.
2. Among other advantages, AI Ivanov was also a good specialist.
3. According to the plan, it is planned to build 4 clubs, 3 libraries, nurseries, as well as the construction of roads, bridges, landscaping of villages, laying of parks, etc.
4. The comrade who reported these data and turned out to be a passionate patriot of river transport, made an interesting comparison.
5. Whoever needs additional classes, it is necessary for him to provide them.
6. The speaker stated that the situation with the preparation of machines for sowing was bad, which could negatively affect the entire sowing campaign, which was unacceptable.
7. The main thing to pay attention to is the violation of discipline in the brigade.
8. There are many positive examples of the high quality of written work.
9. The new excavator crashed due to the neglected state of one of the units.
10. Work on the machine is carried out using both shafts at the same time.

Task 3. Choose the correct shape from those indicated in brackets:
1. At the exhibition (exhibited - exhibited) more than 30 different models.
2. 22 different decisions (were adopted - were adopted) in Yakutia on benefits and deferrals of payments to the (federal - federal) Pension Fund.
3. Installation of new and reconstruction of existing equipment (in progress - in progress) at the same time.
4. (First - first) two places were shared by two grandmasters, (who collected - who gained) 12 points out of 17 possible. I had to stand in line (whole - whole) for two hours. Four (nine-storey - nine-storey) buildings will be assembled entirely from large blocks. The (last - last) two words were written in large and sweeping handwriting.
5. Traffic is open on the (new - new) highway.
6. The World Economic Forum was held at a resort (Davos - Davos) in Switzerland. The hostage-taking took place on a bus in the city (Mineralnye Vody - Mineralnye Vody). At the station (Taiga - Taiga), we moved to another car.
7. He will never bear (this blow - this blow). We do not waste (time - time) in vain. Law enforcement officers are often rude to detained citizens. The patient has not lost (hope - hope) for recovery.

Task 4. What rules are violated in the following sentences? Give the correct formatting for these syntax constructions.
1. The response to his application was sent in a timely manner. 2. Preparations for the elections have begun. 3. These facts speak for the fact that there is no good owner at the plant. 4. The facts about which the author of the letter stated were fully confirmed. 5. Statistical data are given in a number of newspaper publications: article, correspondence, essay, note. 6. It is necessary to pay attention not only to the knowledge of the trainees, but also to their practical skills. 7. In a short time, not only a new school, a hospital, but also a theater and a library were built in the satellite city.

Questions and tasks

1. Determine in what style the following words were pronounced:

here, here, here;

grit, he says, gabar;

now, right now, now;

baushka, chump, grandmother;

check, person, chelavek.

Find dialectal and colloquial features in the examples.

2. Give text samples of different functional styles of the modern Russian literary language. Indicate the characteristics of each style.

3. From what words and why did the dialectisms listed below originate?

Whistle (fire), mustard (red pepper), guess (recognize someone by sight), order (forest), sedunka (chicken).

4. Determine in which functional styles of the literary language each of the members of the given synonymous series is used. Complete the rows if possible. Find a stylistically neutral word in each row.

1) flare up - boil - flare up - explode;

2) down - down - down;

3) spring - spring;

4) thing - thing;

5) heroism - heroism - valor;

6) face - physiognomy - face;

7) world - universe - universe - space - macrocosm;

8) unknown - unknown;

9) motionless - immovable - motionless;

10) unfading - unfading - unfading;

11) leader - hegemon - head;

12) incomparable - incomparable - incomparable.

5. Find stylistic synonyms for the following words:

eyes, fight, killer, work hard, crazy.

1. A youth representative prevailed among the audience.

2. Trade unions place a strong emphasis on cultural work.

3. The girl confidentially confessed to her friends that she changed Katya's name to Carmen, because the latter appeals to her appearance.

4. General attention was attracted by a new announcement posted on the front door of the institution.

5. In the last competition, the factory football team suffered a complete fiasco.

6. You can not neglect your duties.

7. An identical decision was made by the students in the parallel class.

8. The new season opens up great opportunities for the further evolution of individual sports.

9. Construction of the secondary school, which began in the spring, is being accelerated at an accelerated pace.

10. The speaker spoke in a very pompous manner, which had a negative effect on the audience.

Chapter 1.3. Speech norm and culture of speech

Speech rate

A speech norm is a set of the most stable traditional implementations of the language system, selected and consolidated in the process of public communication. The norm is formed on the basis of the language of a particular region or city.

For example, the pronunciation norms of the modern Russian literary language were formed on the basis of the Central Russian dialects and the speech of the inhabitants of Moscow.

In the process of the development of the literary language, there are shifts towards dialects and other functional varieties of the language. As a rule, the norms of written speech are formed earlier than oral. Currently, there is a tendency towards convergence of the norms of written and oral speech.

A linguistic phenomenon is considered normative if it is characterized by the following features: 1) compliance with the structure of the language; 2) massive and regular reproducibility in the communication process; 3) public approval and recognition. In the formation of a speech norm, both spontaneous and conscious processes operate. Spontaneity is associated with the massive and regular use of a particular language norm in the speech of native speakers, the processes of "legitimization" or codification of spontaneously formed linguistic norms in grammar and dictionaries are conscious. Codification, that is, the fixation of the phenomena that have developed in the process of social practice, is carried out by scientists-philologists.

Norms exist at all levels of the language and in all functional styles. The most famous sets of grammatical norms are spelling and punctuation. Spelling is a set of rules for spelling words, that is, spelling rules. Punctuation is a set of rules (norms) for the placement of punctuation marks. For oral speech, orthoepy is of great importance - a set of norms of literary pronunciation. These norms are necessary to achieve uniformity in pronunciation, which facilitates communication between people, helps them to understand each other faster.

Linguistic norms change under the influence of various factors and, above all, under the influence of changes taking place in society: before the revolution, the letter b was written at the end of words ending in a consonant; after the spelling reform, this norm ceased to apply. According to the old spelling norms, they wrote the devil and come, and in the 50s. XX century new norms have emerged - hell and come. Orthoepic norms change very quickly under the influence of dialects and vernacular. Instead of kulinariya, they say cooking now, instead of [buns] and [plum] - [bakery] and [creamy]. New pronunciations have already become normative.

Often, some outdated pronunciation is associated with a person's belonging to a certain social stratum - for example, among educated people of the 19th century. it was customary to pronounce some surnames with an emphasis on the penultimate syllable - Ivanov, BYkov, and in common parlance, on the contrary, pronounced the surname with an emphasis on the last syllable - Ivanov, Bykov. After the revolution of 1917, the pronunciation of Ivanov began to be associated with the idea of ​​people from more prosperous strata of society, therefore it quickly became outdated; he was replaced by the more democratic Ivanov. Pronunciations like compass or astronom exist under the influence of professional jargon.

Certain norms exist in every functional style of speech. Here the stylistic norm is not absolute, but is of a relative, probabilistic nature. The specificity of the functional style is that it allows the communication process to be carried out in the best possible way under the given standard conditions and with the given typical communication goals.

For example, if in an everyday situation a person uses the book language, then those around him may think that he is either non-Russian or has socio-psychological deviations (for example, obsessed with megalomania of bureaucratic grandeur or scientific detachment from everyday life), or is in a state of latent nervous tension. So, in everyday speech, the words identical are inappropriate instead of the same, such instead of this, rather than instead of what, because instead of because, etc.

The above examples illustrate the need to comply with the principle of communicative expediency in speech, according to which the forms must correspond to the conditions and goals of communication. Expediency is determined by the consciousness of speaking and writing people, subjectively assessing the objective necessity of the communicative qualities of good speech. If the norm is the same for all members of the linguistic community, then expediency depends on the functional style of speech, social differences, on communicative tasks and goals.

Knowledge of speech norms and adherence to the principle of communicative expediency is the basis of a person's speech culture.

A culture of speech

The culture of a person's speech plays an important role in the process of verbal communication, one of the tasks of which is the desire to make a good impression on the interlocutor, that is, positive self-presentation. Based on how a person speaks, one can draw a conclusion about the level of his spiritual and intellectual development, about his inner culture.

In its everyday meaning, the culture of speech is often understood as "beautiful" speech containing exquisite words and expressions - sometimes you can hear: "She responds so culturally" or "He is expressed uncivilized." However, this concept is more voluminous and meaningful.

3. Below are dialect words with an explanation of their meanings. From what words and why did these dialectisms originate? Horn (bonfire), mustard (red pepper), guess (recognize someone by sight), order (forest), sedunka (chicken)

4. Determine in which functional styles of the literary language each of the members of the given synonymous series is used. . Complete the ranks if possible. Find a stylistically neutral word in each row:

1) flare up - boil - flare up - explode,

2) down - down - down,

3) spring - spring,

4) a thing is a thing,

5) heroism - heroism - valor,

6) face - physiognomy - face,

7) world - universe - universe - space - macrocosm,

8) unknown - unknown,

9) motionless - immovable - motionless,

10) unfading - unfading - unfading,

11) leader - hegemon - head,

12) incomparable - incomparable - incomparable.

5. Find stylistic synonyms for the following word:

eyes, fight, killer, work hard, crazy.

1. Among the audience, representatives of youth prevailed,

2. Trade unions place a strong emphasis on cultural work.

3. The girl confidentially confessed to her friends that she had changed her name

Katya on Carmen, because the latter impresses her appearance.

4) a new announcement posted on the front door caught everyone's attention.


5. In the last competition, the factory football team suffered

a complete fiasco.

6. You can not neglect your duties.

7. An identical decision was made by the students in the parallel class.

8. The new season opens up great opportunities for further evo-

lucii of individual sports.

9 The construction of the secondary school, which began in the spring, is being accelerated

at a fast pace.

10 The speaker spoke in a very pompous manner, which did not affect the audience.

negative effect.

Chapter 1.3 SPEECH NORM


Speech rate

Speech norm is called the set of the most stable traditional implementations of the language system, selected and fixed in the process of public communication. The norm is formed on the basis of the language of a particular region or city. For example, the pronunciation norms of the modern Russian literary language were formed on the basis of the Central Russian dialects and the speech of the inhabitants of Moscow. In the process of the development of the literary language, there are shifts towards dialects and other functional varieties of the language. As a rule, the norms of written speech are formed earlier than oral. Currently, there is a tendency towards convergence of the norms of written and oral speech.

A linguistic phenomenon is considered regulatory, if it is characterized by such features as: 1) compliance with the structure of the language; 2) massive and regular reproducibility in the communication process; 3) public approval and recognition. In the formation of a speech norm, both spontaneous and conscious processes operate. Spontaneity is associated with the massive and regular use of a particular language norm in the speech of native speakers, the processes of "legitimization" or codification of spontaneously formed linguistic norms in grammar and dictionaries are conscious. Codification, that is, the fixation of the phenomena that have developed in the process of social practice, is carried out by scientists-philologists.

Norms exist at all levels of the language and in all functional styles. The most familiar sets of grammatical norms are spelling and punctuation. Spelling - a set of rules for spelling words, that is, spelling rules. Punctuation - a set of rules (norms) for the placement of punctuation marks. For oral speech, it is of great importance orthoepy - a set of norms of literary pronunciation. These norms are necessary to achieve uniformity in pronunciation, which facilitates communication between people, helps them to understand each other faster.

2. Give text samples of different functional styles of the modern Russian literary language. Indicate the characteristics of each style.

3. From what words and why did the dialectisms listed below originate?

Whistle (fire), mustard (red pepper), guess (recognize someone by sight), order (forest), sedunka (chicken).

4. Determine in which functional styles of the literary language each of the members of the given synonymous series is used. Complete the rows if possible. Find a stylistically neutral word in each row.

1) flare up - boil - flare up - explode;

2) down - down - down;

3) spring - spring;

4) thing - thing;

5) heroism - heroism - valor;

6) face - physiognomy - face;

7) world - universe - universe - space - macrocosm;

8) unknown - unknown;

9) motionless - immovable - motionless;

10) unfading - unfading - unfading;

11) leader - hegemon - head;

12) incomparable - incomparable - incomparable.

5. Find stylistic synonyms for the following words:

eyes, fight, killer, work hard, crazy.

1. A youth representative prevailed among the audience.

2. Trade unions place a strong emphasis on cultural work.

3. The girl confidentially confessed to her friends that she changed Katya's name to Carmen, because the latter appeals to her appearance.

4. General attention was attracted by a new announcement posted on the front door of the institution.

5. In the last competition, the factory football team suffered a complete fiasco.

6. You can not neglect your duties.

7. An identical decision was made by the students in the parallel class.

8. The new season opens up great opportunities for the further evolution of individual sports.

9. Construction of the secondary school, which began in the spring, is being accelerated at an accelerated pace.

10. The speaker spoke in a very pompous manner, which had a negative effect on the audience.

Chapter 1.3. Speech norm and culture of speech

Speech rate

Speech rate Is a set of the most stable traditional implementations of the language system, selected and consolidated in the process of public communication. The norm is formed on the basis of the language of a particular region or city.

For example, the pronunciation norms of the modern Russian literary language were formed on the basis of the Central Russian dialects and the speech of the inhabitants of Moscow.

In the process of the development of the literary language, there are shifts towards dialects and other functional varieties of the language. As a rule, the norms of written speech are formed earlier than oral. Currently, there is a tendency towards convergence of the norms of written and oral speech.

A linguistic phenomenon is considered regulatory, if it is characterized by the following features: 1) compliance with the structure of the language; 2) massive and regular reproducibility in the communication process; 3) public approval and recognition. In the formation of a speech norm, both spontaneous and conscious processes operate. Spontaneity is associated with the massive and regular use of a particular language norm in the speech of native speakers, the processes of "legitimization" or codification of spontaneously formed linguistic norms in grammar and dictionaries are conscious. Codification, that is, the fixation of the phenomena that have developed in the process of social practice, is carried out by scientists-philologists.

Norms exist at all levels of the language and in all functional styles. The most famous sets of grammatical norms are spelling and punctuation. Spelling - a set of rules for spelling words, that is, spelling rules. Punctuation - a set of rules (norms) for the placement of punctuation marks. For oral speech, it is of great importance orthoepy - a set of norms of literary pronunciation. These norms are necessary to achieve uniformity in pronunciation, which facilitates communication between people, helps them to understand each other faster.

Linguistic norms change under the influence of various factors and, above all, under the influence of changes taking place in society: before the revolution, at the end of words ending in a consonant, the letter was written B, after the spelling reform, this norm was no longer valid. According to the old spelling norms, they wrote devil and come, and in the 50s. XX century new norms have appeared - crap and come. Orthoepic norms change very quickly under the influence of dialects and vernacular. Instead of kulinariya pronounce now cooking, instead of [bakery] and [plum] - [bakery] and [creamy]. New pronunciations have already become normative.

Often, some outdated pronunciation is associated with a person's belonging to a certain social stratum - for example, among educated people of the 19th century. it was customary to pronounce some surnames with an accent on the penultimate syllable - Ivanov, BYkov, and in common parlance, on the contrary, they pronounced the surname with an emphasis on the last syllable - Ivanov, Bykov. After the 1917 revolution, pronunciation Ivanov began to associate with the idea of ​​people from more prosperous strata of society, therefore it quickly became outdated; it was replaced by a more democratic Ivanov. Pronunciation type compass or astrono m exist under the influence of professional jargon.

Certain norms exist in every functional style of speech. Here the stylistic norm is not absolute, but is of a relative, probabilistic nature. The specificity of the functional style is that it allows the communication process to be carried out in the best possible way under the given standard conditions and with the given typical communication goals.

For example, if in an everyday situation a person uses the book language, then those around him may think that he is either non-Russian or has socio-psychological deviations (for example, obsessed with megalomania of bureaucratic grandeur or scientific detachment from everyday life), or is in a state of latent nervous tension. So, in everyday speech, words are inappropriate identical instead of the same, such instead of this one rather than instead of what, for instead of because etc.

The above examples illustrate the need to adhere to the principle in speech communicative expediency, according to which the forms must correspond to the conditions and purposes of communication. Expediency is determined by the consciousness of speaking and writing people, subjectively assessing the objective necessity of the communicative qualities of good speech. If the norm is the same for all members of the linguistic community, then expediency depends on the functional style of speech, social differences, on communicative tasks and goals.

Knowledge of speech norms and adherence to the principle of communicative expediency is the basis of a person's speech culture.

A culture of speech

The culture of a person's speech plays an important role in the process of verbal communication, one of the tasks of which is the desire to make a good impression on the interlocutor, that is, positive self-presentation. Based on how a person speaks, one can draw a conclusion about the level of his spiritual and intellectual development, about his inner culture.

In its everyday meaning, the culture of speech is often understood as "beautiful" speech containing exquisite words and expressions - sometimes you can hear: "She so culturally responsible " or "He expressed uncivilized. " However, this concept is more voluminous and meaningful.

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