Home Garden on the windowsill Water consumption and water consumption rates according to snip in a private house. Balance of water consumption and sanitation

Water consumption and water consumption rates according to snip in a private house. Balance of water consumption and sanitation

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Enlarged norms can be applied in the development of feasibility studies (feasibility studies), design of water supply and sewerage schemes industrial units and regions, drawing up general schemes for the integrated use and protection of water resources, designing both newly built and reconstructed water supply and sewerage systems, planning the operation of water supply and sewerage, and can also serve as a criterion rational use water at individual operating enterprises.

a common part


Appointment of norms

The role of water in production

Water use patterns

Loss of water in the water supply system

Water quality requirements

Criterion of rational use of water

Use of norms

I. Fuel industry

A. Coal and shale enterprises

1. Coal and shale mines and cuts

2. Coal and oil shale enrichment plants

3. Coal briquetting factories

B. Peat industry enterprises

4. Plants of peat briquettes

5. Factories of peat thermal insulation boards

6. Enlarged rates of water consumption and quantity Wastewater per unit of output in the fuel industry

II. Thermal power industry

1. Condensation (CPP and NPP), gas turbine and combined cycle power plants, combined heat and power plants (CHP)

2. Aggregated rates of water consumption and the amount of wastewater per unit of output in the heat and power industry

III. Ferrous metallurgy

A. Mining

1. Careers

2. Mines (mines)

3. Crushing and screening plants

4. Processing plants for ores and non-metallic minerals

5. Pellet factories

B. Metallurgical plants and workshops

6. Sinter production

7. Domain production

8. Steelmaking

9. Rolling production

10. Pipe plants

11. Ferroalloy plants

12. Hardware factories

13. Coke plants

14. Mines. Factories and workshops of refractory products

15. Aggregated norms for water consumption and the amount of wastewater per unit of production in the ferrous metallurgy

IV. Non-ferrous metallurgy

1. Mining enterprises

2. Processing plants

3. Metallurgical plants

4. Aggregated rates of water consumption and the amount of wastewater per unit of production in non-ferrous metallurgy

V. Oil and gas industry

A. Oil industry

1. Oil fields and primary oil treatment

B. Gas industry

2. Gas producing enterprises

3. Gas processing plants

4. Compressor stations for gas transportation

5. LPG cluster bases

6. Aggregate norms for water consumption and the amount of wastewater per unit of production in the oil and gas industry

VI. Oil refining and petrochemical industry

1. Oil refineries

2. Petrochemical enterprises

3. Production of synthetic fatty acids(SJK)

4. Plants for synthetic rubber and other products

5. Rubber industry plants

6. Plants for the production of carbon black (carbon black plants)

7. Aggregate norms for water consumption and the amount of wastewater per unit of production in the oil refining and petrochemical industries

VII. Chemical industry

A. Mining and chemical production

1. Apatite, phosphorite and datolite mines and processing plants

2. Sulfur mines, concentrators and sulfur smelters

3. Combines (mines and factories) of potash fertilizers

B. Production of basic chemistry

4. Production of soda ash

5. Production of caustic soda by ferritic and lime methods

6. Burnt lime production, carbon dioxide and milk of lime

7. Production of sodium bicarbonate

8. Production of calcium chloride

9. Sulfuric acid production

10. Production of hydrofluoric acid in Czechoslovakia

11. Production Glauber's salt in Czechoslovakia

12. Production of double superphosphate

13. Ammophos production

14. Production of nitroammophoska

15. Production of nitrophoska

16. Production of extractive phosphoric acid

17. Production of yellow phosphorus, phosphoric acid and sodium tripolyphosphate

18. Production of complex fertilizers

19. Production of calcium carbide

B. Production of the nitrogen industry and organic synthesis products

20. Ammonia production

21. Ammonia water production

22. Production of weak nitric acid

23. Production of ammonium nitrate

24. Production of urea (carbamide)

25. Methanol production

26. Production of acetylene by thermo-oxidative pyrolysis

27. Production of caprolactam

D. Production of chlorine and products of organic and organochlorine synthesis

28. Production of chlorine and caustic soda

29. Production of synthetic glycerin

30. Production of carbon tetrachloride and perchlorethylene

31. Production of acetic acid

32. Production of acetic acid and acetic anhydride (jointly)

33. Methylene chloride production

34. Ethylene oxide production by direct oxidation

35. Glycol production

36. Production of chlorobenzene (according to Poland and Czechoslovakia)

37. Production of methyl methacrylate in Czechoslovakia

38. Plexiglas production in Czechoslovakia

39. Production of polycarbacin

40. Production of sevin (naphthylcarbamate)

41. Zineb production

D. Enterprises of the paint and varnish industry

42. Paint and varnish factories and production

43. Factories and workshops of the pigment industry

E. Manufacture of organic intermediates and dyes

44. Production of polyesters in Czechoslovakia

45. Production of phthalic anhydride in Czechoslovakia

46. ​​Production of dimethyl terephthalate in Czechoslovakia

47. Production of nitrobenzene in Poland

48. Production of azo dyes in Czechoslovakia

49. Production of anthraquinone dyes in Czechoslovakia

G. Production of plastics and phenols

50. Polyethylene production low pressure(high density)

51. Production of plasticizers

52. Production of phenol-formaldehyde resins

53. Production of phenol-formaldehyde press powders

54. Production of urea resins by liquid-phase method

55. Production of epoxy resins

56. Production of ion exchange resins

57. Production of polycarbonate resins

58. Production of polyformaldehyde resins

59. Production of expandable polystyrene (expanded polystyrene)

60. Production of emulsion polystyrene

61. Production of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) plastic (Japanese way)

62. Production of cellulose acetate in a semi-continuous way

63. Manufacture of vinyl acetate and its derivatives

64. Production of polyvinyl acetate dispersion (PVAD)

65. Production of phenol in Poland

3. Manufacture of chemical fibers

66. Manufacture of viscose textile thread, viscose staple fiber, viscose industrial thread, cellophane and lacquered film

67. Production of copper-ammonia fiber

68. Production of acetate silk

69. Production of rectified carbon disulfide

70. Production of synthetic fiber kapron

71. Manufacture of anid synthetic fiber

72. Production of synthetic fiber lavsan

73. Production of synthetic fiber nitron

I. Production of air separation products

74. Obtaining oxygen in Hungary

K. Chemical-photographic industry

75. Production of cellulose triacetate

76. Motion picture film production

77. Magnetic tape production

78. Gelatin production

79. Production of photographic paper

80. Production of precipitated fertilizers

81. Aggregated norms for water consumption and the amount of wastewater per unit of production in the chemical industry

VIII. Forestry, woodworking and wood chemical industry

A. Sawmills and woodworking plants and factories, furniture factories

1. Sawmills

2. Production of fibreboard

3. Production of carpentry and building products and planed parts

4. Wood flour production

5. Production of process chips

6. Production of fiberboard

7. Furniture factories

8. Plywood factories

9. Particle board production

B. Wood chemical production

10. Rosin-extraction production

11. Rosin-turpentine production

12. Pyrolysis (dry distillation) of wood

13. Recycling of wood resins

14. Production of acetic acid by extraction

15. Production of acetate solvents (ethyl acetate and butyl acetate)

16. Aggregated norms for water consumption and the amount of wastewater per unit of production in the forestry, woodworking and wood-chemical industries

IX. Pulp and paper industry

A. Production of wood pulp, pulp, semi-pulp, paper, cardboard

1. Wood pulp production

2. Production of sulfate pulp and semi-pulp

3. Production of sulfite pulp

4. Production of unbleached bisulfite semi-pulp

5. Production of paper and cardboard

B. Processing of by-products of kraft pulp production

6. Obtaining tall oil by decomposition of sulfate soap

7. Obtaining tall oil by distillation of fatty and resin acids

8. Rectification of sulfate turpentine

9. Aggregate norms for water consumption and the amount of wastewater per unit of production in the pulp and paper industry

X. Light industry

A. Enterprises primary processing linen, hemp, wool, silk, jute and cotton

1. Plants for the primary processing of flax (flax plants) and hemp stalk (hemp plants)

2. Factories of primary processing of wool

3. Juto-kenaf factories

4. Silk-winding factories

5. Enterprises of the cotton ginning industry

6. Seed disinfection workshops

B. Textile factories

7. Combined linen fabrics

8. Combines of cotton fabrics

9. Combined silk fabrics

10. Spinning and thread factories

11. Worsted and cloth mills

12. Worsted spinning factory with fiber dyeing workshop

13. Fine cloth factory with fiber dyeing workshop

B. Knitting, hosiery and clothing industries

14. Knitwear, hosiery and clothing factories

D. Leather and footwear enterprises

15. Leather factories

16. Tanneries

17. Shoe factories

18. Production of outsole rubber

19. Manufacture of shoe cardboard

20. Artificial leather, PVC film and synthetic leather factories

21. Production of insole cellulose material (SCM-1)

D. Fur factories and felting enterprises

22. Fur factories

23. Felting and felt factories

24. Aggregated norms for water consumption and the amount of wastewater per unit of output in light industry

XI. Bakery, meat and dairy, fish and food industries

A. Grain processing and storage facilities

1. Flour mills, feed mills, cereal mills, plants for the processing of hybrid corn seeds, elevators, grain receiving enterprises and sales bases

B. Enterprises of the baking, confectionery and vegetable canning industries

2. Bakeries

3. Pasta factories

4. Confectionery factories

5. Fruit and vegetable canning factories

6. Yeast plants

B. Dairy enterprises

7. Milk receiving and milk separator points, station and roadside dairies, city dairies, butter factories, cheese factories, milk canning factories and whole milk powder factories

D. Meat industry enterprises

8. Meat processing plants, meat and poultry processing plants, meat processing plants, poultry processing plants

D. Enterprises of commercial fish farming, reproduction of fish stocks and fish processing enterprises

9. Commercial fish farming enterprises

10. Enterprises of reproduction of fish stocks

11. Fish processing enterprises

12. Refrigerators

E. Enterprises of the oil and fat industry

13. Oil extraction plants

14. Hydrogenation plants

15. Refineries

16. Margarine factories

17. Mayonnaise production

18. Glycerine factories and fatty acid production

19. Factories of natural detergents

20. Oil refineries

21. Synthetic detergent factories

G. Enterprises of the perfumery and cosmetics industry

22. Perfume and cosmetic factories

23. Combines of synthetic fragrances

24. Plants of glass containers and aluminum tubes

3. Enterprises of the sugar industry

25. Beet sugar factories

26. Sugar refineries

I. Enterprises of the wine-making, brewing, alcohol, alcoholic beverage and food-acid industries, juices, drinks and fodder yeast

27. Primary wineries

28. Secondary wineries

29. Champagne wineries

30. Cognac factories

31. Grape juice plants

32. Malts

33. Breweries

34. Factories soft drinks(fruit water)

35. Mineral water production

36. Production of alcohol from molasses, yeast and carbon dioxide from waste

37. Citric Acid Plants

38. Potato starch factories

39. Corn and starch plants

40. Production of starch syrup

41. Maltose syrup plants

42 Production of crystalline glucose

43 Distilleries on potato grain raw materials

44. Distilleries

K. Tobacco-fermentation production

45. Tobacco-fermentation production

46. ​​General conclusion

47. Aggregated norms for water consumption and the amount of wastewater per unit of production in the bakery, meat and dairy, fish and food industries

XII. Engineering industry

1. Foundry, machine tool and tool factories and workshops

2. Production of abrasive materials in a piece

3. Production of abrasive abrasives

4. Production of abrasive tools

5. Diamond production

6. Plants of heavy, power and transport engineering

7. Chemical and oil engineering plants

8. Automotive factories

9. Bearing factories

10. Agricultural engineering plants

11. Factories of construction, road and municipal engineering

12. Mechanical engineering plants for light, food, printing industry and household appliances

13. Instrument-making plants

14. Electroplating shops in the GDR

15. Plants for the production of communications equipment

16. Aggregated rates of water consumption and the amount of wastewater per unit of output in the engineering industry

XIII. Electrical industry

1. Plants of hydrogenerators and large electrical machines

2. Transformer factories

3. Plants of high-voltage and low-voltage equipment

4. Electric welding equipment factories

5. Plants of electrothermal equipment

6. Plants of chemical power sources

7. Plants of electrocoal products

8. Plants for the repair of electric motors and transformers

9. Factories asynchronous electric motors up to 100 kW, AC and DC crane and traction motors, generators up to 100 kW, electric motors 10-100 kW, mobile power plants

10. Capacitor equipment plants

11. Power plants semiconductor devices and converters

12. Electric lamp factories

13. Plants of lighting equipment

14. Electric locomotive factories

15. Floor transport factories

16. Cable production plants

17. Plants of electrical insulating materials

18. Electrical porcelain factories

19. Aggregated rates of water consumption and the amount of wastewater per unit of output in the electrical industry

XIV. Electronics industry

1. Plants for the production of electrovacuum devices

2. Production of semiconductor devices and microelectronic products

3. Production of radio components and radio components

4. Manufacture of piezoelectric and ferrite products

5. Manufacture of ceramic and glass products

6. Production of special technological equipment

7. Production of blocks, assemblies of parts and spare parts for electronic industry products

8. Aggregate rates of water consumption and the amount of wastewater per unit of production in the electronics industry

XV. construction industry

A Enterprises of non-metallic building materials

1. Crushed stone plants

2. Gravel-sand and sand enterprises

3. Stone processing enterprises

4. Production of talc, kaolin, graphite

5. Mica mines and factories

B. Factories of binders and products from them

6. Cement plants

7. Plants of asbestos-cement products and pipes

B. Factories, cellular and silicate concrete, brick and ceramic factories

8. Plants of silicate concrete and silicate brick

9. Factories clay brick, ceramic blocks, sanitary ware tiles, ceramic sewer and drainage pipes

D. Sanitary equipment factories

10. Sanitary equipment factories

D. Glass production

11. Glass factories

E. Plants of soft roofing, insulating and polymeric materials

12. Production of roofing paper

13. Production of roofing material

14. Roofing sheet production

15. Production of waterproofing and sealing materials

16. Production of polymeric materials

17. Production of thermal insulation materials based on mineral wool

G. Manufacture of reinforced concrete products

18. Manufacture of reinforced concrete products

19. Production of the construction industry in Czechoslovakia

20. Aggregated norms for water consumption and the amount of wastewater per unit of production in the construction industry

XVI. Other Industries A. Film Studios and Film Copiers

1. Movie studios

2. Film copy factories

B. Railway stations and enterprises

3. Railway stations and enterprises

4. Motor transport companies

D. Public service enterprises

6. Dry cleaning and dyeing factories

7. Enterprises for the repair of household machines and appliances

8. Enterprises for the repair and manufacture of furniture for individual orders

9. Enterprises for the repair and tailoring of shoes

10. Photography service businesses

11. Enterprises for tailoring and repairing clothes for individual orders

D. Medical industry enterprises

12. Production of drugs, medical equipment and instruments

E. Transportation and storage of oil and oil products

13. Bases of petroleum products

14. Pumping stations and loading points

15. Record factories in Czechoslovakia

16. Aggregated rates of water consumption and the amount of wastewater per unit of production in other industries

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For intermediate values ​​of air temperature and natural water temperature, the coefficient C\ is determined by interpolation.

For open heat exchangers of the irrigation type, water losses for evaporation double and formula (2) takes the following form:

Qhsp ~ 2CiQ 0 M, (3)

where the value of C\ is taken as for cooling towers and spray ponds.

Water loss by entrainment from the system in the form of droplets Q (if water in the system is used as a heat carrier) depends on the type, design and size of the cooler, and for open coolers - on wind speed, etc. The amount of entrainment loss Q yn from the circulating water cooler can be determined by the formula

Oui = 6 2 Q 0 , (4)

where C 2 is the coefficient of water loss by entrainment, equal to: for spray pools 0.015-0.02; for spray cooling towers with simple louvers 0.01-0.015; for open cooling towers with louvers and tower cooling towers without water traps 0.005-0.01 and with water traps 0.003-0.006; for fan cooling towers with single-row water traps 0.003-0.005 and with double-row water traps 0.0015-0.003 (lower value is accepted for coolers of higher capacity); for open heat exchangers of irrigation type 0.005-0.01.

Water losses due to evaporation from the water surface of natural reservoirs, as well as to water transpiration by vegetation, should be determined according to the instructions "Guidelines for calculating evaporation from the water surface of reservoirs" (Gidrometeoizdat, 1969).

Loss of water for filtration<Эф из таких сооружений, как наливной (искусственный) пруд-охладитель или пруд-осветлитель (шламо-накопитсль), применяемых при использовании воды для охлаждения или обогащения ископаемых, определяют специальным расчетом. Эти потери незначительны при водонепроницаемых основаниях и слабо-фильтрующих ограждениях (дамбах). При хорошо фильтрующих основаниях и ограждающих дамбах, состоящих из галечника и песка, размер этих потерь может достигать десятков процентов от притока воды. В начале эксплуатации пруда-охладителя и пруда-осветлителя потери обычно больше, затем они уменьшаются по мере кольматации пор в основании и ограждающих дамбах.

The above from the circulating water supply system are given in column 15 of the tables.

To maintain the water balance 2Q n ocT=2Q y 6 in the circulating water supply system, losses are covered by the same amount of water added to the system:

Fdob Fb.P*

In addition, purge water (Zprod» can be discharged from the circulating water supply system, replacing it with fresh water from the source in the same amount: f ^ dob-Fprod. Then the amount of water added to the system from the source will be:

Fdob Fdob "P Fdob ^b.P T" ^Prod* (5)

The aggregated norms show the flow rates of recycled and sequentially used water Q (column 5), as well as the amount of water added to the system<З ДО б (графы 6-9) для компенсации безвозвратного потребления и потерь <2б.п (графа 15), продувки и собственно сточных вод Qct (графы 10-14). При этом также учтено поступление

bauds into the water supply system with raw materials and semi-finished products. In addition, one should also take into account the inflow of water with auxiliary substances, from atmospheric precipitation, drainage and infiltration waters.

In turn, the amount of water added to the system (column 9)<3 Д об, складывается также из количества технической воды Q T exH (графа 5), количества питьевой воды, используемой для производственных целей, (Зпнт.произв (графа 7) и количества питьевой воды, используемой для хозяйственно-бытовых целей, <Зпит.хоз (графа 8):

“QrexH 4“ Feed F + Q Feed * (6)

The total amount of wastewater entering the reservoirs Q st

fa 10) includes:

a) the amount of treated industrial wastewater, which cannot be reused due to technological conditions or is impractical, Q n p. C T (column 11);

b) the amount of treated (together with industrial or independently) domestic wastewater (Ebyt.st (column 12);

c) the amount of blowdown water and wastewater that does not require special treatment, Fprod (column 13);

d) the amount of seepage water from the clarification pond and the sludge reservoir<3ф (графа 14).

The total amount of wastewater is determined by the formula

Qct ”Qnp.CT 4“ QnpoA 4~ Q(J) 4“ Q6biT.CT* (7)

These water effluents of the enterprise (after appropriate treatment and treatment) are partially or completely in quantity (Zp.use can be reused to replenish the recycling water supply system (see Fig. 3). Then the amount of wastewater discharged into the reservoir of the enterprise will be:

Qc6p.boa “ Qct " Qn-use* (8)

Taking into account the reuse of treated wastewater in the water supply system, water from the source will be required:

Qhct-Ext. Use* (9)

The flow rate of water consistently used and the amount of treated wastewater reused in the circulating water supply system are indicated in column 5 and in the rate of fresh water consumption from the source (columns 6 and 7) or in the rate of the amount of wastewater released into the reservoir (columns 10- 14) are not included.


The quality of water used for production stools is established in each specific case, depending on the purpose of the water and the requirements of the technological process, taking into account the raw materials used, the equipment used and the finished product.

Water must be harmless to health in case of possible contact with it by service personnel and must not have negative organoleptic properties (with an open water supply system).

Water used for cooling products or equipment must not create mechanical, carbonate or other deposits and promote the development of corrosion and biological fouling. To meet these requirements during the operation of cooling systems for circulating water supply, in most cases, water purification and (or) treatment is necessary.

Filtration or settling of make-up or part of the recycled water may be required to prevent mechanical deposits.

from suspended solids. The permissible content of suspended solids is specified during the operation of water supply systems, depending on the speed of water movement in heat exchangers and equipment and the hydraulic fineness of suspended solids.

To prevent carbonate deposits, it is possible to use purging of the circulating water supply system, acidification, phosphating, recarbonization or water softening by adding lime and ion exchange. In some cases, especially at high concentration ratios, in circulating water supply systems, the problem of removing excess salts from the system may arise. For this, known methods of desalination of water are used.

To prevent corrosion of pipelines and heat exchange equipment, resistant materials should be selected, materials should be protected by coatings or appropriate treatment of water with corrosion inhibitors.

To prevent biological fouling in heat exchange equipment, it is recommended to periodically chlorinate the circulating water. Water chlorination is usually done with chlorine gas. Sodium or potassium hypochlorite may also be used. The dose of chlorine should ensure the content of residual active chlorine in the waste water after the most remote heat exchangers is about 1 mg/l for 30-40 minutes.

To remove biological fouling, as well as mechanical deposits in closed heat exchangers, if necessary, a device for periodic hydropneumatic washing of the devices or for washing the devices with water or a mixture of water with air and with an additive of abrasive materials (quartz sand, polyethylene crumb) can be provided. Hydropneumatic flushing should be carried out with water and air in a ratio of 1:1 to 1:2.

When using treated municipal wastewater as an additive in cooling circulating systems, the additional water must be continuously chlorinated, while the contact time of water with chlorine must be at least 30 minutes, the residual dose of chlorine must be at least 1 mg/l, if the index must be no more than 1000 (the number of bacteria in 1 liter of water).

Requirements for water quality of each category may be different and are determined depending on the nature of the production. Accordingly, both the composition and the concentration of pollution of recycled water and water released into water bodies by industries will be different.

In table. Table 2 shows only approximate requirements for the quality of water used in industrial water recycling systems.

These requirements are conditional, since they largely depend on the type of heat exchange equipment, water temperature, temperature of the cooled product or equipment, the nature of suspended and dissolved substances, etc. For example, with finely dispersed suspended substances, their low hydraulic fineness and high speeds water in the equipment, the permissible concentrations of suspended solids may be higher than indicated. The COD of the recycled water may also be higher or lower than this value. If COD is determined by the presence of substances in water that cause, for example, corrosion, biofouling of heat exchange equipment, odors, pricing, oiling of heat exchange surfaces, then the specified limit may be lower. Similar considerations can lead to an increase in the limit of total salt content, the content of sulfates, chlorides, etc. Their permissible concentrations can be

can be determined by solubility products, especially when corrosion inhibitors are used.

Table 2. Approximate requirements for the quality of recycled water when using surface and underground sources


Water used as a transporting, absorbing, extracting and other medium


cooling without fire heating of heat exchange surfaces

cooling with fire heating of heat exchange surfaces 1


It is determined depending on the technological process.

Suspended solids 2 .

With gravity up to 10,000 with flotation up to 200

Ether-soluble. .

Not standardized


Not standardized


carbonate. . .

Not standardized

When cleaning gases, treatment of circulating water is necessary

Alkalinity is total. .

No more than 4

No more than 3



I don't standardize


Permang okslyaemost-

iatnaya ......

When gravity is not standardized, when flotation 10

Not standardized

bpk 5 .......

Nutrients in make-up water:

total nitrogen...

Not standardized

phosphorus (in terms of

on P 2 0 5) . *. . .

1 Metallurgical furnaces use evaporative cooling (boiling water).

2 Specified depending on the speed of movement of the cooling water in the heat exchangers and on the hydraulic fineness of suspended solids.

3 Acceptable without the use of corrosion inhibitors.

To determine the requirements for the quality of additional water, you can (with some approximation) the values ​​\u200b\u200bindicated in Table. 2, divided by the coefficient of concentration (evaporation), provided that the components of the contaminants are not volatile and do not precipitate.

To select a method of water purification and treatment, establish a water regime, in particular, water recycling systems, select


The efficiency of water use in production can be assessed by the following three indicators in the aggregate.

The technical excellence of the water supply system is estimated by the amount of recycled water used as a percentage:

Qo6 Qn st T" Qcbip

The rationality of the use of water taken from the source is estimated by the utilization factor

Fist Fsyr Fsbr.vod _, A. and - ~ "- 1.

Pure t Qcbip

Irreversible consumption and loss of water

p_QhCT ~b Qcbip Qc6p.BOA

Qhct ”b C?cheese4~^seq ~f“ Q06

In formulas (10) - (12) the following designations are accepted: Q 0 6 and Qnotn - the amount of water used in circulation and sequentially; Qhct and<Эсыр - количество воды, забираемой из источника и поступающей в систему водоснабжения с сырьем и др.; QcGp.boa- количество сточных вод, сбрасываемых в водоем.


The average annual costs, m 3, of water and the amount of wastewater are determined by the formula

where N is the volume of production; Q is the average annual aggregated rate of water consumption or the amount of wastewater per unit of product or raw material.

If this enterprise includes a number of independent industries indicated in the tables of aggregated norms, then the water consumption and the amount of wastewater are determined by the formula

Ш = ZNQ = N 1 Q 1 + -N 2 Q 2 + N S Q, -\-----b N n Q n . (fourteen)

To obtain the maximum (as a rule, in the summer period) and minimum (in the winter period) water flow and the amount of wastewater, the coefficients of change in the norm for the seasons of the year K in summer and K in winter should be taken into account:

Fmax "Clet Q and Fmin" ^CsimF" (15)

where Q is the average annual aggregated rate corresponding to expenditures in the spring and autumn.

The total consumption of fresh water taken from the source (columns 6-8) is given in column 9 of the tables of consolidated norms, and the return of wastewater to the reservoir is in column 10 (the sum of columns 11-14).

Irrevocable consumption and losses of water in the water supply and sewerage system of an enterprise or production (column 15) is the difference between the total consumption of fresh water from the source (column 9) and the return of wastewater to the reservoir (column 10).

Wastewater generated from blowing out water recycling systems and effluents from small consumers using water by direct

winding circuit (once), as well as treated wastewater, the quality of which meets the above requirements, directly or after appropriate post-treatment and processing can be reused for certain purposes (without releasing them into a reservoir).

With the reuse of wastewater, the consumption of circulating water increases accordingly (column 5), the consumption of technical water from the source decreases (columns 6-9) and the discharge of wastewater into the reservoir (column 10). The percentage of use of recycled water Р 0 b according to the formula (10) and the coefficient of water use /< и по формуле (11) повышаются.

The coefficient of water use increases when wastewater is buried or evaporated, as well as when it is burned together with waste, such as oil products.

In table. 3 shows the average specific consumption of water and the amount of wastewater for the production of the most important types of products in the national economy. The nomenclature of the most important types of products was adopted in accordance with the reference book of the Central Statistical Bureau "USSR and Union Republics in 1976". Average specific costs can be used for approximate calculations of water consumption and the amount of wastewater for the industry as a whole as of today and for the forecast for the next 10-15 years.

Table 3 Average specific consumption of water and the amount of wastewater for the production of the most important types of products in the national economy of the USSR

Product type


Negotiable and consistently used kind

Fresh water from the spring

Irreversible consumption and loss of water



Oil production. .

Production of "conditional" gas. . .

Coal mining in mines....

Extraction of iron ore in mines.

1 ton raw ore


Rolling with the production of iron and steel......

Steel pipes.


Mining enterprises. .

1 ton mined

Zinc factories.

Lead »

Copper plants (blind copper)

Nickel factories.

1 t of matte

Alumina refineries....

Cryolite factories....

1 ton of fluorosalts

Continuation of the table. 3

Product type


Fresh water from the spring

Irreversible consumption and loss of water

Aluminum plants....

1 ton aluminum

titanium plants

pig 1 t titanium

magnesium plants

sponges 1 t refined



Complex fertilizers ......

bath magnesium 1 t

Nitrogen fertilizers....

Chemical means of plant protection. . .

soda ash

Caustic soda: ferritic method. .

(comes with raw material 13.2)

lime method. .

Sulphuric acid.

Synthetic fibers....

Polycarbonate and polyformaldehyde (SHD) resins.

Oil refining industry

Oil refineries fuel profile. . .

Oil refineries with petrochemical production.....


1 conditional

Mechanical engineering Turbine....

busbar 1000 kW

Metallurgical equipment.....

Metal-cutting machines. , .

Continuation of the table. 3

Product type


Recycled and sequentially used water

Fresh water from the spring

Irreversible consumption and loss of water

Oil equipment.

Chemical equipment and spare parts for it....

Technological equipment and spare parts for it for the food, meat and dairy and fish industries....

Diesel locomotives mainline. . .

Freight wagons.

Trucks with carrying capacity: up to 1 t. . .

1 car

Automobiles. , . .

Buses. . .

1 bus

Spare parts for cars

Tractors. . .

1 tractor


grain harvesters. . .

1 harvester

corn harvesters.

Spare parts for combines. .

Excavators. .

Motorcycles and scooters. .

1 motorcycle

Bicycles and motorbikes

10 mopeds

Forestry and pulp and paper industry


1 m 3 logs



I t bleached


cellulose the same







Precast concrete....

Continuation of table I

Product type


Recycled and sequentially used water

Fresh water from the spring

Irreversible consumption and loss of water

Silicate brick. ...

Soft roofing materials: roofing cargon,.

Window glass: boat way. . .


Electrical industry

Turbine generators...

AC motors....

Light industry



woolen. .

silk. .

Linen jersey....

Outer jersey

Shoes are leather.

1000 pairs of shoes

food industry

1 ton finished

Whole milk products in terms of milk....

products 1 ton of milk



The fuel industry includes enterprises for the extraction and enrichment of coal and oil shale.


The extraction of coal and oil shale is carried out in mines and cuts by mechanical and in small volumes (up to 2%) by hydraulic methods.

1.1. Water supply and sewerage

When coal is mined mechanically in mines, drinking-quality water is used for dust suppression, air conditioning and other needs. Service water (mainly from a mine tide) is used in the boiler house, for air conditioning, when backfilling the mined-out space, for cooling compressors, hydraulic monitors, etc. The compressor water supply system is circulating, losses are replenished with process water or water from the fire-fighting water supply system.

In mines and open pits, the water supply system is reversible and straight-through. Wastewater is generated mainly from the administrative and amenity plant, repair shops, boiler house, etc.

During underground coal mining, at a certain depth from the surface, there is an influx of groundwater into the workings. With the mechanical method of coal mining, these waters are collected, clarified, then used in processing plants or for other needs, and their excess is dumped into a reservoir. Mine drainage water from hydraulic mines, as a rule, is used in a closed cycle for hydraulic breaking and transportation of coal and is not discharged into water bodies. The costs of mine drainage are given in table. four.

Table 4. Consumption of mine (quarry) drainage, m 3 / 1000 t of production

coal basins

coal basins


Donbass within



Siberia (without Kuzbass-

Minuglenroma of the Ukrainian SSR

UDC 628.17(083.75)

Published by decision of the section of literature on engineering equipment of the editorial board of Stroyizdat.

Consolidated norms of water consumption and sanitation for various industries / Economic Council. Mutual assistance, VNII VODGEO Gosstroy of the USSR. - M.: Stry-izdat, 1978.--590 p.

The book contains consolidated norms of water consumption and wastewater disposal per unit of production or raw materials for more than 2,000 industries in various industries and coefficients for changing norms by season (summer-winter). Brief characteristics of production facilities, characteristics of wastewater are given, requirements for the quality of cooling water, etc. are given. The standards are given separately for recycled, sequentially used, fresh technical and drinking water, for the amount of wastewater released into reservoirs or used after treatment and treatment.

Aggregated standards can be applied in the development of feasibility studies (feasibility studies), designing water supply and sewerage schemes for industrial units and areas, drawing up general schemes for the integrated use and protection of water resources, designing both newly built and reconstructed water supply and sewerage systems, planning operation water pipes and sewers, and can also serve as a criterion for the rational use of water at individual operating enterprises.

The book is intended for professionals working in the field of planning, design, construction and operation of industrial water management systems.

Tab. 248, ill. four.

30210-600 947(01)-78

Instruction-norm., 2nd out.-59-78

Stroyizdat, 1978

P "continuation of table 4

coal basins

coal basins

Karaganda. .


Far East


Ural ......

Central Asia. . .

Bashkiria ....

Gruzugol ....

Note. Above the line - 1975, below the line - 2000.

1.2. Water quality requirements

The quality of mine drainage water used can be divided into three main types:

low-mineralized waters (up to 0.5 g/l), polluted only with suspended solids (up to 25 g/l); clarification (coagulation, sedimentation, filtration) and disinfection with chlorine are required;

waters with moderate mineralization (up to 1 g/l), polluted with suspended solids and iron (up to 9 g/l) and having pH=2.8-4; neutralization with lime, clarification and chlorination is necessary;

mineralized waters (over 1-1.5 g/l) contaminated with suspended solids; in addition to clarification and disinfection, it is necessary to desalinate them by electrodialysis or another method.

In most mines, as well as in coal preparation plants, purified mine water is usually used for technical needs. Detailed regulatory requirements are given in table. 5.

Table 5. Regulatory requirements for water quality,

used by coal industry enterprises



Water used to cool the equipment and the product (without contact with it) at temperatures of the cooled product or wall 80-400 ° C

Water used as a medium that absorbs and transports


common impurities


Not standardized

suspended substances.

Ether-soluble. .



general. . . . ,

No more than 7

No more than 7

Not standardized

carbonate. . .

Alkalinity is total. .

Dry residue...

Betosh ..... Oxidation of permang-

Not standardized

nat ......


Phosphorus (in terms of

No more than 1.5

No more than 1.5


The further development of industry, the intensification of agriculture and the improvement of the cultural and living conditions of the population, envisaged by the decisions of the communist and workers' parties and governments of the CMEA member countries, are associated with a significant increase in water consumption. Simultaneously with the increase in water consumption, the amount of wastewater increases.

An important role in the problem of rational use and protection of water resources belongs to the rationing of water consumption and water disposal. This is especially true for those regions where water resources are limited or depleted. The further development of the economy of each CMEA member country depends to a certain extent on the solution of the problem of the rational use of water.

In recent years, large-scale organizational and technical measures have been taken in the USSR and other CMEA member countries aimed at economical use of water and reducing the discharge of sewage into water bodies, and the construction of treatment and other water management facilities is being carried out in order to prevent pollution of natural waters.

Scientifically substantiated rationing of water consumption in industry is one of the aspects of socio-economic development that is of great importance in economic integration and in the international socialist division of labor

At present, in a number of industries, there has been a tendency to reduce the specific consumption of fresh water taken from sources and the discharge of wastewater into water bodies, both per unit of output and per unit of fixed assets. This is happening as a result of the introduction of water recycling systems and the reuse of treated wastewater, the replacement of water cooling with air, the transition to evaporative (boiling water) cooling, as well as the development of anhydrous and low-water technological processes.

Individual CMEA member countries are developing forecasts of water consumption for the needs of the national economy, general schemes for the integrated use and protection of water resources for a period of 15 to 50 years. In the USSR, such a scheme was developed for the period up to 1985 and is currently being drawn up until 1990–2000. To develop these forecasts and schemes, as well as projects for the development of water supply and sewerage systems, water consumption rates and the amount of wastewater per unit of production are required.

An equally important task is the rationing of water supply to operating industrial enterprises and the regulation of its consumption in production processes, which is feasible only if there are water consumption and sanitation standards. Thus, the norms of water consumption and wastewater disposal are the basis for forecasting the development of the water sector, they allow reducing the consumption of fresh water from sources and reducing or stopping the discharge of pollution into water bodies.

These "Enlarged norms of water consumption and sanitation for various industries" were developed on the instructions of the State Committee for Science and Technology of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and by decision of the Meeting of Heads of Water Management Authorities (SRVO) of the countries - members of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance. They were approved by the Meeting of Heads of Water Management Bodies of the CMEA Member Countries at a meeting of September 16-19, 1975, while their use in the CMEA member countries was recognized as expedient, taking into account local specific conditions. The norms are suitable for application for the period 1978-1990. with adjustments for subsequent five-year periods. These standards are based on previously developed standards and supplemented with water quality requirements, data on the composition of wastewater and standards for a number of new industries.

204 research and design institutes of sectoral ministries and departments of the USSR, including the head ones: Giprotorf, NIIOSugol, VNIPIChermetenergoochistka, Kazmekhanobr, Teploelektroproekt, BashNIPIneft, VNIISPTneft, VNIPITRANSGAZ, All-Union Association Neftekhim, Voronezh branch of VNIISK , Rezinoproekt, VNIIKhSZR, KIOKHIM, GIGHS, VNIIG, GIAP, Lenniigiprokhim, VNIISV, VNIIV, GIPILKP, Giproplast, NIIPM, KazNIItekhfotoproekt, Giprolesprom, VNPobumprom,

TsNILKHI, IVNITI, Giproniisakhprom, TsNIIPromzernoproekt, Giprorybprom, CaspNIRKH, Giprorybproject, VNIIMP, VNIMI, Giproavtoprom, Gipropribor, Giprostanok, Giproavtotrans, Giprostroydormash, PKTIremont, Giprotyazhmash, NIIOGAZ, VNIIzheldortransporta, TsPKBremstroyproekt, NIPIOTSTROM, Giprokinopoli, Giprokinopoli, Gipromash, VNIIproektasbestotsement, Giprostroymaterialy, VNIIproektpolimerkrovlya, Giprotsement, VNIInerud, PKB GIS, Gipro-saitekhprom, VNIIzhelezobeton, VNIIteploizolyatsiya, as well as institutes of other CMEA member countries: economy of the German Democratic Republic, the Institute of the Environment and the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management of the Polish People's Republic, the Institute of Water Management of the Socialist Republic of Romania, the Research Institute of Water Management of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic. General management and coordination of work was carried out by VNII VODGEO (Director of the Institute, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. S. V. Yakovlev).

A F. Shabalin

"Enlarged norms of water consumption and sanitation for various industries" prepared for printing by the laboratory of water consumption and sanitation

nia - leader

and water disposal G. N. Katyushina, art. engineers A. S. Kosyakova and L. I. Skripnichenko. The work was attended by Art. technician M. G. Vasilyeva. At the last stage, work on the preparation of standards for printing was carried out in the laboratory of recycling water supply - head of Cand. tech. Sciences V. A. Gladkov.

Head of Water Consumption Standards Sector


The aggregated water consumption rate includes all water consumption at the enterprise, both production (including steam generation) and household and drinking, per soul, as well as in canteens, laundries, etc. (without water consumption in a residential village or city). The wastewater discharge rate includes wastewater released into water bodies - treated industrial and domestic, industrial, not requiring special treatment (cooling water), and filtration from clarification ponds, tailings and sludge reservoirs, classified as a unit of the main product or raw material.

The rate of water consumption and water disposal and water loss are determined by: a) the nature of production, the composition of raw materials and the resulting product; b) the role of water in the production process; c) water supply and sewerage scheme; d) the quality of the source water; e) conditions for the use of water (heating temperature, composition and degree of pollution) and the possibility of regeneration (cleaning and processing); f) geographical and climatic, engineering-geological and hydrological conditions.


The following terminology is adopted in the Consolidated Norms for Water Consumption and Sanitation.

Recycled (circulating) water is water used in the technological process or for cooling products and equipment and, after cleaning and cooling in cooling towers or other structures, is again supplied for the same purposes.

Sequentially used water - water used in turn in several production processes or in equipment without intermediate treatment and cooling with subsequent release into a reservoir.

Technical fresh water - natural source water supplied for production purposes (purified or unpurified); can be supplied directly to consumers or to replenish the circulating water supply system.

Drinking water - water intended for household and drinking purposes, but can also be used for production needs; according to its quality meets the requirements of GOST for drinking water.

Waste water - water used in the production process and discharged into a reservoir.

Waste water, reused - water that, after being used in a technological process (or in everyday life) and appropriate purification and treatment, is partially or completely reused for certain technological purposes or for replenishing circulating water supply systems.

Water consumption - the amount of water (flow) used for certain purposes per unit of time.

Disposal - the amount of wastewater discharged into a reservoir or watercourse per unit of time.

Water quality is a set of physical, chemical, biological and bacteriological indicators that determine the suitability of water for use in industrial production, everyday life, etc.

Water quality requirements - quality indicators that water must meet for the most efficient use of it in the process.


Aggregated norms of water consumption and water disposal per unit of production are intended for the development of forecasts, feasibility studies and the design of water supply and sewerage schemes for industrial units, economic and administrative regions, as well as for the preparation of general schemes for the integrated use and protection of water resources of river basins, individual regions, republics or the whole country.

The enlarged norms of water consumption and sanitation can be applied in the design of both newly built and reconstructed water supply and sewerage systems of industrial enterprises.

Guided by these Aggregate Norms, it is possible to establish differentiated norms or assess the rationality of water use at each operating enterprise.


The book for each industry contains the names of industries, the raw materials they use and the resulting product, for which the aggregated rate of water consumption, its losses and wastewater discharge into the reservoir, as given in the tables, is established. The tables of norms indicate the type and method of production (column 2).

Water at industrial enterprises is used, as a rule, for auxiliary purposes and is included in the composition of products only in some industries in relatively small quantities. According to the role played by water in industrial water supply systems, it can be divided into four categories:

Category I water is used to cool equipment and product in heat exchangers (without contact with the product); water only heats up and practically does not become polluted (with serviceable heat exchangers);

water of category II is used as a medium that absorbs and transports impurities, without heating (mineral processing, hydrotransport); water is polluted with mechanical and dissolved impurities, but does not heat up;

The role of water in each production is indicated in the text.


The rate of water consumption and the amount of wastewater released into the reservoir are indicated in the tables for a particular water supply system (scheme) (column 4), described in the text for production: with directness -

nym (single) use of water (Fig. 1, a); with sequential (two or three) use of water (Fig. 1.6); with water circulation (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Water recycling schemes

a - with cooling; b - with cleaning; e - with cooling and purification of circulating water; P - production, O - recycled water cooler, NS - pumping stations; VS - water treatment facilities; K - chamber for adding and treating water; Q n - water consumption for production; Q n .n - water losses in production; Q Hcn - loss of water for evaporation; Q o - consumption of waste water; Q un - loss of water for entrainment, Q c6p - flow rate of discharged water;<3д 0 б - расход добавочной воды; <З оСа д - потери воды с удаляемыми осадками

According to the requirements of the Fundamentals of Water Legislation of the USSR and the Union Republics (Article 24), the water supply system should, as a rule, be with water circulation for the entire industrial enterprise or in the form of closed cycles for individual workshops; at the same time, the necessary treatment of waste water, cooling of circulating water, treatment and reuse of waste water (without release into water bodies) should be provided. Sequential or direct-flow use of water for industrial needs with the discharge of treated wastewater into a reservoir should be allowed only if it is impossible or inappropriate to use it in the circulating water supply system and, as a rule, without treatment with chemical reagents.

The rate of water disposal is determined by the rate of water consumption and water losses in the process of its use in accordance with the adopted water supply scheme for an enterprise or production. When establishing the norm of water disposal, the following are taken into account:

a) the feasibility of extracting and using valuable substances contained in wastewater;

b) the necessary and possible degree of wastewater treatment from pollution received by them in the process of use;

c) requirements for industrial water in systems of sequential and circulating water supply.

With direct-flow water supply (see Fig. 1, a), the amount of wastewater discharged into the reservoir Q CT is determined by the formula

Qct - Q (Qe.n N "Fshl)\u003e (O

where Q is the amount of technical fresh water taken from the reservoir; Q 6n - irretrievable loss of water;<3 ШЛ - потери воды, удаляемой со шламом (осадками из сооружений по очистке сточных вод).

With a water supply scheme with sequential use of water (see Fig. 1.6) used in the first (P-1) and second (P-2) pro-

In production, water is returned to the same reservoir, as in the once-through scheme, minus losses.

Three main schemes of circulating water supply are possible (see Fig. 2) according to the purpose of water in production.

If water is a heat carrier and only heats up during use without becoming contaminated, then in the circulating water supply system this water is pre-cooled in a pond, spray pool or cooling tower before reuse for the same purposes (see Fig. 2, a).

If water serves as a medium transporting mechanical and dissolved impurities, and during use becomes contaminated in the circulating water supply system, this water is treated in a clarification pond, settling tanks, filters, etc. before reuse (see Fig. 2, b) .

With the complex use of water, when it is a transport medium and simultaneously serves as a heat carrier, for example, when cleaning gases, etc., the water in the circulating water supply system is cleaned of contaminants and cooled before reuse (see Fig. 2, c).

At the enterprises of a certain industry, one or another type of water use may be predominant.

In all cases, with recycling water supply for individual industries, there is a common drain of the enterprise, the water of which (after appropriate purification and processing) can be fully or partially reused to replenish the recycling water supply systems (for example, according to the scheme shown in Fig. 3); At the same time, atmospheric precipitation (rain and snow) and drainage groundwater can also enter the general drain.


For water supply systems, it is recommended to draw up a water balance that includes losses, necessary discharges and the addition of water to the system to compensate for the loss from it. In some industries, there may also be water entering the system with raw materials or processed intermediates.

The total loss of water from the circulating water supply system (in relation to the scheme shown in Fig. 2) per unit of time or per unit of production consists of the costs shown in Table. one.

Loss of water from the system

Table 1. Inflow and loss of water in the water supply systems of the enterprise

Water inflow to the system Q nocT

1. With raw materials and semi-finished products Qcbip

2. With auxiliary substances (fuel, reagents, etc.) Q B cn

3. With precipitation (rain, snowmelt)<2атм

4. In the form of mine or mine drainage, underground (drainage), infiltration water, etc. Fpodz

5. From the source of water supply Q H st

6. Waste water reused AFTER CLEANING, Qct.hobt

1. Irreversible consumption - carry away with the product and waste Qe.n

2. For watering floors, driveways, plantings (Zpol

3. Evaporation in the circulating water cooler<2исп

4. Entrainment with air from the circulating water cooler Q yH

5. Natural evaporation from the water surface Qncii.eCT

6. Transpiration by the vegetation of the reservoir<3трансп

7. Filtration from the water supply system into the soil (2f

8. Discharge of water into reservoirs for refreshing circulating water (purging)

9. Discharge of sewage itself into the reservoir Qc6p.ct

Irreversible consumption and losses of water in production at the places of its use<3б.п складывается из количеств уносимой с продуктом Qy H .npoA и с отходами Q yH .oTx воды, определяемых технологическим расчетом.

Water consumption for irrigation of floors, driveways and plantings (2 Pol is determined according to SNiP P-31-74.

Losses of water for evaporation during its cooling in cooling towers, spray pools, cooling ponds and natural reservoirs that receive heated water, Q mca can be determined with sufficient approximation by the formula

С?кп “CiQoA^, (2)

where Dt - water temperature difference, deg; is calculated as the temperature difference between the heated U and the water supplied to the consumer 11; Q 0 - the amount of cooling circulating water, m 3 /h; C± - coefficient of water loss to evaporation.

For cooling towers and spray pools, the coefficient C\ is taken depending on the air temperature (by dry bulb):

Temperature, ®С ...... ....... About 10 20 30

Coefficient Ci............. 0.0010 0.0012 0.0014 0.0015

For cooling ponds and clarification ponds for recycled water, the coefficient Cj is taken depending on the natural temperature of the water in the reservoir:

The natural temperature of the water in the reservoir, ®С. 0 10 20 30

Coefficient Ci..... 0.0007 0.0009 0.0011 0.0013

  • Analysis of the state of settlements on accounts payable that arose in budgetary and extrabudgetary activities, the reasons for its formation, growth or decrease.
  • Analytical adjustments to the calculation of profit due to inflation
  • (household and drinking needs).

    The annual volume of water consumption for household and drinking needs of the enterprise Ukrainian State Center for the Operation of Specialized Cars (Ukrspetsvagon) is determined by the formula:

    W xp \u003d W p + W d + W st + W pr + W m + W fri, m³ / year

    5.3.1. Volume of water consumption for drinking needs of workers and employees.

    The enterprise currently employs 1848 people, of which 992 are workers, 266 employees, 590 workers in workshops with heat release over 84 kJ.

    The annual volume of water consumption for the drinking needs of workers and employees is determined by the formula:

    W p = ∑q n n n N 0.001

    W p \u003d ((25 972 + 45 590 + 15 266) 252 + 20 25 365)) 0.001 \u003d

    14002.2 m³/year.

    W bp p \u003d W p 0.015 \u003d 14002.2 0.015 \u003d 210.0 m³ / year.

    Then, the volume of water disposal will be:

    W in p \u003d 14002.2 - 210.0 \u003d 13792.2 m³ / year.

    5.3.2. The volume of water consumption for shower installations.

    The annual volume of water consumption for shower installations is determined by the formula:

    W d = q n N k

    W d \u003d 0.5 248 2 252 \u003d 62496.0 m³ / year.

    The amount of irretrievable losses is 2.5%, i.e.

    W bp d \u003d W d 0.025 \u003d 62496.0 0.025 \u003d 1562.4 m³ / year.

    W water d \u003d 62496.0 - 1562.4 \u003d 60933.6 m³ / year.

    5.3.3. The volume of water consumption for the needs of canteens.

    In canteens, fresh water is used for cooking, washing and rinsing dishes. A washing machine is used for washing and rinsing dishes. The water consumption for the operation of the dishwasher is determined by the formula:

    W st \u003d n t T

    W st \u003d 0.38 5 252 \u003d 478.8 m³ / year.

    Water consumption for cooking is determined by the formula:

    W p \u003d q m T

    W p \u003d 0.012 1460.0 252 \u003d 4415.0 m³ / year.

    The total annual volume of water consumption for the needs of the canteen will be:

    W st \u003d 478.8 + 4415.0 \u003d 4893.8 m³ / year.

    The amount of irretrievable losses is 2%, i.e.

    W bp st \u003d W st 0.02 \u003d 4893.8 0.02 \u003d 97.9 m³ / year.

    The volume of water disposal will be:

    W in st \u003d 4893.8 - 97.9 \u003d 4795.9 m³ / year.

    5.3.4. The volume of water consumption for the laundry.

    Laundry is used to wash industrial clothes.

    The annual volume of water consumption of the laundry is determined by the formula:

    W pr \u003d q n N

    W pr \u003d 0.075 220 252 \u003d 4158.0 m³ / year.

    The amount of irretrievable losses is 30%, i.e.

    W bp pr \u003d W pr 0.3 \u003d 4158.0 0.3 \u003d 1247.4 m³ / year.

    Then the volume of water discharge will be:

    W in pr \u003d 4158.0 - 1247.4 \u003d 2910.6 m³ / year.

    4.3.5. The volume of water consumption for first-aid posts.

    In the first-aid posts, patients are received and medical procedures are performed. Medical posts are visited by 37,296 people per year (or 148 people per day).

    The annual volume of water consumption of first-aid posts is determined by the formula:

    W m \u003d 0.015 37296.0 \u003d 559.4 m³ / year.

    The amount of irretrievable losses is 1.5%, i.e.

    W bp m \u003d W m 0.015 \u003d 559.4 0.015 \u003d 8.4 m³ / year.

    Then the volume of water discharge will be:

    W in m = 559.4 - 8.4 = 551.0 m³ / year.

    5.3.6. Watering the territory

    The volume of water consumption for irrigation of the territory is calculated by the formula:

    W pt \u003d ∑q i S i n 0.001

    W pt \u003d (5 72000 + 0.5 27000) 50 0.001 \u003d 18675.0 m³ / year

    The volume of irretrievable water consumption is equal to the volume of water consumption i.e.

    W bw fri = 18675.0 m³/year

    Thus, the total volume of water consumption for household and drinking needs of the enterprise Ukrainian State Center for the Operation of Specialized Cars (Ukrspetsvagon) will be:

    W xp \u003d W p + W d + W st + W pr + W m + W pt

    W xn \u003d 14002.2 + 62496.0 + 4893.8 + 4158.0 + 559.4 + 18675.0 \u003d

    104784.4 m³/year.

    The volume of irrevocable water consumption will be:

    W bv xp \u003d 18675.0 m³ / year.

    The amount of irretrievable losses will be:

    W bp xp \u003d W bp p + W bp d + W bp st + W bp pr + W bp m

    W bp xp \u003d 210.0 + 1562.4 + 97.9 + 1247.4 + 8.4 \u003d 3126.1 m³ / year.

    From here, the volume of water disposal will be:

    W in xn \u003d W in p + W in d + W in st + W in pr + W in m

    W in xp \u003d 13792.2 + 60933.6 + 4795.9 + 2910.6 + 551.0 \u003d

    82983.3 m³/year.

    The data of the water management balance of the enterprise Ukrainian State Center for the Operation of Specialized Cars (Ukrspetsvagon) are summarized in Table 5.2.

    Table 5.2.

    Water management balance of the enterprise Ukrainian State Center for the Operation of Specialized Cars (Ukrspetsvagon).

    Water use Annual volume (m³/year) Daily volume (m³/day)
    Water consumption
    TOTAL: including: for technological needs for auxiliary needs for domestic and drinking needs 334553,9 175921,3 53848,2 104784,4 1327,5 698,0 213,7 415,8
    Dead Losses
    14574,4 4895,0 6553,3 3126,1 57,8 19,4 26,0 12,4
    Irrevocable water consumption
    TOTAL: including: in technological processes in auxiliary processes for household and drinking water use 86295,7 62072,7 5548,0 18675,0 342,4 246,3 22,0 74,1
    TOTAL: including: from technological processes from auxiliary processes from household and drinking water use 233683,8 108953,6 41746,9 82983,3 927,3 432,3 165,7 329,3

    5.4. Calculation of specific balance norms of water consumption and water disposal.

    5.4.1. The value of the specific balance rate of water consumption (N b. s) is determined by the formula:

    N b. s = N b.tech + N b.vsp + N b.khp

    where: N b.tech \u003d W those / Q s; N b.sp \u003d Wsp / Q s; N b.xp \u003d W xn / Q s.

    Accepted for calculation: W tech = 175921.3 m³/year; Wsp \u003d 53848.2 m³ / year; W xp \u003d 104784.4 m³ / year; Q s = 190,000 thousand UAH.

    N b.tech \u003d 175921.3 / 190000 \u003d 0.926 m³ / thousand. UAH;

    N b.vsp \u003d 53848.2 / 190000 \u003d 0.283 m³ / thousand UAH;

    N b.x \u003d 104784.4 / 190000 \u003d 0.551 m³ / thousand. hryvnia,

    N b. s = 0.926 + 0.283 + 0.551 = 1.76 m³/ths. UAH

    5.4.2. The value of the specific balance rate of circulating water (H about s) is determined by the formula:

    N about s \u003d N about those + N about aux

    where: H about vsp \u003d W about those / Q s; H about rev \u003d W about rev / Q s.

    Accepted for calculation: W about those = 112670.0 m³ / year; W rev = 274176.0 m³ / year.

    N about those \u003d 112670.0 / 190000 \u003d 0.593 m³ / thousand. UAH;

    N about vsp = 274176.0 / 190000 = 1.443 m³ / thousand. UAH;

    H about s \u003d 0.547 + 1.443 \u003d 2.036 m³ / thousand. UAH

    5.4.3. The value of the specific balance rate of irreversible water consumption (Nbw s) is determined by the formula:

    N bv s \u003d N bv those + N bv aux + N bv x

    where: N bv those \u003d W bv those / Q s; N bv rev \u003d W bv rev / Q s; N bv x \u003d W bv xp / Q s.

    Accepted for calculation: W bv those = 62072.7 m³ / year; W bw vsp = 5548.0 m³ / year;

    W bv xp \u003d 18675.0 m³ / year;

    N bv those \u003d 62072.7 / 190000 \u003d 0.327 m³ / thousand. UAH;

    N bvvv = 5548.0 / 190000 = 0.029 m³ / thousand. UAH;

    N bv xp \u003d 18675.0 / 190000 \u003d 0.098 m³ / thousand. UAH;

    H bw s = 0.327 + 0.029 + 0.098 = 0.454 m³/thous. UAH

    5.4.4. The value of the specific balance rate of deadweight losses (N bp s) is determined by the formula:

    N bp s \u003d N bp those + N bp aux + N bp x

    where: N bp tech = W bp tech / Q s ; N bp rev \u003d W bp rev / Q s; N bp x \u003d W bp xp / Q s.

    Accepted for calculation: W bp tech = 4895.0 m³/year; W bp vsp \u003d 6553.3 m³ / year; W bp xp \u003d 3126.1 m³ / year.

    N bp tech \u003d 4895.0 / 190000 \u003d 0.026 m³ / thousand. UAH;

    N bp aux = 6553.3 / 190000 = 0.034 m³/thous. UAH;

    N bp x \u003d 3126.1 / 190000 \u003d 0.016 m³ / thousand. hryvnia,

    N bp s \u003d 0.026 + 0.034 + 0.016 \u003d 0.076 m³ / thousand UAH

    5.4.5. The value of the specific balance rate of water disposal (N bw s) is determined by the formula:

    H in s \u003d H in those + H in aux + H in x

    where: H in those \u003d W in those / Q s; H in rev \u003d W in rev / Q s; H in x \u003d W in xn / Q s.

    Accepted for calculation: W in those = 108953.6 m³/year; W in aux = 41746.9 m³/year; W in xp \u003d 82983.3 m³ / year.

    H in those \u003d 108953.6 / 190000 \u003d 0.573 m³ / thousand. UAH;

    H in aux \u003d 41746.9 / 190000 \u003d 0.220 m³ / thousand. UAH;

    H in x \u003d 82983.3 / 190000 \u003d 0.437 m³ / thousand. hryvnia,

    H in s \u003d 0.573 + 0.220 + 0.437 \u003d 1.23 m³ / thousand. UAH

    The results of calculations of specific balance norms of water consumption, irretrievable water consumption, irretrievable losses and wastewater disposal are presented in tables 5.3; 5.4; and 5.5.

    7. Calculation of water consumption and wastewater limits

    For operational control over the amount of water consumed and discharged, water consumption and water disposal limits are set for enterprises.

    Water consumption limits - this is the estimated amount of calculated water, determined taking into account their production program, water consumption standards, measures to reduce water consumption and the coefficient of uneven consumption.

    The water consumption limit is calculated by the formula:

    L \u003d K n N and.sv.s Q s - E + W pr,

    The initial data for calculating the limits of water consumption and water disposal are as follows:

    Q s = 190000 thousand UAH

    N those \u003d 0.926 m³ / thousand m UAH

    Nsp = 0.283 m³/thous. UAH

    N b.c.p. = 0.551 m³/ths. UAH

    The consumption limit for fresh drinking water will be:

    L n \u003d 1 (0.926 + 0.283 + 0.551) 190000 \u003d 334.4 thousand m 3 / year.

    The water discharge limit is calculated:

    L in \u003d K n N in i.sv. s Q s - E in + W in pr,

    H in those \u003d 0.573 m³ / thousand. UAH

    H in aux = 0.220 m³/thous. UAH

    N in b.c.p. = 0.437 m³/ths. UAH

    N in b.pr. = 174.06 m³/ths. UAH

    L in \u003d 1 (0.573 + 0.220 + 0.437) 190000 + 174.06 \u003d 407.76 thousand m 3 / year.


    1. Methodology for rozrahunkiv petih balance norms of water supply and water supply at the enterprises of the outdoor transport of Ukraine. Kiev 1997.

    2. Water Code of Ukraine. Kyiv, 1995

    3. Rules for the use of public water supply and sanitation systems in cities and towns of Ukraine. Kyiv, 1994

    4. Sewerage of populated areas and industrial enterprises. Designer's Handbook. M: Stroyizdat, 1987

    5. Instructions for the regulation of water consumption at motor transport enterprises of the Ministry of Motor Transport of the Ukrainian SSR. RD 200 Ukrainian SSR 91-82

    6. SNiP 2.04.02-84. Water supply. External networks and structures. Gosstroy of the USSR.- M.: Stroyizdat, 1984

    7. SNiP 2.04.01-85. Internal plumbing and sewerage of buildings. Gosstroy of the USSR.- M .: CITP Gosstroy of the USSR, 1985

    8. SNiP 2.04.03-84. Sewerage. External networks and structures. Gosstroy of the USSR.- M .: CITP Gosstroy of the USSR, 1984

    9. Steam boilers, vessels and steam pipelines (collection of official materials). "Technique", Kyiv, 1972

    10. V.A. Vorobyov, A.G. Komar. Construction Materials. Publishing house of literature on construction. M.:, 1971

    11. A.I. Zhukov and others. Sewerage of industrial enterprises. Publishing house of literature on construction. M.:, 1969

    13. Scientific and applied reference book on the climate of the USSR. Series 3 Long-term data. Ch. 1-6. Issue. 10. Ukrainian SSR. Book 1. L., 1990

    14. Hydrosphere. Rules for control over the removal of rain and snow wastewater from the territories of cities and industrial enterprises / State Standard of Ukraine, DSTU 3013-95. - Kyiv, 1995

    15. Marzeev A.N., Zhabotinsky V.N. Communal hygiene. M. Medicine, 1979, 576 p.

    16. Trakhtman N.N., Izmerov N.F., communal hygiene. M. Medicine, 1974, 328 p.

    The arrangement of communications during the construction or modernization of a house is a rather complicated and responsible process.

    Already at the design stage of these two important engineering systems, it is necessary to know and strictly observe the rules of water supply and sanitation in order to avoid further operational problems and conflicts with environmental services.

    In our material, we will try to deal with these difficult, at first glance, rules, and tell our readers why a water meter is needed, and how to correctly calculate the volume of water consumption.

    Rules for compiling the water balance

    The calculation of the ratio of water consumption and wastewater is made for each facility individually with an assessment of its specifics.

    The purpose of the building or premises, the number of future users, the minimum (maximum) estimated water consumption for domestic or industrial needs are taken into account. All water is taken into account - drinking, technical, its reuse, wastewater, storm discharge into the sewer.

    Declaration on the composition and properties of wastewater - it is handed over by certain categories of subscribers

    Goals and objectives to be solved by the balance sheet:

    1. Obtaining a permit for water consumption and sanitation when connected to a centralized system;
    2. Selection of water and sewer pipes of optimal diameter;
    3. Calculation of other parameters - for example, the power of a submersible pump, if we are talking about the use of a well in a private household;
    4. Obtaining a license for the right to use natural resources (relevant again for the above example - your own independent source of water);
    5. Conclusion of second-order contracts - let's say you rent an area in an office center, the subscriber of the city water canal is the owner of the building, and all tenants receive water from his (owner's) water supply and discharge waste into his sewer. Therefore, the owner of the building must pay.

    The water management balance is a table that shows the ratio of water used and wastewater discharged for the year.

    There is no single form approved at the federal level for such a table, but the initiative is not prohibited, and vodokanals offer their filling samples for customers.

    The balance of water consumption and sanitation can be compiled independently in MS Excel or you can use the help of sewerage and water supply design specialists

    In general terms, the compilation of a water balance for a small enterprise will look like this:

    • Step 1. We enter consumer groups with numbering, name and quantitative characteristics in the first three columns.
    • Step 2 We are looking for standards for each group for water consumption, using internal technical regulations (for the operation of bathrooms and showers), certificates (from the personnel department on the number of personnel, from the canteen on the number of dishes, from the laundry on the volume of washing), SNiP 2.04.01-85 - " Internal plumbing and sewerage of buildings.
    • Step 3 We calculate the total water consumption (cubic meters / day), determine the sources of water supply.
    • Step 4 We enter data on water disposal, noting separately irretrievable losses (watering lawns, water in the pool, etc. that does not go down the drain).

    As a result, a reasonable difference between water disposal and water consumption can be 10-20%. Values ​​up to 5% are neglected, as a rule, and it is considered that the discharge into the sewer is 100%.

    In addition to timely payment for water supply and sanitation services, the subscriber assumes other obligations

    Requirements for installing water meters

    Accurately calculated water management balance is a significant argument in justification. With him, you can try to challenge the inflated average tariffs of the supplier, including the cost of water losses as a result of accidents on the pipeline, repair work, leaks in the basements, prove the need to take into account the seasonality factor, etc.

    Practice shows, however, that the truth is not easy to achieve, and the best way out is. According to his testimony, the amount of water used is determined to the drop.

    If there is a meter, the calculation for water is simplified: it is multiplied by the price of 1 cubic meter of water. So, both on pipes with cold and hot water. It is important to monitor the safety of the seals and periodically (once every few years) check the serviceability.

    For sewer systems, waste water meters are not provided (with the exception of specific industrial enterprises). Their volume is equal to the volume of water consumed.

    Common houses and contribute to saving housing and communal costs. The amount of money in the receipt directly depends on the number of saved cubic meters. The mass introduction of water meters into the life disciplines the employees of water utilities. It is no longer possible to uncontrollably write off losses from water losses in worn-out water supply and sewerage networks to the consumer.

    The water supply rules are supplemented by provisions regarding the installation of meters and their commissioning. You can install the device with your own hands and invite a master to seal the house.

    There are two requirements for installing a water meter:

    1. Install a coarse filter in front of the appliance to protect against small debris in tap water.
    2. Use a non-return valve at the outlet of the meter in order to prevent it from spinning in the opposite direction.

    Before purchasing the meter, it is necessary to check its passport data and compare them with the numbers available on the body and parts of the device. You also need to inquire about and make sure that the installation kit is available.

    Check the functionality of the purchased device before purchasing it and before connecting it to the mains

    Examples of calculating water consumption and wastewater

    The load on pipelines and devices that provide uninterrupted water supply to various sanitary equipment (kitchen sink, bathroom faucet, toilet bowl, etc.) depends on its flow rates.

    In the calculation of water consumption, the maximum water consumption per day, hour and second (both total and cold and hot separately) is determined. There is a method of calculation for water disposal.

    Based on the results obtained, the parameters of the water supply system are set according to SNiP 2.04.01-85 - "" and some additional ones (meter passage diameter, etc.).

    Example 1: calculating volume using formulas

    Initial data:

    Private cottage with a gas water heater, 4 people live in it. Plumbing fixtures:

    • faucet in the bathroom - 1;
    • toilet bowl with flush tank in the bathroom - 1;
    • faucet in the sink in the kitchen - 1.

    It is required to calculate the water flow and select the cross section of the supply pipes in the bathroom, bathroom, kitchen, as well as the minimum diameter of the inlet pipe - the one that connects the house to a centralized system or water supply source. Other parameters from the mentioned building codes and rules for a private house are not relevant.

    The methodology for calculating water consumption is based on formulas and normative reference material. Detailed calculation methodology is given in SNiP 2.04.01-85

    1. Water consumption (max) in 1 sec. calculated by the formula:

    Qsec = 5×q×k (l/sec), where:

    q- water consumption in 1 sec. for one device according to paragraph 3.2. For the bathroom, bathroom and kitchen - 0.25 l / s, 0.1 l / s, 0.12 l / s, respectively (Appendix 2).

    k- coefficient from Appendix 4. Determined by the probability of plumbing action ( R) and their number ( n).

    2. Define R:

    P = (m×q 1)/(q×n×3600), where

    m- people, m= 4 people;

    q 1- the total maximum rate of water consumption for the hour of greatest consumption, q 1\u003d 10.5 l / h (appendix 3, the presence of water supply in the house, a bathroom, a gas water heater, sewage);

    q- water consumption for one device in 1 sec.;

    n- the number of units of plumbing, n = 3.

    Note: since the value q different, then replace q*n summing up the corresponding figures.

    P = (4×10.5)/((0.25+0.1+0.12)×3600) = 0.0248

    3. Knowing P and n, define k according to table 2 of appendix 4:

    k = 0.226- bathroom, toilet, kitchen (based on n × P, i.e. 1 × 0.0248 = 0.0248)

    k = 0.310- cottage as a whole (based on n × P, i.e. 3 × 0.0248 = 0.0744)

    4. Define Q sec:

    bathroom Q sec\u003d 5 × 0.25 × 0.226 \u003d 0.283 l / s

    bathroom Q sec\u003d 5 × 0.1 × 0.226 \u003d 0.113 l / s

    kitchen Q sec\u003d 5 × 0.12 × 0.226 \u003d 0.136 l / s

    cottage as a whole Q sec \u003d 5 × (0.25 + 0.1 + 0.12) × 0.310 \u003d 0.535 l / s

    So, the water consumption is received. We now calculate the cross section (inner diameter) of the pipes according to the formula:

    D = √((4×Q sec)/(PI×V)) (m), where:

    V– water flow velocity, m/sec. V\u003d 2.5 m / s according to paragraph 7.6;

    Q sec- water consumption in 1 sec., m 3 / sec.

    bathroom D= √((4×0.283/1000)/(3.14×2.5)) = 0.012 m or 12 mm

    bathroom D= √((4×0.113/1000)/(3.14×2.5)) = 0.0076 m or 7.6 mm

    kitchen D= √((4×0.136/1000)/(3.14×2.5)) = 0.0083 m or 8.3 mm

    cottage in general D \u003d √ ((4 × 0.535 / 1000) / (3.14 × 2.5)) \u003d 0.0165 m or 16.5 mm

    Thus, a pipe with an internal section of at least 12 mm is required for a bathroom, 7.6 mm for a bathroom, and 8.3 mm for a kitchen sink. The minimum diameter of the inlet pipe for supplying 3 plumbing fixtures is 16.5 mm.

    Example 2: simplified definition

    Those who are afraid of the abundance of formulas can make a simpler calculation.

    It is believed that the average person consumes 200-250 liters of water per day. Then the daily consumption for a family of 4 will be 800-1000 liters, and the monthly consumption - 24000-30000 liters (24-30 cubic meters). In private houses in the yards there are pools, summer showers, drip irrigation systems, i.e. part of the water consumption is irretrievably taken out into the street.

    Approximately a quarter of the total volume of water intended for household needs is drained into the toilet

    Water consumption is increasing, but still there is a suspicion that the approximate standard of 200-250 liters is unreasonably high. And indeed, after the installation of water meters, the same family, without changing their everyday principles, winds up 12-15 cubic meters on the meter. m, and in the economy mode it turns out even less - 8-10 cubic meters. m.

    The principle of water disposal in a city apartment is as follows: how much water we consume, how much we drain into the sewer. Therefore, without a counter, up to 30 cubic meters will be counted. m, and with a counter - no more than 15 cubic meters. m. Since in the private sector not all water consumed goes back to the sewer, it would be fair to use a reduction factor in the calculation of water disposal: 12-15 cubic meters × 0.9 \u003d 10.8-13.5 cubic meters. m.

    Both examples are conditional, but a table with a real calculation of water consumption and discharge, which can only be done by a qualified engineer, should be available for all economic entities (enterprises, housing stock) that take water for drinking, sanitary, industrial needs and discharge drains.

    Responsibility for the reliability of the data used in the calculation rests with the water user.

    In the bathroom and toilet, the owner of an apartment in a multi-storey building uses water much more often than in the kitchen. The owner of a country cottage has water use priorities depending on the full or partial availability of amenities

    Rationing is the basic rule of any calculations

    Each region has its own norms for water consumption (drinking, for sanitary and hygienic needs, in everyday life and households). This is explained by different geographical location, weather factors.

    Let's take the daily norms of volumetric parameters of water consumption and sanitation, distributed for needs in the economy and everyday life. Let's not forget that they are the same in terms of supply and drainage of water, but depend on how comfortable the dwelling is.

    Normative values ​​of water consumption:

    • with outdoor water column- from 40 to 100 liters per person;
    • apartment building without baths – 80/110;
    • same with baths gas heaters – 150/200;
    • with centralized cold and hot water supply – 200-250.

    For the care of pets, birds, there are also norms for water consumption. They include the cost of cleaning pens, cages and feeders, feeding, etc. 70-100 liters are provided for a cow, 60-70 liters for a horse, 25 liters for a pig, and only 1-2 liters for a chicken, turkey or goose.

    Due to a small water leak, the cost of water supply will increase significantly. Some reserve for unforeseen water consumption is better to take part in the balance calculation

    There are standards for the operation of vehicles: tractor equipment - 200-250 liters of water per day, a car - 300-450. It is supposed to plan the water consumption for fire fighting for all buildings and structures, regardless of the operational purpose.

    Even for garden societies there is no exception: the rate of water consumption for extinguishing a fire outside is 5 liters per second for 3 hours, for internal fires - from 2 to 2.5.

    Water for fire extinguishing is taken from the water supply. Fire hydrants are placed on water pipes in wells. If this is technically unfeasible or unprofitable, then you will have to take care of a reservoir with a supply of water. This water must not be directed to other purposes, the period for restoring the stock in the reservoir is three days.

    Irrigation water consumption per day: 5-12 l / m 2 for trees, shrubs and other plantings in open ground, 10-15 l / m 2 - in greenhouses and greenhouses, 5-6 l / m 2 - for lawn grass and flower beds . In industry, each industry has its own characteristics of rationing water consumption and wastewater disposal - pulp and paper production, metallurgy, petrochemistry, and the food industry are water-intensive.

    The main purpose of rationing is to economically justify the norms of water consumption and withdrawal in order to rationally use the water resource.

    For a day off (cleaning the apartment, washing, cooking, bathing in the shower and in the bath), the average daily water consumption can be exceeded by 2-3 times

    Relationship between water consumers and service provider

    By entering into a contractual relationship with the water supply and sewerage organization, you become a consumer of the water supply / sanitation service.

    Your rights as a user of the provided service:

    • require the supplier to continuously provide an appropriate service (normative water pressure, its chemical composition that is safe for life and health);
    • apply for the installation of water meters;
    • demand recalculation and payment of penalties in the event of the provision of services in an incomplete volume (the act must be drawn up within 24 hours after the application is submitted);
    • terminate the contract unilaterally, but subject to a 15-day notice of this and full payment for the services received;

    The subscriber has the right to receive information about payment (status of the personal account) free of charge.

    No water or barely flowing? Call the dispatch service and demand the arrival of a representative of the water utility to draw up an act

    List of rights of the second party:

    • stop (with a few days' notice) in full or in part the supply of water and the reception of wastewater in the unsatisfactory technical condition of the water supply networks and sewerage;
    • require admission to the territory of the client to take readings of water meters, check seals, inspect the water supply and sewer systems;
    • carry out preventive maintenance according to the schedule;
    • turn off water to debtors;
    • stop water supply without warning in case of accidents, natural disasters, power outages.

    Disputes and disagreements are resolved through negotiations or in court.

    Conclusions and useful video on the topic

    How to properly calculate water consumption:

    Water saver. Water consumption is reduced by 70:

    In order to perfectly understand the intricacies of water supply and drainage from the point of view of the rules, one must be a specialist with a specialized education. But everyone needs general information to understand how much water we get and how much we pay for it.

    Economical water consumption and bringing the specific consumption to the level of true needs are not mutually exclusive concepts, and this is worth striving for.

    If after studying the material you have any questions about calculations or water consumption rates, please ask them in the comments. Our experts are always ready to clarify incomprehensible points.

    The main types of water consumption are: household and drinking water consumption of residents of settlements; water consumption of industrial enterprises; water consumption associated with the improvement of territories (watering streets, green spaces, etc.); use of water for firefighting; own needs of the water supply system.

    Domestic and drinking water consumption. The norms of household and drinking water consumption in settlements are adopted according to SNiP 2.04.02 - 84 (Table 1.1).

    For building areas with buildings with water use from standpipes, the specific average daily (per year) water consumption per inhabitant should be taken as 30 ... 50 l / day.

    Specific water consumption includes water consumption for household needs in public buildings, with the exception of water consumption for rest houses, sanatorium-tourist complexes and health camps.

    The choice of specific water consumption within the limits indicated in table. 1.1, should be carried out depending on climatic conditions, the power of the water supply source and water quality, the degree of improvement, the number of storeys of the building and local conditions.

    The amount of water for the needs of the industry that provides the population with food, and unaccounted expenses, with appropriate justification, can be taken additionally in the amount of 10 ... 20% of the total water consumption for household and drinking needs of the settlement.

    Specific water consumption in settlements with a population of more than 1 million people is allowed to be increased upon justification in each individual case and agreement with the State Supervision authorities.

    The average daily (per year) volume of water consumption, m 3 / day, for household and drinking needs is determined by the formula

    where q W1 is the rate of specific water consumption, l / (day person), corresponding ith the degree of sanitary and technical improvement of residential buildings and taken according to Table. 1.1; Ni - the estimated number of residents living in residential areas with the i-th degree of improvement, at the end of the construction phase under consideration.

    The estimated number of inhabitants can be determined by the formula

    where Rj - j-th population density, persons/ha; Fij, - the area of ​​the residential area with the i-th degree of sanitary-technical improvement of buildings and the j-th population density, ha.

    For the correct calculation of water supply systems, it is necessary to know the sequence of their development and the water consumption corresponding to these sequences. The increase in water consumption during the development of the system is due to an increase in the population and an increase in the degree of sanitary and technical improvement of buildings. Accounting for the growth of water consumption is carried out by determining the estimated water consumption at the end of the corresponding development stage.

    Water consumption for household and drinking needs of the settlement is uneven throughout the year. Fluctuations in daily consumption are observed: seasonal, associated with changes in temperature and humidity in certain seasons, a also weekly and daily, due to the peculiarities of water consumption on different days of the week (weekdays, weekends, pre-holidays and holidays). Water supply systems must be designed to pass the maximum daily water flow, m 3 / day, equal to

    where Xut max = 1.1 ... 1.3 - the maximum coefficient of daily unevenness of water consumption, taking into account the lifestyle of the population, the mode of operation of enterprises, the degree of improvement of buildings, changes in water consumption by seasons of the year and days of the week, Qdaym - estimated (average per year) daily water consumption, m 3 / day, determined by the formula (1.1).

    In some cases, it is required to check the operation of the water supply system at a minimum daily water consumption, m 3 / day, determined by the formula

    where Todaymin= 0.7...0.9 minimum coefficient of daily uneven water consumption.

    Water consumption of industrial enterprises. At industrial enterprises (including agricultural enterprises), water is used for the technological needs of production, household and drinking needs of workers, as well as for their use of showers.

    The norms of water consumption for technological needs depend on the adopted technological process, the type of water supply system, water quality, etc.

    The average volumes of water consumption are determined by the types of water used (circulating, make-up) by multiplying its corresponding specific costs by the productivity of the technological process in the accepted units of values ​​(1 t, 1000 kW, etc.).

    In accordance with SNiP 2.04.01-85, the norms of water consumption for household and drinking needs of workers of industrial enterprises are taken equal for those working in shops with heat release of more than 84 kJ per 1 m 3 / h (hot shops) qr = 45 liters per shift per person; for other shops qX = = 25 l.

    The volume of water consumption per shift, m 3 / cm, is determined by the formula

    Qx/n = qrnr + qxnx, (1.5)

    where Pr, PX - the number of workers, respectively, in the shops with heat release more than 84 kJ per 1 m 3 / h and in the other shops for the shift in question.

    The water consumption for using the shower is determined based on the hourly water consumption

    per shower net 500 l for a duration of shower use 45 min. At the same time, the water consumption for taking a shower after the end of the shift, m 3 / h, is determined by the formula

    where N shower- the number of shower users on a given shift; a - the number of people per shower net.

    Water consumption associated with the improvement of urban areas and industrial sites. The norms of water consumption for watering green spaces, as well as washing the streets of settlements and territories of industrial enterprises, are adopted according to SNiP 2.04.02--84, depending on the type of coverage of the territory, the method of watering it, the type of plantings, climatic and other local conditions (Table 1.2) .

    The daily volume of water consumption, m 3 / day, for watering streets and green spaces is determined by the formula

    where Qpol - water consumption for irrigation, l / m 2, taken according to the table. 1.2; F - the area of ​​the territory of the settlement "gross" (including streets, squares, etc.), ha; a is the share of the irrigated territory of the settlement, %.

    In the absence of data on areas by types of improvement (green spaces, driveways, etc.), the average daily water consumption for irrigation during the irrigation season, m 3 / day, can be determined by the formula

    where qw p - specific rate of water consumption for irrigation per one inhabitant of a settlement, taken equal to 50.. 90 l / day per person, depending on climatic conditions, power, source of water supply, degree of improvement of the settlement and other local conditions; N- estimated number of inhabitants in the village.

    Total daily water consumption determined by individual groups of consumers supplied with water by the calculated water supply system.

    For a single water supply system serving all of the listed consumer groups, determine: average daily water consumption, m 3 / day,

    maximum daily water consumption, m3 day,

    In formulas (1.9) and (1.10) Qtech - daily water consumption for the technological needs of industrial enterprises.

    Water supply systems rely on the maximum daily water flow and check for a gap in the estimated fire-fighting flow.

    Use of water for fire fighting. In accordance with SNiP 2.04.02-84, the water consumption for external fire extinguishing (per one fire) and the number of simultaneous fires in a settlement for calculating the main (estimated ring) lines of the water supply network should be taken from Table. 1.3.

    With zoned water supply, the water consumption for external fire extinguishing and the number of simultaneous fires in each zone should be taken depending on the number of residents living in the zone.

    The number of simultaneous fires and water consumption per fire in settlements with more than 1 million inhabitants. a person should be taken in accordance with the requirements of the State Fire Supervision authorities.

    For a group water supply, the number of simultaneous fires is taken depending on the total number of inhabitants in the settlements connected to the water supply.

    Water consumption for external fire extinguishing of housing and industrial buildings for calculating the connecting and distributed lines of the water supply network, as well as the water supply network within a microdistrict or quarter, should be taken for the building requiring the highest water consumption, according to Table. 1.4.

    Water consumption per fire for outdoor fire extinguishing at industrial and agricultural enterprises should be taken for the building that requires the highest water consumption, according to Table. 1.5 and 1.6. The estimated number of fires in this case depends on the area they occupy: one fire - with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bup to 150 hectares, two fires - more than 150 hectares.

    The estimated duration of fire extinguishing is 3 hours; for buildings of I and II degrees of fire resistance with non-combustible load-bearing structures and insulation with production of categories G and D - 2 hours.

    The determination of the total fire water consumption in a settlement is carried out depending on the location of industrial or agricultural enterprises.

    Table 1.6 Water consumption standards for external fire extinguishing of industrial buildings with a width of 60 m and more

    If the enterprise is located within the city, the calculated number of simultaneous fires (Table 1.3) includes the fires of this enterprise. At the same time, the estimated water consumption should include the corresponding water consumption for fire extinguishing at these enterprises, if they are more than those indicated in Table. 1.3.

    When the enterprise is located outside the settlement, the estimated number of simultaneous fires should be taken:

    with the area of ​​the enterprise up to 150 hectares and the number of inhabitants in the settlement up to 10 thousand people - one fire (at the enterprise or in the settlement according to the highest water consumption); the same, with the number of inhabitants in the settlement over 10 to 25 thousand people - two fires (one at the enterprise and one in the settlement);

    with a territory of more than 150 hectares and with a population of up to 25 thousand people in a settlement - two fires (two at the enterprise or two in the settlement at the highest expense).

    if the number of inhabitants in a settlement is more than 25 thousand people, the water consumption should be determined as the sum of the required larger flow rate (at an enterprise or in a settlement) and 50% of the required lower flow rate (at an enterprise or in a settlement).

    In all cases, the water consumption for external fire extinguishing in a populated area must be no less than the water consumption for fire extinguishing of residential and public buildings indicated in Table. 1.4.

    Own needs of the water supply system. The water supply system should be considered as an industrial enterprise that consumes water for the household needs of workers, in technological processes and for fire fighting. The largest consumer of water used for own needs in the water supply system is the treatment plant.

    In accordance with SNiP 2.04.02-84, approximately average daily (for a year) water consumption for the own needs of clarification and disinfection stations should be taken: when reusing wash water in the amount of 3 ... 4% of the amount of water supplied to consumers; without reuse - 10...14%, for softening stations - 20...30%;

    The volume of water consumption for own needs of the water supply system affects the calculated productivity, m 3 / day, of water intake and treatment facilities (Fig. 1.1)

    where - maximum daily water consumption, m/day; α - coefficient taking into account the own needs of treatment facilities; for water intake facilities, a is taken equal to 1.03 ... 1.04 with water reuse and 1.1 ... 1.14 without reuse at clarification and iron removal stations, at softening stations 1.2 ... 1.3; for treatment facilities both with and without water reuse 1.10 ... 1.14 at softening and iron removal stations and 1.2 ... 1.3 at softening stations.

    Water use refers to the process of water consumption, its source is natural objects or water supply systems.

    It is customary to normalize water consumption, that is, to determine its measure established according to the plan. This is done taking into account the quality of the natural resource. As well as those standards that are approved for the release of a unit of industrial output.

    Why is regulation necessary?

    Its main task is to guarantee in production and in everyday life such volumes of use of water resources that will be most effective.

    Rationing in the field of public utilities is carried out on the basis of the relevant SNiPs; at industrial enterprises, specially developed guidelines are used for this. What exactly is subject to it?

    It is accepted to normalize the total amount of water consumed in the production of products (per unit), fresh drinking water, as well as technical water. In addition, take into account the water that is reused and recycled. As well as waste, i.e. sewer water (both discharged from the consumer and industrial).

    What data does SNiP "Water consumption standards" use

    The so-called specific value is taken as the basis for such normalization. What is the water consumption rate? This unit is equal to the maximum allowable volume of water accepted according to the plan (with appropriate quality), which is required for the production of a unit of production of a standard sample under certain production conditions or for consumption for drinking or economic purposes.

    The formation of specific norms is carried out by using their element-by-element components. What is included in them? Basically, we are talking about the specific water consumption for production (for each unit) or for the volume (area) of the enterprise. The same rate of water consumption by the enterprise exists for each individual process, which includes both its drinking and household needs.

    Another calculated value regulates those losses in the production cycle that are irretrievable. We are talking about leakage, evaporation, entrainment, filtration, etc. These are usually referred to as factory, industry and inter-sectoral. It is customary to measure standards in physical units (liters, cubic meters, etc.).

    About regulation of water disposal

    But specialists are interested not only in the rate of water consumption. It turns out that the exact opposite procedure is also subject to accounting. Drainage, that is, the discharge of water, is the process of removing wastewater outside the places where the primary use of the resource takes place (an enterprise, a settlement). They are removed to natural sources or transferred to specialized organizations for purification.

    Under the norms of water disposal is understood the planned maximum amount of wastewater, which is also taken per unit of output. In this case, water can refer to one of two degrees of pollution - conditionally (normatively) clean and requiring cleaning.

    In connection with the constant improvement of technologies, the norms of water consumption and sanitation are reviewed without fail every five years. They are calculated directly at the production site upon approval by management.

    How is water quality taken into account?

    The requirements for the quality and composition of drinking water in centralized water supply systems are set out on the pages of SanPiN, published in 2001.

    They are divided into 4 separate categories with their own requirements for each.

    I - water-heat carrier at thermal power plants, nuclear power plants, etc. The presence of mechanical impurities, rigidity and aggressiveness are excluded. The effluents of such water do not need to be cleaned, but can be hot.

    II - water for washing products, containers, raw materials. The drains are heavily polluted.

    III - raw water (for food products, in the construction industry, etc.).

    IV - water of complex use.

    Given this separation, the production technology is selected as rationally as possible with minimization of environmental damage.

    What is a water limit

    This is taken according to the results of the calculation, the basis of which is the rate of water consumption, the amount of drinking and technical water for each enterprise according to production conditions, planned losses, and a resource saving program.

    The water disposal limit is the amount of wastewater sent to a natural object, taking into account its condition and standard standards.

    Both of these limits, calculated and accepted directly at the enterprise, must be approved by the water use agency. They are accepted in the general case for a period of a year, but in a difficult situation with water resources - monthly or even daily.

    Water in public utilities

    Providing the population with drinking water is the most important matter of the state scale, one of the first duties of the authorities of any settlement. In the absence of clean water for drinking, diseases instantly arise - up to epidemics. There are still plenty of places in the world where access to acceptable quality water is an unaffordable luxury.

    In our country, the Water Code proclaims the priority of public water supply. First of all, regardless of the conditions, the population must be provided with clean water. Its supply should not be below the mark of 97% (this means that only three days out of a hundred water interruptions are permissible).

    Of course, this area also has its own norm of water consumption. water supply in this case is as follows.

    Household and drinking water supply is allocated 56%, public buildings - 17%, industry - 16%. The rest goes to other needs (firefighters - 3%, city - fountains, watering, etc. - 1%, the same amount for all others).

    Household water is consumed in the following percentage: for drinking and food purposes (cooking) - 30%, for washing - 10%, using bathtubs - 30%, flushing toilet bowls - 30%.

    Water consumption rates - a day in a big city

    Residents of large cities are provided with up to 600 l/day of water for all domestic and communal needs. This is the rate of water consumption per person. The cost structure looks like this:

    For personal needs - 200 l;

    For utilities - 100 liters;

    To maintain urban cleanliness - 100 liters;

    Enterprises of local importance - 200 l.

    For domestic water supply, the following is typical.

    The quality of water should be exceptionally high in terms of both physical properties (color, transparency, taste, smell) and chemical (hardness, salinity, acidity, composition of impurities) nature.

    The best water

    Quality standards (the first of them in our country dates back to 1937) tend to become tougher from year to year.

    What is it connected with? Science does not stand still, every year there are more and more new facts about the effect of certain substances on humans. Accordingly, the quality requirements for the composition of water are subject to revision.

    In order for water to meet quality standards, it is subjected to filtration, coagulation (precipitation of impurities), chlorination, removal of unwanted impurities and the introduction of the necessary impurities.

    On uneven consumption

    Another property of water consumption in the housing and communal services sector is a combination of relative uniformity of water consumption throughout the year with uneven daily consumption. If the percentage is no more than 15-20, then the difference is much greater per day (we spend about 70% of water in the daytime). Therefore, a special coefficient of non-uniformity (hourly and daily) has been developed. Thanks to him, the fluctuation in the consumption of water resources by hours and months is taken into account, which is required when designing supply systems. After all, their task is to ensure a guaranteed supply even in the mode of maximum water consumption.

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