Home Grape What to ask a girl to please. What questions can you ask a girl and what to talk to her about on a date. Smart questions for girls

What to ask a girl to please. What questions can you ask a girl and what to talk to her about on a date. Smart questions for girls

Many novice pick-up artists ask what vulgar questions can you ask a girl? In general, a vulgar question is an important tool of seduction, and sometimes without them it is generally difficult to overcome the friendly zone. But you need to ask the lady frank questions on time, and this should be learned. In this article I will tell you what vulgar questions you can ask a girl, and what you don’t need to ask in principle.

Candid questions for a girlfriend: simple rules

There are at least three rules to follow if you want to use frank questions to seduce:
  • First you need to achieve a certain trust between you and your new acquaintance. And therefore, if you do not know anything about it, ask first leading, vital questions. This will help you get to know her better and trust her more. Such is female psychology.
  • Leading questions will also help you determine which topics are taboo and which are allowed to be talked about. In addition, it will help you find out what topics excite her. In general, you need to learn how to calibrate all questions depending on her behavior and character. But only experience will help you with this.
  • However, if you immediately chose for yourself the so-called style of a sexual provocateur or the “bastard” style, then you will have to skip the first two points. After all, vulgar questions for girlfriends with a catch for them are not just a tool of seduction, but also a manner of communication. But then you should be prepared for the fact that you can successfully communicate so far only with a certain category of women. And only with experience this style will allow you to feel comfortable always and everywhere and like most of the fairer sex.

Dirty questions: examples

Of course, you can ask the girl any other frank question you have thought up.. Below I just give a list of those that I usually ask. And in general, when deciding what vulgar question can be asked to a girl, with little experience of such seduction, it is still worth starting with less vulgar ones. And then, when you see that your girlfriend reacts as it should, move on to more "heavy artillery" to consolidate your positions.

So, what are the vulgar questions:

  • The craziest thing you've ever done?
  • What attracts you the most in a man, and what do you pay attention to first of all?
  • Do you like men older than you or peers?
  • What is more important to you - money or love - wealth or relationships?
  • How long have you been kissing?
  • Which celebrity would you not want to sleep with?
  • What is your breast size?
  • Ever kissed a girl?
  • How do you feel about sex for money, are you ready to pay for it or would you prefer, on the contrary, to take money?
  • Do you like watching "adult movies" (porn)?
  • Do you do nude selfies?

  • Do you like sleeping naked?
  • Size matters?
  • What are the most sensitive places on your body?
  • What is your favorite position in sex?
  • What's the weirdest place you've had sex in?
  • What's the sexiest compliment you've ever been given?
  • What part of your body are you most proud of?
  • What do you do best in bed?
  • In what position do you most often experience an orgasm?
  • Do you have a sexual fantasy, if so, what is it?
  • Do you prefer soft and hard sex?
  • Never dated two guys at the same time?
  • Do you have nice sexy lingerie? What's on you now?
  • Do you want to kiss me?

What questions to ask a girl?

Vulgar questions and compliments - of course, communication with a girl is not limited to this. Not only that, at first, you need to “rock it” for such conversations, but also with further communication - after sex - you will have to talk about something. For this reason, it is very important to know what to say to a woman in bed!

But in general it’s better to immediately decide for yourself where you want your communication to lead. But since most often any normal guy wants to drag a girl into bed, it is rarely possible to do without vulgar questions to a girlfriend. However, there is something that in this case you definitely should not ask, and sometimes such questions completely repel any sympathy that has arisen for you.

I am talking now about the most boring and banal phrases, such as “what do you work for” and “where do you study”, “what do you want to become” or “what are you interested in”. To many, they seem convenient, because they provide an opportunity to develop a topic and catch on to something. But in fact, they do more harm. And with each such question, you are less and less interested in her as a man, and you move into the category of possible friends with whom you can just chat.

Moreover, at the first meeting, try to ask funny questions, a little frank. This will immediately set you apart from the crowd. But, in no case, do not ask them one by one, as in a list. Try in each case to develop the topic, be interested in her opinion. Show that you are interested in her as a person and as a sexual object. Almost always, before you ask a vulgar question to a friend, you need to prepare the ground for this. And for this, only interesting and cool questions are suitable. Examples of the first:

  • Are you into sports, if so what kind?
  • If you were invited to act in a movie, what role would you choose?
  • What clothes - style, colors - do you prefer?
  • What catches you more when communicating with a man - a voice, a look or a touch?
  • Do you like it when men stare at you?
What is good is that cool questions can be on a variety of topics. And if in the case of interesting questions, you need to seem a little bit serious, then here you can already joke. Examples of such questions:
  • If you were to turn into a man, what would you do?
  • Is there something for you that it’s definitely better not to tell your parents about?
  • What usually makes you blush?
  • Do you like to be in charge in relationships or do you prefer to be led?
  • What will you be when you grow up?


If you do not know what to talk about with a girl, you are unlikely to be able to seduce her. There are, of course, exceptions to this rule, for example, you are a muscular macho, and she is drunk and dreams of sex.

In most cases, you will have to not only keep the conversation going, but also seem interesting to her. But vulgar questions can help you get her into bed faster, and not stagnate in the friendship zone - if you ask them correctly and at the right time.
If you want to know even more secrets to seduce girls

The long-awaited decision to speak with the lady of the heart ... I want everything to go perfectly, so the dialogue needs to be thought through from and to. The chance of meeting in real life will directly depend on how interesting the guy seems to be to the girl.

A woman is an alien creature, sometimes illogical, she needs to be surprised, conquered and conquered.

To interest a girl at the stage of correspondence, you need to carefully prepare.

Top 100 texting questions to ask a girl and get her interested!


  1. What superhero do you associate yourself with?
  2. Would you like to be twice as rich or twice as smart?
  3. What act will you never do again?
  4. What makes you nervous?
  5. What habit do you want to give up?
  6. Who knows more about you than you yourself?
  7. Where would you like to go on a trip with friends?
  8. When you return to the past, what will you warn yourself and others about?
  9. What movie got into your heart?
  10. What upsets you the most in the world?
  11. Ideal people - a myth or reality?
  12. What song inspires good deeds?
  13. If rest, is it active or passive?
  14. At what age did you feel most comfortable?
  15. Are you able to take the first step towards reconciliation if you were wrong?
  16. Can you forgive mistakes?
  17. Which charitable foundation would you head?
  18. What celebrity would you like to switch places with?
  19. Which literary character reminds you of yourself?
  20. What character traits in men repel?
  21. How can you win the trust of others?
  22. What omens do you believe in?
  23. The scariest event in your life?
  24. What gift of fate do you dream of?
  25. What song is impossible to listen to?
  26. If you were a man for one day, where would you go first?
  27. Do you feel dependent on the opinion of the crowd?
  28. What do you like more: a private house or an apartment?
  29. If you wrote music, would it be happy or sad?
  30. Is it easy for you to spoil the mood?
  31. What kind of man should be next to you?
  32. What programs do you watch with interest?
  33. What should all people think about first of all?
  34. With a sweetheart in a hut, do you admit a heavenly feeling?
  35. What do your parents always praise you for?
  36. Is there a story that your friends always remind you of?
  37. What are the little things that catch your eye?
  38. What is your motto in life?
  39. If someone decides to write a book about you, what would they call it?
  40. Who do you go to with your problems?
  41. Are you a leader or a follower?
  42. In whose environment do you see yourself in old age?
  43. What time of the year attracts you the most?
  44. The most incredible disappointment in your life?
  45. Do you prefer to walk one stop or drive through?
  46. How does rain make you feel?
  47. The main gift or all the same attention?
  48. Has a miracle ever happened to you?
  49. Which politician is your idol?
  50. What accomplishment are you most proud of?
  51. Do you listen to outside advice?
  52. What have you learned from your own experience?
  53. What animal is similar to you in character?
  54. Have you ever had to sacrifice something for another person?
  55. What is the main quality you look for in people?
  56. What helps you take your mind off problems and routine?
  57. What holiday do you always look forward to the most?
  58. Can others call you generous, sincere, kind?
  59. How often do you want to say "no" but say "yes"?
  60. What makes life so easy?
  61. Where do you see yourself in 15 years?
  62. How often do you make excuses?
  63. Is it easy to part with the past, with what you need to give up a long time ago?
  64. What is a true friend?
  65. What does it mean to live to the fullest?
  66. Do you feel happy?
  67. Why can you quit what you started?
  68. Is it okay to steal to feed a homeless child?
  69. What movie content would your life be like?
  70. If your worst fear came true now, would it matter a year from now?
  71. How often are you late?
  72. Is it possible to judge a person by his first impression?
  73. What is stopping you from reaching your goal?
  74. At what age do you want to get married?
  75. Would you be a good psychologist?
  76. Do you have a signature dish?
  77. Have you ever experienced betrayal?
  78. Do you live one day at a time or carefully plan your future?
  79. What book will you never get tired of?
  80. What have you not realized yet?
  81. Have you ever witnessed injustice and kept silent?
  82. What do you like more: a bath or a shower?
  83. Have you ever had a mystical story?
  84. In what ways would you like to be bolder?
  85. What dreams have been realized?
  86. What must happen for you to break the Law?
  87. Who is allowed to criticize you?
  88. What were you thinking about when you decided to choose your profession?
  89. What is the ideal family like?
  90. What can be compared to you?
  91. What is better: to earn a lot or to devote your life to your favorite business?
  92. Are there phobias?
  93. Can you step into the same river twice?
  94. Who is your absolute authority?
  95. How long can a long distance relationship last?
  96. What are you grateful to God for?
  97. What qualities should an ideal wife have?
  98. How often do you break your principles?
  99. Are you a lucky person or do you achieve everything through hard work?
  100. What is your zodiac sign?

Questions when meeting on the Internet to get to know her better ...

Ask a girl VKontakte

  1. Your photos are always full of children. Do you work in a kindergarten?
  2. Would you like to change something in your appearance?
  3. How do you react when you are offered to meet on the street?
  4. Judging by the photo, do you like to relax in nightclubs?
  5. What was the last movie you watched at the cinema?
  6. Are you afraid to meet Vkontakte?
  7. What is your favorite vacation spot in your hometown?
  8. How often do you experiment with your looks?
  9. Would you marry a man who is much older or younger?
  10. What does your work mean to you?
  11. Would you like to return your student years?
  12. Do you agree with the statement that a pet looks like its owner?
  13. What attracts you in the work of Akhmatova?
  14. Who inspires you?
  15. There are so many different kinds of music in your playlist! Have a favorite performer?
  16. Do you build bridges or walls in communication?
  17. Can you drive or are you just learning?
  18. Is your Vkontakte status a motto or just a favorite phrase?
  19. Is your hobby just a hobby or is that how you make money?
  20. What do you remember about the past year?

What to ask a girl in ICQ?

  1. What film do you consider the pinnacle of cinematic art?
  2. Are you as emotional in real life as you are in correspondence?
  3. Are bad habits a personal matter?
  4. What would you like to learn from people from other countries?
  5. Who is your role model?
  6. How to resolve the dispute, if both believe that they are right?
  7. What takes up most of your time?
  8. Does the Internet help or hinder life?
  9. What sport is closer in spirit?
  10. What can make you hysterical?
  11. Why give people gifts?
  12. Do you like surprises or planned events?
  13. How to make friends with the enemy?
  14. Are you superstitious or do you think this is grandmother's fiction?
  15. Have you ever had to start life from scratch?
  16. How to overcome your own laziness?
  17. If you catch a goldfish, what would you ask her to do?
  18. Where to spend a vacation to remember for a lifetime?
  19. Do you often do stupid things?
  20. What gift would shock you?

Ask a girl on a dating site

  1. Who instilled in you an impeccable sense of style?
  2. Is it possible to arrange a personal life with the help of a dating site?
  3. What are your sources of inspiration?
  4. How many men have you driven crazy with one look?
  5. Do you believe in love at a distance?
  6. Are you making the most of life?
  7. With whom is it better to celebrate a birthday: with friends, parents, soulmate?
  8. What can make your day?
  9. How to intrigue a girl with one phrase?
  10. What should a person be proud of?
  11. What quality can you boast?
  12. What makes you stand out from other girls?
  13. What kind of music reflects your habitual state?
  14. What is the dream of the most beautiful girl on the site?
  15. How to make a person happy?
  16. How much time do you devote to your parents?
  17. Would you like to travel around the world?
  18. Is it necessary to get a second education?
  19. Why do girls always hide their age even when they look younger?
  20. What superpower would you never give up?

What would you like to ask in the morning by phone or SMS?

  1. Will we see each other today?
  2. When I woke up, I immediately thought of you... What were your thoughts about?
  3. What will you be doing today?
  4. How are you planning to spend the evening? Maybe we can have dinner?
  5. Let's wake up together tomorrow? The thought that you are not around is unbearable.
  6. How can I please you today?
  7. Can I come visit? I'll be with a cake and flowers!
  8. When will you spoil me with your presence?
  9. What did the most wonderful girl on the planet dream about?
  10. What time can I pick you up next time?
  11. How are you?

What to ask about her (personal) at the first meeting?

  1. What would you like to name your son?
  2. Could you tell a stranger about your problems?
  3. What fashion do you not understand?
  4. Will you believe a chronic deceiver if he confesses to lying and promises to tell only the truth from now on?
  5. Do you have any talent?
  6. What kind of people annoy you the most?
  7. What will you be nostalgic about when you get older?
  8. What makes you smile?
  9. Why can you fall in love with a person at first sight?
  10. What would you like to learn?
  11. Top 3 things you always have with you?
  12. What style of clothing do you prefer?
  13. What would be your reaction if I went on a date dressed as Shrek?
  14. Do you love to cook?
  15. What can you never part with?

If there is nothing to ask on a date: what to talk about to keep the conversation going?

When the conversation has reached a dead end, it is necessary to dilute the awkward pause with a joke: “Who would you give a bribe so that the topics of conversation never end?” The phrase will defuse the situation, make the interlocutor smile. If the girl turns out to be a big prude and she does not have an answer to the question, you need to ask about plans for the future.

Versatile conversation topics– travel (where I would like to spend a vacation), favorite vacation spots, books, films, happy memories from school/student years, why I chose my profession.

The main thing is not to bring the girl into the paint with questions about past relationships that did not work out, about something secret and intimate (chronic diseases, skeletons in the closet).

If the interlocutor is open enough, perhaps she will talk about her cherished dream.

On a date, you can fantasize: What century would you like to live in and why? Where would you spend a million? You can’t let the girl get bored, otherwise the second date may not take place.

How to ask anonymous or vulgar?

candid questions- this is a powerful tool for seduction, but they still need to learn how to wield. They must be asked on time in order to count on the continuation of the relationship.

There are at least 3 rules to follow:

The first is building trust. You can not ask about the secret "in the forehead." Immediately questions should be unobtrusive, with elements of flirting, trick, and only then intimate.

The second rule is the definition of taboo topics. Leading questions will help you identify them. If everything works out with the lady, rule number 2 will make the joint sexual life bright and rich.

The third rule is that everyone has their own degree of emancipation, which means you need to be able to choose the very question for the girl based on her demeanor, communication style. Here the assistant is only personal experience. It is necessary to prepare the ground, relax the interlocutor. You always need to develop the topic, and not “load” questions on the list.

Girls love confident, moderately arrogant guys, but a sense of confidence is always an acquired feeling, and it comes with experience. By learning how to ask dirty questions correctly, you can easily get out of the friend zone.

How to ask in an original way: “How are you” with a girl?

When the fantasy is at zero, but the girl still wants to be surprised, you need to use the whole arsenal and sometimes comic ones.

An alternative to the usual "How are you?":

  1. I saw you and immediately a bunch of questions: what did you do today?
  2. How was the day? Tell me, I'm interested!
  3. What interesting things happened today?
  4. Were you able to resolve all issues?
  5. What's new with the queen of my heart?
  6. It's important for me to hear from you! Tell me more, what did you do?
  7. Who is lucky enough to spend the day with you today?

"How are you" - more of a rhetorical question that does not require detailed answers. To hear the details, you need to ask open-ended questions.

Continuation. . .

Correspondence that touches on intimate topics does not always seem appropriate, but if you decide to do this, it is sometimes difficult to figure out what to ask in order to interest the interlocutor.

The article discusses options for building a conversation, vulgar questions for a guy or a girl, examples of games in VK 18 plus built on communication, and possible funny answers to make new friends.

A guy, having met a girl, should try to continue dating.

Cool, provocative questions will help:

  • Do you like smoking men?
  • Let me draw you naked?
  • Do you like the nickname as a child?
  • What is called a nofelet?
  • As a little girl, how did your friends tease you?
  • Are you for gay marriage?
  • If you could see through clothes, what would you like to see?
  • How would you react to my kiss?
  • Does a bird look like an airplane?
  • Who is better: a man or a woman?
  • What will you do if a guy tries to look after you, but you don’t feel reciprocity towards him?
  • Do you prefer giving gifts or receiving?
  • Will you be the first to agree to reconciliation after a quarrel?
  • Do you like to wear sexy lingerie?
  • Would you like to drink with me?
  • What question would you like to avoid?

Important! When deciding what questions to ask a girl, you need to be careful not to touch on a sore subject. In intimate moments, delicacy is especially important.

Tricky questions with a trick for boys

Girls tend to learn more about the interlocutor.

Various tricky questions for boys will help with this:

  • What will you do if I stop writing?
  • Are you able to apologize first?
  • What do you really think about my attractiveness, appearance, hairstyle?
  • Do you think we can get along?
  • Are you prone to jealousy?
  • Did you meet girls at the age of 15?
  • How do you feel about free love?
  • Are you faithful to a woman or are you not going to tie yourself up?
  • Tell me about your sexual fantasies?
  • How do boys feel about erotic films? Your opinion?
  • How much can you give up on me?
  • Seeing young people quarreling with each other, I want to know what caused this? What do you think?
  • Tell me about the dumbest thing you've ever done?
  • If you get married, what would you prefer: spending time with friends or the company of your wife?
  • What will upset you the most?
  • Did shameful deeds, tell me?

Such treatment with a trick will help to form an opinion about the interlocutor, to decide whether to continue communication.

No need to interrupt the guy, let me give a full answer, clarify unclear points, but avoid obsession in situations where the interlocutor does not like the topic.

List of dirty pen questions

Communication by correspondence has characteristic features. Many decide to be more frank with this method of communication than with ordinary conversation.

This applies to intimacy as well. Vulgar things written on the screen touch less than those directly given, but they allow you to get to know the person better.

A sample list of vulgar questions by correspondence:

  • To ask if you had to spy on a person at a nearby urinal - a negative answer indicates modesty, a positive one indicates doubt about the size of one's own manhood.
  • Are you getting married soon? - the girl will not answer directly, the likely answer is a joke, but you will receive certain information.
  • After 17 years, your preferences in men have changed? - Ability to unobtrusively specify the age.
  • Do you agree to go to the registry office tomorrow? - Will confuse anyone, especially at the initial stage of dating. Then specify that he is invited to a friend's wedding. Get fun.
  • How often do you change socks? – A simple question, but says a lot.
  • Describe your sleepwear? “It’s better to ask if she’s in bed.
  • Asking to talk about the first sexual experience will allow you to form an opinion about the intimate side of a person. It is worth considering: an overly detailed story will follow from a virgin who has not yet had sex.
  • An option to continue communication on a sexual topic is to ask to list your favorite positions, the type of girls you prefer, the most exciting body parts; The answers will allow you to determine whether it is worth moving towards convergence.
  • Asking what are the dimensions of his male pride is important, how you will be understood, but direct information will not be superfluous.
  • Finding out what turns her on the most is one way to continue sexual conversations.
  • What is more important to him - to satisfy the girl or to enjoy himself? I would like to know how honestly he will answer.

When resorting to vulgarity, the main thing is not to offend a person.

Do not start talking about intimacy from the beginning of the conversation, move on to the sexual topic gradually if the interlocutor shows interest.

But such communication will allow you to decide whether it is worth limiting yourself to correspondence or the guy deserves a real acquaintance.

Games for VK 18 plus: I never, question answer and others

A good option to spend time is games for VK 18 plus, this will interest the interlocutor, communication will get more excitement and fascination.

The table shows examples of such games:

Name Description
100 questions for honest answers The title is a question and answer. One asks and answers a question, the other is invited to give his opinion
I never… The phrase from the title is spoken and ends. If the interlocutor cannot say so, he lost
Advantages and disadvantages An interesting situation is set. Possible option: I see a very attractive girl, but she is under 14. It is proposed to give pros and cons. Loses, undecided
How much time has passed since... The intended action is said
I didn't have to... You have to complete the sentence
Truth or Wish Fulfillment The partner is invited to answer truthfully or fulfill a wish. Wishes can be recorded in advance in the form of forfeits
I can… The player says: I can (perform some action), the opponent answers. Allows you to get to know your partner better

These are some of the games, there are many options, you should not limit your imagination.

funny answers

If a banal question is asked, or you don’t want to answer directly, the best option is humor. Funny answers will spice up the most sluggish conversation.

A joke is appropriate in any situation, it can smooth out awkward moments and cheer up a partner.

Some of the possible funny answers:

  • Do you like guys - I love ice cream.
  • You get up late - I'm not in a hurry.
  • Do you remember the first time you kissed - you were too drunk, the details were not deposited in your memory.
  • If you like alcohol, I just respect it.
  • I agree to sex without commitment - I prefer commitment without sex.
  • Able to compromise - I concede only in hopeless situations.
  • I like twisted or straight hair more - in the first case, if straightened, in the second - after curlers.

Do not forget that platitudes can push a communication partner away more than tactlessness or vulgarity. But, moving on to an intimate topic, try to remain delicate, and everything will work out.

Useful video

Your girlfriend is often not in the mood, and you don't know what to talk about with a girl? 100 questions for a girl from this article will help you find ideas for a meaningful conversation and cheer up.

A few well-chosen questions will not only cheer up the girl, but also enliven your communication. These 100 questions on various topics will steer your conversation in the right direction.

Most relationships are boring because people rarely talk about anything meaningful. So that this does not threaten the relationship, add a little "taste" to your relationship. Start with 5 easy questions and then move on to more difficult topics.

How useful are these 100 questions for a girl to cheer up

  • Some questions help you understand the woman's point of view on topics that concern you.
  • They kill awkward silences and support free communication.
  • These 100 handpicked questions give the girl food for thought.
  • These questions are your key to calm and simple discussions. You can turn to them even when there is simply nothing to say to the girl.

5 questions for a girl

  1. What are your least favorite dishes?
  2. Do you suffer from allergies, if so, to what?
  3. What is your attitude towards piercings and tattoos?
  4. What is the best thing to ask a goldfish?
  5. What things make you comfortable?

Top 10 questions for a girl

This top ten questions will help intrigue the girl you like and develop the further course of the conversation. We also recommend learning about various topics.

  1. Do you consider yourself a reliable person? Can I trust you with any secret? What will you do if the person who revealed his secret to you took and let down (set up) you?
  2. If a friend hurts you, does she deserve a second chance or not? Why wouldn't you give her a second chance?
  3. If there was a collapse of the economy, severe inflation, depreciation of money, empty store shelves, how to deal with this situation? What would she do herself?
  4. What will you do if a cashier in a bank or store, without noticing, accidentally gives you more money?
  5. With a time machine, what is one event in your life's past that you would like to correct? What would you like to see in your future?
  6. What would you do with a friend if you find out that she sometimes cheats on you? Could you forgive her set-up?
  7. If you could invent a cure for one deadly disease, what disease would it be?
  8. Having found a bag with money and documents, will you give them to the police or will you try to find the owner yourself, or will you take the money and throw away the documents?
  9. What do you think is the most appropriate way to deal with criminals, for example, murderers, rapists, robbers?
  10. Would you cheat on your boyfriend if your ex offered to date again?

15 questions for girls

  1. Have you ever done something mean to your friend that you now regret?
  2. Which house would you prefer: a medium-sized house with enough space for the whole family, or a multi-million dollar mansion?
  3. What is your attitude to exotic cuisine? Have you ever tried her dishes?
  4. Do you play sportsloto? What would you do if you won a big jackpot? How do you feel about?
  5. How would you manage the amount of $10,000 or $1,000,000?
  6. Who in the family is obliged to monitor the family budget and is it necessary to keep it?
  7. What can't you do without?
  8. If you had to choose between losing your sight or hearing, which choice would you not regret?
  9. Which actor would you suggest to play an autobiographical role about your life? Why?
  10. What will you do if the guy you like is allergic to your favorite pet?
  11. What celebrity, past or present, would you like to meet?
  12. Are you affected by someone's prejudices, are you subject to them?
  13. Have you ever had to break the law?
  14. How did you meet your best friend?
  15. Should you allow public transport to be Wi-Fi, given how easy it is to distract the driver?

20 questions for a girl

  1. What was your favorite school subject and what was your least favorite?
  2. Is it worth walking ahead of a stranger on the stairs in a short miniskirt?
  3. How would you like to live the last year of your life?
  4. How many SMS messages do you receive on average per day?
  5. Doesn't it scare you that technology has already gone too far?
  6. Do you think today's life is fair or not?
  7. What will you do with a homeless person who settles in your entrance? How can you help him?
  8. Do you think politicians are honest people or not? Does their honesty directly depend on how much they are paid or on their life views?
  9. With which country or company would you like to trade with your own business? Who would you take as a partner?
  10. Given the opportunity to fix one common problem in the country, what would you fix? Like unemployment, deficit or crime, how would you do it?
  11. What does success mean to you?
  12. Can you describe yourself in five words?
  13. If you notice that a person has lost his wallet, will you return it to him or will you take the money for yourself?
  14. Suppose you and your friend wanted the same thing at the same time, would you give her the right to get it first?
  15. What is the highest mountain you have climbed?
  16. What is the most unusual food you have ever eaten?
  17. What part of the male body do you want to see first?
  18. Can you describe the worst thing that happened to you?
  19. What do you consider your best trait or characteristic?
  20. What is your favorite gem?

50 questions to ask a girl to get to know her better

Thanks to these questions, you can understand what a girl likes, what her inner world and thoughts are. It also shows the girl what you are thinking about when you ask her about it.

  1. Do you prefer to work remotely at home or in the office?
  2. Should a couple in a relationship give each other cool nicknames, names or not?
  3. What nicknames did your friends get and why?
  4. What are the two main things you want to know about the person you start dating?
  5. Would you prefer to while away the weekend playing computer games or making homemade cakes?
  6. Where do you prefer to learn about current events: TV, Internet, radio or newspaper? Why?
  7. Have you ever had a bad habit that you have already kicked?
  8. What hobby are you into? What else would you like to do?
  9. If the family categorically refuses your consent to marry your lover, what will you do?
  10. How do you like or prefer to celebrate the holidays? What are your favorites?
  11. Did you set someone up in your life? On purpose or by accident? Do you regret it?
  12. How do you feel if one of your friends has conflicts with each other?
  13. It is better to live according to your own principles, but different from the majority or to be like everyone else?
  14. Do you consider yourself a fashionista or do you not care about fashion issues?
  15. Do you prefer skirts or jeans, trendy clothes or comfortable ones?
  16. What family traditions of your family would you like to have in your own marriage?
  17. What helps you feel alive?
  18. What do you consider to be the best and worst decisions you ever made?
  19. Do you prefer to deal with things on schedule or spontaneously? Do you consider yourself a girl whose life is scheduled or do you not keep track of time at all?
  20. Is there something you will never do again?
  21. In retirement, is it better to have a house in the country or travel?
  22. If you had to choose one of three things: a smartphone, a car or a house, which would you choose and why?
  23. Do you like costume or theme parties?
  24. Do you believe that every person has a calling in life or a higher purpose?
  25. Are you worried about what other people think of you or not?
  26. How do you take compliments or criticism?
  27. Do you need some control or do you consider yourself completely independent in everything? Why?
  28. Is being overweight a problem or not?
  29. What technologies, sciences, inventions do you want to understand more or better?
  30. What would you like to invent?
  31. Having a lot of money not to work, where would you like to spend some of it or what to do?
  32. Having the gift to make a man tell you only the truth, what would you ask him?
  33. What trait do you value most in friendship? Do you easily get along with people?
  34. Are you good at human nature or not? Have you ever made a mistake because of this?
  35. How much time do you prefer to spend on social networks?
  36. Do you consider yourself an Internet addict or not? How to determine this dependency?
  37. What's the biggest humiliation you've experienced?
  38. Are you concerned about saving the earth for future generations?
  39. What movie are you ready to watch endlessly? Why?
  40. Do you consider yourself a patriot or not? When the enemy attacks, will you go to fight or stay in the rear?
  41. What would you like to change about yourself?
  42. Ever water skied?
  43. What life principles do you follow?
  44. Can you assemble small household or kitchen appliances without a man according to the instructions?
  45. Can you change the oil in your car or change a tire yourself?
  46. What will you choose as a gift for your man: fishing, travel or spa salon?
  47. Learned self defense techniques?
  48. You know how to bake pastries, what is the best way to bake?
  49. When you first cook a dish, do you follow the recipe exactly or do you prefer to improvise?
  50. What is your favorite drink?
  51. Conclusion

    We hope this list of questions will help cheer up your girlfriend (woman), and you will not feel embarrassed because you have no idea what to talk about with her.

    The 100 questions for a girl you read will prompt the topics of conversation. Moreover, they are suitable for any mood, person and purpose. So use questions wisely!

Start a successful online dating? Easily! Moreover, almost any online communication can eventually be taken offline. The main thing is to be interesting, attentive and ask “correct”, non-trivial questions.

  • how are you?
  • you're beautiful
  • Let's get acquainted

Why? - They do not work! To the question “how are you?” the answer “good” is ready, to the remark “you are beautiful” you will receive “I know”, and to the offer “let's get acquainted” you will write “I have a boyfriend”

Secondly, we carefully study her profile and her page, as this provides a number of advantages:

  • avoids trivial questions that already have answers. (For example, “Where did you study?”)
  • possession of information about her life, political views, relations between a man and a woman, worldview in general. (We look at what the girl posts on her page, what she writes about, what she likes)
  • the opportunity to find common interests and on this basis to start a correspondence. (You, like her, love ski holidays, Bach music, support nationalists, oppose medical experiments on animals)
  • it is advantageous to stand out from the background of other candidates who pay attention only to appearance and beautiful photographs.

more attentively

Particular attention should also be paid to the design of your page or profile and, which many people forget, their manner of communication. It should be respectful, with a touch of light flirting and not look like an interrogation.

You should not act as an investigator and bombard the girl with questions - this is repulsive.

Make sure that you also talk about yourself, provoke her to questions, arouse interest in yourself, but do not turn into a girlfriend who is told about choosing a new dress to match the color of the bracelet or about the tragic death of a beloved dog or a breakup with a boyfriend with whom met a certain number of days, months, years.

Stay a man! After all, this is exactly what a girl wants - to communicate with a confident man who knows his own worth.

Demonstration of laziness

Slightly “sloppy” behavior works great:

  • you should not immediately answer her letter - give her the opportunity to think about why you are silent;
  • do not give her 5+, because everyone does it, put 4 - this will make you stand out from the crowd;
  • do not write your enthusiastic compliment in the comments to the photo - note the good work of the photographer or the fact that this outfit just successfully emphasized the figure.

These little tricks, supported by interesting, non-standard questions, will help to attract the attention of a girl.

Many letters

So what and how to ask a girl to make a successful acquaintance with the prospect of its continuation in real life?

There are a few simple rules here.

  1. The question should be open, i.e. one that cannot be answered in one word: “yes” or “no”.
  2. Look for common ground - it brings together. (I also jumped with a parachute, I was in the Crimea, I work as a lawyer - this caused me delight, surprise ... And how do you feel about ...)
  3. Involve in the process of communication, inviting her to find the answer to her own question: “What do you feel when ...?”, “What do you think, why ...?”

Difficult but interesting

Someone will say why they will be sophisticated and come up with interesting questions when corresponding in VK or other social networks? You may or may not think of it. It all depends on what you want and what kind of girl you need. If she is not a self-confident fool, she will be glad for any attention, but communication with her is unlikely to bring you pleasure.

If a self-confident, accomplished beauty, she wants to see next to her the same handsome, confident, extraordinary guy, with whom it is fun and interesting.

This is a more difficult task, but, as a rule, such a game is worth the candle.

Therefore, you can show your imagination and come up with an interesting question, find time and study her profile and even listen to Bach, if she is damn pretty and prefers this particular music, maybe there really is something in it?

How to choose questions

You can use several standard templates that work equally well with girls and women of all ages, or you can show imagination, but again, following some recommendations, so that communication goes in the right direction and arouses interest.

Analysis of illustrative examples

You can ask the girl how her day went, what happened today, where she spent the weekend.

The main thing is that the question should have a positive character, for example:

  • “What are the pleasant moments you find in your work?” instead of “It is terribly boring/ungrateful to work as an accountant/salesman, waiter”
  • “What interesting thing happened to you this week?” instead of “How did you make it this weekend?”

You can ask a banal question “how are you?” ask by changing the wording, and not only the answer to it will change, but also the reaction to you:

  • seducing fans with your photos again? And then they cry for weeks and do not sleep at night. How much has already fallen from your hot look?
  • noticed that you were online all night yesterday, didn’t sleep, what else were you thinking about besides me?

A little daring, but the questions arouse interest and tie attention to your person. They will be almost completely answered, the main thing is to build an appropriate line of behavior and not show too much interest, give the girl the opportunity to worry, wait for your answer.

It’s also not worth delaying the answer for too long, no more than 24 hours - otherwise they will simply forget about you.

When wondering what to ask a girl during correspondence, you should remember that she, like you, is an earthly person, and not a crocodile. It means that he won’t bite, the worst that can happen is that they simply won’t answer you, and this can also be experienced. Therefore, be bolder, show imagination, remember respect, remain confident.

Video: What to write to a girl online

List of what you can ask a girl in correspondence

  • travel, favorite places;
  • rest: how, where, with whom, when;
  • books: genre, writers;
  • music: styles, performers;
  • cinema: how often, what feelings it evokes;
  • bars, cafes: with whom, where;
  • what does he think about when he is alone;
  • favorite season and why;
  • cool case from life;
  • What does she dream about?
  • How does he see his life in 5 years?
  • hobbies, hobbies;
  • relationships: often falls in love, loves romance;
  • sport: what, why;
  • What is the meaning of life for her?

The main thing when communicating with a girl, whether it happens online or offline, is respect and perception of her as a person, and not as an object for sexual pleasures.

Therefore, one should be careful with compliments about her appearance, it is better to compliment her excellent taste, her abilities or her achievements.

The second thing to remember is a positive attitude, since a positive person is not only interesting, but also easy to communicate with. And the third - look in communication for something that is interesting to you, you don’t need to pretend, otherwise it will turn out: “tell, tell, I always yawn when I’m interested.”

Be sincere, open and confident. Smile, even when you are on the other side of the monitor, because a smile relieves tension and brings you closer.

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