Home Grape Hip movements. Virtual sex number one How to learn to move your hips in ballroom dancing

Hip movements. Virtual sex number one How to learn to move your hips in ballroom dancing

Belly dancing is a great form of activity, but there are many more dance moves that will tone every muscle group in your body.

The best part is that any woman can perform them without having the slightest experience in dancing!

Want to cheer up without exhausting yourself with workouts to the seventh sweat? Just master the following dance techniques.

1. Hip shaking (basic shimmy)

The basic movement in belly dancing is the shaking of the hips. It engages the entire core, including the rectus and oblique muscles, and is fairly easy to learn.

If something doesn't work out for you or you can't move at the right speed (it's all about technique!), Then choose music with a tempo that suits you.

Do a shimmy once a day and I promise you will see your figure transform in no time.

2. Hand snake

Great way to tone your hands! I took dance lessons last summer and one day the instructor made me do a snake for 5 minutes!

At first, this may seem like a mere trifle, but after a while you will feel tension in your muscles. To get the most out of the snake, try to do it for as long as possible.

3. Rotation of the hips in a small amplitude

Do you want to tighten your tummy without really bothering? Rotate your hips in a small circle.

In fact, a small amplitude requires much more muscle control than a large one.

4. Vertical figure eight

This is one of my favorite moves mainly because it is very sexy and also a great addition to any dance.

You can even perform it in a nightclub if you want to make a lasting impression on the guy you like!

One way or another, the vertical figure-eight with the hips engages the oblique muscles of the abdomen, which means it will help get rid of fat deposits at the waist.

As with shimmy, find a song that has a rhythm that will allow you to perform all the movements correctly.

5. Horizontal figure eight

Let's work the abdominal muscles even more actively!

The horizontal figure eight also engages the back muscles. For example, I had a little extra fat in my lower back, but it was this technique that helped me tone the muscles in this area and get rid of unsightly folds.

6. Rotation of the pelvis from the hip

This is a great technique for working on the lower abs, which I think is a problem area for many women. Personally, I have more fat in this part, and working on the lower press helps to burn it.

If you have the same problem, then rotation of the pelvis from the hip (that is, with an isolated body) is just what you need!

7. Belly wave

When it comes to belly dancing, most people have an idea of ​​the belly wave, but they don't know that it's not that easy to learn how to do it.

This requires good ab coordination (the ability to isolate the upper and lower parts), which makes the wave an extremely effective technique for toning the tummy.

Don't despair if it doesn't work the first time. The main thing is patience and practice.

Since this wonderful dance became my constant companion, I began to notice its beneficial effect on the abdominal muscles. I really hope that it will also become a part of your life!

I suggest that you perform the dance movements I have given daily for a week, and then write to me what results you have achieved!

Looking at clips where young girls are actively and sexually shaking their sirloin, one would like to ask: “How to learn to shake your booty just as effectively?” Some believe that for this you need to have a voluminous back, while others are of the opinion that it's all about technology. So where is the truth? There are several secrets, following which, you can surpass all the girls from clips and videos.

How to learn to shake your booty

Regardless of the size of the buttocks, they can be very successfully moved to the music. But in order for it to be beautiful and spectacular, it is necessary first of all to bring them into shape. Only pumped up, smooth and beautiful priests can shake successfully and elegantly. Knowing how to learn how to shake your booty will require practice and a mirror, as well as preliminary training of the gluteal muscles. It will not be superfluous to tone the skin on the sirloin if it means dancing in short shorts, skirts or a swimsuit.

In the American style, these movements are called "Booty shake dance", that is, "dance of the shaking buttocks." Learning this from video tutorials is difficult, but possible. The biggest catch in this is that the coaches perform actions too quickly, it is difficult to repeat. But there is some instruction on how to learn how to shake your booty beautifully, even if it would seem that there is none.

We swing the buttocks

Of course, it is easier to simply and unsystematically jerk the fleshy buttocks. But it looks, to put it mildly, not quite aesthetically pleasing and pleasant. Another thing - elastic! There are several effective exercises, performing which systematically and regularly, you can tone the muscles. Before you learn how to shake your booty, do exercises!

Exercise #1: Squats

Feet shoulder-width apart, body straight, arms down at sides. Gently bend your knees, push your butt back. The squat is deep and as full as possible. Do 2 sets of 10 reps. It is recommended to perform this exercise twice a day: as soon as you get out of bed, and before you go to bed in the evening. become stronger and leaner. In addition, this will become somewhat convex. Not to mention elasticity.

Exercise number 2: "crocodile"

Lessons on how to learn to shake your booty begin with this lesson. It is simple, does not require strong energy consumption, and most importantly - effective. Its goal is to teach you to move your buttocks in turn. Sit on the floor with your legs straight. "Go" forward with your buttocks - 30 steps forward, the same number back. You can repeat at any time of the day or night, daily. The priest from this becomes mobile, which allows you to easily and quickly manage it.

Exercise number 3: leg swing

Get into a knee-elbow position. Hands are straight. Do swings first with your right foot up (knee bent) - 8 times. Then the same with the left. There are only three approaches. It is recommended to do the exercise daily. The buttocks will be taut and elastic.

booty shake dance

After the priest is brought into the desired shape, you can start dancing. To beautifully manage your sirloin, you need to do the following:

stand in front of a mirror (facing it);

bend your knees (slightly);

Rest your hands on your knees;

imagine that something is in the way from behind (for example, a coin got into panties);

start moving the buttocks alternately, trying to eliminate an invisible object;

At the same time, legs and arms should remain static, the body should be straight.

It may not work the first time, but this is not a reason for frustration. If preliminary preparation was made (all exercises were performed systematically), then there will be no problems with the technique.

After you master this simple movement, you can proceed to the more complex one - moving the booty and thigh. For this you need:

slightly squat at the knees;

Put your hands on your sides

Make a circle with the whole pelvis.

This is also at the heart of how to learn to shake your booty! It is impossible to neglect such an exercise, since it allows you to learn how to control your movements.

Last lesson: shaking the buttocks up and down. The starting position here will be the same as in the first exercise. Only the buttocks move up and down at the same time, slowly at first to feel your body, then faster.

And finally...

And, of course, in order to know how to learn how to shake your booty, it will not be superfluous to attend several dance classes (not only booty dance, but also reggaeton, r'n'b). It is possible that what you learned at home on the advice will be a great help in further studies.

Insufficiently stretched muscles can lead to serious damage and injury. Four exercises that will help you test yourself and correct mistakes.


What we check: How flexible are the thigh muscles?

Get into a push-up position. Make sure your arms are parallel to your shoulders.

Place your right foot in line with your palms. The right knee should be bent at a right angle, and the left knee should touch the floor.

Gently move your right shoulder down, bending your arm at the elbow and placing your right palm on your left. Feel a pull in your thigh. Hold on like this for a couple of seconds. Breathe deeply.

Return to the starting position and repeat the same with the left leg. Repeat three times.

There is a problem if the right or left foot is at a different level with the palm, or if one leg stretches better than the other.

The cause of insufficient stretching is muscle weakness. The hip that is the hardest to stretch is the weakest. This causes serious problems with balance, forcing all other muscles to compensate for the "skewness" and because of this, overstrain. And overexertion can lead to muscle fatigue and serious injury.” For example, if your right thigh is weaker than your left, it means you are leaning more on your left leg while walking. If this is not corrected, over time it can lead to "wear and tear" of the muscles in the left knee and ankle.


What we check: tibia and hamstring.

Get into a push-up position. Then begin to take tiny steps towards the hands. Keep your back, arms and knees straight. Gradually, you should turn into the letter "A". Stay in this position for a few seconds.

Then begin to gently move your hands, returning to their original position. Do not bend your knees and elbows.

Repeat this exercise three times.

The problem is if you can't do it without bending your knees and elbows.

Excessive tension in the calves and hamstrings can mean that your legs are not working properly. “This is common among treadmill enthusiasts. They run, forgetting to raise their knees, and for each new step they stretch their feet forward, injuring the muscles on the back of the leg. Improper footwork can also mean putting too much stress on your back, which can lead to serious injury.

"Perpetual Motion"

What we check: how well your hips can move together.

Get on all fours, lean on your elbows. Spread your knees as wide as you can.

Without lifting your elbows and forearms from the floor, begin to move your hips back and forth. Hold each position for a couple of seconds.

Try to increase the range of motion each time.

Repeat ten times.

The problem is if you can’t spread your knees wide enough or you can’t increase the range of motion.

What is the danger?

If there is tension in the hips, then it is likely that all the muscles in your body are in the same tension. Most likely, you lead a sedentary and too motionless lifestyle. Once you start exercising, or at least walking more, your whole body will start to move more easily. This problem is common in older people, who tend to repeat only one movement ("sit-up") during the day. A sedentary lifestyle is dangerous because it can lead to heart disease and high blood pressure.


What we check: gluteal muscles.

Sit on the floor with your legs as wide apart as possible and your knees bent.

Bend over to your right leg, while trying to put your left knee on the floor without bringing your legs together. As you bend over, turn your torso and place both hands on the outside of your right leg.

Now try to touch the floor with your chest. Get down to the highest possible height. Stay in this position for a few seconds.

Return to the starting position and do the same with the left leg.

Repeat the exercise two times on each side.

The problem is if you can’t touch the floor with your knee or bend low enough.

What is the danger?

When your gluteal muscles are tense, they are not able to move as they should. And then your back takes on an additional load, which can lead to strain and pain. Train to stretch equally well in both directions, even if you feel more tension in the unstretched muscle. Otherwise, there is a high probability of injury associated with an uneven distribution of the load.

How to fix the situation?

Of course, all the problems voiced sound unpleasant, but there is a solution, and it is very simple. Move more. If you lead a sedentary lifestyle in the office, walk more. If you regularly go to the gym, but still can not boast of flexibility, try to give yourself a balanced workout, not focusing on the same muscle group all the time. Don't forget to stretch! Stretch 3-4 times a week, and in a month everything will change.

Based on materials from the site http://www.psychologies.ru

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You cripple me, but you don't love me, - I chuckled.

You are my woman, I do what I want with you, - Zhenya said already in my ear and bit my earlobe.

Perhaps I like this state of affairs!

His fingers descended to the inside of my thigh and began to drive excitingly gently over the skin. My breathing quickened, and I heard Zhenya also breathing heavily. He pulled back and sat on my legs above the knees, continuing the torture: his fingers first squeezed my buttocks, then gently drove along the inside of my thigh. Then he slipped his hand between my legs and covered my wet and urgent flesh.

Zhenya penetrated me with his index finger and began to slowly move it. I frankly lifted my hips in response, going crazy from his touch. I don't want this to end. All I need is this man!

Zhenya's finger moved faster, and with the other hand he began to stroke my buttocks. Then, leaving my flesh, rose a little higher. Grasping my hips with his hands, he lifted them up and slightly parted my legs with his knee. He put his hand on the small of his back and pressed, forcing him to bend. I willingly complied. Now I was ready to even jump from a high-rise, just to please this man.

While Zhenya hesitated, I impatiently moved my hips, wanting to feel his hard cock inside me as soon as possible. He leaned over and bit me on the buttock again. I groaned.

Mine,” Kolosov said hoarsely, and at that moment I felt his flesh touch mine.

Zhenechka ... - I whimpered, continuing to move my hips invitingly, but Zhenya, teasingly, simply drove a member along my folds.

Do you want to feel it in yourself?

He began to move his hips in time with me, without penetrating.

Yes ... - I said with my lips, unsure that he heard me. For more, my strength was not enough.

My girl.

He ran his hand down my back and slammed into me, shattering my sanity and knocking the air out of my lungs. I moaned loudly.

Quiet, quiet...

Hands gently ran over the buttocks and squeezed them in his palms.

Leaving my body, Zhenya again plunged into me all the way. And again I couldn't help but groan.

Heck! Hello, be quiet.

Is he kidding? How can I silently endure all that he does to me?

Zhenya lifted my hips even higher, his hand resting on my lower back. He froze for a few seconds, moving his hands along my back, and then suddenly began to move hard in me. I felt his penis in me, as he rubs against the walls of my vagina. It seemed that from the force of this friction I would now flare up like a match. And Zhenya, tightly squeezing my buttocks with his fingers, continued to put me on his penis. Pressing my chest against the pillow and biting one end of it with my teeth, I caught his rhythm. With every movement, my moans became louder and louder. I couldn't contain myself at all.

Oh my God! I groaned, clutching the covers in my fist.

Like? Zhenya whispered breathlessly, leaning towards me and not stopping for a second.

I nodded, but this answer did not seem to satisfy him. He entered me even harder, forcing a groan to escape.

You feel good? - And a new ruthless push.

Yes-ah-ah ... - I moaned loudly and powerlessly hit my hand on the bed.

Quiet, - Zhenya chuckled.

Damn, is he even funny?

He grabbed my hair and gently pulled me towards him. Giving in, I rested my back against his sweaty chest. During the sharp jolts, I felt the muscles on Zhenya's body tense up, and this seemed to make me even more crazy.

Now we were both on our knees.

He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him, not for a moment stopping moving inside me. Then he wrapped his arms around my breasts, his thumbs caressing my nipples almost roughly. And I moaned, burned, picked up his rhythm. Suddenly Zhenya put two fingers in my mouth and began to move them. God! Is this not a dream? Is everything I feel really, really real? He stuck out his fingers and squeezed my nipple. I arched over, pushing harder against his groin, feeling the wave of orgasm approaching again. God, two orgasms in one night!

Squeezing my chest, playing with my nipple and continuing to force me furiously on his excited flesh, Zhenya was breathing heavily, buried in my neck.

I love. - He went all the way in. - I love it to bits.

These words were the last straw for me. I raised my hand and ran my fingers through Zhenya's hair. And at the same moment I felt the strongest orgasm shaking my body. I opened my mouth, ready to scream in pleasure. But Zhenya turned my face towards him and pressed his lips to his, swallowing my moan. Unable to cope with the sensations that covered me with my head, I bit Zhenya's lower lip, which is why he, moaning, hard entered me several more times, groaned and finished.

Exhausted, I fell back on Zhenya's hard chest, continuing to squeeze his hair in a fist. He gently ran his hand down my stomach and covered my flesh with his palm.

You can go crazy, - breathing heavily, he croaked into my neck. - I didn't think it would happen...

What is "such"?

What? Zhenya asked, smugly smiling into my neck.

Which? I whispered, parting my lips with difficulty.

Such, - he repeated and smoothly left me.

I let out a weak moan, and he leaned back on the bed and pulled me along with him. I lay back to him, resting my head on his hand. With his other hand, he pulled my waist closer to him. So we lay for several minutes, trying to recover.

I really want to sleep. Didn't sleep well for two weeks. Everyone played catch-up, - Zhenya said softly, kissing my neck and brushing wet strands of hair from my face with his fingers.

So sleep, - I whispered, feeling that I myself was falling into a dream.

I'm afraid to wake up and not find you.

This will not happen.

We have a lot to discuss tomorrow, - Zhenya said sleepily.

I closed my eyelids, glad that my dreams began to come true.

When I woke up, the clock on the dresser showed five in the morning. Very soon it will be necessary to explain with Anton. Taking a deep breath, I turned to Zhenya, who was sleeping next to me. His hand was still holding me tight, breathing evenly. He smiled in his sleep and that made him look like a boy.

That's all! From today begins the countdown of my new life. With Zhenya. Without Anton. It hurt in my chest. Will I be able to live a normal life, knowing that I did such a mean thing to him?

I gently removed Zhenya's hand, which made him fidget and frown.

I now, dear, - kissed him on the lips and stroked his cheek.

Getting out of bed, I looked around. What to put on yourself? Finding nothing suitable, she went to the bathroom naked. Before hiding behind the door, she once again looked at the peacefully sleeping Zhenya. I can't look at him without smiling. Especially now.

In the bathroom, I went to the mirror and looked at my reflection. God! There is a nest on the head, there is no other way to call it. Just a cuckoo! Lips swollen from Zhenya's greedy kisses. Bruises began to appear on his arms and chest. But this is already bad! I looked over my body. Nightmare! There were bruises everywhere: on the hips, on the ribs, on the wrists, on the neck ...


But how nice it was to remember under what circumstances I received them.

The remains of mascara under my eyes completely distorted my human appearance. You have to at least wash it off. “Witch,” I remembered how Zhenya called me that today after I caressed him with my mouth. Blood rushed to her cheeks. I looked around, hoping to find some kind of elastic band or hairpin. Yeah, in Kolosov's bathroom?

She opened the cabinet next to the mirror, looked at the shelves and indeed found a hairpin on the very bottom.

Your mother, Alina! Didn't you want to find a hairpin? Damn, I wanted! But she didn't count. Maybe it's Mila? Well, not much...

I reached for the hairpin, but the trembling in my exhausted hands did not even allow me to grab it with my fingers normally. The hairpin has fallen. Heck! If only on the floor! I looked down and took a deep breath. Bin.

Poems with erotica for a loved one

H and in our summer glade we see off the sunset,
I'm almost undressed and your eyes are burning.
You look .. With invisible trembling I feel you
You worry me too, I'm all yours today
You come closer .. closer .. Your hands on your chest
You lick your papillae with your tongue and everything is ahead of us.
You put me carelessly, on top of the homework again
Stroking my skin gently, I start to moan ..
Hearing this, you went down, in a hurry on the tummy
I'm melting with you now, show me the class baby !!!
My pulse was very strong, I could hardly hold back tears.
And in the orgasm of this night my dreams were embodied.

T you were incomparable today
Caressing the body and tearing the flesh!
Stone avalanche is like -
You could not overcome passion!
Bursting passionately and so boldly
Kindled in me the ardor of desires -
You made them and You made them
Penetrated to my depths!
You were incredible today
Without becoming the passions to fight in yourself
And how happy I am now!
My favorite! My desired!

BUT you look at me like that
I know I will be yours
I'm all trembling, I'm all naked,
Your love is more beautiful than summer.
You run your hand across your chest
Not knowing how you turn me on
How good are you kissing?
You won't forget this in life.
Under the sound of rain, gusts of wind,
I whisper to you: "Take me"
I'm all trembling, I'm all naked,
But I know I'm yours now.

O hugged, hugged the body
And warmed you.
Kissed hot in the eyes.
She said: Do you want? Want!
Tongue gently on the neck
Surrendering to sinful thoughts.
And hands down, down.
I hear you breathing heavily.
I will touch you with my hands.
"He" is like a bridge between us.
I play slow
And she's barely alive.
Beads of sweat on the back.
I want you in me!!!
I burn, I squirm.
I surrender and do not hesitate.
More often, deeper and stronger
To the world of ghostly lights.
Sheet in fold pattern.
The world of orgasm is tenderly sweet.
I fall down in exhaustion
To hell with shame and regret.

B the shamelessness of a woman, believe me, is not a vice,
When she loves and is loved...
That gentle cat will caress at the feet,
It will become a predator - and this is its strength ...
So passionately with his gaze will incinerate you,
Reading thoughts that are sometimes careless ...
And your confused look will amuse her,
When you don't believe it's possible...
Oh, this whisper that gently caresses the ear,
Almost inaudible, with only one languid breath,
It will relax you... And your fingers will burn your neck,
So appropriately recalling the vice ...
... And now the palms go down a little,
Examining the chest and shoulders in detail...
Do not rush - embody that whim:
Let every centimeter become marked with it ...
It's important to her... She won't miss anything -
No mole, no scar... Useless
Now to hide from her -
She touches so sensually and tenderly...

X I want you, I want - and only!
I want to taste you!
Sick of you, but only so much
How much I give in to the flesh!
Your eyes don't warm me
Even though I want to drown in them!
And my heart doesn't melt away from you -
The soul does not need you, by no means!
My gaze is shamelessly full of passion,
And the body yearns for your hands.
But, unfortunately or fortunately,
I don't know love pains.
You are my whim, my desire!
I'll get it... and goodbye!

AT come into me, stay in me!
I've been waiting for you at night!
I want to snuggle up to you
Intertwine soul and body!
And freeze, as in a sweet dream,
Feeling the bliss of passion!
Come into me, stay in me
And I don't even need Paradise!
As in heaven, I am in silence
I burn in your kiss.
You gently caress your back
And you kiss me from lips to toes.
Kiss! Kiss! I scream, I whisper!
Do not tear off your lips or hands.
Madly I want you!
My passionate, tender friend!
You are a strong falcon above me,
Your movements are like taking off
I am your game, I am under you,
You're flying down to me! Delight!
Wrap your hands around with trembling,
Add tenderness with your lips
You tremblingly take me
You give me a night of madness!
The night is leaving ... without strength, without sleep,
And I'm drunk on you!!!

AT take me! Without tenderness, without affection.
As rough as you want. Well, take it!
Let the warm lips tear me apart
Let your heart beat wildly in your chest.
Your hand sliding over the body
The light of your eyes, piercing through.
I've wanted this for too long
To suddenly something broke.
A couple of quick movements and fatigue,
The taste of the tongue and the circle of the head.
And there's nothing left for us
I've waited too long for this.
And until dawn, only my moans
To the beat of all your movements.
And only the voice of the phone will interrupt us
Yes, my quiet whisper: Do not leave ...
You were with me So sweet, so gentle.
Not at all the way you always wanted.
And your lips were warmly boundless,
And my heart skipped a beat...

P hurry up please finish
This sensuous procession.
uprooting the bottom of the soul,
The body to the target - to the platoon in Celsius.
I feel another in full growth,
Freeze, I'm with him - on tiptoe.
I am with you - the correctness of poses and roses,
One hundred love words, all familiar.
The sound of the chest rested against the pendulum.
I ascend as wayward Jeanne.
Aladdin's stinger swells,
I'm squeezing your conflagration.

X what? Take it! I don't mind!

I give myself to you alone.
I've been dreaming of intimacy for so long,
But I will not embrace the whisper of our bodies.
I give my bodies complete freedom!
Let them enjoy each other.
Beloved, this is how nature works ....
What's in you? Flame ice and blizzard?
Touch me. I want to feel
Everything that you live now and breathe.
From your breath I fly ....
I want you, I love you…. Do you hear?!
You need me - I will melt all the ice,
that interfere with enjoyment.
My dear, I love you so much ....
You are my angel, salvation from all adversity.
"I want you" - I will not hesitate to repeat.
When will I wait for reciprocity, tell me, dear?
I love you, I adore you.
But there is not enough strength to fight for the answer.

“And now I want to get up, turn around and leave. I will deliberately say something insulting, I will not straighten my skirt that has risen up and I will wag my ass. not noticing the obstacles, rushed after me. I want you to catch up with me in some gateway, in the toilet, in the elevator, on the way. I would sharply turn around and almost painfully press my back against the wall with all of you. Run your hand over my hair and face, I'd smear my lipstick, ruffle my hair, my mouth would drop open, in surprise, in an attempt to scream, spit, bite, take a deep breath, you'd run your finger roughly across my bottom lip and I'd clench my teeth for a second.

You would put your hand on my neck, hesitate for a second, and then soften and grab my chest, squeeze it with one hand, then rip my blouse, lift up my skirt, rip off my pantyhose ... but, no, you would notice that on I need stockings... I want to stay pressed against the wall, half-naked, helpless. I'll be breathing heavily and twitching. And you will not pay attention to this, you will firmly hold my hands against the wall, kiss every part of my body: neck, shoulders, chest ... Take your time, it is not at all necessary to rip everything off me at once. Let the bra cover the breasts for now, or even so: let them burst out on their own. They want you as much as you want them. Tease them through the fabric with your teeth. I want you to kiss my stomach, run your hand between my legs, first hard, then more gently. I want you to insert a finger into me, two fingers, three. To turn me around to face the wall and kiss my back. Hand, hand. Don't forget the hand between your legs. And below: the legs are long, they also need affection. Gather my hair in a bun, pull my head towards you. Kiss your neck fiercely. And now, with one hand, lower my thong down, do not tear, let them tighten my legs and get in the way a little. Force my legs apart. Unzip your fly, pull off your pants and enter me hard and hard. I will break out and demand that you stop. You will stop for a split second, turn me half around, shut me up with a greedy kiss on the mouth, and press me against the wall again. Get that damn bra off me already! The breasts languishing with desire will press against the cold stone, you will stick your hand to them, you will try to grab both at the same time, then one or the other will slip out, and I will enjoy the process. I want you to take all of me, to enslave my desires and thoughts, to take it so that the thought of another would never occur to me. My back will arch under the weight of your body, I will squeeze my breasts and pull at my nipples, moan and scream. I will do whatever you want. Turn me around, lift my ass, put me on you. I have well trained muscles. I will wrap my legs around your body, dig my nails into your back and bite your shoulder. Say something unbearably depraved to me, breathe directly into my ear, mumble and draw consonants, lick off the droplets of my sweat flowing down the hollow. Fuck me like it's the last time. More and more. Until I scream. Until your strength leaves. I want us to finish almost at the same time and fight in ecstasy for a long time.

Saying this speech, Veronica with one hand drove with force along her legs, and with the other every now and then she brought a cigarette to her lips, greedily dragged on. Having finished speaking, she exhaled sharply, opened her eyes, carefully looked into the eyes of the stunned man sitting in front of her, drank the remaining wine in a glass in one gulp, said: "Bastard!", quickly got up and went to the exit. The man woke up, looked after her angrily, took out his wallet, crushed a fifty-kopeck piece in his hand, tried to get up, but realized that he would not be able to do this for some time.



Take me under the starry sky
Rip off my clothes
I will give you oral sex
At night I rave about you.

Kiss all my charms
I give myself to you
Enjoy my trembling flesh
I'll take you to the beach tonight.

I want to scream with you in orgasm
Drinking into your body
Let us be heard, I don't care
Feel free to do whatever you want with me.

Come into me and speak
How do you want to do it
Have me, scream!
With you I want to become pale.

Passionately drink my juices
Don't you dare pause
Don't be gentle with me
Tear me, don't be shy.

Open up completely in me
Don't limit yourself to anything
I want to burn with you in the fire
We'll have time to rest later.


I am a source of pleasure,
Giving unearthly caress.

Take me, my irrepressible.
And with joy any whim
I will do it, the most hidden one.
Consider fate a gift, a prize.

Take me, I'll be quiet
(No one is my judge anymore)
Malleable - submissive, wild.
In an instant, I am yours.


I forget about everything in the world -
you are so fresh and good;
I undress
admire you

In the interweaving of moments
I kiss everything that I love so much
and in the lace of touches
I will gently drown you...

From the caress of lips
and hands
drawn out
arch out...
And here you are trembling
and craving wet ---
and I'm coming to you.
I am yours!


You're dripping sweet juice
And your tender shoulders
Like beads covered with sweat...
Know the fire of love!

You open your sticky lips
And you will take my tongue into yourself;

And you will fall into the world of orgasm.

And to last a moment of orgasm,
I burn your nipple with my lips
I'll bring you to a spasm
And then we start the game again...


Take me gently..
Take me sweet..
Take me rough...
Take it all the way..

Love me from above....
Love me from behind....
Love on the floor....
And love on the bed....

Come into me passionately..
Go deeper into me..
Well, make me cool..
Come on... Come on.. come on..

Have me a member...
Caress your tongue...
Come on and jack..
Take it and doggy style...

Enter me from below...
and plant on top.
Take it as you like..
But just wish...

Take.. caress..
kiss.. hug..
Wish.. excite..
But just LOVE!!!



Take me tenderly, I long for your web,
Get entangled in a cocoon to fly like a butterfly in passion.
I WANT you, touching the regrown stubble,
Descending lower and lower, caressing the rebellious firmament.

Let's shamelessly touch each other, tearing off our clothes
With unbridled force, in the flight of raging bodies.
What same before we were with you ignoramuses!
Never before has the bonfire of nature burned like this!

The bite of greedy flesh will awaken the shamelessness of desires,
Let the world burn with passionate, exciting words.
And we will dissolve in the element of magical dates,
Diving headlong into our crazy love.

Let me satisfy your hunger, kissing without fear,
Blinding you in its beautiful nakedness.
After all, you are only mine! I am reborn from the ashes.
Take me gently. You yourself wanted it!


I want you... Every inch.

I want you... solid whole

Get confused by you, get drunk ...

And collect all the drops)

Lick you and... again...

and don't know
What the hell is going on..


Take me: completely dominate.
I am a source of pleasure,
Giving unearthly caress.
You are a traveler, who for a moment clung.

Take me, my irrepressible.
And with joy any whim
I will do it, the most hidden one.
Consider fate a gift, a prize.

Take me, I'll be quiet
(No one is my judge anymore)
Malleable - submissive, wild.
In an instant, I am yours.


Squeeze me hard
Kiss me greedily
love me like this
What would be nice.

Forget the word shy
Caress my body
Give your passion
To make everything hurt.

Pull back the cover
Feel the desire
Imagine this
Sweet moment of possession.

Don't be afraid of mistakes
'Cause we're not saints
We do not remember the past
..... ours from now on.

Just believe in happiness
Breathe tenderness into me
And this night will bring us


You're dripping sweet juice
And your tender shoulders
Like beads covered with sweat...
Know the fire of love!

You open your sticky lips
And you will take my tongue into yourself;
In the abyss of passion you will drown in a moment
And you will fall into the world of orgasm.

And to last a moment of orgasm,
I burn your nipple with my lips
I'll bring you to a spasm
And then we start the game again...


Close the bedroom doors tightly
We will meet the world of other times!

We will feel together.

Touches are new and the same ...

Your fantasies and life.

Let's connect naked
So sharp, strong, deep...
And turn your breath into moans
We have learned from the gods.

And more chaste than him?
Vivat! - love siesta!
Giving love is the most important thing.

The words are very frank
Like the freshness of pure nakedness.
And the bedroom seems like a universe
that you give me.(K)


Lips passionately glide along the curves of the chest,
I will touch your tender papillae with my tongue.
Head spinning what lies ahead.
I will, my Light, fly at you like a moth.

You will feel the sweetness of my touch
The magic of marvelous caresses of sponges - the wings of the lungs.
How sweetly I clung to the silk of the body with my lips,
Burning burning, your night Moth.


Kiss me, kiss me intoxicated
To quench the thirst of our bodies.

We fall into mutual embrace
And the beating of hearts intensifies the run.


I want you... Every inch.
How to lick a saucer with jam,
Drink in one gulp, in one kiss,
Choke on you... go crazy...

I want you... solid whole
To merge, to become confused, to become, to be combined.
Blend with creamy white...
Get confused by you, get drunk ...

I want you...Maximum squeeze
And collect all the drops)
Greedily, rapaciously, hastily, and shamelessly,
Lick you and... again...

To penetrate you, sharply piercing,
The sound of relentless words ... There are three of them:
and don't know
What the hell is going on..


Not thinking about tomorrow and then.

Kiss me until I scream.


Squeeze me hard
Kiss me greedily
love me like this
What would be nice.

Forget the word shy
Caress my body
Give your passion
To make everything hurt.

Pull back the cover
Feel the desire
Imagine this
Sweet moment of possession.

Don't be afraid of mistakes
'Cause we're not saints
We do not remember the past
..... ours from now on.

Just believe in happiness
Breathe tenderness into me
And this night will bring us


lay me down
On a bed of white bedspreads,
I will open my places
To passionately kiss.

Breathe me in
Love the divine essence
Gotcha, it's a trap
Today you have chosen the path.

open me up
Hear my wondrous moan,
You, with my whole body, I, beckoning,
I call with me to the world of history.

Take me

Walk my - your dream

Enter me,
Extend the moment sweet moment
Execution by yourself, loving by fire
Feed Cupid passion.

I will take you with me
With a touch of bold caresses,
And I give myself
Giving the sacraments of ecstasy ..


Close the bedroom doors tightly
We will meet the world of other times!
And everything that happens to us here
We will feel together.

Touches are new and the same ...
Snuggle up, relax and lie down!
We will intertwine both passion and tenderness,
Your fantasies and life.

Let's connect naked
So sharp, strong, deep...
And turn your breath into moans
We have learned from the gods.

What could be more beautiful than sex?
And more chaste than him?
Vivat! - love siesta!
Giving love is the most important thing.

The words are very frank
Like the freshness of pure nakedness.
And the bedroom seems like a universe
that you give me.(K)


The moment after
or before,
I'm dying of kisses...
Isn't the wine to blame
drunken lips?...
I caress my shoulders.
Chilled out.
The body is trembling...
And in my head again about candles,
Pasternak's poem
No, not a lie
in your eyes...
Towards happiness
you gave in.
Palm down...
Ready to break myself apart
my angel,
my love whim...
Gliding bold hands.
Hip bend...
Loud moan...
How little air...
Between us
burning hearts - unison.

As for the first time I wish you.
My angel.
My love whim.


Kiss me, kiss me intoxicated
To quench the thirst of our bodies.
I know. I remember... This is a crime!
But I want... And you! You so wanted!

We fall into mutual embrace
And the beating of hearts intensifies the run.
In a rush, you rip off the straps of your dress...
I'm melting... As snow melts in the palm of your hand.


Night... you undress me
Bathe in a warm bath
With fragrant rose petals...
Gently with soapy hands
This is nothing new for you...
Give wonderful moments
The hand of your touch...
You don't miss anything
Chest, tummy you caress,
Lower your hand...
Fingers moving in circles
From the inside, they press so sweetly,
Soon they will send me to heaven...
Keep going... stronger...
You speed up the movement -
I don't have the patience...
The end of gentle labor -
GOD! Lord have mercy...
I whisper: thank you, honey..


You grab thin wrists
You catch my lips greedily with your mouth ...
Like thieves we steal happiness today
Not thinking about tomorrow and then.

So you kiss me passionately
Kiss me until I scream.
Let this intoxication be sweet.
Because you wanted to! And I want... I want!


… Do not rush, …
......... kiss first -
... lingering
.......... mint breath…

… feel the heat
………………… attraction,
... desire ...
… Do not rush, …
... the moon has not ripened,

... Yes, today I am given to you ...
… Do not rush….
……………… Let’s play….

… Outlandish sensuality.
………… Well…

… Do not rush, …
………… calm down the movements,

… Do not rush.…
…… Let me feel in full


lay me down
On a bed of white bedspreads,
I will open my places
To passionately kiss.

Breathe me in
Love the divine essence
Gotcha, it's a trap
Today you have chosen the path.

open me up
Hear my wondrous moan,
You, with my whole body, I, beckoning,
I call with me to the world of history.

Take me
In the arms of strong, gentle hands,
Walk my - your dream
On the hair and below ... on the thigh.

Enter me,
Extend the moment sweet moment
Execution by yourself, loving by fire
Feed Cupid passion.

I will take you with me
With a touch of bold caresses,
And I give myself
Giving the sacraments of ecstasy ..


You are in me - I am all yours,
Bodies merged in one impulse,
And the earth left from under my feet
Just you and me in the big world...

Covered with a wave of tenderness,
I swim in your arms...
You gave me a pair of wings
And the sea ... just a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness ...

I'm afraid to drown in love
In a tsunami of passionate kisses
But your lips touch
I catch mine, mad...

More! I beg you more!
While there is no limit to desire ...
How unspeakably good
I flew away in streams of light ...


As for the first time I wish you ...
The moment after
or before,
I'm dying of kisses...
Isn't the wine to blame
drunken lips?...
I caress my shoulders.
Chilled out.
The body is trembling...
And in my head again about candles,
Pasternak's poem
No, not a lie
in your eyes...
Towards happiness
you gave in.
Palm down...
Ready to break myself apart
my angel,
my love whim...
Gliding bold hands.
Hip bend...
Loud moan...
How little air...
Between us
burning hearts - unison.

As for the first time I wish you.
My angel.
My love whim.


When bodies get tired of love
Add more affection to the cocktail of sex!
Slowly caress and hug
To have a great aftertaste.

Touch me with your palm and freeze.
Prolonging an orgasm is a great art!
There are still melodies inside
And your bites burn on your lips.

And I want to feel in return
Your sliding touch
When it's about to end
My hot penetrations.


Night... you undress me
Bathe in a warm bath
With fragrant rose petals...
Gently with soapy hands
You stroke your legs, ass, back ...
This is nothing new for you...
Give wonderful moments
The hand of your touch...
You don't miss anything
Chest, tummy you caress,
Lower your hand...
Fingers moving in circles
From the inside, they press so sweetly,
Soon they will send me to heaven...
Keep going... stronger...
Yes, like this... and a little faster...
You speed up the movement -
I don't have the patience...
The end of gentle labor -
The moment of ecstasy is near... YES-A-A-A!
GOD! Lord have mercy...
I whisper: thank you, honey..


Hello honey, are you relaxing?
You lie down, I won't interfere
You do not know me yet
I will play with you.

Did not recognize? I am your cat
At the window I'm tired
I purr a little
And then I'll get to work.

With my fluffy paw
Don't rush, I'll stroke your cheek
My temperament is soft and sparkling
Gently so I bite for the lobe.

play with hair
One curl two curls
Oh, ticklish so - mustache!
Here is the shirt button.

Unfasten, snuggle up in a lump
Gently hiding claws
Well then, like the point!
Oh, how your smell beckons.

Well, why are you delaying?
Well, pat me on the back
I bend so that you go blind
I am beautiful, as in the picture.

What about behind the ear? And the tummy?
Oh, how nice I'm all thrilled
My dear hippo
I'm drunk with you without wine.

How I love you my gentle
And I'm your only cat
Paradise in your hands is boundless
Where I drown as a weak crumb ...


… Do not rush, …
......... kiss first -
... lingering
.......... mint breath…
Savor a moment -
… feel the heat
………………… attraction,
... desire ...
… Do not rush, …
... the moon has not ripened,
and the night of the earth touched only the edge ....
... Yes, today I am given to you ...
… Do not rush….
……………… Let’s play….
... Touch just barely your chest, and tremble
a viscous wave, fiery through the body ....
… Outlandish sensuality.
………… Well…
Break into me decisively and boldly.
… Do not rush, …
………… calm down the movements,
let me enjoy the joy of the moment ....
... Freeze at the depth permitted,
how passionately, hotly penetration….
… Do not rush.…
…… Let me feel in full
all the beauty of boundless desire.
... Oh, how shameless the yellow moon!


Give me the benefit of the doubt..
Because I'm with you .. slut!
I want to drown... in sinfulness,
Your desires.... without remorse!

Flow like an avalanche, .. rise up,
Glide over the body with wet lips,
In the eyes of loved ones to see the secret meaning,
Bind you.... with vicious chains!

Moan in shamelessly .. tormenting hands,
Want your ruthless moves
Tremble all over, melting in the clouds,
And a fallen woman to go down on her knees.

I catch your gentle whisper .. abusive cry,
Bestial, wild roar .. excites my nerves,
I love... this ardent passion moment.
Now let..
And I have to be a bit of a bitch ...


You are in me - I am all yours,
Bodies merged in one impulse,
And the earth left from under my feet
Just you and me in the big world...

Covered with a wave of tenderness,
I swim in your arms...
You gave me a pair of wings
And the sea ... just a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness ...

I'm afraid to drown in love
In a tsunami of passionate kisses
But your lips touch
I catch mine, mad...

More! I beg you more!
While there is no limit to desire ...
How unspeakably good
I flew away in streams of light ...

Christian screams and pulls painfully at my hair.
"What a naughty girl," he whispers, and reaches over to the table for a package of foil. - Lie still, don't move.
As he tears open the foil, I breathe heavily, blood pounding in my temples. Anticipation is intoxicating. Christian lays down on me and again takes over

Hair so I can't move my head.
- This time everything will be very, very slow, Anastasia.
And he slowly enters me. Slowly, slowly, until it fits in me entirely. Ruthlessly, relentlessly. I moan loudly. This time I

I feel it deeper, more pleasant. He deliberately steps back, hesitates a bit and enters to the end. This is repeated over and over again. teasing, slow

Rhythm and brief moments when it is completely in me, bring me to a frenzy.
“It's so good to feel you,” Christian says, and my insides begin to flutter. He steps back and waits. - No, baby, not now.

He whispers. When the shaking subsides, he starts all over again.
“Please…” I plead. I don't know if I can handle it. My body is so tense and so hungry for release.
“I want you to be hurt, baby,” he mutters, and this slow, sweet torture goes on and on, back and forth. - I want tomorrow

Every move you made reminded you that you were with me. You are mine.
I let out a groan.
Please, Christian.
- What do you want, Anastasia? Tell me.
I moan again. He steps back again and, slowly moving his hips, enters me.
"Tell me," he asks.
- You, please.
He increases the rhythm just a little bit, and his breath hitches. I start to accelerate, Christian picks up.
- You. Such. Sweet, he says between thrusts. - I just. You. Want.
I can only moan.
- You. My. Come on, baby, he growls.
In his words, my death, they push me into the abyss. My body convulses and I come screaming his name loudly into the pillow.

Two more quick thrusts and Christian freezes, pouring into me. Then he sits down on my back, burying his face in my hair.
- Heck. Ana,” he exhales, immediately pulls out of me and rolls to the other side of the bed. Completely exhausted, I pull my knees up to my chest and

I fall into a weary sleep.

When I wake up, it's still quite dark outside. I have no idea how long my dream lasted. Stretched out under the covers, I feel a pleasant pain.

Christian is nowhere to be found. I sit down, looking at the panorama of the city in front of me. Almost all the windows are off, in the east dawn is breaking a little. Sounds are coming

Music. A sad, tender complaint is heard in the silvery overflows of notes. Bah, I think, but I'm not sure.
I wrap myself in a blanket and walk down the hallway to the living room. Christian sits at the piano, completely immersed in the music. His face is sad, to match

Melodies. He plays great, like a professional musician. Leaning against the wall at the entrance, I listen in delight. Christian is shirtless

Illuminated by the light of a single floor lamp standing next to the piano. In the darkness of the house, he stays in his circle, fenced off from the rest of the world.

Sveta, untouchable... lonely.
I quietly approach him, mesmerized by the sublime, soul-stirring melody, and, as if hypnotized, I look at the long dexterous fingers, gently

Touching the keys, fingers that so skillfully aroused and caressed my body. At this thought, I blush and tighten my legs. He raises

Head: bottomless gray eyes are clear, facial expression is indistinguishable.
"I'm sorry," I whisper.


In the United States, sugar has been bleached using crushed, charred cattle bones, and has been doing so since 1812.

Often the fear of looking funny stops you from attending classes. There is an exit. Belly dance for beginners can also be mastered from video lessons. And when you learn how to dance well, you can safely sign up for a group and attend oriental dance lessons in person.

The main thing is to start practicing, because belly dancing is not only a beautiful sight.

Oriental dance lessons are an excellent workout for the joints and spine, for almost all muscles. Women of any age and complexion, with any level of training can do it.

Dancing, a person is liberated and overcomes stress. Thanks to this dance, your body will acquire attractive forms, posture and body flexibility will improve.

Class cycle Valeria Putitskaya is a belly dance cycle for beginners. At the end of the class, you will master such basic bellydance movements as hip strikes, a barrel roll, or a large hip circle, waves, figure eight, shakes, turns.

Movements in belly dancing are divided into two categories - movements for the upper body (head, neck, arms, chest and upper abdomen) and lower, which includes the lower abdomen, hips and legs.

Warm up

Today we will analyze in detail the warm-up exercises that we will perform in each of our lessons. For a beautiful and graceful belly dance, we need to develop the muscles of the hips, chest and neck.

Hip movements

Make sure that the chest does not move from side to side and that the hips work separately from the upper body.

Right-left movements

IP: feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel to each other, chest forward, chin looking up, arms to the sides.

One: move the right thigh to the right.

Two: move the left thigh to the left.

Back and forth movements

IP: bring your legs closer to each other.

One: move the hips forward.

Two: take the hips back.

Connecting these two movements

We make circular movements with the hips in the direction to the right - forward - left - back. Then to the other side.

Chest movements

Make sure that the hips do not work together with the chest, but stand still.

Up and down movements

One: pull the chest up.

Two: drop down.

Movement from side to side

One: pull the chest to the right.

Two: pull the chest to the left.

Connecting these two movements

We make circular movements with the chest in the direction to the right - up - left - down. Then to the other side.

Neck movements

They are also given great importance, so you need to follow them carefully.

Left-right movements

IP: we close our hands with palms at chest level.

One: move your head to the left.

Two: move your head to the right.

head tilts

In the direction to the right - back - to the left - forward twice in each direction.

Head rotation

In the direction to the right - back - to the left - forward, and in the opposite direction.


IP: put the left foot forward, pull the sock. Keep the knee straight, do not bend. We stretch our hands to the toe of the left leg.

We lower the body down, bend in the lower back, raise our head up. We do four tilts forward and down.

We change the leg. We repeat the same thing.

In the next lesson we will learn the movements for our dance.

Reference: Valeria Putitskaya has been dancing since the age of 9. World champion in belly dance in 2005 (Moscow), European champion in 2004 and 2011; Champion of Russia in 2003, 2004 and more (the list of titles is very long). Professional bellydance performer. Head of the dance school Valery lab. Conducts distance learning belly dance.

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