Home Grape Rules for using hard and soft signs. b – indicator of the softness of consonant sounds. Rules for hyphenating words with a soft sign in the middle

Rules for using hard and soft signs. b – indicator of the softness of consonant sounds. Rules for hyphenating words with a soft sign in the middle

The grammar of the Russian language is a rather complex phenomenon. Many of the rules in it are based on logical concepts or historical traditions. This is how spelling patterns associated with the use of a soft sign can be characterized.

To soften consonants

One of the first rules that students become familiar with as early as primary school, is associated with the letter "soft sign". In words she fulfills various functions. The first and main thing is to indicate soft signs. In this case, the soft sign is written, firstly, at the very end of the word: laziness, wattle fence etc. Exception from of this rule make up words that end with letters h, sch, these consonants themselves are soft in Russian. For example: ball, key, cloak, stove maker etc.

The spelling is quite easy to remember and apply in practice. For the most part, it does not cause any difficulties or complaints for children. Secondly, the letter soft sign is written in the middle of many words, performing a dividing function. It is necessary for separation from the solid standing nearby. Being between them, the sign is a kind of boundary, for example: Vanka, letter, eighth. Without him soft sound would assimilate with the neighboring hard one, and the words sounded with a clear “Caucasian” accent. Kind of stupid, isn't it? But the soft one does not allow assimilation, and the words have our usual, “correct” appearance, corresponding to the norms of Russian literary language. But that's not all! Thirdly, “b” is written in the middle of a word between two consonants to soften the first of them: schoolgirl, feller, freeman. If it were not for him, the words would lose their euphony. And finally, the fourth case, when a soft sign is written in words where two of the same (soft) consonants are joined. When a word changes, the first retains its softness, while the second hardens: let's take it, I'll take it. Also important are spellings such as “b” before iotated consonants and before the letter “O” in words of foreign origin: family, bindweed, champignons, medallion. In addition, we should not forget about words in which it is required after sibilants: look, look, just and etc.

Verbs and "b"

It is important to teach schoolchildren to correctly write the soft sign in verbs. This applies to the indefinite form, as well as the forms of the second person and imperative mood. Let's look at it in more detail. So, at the end of the infinitive it is written “b”: write, read, listen. This spelling is also checked by the question: what to do?/what to do? etc. Also written in verbs: you write, you watch, you play, you play, you'll dance etc. What are their characteristics? 2nd person form in present and future tense. Therefore, in order for students not to make mistakes, they need to work out the algorithm for determining verb forms, ability to understand the categories of person and time. The characteristics of this part of speech in terms of moods are also related to spelling. "b" is written in and is one of the spelling indicators of many verbs singular and plural: eat it, cut it off.

How to consolidate what you have learned

For a solid assimilation of the material and its successful use in written language practice, the teacher must regularly conduct vocabulary dictations and interdictations, work with cards and punched cards, independent work and others Be sure to check your notebooks in a timely and thorough manner, keep a record of errors and work on them in a timely manner.

Letter b written inside a word, not after prefixes to separate the consonant from those following it in pronunciation And, e, Yu, I, for example: quarry, loach, weeds, clerk, family, gun, at night, rye, passerine, curious, fox, fox, fox, whose, whose, whose, I drink, I sew.Note. Letter b before O written in some foreign words, for example: battalion, broth, guillotine, carmagnola, companion, minion, pavilion, postman, champignon.§ 72. Letter b written to indicate the softness of a consonant, except h, sch(see § 75), at the end of a word, for example: drink, darkness, horse, and in the middle of a word before a hard consonant, for example: threshing, request, nanny, less.To indicate the softness of a consonant that comes before another soft consonant, b is written in the following cases: If, when a word is changed, the second soft consonant becomes hard, and the first consonant retains its softness, for example: nanny (nanny), wedding (wedding), eighth (eighth). To indicate softness l, for example: herring, flatter, smaller, finger. In all other cases, before soft consonants, including before h, sch, letter b not written, for example: bones, early, nurse, tip, mason.Note. Between two soft ones l letter b not written, for example: illusion, booming.§ 73. Letter b also written in the following cases: In those formed from the numerals five, six, seven, eight, nine syllable numerals in which both parts are declined, for example: fifty (fifty, fifty), sixty, seventy, eighty, nine hundred, but: fifteen (fifteen, fifteen), sixteen, etc. . p. In creative forms. pad. plural h., for example: children, people, also four. In an indefinite form before -xia and in the imperative mood before -xia And -those, for example: drink - get drunk; fix it - fix it,correct; weigh in - weigh in, weigh it.§ 74. Letter b not written: In adjectives with suffix -sk- formed from nouns in b, for example: Kazansky (Kazan), Kemsky (Kem), Siberian (Siberia), Zversky (beast), January (January). Note. The adjectives September, October, November, December, June, densky (day-day) are written with b; adjectives formed from Chinese names in -ny , for example: Yunnanese (from Yunnan).In the family pad. plural h. from nouns to -nya with a preceding consonant or th and in those formed from them using the suffix -To- diminutives, for example: cherry - cherry, cherry; slaughterhouse - slaughterhouse; reading room - reading room; but: bathhouse - bathhouse, bathhouse; apple tree - apple tree, apple tree; also village - villages, hamlet; young lady - young ladies; kitchen - kitchen, kitchenette.§ 75. After sizzling ( and, h, w, sch) letter b written only in the following cases: At the end of feminine nouns in them. and wine pad. units h., for example: rye, night, mouse. At the end of the 2nd person unit. h. present and future tense of the verb after the final w, for example: you carry - you rush, you carry - you rush, you accept - you accept. At the end of the verb in singular. part of the imperative mood, and letter b is preserved before -xia , for example: smear - smear yourself; hide - hide; eat. In plural. part of the imperative mood before -those, - be careful, for example: smear - smear yourself; hide - hide; eat. At the end of the verb in indefinite form, and letter b written before -xia, for example: cut, cut your hair. In all dialects after the final w And h , for example: completely, gallop, away, and also in the adverb wide open. At the end of the particles: you see, you see, only, you see.

Soft sign- this is one of the letters of the Russian alphabet that does not have its own sound. It cannot be pronounced phonetically, but despite this, it is significant and serves a very important role.

History of the soft sign

At the stage of the birth of the great and mighty Russian language, our familiar soft sign was used as a very short version of the letter And. Over time, the soft sign lost this purpose, but, like the letter And, continued to soften the leading consonant.

In the Cernovo Slavic dialect, the concept of using the letter b almost the same as in traditional Russian, with the exception of some details. Firstly, in Church Slavonic the soft sign, contrary to the rules and canons of the Russian language, is written after the hissing letters at the end of the nouns m.r. (bucket, guard). Secondly, the soft sign in Church Slavonic was written at the end of any short passive participles(see, hear).

In some cases, it was acceptable not to put a soft sign between consonants where it should be. For example, instead of the word dark could write tma, and so on.

Soft sign functions

We all know that consonant sounds are soft and hard. Some consonants are always soft, and some are softened by other letters. For example, iotated vowels soften the hard consonant that precedes them. The soft sign performs exactly the same function as these vowels - it softens the consonants that precede it:

  • softens the preceding consonant;
  • performs the function of separation in words before iotated vowels and a vowel O in borrowed words;
  • does not carry a special phonetic load, but retains the grammatical form in some words (mouse, dry land, wilderness).

Let's look at a few special occasions, in which a soft sign may occur in the middle of the word.

Soft sign between two consonants

Example: skates, bathhouse, golf, polka, hospital, coal.

In this case, the soft sign simply softens the preceding consonant. Rule: a soft sign in the middle of a word is not written between combinations of consonants schn, schk, chn, chk.

Soft sign between a consonant and an iotated vowel (dividing)

Example: trees, logs, pickles, learning, monkey, bindweed, necklace.

In this case, the soft sign softens the preceding consonant. The iotated vowel is decomposed into two sounds .

The soft sign can appear not only before iotated vowels.

Example: broth, champignon, canyon, medallion.

Most often this happens in foreign borrowed words.

How not to make a mistake when writing a soft sign in the middle and end of a word?

A soft sign at the end of a word is needed to soften the consonant in front.

Examples: coal, salt, moth, tulle, pain, daring, calm, scrap, teacher, password.

Sounds h, f, w according to the canons of the Russian language, they cannot be soft a priori, but in some cases a soft sign can be placed after them. It does not soften the preceding consonant, but is needed to preserve grammatical form. Let's see in what cases this can happen:

  • Feminine nouns (rye, quiet, mouse).
  • Verbs in all forms (drain, protect, build, wash).
  • For adverbs ending in h And w(upside down, completely) and one adverb has and(wide open).

When you don’t need to put a soft sign after hissing ones:

  • Nouns male(reeds, garage, guard).
  • (good, nice, fresh).
  • Adverbs on and except wide open(unbearable, married, already).
  • Feminine nouns in plural genitive case(pears, clouds, heaps).

A little about the transfer

How to hyphenate words with a soft sign in the middle of a word? This is worth considering separately. Words with a soft sign in the middle of a word often cause difficulties when you need to move the word to another line. And there are many mistakes of this kind made in the texts.

Words with a soft sign in the middle are hyphenated as follows: first, you need to divide the word you want to hyphenate into syllables. We remember that, as many vowels in a word, there are as many syllables.

Step 1. Example: monkey.

It is important to remember that when transferring a word with a separating soft sign to another line, you cannot separate the soft sign from the consonant in front - the transfer must be carried out only with it.

Step 2. Example: monkey(example of correct transfer).

An important detail: if a soft sign is located at the end of a word, it cannot be moved to another line.

Incorrect example: mother-in-law, love, bear.

Correct example: mother-in-law, love, honey.

When hyphenating, you cannot leave one letter on a line. This rule applies not only to words with a soft sign in the middle of the word, but also to any others.


Soft sign in the middle of a word. 1 class.

1. Underline those words in which a soft sign softens the preceding consonant:

Weeds, elk, fire, trees, salt, monkey, stakes, flat, letter, sable, deer, strong, trill, medallion, spruce forest, crane, horse, family, days, coat, caramel, judges, blood, love, nightingales, troublemaker, gimp, cortel, imposing.

2. Enter a soft sign where it is needed:

Hush_, reed_, hear_, garage_, sleep_, rosy_, courage_, mirage_, bake_, cut_, married_, good_, beach_, watchman_, guard_, already_, wide open_, unbearable_, beach_, backhand_, care_, carried away_, rook_, completely_.

3. Execute phonetic analysis of these words (words can be given to children according to variants or each child can be given an individual word):

Curtain, backstage, expanse, sommelier, barrier.

TSYA and TSYA - which is correct?

Unfortunately, many people make a mistake in this seemingly elementary spelling. How do you know what to write at the end of a verb?

You just need to ask a question about the verb. If the verb answers the question “what to do”, a soft sign is placed. If the question is "what does it do?" - no soft sign needed.

Example: clean up (what to do?), agree (what to do?); show off (what to do?).

He cleans (what does he do?), negotiates (what does he do?), shows off (what does he do?).

There are two letters in the Russian language that do not correspond to any sound, but at the same time they affect the softness or hardness of the pronunciation of other sounds. This is a soft sign and a hard sign. In grade 3, they study the features of the soft sign, its functions and the rules associated with it.

What is a soft sign and why is it needed?

This letter is located almost at the end of the alphabet, before the last three vowels and a firm sign, it is denoted as b.

Once upon a time, a soft sign denoted a full-fledged sound, which was pronounced as a very short e. Then this letter had a different name - er. But linguistic processes led to the fact that the language became somewhat simpler, the sound gradually ceased to be pronounced, but the letter still remained, but began to perform other functions.

That is, despite the fact that it does not have its own sound, the soft sign has several truly important functions of a service nature. First - dividing. To implement it, the soft sign is located between the consonant letter and vowels such as e, e, yu, i, and.

It is important to remember them - these are letters that consist of two sounds: th and the next vowel. However, if the prefix ends in a consonant, and the root begins with one of these letters, the rule of a soft sign applies - it is never placed between them. In all other cases it is used.

Also the soft sign is a separator when used in foreign words, such as postman, champignon and so on.

The second important function of this letter is that it represents softness of a consonant in writing. It can be used at the end of a word or in the middle, but there are no words in the Russian language that begin with a soft sign.

In some cases, thanks to only this one letter, words differ in meaning, for example, spruce and spruce, corner and coal, and so on.

Also, the use of a soft sign in words has a grammatical function. For example, if it is written in a noun after a sibilant, it can be used to determine that it refers to feminine. And in the verb after sh it will show that it belongs to the category of 2nd person and singular.

Some features of using a soft sign

It must be remembered that when a word is transferred from one line to another, this letter remains on the previous line with a consonant, and does not move to the next with a main one.

The soft sign, which is needed to soften consonants, has three places in the word, that is, at the end, which has already been discussed, in the middle and after the l.

In the middle, the letter is written between two consonants and serves to soften the one that comes before it: Kuzma, very much and so on.

As for the position after l, the soft sign always softens this consonant, regardless of which letter comes after it - a consonant or a vowel. For example, you can't, it hurts, etc..

In the Russian language there are combinations of consonants in which a soft sign is never written - this is chn and nch, chk and cht, rshch and shchn.

What have we learned?

One of the two letters in the Russian language that does not have its own sound is a soft sign. But at the same time it has many important functions. It serves to separate letters in writing and when pronouncing (used between consonants and vowels, denoting two sounds, the first of which is th). This letter also plays a grammatical role, showing what form the word is in, and is necessary to indicate the softness of the consonant in writing. A word can never begin with this letter, and it is never placed between a prefix and a root, regardless of whether it begins with a vowel or a consonant. Also, it is never written in several combinations of letters that need to be remembered.


I. Boy, schoolboy, sparrows, teacher, fight, drinks, coat, horse, ring, sew, film, finger, drop, benefit, mallow, village, beats, album, mill, stump.

II. Day, perch, howling, cornflowers, bubble, fun, small, white, blizzard, red, strong, steel, ears, pain, free, impossible, feathers, sick, family.

III. Just, teacher, notebook, whose, whose, trees, friends, bear, do, draw, ask, sing, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

2. Write down the sentences. Underline words with a soft sign (ь) in the middle.

1. Winter days are short! 2. The boys ran to school. 3. Drops of dew glisten on the rose petals. 4. The river became covered with ice. 5. Bright mallows are turning red near the house. 6. Masha dropped the ring into the river. 7. The little gray bunny is shaking from the cold. 8. The teacher gave me an “A”. 9, I hit the door painfully. 10. The cow Zorka is nibbling grass. 11. There is an angry blizzard in the field. 12. Moths hover over the lamp. 13. The girls came in elegant dresses.


1: Listen to the sentences. Write and read words with soft

sign(s) in the middle.

1. Pets are very beneficial. 2. Schoolchildren begin classes in September. 3. There is an interesting film on TV today. 4. The lights of an airplane are visible in the night sky. 5. Mom laid a linen tablecloth on the table. 6. At my father's a strong character. 7. Water is gurgling in the kettle. 8. The blue eyes of forget-me-nots are visible in the grass. 9. Father brought Nastenka The Scarlet Flower. 10. The ants are rushing to their house. 11. The swallows made a home under the roof. 12. It rains in autumn. 13. There are a lot of pine needles under the spruce tree.

2. Write down in order the names of the months that end with a soft sign (b). Translate them into Ukrainian.

June has arrived.

"June! June!" -

Birds are chirping in the garden.

The winds blow in February

The pipes howl loudly.

Open the calendar -

January begins.

In December, in December

All trees are in silver.

Loose snow darkens in March,

The ice on the window is melting.

Haymaking is in July

Somewhere thunder grumbles sometimes.

In October, in October

Frequent rain outside.

April, April!

Drops are ringing in the yard.

Clear morning in September

Villages thresh bread.

We collect in August

Fruit harvest.

Seeing off May with flowers,

The lilac is blooming.

(S. Marshak)


Separate words with a soft sign (ь) at the end for hyphenation.

There is a lot of work in the yard. We need to water the flowers, dig up the soil. Yesterday we planted a poplar. We will look after him. It will grow and provide good shade. The lilacs have already blossomed. It's beautiful in our yard!


It snowed all day. By evening the snowstorm ended. The children began to sculpt snow woman. It quickly became dark outside. In winter there are long nights and short days. At five o'clock in the evening it is already dark. We need to go home.


It's autumn now. And in my album it’s summer. I drew large bouquet. It contains delicate daisies. They have white petals and a yellow center. There are drops of dew on the flowers. It’s good to remember the summer dawns!


Yesterday was severe frost. Our pond is covered with ice. The boys put on their skates and went skating. There are bubbles under the ice in the middle of the pond. They sleep there big fish. You can't walk on thin ice! You can fall into the water.


Here are the spring days. Nadya put on a warm coat and went out onto the porch. Black thawed patches appeared on the white snow. A cold drop fell on Nadya’s cheek. It was a large icicle hanging from the roof. She may fall and hurt. Be careful in spring!

Spring has come. Nature happily awaited the guest. The winter blizzards have died down. Twigs and branches can be seen from under the snow. Soon they will be used to build bird houses. Melting snow flows down in streams. The ants will wake up soon. The bees will begin to circle around the hives. The leaves on the trees will rustle. Birds will greet spring with a joyful trill.

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