Home Flowers The indefinite form of the verb (infinitive) - rules and examples. Indefinite verb form (initial form, infinitive)

The indefinite form of the verb (infinitive) - rules and examples. Indefinite verb form (initial form, infinitive)

Verbs in an indefinite form (in an infinitive) answer the questions of what to do? The initial form of the verb. Verbs in the past tense are not conjugated (do not change by person). Verbs not perfect kind have three forms of time, and the form of the future is complex. Verbs in an indefinite form have the endings -ty, -ty, or zero.

The indefinite form of the verb received such a name due to the fact that it does not show any tense, no number, no person, no gender - well, just complete indefiniteness! Tense regulates all actions at times in English language... Literally tense translates as "grammatical time". When we talk about time, we mean the concept of time in general. There is a special term for this concept - Infinite (infinity, unlimited).

See what the "indefinite form of the verb" is in other dictionaries:

As I already said, all temporal forms - future, past and present tense - are formed from the indefinite form of the verb. First, we will talk about the forms of the present and past tenses (Present and Past Tenses). We will not consider now the third form of verbs (past participles). So why, in some cases, a verb is used, and in others a noun.

But there is no action in this sentence, i.e. I don't drive now for example. That. action in a given period of time gives us certainty, which the infinitive cannot give. But if we talk about a palm tree (palm tree), then we are transferred from abstractions to reality and already talking about a specific type of tree. In the same way, you can imagine the infinitive.

Another similarity between the infinitive and the noun is the to particle before the verb, as well as the articles before the noun. It is in the infinitive that verbs are represented in dictionaries (for example: lie down, rest, work, see, study). The rule of the Russian language explains this by the fact that given form names an action, process or state, regardless of when, by whom and how this action, process or state is carried out.

The infinitive is an immutable, non-conjugated form of the verb. Souffler n'est pas jouer. Promoting does not mean performing on stage. Souffler is the group I infinitive in the sense of a noun, subject to the verb êtreNous ferons le maximum pour vous satisfaire. Prendre deux comprimés par jour. Take two tablets daily. Cela fait plaisir à voir. Nice to look at. The infinitive can mean a noun. Le rire est le propre de l'homme.

Infinitive forms and their meaning

I heard children screaming in the garden. Should I write -er or -é? If the verb is in the infinitive, then it is always written -er. II faudra sans doute trouver une solution. Here's some chocolate for afternoon tea. The verbs avoir or être should be followed by -é, since this is a participe passé: Tu serais étonné! You would be surprised! Après avoir dîné, il rentra.

In Spain, those sentenced to auto-da-fe (burning at the stake) were dressed in yellow, a symbol of heresy and betrayal. She only names the action, but does not indicate either the time, or the person, or the gender, or the number, and answers the questions of what to do? The infinitive has two grammatical features: view and recurrence / irreversibility. The infinitive can be any member of a sentence, for example: To fly above everyone else is my dream. I like to dream.

1. The grammatical categories of the verb (categoriae grammaticae)

Copy a passage from the poem, indicating the stem of the indefinite form of the verb. Verbs in a sentence are predicates. Verbs in an indefinite form have a form, transitivity and intransitivity, conjugation.

The case forms of verbal nouns indicate that these nouns meant “substantivated actions as an object dynamic focus subject ". However, this theory does not find confirmation in the written monuments of the Russian language and refers to a hypothetical Proto-Slavic language (the existence of which is rejected by many researchers).

It is harmful because it inspires and promotes the false idea that the infinitive is a verb. " In favor of the fact that the infinitive in the Russian language is a form of the verb, it is said that the infinitive has a grammatical attribute - the form (perfect and imperfect). Such a property of verbs as reflexivity is also inherent in the infinitive: to bathe and bathe.

The infinitive in English is an impersonal form English verb, which denotes only an action, without indicating either a person or a number. The infinitive answers the questions: what to do? The infinitive in English has four forms in the active (active) voice and two in the passive (passive) voice. If the personal endings of the verb are stressed, then the conjugation is determined by the endings, which are written as they are heard.

Check if a given verb is formed from a verb with stressed endings using the prefix: To drink

The difference between a suffix and an ending is that the second serves exclusively to connect words in a sentence, and the first, even in the formative, has a semantic component. One can argue about the suffixes of an indefinite time, before they were considered an ending of a special kind, but not about the generic ending, which changes with declension - that's all.

7. Future tense first (futúrum primum simplex activi et passivi)

All forms of the verb have morphological features of the form (they are perfect or imperfect) and transitivity (they are transitive or intransitive). Among verb forms differ conjugated (change in mood, tenses, persons or gender, as well as numbers) and unconjugated ( initial form verb, participle and gerunds). The infinitive denotes an action regardless of mood, time, person, number, that is, outside of its connection with the doer (subject).

Borisoglebskaya E.I., Gurchenkova V.P., Kurbyko A.E. etc. Russian language: A guide for applicants to universities

In a sentence, the infinitive can be any member of the sentence. Example (4) - the infinitive is not included in the predicate and is an addition in the sentence if it denotes the action of another person (object), not the one that is called the subject. The verb has two stems: the stem of the infinitive and the stem of the present / simple future tense. These two stems are different for many verbs. Verbs in Russian belong to one of two types: imperfect or perfect.

The number of tense forms and the way they are formed depends on the type of the verb. Verbs change in mood. There are transitive and intransitive verbs. In Russian, verbs have shapes of three moods: indicative, conditional (subjunctive) and imperative.

In contact with

Undefined verbs are used in dictionaries. What is an infinitive? The features are as follows:

  1. Verbs in an indefinite form answer the questions "what to do?" and "what to do?"
  2. Endowed with grammatical features of the type (perfect or imperfect).
  3. It is returnable and irrevocable.
  4. It is saved.
  5. When shaping, suffixes of the indefinite form of the verb -ty, -ty, -ch are used. For some verbs, it is ––––––––––––––––––––.

Important! Any verb word form can be initialized using the question "what to do?" or "what to do?"

Such word forms are called indefinite because it is impossible to determine their main grammatical features: time, face, mood, gender and number, how they differ from the rest.

Indefinite form of the verb: signs

Signs of the indefinite form of the verb

The main signs are the endings of verbs in -ti, -ty and -ch. The questions "what to do?" Will help to determine this. and "what to do?"

Examples of education

The infinitive ends with the suffix -ty if it is preceded by a consonant: come, crawl, shake. The suffix –ty is used after the vowels: write, fly, shoot, pull.

In some words ending in -ch, the ending is missing in the initial form, and -ch is included in the root structure. For example, attract, bake, protect, crush.

How to use the indefinite form of a verb

The infinitive is required to form other verb forms and to check spelling.

Often the endings of verbs in personal word forms are unstressed, which raises doubts about their writing... To check your spelling, you need to know how to indefinate a verb.

For example:

  • Build - What to do? build. This means that the correct ending is -you.
  • Glues, glued - What to do? glue. Correct writing-it and -il.
  • Hated - What to do? hate. Correctly write the vowel -e.

An unstressed suffix in an infinitive indicates its spelling in the past tense, in participial and participial forms.

To glue - to glue - to glue - to glue - to glue.

What is a reflexive or non-reflexive verb

Sometimes after the word-forming suffix -ty, -ty, -ch, an additional postfix -sy or -s is used. For example, pray, beware, ask, take cover.

Postfix allows you to define a returnable and non-returnable form.

The rule explains that word forms with -sya (-s) are considered reflexive and mean the action of someone or something directed at oneself, contact or position of an object. For example, topple over, deteriorate, equip, make your way.

Irretrievable infinitives express an action to someone, something. For example, reeling, eavesdropping, ironing.

Reflexive verb

Signs of a transitional and intransitive infinitive

Transition in an indefinite form makes it possible to identify additional word that indicates an object or phenomenon participating in an action.

As an additional word is used:

  • Noun or pronoun used in accusative case and without a pretext. For example, putting on a coat, cooking dinner.
  • Noun (accusative or Genitive), which expresses an attitude or share of something and is used without a preposition. For example, pouring tea, waiting for guests.
  • In a negative expression with an infinitive, a noun or pronoun in the genitive is used. For example, not having a chance not to hurt her.

Additional words give meaning to the infinitive, and without them the essence of what is happening is lost. Some part of the action is transferred to objects or circumstances, they acquire a clear semantic load.

In an intransitive infinitive, an action denotes one word.

Perfect and imperfect views

Verb words are classified into perfect and imperfect.

Imperfect ones characterize an action that lasts without a specific time frame. These actions can be called eternal, there is no indication of their completeness or incompleteness. The question "What to do?" Approaches them.

  • I'm going to go on a trip.
  • The street lights began to go out.

Perfect infinitives point to past action or whatever will happen. The result can already be observed or it is still expected. The question "What to do?" Is used.

  • After opening tin can the content needs to be transferred.
  • Did you receive instructions on what to report?

Known insignificant part of dual infinitives... They are used in both forms in one word form. They are defined by meaning. A standard question can be posed for dual verbs in the infinitive.

  • The whole area should be cleaned up tomorrow. - "What to do?".
  • Clean up trash on your desk and in your room. - "What to do?".
  • It is necessary to explore the city. - "What to do?".
  • They were to explore the city at dawn. - "What to do?"

Perfect and imperfect view

It would seem what simple thing! But this linguistic phenomenon also has its own characteristics and even "pitfalls", which will be discussed later in this article.

Brief description of the infinitive in Russian

An indefinite verb is what we see written in a dictionary entry. It has no mood, face, number, time, that is, it is not changed depending on who performs the action, since there is simply no such subject. However, such a verb still has some features - form (perfect or imperfect) and conjugation (first or second). In addition, it is characterized by recurrence or irreversibility, as well as transient or intransitive.

How to understand that a verb is in the infinitive

To determine that a given form of a word denoting an action is in fact an infinitive, you need to ask questions of the indefinite form of the verb. These include: " what to do?"(For example," read "or" talk ") or" what to do?"(For example," give "or" drink "). If the verb answers them, then it is in the initial form.

In addition, there are always suffixes in: -t-, -ty-, -ch-, -t- and -st-... It is worth noting that some linguists claim that these are the endings of indefinite verbs, since this morpheme is subject to change. However, the controversy continues to this day.

What is the indefinite form of the verb used for?

It is the Russian language that is quite rich in various possibilities of using the infinitive. The indefinite form of a verb can be a subject, predicate, definition, object in a sentence, and also be part of verbal predicate, to express imperative mood or future tense. Next, we will take a closer look at each of the listed cases using examples.

Specific syntactic roles of the verb in the initial form

So, a verb in an indefinite form is a subject if it is characterized in any way. For example:

  • Drawing was the meaning of his life.
  • Being a mother is the meaning of Svetlana's life.

In these sentences “ paint" and " to be (mother)»Are subject, since they are separate, independent actions.

In addition, a sentence can contain two infinitives, one of which characterizes the other:

  • To live is to love.

Then here " live"- subject, and" be in love"- predicate. In this case, it is easy to determine the term of the sentence: the subject goes to the predicate. Also, instead of " means" there may be a dash or the words " this "," is"And the like.

An infinitive can be a definition if it appears in this form, for example:

  • He went to bed with a firm resolve to read a book tomorrow..

It turns out that the verb "read" here answers the question "how?" With what decision did he go to bed? Read (book tomorrow). That is, a verb of an indefinite form is a definition if it refers to a noun that means necessity, decision, desire, expression of will, and the like.

The indefinite form of the verb also happens to be an object, if, for example, it is used in such a phrase:

  • Dad asked Lena to raise a pencil.

That is, the verb "asked" has a full lexical meaning here. Both verbs refer to different peopleasked"- to dad, and" to raise"- to Lena).

The infinitive is a constituent part of the verbal predicate, if used with a verb that denotes the beginning, continuation or completion of an action, that is, it has auxiliary value... For example:

  • The puppy quickly began to fall asleep.
  • The teacher continued to teach the lesson.

"Started" and " continued"- these are the verbs, therefore" fall asleep" and " lead " are predicate parts.

The infinitive expresses the imperative mood, if used in a commanding tone. For example, a squad leader may order: “ Be silent!", And the captain of the ship yells:" All hands on deck!»

The initial form of the verb expresses the future tense in sentences like this:

  • Yes, Ivan shouldn't be a pilot!

That is, it should contain a certain shade of annoyance or regret.

Common spelling mistakes

In most cases, the indefinite verb is an easy thing to spell, but sometimes people get confused. This happens when the verb is reflexive. Is simply forgotten soft sign before the suffix - Xia-, so it turns out that the verb is in the third person and the singular. And sometimes it makes reading comprehension very difficult.

In order to avoid mistakes and correctly write suffixes (or endings of verbs of an indefinite form), you need to ask them mentally questions every time: “h what to do?"Or" h what to do?»If the verb clearly answers exactly to them, it is necessary to put a soft sign. For example, in last word in a sentence " Petya is going to sleep tonight " a soft sign is put, since Peter going to what to do? Get some sleep.

Thus, the verb of the indefinite form is a rather interesting and important part of the language that can be used in different cases, the main thing is to learn them well.

Lesson topic: "The indefinite form of verbs."

It is called indefinite, because it is impossible to determine by it neither the tense nor the number, nor the person, nor the gender of the verb.

Listen to the poem, find the verbs.

How nice, friends, to walk

Along the trail with a backpack.

It's wonderful to jump across the field

Riding a horse.

It's also nice to get on the express -

Flashed in the window meadow and forest.

Slide not bad on the waves

On a sea ship.

But it's better to race in the sky

On a steel liner... (I. Kholin)

Walk, jump (what to do?),

sit down (what to do?),

slide (what to do), rush (what to do?).

Infinite verbs answer the question what to do? or what to do? This is the initial form of the verb. Its peculiarity is that neither time, nor number, nor face, nor gender are determined by it.

Verb will flash(what will it do?) is used in the form of the future tense, singular, 3rd person. You will learn to identify the face of verbs in grade 4.

Find out Pushkin's tales from which you took excerpts, and find verbs in them that stand in an indefinite form. How can you tell them apart?

Infinite verbs answer the question what to do? or what to do?

The mirror property had:

It speaks skillfully ...

"You, queen, are the nicest of all,

All blush and whiter. "

And the queen is laughing,

And shrug your shoulders

And wink your eyes

And click with your fingers ...

"The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs."

Verbs in indefinite form:

what to do?


to laugh out loud

to shake



King Dadon in his old age wanted

Take a break from military affairs

And make yourself comfortable.

Here neighbors bother

Became the old king

Doing terrible harm to him.

So that the ends of their possessions

Protect from attacks

He should have contained

Numerous host.

"The Tale of the Golden Cockerel".

what to do?



what to do?



If you want, remember.

The verbs that answer the question what to do? Are imperfective verbs. The verbs that answer the question what to do? Are perfective verbs.

Verbs that answer the questions what to do? and what to do? in different words even if they are of the same root. They differ from each other in some parts of the basis and therefore differ in meaning.

What to do?

to laugh out loud



What to do?

to laugh out loud


before talking

to laugh - to laugh

Words are distinguished by the prefix za- (the prefix za- means “to start an action”).

to shake(root press -) - to reap(root zha-)

The verb to shake refers to an action that occurs frequently (repeatedly), the verb to shake refers to an action that occurs once (once).

speak - finish

Words are distinguished by the prefix before - (the prefix before- means "to complete the action").

In order not to switch from one verb to another, you need to follow the prefix in the question.

1. Put a question to the form of the verb and find out if there is a prefix C in the question - or not.

2. Ask a question of indefinite form with or without the prefix C-.

3. Name the indefinite form of the required verb.

The indefinite form of the verb most often ends in -ty or -ty(go, get out, find, carry, crawl)... Scientists have not yet agreed on how to call this part of the word. Some consider it an ending, while others consider it a suffix.

Sometimes the indefinite form of the verb ends in -ch, but these letters are part of the root:

guard-guard(root guard-, guard-), lie down - lie down(root lie down, lie down).

In the indefinite form of verbs, if it does not end in -ti, it is always written ь. It is also written after the letter h (-ch) - this is a spelling for the rule: b in the indefinite form of the verb.

Determine the tense of the verbs and find the indefinite form.

flowed- what did you do ?, last century, what to do ?, to flow(root tech-flow)

I cut my hair- what am I doing ?, present, what should I do ?, to cut(root shearing-shearing)

save save(root shore-protect)

will captivate- what will I do ?, bud.v., what should I do ?, captivate(root attract-attract)

The letters of the vowels in the indefinite form of the verbs before -т are most often suffixes. They can be different: -a, -e, -i, -i, -o.

If they are unstressed, then in their place there is always a spelling. These suffix letters are identified by rule is not allowed, they can only be recognized by dictionary and memorized.

Suffix -а: hear, swim, jump, listen

Suffix -e: see, offend, depend

Suffix -i: build, iron, cook, glue, set, build

Suffix -i: bark, melt, blow, sow

Let's find a verb in an indefinite form.

The wind sings barely audibly

Linden sighs by the garden ...

Sensitive music lives everywhere

In the rustle of herbs

In the noise of the oak groves,

You just have to listen.(V. Semernin)

What is he doing?, sings, sighs, lives- verbs in the present tense.

What to do?, listen - verb in indefinite form.

In verbs, the special suffix -sya or -s is often found. It is special because it is after -T. To distinguish it from other suffixes, scientists gave it their name - postfix ("attached after").

Form indefinite verbs using these suffixes and prefixes.

Prefixes VZ-, PO-, PRI-, OT-.

Roots -SLEEP-, -CASHL-, -PLYAS-.

Suffixes -ИВА-, -НУ-, -ИВА-, -А-, -Я-, -СЯ.

Take a nap - prefix vz-, suffix -nu-,

on nap - prefix po, suffix -а,

on cough - the prefix is ​​po, suffix -ya-,

from coughing - prefix from-, suffix -я-,

to dance - the prefix is ​​po, suffix -a-,

when dancing - the prefix pri-, suffix -yva-,

from dancing - the prefix from-, suffix -yva-.

Who eats how.

A proboscis fly can only suck liquid food... Some butterflies have incisor-like teeth at the end of their proboscis, with which they can gnaw the peel of fruit and drink its juice! Eight flexible tentacles with suction cups help the octopus to grip and grip any prey very tightly. Long neck able to reach the giraffe tree shoots. A snail living in a shell can cut and grind food with its tongue. The spider can produce sticky silk for the cobweb, which must be caught by insects. There are cobwebs with lids, then the prey will not escape him.

Can (what to do?) Suck,

can (what to do?) gnaw and drink,

help (what to do?) to grab and hold,

able (what to do?) to get,

able (what to do?) to cut and grind,

can (what to do?) produce,

should (what to do?) come across,

what to do? don't slip away.

During holidays.

Well early in the summer .... and ... to the lake. Nice ... in the sun, ... in clear water,… In the forest, mushrooms, berries,…. Singing of birds. It is interesting… .behavior of insects,… .with friends in football. It is useful ... in the garden and in the garden, ... for the head of the household.

During holidays.

It's good in the summer early (what to do?) To get up and (what to do?) Go to the lake. It's nice (what to do?) Sunbathe in the sun, (what to do?) Swim in clear water, (what to do?) Pick mushrooms and berries in the forest, (what to do?) Listen to birdsong. It is interesting (what to do?) To observe the behavior of insects, (what to do?) To play football with friends. It is useful (what to do?) To work in the garden and in the garden, (what to do?) To help the elders with the housework.

How to cook pancakes.

We need (take) half a liter of kefir, (add) a little salt, sugar and soda, (beat) one egg and (pour) into this mass, (add) flour and that's it (mix). You can (bake).

Let's put the verbs in an indefinite form.

take - what shall we do ?, what to do ?, take

add - what shall we do ?, what shall we do ?, add

whisk - what shall we do ?, what to do ?, whip

pour out - what shall we do ?, what to do ?, pour out

add - what shall we do ?, what shall we do ?, add

shuffle - what shall we do ?, what to do ?, shuffle

bake - what are we doing?, what to do ?, bake

How to cook pancakes.

You need to take half a liter of kefir, add a little salt, sugar and soda, beat one egg and pour it into this mass, add flour and mix everything. You can bake.

(What to do?) To dress or to wear? These two words are often confused.

The verbs put on and put on are similar, but they have different meanings.

You can dress someone, but only put on something on yourself.

Therefore, it is correct to say this:

put on (anything)




the dress


dress (someone)






In the lesson, you learned that verbs in an indefinite form answer the question of what to do? or what to do? This is the initial form of the verb. Its peculiarity is that neither time, nor number, nor face, nor gender are determined by it.

The indefinite form of the verb most often ends in -ty or -ty, sometimes in -ch. In the indefinite form of verbs, if it does not end in -ti, it is always written ь.

  1. MS Soloveichik, NS Kuzmenko "To the secrets of our language" Russian language: Textbook. Grade 3: in 2 parts. Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2010.
  2. M.S.Soloveichik, N. S. Kuzmenko "To the secrets of our language" Russian language: Workbook... Grade 3: in 3 parts. Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2010.
  3. T. V. Koreshkova Test tasks In Russian. Grade 3: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  4. T.V. Koreshkova Practice! Notebook for independent work in Russian for grade 3: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  5. L.V. Mashevskaya, L.V. Danbitskaya Creative tasks in the Russian language. - SPb .: KARO, 2003
  6. G.T.Dyachkova Olympiad tasks in Russian. 3-4 classes. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008
  1. School-collection.edu.ru ().
  2. Cdo.omrc.ru ().
  3. Oldskola1.narod.ru ().
  • Read the poem. What part of speech is “main” in it? Indicate in what form the words of this part of speech are used? Emphasize the sign of this form.

Don't stop me from dreaming!

I would get a bag of sweets,

Expand, chew, suck,

Chomp, smack, devour,

For a long, long time, do not swallow,

Enjoy, savor.

  • Ask questions for these verbs. Form from them an indefinite form and emphasize the sign of the initial form.

Carrying, running, whistling, driving, cutting, looking for, drawing.

  • Write out verbs from the poem in an indefinite form in two columns.

What to do? What to do?

Don't bother your mom ...

Don't beg your sister ...

No need to call

No need to wait


You can define the infinitive by question. Find a verb and ask a question to it. If it is a verb in an indefinite form, then it will answer the question "what to do?", "What to do?" For example, grow, bake, flood, dilute, lie down.
There is always a soft sign at the end of such verbs.

It is difficult to distinguish the infinitive from the personal form if the word is written in transcription. The writing of the finals of these forms coincide: [uch "itza] (learns) - [uch" itza] (learns). In this case, pay attention to the vowel before [-ca] or the context where you can ask the question. If this work is not feasible, then both forms are appropriate.

The indefinite form of the verb is included in the compound nominal predicate. In this case, the sentence contains two heterogeneous verbs. To determine which of them is the infinitive, you need to denote grammatical basis... The predicate will have two verbs. The one in which the lexical meaning lies is an infinitive, it needs a soft sign. So, in the sentence "Students will be able to work out additionally" the predicate "will be able to work out". And the indefinite form is "to work out."

The indefinite form of the verb can act as secondary members of the sentence. It is possible to define it in such cases by following the logic of reasoning. Ask a question indirect case from predicate to infinitive. If possible, then in this case he is an addition. For example, in the sentence “The coach told us to warm up”, the word “work out” would be an addition (ordered what?). In this case, reason as follows: the action indicated in the verb "ordered" is performed, but others will perform it. So it is not a predicate, because it is simple.

Circumstances expressed in the indefinite form of the verb most often answer the questions "for what purpose?", "For what reason?" In the sentence “I came to the gym to train” to the infinitive we ask the question “came for what purpose?”.
To the definition, ask a question from. In the sentence "I am fluent in the ability to play the guitar" the infinitive -: the ability (what?) To play.

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Only in one-piece sentences with the main predicate term, there are no words from which the question is asked to the verb.

Helpful advice

Ask questions from one word to another. If minor member expressed by a verb, it is only an indefinite form. Be sure to write a soft sign.


  • indefinite verbs

A verb is a part of speech with permanent and non-permanent features. The face of the verb is his a fickle sign, and only verbs in the present and future tenses have it. Not everyone can immediately identify it. For this, we will give a small instruction on how to determine the face of a verb.


Secondly, you need to highlight the ending in the verb, for example, in the verb "look" the ending "-yat".

Next, you need to look at the ending and the pronoun. If the pronoun "I" or "we" fits the verb, then you have a first person verb, and it points to. If the pronoun "you" or "you" fits the verb, then this is a second person verb, and it points to the speaker's interlocutor. If a verb is combined with one of these: he, she, it, they, then this is a face verb. In our example, the ending "-at" and the pronoun "they" means a third person verb.

But, as with any rule, there are exceptions. The exception to this rule is the impersonal. It is impossible to choose a pronoun for such verbs; it is also impossible to bind an action to any object, person, animal, etc. These verbs show that they are by themselves, without anyone's help. For example, this is the verb "dusk".
Some verbs may not have forms in all persons, these verbs are insufficient. An example is the verb "to win", this verb cannot be used in 1 person only, in this case they say "I will win", not "I will run."

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The study of verbs, including its indefinite form, schoolchildren begin in primary grades... If the material is poorly mastered, mistakes in spelling "tsya" and "tsya" are possible. Therefore, the teacher needs to draw their attention to the identifying signs a.


You should know that undefined shape verb often called the infinitive. The verb in this form does not change either in numbers or in persons. It is impossible for him to determine both the mood and the look.

You can, of course, form the indefinite form of the verb with the help of auxiliary questions "what to do?", "What to do?" But this method may not always be useful to you. So, it is difficult for schoolchildren to put in the infinitive impersonal verbs, which in the future may be the result of spelling errors.

Children also confuse third-person verbs with infinitives, which means they will not be able to determine whether to write "tsya" or "tsya". For example, to the verb in syntactic construction“It seems successful” children find it difficult to put auxiliary questions “what to do?”, “What to do?”. Thus, they will not be able to check the spelling.

Finding or forming an indefinite form of a verb is easier by paying attention to some details. So, you should know that the infinitive has the ending "t" or "t". For example, in “bring” the ending will be “ti”, and in the word “to be in time” - “be”.

The ending "ti" is indefinite if there is a vowel in front of it, and "t" is after a consonant. So, in the infinitive "blossom" before the ending "ti" there is a consonant sound "s", and in the word "see" there is a vowel "e".


  • the verb will not happen in an indefinite form

The noun is a separate part of the speech of the Russian language. It is inherent in the forms of number and case, classifying the categories of gender, as well as animate and inanimate, depending on the designated objects.


Imagine several variants of the same thing: "home", "home", "home". How to determine its initial shape(or dictionary shape)? The initial form of a noun is the nominative form. This case denotes a concept expressed by a word. Most often, names in this case play the role of a subject in a sentence, less often - a predicate. Nominative to the questions: "who?", "What?" Like what?" - "home", "who?" - "bird". Ask similar questions to determine shape noun.

Remember from school curriculum, which, in the initial form, is in most cases in the singular. Therefore, to define a dictionary shape this part of speech, put it in the singular: "many houses" - "one house."

Note that some nouns only have shape plural, and it is impossible to modify them, leading to the singular. These include, for example, the names of time periods, paired objects, mass of substance: "day", "glasses", "trousers", "weekdays", "pasta", "holidays", "ink", "scissors". The initial form for similar is the form nominative plural.

Pay attention to the need for homonyms (words that are the same in sound and spelling, but different in meaning) from each other. For example: "There is a clock on the wall" (here "clock" will have an initial shape only in the plural). Or: “At these hours the sky is usually bright” (the initial form of the noun “clock” will look like “hour”).

The verb to ask questions: "what is he doing?", "What will he do?", "What will he do?" " etc. That is, by definition, the infinitive has minimal amount morphological signs.

Examples. The verb "go" answers the question "what to do?" Accordingly, this is a verb in an indefinite (initial) form, or an infinitive. However, the verbs “is going”, “will go”, “are going” answer the questions “what is he doing?”, “What will he be doing?”, “?”. These verbs already have morphological features - persons, numbers and tenses - and are not infinitives.

Another example. The verb "write" answers the question "what to do?" and is infinitive. From this initial form, verbs are formed in the past and future tenses, the first, second and third persons, the only and plural: "Wrote", "wrote", "", "", "will write".

In other words, a verb in an infinitive is always a zero (indefinite) form, from which one can always form different shapes the same word in different persons and numbers. This process is called conjugation.

What signs of the verb can be determined by the initial form

If the infinitive is the initial, zero, indefinite form of the verb, can it be used to determine any signs of this part of speech, or morphological signs? Yes, you can define the constants, the signs of the verb.

First, by the indefinite form, you can determine the types of the verb - perfect or. The imperfective verb in the initial form answers the question "what to do?" and denotes an unfinished action. For example, "walk", "", "sing", "", etc. The perfective verb in the infinitive answers the question "what to do?" and denotes a completed, completed action. For example, "take a walk", "read", "sing", "compose", "fly", etc.

Secondly, it can be determined by the infinitive. In there are two conjugations - the first and the second. The first conjugation includes all verbs that end in -et, -at, -ut, -t, -t, -t, and several exception verbs in the infinitive. The second conjugation includes most of verbs ending in –it, as well as some exception verbs ending in –at, –at, and –et.

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