Home Trees and shrubs Writing suffixes ova eva. Spelling of the verb and verb forms

Writing suffixes ova eva. Spelling of the verb and verb forms

Lesson topic: Spelling of verb suffixes.Vowels in suffixes –ova- (-eva-), -yva- (-iva-)

Lesson Objectives:

To acquaint students with the spelling rule for vowels in the suffixes -ova-, (-eva-), -yva- (-iva-);

To develop the ability to independently find the studied spelling in words, designate it graphically and explain spelling;

Cultivate interest in the subject, independent thinking.

Equipment: computer, algorithm, homework cards, textbook.

During the classes.

1. Organizational moment.

2. Repetition using the slide "Dear Derivation"

How does word-formation parsing help solve a spelling problem?

autumn --- autumn seen ---- see

What suffix will help the girl put herself in order?

washes, combs, dresses, gathers.

Which prefix will help the student complete the action?

Taught ----- learned

3. Explanation of new material.

Formulation of the problem. Slide "Mysteries of Word Formation"

What spelling problem arose in these verbs? In what morpheme?

Report O,s wat, commands O, s wat, mountains e, and wat, nasta e, and vat

Lesson topic message: “Spelling of verb suffixes. Vowels in suffixes -ova- (-eva-), -yva- (-iva-)"

We have seen that when writing suffixes of verbs, it is necessary to choose a vowel. There must be a rule that will help us make this choice. The purpose of today's lesson is to get acquainted with the rule and learn how to write verbs with the indicated suffixes without errors.

Acquaintance with the theoretical material according to the textbook edited by Ladyzhenskaya.

Students read the text of the paragraph and write instructions for applying the rule.

Slide "Algorithm for spelling suffixes -ova- (-eva-), -yva- (-iva-)"

Application of the algorithm. Spelling explanation.

We “pass” the verbs we recorded through the algorithm, inserting the missing letters:


grieve - grieve


insist - insist

Orally, students answer the question: “Why are we talking about two suffixes in each case?” (The vowels o, s in the suffixes –ova-, -yva- show the hardness of the preceding consonant, and the vowels e, and in the suffixes –eva-, -iva- show the softness of the preceding vowel.)

A grammatical fairy tale that allows you to present the rule and remember it better.

Once upon a time there were suffixes -ova-, -eva- and -yva-, -iva- in Russian grammar. They honestly worked, formed verbs. But they behaved differently.

The suffixes -yva-, -iva- were very devoted. They never left the verb forms and did not trust their place to other suffixes:




Evil tongues, however, said that it was not a matter of devotion - just the letters y, and it was hard to walk, all their lives they walk with sticks and cannot leave the suffixes.

One way or another, but the suffixes -yva-, -iva- always remained true, constantly present in verb forms Oh.

But the suffixes -ova-, -eva- did not differ in such constancy and gave way to the suffixes -u-, -u-, remaining only in some forms:





So they are now distinguished. If the suffix does not leave its place, it is -yva-, -iva-., and if it seeks to run away like a bun, then this is a suffix with “round” letters -o, e.

The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows. What lesson does this story teach us? Restate the rule.

4. Consolidation of new material.

Algorithm work.

1.Slay with the task: replace verbs or phrases with similar meanings (see words for reference) verbs with the suffixes under consideration.

(This is a level one task, so the reference words already have a vowel inserted. Students need to explain why this suffix is ​​in this verb.)

He was heavily fed regaled - regaled)

The coachman drove the horses spurred - spurred)

The street was covered with asphalt asphalted - asphalted)

You must not arrive late to class. ( be late - be late)

Words for reference: p..styogival, z..asphalted, regaled, late

2. Slide "Phraseological pause".

Combine phraseological units and verbs with the same meaning. Explain spelling:

Add fuel to the fire

Get water in your mouth

Climb out of your skin to be silent

5. Intermediate control

Slide " Independent work»

From each pair of verbs, select the word with the required suffix and write it down in the table, highlighting the suffixes.

1. -yva-justify ..vat - attack ..vat

2. -ova-educate ..vat - celebrations ..vat

3. -ova-lakir..vat - test..vat

4. -ova-report ..vat - research ..vat

5. -ova-record ..vat - feelings ..vat

6. -ova-disgusted .. wat - bite .. wat

7. -yva-act ..vat - form ..vat

Circle the column consisting of the first letters of each word; if the task is completed correctly, then you will read your mark

Slad "Test yourself" (self-test)

O tell the truth

T celebrate

l lacquer

and investigate

h feel

n resent

O form

Let's analyze the mistakes.

6. Slide "Independent work"

Working according to the algorithm, insert the missing letters

Use..wat, complain..walt, dance..walt,

ask, dance..wat, otkap..wat,

calculate .. vat, plow .. vat, gone .. vat,

warehouse .. check, try .. check, affect .. check,

ventilate .. vent, day .. vent and night .. vent.

Slide Self-Check:






7. Summing up the lesson.

Using the words on the slide, make up a sentence that matches the diagram:

[=,=,=,= and=]. In your sentence, tell us about what we did in the lesson. Explain the vowels in the verb suffixes.

Educate..get it, train it..go, use it..go, prove it..go, try it..go.

(Today at the Russian language lesson we formed new words, practiced writing verb suffixes, used an algorithm, proved the choice of a vowel and tried our hand at independent work.)

8. Homework(on cards)

1) From these words, form verbs with the studied suffixes. Don't forget to mark the spelling.

Team -_______________________

expense - ________________________

Envy - _______________________

participation - _______________________

Grief - __________________________

sympathy.. feeling - ____________________

2) For these verbs, select antonyms with the studied suffixes. Define the spelling.

accuse - ____________________

save - _____________________________

be sad - _________________________

be silent - ____________________________

3) Replace phrases with verbs with learned suffixes. Define the spelling.

go solemnly - __________________________

varnish - ____________________________

to be a chef - _______________________________

take part - _________________________

travel to new places - __________________________

to investigate - _________________________

send a telegram -____________________________

give advice -_____________________

Iva eva suffixes in verbs are one of the most difficult grammatical topics in Russian to understand, in particular, due to the significant amount of material. It is better for students to analyze and memorize these topics separately, so that later they can compose a whole picture. We talk about the rule iva eva suffixes of verbs in this article.

Suffix rule -iva-, -eva-

These two suffixes have paired word-building units -yva- and -ova-, respectively, which are written according to the same rules as the ones under consideration. verbal suffixes. What are these rules? There are several of them, students need to remember all the following information.

So, the suffix -eva- is written in verbs when the second vowel in the suffix, that is, the letter a, is in stressed position.

for instance , having overcome A t, not overpowered AND wat.

It is also used when in the present tense the first person of the verb ends in -th, -yu: fight - fight.

It is necessary to distinguish words with the suffix -eva- from words with the suffix -va- and the root vowel e, for which it is enough to choose several words with the same root to the verb, which will help to correctly determine the root. If the vowel e is preserved in the root in all words, then the suffix -va- is used to form the verb. Moreover, with one related words it will be possible to check which vowel is written in the root: sing - the root is ne - the test word “sing”

The suffix -iva- is used as in indefinite form verb, and in its past tense in the case when in the form of the first person singular present (or future) tense, the verb ends in -ivayu, that is, we can talk about the preservation of the suffix: look - look.

There are a number of verbs whose spelling should simply be remembered. These are words such as stuck (but stuck), eclipse (eclipse), prolong (prolong), corrupt (corrupt) - stressed suffix -eva-. And also intend and exhort.

The suffixes -iva- and -eva- play very important role in the formation of verbs. To understand how words are eventually written, you need to know what and how they are formed from, as well as the rules for spelling verbal suffixes.

What have we learned?

The spelling of the verbal suffixes -eva- and -iva-, which are used in the indefinite form of the verb and in the past tense, follows the strict rules of the Russian language. One or another derivational unit is chosen depending on the ending of the verb in the form of the present tense and the first person: -th and -yu for the suffix -eva- and ivayu for the suffix -iva-. In some cases, this choice depends on the stress or unstress of his position. There is also a list of verbs whose spelling just needs to be remembered. It is also important to distinguish this suffix from the suffix -va- with the preceding root vowel. Correct Definition root also helps to choose a test word and understand which vowel should be written in it.

"Н and НН in adjectives" - V.) Pupil? educate - (owl.) Chosen one? choose - (owl. In suff. -Enn-, -onn- morning, fiery, fiery, lecture, propaganda, revolutionary. V.) Powder box? to powder - (Non-Sov. Verbal martyr? to torment - (Non-Sov. P.) It is always written -n- the commission is formed. - (Tv.P.) (Someone formed - briefly.

"Full and short communions" - Unfinished, but started meeting. Replace in writing a combination with a real participle with a combination with a passive participle. Resounding, me, a roar, on the left, made me look around. Short and full participles. Put the participles in brackets in the correct gender, number and case. Formation cognitive abilities student.

"НН and Н in adjectives" - State - State Tradition– traditional Economy – economic Courage – courageous Lecture - lecture. What part of speech are the words in the right columns? Cold - cold winter - winter sleepy - sleepy morning - morning clay - clay. Delicious sleepy crystal moon summer autumn.

"Sentences with participles" - Checking homework. big water". The formation of the sacraments. I will enter the cold, naked _ (n, n) garden. I. I. Levitan " Golden autumn". Task 2. In these sentences, insert the missing letters and missing punctuation marks. Sample Plan answer: We draw a conclusion about the role of participles in a literary text.

"Н and НН in suffixes" - Training exercises. Н and НН in suffixes different parts speech. Windy - lived windy, gloomy - looked gloomy. Insert the missing letters. In the verbal adjective H Salty, stewed, dyed. Н and НН in adjective suffixes. Key to the exercise: Unexpected - appeared unexpectedly, rash - acted rashly.

"Communion" - Communion is an independent part of speech. Real communion. Full form. Passionate Communion. Participial- This is a participle with dependent words. Present time. Past tense. Valid participles past tense. Participle. short form. Imperfect species. Declension of participles.

International University of Nature,
society and man "Dubna", Dubna, Moscow region

Spelling of the verb and verb forms

Spelling of personal verb endings


1. For verbs with a prefix you- conjugation is determined by a non-prefixed verb:

they will sleep - sleep (2nd conjugation)
he raises a son - raises(2nd conjugation)
his son will grow up(1st conjugation)

2. Remember conjugated verbs: want, run, honor (revere, honor), glimpse (dawn glimmers, dawns glimmer).

3. Verbs on -yat belong to the 1st conjugation: bait, bleat, winnow, repent, bark, cherish, toil, hope, sow, sow, melt(not to be confused: conceal- "hide" find fault.

4. Verbs to recover, to get frosty, to get sick, to grow moldy v literary language change according to the 1st conjugation (you will recover, you will get frosty, you will become disgusted, you will grow moldy).

5. There are literary and colloquial forms: torment(lit.) - torment(colloquial); measure(lit.) - measure(colloquial).


№ 1 . Determine the verb conjugation: take(1),wag(1),twist(1),own(1),hear(2),cut(1),hang(2),be able(1),offend(2),to want(various), whistle(2),to rub (1).

№ 2 . Fill in the table with these verbs according to the model: glue, hate, build, shave, grind, hope, wave, melt, twirl, want, hide.

№ 3 . Write off, insert the missing letters, indicate the conjugation.

1. Drops in puddles splash more dimensionally and mutter their psalm. 2. The knight involuntarily trembles: he sees the old battlefield. (A. Pushkin) 3. He laughs - everyone laughs, frowns his eyebrows - everyone is silent. (A. Pushkin) 4. The pale blue sky breathes light and warmth and welcomes Petropolis with an unprecedented September. 5. People cleared the paths, trampled, inherited, and the snow will fall again and everything will be filled up with almost weightless down pillows.

Spelling of verb suffixes

-ova-(-eva-), -yva-(-iva-)

-and-, -e- in verbs with a prefix bez(s)-

vowel before -l-

-ova-(eva-) in the form of a unit h. alternates with -u-, -Yu- ; -yva-(-iva-) persist

Front -va- the vowel of the root is preserved (do not confuse -va- With -Eve-, (-willow- )

In a transitive verb it is written -and- , written in intransitive -e-

Front -l- the vowel of the infinitive is preserved

Conversations ovate b - conversations at Yu

Obv and t - obv and-wa-th

Athlete exhausted and whether ( hard workout),

hung up e l - hung e be

sight ywa t - sight ywa Yu

Zap e t - zap e-wa-th

sportsman exhausted e l (after performance)

Listen a lysya - listen a to be


1. When choosing the form of the 1st person unit. h. to check the spelling of verbs with suffixes -ova-/-eva-, -yva-/-iva- the form of the verb must be taken into account.
dispel(non-Sov. v.) - dispel(non-sov. v.) (incorrect dispel, because owl verb. here dispel).
reconnaissance(non-Sov. v.) - reconnaissance(non-sov. v.) (incorrect I will reconnoiter, because owl verb. here reconnoiter).

2. Pay attention to the spelling of root verbs -ved- :
confess - I confess; to preach - I preach; manage - manage; taste - I taste; to visit - I visit; bring out - bring out.

3. Remember the spelling of verbs: stuck e vat(although stuck I am be); eclipse e vat(although eclipse and be); once e vat(although once and choke); prolong e vat(although prolong and be); corrupt e vat(although corrupt and be);intention e to be(there is no pair of owl species).

4. Distinguish between verbs exhort e vat- "persuading, advising" and usoveshch and vat- "to conscience, to shame."

5. Distinguish verbs potch e vat- "treat" and poch and vat- "sleep".


№ 1 . Put it in the form of an imperative and indicative mood Verbs: repeat, wait, expel, shake out, crawl out, say, see.

№ 2

re_t flag. Burevestnik re_l. Didn't see anyone. Seen nothing. Success depends on effort. Dependent on parents. The cloud dissipated. The box doesn't fit well. The conversation didn't stick. Everything is disgusted.

№ 3 . Write by inserting the missing letters.

Advise to rest, explore the map, not be limited by persuasion, preach mercy, eclipse the sun; the mountain was deforested, the singer was deaf, the peasants were depopulated, the village was depopulated.

Education and spelling of participles

Valid participles
(denoting a sign of an object that itself performs an action)

Passive participles
(denoting a sign of the object on which the action is directed)

present tense

(from Nesov. v.)

Past tense

(from owl. species and non-sov. species)

When forming passive participles of the past tense, it is important to choose the correct form of the infinitive (only the modern form) and take into account the lexical meaning of the word (see table).

Infinitive, modern form


Context check

Hang up
Give short weight
Hang up
throw out
roll out

curtained window
hinged door
Buyer hung over by the seller
Portioned tea
Waste dumped out of container
kneaded dough
Barrel rolled out of the barn
Shot boar

curtain window and whether
Canopy door and whether
Buyer body kit and whether
tea by weight and whether
Garbage fell out and whether
dough kneading and whether
barrel roll out and whether
Boar shot and whether

hang up
Hang up
hang up

Walls hung with bunches of herbs
Posters hung on the walls
Flagged ships
Laundry hanging everywhere
Fur coat covered in snow
Involved in a nasty story

Veil walls a whether
Hang on the walls a whether
Vessels a whether
Hang up the linen a whether
Short fur coat fell out I am whether in the snow
Zamesh a lee into a bad story
Pump out the water a whether
Shot I am whether the gun


№ 1 . Form all possible forms of participles from these verbs: love, lie, compose, laugh, create, dress, glue.

№ 2 . Point out the verbs from which it is impossible to form passive participles past tense: buy, announce, be surprised, build, open, insist: 1) on something, 2) liqueur.

Answer : these are verbs build up, surprise, insist 1.

№ 3 . Among the forms my indicate participles: dependent, audible, combustible, readable, tireless, distinguishable, surmountable.

Note. Communion on my are passive participles of the present tense. They are formed from transitive verbs not perfect look. Therefore, forms formed from intransitive verbs or from perfective verbs will not be participles.

Answer: audible, readable.


Test #1

Indicate the numbers of words that are written with a letter u(u) .

1. they mumble
2. they tremble
3. they look_t
4. they mess up
5. they get enough sleep
6. they hope
7. they cherish
8. they are breezzh_t
9. snow ta_t
10. grasses sway
11. they seem
12. dogs la_t
13. sheep ble_t
14. they fight

Test #2

a mistake was made .

1. he glues
2. he shaves
3. it will melt
4. he wobbles
5. he drives
6. he grinds
7. he lays
8. he cherishes
9. he sways
10. he rumbles
11. he pouts
12. he spins
13. he will hear
14. he hopes

Test #3

Indicate the numbers of the words in which a mistake was made .

1. preach
2. manage
3. renew
4. outshine
5. admonish
6. pasted
7. recovered
8. built up
9. open
10. treat

Test #4

Indicate the numbers of sentences in which the letter is missing and .

1. When you see him, give this letter.
2. If you don't take out the trash, be punished.
3. He didn't see anyone.
4. The conversation is not cool.
5. If you firmly hold the handle, the hand gets tired quickly.
6. He will raise a son.
7. You will get well soon.
8. Clouds obscure the sun.
9. He won't last long.
10. Hiking exhausted tourists.

Indicate the numbers of the words in which mistakes made.

1. they squeal
2. they toil
3. they keep
4. they drive
5. they cherish
6. they lay
7. they glue
8. they bubbling
9. they mumble
10. they sway
11. they bark
12. they hope
13. they bleat
14. they are amused

Indicate the numbers of phrases and sentences in which mistakes made .

1. They hope not to make a mistake.
2. The guys sealed the book.
3. He was advised to be treated.
4. Explore the secrets of the earth.
5. Nobody hoped for success anymore.
6. Horses are barely dragging.
7. The tournament weakened the athlete.
8. Dawn breaks a little.
9. If you say too much, you will regret it.
10. Constantly spinning.
11. Grass sways in the wind.
12. They toil for a long time.
13. Sweet treat.
14. Admonish a friend.
15. The waters are bubbling.
16. They mumble.
17. Not dependent on parents.
18. Extend holidays.
19. Something seems ahead.
20. If you see him, tell him.

Spelling participles

Test #1

Write down the missing participles (if participles cannot be formed, put a dash).


Valid. incl.

Suffer. incl.

present tense

Past tense

present tense

Past tense





4. hope


Test #2

From these participles, choose the passive past participle. Specify numbers.

1. discarded
2. student
3. offending
4. persecuted
5. adhesive
6. melted
7. infused
8. swept

Test #3

Specify the numbers of words in which letters are missing a or I am .

1. kolysh_shchy
2. adhesive
3. wrestling
4. bra_shchy
5. racer
6. small
7. breathable
8. fluttering
9. hopeful
10. swearing
11. stele
12. thinker
13. reverent
14. jumping

Test #4

e .

1. rope hanging from the roof
2. ball thrown out in the mud
3. shot_nny beast
4. mixed ingredients
5. ships are adorned with flags
6. covered by the seller
7. shot_gun
8. clothes hung in the closet
9. hinged door
10. hanging groats
11. arrow sparrow
12. barrel rolled out of the barn
13. involved in a crime
14. the walls are hung with paintings
15. dumped garbage
16. mixed solution
17. infused with herbs
18. promised help
19. sheep of glory
20. overheard conversation

Test #5

Indicate the numbers of phrases in which a letter is missing and I) .

1. glue stick
2. shuffled cards
3. glued notebook
4. melted snow
5. that_shy snow
6. kneaded dough
7. hung goods

Test #6

What part of speech are the underlined words? Choose the correct answer:

A) participle, B) adjective, C) noun.

1 part mourners
2. think about past
3. closed syllable
4. devastated Human
5. devastated town
6. circled poplar
7. faded bush
8. room for waiting


Spelling of endings and suffixes of the verb

Test #1: 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14.
Test number 2: 1, 5, 7 (from grind), 12, 13.
Test #3: 1, 2, 4, 6, 11, 13, 17.
Test #4: 1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10.
Test #5: 3, 4, 7, 14.
Test #6: 1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 17, 18.

Spelling participles

Test No. 1: 1. decided; 2. solved; 3. adhesive; 4. hopeful.
Note: present participles are formed only from imperfective verbs, and passive participles - only from transitive verbs.
Test #2: 1, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 15.
Test #3: 2, 5, 12.
Test #4: 1, 3, 6, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16.
Test No. 5: 2, 4, 10, 14. (Two spellings are possible in No. 7: hung goods, i.e. the one that was hung out was divided by weight; hung goods, i.e. the one that was hung up, placed in some space.)
Test No. 6: A: 5, 6, 7; B: 3, 4; B: 1, 2, 8.


1. Russian language: Tutorial for in-depth study in high school / Bagryantseva V.A and others. M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 2000. S. 58–84.

2. Valgina N.S., Svetlysheva V.N. Russian language. Spelling and punctuation. Rules and exercises. M.: Neolit, 2000. S. 107–122.

3. Tsarenkova T.A. Collection of tests in the Russian language. Dubna: Intern. University of Nature, Society and Man "Dubna", 2002.

4. Steinberg L.Ya. 1000 questions and answers. Russian language: Textbook for applicants to universities. Moscow: University Book House, 1999, pp. 57–70.

1 educate the will

2 explore the area

3 steps creaked

4 roll up the tent

5 sacrifices

6 happy to meet

7 dispel doubts

8 participated in the competition

9 lay a heating main

10 head of the section

1 expend funds

2 recovered quickly

3 uncork a bottle

4 cement the track

5 instill medicine

6 rolling on asphalt

7 bring up_shaft in severity

8 extend visa

9 toss the ball

10 re-glue windows

2 stumps

3 preach good

4 danced until the morning

5 taste test

6 required_val explanations

7 ask about him

8 nights by the fire

9 evaluate results

10 treat guests

1 grieve about the deceased

2 binoculars

3 friendly advice

4 count on success

5 report to the commander

6 feel awkward

7 unbutton a button

8 look with interest

9 confuse traces

10 play guitar

Exercise number 1. Explain the spelling of verb suffixes. Form the 1st person form from these verbs sole person, specify the type, highlight the suffix.

Exercise number 2. From perfective verbs, use the suffix -yva-(-iva-) to form imperfective verbs. Make up phrases with them (verb + noun)

Specify type subordination formed phrases ____________

Exercise number 3. Form verbs from these words using suffixes - willow- (-yva-) -eva- (-ova-), designate the spelling.

Exercise number 4. Insert the missing letters.

Listen to recordings, cut stumps, preach good, taste, ask about what happened, friendly advice , count on success, evaluate results, mourn the dead, demanded explanations, report to the commander, unbutton a button, strictly exam_val, confuse the investigation, play along on the guitar.

To continue downloading, you need to collect the image:

Verb suffixes -iva-(-yva-), -eva-(-ova-), -va-

Spelling of some adjective suffixes


Task: do test work.

1. In which verb is the letter E written in place of the gap?

1) wrap. vat 2) limited. 3) debug. 4) potch. vat

2. In which verb is the letter O written in place of the gap?

1) dance. vat 2) test. shaft 3) try. 4) calculate. vayu

3. In which verb is the letter Y written at the place of the gap?

1) commands. vat 2) use. shaft 3) pursued. 4) reconnaissance. vat

4. In which verb is the letter I written at the place of the gap?

1) doctor. vat 2) protrude. vat 3) cramps. vat 4) ring. vat

5. In which verb is the letter E written in place of the gap?

1) distorted. vat 2) mountains. 3) view. vayu 4) wink. vat

6. In which verb is the letter O written at the place of the gap?

1) address. vat 2) guess. 3) whistle. 4) being late. vat

7. In which verb is the letter Y written at the place of the gap?

1) glad. 2) equipment. vat 3) invoice. 4) conversations. vat

8. In which verb is the letter I written at the place of the gap?

1) sight. 2) imprint. 3) putty. 4) grind. vat

9. In which verb is the letter E written in place of the gap?

10. Which verb does not have the suffix -EVA-

1) in. vat 2) ill. 3) bush. 4) night. vat

Task: do test work

Write down all the words where the letter E is missing?

A. endure B. fastidious C. aluminum D. calm down

A. envious ... B. enamel ... C. uncommunicative ... G. shoulder ... howl

Write down all the words where the letter I is missing?

A. adjust ..wat B. stray ..vyy C. unfasten ..detach D. rod ..howl

A. bean..vyy B. industry..howl C. persistence..voice D. guessed..vyy

A. sneaking ... vyy B. knife ... howling (wound) C. swing ... wat G. prolong ... wat

Write down all the words in which the letter I is missing?

A. catch ... B. koch ... C. Conversational ... D. View ... my

A. heating vat B. ask..vat V. hello. out G. glossy.. out

Verbal suffixes in Russian. Spelling of verbal suffixes. Verb suffix -ova-

The spelling of suffixes is closely related to morphology. There are various rules for writing this morpheme, they are studied differently for each part of speech. Consider what are the verbal suffixes.

Suffix –ova-/-eva-, –yva-/-iva-

These suffixes form imperfective verbs, to which the question “what to do?” is posed. For example: draw, dance, paint, dance.

Morphemes -ova- / eva- form imperfective verbs from other parts of speech, usually from nouns:

  • command - to command;
  • test - to try;
  • envy - envy;
  • excitement - to worry;
  • expense - to spend;
  • grief - to grieve;
  • conversation - to talk;
  • participation - to participate;
  • feeling - to feel;
  • sympathy - sympathize;
  • stroke - stroke.
  • The spelling of these morphemes is checked by the form of the verb in the first person singular. numbers in the present. In order to put the verb in the right form, you need to ask the question: “What am I doing now?” The answer will be:

  • I am dancing now;
  • I'm drawing right now.
  • As you can see, the verb ends in -oy. In this case, the suffix -ova- / -eva- is written.

    Examples of words in which the verbal suffix –ova-/-eva- stands out:

    • I envy - envy, greet - greet, explore - explore, organize - organize, writhe - uproot, worry - worry, peck - peck, attack - attack, pursue - pursue, use - use, enmity - enmity.
    • The morphemes –yva-/-iva- also form verbs that ask the question “what to do?” For example: take a bite.

      The suffixes –yva-/-iva- produce imperfective verbs from perfective verbs:

      (what to do?) to experience - (what to do?) to experience.

      The spelling of these morphemes also depends on the form of the verb of the 1st letter. the only one. real numbers. time. Recall the question: “What am I doing now?” And the answer will be: "I'm dancing now", "I'm finishing now."

      After that, we determine that at the end - I am / - I am.

      Examples of words in which it stands out:

      Choking - choking, inventing - inventing, swinging - swinging, educating - educating, biting off - biting off, refusing - refusing, searching - searching, greasing - greasing, hanging - hanging, painting - painting, sawing - sawing, unwinding - unwinding, pulling away - pull apart, draw - draw, loosen - loosen, scatter - scatter, wink - wink, hang - hang, experience - experience, shudder - shudder, think - think.

      Suffixes in participles

      Morphemes - ova-/-eva-, -yva-/-iva- are preserved in real participles.

      This is due to the fact that participles, denoting a sign of an object by action, are formed from verbs, and the spelling of verbal suffixes is preserved in them. For instance:

    • fat-ova-l
    • march-ova-l
    • gost-eva-l
    • thought
    • jump-willow-l
    • varnish-iro-shaft
    • shudder-willow-l
    • subtract-yva-l
    • prikid-yva-l
      • fat ova
      • marched-ov-shed
      • guest
      • thoughtful
      • jumping up
      • lakir-ova-shvy
      • flinching
      • subtracting
      • prikid-yva-vyh
      • Verb suffix -va and vowel before it

        In the event that the stress falls on the final part of the verb, it is impossible to single out -ova- / eva-, -yva- / -iva-, since the suffix will be different - va. It is always stressed, and this differs from previous derivational morphemes. For example, it is distinguished in the words:

        This suffix forms imperfect species from the perfect, it appears in the form of a nose. v. and disappears in the verbs of owls. v. This will help to highlight it in the word:

      • weaken (sov.v.) - weaken-va-t (non-sov.v.);
      • to sweat (sov.v.)
      • water (sov.v.) - water-va-t (non-sov.view);
      • to thread (owl. in.) - to sell-wa-th (non-state view);
      • sing (sov.v.) - sing-wa-t (non-sov.view).
      • Appearing in verbs, it takes on stress, and the vowel in front of it turns out to be unstressed and turns into a spelling. To select it, the following rule applies: to correctly write a vowel before the stressed suffix -va, you need to skip this suffix.

        To mature - to mature, to get sick - to get sick, to put on - to put on, to give out - to give, to knock out - to beat, to be distributed - to be distributed, to drink - to drink, to dress - to dress, to interrupt - to interrupt, to know - to know, to get up - to get up, to have time - to be in time, to create - create, master - master, sew up - sew up, warm up - warm up, overcome - overcome, endure - endure.

        Attention! There is an inconsistency with the rule in the following verbs: get stuck - get stuck, intend, outshine - outshine, extend - prolong.

        Suffix -irova-

        If the suffixes –yva-/-iva-, -ova-/-eva- have variants, then the morpheme –irova- is always written in the same way. It also forms the verbs nes. kind. To highlight this suffix, you need to determine the generating word, highlight the base in it, being guided by which, it is easy to determine where the derivational morpheme begins: group - group-irovat-th.

        Usually verbs with this postfix are formed from the stem of a noun and have the meaning of an active, purposeful action: reserve - reserve, sabotage - sabotage, coach - train.

        The suffix -irova- has a very interesting origin. One of its parts -ier- borrowed from German language during the reign of Peter I, connected with Russian -ova-: experimentieren - to experiment, gruppieren - to group, modernisieren - to modernize, formieren - to form.

        Examples of words with the suffix -irova-:

      • isolate;
      • varnish;
      • lead;
      • liquidate;
      • march;
      • mine;
      • operate;
      • orient;
      • to plan;
      • privatize;
      • to react;
      • rehearse;
      • serve;
      • sort;
      • stuff;
      • take pictures;
      • quote.
      • Verb suffix -and-

        In verbs combined with a noun and a pronoun in accusative without prepositions, usually there is a suffix -and-:

      • deliver-and-be (whom? what?) us;
      • provide for (whom? what?) children;
      • deforested-and-t (whom? what?) area;
      • dehydration-and-be (whom? what?) Territory;
      • white-and-be (whom? what?) Walls;
      • tint-and-be (whom? what?) hair;
      • black-and-be (whom? what?) eyebrows.
      • Such words mean that someone performs this action in relation to some object. That is, they are transitive verbs.

        This verb suffix is ​​written in intransitive verbs, from which it is impossible to put questions of the accusative case:

      • black-e-be (from what?) from grief;
      • seriously-e-be (from what?) From problems;
      • rusty-e-be (from what?) from humidity;
      • turned white-e-be (from what?) from old age.
      • Such verbs contain the meaning of an action that occurs without extraneous influence, and this meaning is introduced by the suffix -e.

        Vowels before the suffix -l-

        The verbal suffix of the past tense -l- is usually found after spelling vowels: ver ... l, ve ... l, hung ... l, measured ... l, detour ... l, despaired ..., glued ... l, se ... l, clean ... l.

        To choose a vowel before -l-, you need to put the verb in initial form. The vowel that comes before -t will remain before -l:

      • twirl - spit;
      • winnow - winnow;
      • to start - started;
      • depend - depended;
      • measure - measured;
      • repent - repented;
      • to bow - to bow;
      • cherish - cherished;
      • to hope - hoped;
      • travel around - traveled;
      • despair - despaired;
      • glue - glued;
      • reyat - reyal;
      • listen - listened;
      • sow - sowed;
      • clean - cleaned;
      • hear - heard.

      The verbal suffix in an indefinite form is a reference. It is also preserved in gerunds before -v- and -lice-: despair-lice, stick-in, listen-in, sow-in, clean-in.

      Task for pinning

      So, when you know what verbal suffixes there are in Russian and how they are written, you can move on to the practical part.

      Letters are missing from this text. It is easy to restore it if you recall some of the studied rules governing the spelling of spellings in verb suffixes.

      It is interesting to watch the monkeys living in the trees. You can examine them ... and photograph them ... because they, without experiencing fear, freely perform various miracles of dexterity. They don't jump over... waddle, but flutter... waddle from branch to branch, sway... waddle and somersault on the vines. Everything that seems attractive to them, the monkeys pluck, grasp ... with their tenacious paws, inspect ... wail, sniff ... sniff and try to try ... wat, even bring it to their ear to listen ... to. They pawn something ... by the cheek, and discard something ... as unnecessary.

      Without any hesitation, they beg for gifts, look at the most beautiful little things, and don’t yawn here, keep your ears open.

      Test. Spelling of suffixes -ova- (-eva-) / -yva- (-iva-) in verbs

      For this test, you must select one correct option answer to the spelling of Gagol suffixes.

      List of test questions

      Specify the correct continuation of the rule:

      If in the present or future tense the verb ends in -th (-th), then.

    • in the imperative and conditional moods, the suffix -yva- (-iva-) is written
    • in the indefinite form and in the past tense, the suffix -ova- (eva-) is written
    • in an indefinite form and in the past tense, the suffix -uva- is written
    • Indicate the correct spelling of the verb CONVERSATION in an indefinite form.

    • chat
    • chat
    • chat
    • Interviewed
    • Indicate the correct spelling of the verb I TALK in the past tense

    • Talk
    • talking
    • to talk
    • spoke
    • Point out the misspelled verb.

    • Chat with a friend.
    • You need to put things in their place.
    • This rule must be used in the classroom.
    • At the competition I recite telling a poem.
    • Indicate the line where the indefinite form of the verb has the suffix -OVA-.

    • I envy, I fight.
    • I'm talking, I'm sorry.
    • I draw, I command.
    • I report, I dream.
    • Indicate the verb, where in the indefinite form of the verb there is the suffix -EVA-.

    • I spend the night
    • I advise
    • command
    • I'm late
    • Specify the correct continuation of the rule:

      If in the present or future tense the verb ends in -YVAYU- (-IVAYU-), then.

    • indefinitely and conditional mood the suffix -yva- (-iva-) is written
    • in the indefinite form and in the past tense, the suffix -yva- (-iva-) is written
    • in the indefinite form and in the past tense, the suffix -ova- (-eva-) is written
    • in the indefinite form and in the past tense, the suffix -uva- is written.
    • Indicate the verb where the letter O is written in place of the gap.

      Answer options
    • way. vat
    • Firework. vat
    • Discharge. vat
    • Dance. vat
    • Try Now vat
    • Plyas. vat
    • Test. shaft
    • Calc. vayu
    • Indicate the verb where the letter E is written in place of the gap.

      Abstract and presentation of the Russian language lesson in the 7th grade on the topic "Spelling of vowels in suffixes -ova-(-eva-), -yva-(-iva-)"

      Lesson Objectives:

      learn the spelling of suffixes -ova- (-Eve- ), -yva- (-willow- );

    learn to write without errors verbs with the indicated suffixes.

    I. Organizational moment

    II. Repetition. Word-formation warm-up

    On cards.
    How does word-formation parsing help us solve a spelling problem?
    Which prefix will help us complete the action?
    What suffix will help the boy put himself in order?
    washes, combs, dresses
    (on the board is a picture of a sloppy boy
    On the reverse side image of a neat boy))
    Explanation of new material.

    III. Formulation of the problem

    What spelling problem arose in these verbs?
    In what morpheme?

    TEAM? WAT,
    GOR? WAT,

    IV. Lesson topic message

    Spelling of vowels in suffixes -yva- (-willow- ) and -ova- , (-Eve- ) (Annex 1 . slide 1).

    – We made sure that when writing these verb suffixes, it is necessary to choose a vowel. And the purpose of our today's lesson is ( Annex 1 . Slide 2) - get acquainted with the rule and learn to write verbs with the indicated suffixes without errors ( Annex 1 . slide 3).
    There must be a rule that will help us make a choice. Introduction to the rule. ( Annex 1 . slide 4).
    Let's make a reference diagram in reference books ( Annex 1 . slide 5).
    – What functions do we need to perform in order to write these verb suffixes correctly?

    Drawing up instructions for applying the rule ( Annex 1 . slide 6).

    V. Application of the algorithm

    - “We pass the verbs we recorded through the algorithm, inserting the missing letters ( Annex 1 . slide 7).

    Why are we talking about two suffixes in each case? (O, Y - used after hard consonants. And, E - after soft consonants)

    - Guys, we have considered the rule, explained it, and an hour, please listen to the fairy tale.

    VI. grammar tale

    Once upon a time there were suffixes in Russian grammar - -ova- , -Eve- , -yva- , -willow- . They honestly worked, formed verbs. But they behaved differently.
    Suffixes -yva- and -willow- were very devoted. They never left verb forms and did not trust their place to other suffixes ( Annex 1 . slide 8).
    Evil tongues, however, said that it was not a matter of devotion - just the letters Y, And it’s hard to walk, they walk with sticks all their lives and cannot leave the suffixes.
    One way or another, but suffixes -yva- and -willow- always remained true, constantly present in verb forms.
    And here are the suffixes -ova- and -Eve- did not differ in such constancy and gave way to suffixes - -u- , -Yu- , remaining only in some forms ( Annex 1 . slide 9).
    So they are now distinguished. If the suffix does not leave its place, it is - -yva- and -willow- , and if it seeks to run away like a bun, then this is a suffix with “round” letters - O, E.

    - A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows. What lesson does this story teach us? Let's formulate the rule again.

    VII. Fixing new material

    - These tasks are not very difficult, suffixes are given, you just need to explain why such a suffix is ​​written in verbs. Further tasks will become more difficult.

    VIII. Working with cards

    Explain the meaning of the proverbs. Determine the suffix of the verb by producing according to the algorithm. Define the spelling. (1 message for each student.)

    • Not the hostess who talks, but the one who cooks cabbage soup.
    • The enemy wanted to feast, but had to grieve.
    • Those who do not know how to perform should not order.
    • Every coward loves to talk about courage.
    • Make new friends, but don't lose old ones. (the last chapter is provocative. The letter is omitted in the root.
    • IX. Independent work (Annex 1 . slide 11)

      - From each pair of verbs, we select a word with the required suffix and write it down in a notebook, highlight the suffixes.
      – Underline, please, the first letters of each verb; if done correctly, you will read your mark.

      Summing up the lesson. ( Annex 1 . Slides 15, 16)
      - Using the verbs written on the slide, make a simple sentence with homogeneous predicates. In your proposal to talk about what we did in the lesson. Explain again the vowels in the suffixes of the verbs.

      X. Supplementary Material

      Watch - consider (LOOK)
      Keep silent - keep silent (SILENT)

      Are the correct words chosen here? Guys, remember once and for all. To check an unstressed vowel in the root, you cannot take verbs with suffixes -yva- , -willow- .
      Choose test words., determine the vowel in the root.

      Weaken - weaken.
      I command - command.

      In these verbs there are no suffixes familiar to us, it is easy to see this if we form an aspect pair. Ch NSV arr. with the help of suf -VA- and ch. the letter E is checked using the verb SV. We write in dictionaries.

      XI. Homework(on cards)

      Card 1

      From these verbs, form verbs with the studied suffixes. Don't forget to mark the spelling.

      Team, envy, grief, expense, participation, sympathy ..

      Card 2

      Choose antonyms for these verbs with the studied suffixes.

      Blame - Accumulate -
      be sad - be silent -

      Card 3

      Replace word combinations with verbs with learned suffixes.

      Solemnly go -
      Lacquer -
      Be the chief
      Take part -
      To investigate -
      Give advice -

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