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Checking the tax arrears of individuals. Apartment tax: how to find out the debt. Step-by-step instructions and recommendations

There are several basic options for checking an individual's tax arrears without having to go directly to the tax authorities. The most common of them is through the personal account of an individual taxpayer on the FTS website at https://lkfl.nalog.ru/lk/. Or through the Unified Portal of Public Services, using the "Find out your debt" service. But this still requires preliminary registration in the corresponding services.

If, in addition to the surname, you need to enter a TIN, you can find it on the FTS website at https://service.nalog.ru/inn.do. To obtain information about the TIN of an individual, it is necessary to indicate in the appropriate fields:

  • surname, name and patronymic of an individual;
  • his date of birth;
  • type of identity document, its series, number and date of issue.

In these cases, only a person who has access to the relevant services can check for tax debts of individuals.

But there is an online service where any person can find out the tax debts of individuals by entering data on the surname and first name.

Check tax debts by last name

If the overdue tax debt of an individual is transferred to bailiffs for collection, information about it can be obtained on the official website of the Federal Bailiff Service at http://fssprus.ru.

To do this, it is enough to indicate in the appropriate fields the name and surname of an individual. In the case of a large amount of effective information, the subject of the search can be narrowed by adding information about the patronymic of an individual and his date of birth in the format DD.MM.YYYY.

Taxes - payments are compulsory. They cause a lot of problems for the population. Every citizen should know how to check their tax debts in one case or another. This procedure has great amount approaches. Modern citizens are given the right to choose the method of checking debt. It should be noted that the bulk of the methods allows you to pay off the debt. There is nothing special or surprising in this. In fact, each citizen himself chooses the possible notification option. What is offered to the modern population of Russia?

Verification methods

Interested in tax debts of individuals? How to find out about the presence of a particular debt? There are many answers to this question in Russia. You can choose any of them. The main thing is to take into account the peculiarities of each.

To date, tax audits are carried out:

  • personally by a citizen through;
  • through the portal "Gosuslugi";
  • through the page of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation;
  • using the site of bailiffs;
  • through electronic wallets;
  • using internet banking;
  • through third-party verification services.

In addition, you can receive notifications by mail. This is the most common scenario.

By mail

Why? Tax debts vary. Among them are distinguished:

  • payments that must be paid by a certain date;
  • overdue taxes.

This fact is important to consider. After all, those who come to the mail to a citizen, as a rule, indicate the need for settlements with the state. It is enough to wait a little - and a notification from the Federal Tax Service will be placed in the mailbox with a request to pay the tax. The same goes for debt cases. But what if the notification is lost? Or would you like to know in advance what tax debts a person has? In situations like this, it is recommended that you start a self-check. Further, we will talk about all the options for the development of events in more detail.

Personal visit to the Federal Tax Service

100% reliable information about debts and taxes paid can be obtained with the help of the regional department of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation. A citizen must come to the appropriate organization (by registration) and submit a request in the established form. It is usually sufficient to simply ask the employee to report tax debts.

A citizen must bring with him:

  • identification;
  • TIN (if any);
  • SNILS.

It is advisable to have with you documents establishing the rights to a particular object. For example, a certificate of ownership of an apartment. This will help establish the legality of the tax charge.

A personal visit to the Federal Tax Service is by no means the most common occurrence. Most often, tax debts are checked independently. This can be done using the Internet.

FTS website

For example, using the FTS website. The presence of a "Personal Account" here greatly facilitates the task. It is necessary to apply to the service "Check debts". Working with him is easier than it sounds. This opportunity allows using the TIN to obtain information about the tax debts of a citizen.

What needs to be done to bring the idea to life? Would need:

  1. Visit the website nalog.ru. If you have an account, then go through authorization in the "Personal Account". In the absence thereof, click on "Register" and create a profile.
  2. After passing the authorization in the "Personal Account", fill out the citizen's questionnaire. It is obligatory to indicate the TIN.
  3. Refresh the page and study the information on debts to the tax authorities. You can find the "Debt Check" service, enter the TIN of the debtor and study the results.

Fast, simple, convenient. The disadvantage of this method is the need for registration, as well as waiting for the activation of the profile. This takes 3 days. You can get a password to enter the "Personal Account" on the FTS website only at the tax office of the settlement. Therefore, tax debts can be checked using other methods.

Portal "State services"

For example, use the "State Services" service. This is another good option that can quickly and accurately provide information on debts to the state. To bring the idea to life, you must have an active profile on the service. If you don't have an account, it is recommended that you choose any other verification method. After all, it will take about 14-15 days to activate.

Nevertheless, the presence of registration on the "State Services" opens access to all the services of the service. Informing the citizen does not require payment. To find out tax debts in this way, you will need:

  1. Go to Gususlugi.ru. Pass authorization on the portal.
  2. Visit the "Popular Services" section. Select "Informing individuals on taxes" there. You can type this feature into the search bar and search for it. Or go to "Services" - "FTS" - "Informing".
  3. Read the information about the service and click on the "Get the service" button.
  4. Examine the information displayed on the screen.

Important: a citizen must have a TIN in his profile. Otherwise, it will not work to bring the idea to life.

Another way is to study the "Personal Account". All information about the state debts of a citizen will be displayed in it on the "State Services". If necessary, you can pay the bills immediately.

Bailiffs website

It is proposed to check the tax debts of individuals by last name without registration through the bank of executive records on the website of the bailiffs of the Russian Federation. This is a very common method. But it will be possible to bring it to life only if there is a large debt, when a citizen is sued.

To check you will need:

  1. Go to the page fssprus.ru/iss/ip.
  2. Choose how to search for information about debt. Individuals can find out about debts using personal data.
  3. Fill in the fields that appeared after the previous step. Pay attention without fail to the items marked with "*". They are always filled in.
  4. Click on "Find".
  5. Examine the data displayed on the screen.

If the search did not return any results, it means that the office work has not started yet. Do not despair! After all, the check is not over yet!

Third party services

Are you interested in tax debts of individuals? How to find out about them by TIN? There are a huge number of third-party services for this. Sites offer using the TIN or full name of a citizen to give out information about all debts.

Fraudsters are not uncommon among third-party services. Therefore, it is recommended to use only reliable sources of information. Without registration, you can check the data on debts by searching through the site "Payment of public services". This is the safest solution!

Banking and wallets

There are a few more options to help you examine individuals' tax debts. How to find out about them by the name of the debtor? For example, use internet banking or e-wallets. There you can not only get information about debts, but also pay off the invoices.

For example, Sberbank Online proposes to act as follows:

  1. Register for the service. Go through the authorization on the "Sberbank @ Online" website.
  2. Go to the section "Payments and transfers".
  3. Click on "Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation".
  4. Enter data about the citizen. Usually we are talking about full name or TIN.
  5. Click on "Search".

You can study the information and pay the bill. They act in the same way when working with electronic wallets. There, the algorithm of actions changes somewhat. After all, a citizen must:

  1. Go to your e-wallet.
  2. Visit the "Services" section.
  3. Find the "Tax Checker" service. For each internet wallet, this inscription will change, but the meaning will remain the same.
  4. Enter information about the person. Most often, these are personal data, SNILS or TIN.
  5. Click on the "Search" or "Find" button.

Ready! Tax debts are available for review and further payment. How to act in this or that case? Everyone decides for himself!

As everyone knows, jokes with the tax office are bad. Therefore, the calculation and payment of taxes are treated with particular care at each enterprise. Individual entrepreneurs (hereinafter - IP) are no exception.

Tax law is quite complex, it contains a huge number of rules that are closely interconnected. It is not easy to understand them, so you can turn out to be a tax evader, sincerely believing that you have paid all the necessary fees. Correct and timely payment of taxes is a guarantee of the normal and smooth functioning of any company. To avoid the accrual of possible penalties, you need to carefully monitor the appearance of tax arrears.

How to do this, while saving precious time using the capabilities of the Internet and SMS, we will tell you in our article.

What taxes can you use to find out your debt?

Knowing your TIN, you can find out all the necessary information regarding taxes such as property tax, transport and land taxes and personal income tax.

According to statistics, most of the requests are for the transport tax, it is with it that various misunderstandings and errors are associated - sometimes a notification of a debt on a sold car comes. Difficulties also arise with the land tax, this is due to a change in the value of the land plot or the cancellation of any benefits. The cost is determined by the local government. Therefore, it is important to control the process of paying taxes and keep track of your debts.

On special Internet services that provide access to tax data, you can not only find out the amount of your debt, but also generate a payment order and even pay online. We will talk about these services further.

True, online payment is possible only through those banks that have an agreement with the Federal Tax Service.

Individuals via the Internet

The easiest, cheapest and fastest way to check your debts is online via the Internet, because now it is carried out in almost every home.

To do this, go to the website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation. Here we select the section dedicated to individuals and go to your personal account. Login to your personal account is available if you know your TIN, which is also a login, as well as a password. Click on the heading "Find out your debt", a message will be displayed in the window stating that you agree to the transfer of personal information. Do not be alarmed, this is a common formality.

Today, all citizens of the Russian Federation have access to this resource. This does not apply to foreign citizens and stateless persons.

However, there are several nuances. Let's look at them in order:

  1. First, you must know your TIN. If you do not know him, you can also find out on this site. There is a special section - "Find out the TIN", by entering your passport data there, you will receive your number.
  2. The password is a little more complicated, you can only find out it personally by contacting the tax office. The password and login will be indicated in the registration card, which can be obtained from any tax inspection of the Russian Federation, except for specialized ones. In addition to the passport and TIN, no other documents are required.
    It would seem, why come to the tax office and wait in line for a password, if it is easier to get it via the Internet. This procedure is designed to protect the personal data of the taxpayer. After receiving the initial password, you must change it to another one of your choice. The main requirement is that no one should know your password except you.
  3. If you lose your password and login, you should contact any tax office, where you will be given new data.

There is one more way to enter your personal account - universal electronic card or electronic signature... They are issued by a specialized body on various media and require special software. Without one or another method of registration, it will not be possible to find out any data.

With the help of this site, individuals will be able to find out the following information:

  • data on the person's property and vehicles;
  • the amount of tax payments, both accrued and paid;
  • tax arrears to the budget.

In the personal account, such functions as filling in in real time, tracking a desk audit of this declaration, and seeking advice from the tax authorities are also available. You can also create a payment document and pay for it right there.

More details about this process can be seen in this video:

Legal entities via the Internet

In the same way as individuals, legal entities have their own personal TIN. On the site, you need to go to the "Legal entities" section and enter your personal account by entering your login (TIN) and password.

Using this site, legal entities will be able to find out:

  • the amount of your debt to the budget;
  • accrued and paid amounts of payments;
  • overpaid tax amounts (amount), offset or refunded such amounts;
  • measures of debt collection by compulsory procedure, etc.

They can also perform actions such as:

  • sending a request and obtaining an appropriate certificate on the status of tax calculations and acts of reconciliation of calculations;
  • sending a request on the need for a certificate that tax obligations have been fulfilled;
  • communicate with representatives of tax authorities in case of questions or errors in information;
  • initiate reconciliation of calculations.

Directly at the tax

If you do not have access to the Internet or you cannot enter your personal account, then you need to go directly to the tax office to find out the amount of debt. Sometimes this is also necessary for reconciliation, for example, in case of errors in the information posted on the site. Despite all the convenience of the Internet service, experts recommend that you sometimes appear at the tax office and conduct a reconciliation on the spot.

You can write a statement and you will be provided with information about the debt. True, you have to stand in line. If you have access to the site, you can contact the tax office with the printed data and verify the available data.

Another point worth paying attention to - in organizations, the director or chief accountant has the right to demand a reconciliation statement or an extract. A power of attorney must be drawn up for other persons.

You need to decide in advance what you need: an extract from a personal account or a reconciliation statement. The reconciliation act has full legal force, the extract does not. An extract is more internal information. For government agencies or court hearings, only an act is suitable.

Via sms

Another option is to find out your debt through SMS. Please note that this service is paid, the amount of payment is set by the mobile operator... Usually, the cost is low. You can find out the number to which the SMS with the TIN is sent from the local tax office. In the response message, you will see the total amount owed.

This is a convenient way, but it is limited only by the total debt, you will not be able to find out exactly what tax you owe. More detailed information can be found only on the website or in the tax office itself.

The consequences of tax arrears for individual entrepreneurs and organizations

If you still did not keep track of taxes, and you have an outstanding debt, then tax legislation provides for penalties. Failure to pay or partial payment of taxes entails a fine in the following amount:

  • 20% of the unpaid amount in case of unintentional action. For example, errors or short-term violation of the established payment deadline;
  • 40% of the unpaid amount in case of willful acts.

First, the tax office notifies the individual entrepreneur or organization about the debt. If it is not paid on time, then in addition to the tax itself, it will be necessary to pay a fine. If the taxpayer does not pay it voluntarily, the enforcement action... For example, the arrest of a bank account and the write-off of those funds that should have been paid to the budget. Or the arrest of property, the prohibition of an individual entrepreneur to travel abroad.

Therefore, the sooner the debt is repaid, the smaller its size will be - after all penalty is charged for each day... Criminal liability of legal entities for debt is also provided for:

  • on a large scale - more than 2 million rubles for 3 consecutive years or more than 6 million rubles, the share of unpaid taxes exceeds 10% of the amount of taxes payable;
  • on an especially large scale - more than 10 million rubles for 3 consecutive years or more than 30 million rubles with a share of unpaid taxes of 20%.

As for individuals, the amounts are slightly less:

  • large size - over 600 thousand rubles for 3 years, unpaid share - 10% or 1.8 million rubles;
  • especially large - over 3 million rubles in 3 years, unpaid share - 20% or more than 9 million rubles.

Thus, you have learned how to obtain all the necessary information about tax debt in various ways, having in your arsenal a minimum of documents. If you find a debt in time, you will avoid sanctions and unnecessary cash costs. Keep track of the payment and calculation of taxes using the Internet, and you will not get into an unpleasant situation.

You can get up-to-date information on the accrued tax fees and the presence of tax arrears in any of the following ways:

The first three methods will allow you not only to find out the tax debt, but also to pay transport, property, land and any other type of taxes online, but they will require authorization. These services are convenient to use if you are already a registered user. We will analyze each of the methods in more detail below.

For information, most services will ask you to indicate the taxpayer identification number (TIN), issued to you when registering with the tax office.

Taxpayer cabinet on the FTS website

Find out tax debts according to TIN without registration

Since information about tax debts is not confidential, it can be found not only on official government websites, but also using other services. The advantages of such services are that, as a rule, they do not require additional registration.

As an example, consider the Taxes: Debt Check service from Yandex.Money. The service allows you to find out the number of tax debts by TIN.

If you have a Yandex account, then by logging in with your username, you can find out the exact amount of the debt and pay it online in any convenient way - using Yandex.Money, a bank card or cash. You will receive a payment receipt to your Yandex.

How to check tax arrears without VAT?

If the tax was not paid within the allotted time, then, most likely, enforcement proceedings were initiated against you by the bailiff service. You can find out your debt without a TIN on the website of the Federal Bailiff Service using

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