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Russian language as a subject at school. Russian language as a subject. Control questions for self-training of students

In the work "Woe from Wit" Griboedov portrayed two characters completely different in character. Chatsky and Molchalin are brought up absolutely differently. Each of them has his own opinion and worldview. Molchalin is characterized by flattery and other base qualities.

Chatsky was born into a noble family. He is brought up and has the qualities of a noble person. Molchalin was born into an ordinary family, he has no noble relatives. In order to take a certain place in society, he had to work hard, but basically his boss helped him.

Chatsky at one time received a good education. He has a desire to learn new and interesting things. He can be called a comprehensively developed person. Molchalin, on the contrary, is stupid and poorly educated. He is only interested in raising his rank at work.

Chatsky treats his country with love. He is a bright and emotional person. It is noticeable in any society and company. Molchalin is always in the shadows. He is inconspicuous and faceless. It is not immediately remembered. He has only one goal - to get a promotion at work. The guy is ready to use various methods to achieve his goals. It has no principles and no limits. He is a hypocritical, two-faced and mean person.

Chatsky looks to the future, he wants to come to a new and modern society. He wants the past to be in the past. Chatsky is a retired officer by rank. A man is never ashamed of his opinion and speaks only the truth. For this, he is not very well liked by those around him.

Molchalin never expresses his opinion. He is used to supporting officials in a conversation and takes their side. He was used to fawning over them. All this is done in order to draw attention to themselves and win over officials. In such ways, Molchalin can climb to the top of the career ladder.

Chatsky is used to expressing his own thoughts, while Molchalin, on the contrary, supports those who benefit from him. The first young man is a truth-seeker, and the second is a liar, a coward and a deceiver.

Because of his frankness, Chatsky could not make friends with anyone from the Famusov society. They didn't even consider him normal. Therefore, the man decided to leave Moscow. Molchalin, on the contrary, fit perfectly into Famusov's society and after a while received a promotion in rank.

Comparing the characters, we can say that they are completely opposite personalities. One is kind, truthful, open, joyful and purposeful, and the second is deceitful, secretive, careerist.

Essay 2

In the work of Alexander Sergeevich, the main character Sophia communicates with two young people, Alexander and Alexei. Alexander Chatsky is Sophia's childhood friend, and Alexei is a young man. Sofya does not have a soul in Molchalin, but she cannot stand Chatsky. The heroine read a lot of novels, and Molchalin perfectly repeated the image of her favorite characters. But is he really that good in real life?

Alexander Chatsky is an educated, educated and intelligent young man. He was brought up and grew up in the house of the Famusovs. Met with Sophia. At one point, the hero realized that he was not satisfied with everything around him and went in search of himself for several years. He traveled a lot, met different people, visited different circumstances. The hero is distinguished by devotion, for all this time he was not carried away by anyone, he kept his love for Sophia. Alexander is a very nice and attractive young man, he could have an affair with anyone. He remained faithful. However, when leaving, he made one mistake, did not say anything to Sophia. She did not understand at what stage their relationship was and did not know about the future plans of her lover.

Alexei Molchalin is a man from a simple family. Correctly selects his social circle in order to break out into people. Ready to bow before anyone in order to achieve the goal. He is a lot of nice, smooths out sharp corners and makes a lot of compliments. All these actions are insincere, very simulated, and Chatsky immediately notices this. The news that Sophia was dating Alexei shocked him. He could not believe that such a smart girl could not see the true face of this sycophant. Alexey is a petty, deceitful and cunning type. He meets with Sophia only in order to intermarry with her father in the future. This will open up new opportunities for Molchalin, he will receive a new position and career advancement. Will live in a rich house with a wealthy bride. His interest is limited to money. Aleksey deceives Sophia, flirts with Lisa behind her back.

Chatsky sincerely loves his childhood friend. He did not expect that during this time she would cool off so much towards him. Now Alexander has become a stranger to her, she calls their past relationship childish. Chatsky hurts, but he does not show it. Behaves nobly and is not imposed. The hero very carefully observes the situation in the house and sees that nothing has changed. Ultimately, Alexander realizes that he has no place here. Chatsky leaves Moscow.

Chatsky and Molchalin comparative characteristics

Griboyedov, with his work, demonstrates the awakening, uncompromising struggle among the advanced, progressively thinking youth and the conservatively oriented representatives of the serf antiquity. Two contradictory social aspects in the work are expressively represented by Chatsky and Molchalin - representatives of antagonistic everyday foundations, spiritual concepts, views on life.

These young and sensible people enter Famusov's house. Chatsky, the son of a Famusov friend, grew up in this family. Being very young, he left his native city, got an education, learned and experienced a lot. Molchalin worked as a secretary with the Famusovs, has a universal disposition and honor.

Chatsky definitely invades the scene, he passionately loves and is glad to meet Sophia after a long separation. Jubilation took possession of him, and at first he does not see the coolness of the young lady. Molchalin in the work appears at first quiet, and later - refusing and confused.

Chatsky is proud of his noble title. He is distinguished from society by his love of freedom and unconditional worldviews, honesty and openness. A clearly defined goal is service to the Motherland. A real loyal subject of his homeland, but servility, servility, oppress him and irritate him.

Molchalin is cowardly and constantly subordinate to the Famus society. His most important traits are obsequiousness, frugality and scrupulousness. The far-sighted Molchalin always relies on complicity and intercession. He rises in ranks on the instructions of his father. Accordingly, Sophia for Molchalin is another round when moving up the career ladder.

And this does not at all prevent his shameless flirting with Lisa. In dealing with this girl, he does not even hide all the smallness of his vile soul.

In his work, the author created a number of images characteristic of that time, standing out for the epochal facets of the unleashed plot. Chatsky is a character constantly fighting for his point of view. Such people are relevant at all times.

The name of Molchalin today is called pretenders and deceivers, vile ambitious people and low worshippers.


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Composition on the topic "Characteristics of Chatsky and Molchalin".

Griboyedov's comedy "Woe from Wit" is an outstanding work of Russian and world dramaturgy. The author poses and resolves important problems for his time: about patriotism, about public service, about human relationships. The main conflict of the comedy is the collision of the noble society with the world of new people. The entire Famusov environment belongs to society, including Molchalin, Chatsky can be safely attributed to the “new people”.

The protagonist of the comedy - Alexander Andreevich Chatsky - a young, educated nobleman. He is noble, honest, smart. In the comedy, Chatsky is presented as a democrat, a humanist, speaking in defense of freedom, education, and national culture. The emptiness and vulgarity of the life of Moscow society amaze him. He despises cringing, passion for ranks, spiritual emptiness, fights against the ideals, goals, aspirations of old Moscow, dishonors buffoonery, thoughtless luxury and disgusting morals. Chatsky wants to serve the Fatherland, and not some "persons": "I would be glad to serve, it's sickening to serve." He is actively fighting the Famus society, but in this society Chatsky is a stranger. He was a lone wrestler. In addition, he does not see his main opponent - Molchalin.

Molchalin is young, the same age as Chatsky, but his complete opposite. Rootless and poor, he came to Moscow with the sole purpose of making a career. For this, he believes, all means are good. He even has his own theory of careerism, which his father bequeathed to him: to please everyone, to be “moderate and accurate”, not to have his own opinion. Molchalin's external manners in no way correspond to his internal qualities. This is what confuses many. Everyone sees him as a pleasant young man. Sophia did not see him either, believing his words of love, and Molchalin deceived her lowly. Molchalin sees the meaning of his life in his well-being: "And take awards, and have fun." And this is the absolute opposite of the ideals of Chatsky. With the "past century" Molchalin connects a passion for ranks, cringing, emptiness of the soul.

During the three years of Chatsky's absence, he achieved incredible success. An unknown, rootless tradesman received the rank of assessor and became Sofia's lover. Gradually, he gains strength, stopping at nothing, even before deceiving a defenseless girl. He is ready to endure any humiliation in the struggle for power. Nobody can stand in his way.

In everything, always and everywhere, the opinions, actions of Chatsky and Molchalin are different, almost opposite. Sophia understands this too. Loving Molchalin, she sees an ideal in his vices, and shortcomings in Chatsky's virtues.

The ideals of Chatsky and Molchalin testify that Chatsky is a “new century”, and Molchalin is a part of the Famus society, which supported the remnants of the past and the old orders of the “past century”.

From comedy, we can formulate the following: our mind is the cause of all the bad things that we get from life. Hence the name of the comedy - "Woe from Wit".

Mind, honesty, sincerity, the ability to think soberly and independently did not help Chatsky achieve freedom, enlightenment, national culture and start the “new century”, probably because the past century was very firmly “stuck” in Moscow society. And it was not half the strength of one person, even such a purposeful one as the main character Chatsky, began to change the current order of the whole of Moscow.

Comparison of Chatsky and Molchalin in the work "Woe from Wit"

Comedy A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" belongs to the best works of Russian literature. In it, the writer reflected his time, the problems of the era, and also showed his attitude towards them.

In this work, in the face of the protagonist Alexander Andreyevich Chatsky, a “new man” is depicted, which is filled with lofty ideas. Chatsky protests against all the old orders that existed then in Moscow. The hero of the comedy fights for "new" laws: freedom, mind, culture, patriotism. This is a person with a different mindset and soul, a different view of the world and people.

Arriving at Famusov's house, Chatsky dreams of the daughter of this rich gentleman - Sophia. He is in love with a girl and hopes that Sophia loves him. But in the house of an old friend of his father, only disappointments and blows await the hero. First, it turns out that Famusov's daughter loves another. Secondly, that the people in this gentleman's house are strangers to the hero. He cannot agree with their views on life.

Chatsky is sure that everything changed in his time:

No, today the world is not like that.

Everyone breathes freely

And not in a hurry to fit into the regiment of jesters.

Chatsky believes that education is necessary for every person. The hero himself spent a long time abroad, received a good education. The old society, headed by Famusov, believes that scholarship is the cause of all troubles. Education can even drive you crazy. Therefore, the Famus society so easily believes the rumor about the madness of the hero at the end of the comedy.

Alexander Andreyevich Chatsky is a patriot of Russia. At a ball in Famusov's house, he saw how all the guests kowtow before the "Frenchman from Bordeaux" just because he was a foreigner. This caused a wave of indignation in the hero. He fights for everything Russian in the Russian country. Chatsky dreams that people are proud of their homeland, they speak Russian.

The hero cannot understand how some people can rule over others in his country. He does not accept slavery with all his soul. Chatsky fights for the abolition of serfdom.

In a word, Alexander Andreevich Chatsky wants to change his life, to live better, more honestly, more justly.

In order to more clearly show the character of Chatsky, his antipode, Molchalin, is also drawn in the comedy. This person is very resourceful, able to find an approach to any influential person.

Molchalin's worldview, his life position in no way fits into the moral code of life. He is one of those who serve the rank, not the cause. Molchalin is sure that this form of social relations is the only true one. He always ends up in the right place at the right time and is indispensable in the Famus house:

There the pug will stroke in time,

Here at the right time the card will be rubbed ...

In addition, this is a person who is ready to endure any humiliation in order to achieve power and wealth. It is these perspectives that force the hero to turn his attention to Sophia. Molchalin is trying to evoke feelings for the girl, but his sympathy is false. If Sophia's father was not Famusov, she would be indifferent to him. And if instead of Sophia there was a more mediocre girl, but the daughter of an influential person, Molchalin would still portray love.

Another fact is also surprising: Molchalin's remarks are short, concise, which indicates his desire to appear meek and compliant:

In my summers must not dare

Have your own opinion.

The only person who sees the true nature of Molchalin is Chatsky. With all his being he denies such people as Aleksey Stepanych. Chatsky sarcastically tells Sophia about the true state of affairs:

You will make peace with him, according to mature reflection.

To destroy yourself, and for what!

Think you can always

Protect and swaddle, and send for business.

Husband-boy, husband-servant, from the wife's pages -

The lofty ideal of all Moscow men.

Chatsky gives an exact definition of Molchalin and his ilk: "... not in war, but in peace, they took it with their foreheads, knocked on the floor without sparing." The main character sees the main problem of Molchalin - his inability to be sincere due to excessive selfishness and the desire to benefit from everything.

Thus, Chatsky and Molchalin are completely different people who, it would seem, belong to the same generation. Both of them are young, live at the same time. But how different are their natures! If Chatsky is a progressive person, filled with the ideas of the "new time", then Molchalin is a product of the "Famus Moscow", the successor of their ideas.

In his work, Griboedov shows that, although outwardly the victory remained with the philosophy of life of Molchalin, the future is undoubtedly with Chatsky and his supporters, whose number is increasing every day.

Comparison of Chatsky and Molchalin in the work "Woe from Wit"

Comedy A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" belongs to the best works of Russian literature. In it, the writer reflected his time, the problems of the era, and also showed his attitude towards them.

In this work, in the face of the protagonist Alexander Andreyevich Chatsky, a “new man” is depicted, which is filled with lofty ideas. Chatsky protests against all the old orders that existed then in Moscow. The hero of the comedy fights for "new" laws: freedom, mind, culture, patriotism. This is a person with a different mindset and soul, a different view of the world and people.

Arriving at Famusov's house, Chatsky dreams of the daughter of this rich gentleman - Sophia. He is in love with a girl and hopes that Sophia loves him. But in the house of an old friend of his father, only disappointments and blows await the hero. First, it turns out that Famusov's daughter loves another. Secondly, that the people in this gentleman's house are strangers to the hero. He cannot agree with their views on life.

Chatsky is sure that everything changed in his time:

No, today the world is not like that.

Everyone breathes freely

And not in a hurry to fit into the regiment of jesters.

Chatsky believes that education is necessary for every person. The hero himself spent a long time abroad, received a good education. The old society, headed by Famusov, believes that scholarship is the cause of all troubles. Education can even drive you crazy. Therefore, the Famus society so easily believes the rumor about the madness of the hero at the end of the comedy.

Alexander Andreyevich Chatsky is a patriot of Russia. At a ball in Famusov's house, he saw how all the guests kowtow before the "Frenchman from Bordeaux" just because he was a foreigner. This caused a wave of indignation in the hero. He fights for everything Russian in the Russian country. Chatsky dreams that people are proud of their homeland, they speak Russian.

The hero cannot understand how some people can rule over others in his country. He does not accept slavery with all his soul. Chatsky fights for the abolition of serfdom.

In a word, Alexander Andreevich Chatsky wants to change his life, to live better, more honestly, more justly.

In order to more clearly show the character of Chatsky, his antipode, Molchalin, is also drawn in the comedy. This person is very resourceful, able to find an approach to any influential person.

Molchalin's worldview, his life position in no way fits into the moral code of life. He is one of those who serve the rank, not the cause. Molchalin is sure that this form of social relations is the only true one. He always ends up in the right place at the right time and is indispensable in the Famus house:

There the pug will stroke in time,

Here at the right time the card will be rubbed ...

In addition, this is a person who is ready to endure any humiliation in order to achieve power and wealth. It is these perspectives that force the hero to turn his attention to Sophia. Molchalin is trying to evoke feelings for the girl, but his sympathy is false. If Sophia's father was not Famusov, she would be indifferent to him. And if instead of Sophia there was a more mediocre girl, but the daughter of an influential person, Molchalin would still portray love.

Another fact is also surprising: Molchalin's remarks are short, concise, which indicates his desire to appear meek and compliant:

In my summers must not dare

Have your own opinion.

The only person who sees the true nature of Molchalin is Chatsky. With all his being he denies such people as Aleksey Stepanych. Chatsky sarcastically tells Sophia about the true state of affairs:

You will make peace with him, according to mature reflection.

To destroy yourself, and for what!

Think you can always

Protect and swaddle, and send for business.

Husband-boy, husband-servant, from the wife's pages -

The lofty ideal of all Moscow men.

Chatsky gives an exact definition of Molchalin and his ilk: "... not in war, but in peace, they took it with their foreheads, knocked on the floor without sparing." The main character sees the main problem of Molchalin - his inability to be sincere due to excessive selfishness and the desire to benefit from everything.

Thus, Chatsky and Molchalin are completely different people who, it would seem, belong to the same generation. Both of them are young, live at the same time. But how different are their natures! If Chatsky is a progressive person, filled with the ideas of the "new time", then Molchalin is a product of the "Famus Moscow", the successor of their ideas.

In his work, Griboedov shows that, although outwardly the victory remained with the philosophy of life of Molchalin, the future is undoubtedly with Chatsky and his supporters, whose number is increasing every day.

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