Home Mushrooms Hissing consonants 2. Hissing letters of the Russian alphabet - teaching children to read. Hard and soft, paired, unpaired

Hissing consonants 2. Hissing letters of the Russian alphabet - teaching children to read. Hard and soft, paired, unpaired

Russian has 21 consonants and 36 consonants. Consonants and their corresponding consonant sounds:
b - [b], c - [c], d - [g], d - [e], f - [g], d - [d], h - [h], k - [k], l - [l], m - [m], n - [n], n - [n], r - [p], s - [s], t - [t], f - [f], x - [x ], c - [c], h - [h], w - [w], u - [u].

Consonants are divided into voiced and deaf, hard and soft. They are paired and unpaired. There are 36 different combinations of consonants in terms of pairing-unpairing of hard and soft, deaf and voiced: deaf - 16 (8 soft and 8 hard), voiced - 20 (10 soft and 10 hard).

Scheme 1. Consonant letters and consonant sounds of the Russian language.

Hard and soft consonants

Consonants are hard and soft. They are divided into paired and unpaired. Paired hard and paired soft consonants help us distinguish between words. Compare: horse [kon '] - con [kon], bow [bow] - hatch [l'uk].

For understanding, let's explain "on the fingers". If a consonant letter in different words means either a soft or a hard sound, then the sound is paired. For example, in the word cat, the letter k denotes a hard sound [k], in the word whale, the letter k denotes a soft sound [k ']. We get: [k] - [k '] form a pair of hardness-softness. Sounds for different consonants cannot be attributed to a pair, for example [v] and [k '] do not make a pair in hardness-softness, but make a pair [v] - [v ']. If a consonant is always hard or always soft, then it belongs to unpaired consonants. For example, the sound [g] is always solid. There are no words in Russian where it would be soft [zh']. Since there is no pair [w] - [w ’], then it belongs to unpaired ones.

Voiced and voiceless consonants

Consonants are voiced and voiceless. Thanks to voiced and deaf consonants, we distinguish words. Compare: ball - heat, count - goal, house - volume. Deaf consonants are pronounced with the mouth almost covered; when they are pronounced, the vocal cords do not work. For voiced consonants, more air is needed, the vocal cords work.

Some consonant sounds have a similar sound in terms of pronunciation, but are pronounced with different tonality - deaf or sonorous. Such sounds are combined in pairs and form a group of paired consonants. Accordingly, paired consonants are a pair of voiceless and voiced consonants.

  • paired consonants: b-p, v-f, g-k, d-t, s-s, f-sh.
  • unpaired consonants: l, m, n, p, d, c, x, h, u.

Sonorant, noisy and hissing consonants

Sonorant - voiced unpaired consonants. There are 9 sonorous sounds: [th '], [l], [l '], [m], [m '], [n], [n '], [p], [p '].
Noisy consonants are voiced and deaf:

  1. Noisy voiceless consonants (16): [k], [k "], [p], [p"], [s], [s"], [t], [t"], [f], [f "], [x], [x'], [q], [h'], [w], [w'];
  2. Noisy voiced consonants (11): [b], [b '], [c], [c '], [g], [g '], [d], [d '], [g], [s ], [h'].

Hissing consonants (4): [g], [h '], [w], [u '].

Paired and unpaired consonants

Consonants (soft and hard, deaf and voiced) are divided into paired and unpaired. The tables above show the division. Let's summarize everything with a diagram:

Scheme 2. Paired and unpaired consonants.

To be able to do phonetic analysis, in addition to consonants, you need to know

What sounds are called consonants?
What is a consonant made of?
What are consonant sounds?
How many consonant letters and consonant sounds are there in the Russian alphabet?
Which consonants are always hard and which are always soft?
What letters indicate the softness of a consonant sound?

Sounds, during the pronunciation of which air meets an obstacle in the mouth, are called consonants. A consonant sound consists of noise and voice, or only noise.

The consonants are divided into voiced and deaf. Voiced sounds are made up of noise and voice, deaf sounds are made up of noise only.

Sounds consist only of noise: [k], [p], [s], [t], [f], [x], [c], [h], [w], [u]. These are voiceless consonants.

Many consonants form couples by voice-deafness: [b] [p], [c] [f], [g] [k], [d] [t], [s] [s], [f] [sh].

To memorize voiced consonants, you can learn the phrase: " LION AND TOAD HAVE MANY FRIENDS».
See all phrases for memorizing voiced and voiceless consonants.

Deaf consonants are easy to remember by the phrase: " STEPKA, WANT A CHICK?Ugh!».

Consonant sounds are indicated by letters:


In total, the Russian language has 21 consonants.

Consonants are also hard and soft.

Hard and soft sounds differ in the position of the tongue during pronunciation. When pronouncing soft consonants, the middle back of the tongue is raised to the hard palate.

Most consonants form pairs of hardness-softness:

The following hard and soft consonants do not form pairs in hardness-softness:

Solid [and] [w] [c]
Soft [h❜] [n❜] [th❜]

Table "Consonants: paired and unpaired, voiced and deaf, hard and soft" (Grades 1-4)

Note: in elementary school, hard consonants are marked in blue, soft consonants in green, and vowels in red.

Hardness consonants are indicated in writing by vowels BUT , O , At , S , E .

Softness consonant sound is indicated in writing by vowels E , Yo , I , Yu , I, as well as the letter b(soft sign).

Compare: nose[nose] - carried[n❜os], corner[corner] - coal[ugal❜].

Unpaired voiced sounds [d❜], [l], [l❜], [m], [m❜] [n], [n❜] [r], [r❜] are called sonorous, which means "sonorous" in Latin.

Sounds [g], [w], [h❜], [u❜] are called hissing. They got this name because their pronunciation is like a hiss.

Sounds [w], [w] are unpaired solid hissing sounds.
The sounds [h❜] and [u❜] are unpaired soft hissing sounds.

The sounds [c], [s❜], [z], [z❜], [c] are called whistling.

Consonant can not be percussive or unpercussed.

In Russian, there are more consonant sounds (36) than consonant letters (21), since one letter can denote paired hard and soft sounds: for example, the letter L (el) denotes the sounds [l] and [l❜].

Attention! A consonant can form a syllable only with

Municipal budgetary educational institution"Secondary school No. 19 of the city of Novoaltaysk, Altai Territory"

Synopsis of the lesson in Russian

in 1st grade

"Hissing consonants"


primary school teacher

Dmitrieva Svetlana Anatolievna

Novoaltaisk, 2012

Lesson topic "Hissing consonants"Target: Introduce sibilant consonants. Tasks: To develop in students the ability to recognize hissing consonant sounds, to distinguish between hard and soft hissing sounds, to teach them to designate them in writing with the corresponding letters. Equipment: cards for group work, syllable cards, keywords for defining the topic of the lesson. Organizing time.
    Calligraphic minute.
La la ru ryu tsa che What two groups can syllables be divided into? (With hard consonants: la ru tsa. With soft consonants la ryu che)
    Determining the theme and goals.
Guess riddles: Tail wags. Zubasta, but does not bark. (Pike)
With a long, thin beak, a frog will grab it. A drop will drip from its beak. Who is this? (Heron)
Who walks in a stone shirt? In a stone shirt Walks ... (Turtle) As the riddles are guessed, syllable cards are attached to the board: shi pyaschie, key word of the topic of the lesson) - Why do you need to study hissing consonants?
    Working on new material.
-Find riddles hissing in words. (Ts, Ch, Shch) - What do we know about them? How are they pronounced? Let's write down what we know in the table.
What do we know? 1 - What else would you like to know? Fixing students' questions on this topic in the table. What do we know?
- Is it all hissing? What else is there in Russian? Exercise 71. Read tongue twisters.
    Misha's hat knocked down the bumps. Hedgehogs and snakes lived in a living corner.
- What hissing sound is heard many times in the words of the first line? - In the words of the second line?
Compilation of a short record of hissing. Zh Sh Ts Ch Sh - hissing consonants
Vocabulary work. Look in the textbook dictionary for words that begin with hissing consonants. Yolk man honest thursday scarf chauffeur puppy
Commented letter. Drawing up sentences with vocabulary words by students, recording one of them with commentary. Find a base. Underline the hissing consonants.
Letter from memory. Exercise 72. I brush my puppy. I tickle his sides. (Mutual check) - Are there hissing words in these words or not? Underline them. - Compare the pronunciation of hissing? - Are they pronounced hard or soft?
Fizminutka. If there are hissing words, then clap your hands, if not, then silence.
Group work.Choose appropriate words with hissing consonants.Cows _______________, magpies -_________________, mice -_______________, the Bears -________________, roosters -_______________, woodpeckers - _________________. 2
    Words for reference: squeak, crackle, fly, low, graze, shout, knock, growl, sleep.
Summary of the lesson.- What did you learn in class? What did we learn new? What do we know? Test. If you agree with my statement, put +, if not, then -.
    1. There are 5 hissing consonants in Russian. 2. Exhaled air during the pronunciation of hissing consonants does not encounter obstacles. 3. Hissing consonants are only hard.
Answer: +, -, -

List of used literature:

1. Yakovleva S. G. Implementation of a new educational space:system potential L. V. Zankova, 2006
2. Gornostaev P. V. From Confucius to Zankov. The problem of the general development of students in the history of pedagogy, 2007
3. Collection. In partnership with parents. Issue. 1 (Library of a Zankovian teacher)
4. Collection. In partnership with parents. Issue. 2 (Library of a Zankovian teacher)
5. Collection. In partnership with parents. Issue. 3 (Library of a Zankovian teacher)

It is no coincidence that hissing consonants got such an interesting name - they really seem to hiss, because they are pronounced in a special way. Our article for grade 2 students tells in detail about them: what groups such sounds are divided into, which ones have features and phonetic characteristics.

What are these sounds and how to pronounce them

Hissing sounds are distinguished from the rest by the acoustic noise that they produce, that is, hissing. You can pronounce them correctly only with the lips open and slightly extended forward, while the teeth are almost closed. Thus, a gap is obtained, passing through which the air hisses. So, a striking example of a hissing consonant sound is the sound [u], which is clearly pronounced in this way, without adding a voice. All four of these sounds are always pronounced on the exhale. At the same time, the sound does not pass from the sides: it is blocked by the tongue pressed against the molars and the hard palate. That is, in order to pronounce the hissing sound correctly, you need to “make” a ladle from the tongue.

We can say that they have a difficult character - it is difficult to pronounce them not only for children, but also for many adults. To learn how to do this correctly, you need to follow not only the setting of the tongue and lips, but also the exhaled air: its jet passes approximately in the middle and should be wide enough. You can check this by raising your hand to your mouth.

If you follow your articulation, you will notice that all hissing sounds are based on one - [w]. So, [g] appears if you add a voice to it, that is, a trembling of the vocal cords. With [u], the middle part of the tongue rises, and with [h], a bow in front of the labiodental fissure is also added to such a rise.

Unpaired or paired?

The science of the Russian language considers unpaired sounds [h] and [u], and [zh] and [sh] - paired only on one basis. And indeed, since other sounds that have a pair, they cannot be completely combined. However, there are two signs by which they can be combined into groups - this is sonority / deafness and hardness / softness. So, [g] and [w] are only hard sounds, and [h] and [u] are soft. It doesn't matter what vowels come after them. Even if you put a soft sign after the letter denoting a hard hissing, the sound will be pronounced firmly.

As for the division into deaf and voiced, [w], [h] and [u] belong to the first category, and only [g] to the second, since a voice is added when it is pronounced. Thus, [g] and [w] are paired on the basis of deafness / voicedness.

It used to be different - [w] and [w] were soft, but already from the 14th century they began to become the same as they are today, that is, hard.

Phonetic characteristics of hissing sounds

So, each sound has its own characteristics. To consolidate the information, you need to parse all four separately, without mentioning in the classification that they are hissing:

  • [g] - solid, voiced, paired.
  • [w] - solid, deaf, paired.
  • [h] - soft, deaf, unpaired.
  • [u] - soft, deaf, unpaired.

What have we learned?

There are only four hissing sounds in Russian - these are [w], [zh], [h] and [u]. They are so called because of the special manner of pronunciation. Their phonetic characteristics, the way they are pronounced, make these sounds special and complex.

Topic quiz

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Zh, Sh, Ch, U - hissing consonants.

Zh, Sh - solid consonants.

H, W - soft consonant sounds.

ZhI - SHI - write with the letter I.


And on the river reeds

Past the field, past the rye

There were prickly hedgehogs.

ma ka

n wounds

lan ru

d a ly

shi shi

and and





lilies of the valley









Selective dictation.

  1. Write out words with a combination of zhi-shi.
A little swaying reeds,

The lake slumbers in silence.

Reflections live in it


  1. cat, y, Tishka, lived, Misha.

  2. fragrant, meadow, on, grass.

  3. Faith, skis, y, new.

  4. fluffy, swirling, snowflakes.

  5. pears, kids, juicy, ate.


  1. cat, y, Tishka, lived, Misha.

  2. fragrant, meadow, on, grass.

  3. Faith, skis, y, new.

  4. pears, kids, juicy, ate.
2. What syllable is missing in the words?

We are flying ... , nimble streaks ... , prickly e ... , thick kams ... , colored pencils ... , long u ... .

1. Compose and write from words


  1. cat, y, Tishka, lived, Misha.

  2. fragrant, meadow, on, grass.

  3. Faith, skis, y, new.

  4. fluffy, swirling, snowflakes.

  5. pears, kids, juicy, ate.
2. What syllable is missing in the words?

We are flying ... , nimble streaks ... , prickly e ... , thick kams ... , colored pencils ... , long u ... .

1. Compose and write from words


  1. cat, y, Tishka, lived, Misha.

  2. fragrant, meadow, on, grass.

  3. Faith, skis, y, new.

  4. fluffy, swirling, snowflakes.

  5. pears, kids, juicy, ate.
2. What syllable is missing in the words?

We are flying ... , nimble streaks ... , prickly e ... , thick kams ... , colored pencils ... , long u ... .

1. Compose and write from words


  1. cat, y, Tishka, lived, Misha.

  2. fragrant, meadow, on, grass.

  3. Faith, skis, y, new.

  4. fluffy, swirling, snowflakes.

  5. pears, kids, juicy, ate.
2. What syllable is missing in the words?

We are flying ... , nimble streaks ... , prickly e ... , thick kams ... , colored pencils ... , long u ... .

1. Compose and write from words


  1. cat, y, Tishka, lived, Misha.

  2. fragrant, meadow, on, grass.

  3. Faith, skis, y, new.

  4. fluffy, swirling, snowflakes.

  5. pears, kids, juicy, ate.
2. What syllable is missing in the words?

We are flying ... , nimble streaks ... , prickly e ... , thick kams ... , colored pencils ... , long u ... .

1. Compose and write from words


  1. cat, y, Tishka, lived, Misha.

  2. fragrant, meadow, on, grass.

  3. Faith, skis, y, new.

  4. fluffy, swirling, snowflakes.

  5. pears, kids, juicy, ate.
2. What syllable is missing in the words?

We are flying ... , nimble streaks ... , prickly e ... , thick kams ... , colored pencils ... , long u ... .

  1. Determine how many sentences are in the text. Write , correctly indicating the beginning and end of sentences.

Late autumn has come in the forest bored and cold birds fly away cranes to warm countries circling over the swamp cranes they say goodbye to their sweet homeland for the whole winter.

  1. Determine how many sentences are in the text. Write correctly indicating the beginning and end of sentences.
Late autumn has come in the forest bored and cold birds fly away cranes to warm countries circling over the swamp cranes they say goodbye to their sweet homeland for the whole winter.

1. Compose and write from words


  1. cat, y, Tishka, lived, Misha.

  2. fragrant, meadow, on, grass.

  3. Faith, skis, y, new.

  4. fluffy, swirling, snowflakes.

  5. pears, kids, juicy, ate.
2. What syllable is missing in the words?

We are flying ... , nimble streaks ... , prickly e ... , thick kams ... , colored pencils ... , long u ... .

  1. Determine how many sentences are in the text. Write correctly indicating the beginning and end of sentences.
Late autumn has come in the forest bored and cold birds fly away cranes to warm countries circling over the swamp cranes they say goodbye to their sweet homeland for the whole winter.

  1. Determine how many sentences are in the text. Write correctly indicating the beginning and end of sentences.
Late autumn has come in the forest bored and cold birds fly away cranes to warm countries circling over the swamp cranes they say goodbye to their sweet homeland for the whole winter.

  1. Determine how many sentences are in the text. Write correctly indicating the beginning and end of sentences.
Late autumn has come in the forest bored and cold birds fly away cranes to warm countries circling over the swamp cranes they say goodbye to their sweet homeland for the whole winter.

  1. Determine how many sentences are in the text. Write correctly indicating the beginning and end of sentences.
Late autumn has come in the forest bored and cold birds fly away cranes to warm countries circling over the swamp cranes they say goodbye to their sweet homeland for the whole winter.

  1. Determine how many sentences are in the text. Write correctly indicating the beginning and end of sentences.
Late autumn has come in the forest bored and cold birds fly away cranes to warm countries circling over the swamp cranes they say goodbye to their sweet homeland for the whole winter.

  1. Selective dictation.

  1. Selective dictation.
Write out words with combinations of zhi-shi
Shura was turning the hay. Hedgehogs live in burrows. There are empty cones under the tree. There are knives on the table. The rosehip bush is blooming.

  1. Selective dictation.
Write out words with combinations of zhi-shi
Shura was turning the hay. Hedgehogs live in burrows. There are empty cones under the tree. There are knives on the table. The rosehip bush is blooming.

  1. Selective dictation.
Write out words with combinations of zhi-shi
Shura was turning the hay. Hedgehogs live in burrows. There are empty cones under the tree. There are knives on the table. The rosehip bush is blooming.

  • Selective dictation.
  • Write out words with combinations of zhi-shi
    Shura was turning the hay. Hedgehogs live in burrows. There are empty cones under the tree. There are knives on the table. The rosehip bush is blooming.

    1. Selective dictation.
    Write out words with combinations of zhi-shi
    Shura was turning the hay. Hedgehogs live in burrows. There are empty cones under the tree. There are knives on the table. The rosehip bush is blooming.

    1. Selective dictation.
    Write out words with combinations of zhi-shi
    Shura was turning the hay. Hedgehogs live in burrows. There are empty cones under the tree. There are knives on the table. The rosehip bush is blooming.

    1. Selective dictation.
    Write out words with combinations of zhi-shi
    Shura was turning the hay. Hedgehogs live in burrows. There are empty cones under the tree. There are knives on the table. The rosehip bush is blooming.

    What words are hidden here?

    Selective dictation.

    Selective dictation.

    Write out only words with combinations cha - scha, chu - shu.

    She invited eight seagulls: She brushed the bottom with a brush,

    How many seagulls, answer? She treated me quickly.
    Selective dictation.

    Write out only words with combinations cha - scha, chu - shu.

    The seagull warmed up the kettle, the pike lived in the lake,

    She invited eight seagulls: She brushed the bottom with a brush,

    Come all for tea! Shchi cooked for guests,

    How many seagulls, answer? She treated me quickly.

    Selective dictation.

    Write out only words with combinations cha - scha, chu - shu.

    The seagull warmed up the kettle, the pike lived in the lake,

    She invited eight seagulls: She brushed the bottom with a brush,

    Come all for tea! Shchi cooked for guests,

    How many seagulls, answer? She treated me quickly.

    Selective dictation.

    Write out only words with combinations cha - scha, chu - shu.

    The seagull warmed up the kettle, the pike lived in the lake,

    She invited eight seagulls: She brushed the bottom with a brush,

    Come all for tea! Shchi cooked for guests,

    How many seagulls, answer? She treated me quickly.

    Selective dictation.

    Write out only words with combinations cha - scha, chu - shu.

    The seagull warmed up the kettle, the pike lived in the lake,

    She invited eight seagulls: She brushed the bottom with a brush,

    Come all for tea! Shchi cooked for guests,

    How many seagulls, answer? She treated me quickly.

    Selective dictation.

    Write out only words with combinations cha - scha, chu - shu.

    The seagull warmed up the kettle, the pike lived in the lake,

    She invited eight seagulls: She brushed the bottom with a brush,

    Come all for tea! Shchi cooked for guests,

    How many seagulls, answer? She treated me quickly.

    Selective dictation.

    Write out only words with combinations cha - scha, chu - shu.

    The seagull warmed up the kettle, the pike lived in the lake,

    She invited eight seagulls: She brushed the bottom with a brush,

    Come all for tea! Shchi cooked for guests,

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